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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5791654 No.5791654 [Reply] [Original]

how do I make good hash browns?

>> No.5791658

A lot of clarified butter.

>> No.5791666


>> No.5791680

Dry the shit out of the potatoes, after washing off all the starch.

>> No.5791685

That doesn't work so don't bother

Just don't touch them and eventually they'll dry out

>> No.5791692

why shouldn't I touch it?

>> No.5791694

mix mix mix
stir stir stir

>> No.5791701

Just buy the pre-shredded frozen stuff. It's so cheap, for me it's not worth it to try it myself. Put a healthy amount of oil in the pan, at least 2 tablespoons, wait till it's nice and heated then pour the frozen stuff in. I season the top with season salt, then wait till the bottom is brown, then flip and wait for the other side to be done. Easy peasy.

>> No.5791708


Grate potatoes
Squeeze out the excess water using a potato ricer or a kitchen towel
Pan fry

>> No.5791721
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>> No.5791782

> implying hash browns can ever be good

>> No.5791799

The best will use shredded potatoes reconstituted-from-dry but ain't nobody got time for that.

Instead, do as follows:

• Wash potato.
• Shred potato.
> If your squeamish about skin, peel it first, Sally.
• Put in muslin, cheesecloth or towel and SQUEEZE of excess moisture.
• Place on kitchen paper in a thin, even layer and nuke for a minute or two.
• Fry.
• Flip.
• Fry other side.
• Consume.

Haven't had hashbrowns better yet.

>> No.5791805

>if your squeamish
Insert apostrophe and E as necessary, thanks.

>> No.5791809

The texture of good hash browns relies on part of it being crispy and part of it being soft. Stirring it would imply that you want all sides of the potato shreds to be cooked evenly. This is not the texture you're looking for, and it's also going to take forever and might not even be possible if you fail to turn over each shred individually.

Don't touch it because it's a simple breakfast food and doesn't really take much work.

>> No.5791910

Hash Browns
2 russet or sweet potatoes, shredded
1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup white flour
1 egg
1/4 cup canola oil
salt and black pepper, to taste
Rinse shredded potatoes until water is clear, then drain and squeeze dry. Place shreds in a bowl, and mix in the onion, flour and egg until evenly distributed.
Heat canola oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. When oil is sizzling hot, place potatoes into the pan. Cover the bottom of the pan, or make separate piles like pancakes. Cook until crisp and browned, then flip over and brown the other side. It should take at least 5 minutes per side. If you are cooking them in one big piece, it can be cut into quarters for easier flipping.
Remove from pan, and drain on paper towels. Season with salt and pepper.

>> No.5791913

This. Everyone in the industry knows IQF is the best and hard to recreate in the kitchen.

The only reason people wouldn't use it is because they have an aversion to processed foods, even when the processing is purely mechanical.

>> No.5791948
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>being a grammar nazi

>> No.5791961

I was fixing my own post, silly!

>> No.5791982
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>> No.5791989
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>> No.5792033

Try dehydrated hash browns. They cook up perfect every time even if you make them wrong. They are cheap as rice and they have a long shelf life. Best part is you can make them yourself which is even cheaper than buying them.

>> No.5792162

I would like to add, in addition to what everyone else is saying, don't overload the pan like a retard like I usually do.

>> No.5793076


I nearly always use the frozen pre-shredded version. There are roughly two options for these: loose and in individual serving sized pucks. I prefer the loose. I usually place however much I want in a bowl and thaw them in the microwave and then precook them a bit there. Transfer to a pan with plenty of melted butter in the bottom, pepper the top, and leave them to brown. Flip when brown, more butter if necessary, and then finish. Add salt and they are about perfect.

>> No.5793113

>I nearly always use the frozen pre-shredded version
pre-shredded? they're not hasbrowns if they're not shredded, they're just...potatoes

>> No.5793142


I laughed for 7 hours. Just recovering now. Shit.

>> No.5793169

mainly this

but also, when they've thoroughly browned on one side, drizzle buttermilk on the lot. Let it soak to lightly loosen the brown stuff on the other side. Flip and brown the rest.

Bacon grease or lamb fat or duck fat for the browning part,

>> No.5793189

Second on this. It comes in like a milk carton you add boiling water and let it rehydrate for about 10 to 15 mins. Its the exact same as what they do at waffle house. Cost like 1 dollar for more than you can eat in hash browns. I tried forever to get my own hash browns on my mandolin. Eventually gave up. These are the best though.

>> No.5793203

>wanna make hasbrowns with my pancakes, eggs and sausage
>cool got some potatoes
>peel the skin
>grate them
>fucking wet squishy mess
>holy shit why are potatoes so wet
>whatever pat them a little with paper towel
>still wet
>fuck it, it'll cook off in the pan
>drop it in pan
>browns on one side
>flip and brown other side
>looks good
>plate them
>bite into them
>grey, mushy, dirty tasting potato paste in the middle
Why didn't you warn me /ck/?!?!?!

>> No.5793267

git gud

>> No.5793382
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Put semen instead of eggs. It has a higher starch content and will make the potatoes hold better!
Saturday morning, you milk your men, preserve the gold and wake the first up to make hash brown for the kids and the hubbie!

>> No.5793390

Thanks for the tip!

>> No.5793395

What the fuck is that picture.

>> No.5793405
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It's my youngest! His name is Kevin!
My daughter is a little bit older! She went to Daytona beach this spring! Gotta let her have her experiences!

>> No.5793415

2006 /b/

>> No.5793416
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>> No.5793423
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>> No.5793429

>being turned on by forearm-sized pohotshopped cocks

>> No.5793437


it's weird how you just took your personal preference and then pretended it was a universal standard

why did you do that?

>> No.5793457

because that's how fuckers on the internet are when it comes to cooking

>medium rare is the only way you're allowed to enjoy steak
>hashbrowns have to be cooked a certain way

It's the same reason half the threads on /ck/ are people calling foods disgusting while the other half praise it. Nobody can into subjectivity.

>> No.5793464

Because contrast of texture IS the universal standard. The factors such as taste from the fat-fried maillard reaction outer layer contrasting the texture of the soft, savory potato are objectively more preferable in the human perception of food quality.

>> No.5793468
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>> No.5793474

>medium rare is the only way you're allowed to enjoy steak
A cow is a big animal with a lot of different cuts available. That said; if the cut isn't optimal at medium or below, then it needs to be braised or barbequed to tenderness (or ground for other uses).

It's not elitism to favor meat that isn't dry, tough, and/or with less flavor.

>> No.5793480

Yes, objectively.

I'm sorry you're defensive about your shit cooking.

>> No.5793564



>> No.5793588

I prefer it the way you described, but that doesn't mean everyone does.

>tfw /ck/ is so filled with shitposters

>> No.5793600

Next you're going to say that fat and sugar aren't biologically hard-wired into the human brain for food quality. It is objective.

>> No.5793601

you don't know what the word objectively means then.

>> No.5793740

Grate potatoes.
Put them in paper towels and wring the water out of the fuckers.
Parcook them in the microwave or oven or whatever.
Add them to hot oil.
Leave them the fuck along for about 10ish minutes depending on heat.
Cook for about the same amount of time on the other side.

There, hashbrowns.