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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5800318 No.5800318 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine want this book.
It would be great if someone would share it, but if nobody have it, which book would you recommend for vegan cheese ?

>> No.5800323
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Oh lawd, you've done it now OP

>> No.5800340

look up a book that says how to make cashew cheese

>> No.5800345

>vegan cheese
lolwut its fucking milk you fags can't have milk? HUMANS MAKE MILK STUPID

>> No.5800349


You drink human breast milk?

>> No.5800362

when you're a fucking baby yeah

>> No.5800369


So you're a baby?

>> No.5800598


>> No.5800603

Some vegan cheese are actually really delicious and have characteristics that are very unique

I enjoy a lacto-fermented macadamia cheese with a bread like texture (expensive as fuck though), some hazelnut cheeses, tons of cashew cheeses, etc...

>> No.5800633

It's funny because vegans are part of the SJW crowd.

>> No.5800695


what are you talking about?

>> No.5800704

did he stutter or are you just to protein deprived to follow a reply chain

>> No.5800705

>vegan cheese

Why bother? If you're going to be a vegan, just accept that you aren't going to eat cheese. Imitation foodstuffs are universally shit, but there are plenty of authentically vegan things you can eat which taste great.

>> No.5800710

vegan cheese is high in calories and fat
it tastes ok
i like real cheese sometimes still

would eat on a bulk just like real cheese/10

>> No.5800713

Its not imitation it really is uniquely its own thing, they just use the word

I mean apple butter and peanut butter aren't anything like butter but they have great qualities that aren't to be compared to dairy butter

>> No.5800717


Why do you give a shit? Some people enjoy it

>> No.5800769


Take your statins, Billy-bob, you're getting cranky

>> No.5800811

I'm vegan and I don't particularly enjoy imitation meats of any kind, but I have made my own black bean burger type thing and it was alright but I realized I would rather simply eat my black bean soup etc.

However, vegan cheese imitations you buy from the store are always full of additives or really expensive so I avoid them, but one day I learned how to make my own vegan cashew cheese and it was AMAZING. I love it, its like eating strange yogurt cheesy stuff made out of nuts. its really versatile too, I can sweeten it and make it into an icecreamy type of thing or I can blend it together with basil and make a pesto. I really like it, and I consider it a type of cheese but without animal products, but at the same time it is very unique and kind of its own very special thing.

>> No.5800823

Why is vegan cheese so salty? Like I've had a few before and it was just so salty.

>> No.5800824

How is the book ?
Could be a nice gift for christmas for some people... Are there only recipes or also technics ?

>> No.5800862

I make my own and it doesn't come out that way. honestly from my experience most store bought vegan cheeses are way too expensive and full of alot of additives, I don't think they are done correctly.

>> No.5800876

Store bought soy based cheeses are not at all like nut cheeses, no one is really discussing imitation cheeses like Daiya.

>> No.5800888

Nut cheeses are pretty good. There's some good analogues about, a good vege burger can be really fantastic. Soy pretend meat though is pretty terrible.

>> No.5800939

>vegan cheese
Plebs all around

>> No.5800966

more cashew cheese for me then

>> No.5800977


True, but what you're really dealing with is more of a kind of nut-houmous that happens to be called a cheese, and perhaps it would be better if it weren't. It's like how tofu is a kind of Asian analogue of cheese in how its made, but the taste and use is totally different. It hasn't hurt tofu that it's regarded as a product in its own right, rather than as soy-cheese, and as an added benefit more of it is probably eaten by non-vegetarians than by vegetarians. By being labelled vegan cheese any of these products that actually taste good are limiting themselves to a tiny market.

>> No.5801151


none of that is a reason to not eat it.

>> No.5801159


I agree with this, calling these things "vegan cheese" is like calling condoms "gay anti-AIDS dick slippers"

There is nothing wrong with being gay or wanting to avoid AIDS, but a lot of ignorant people feel differently about the gay part.

captcha: other edgkin

>> No.5801163

>vegan cheese

>> No.5801197


No, but it's a good reason for manufacturers of nut-cheeses to distance themselves from the 'vegan' label. It lumps them in with the kind of imitation soy-product mentioned elsewhere in the thread, and puts non-vegans right off. As a consumer of large quantities of expensive cheeses I wouldn't touch something called vegan cheese with a bargepole, but I'd be inclined to give a cashew cheese a go. You might say that that's because of my ignorance, but ho-hum. Having veganism attached to your product and having it stuck in the vegan section of the shop is to doom it to only being consumed as part of a tiny niche market.

Besides, vegans are nothing if not informed consumers, they'll actively seek out products that meet their dietary requirements and taste good. Manufacturers of nut cheeses should be doing as much as they can to distance themselves from being treated as a vegan foodstuff, and regard that as an incidental benefit.

>> No.5801316

Why won't moot just b& all the vegans?
This thread sucks and its a pain to have to hide it. /ck/ is not vegan friendly.

>> No.5801321

>Soy pretend meat though is pretty terrible.

I love certain soy pretend meats, fuck you.

>> No.5801324

Just like you love the pretend cock under your mattress .

>> No.5801365

>speaking for others
Go away wannabe mod

I eat meat every day and I'm fine with vegans

I'm not fine with you though

>> No.5801367

>I eat meat every day and I'm fine with vegans

You are a bad person.

>> No.5801421

Well we are not fine with you.
If you eat meat every day you are responsible for an enormous amount of suffering.
That will be on your karmic "ticket" forever.

>> No.5801443

OK fake vegan

>> No.5801925

I heard it's pretty good, but I didn't read it myself.

>> No.5801996

when there is a reasonable vegan facsimile of goat cheese, brie, and smelly runny cheese....ill consider veganism as an acceptable life choice

>> No.5802006

unless you live in a cake and eat locusts like john the baptists...your lifestyle, no mater the diet, causes untold amounts of suffering...get over yourself

modern life in a first world country is totaly unethical...period...even if you leave the grid and become a hemit in a cave who lives off the land...all you did was leave the rest of the world to suffer while you bilnd yourself to it...so lets just shut up and stop being a judgey prick

>> No.5802879

but I use a bacterial culture to make my cashew cheese.

as a vegan I'm saying that it it's not important, so everyone relax. we know cashew cheese isn't made from animal products.

>> No.5802889

just because alot of products out there are junk doesn't mean that all products of the same type of thing are junk.

if someone makes a nut cheese with no animal products it is technically vegan and you shouldn't think its bad just because it has vegan in the name or description, you need to be smart as you are with every product you purchase in life.

as a vegan, I don't usually ever buy vegan cheese from the store because its full of additives, I just make my own at home.

>> No.5802989

because vegans don't instigate, we make threads and all the meat extremists who hate vegans go into the thread to troll it.

a look into the minds of meat extremist trolls browsing /ck/:
>meat thread
>fast food thread for people who gave up on life
>thread about someone complaining about picky eaters
>thread about some evil horrible person trying to sneak food picky eater doesn't like into their food to troll them
>thread about some poor dumb ass panicking that their friend had an allergic reaction on /ck/ instead of taking them to the emergency room
>meat thread
>pls help I flushed my fridge down the toilet
>YO /ck/ what eat cause wisdom teeth taken out im SICK OF APPLESAUCE
>thread about tipping
>thread about crunchy vs creamy peanut butter
>meat thread
>vegan thread"hey wanna talk about vegan recipes? I have some sweet potatoes and beans and broccoli"
inside the vegan thread:
>contributing post
>hey this is cool
>good post
>friendly post
>we're vegan, what do you want?
>yea that sounds good I love vegetables
>what is your problem?
>cool recipe
>some decent comments on other posts
>are you insane? why would I ever do that?
>hey people I just made cashew cheese and kombucha!
>w-what? anyways I also made almond milk

why do they come trolling into a thread they have no interest in to start a 500 post feces thunderstorm to prevent people from discussing the topic of the thread?

everyone, we need to start ignoring these people, completely pretending they don't exist, and using the button made for people who break rules on 4chan.

>> No.5803016

nice try troll.

>> No.5803154
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you do realize its because vegans shitpost all the time rigtht? i have an entire folder of these.

>> No.5803157

>being this delusional

>> No.5803293

No vegan threads on /ck/ asshole.
They are not welcome here.
We troll all your threads because you should have never posted them in the first place.

I don't know how many more ways I can say it to you.

Vegans are simply not welcomed here and your presence angers many of us.
We will not ever peacefully share this board with you.

>> No.5803309

>fast food thread for people who gave up on life

Condescending fucking asshole.
This is why we hate vegans.

>> No.5803314

>live in a cake and eat locusts

>> No.5803367

Sometime while I eat a hamburger, I like to think they are beans so I dont feel so bad.
Good life hack, your weolcome.

>> No.5803383

>because vegans don't instigate
Stopped reading there. There are plenty of threads with pictures of muh suffering animals and people desperately trying to turn omnivores onto vegan products with the typical
>tried vegan product
>better than non vegan product
>btw not even vegan just like you :^)
Also vegans love to pop into threads about food and B-B-BUT IT ISN'T HEALTHY BTW I'M GOING TO DERAIL THE THREAD
Every vegan thread I come across I believe the OP is a shill just because there's so few vegetarians on this board. It's just plain fishy that the less extreme dietary people are way less common than the more extreme ones who I believe would be way more likely to shill their diet to people online.

>> No.5803423

Why not call it something else. Does this shit melt or is it like a fermented nut puck or loaf? Can you make fondu with is? Queso? Fried cheese sticks? Crazy bread? Turducken with cheese? Griled cheese?

If No then its not a fucking cheese. Therefore, it should not be called a cheese. Let it be its own thing away from the cheese section so that I wont accidently buy it and be overcome with dissapointment.

>> No.5803427


>Also vegans love to pop into threads about food and B-B-BUT IT ISN'T HEALTHY BTW I'M GOING TO DERAIL THE THREAD

I only see this when someone claims an unhealthy food is healthy/nutritious, but not for simply talking about a food

>> No.5803449

Fag. Who gives a fuck what you're cool with. I eat meat every day too. As a democrate, I can tell that you are selfish and prolly an asshole. You judge people, I dont. You are prolly getting dissability checks instead of social security.

>> No.5803466

You sound like a petulant child with very little life experience.

>> No.5803470

I cant believe you subject bacteria to the torture of being eaten. Bacteria has a name because it is alive. Murderer.

>> No.5803479

Bacteria are not animals and they are clonal organisms, therefore the death of a single cell does not equate to the death of a life.

It's like you can't even use abstract thought when trolling. I bet you even consider yourself above average intelligence.

>> No.5803493


>Let it be its own thing away from the cheese section so that I wont accidently buy it and be overcome with dissapointment.

Yeah, wouldn't want to accidentally not have a heart attack by eating some nuts instead of a block of cheese

>> No.5803497
File: 1.23 MB, 450x450, 90bfcadb-cd06-4908-8cdd-4c9f7fd5b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceer This Man! He Speaks The Truth! Anon for forever.

>> No.5803516

so it is not alive, and your life is somehow more important? I have a feeling the bacteria, the one cell, is more useful than you. you prolly feel the same way.

>> No.5803522

>so it is not alive
I didn't say it was not alive. Why would you think clonal organisms are not alive?

>the bacteria, the one cell
I believe you mean, "the bacterium".

Please play again when you've graduated grade 9.

>> No.5803650

besides the fact that most vegans that bother you are just trolls or simply you having no tolerance for people that are different than you, you can easily just hide the thread just like most anons hide all the spammed fast food threads. you really have no excuse to complain about vegans making their own thread especially when you go into them on purpose and pay attention to them.

>> No.5803656

you should use the hide thread feature or get used to us because you are going to be busy all day every day pathetically trolling our threads while we struggle to talk about salad. we didn't do anything wrong and we do not apologize.

>> No.5803659

When the "huurrrrr vegan" trolling was at its peak, I would make a thread about to lure in the "vegans suck" morons, hide it, and the quality of /ck/ would noticeably improve.

>> No.5803662

hide our threads and leave us alone, you can also use the hide comment feature. only vegans want to talk to vegans, and only the people who are actually interested will try being vegan, which isn't you, because you will have hidden the thread.

you have no excuse to be complaining, ignore us because you have been enabled and spoonfed by moot with tools to pretend we don't exist. we don't want you derailing our threads and trolling us anyway.

>> No.5803680
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quality posts.

if you don't like vegans why do you surround yourself with them and their threads?

>> No.5803684

Hilariously genius. what a great solution. now they can't ever know which one is a troll sink and which one isn't.

>> No.5803701

I forget how long ago, maybe 2-3 years, but there was a period where the vegan troll threads were rampant.

The weird thing was, the same people would say the same things over and over, and I'm sure everyone knew it was just a troll and no one in the thread was actually a vegan.

Sure enough, 243 posts omitted and it would repeat itself day after day. Sometimes there would be multiple rabid anti-vegan threads going on simultaneously.

It was funny and sad.

>> No.5803736
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It just doesn't make any sense. I'm a legitimate vegan that wants to talk about some vegan recipes, so why would trolls ever try so hard to create such chaos?

I put my tinfoil hat for this:

the trolls are all shills that want to prevent anons from having civil discussion about veganism because if more people eat better quality food they will be healthier and healthy people are not as profitable, they need less pills and less hospital visits compared to very sick people. this is a very disturbing theory but the way the world is right now I might not doubt it immediately.

>> No.5803863

My friend makes her own cheese and I've tried vegan cheese from farmers markets but every time it just tastes so salty. So I don't know if its a me thing or a everyone just makes salty cheese thing here.

>> No.5803882

I don't like store bought vegan cheese. when I make it myself it doesn't come out salty like that.

>> No.5804344

Motherfucker I ain't hiding shit.
I am offended by vegans and will NEVER stop fighting their presence here.

Don't forget, we have run you fuckers off before.

>> No.5804345


This post was definitely written by an adult.

>> No.5804353

>meat extremist

Is that the new bait word instead of "carnist" now? Because you sound fucking ridiculous.

>> No.5804354


That's pretty much how it goes, though.

>> No.5804356

I agree with you, fuck vegans, I really think they are mentally ill. BUT, I would like to keep having dairy alternative threads because I'm allergic to dairy. The problem is we can't have anything like that without a bunch of retarded vegans showing up.

>> No.5804359

>prolly AGAIN

Go back to your trailer, billy bob.

>> No.5804360

Make the threads yourself and just make sure the word vegan is nowhere to found especially in the fucking main image.

>> No.5804363

Found the loony bin escapee.
I thought they weren't supposed to let you on the internet in the psych ward.

>> No.5804366

Yeah, I've tried that. Doesn't work. You still end up with a bunch ranting vegans in it and so then other people have to come in and tell them to shut the fuck up. Ah well....

>> No.5804367


It wouldn't matter, carnists will still interpret anything that even hints at the idea of ingesting vegetable matter as PETA vegan propaganda.

Eat meat twice a month? VEGAN (it should be 3x a day)
Eat a bean? VEGAN (vegans eat a lot of beans)
Blend up some rice protein in a cup of full fat unsweetened yogurt from grass fed antibiotic-free rBGH-free cows? VEGAN (the protein container had the word vegan on it)

There really is no possibility of having a normal conversation about food with carnists hanging around.

>> No.5804370

You can't be a subtle troll and use the word carnist.
It just doesn't work.
Delete your post and rewrite it omitting carnist and it should work just fine .

>> No.5804374
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It just sad and stupid that vegans and vegetarian try all the time to emulate everything into making a vegan version of it.

It's both an indicator that vegan are not informed consumer AND hypocritical about their food doctrine. In it's core, vege and vegan is about distancing your food diet from the manufactured modern American food. You don't need to emulate anything, just dig into other vegan/vegetarian culinary culture.

But vegan prefer eating their vegan dog and vegan burger with their vegan mayonaise... Why would you dig into other culture food and not be a racist prick/modern food elitist?

Which bring us to another point where there is a class of vegan which see their solace more in modern diet and supplements than regular oll plain food. They are usually the really thin and unhealthy one, you spot them quickly when you have worked at a farmer market.

Just eat meat (but not beef), but only a bit of it.

>> No.5804381
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What sort of instrument does it play?

>> No.5804385

>Just eat meat (but not beef), but only a bit of it.
Why not beef? The beef industry is more highly regulated than any other meat industry.

>> No.5804388



Technology is hard

>> No.5804395

Just trying to give you some honest advice mate.

>> No.5804400

>just having a hard time dealing with opinions that I don't like

Fixed that for you

>> No.5804404

Don't poke me anon, I have run tripfags off this board before.
Its a ton of work but I have no life and am willing to spend 16hrs a day on it.
I got rid of the guy whose trip was a radiation symbol , he had been here six years. Took me almost a year to get rid of him, but I did it. It wasn't pretty and I had to shit up the board pretty bad.

>> No.5804405


You didn't get rid of him. He comes by this board every few years, stays for a few weeks, and disappears again.

>> No.5804419
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The energy cost/protein is crazy high and vastly impotent in the energy saving future. Energy producing lobby and government thought the energy demand would double each 10 years more or less starting somewhere in the 1980?!?, but that's clearly not happening with the planet showing serious signs of degradation on a level that will become lethal for human.

It just take way to much fucking water and food to raise beef and it's been show to be the most unefficient way to feed meat to a shitwad number of people.

Poultry and porc fare better but the big champion of the "numbers of joule for 1g of protein" are insects. Basically, you require no food, no space, almost no water and you can raise a ridiculous amount of proteins readily available for human consumptions out of table garbage.

Beef will be rich mans food in less than 20 years... And when I say rich, I say RICH. It could go up to ridiculous amounts of $$$ per kg really fast as the Asian demand grow without any way to fill the adequately demand in beef meat.

So yea, no more beef soon

>> No.5804426
File: 664 KB, 837x681, Who cares! RF 8456895698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, why tripping while not making original content? Ain't that supposed to be a conventional way to protect the flow of a thread in an anonymous image board?


>> No.5804456

Please save your comments for someone who cares. "bacterium". Prick. And yes you correct and you even spelled it right, gold star jr.

>> No.5804504

>I am offended by vegans and will NEVER stop fighting their presence here.Never.

we never wanted any trouble, and you are the instigator here.

if you don't ignore and hide vegan threads that you clearly do not enjoy and instead go inside of them and admit to trolling them on purpose, you have absolutely no excuse.

you are going to have alot of trouble "running us off" whatever that means while we are busy talking about spinach and potatoes. don't even get me started on vegan chili, we are going to be having nice extended discussions about that.

>> No.5804558

You say the word vegan and I will be there to shit up your thread.

>> No.5804590

Because I found myself having to explain to carnists that I'm not a vegan any time I mentioned eating plant matter (or in many cases anything not made of animal muscle). Eventually I decided it would save everyone a lot of trouble to just use a tripcode because carnists are so paranoid about vegans that they lash out at everything.

Posting from my phone so no trip.