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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5801873 No.5801873 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/. I'm a first time poster but a log time lurker. I had my KFC job interview today and it went great. I was asked to come in for a 2 hours trial tomorrow and I don't know what to expect. Like, I can't cook for life but I'm guessing that would just involve heating stuff and putting food in boxes beause it's...well, fast food. I was wondering if you guys have any tips for me. I'm a little scared since it's my first ever job and I don't want to fuck it up on the first day. I live in Ireland by the way, so I'm asking Eurofags (especially those living in Ireland and the UK) to help out a sister in need. Thanks in advance.

>> No.5801876
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disclose the herbs and spices you pawn!

>> No.5801877

>2 hour trial
wut, so like they kick your ass to the curb if you don;'t meet expectations.

when I got hired for fast food it was like here start this day, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it no worries.

>> No.5801885

They lock you in a room with a live chicken. You will be given 2 hours to make it into an 8 piece bucket with biscuits, mash, shepherd's pie, and chocolate cake or you are fired.

>> No.5801890

>it's my first ever job
How did you get a job there with no experience, are you underage or something?
>tfw bitter because I grew up in a culchie town with no jobs and when I moved to Dublin nobody would hire me without experience

>> No.5801891

>I live in Ireland
Don't you have more important work to do like find Lucky's Charms?

>> No.5801898

They'll have procedures for everything.
As long as you're not retarded or turn up drunk or high, you'll be fine

>> No.5801900

I'm not entirely sure. I'm 19, I'm a girl and I'm currently taking a break from school therefore I'm flexible when it comes to time. I'm planning to go to college next year so I don't have any serious commitments at the moment. I have no experience whatsoever but I did put down my Leaving Cert results on my CV (I did quite well). I guess I got lucky.

>> No.5801910

>I'm 19, I'm a girl
Someone is hoping to get lucky

>> No.5801914

I'm 20 and a girl so I don't think it's gender that makes a difference, and I also did well on my Leaving. I'm in college, though, so I can only do part-time within certain hours, maybe that's why I haven't been having any luck.

>> No.5801924

cute vs. leaves something to be desired might be at issue.

>> No.5801926

Well, I've been applying online so I don't think that could come into it.

>> No.5801928

Yeah, I thought gender doesn't make a difference either, but one of the guys was like "We need more girls"...straight to my face so yeah. I'm not sure if that's even legal...Other than that, it was pure luck. Keep looking, Anon. I'm sure you'll find job eventually! And have fun in collage. I'll be joinin you soon enough.

>> No.5801940

If my B in Junior Cert Business was any good to me, that's pretty much completely illegal. Doesn't seem to stop people, though, I often see job ads specifically stating they want girls or guys. Just how the world works, I guess. Congrats on the job, anyhow! I'll keep trying, for now I'm not too hard up because I've got an online job answering messages for an SMS service, but an actual job might be nice. Might look into volunteering at a St Vincent De Paul shop or something, just for experience. I'm sure you'll do grand, as far as I know KFC do cook things fresh (or at least that's what they say on the ads, hue) but they hardly expect you to be an expert chef or anything, you'll pick it up in no time I'm sure.

>> No.5801968

I'm currently a cook at a KFC

What position did you discuss with the bossman you wanted?

Also get good shoes

>> No.5801971

you'll most likely end up working on customer service, and not the actual handling of food.

>> No.5801979

>not actually handling food in a fast food restaurant
No position like that exists unless you are a manager or franchise owner.

>> No.5801980

He mentioned something about cashier and cook positions.

>> No.5801986

Pretty much the only positions they have outside of management

>> No.5801987

So cashier and prep probably

Be sure to call out food items before you fucking run out or the cook will hate you really the bossman will hound you about inspection and shit so be really fucking clean

Be prepared to spend 9 hours standing if full time

I fucking hate my job so much sometimes fuck moving days

>> No.5801991

Spending 9 hours on your feet isn't that bad. The real problem will be how well ventilated the kitchen is.

>> No.5801999

Depends on how well maintained the kitchen is

Also don't put the cole slaw inside the box its asinine and my bossman makes me do it but don't fucking do it you'll just piss people off

>> No.5802009

>Be sure to call out food items before you fucking run out or the cook will hate you really the bossman will hound you about inspection and shit so be really fucking clean
>He mentioned something about cashier and cook positions.

as a chef in the real restaurant, i felt bad enough to click and give advice.

And, hey, holy shit. I was in ireland in my teens for a family vacation for the month, and I still have dreams of dublin and the glen. Your country is beautiful, and I saw that after being spoiled by the rocky mountains.

Anyway: Newbie Kitchen Survival:
Get nonslip shoes
Get support inserts for them. They are a godsend when you spend 7-10 hours on your feet. (doubles extra suck)
Assume everything in a metal pan is hot - use towels to move it if you're not sure. Better safe than burned!
Wash your hands all the time. Hot water. Soap - you would think this is basic, but i've seen servers in a hotel restroom take a piss and stroll out to serve food. DONT BE THAT PERSON

If you have to deal with food:
Cut away from you
you will have standardized/easy to follow recipe cards/books. Gather everything before you start - else you're halfway through and go 'shit we don't have x'.
Never put things in the oven without setting a timer. Even if its 5, 10, 15 - shit gets burnt going 'oh yea those nuts will be toasted in 8 minutes, I'll remember then' and then getting distracted by someone asking you something.

Cashier isn't so bad, but be prepared to hate dealing with people.

DON'T get in the habit of eating at work. Eat breakfast beforehand, bring an apple, banana, yogurt - something. Its a great way to gain lots of weight, especially if you work at an unhealthy restaurant.

Check back in a day or two when you have an idea of what your duties are, and we can probably have more useful advice.

Good luck!

>> No.5802014

Thank you so much! I'll do my best. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.5802059
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Hey baby girl, you are going to get trolled by a bunch of neck beard losers, but let me tell you now that you are perfect and don't let anyone make you think otherwise. I just want to hug and protect you from nasty internet trolls, because you are so very special, stay string for me, don't let them get you down, you hear?

>tfw not holding you tightly

>> No.5802106

You're welcome, and if you have anything you want to ask about specifically - shoot. There's a lot of myths and fears about kitchens (we're not all gordon ramsay!), and most of its just down to earth wisdom and common sense

.. mainly involving figuring out how to do things quickly and efficiently and not get hurt in the process, when you're around knives and fire, but yeah, its mostly common sense.

>> No.5802311

>tfw no qt Irish gf to feed me Guinness and fried chikinz

>> No.5802338

underrated post

>> No.5802347


marry me?

>> No.5802353

>tfw no qt irish gf to get drunk & boisterous and let loose with that wonderful accent
what are your favorite accents of the english language, in terms of sexy?
1 - southern us
2 - irish
3 - russian
4 - french
last - england english

>> No.5802357


>> No.5802362

if you're a non-hideous female and can communicate ok they'll most likely have you on the tills

foreigners and not young-preppy-looking males get the rest of the work

its actually pretty hard work being on your feet a lot, invest in some good non-slip shoes, I emphasise NON-SLIP because there will be oil spillages

unlikely that they will reject you, fast food is not picky, all they care is that you show up on time, be clean and presentable and do the work as you're told

>> No.5802373

>chicken chocolate cake
Only way I can think of making that workable is cornmeal cake and mole
KFC would dump my ass to the curb, wouldn't they?

>> No.5802385

>implying that there's girls on the internet.
You guys sure are funny.

>> No.5802412

That Irish sense of humour, eh?

>> No.5802502

I worked at a KFC for about 6 months when I was in high school. Went in to apply, hired on the spot. Brief training/orientation the next day, started at prep that evening. My job was to make all the side dishes and biscuits.

You probably won't start out cooking the chicken. Most likely you'll start as a cashier or on the line (packaging orders) or a combination of both.

My favorite part of the job was getting to make and eat custom orders. Least favorite part was having to do the dishes, which was a rotating job at my store.

I once went to drain a deep frier and i forgot to open the valve on the drain pan...hot grease everywhere. Also spilled a big ass bucket of gravy all over the floor once, huge mess in the middle of dinner rush.

One time told a new guy that one of the deep friers needed more water and he poured a large drink cup of water into the grease. Smoke filled the restaurant. Don't fall for that.

Got fired one day because a lady got mad as hell when she was missing an item on her order, started getting verbally abusive toward me and the crew. So I said "chill out lady, we're not saving lives here. It's just fast food". Boss didn't like it so he fired my ass. Same guy ended up stealing 10k in cash and bailed to mexico

>> No.5802517


fuck off merricunt.

>> No.5802536

Do they serve those American biscuits in Irish KFCs, actually? I've never seen them but I've been in KFC all of maybe 5 times.

>> No.5802540
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>'Irish Americans' talking about being Irish
>Think they are on the same level as us

Feck off, you yank bastards.

>> No.5802569

But... nobody's doing that?

>> No.5802590

I had a trial at my food job, its a cramped and loud line out the door deli where you have to scream to hear each other. Its just to let you know what your in for before they waste money on training only to have you freak out and quit your first day. Ive seen several people.turn a job down after the trial, food biz isnt for everyone.

>> No.5802722

Someone is staunchly pro-cornbread I see.

>> No.5802785

>on the same level
What level is that? I'm proud to be Irish, but if you start getting all uppity, I'll drop it like the crown.

>> No.5802834

Basically two levels: high class and low class. The high class wash the dishes before pissing in the sink.

>> No.5802851
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>food biz isnt for everyone.
been at the same place 7 years, might finally get fired for losing my shit twice in one week.
damn shame, too. made it all the way up to assistant manager.
tbh the place is circling the drain and has been for a while now. i did my best to fix it, but the problems that i'm taking on shit for are out of the scope of my control and i'm just about ready to jump ship.
i used to have passion for food and foodservice.
that eventually turned into mild disdain for incompetence and the excuses people make when they don't want to come to work or do their jobs correctly. now i just make this face all the time.

>> No.5802880 [DELETED] 

I never understood the point of needing to give an excuse for why you won't be in especially at places where everything is an inexcusable absence and you get no sick leave. It is as if you are asking for permission from a parent to not be there. I'm not going to be in bitch. Not my fault you can't make appropriate schedules or I need time to recoup from your shit.

>> No.5802970

people are depending on you to be there and perform your function competently. if that still doesn't make sense to you, i think you might be unemployable. or a cunt. probably both.

>> No.5803046

No employee is a lynchpin or that crucial. The shift will survive without you. If it can't then the business will not survive.

>> No.5803053

both, then. got it.

stay out of foodservice.

>> No.5803066

>no life outside of work
>uses work to cope
>dies in a frier
>no one misses him

>> No.5803070

>confirmed for never working in small business

>> No.5803126

Who would be stupid enough to martyr themselves like that?

>> No.5803199
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lots of people.
you're not one of us. you don't belong. fuck off back to wherever it is you're from and never return, outsider.

>> No.5803216

2 hour trial? What kind of shit is that? Goddamn it's fast fucking food, you don't need an internship.

>> No.5803225

if it's like McD's everything is more or less 'nuked'

And by that I mean everything has a timer and temp setting, it's totally fucking idiot proof.

>> No.5803246
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>first job ever
This is what's wrong with the world.

>> No.5803284

27 yr old first job master race here

>> No.5803308

It's Ireland man, youth unemployment is sky fucking high. Hence the "trial period" as well, because even fast food places can be picky about who they hire.

>> No.5804520

Different parts of the world have different focuses and different ideal ages on when you start working. Here in my part of America employers rarely hire under 18. I think it has to do with insurance.

>> No.5804536
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>tfw chinese kfcs don't have any of the sides
>no cole slaw
>no mac and cheese
>no biscuits

>> No.5804555

My first job was at 18, I tried to get one at 16 but my asshole dad wouldn't let me prove my US citizenship to anyone I tried to work for. I went up and down a local main road applying everywhere and got tons of interviews, but nothing to show for it.

>> No.5804564


Italian 23 yo NEET reporting for duty

>> No.5804894
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>sister in need

carefully disguised b8

>> No.5805031

Hey guys. My 2 hour trial went great. I got the job and I'm starting my training next week. Everyone was very friendly and understanding. I would like to thank you for the tips and your kind words. PS. Yous were right about the grease. Thankfully enough I followed your advice and I wore right shoes for the job. Once again, thank you!

>> No.5806071

hustle when they give you a task
also, if the delivery driver shows up to make a delivery, stay out of his way