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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5801071 No.5801071 [Reply] [Original]

What do you like to make that most people think of as gross?

>> No.5801075

Tossed salad

>> No.5801088
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Pancakes topped with fried egg.

>> No.5801095

Anchovies and Sardines.
they're so good and i have tins of them often, just mix them with whatever.
Why don't people like fish?

>> No.5801097

damn wheres the syrup

that sounds really good cutting into that yolk and having it run and mix with the syrup and over the bacon

>> No.5801101

not really making it, but ketchup on eggs, steak or chicken

>> No.5801107

this is a very common breakfast, do you really get a lot of flak for it?

>> No.5801114

I sometimes make toasted sandwiches with leftover taco mince, I don't think its that bad but some people that have seen me do it have told me otherwise.

>> No.5801173

I like to put Maple syrup over my weetbix as well as hot milk, for some reason this infuriates some people

>> No.5801177

I'm a fan of anchovies
I think it's that they have a very strong flavor though
easily overpowers other subtler flavors

>> No.5801203

Eugh... i dont really like the idea of eggs with a sweet pancake.

>> No.5801207

Pancakes are made with eggs. So are most cakes.

>> No.5801243

yeah... mixed in. not cooked and added to the top.

>> No.5801252
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Yep, I live in a region rich in mostly Mexican cuisine, mixing eggs with anything sweet is frowned upon. Yet everyone here pours hot sauce on everything they eat. It angers me.

>> No.5801262

You are still eating eggs and pancake batter, regardless of how you assemble it. There is no difference.

>> No.5801272

whatever bruh we gonna step outside bruh you just gonna keep bein' a bitch huh bruh?

>> No.5801299

Almost everything tastes better in a sandwich or toast.
Meat pie, sausage roll, mashed potatoes, pasta, pizza.

>> No.5801311

There is a difference. but trolls gonna troll.

>> No.5801371

I do this too OP, but I eat it with rice instead of cornflakes

>> No.5801387
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>I do this too, except for the gross part.

>> No.5801406

Vegemite, cheese and ham sandwich :D

>> No.5801449

I make a paté from brain bone marrow fatty liver and lungs... really makes for a great luncheon with some nice artichokes

>> No.5801456

who the fuck wouldn't love that? I'd put that shit on rye bread with mustard, onions, and pickles

>> No.5801459

I make octopus all the time and for some reason a lot of people seem to think that's inherently gross

>> No.5801462

What kind of morons are you hanging out with? Have they never eaten sushi before?

>> No.5801470
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Most people are ok with calamari rings or something like that.

In western countries people are more grossed out with the tentacle parts where they can see the suckers.

I like the small whole octopus stir fried with vegetables, though their little hard beaks can be annoying.

>> No.5801473

Sounds good to me.

You gotta try vegemite, butter and potato crisps on white bread if you havent already.

>> No.5801496

I'd eat tons of it

>> No.5801502
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Who doesn't like tentacles.

>> No.5801504

Eggs and ketchup.

>> No.5801535




also the beaks aren't hard to remove what are you on about

>> No.5801543

>western countries
>pampered US babies that only eat meat when they can block out it's from animals

>> No.5801551
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>> No.5801568

Personally, I have no problem knowing it's from an animal. I just don't like the texture that goes along with things that aren't muscle tissue. I don't want tendons or gristle in my shit either and those things don't make me think of a cute little animal. They just taste like shit. On the other hand the suckers on tentacles don't ruin the texture.

>> No.5801569

Quite the contrary is the case, I'm neither projection nor American.
I don't mind eating organs or whole little octopi.
There's no "icky". I've eaten different insects in Asia and bitch-ass sissies piss me off.

>> No.5801591

Squid, octopus, cephalopod, whatever. The unidentifiable sections (eg the rings) are more palatable to most.

>> No.5801595

I don't mind eating insects and such either.

What I hate though are people like you who think that they are such a big deal and are superior to those who are picky eaters. It is such a stupid thing to be proud of. It's not a great achievement.

>> No.5801606
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I actually try and think of the name of the animal that I am eating.

>> No.5801735

I have this with over easy eggs all the time
put a pancake, an egg, then another pancake, cut where the yolk is and let it drip between.
Enjoy with a bite of bacon each time and its amazing

>> No.5803401

Usually for quick healthy dinner I will have a small baked potato and a can of tuna, which I ALWAYS add spicy Devil's Spit barbecue to which tastes a lot like pulled chicken.

Tuna and BBQ is godlike. Has to be spicy, non of that sweet shil

>> No.5803412

Tacos with flour tortillas

Every taqueria I've ever been to makes tacos with corn tortillas, and burritos with flour. But my parents always made it with flour, and that's still how I prefer it.

>> No.5803443
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roast pork bun

>> No.5803446

Tuna sandwich with Cucumbers and Bacon

>> No.5803458

Leftover meatloaf, eaten cold on crusty Italian bread. People seem to have this weird issue with eating meals containing ground meat cold, but I almost think I like meatloaf more served like this.

>> No.5803503

cold meat is good nukka, especially meat loaf.

now soup I can't do cold, but that's it

>> No.5803762

How in the flying fuck could that be considered gross?

>> No.5803784
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he's a muslim

>> No.5805070

Anybody else like cold hamburgers? Has to be my dad's burnt-to-a-crisp over charcoal burgers, but they're so good the next day.

>> No.5805080

I am currently eating a bacon and honey sandwich. English, back bacon, not the streaky stuff youze Americans enjoy....

>> No.5805083

mm, this
i also really like fishhead meat and eyes, definitely the tastiest part of a seabass or whatever

>> No.5805094

That actually sounds lush!

>> No.5806482

love this stuff but the onions most places put in their pork buns ruin it.

>> No.5806495

>not knowing how to debeak

Come on anon, it's easy. Stab, twist, pull. And the pulling is barely even necessary.

>> No.5806531

That shit is delicious. A plain waffle with an over easy egg is even better

>> No.5806541

I think the tentacles are the best part. I genuinely love that texture.

>> No.5806545

absofuckinglutely! Went to a restaurant and ordered calamari, asked about tentacles, say it's just rings, find a few of 'em suckers on my plate and praise jesus.

>> No.5806585

I add maple syrup to sausages and scrambled eggs while people give me the stink eye.

>> No.5806760

Me too. Love it, especially on cheesy eggs

>> No.5806983

Soft tortilla rolled into a tube with butter and white sugar in it.

>> No.5807006

that is an amazing idea. i have no clue why i havent tried this

>> No.5807122

>eating beaks
I bet you leave the poop shute in shrimp too

>> No.5807137

Dude, I've been eating that all my life. I've even gotten my family to start doing that too, especially since my spouse doesn't like sweet stuff so she normally won't eat pancakes, but she likes that. Runny yolks over pancakes is god tier.

>> No.5808862

Manwhich ground beef on pasta.

>> No.5808885

Go to any decent Mediterranean deli, you'll find baby octopus. I think that by "western countries" you mean the US and Canada (and possibly Britain).

>> No.5808935

I put raw egg yolks on stir-fries and rice, sometimes. People don't seem to understand that residual heat is a thing.