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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5786053 No.5786053 [Reply] [Original]

Got a vegan relative coming

What can I cook them that isn't just rice and beans?

>> No.5786054


>> No.5786063

>Cook a hamburger
>tell him it's a veggieburger
>tell him the truth after he eats it
>kek heartily

>> No.5786064

Some vegetables.

>> No.5786069

A lot of asian food qualifies without using substitutions or omissions.


18 years vegetarian here. fuck vegans, srsly.

>> No.5786074

>implying one cannot tell the difference

>> No.5786082

C'mon dude,

I might not agree but I'm not going to be a dick about it.

I take pride in cooking good food for people and I want to dish up something nice (Hence the thread)

>> No.5786085

Don't cook anything for them.

>> No.5786091

Ask them. Cook them rice and beans the first night.

>> No.5786096

Fine, make veggie fried rice and lo mein.

>> No.5786116

Just out of interest why don't you like vegans if you're vegetarian? Surely you've all got the same motivation?

>> No.5786119

well OP, you SHOULD at least definitely include rice and beans. I'm vegan and I love that.

>> No.5786137

Chickpeas, taters, and lentils.

>> No.5786140

That just seems like a lazy and boring meal. How do you make it interesting? What are the best bean and spices combo?

Also what else do you like to eat? They're here a week and I want to give them some variety

>> No.5786153

Use a sofrito to bring it to nirvana levels.

>> No.5786172
File: 44 KB, 837x417, 345235342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posten my recipe:
you can go to wholefoods and get a bunch of different organic dried beans and lentils of different colors and shapes and sizes!

or you can just get the cheapest stuff you can possibly find, its your choice.

I take any of my beans and lentils and soak them overnight.

I dump out the water and rinse them off.
in the pot:
>olive oil
>little pieces!
>a little sea salt (or pink himalayan salt?)
>little splash rice vinegar
sautee that up a bit. but add NO MORE SALT till the end! you don't want firm beans!
add your beans and lentils and fill the thing up with water a whole bunch until they are deep.
>bring to boil, then lower to low-medium (simmering) for 2 hours.
>somewhere in that area, add a few dashes of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, oregano, basil, turmeric, curry, masala, etc. and another small splash of rice vinegar. squeeze of lemon and lime on top after, whatever bro.
>imporant and OCD autism to make one half of the bowl you serve rice, and the other half the beans, like a black and white cookie. day and night.
>at the end, try to boil it some more until you reduce it down and thicken it.
>when the goop on top gets wrinkly, its done.
>make a ton of it
>store in fridge
>lunch every day!

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5786217

I'll give it a go, thanks!

Any particular type of bean/lentil you suggest?

>> No.5786223

why don't you ask your relative. maybe you'll learn something new.

some suggestions though:
gnocci with pesto and some kind of side
soup and salad (hundreds of vegan soups out there, black bean is a favorite of mine)
bean burritos with rice and guac and pickle de goyo
stir fry with vegetables and pasta

>> No.5786226

salt doesn't make the beans hard, anon. that's a myth

>> No.5786247

Smug self-delusion and proselytizing bullshit. Vegans are out of touch and give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.5786283

Lacto ovo vegetarians are weak willed and morally inconsistent. Come at me lo scum

>> No.5786309

And the dairy industry feeds into veal production. If veggies really cared about animals they'd stop eating so much fucking cheese

>> No.5786348

black beans, but I like to get ALL the beans and lentils of all different kinds and make them all together.

its only a myth to idiots who have never tried to make beans before.

I added a decent amount of salt to beans before cooking them and they were still hard after 4 hours of cooking them. I always add salt at the end now.

>> No.5786354

THIS, used to be vegetarian and went vegan soon after.

>> No.5786356

then they get all defensive and refuse to watch all the videos that show animals getting abused, and the bees too.

>> No.5786369

adds to the proof of other persons' point

also, I was a vegetarian for a while, never because of "dawww poor aminals"

>> No.5786394

are you kidding me jackass?!

that was one of the first reasons I went vegetarian, but I was clueless and uninformed thinking that not eating any meat was fine, but drinking milk was okay.

I thought that cows just squirted milk out of their tits all day long for no reason but then I found out that they a are force rape preggered constantly so they keep giving milk and their babies are killed to make veal, stopped drinking milk right away when I learned that.

>> No.5786397

Fair enough, I'd be the first to admit I'm a bit dickish about it. I'm just passionate and while I'd never object to someone cooking animal products in my house or eating them in front of me it frustrates me to see people causing so much cruelty

>> No.5786398

replaced all my cow milk intake with
>almond milk
>soy milk (always organic though for many reasons)
>hemp milk
>cashew milk
>oat milk
>rice milk
>other nut milks
>coconut milk

and basically any edible plant milk I could eat.

>> No.5786417

I've always loved plant milk, even when I was omni.

I drink soya because it's the cheapest but almond milk is often on offer and I love that when I can get it cheaply. It's so creamy and great on cereal

Plus it's nice drinking something that isn't full of antibiotics, hormones and potentially pus

>> No.5786428

fuck off you stupid shit
no one gives a shit about your cause here

>> No.5786479


>accuses me of something
>prove them wrong and call them a jackass for being a jackass and making a stupid assumption about me
>gets mad

that's what they all do anon, instead of realizing they're being immature and stupid they just get mad and cover their ears and scream "la la la"

enjoy being a mindless brainwashed fluoridated tapwater sheep but don't come crying to me about any of your problems, and don't expect me to ever take you seriously.

>> No.5786489

Why should he? Does hearing the truth about your diet make you uncomfortable?

>> No.5786491

agreed *bro fist*

>> No.5786509

Just give them a lecture on the error of their ways.

>> No.5786512

what were you accused of that you proved wrong, you stupid fuck?
>proselytizing bullshit
>out of touch
>give most other vegetarians a bad name
> smug
while what was said wasn't definitive proof of all that, it added to several of those accusations, and nothing said there after disproved any of it
and before figuring out what I meant, you just assumed I meant something (which I am still not entirely sure what) and decided to get assblasted about it and call me a jackass
so fuck off you prissy cunt


>> No.5786548

you called me and the other vegan in the thread a bunch of names because you are severely devastated about your accusation that vegans didn't know what they are doing, we proved you wrong but showing you that we had better morals and make better choices than you and all you can do is stomp your feet and cuss like an immature brat. you got issues m8.

don't get assblasted that you took a risk and called us out and instead got shamed and embarrassed over how much you thought- but didn't actually know.

so you can stand up and say "I learned something" or you can keep being a sore loser, its up to you.

>> No.5786556

You have to be yet another troll
no person is this retarded, vegan or not

>> No.5786562

>they don't agree with me so they must be a troll.

nice logic but no, I'm vegan and I get bothered by trolls on /ck/ all the time.

>> No.5786571


>> No.5786599

I literally always add salt to the soaking water and the cooking water and have no problem. Do some research. The truth is out there

>> No.5786635

I'm sure you do, because most of the vegan stuff on /ck/ is absolute shit. And there are a lot of assholes on /ck/.

It has nothing to do with them disagreeing.
It has to do with them not understanding anything that was said, being the first to namefling, getting butthurt about it when done back, and just going on acting as though they won something.
That's just pants on head fucktarded or pure troll.

>> No.5786640
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>kills and enslaves animals
>calls other people dicks for pointing out his bad behavior
yeah, you're right guys. vegans should be more accommodating of holocaust

>> No.5786774

warning: this troll is trying to ruin your beans, don't listen to them.

>> No.5786775

I'm going to stop feeding this troll now, I see I was misled.

>> No.5786778


This guy has some pretty awesome looking vegan recipes. I'm a meat eater myself, but I'd eat the shit out of his food.


>> No.5786960

chickpea curry with rice is really easy and simple. Throw the dry chickpeas, curry sauce, and chopped veggies in the crock pot in the morning, have dinner by night. Serve over rice.

>> No.5787165

Call him up and ask him what he likes

>> No.5787403

naw, nigga. i make the best beans in town. you don't even know

>> No.5787412

It actually seems you are the one that doesn't even know.

>> No.5787455

Are you trying to make me upset, anon? Salt doesn't inhibit the cooking process. It's a fact. Try it for yourself

>> No.5787456

pork create a whole meal where the only ingredient is pork

>> No.5787705


>I post on a cooking board and I literally can not think of a meal that doesn't have animal in it

this is the /ck/ you have made, anons

>> No.5787718
File: 61 KB, 543x546, 1403847863528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit there are not this many vegans on 4chan, stop spamming this shit.

Vegan threads should be fucking banned. You wouldn't go to /v/ and make a thread about how you never play Sega consoles. You wouldn't go to /a/ and make a thread about how you only read manga.

>> No.5787870

>You wouldn't go to /v/ and make a thread about how you never play Sega consoles. You wouldn't go to /a/ and make a thread about how you only read manga.
Vegans would.

>> No.5788441
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1277317024836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You wouldn't go to /v/ and make a thread about how you never play Sega consoles

I take it you've never been to /v/

>> No.5788455

I'm so glad the mods are still pushing their vegan propaganda on /ck/ and if you disagree, you get banned.

>> No.5788458


What vegan propaganda? Being able to have a thread where the concept of veganism is mentioned? Why does that bother you so much?

>> No.5788471

A guy was just banned for disagreeing with a vegan.

>> No.5788473


What was the context? You can be banned for just being an asshole on most boards, the person you're being an asshole to is inconsequential

>> No.5788496

no, just warned. a thread like this should be able to exist without becoming a shit flinging contest. That anon was being a cunt.

>> No.5788513
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>Ctrl+F Gazpacho
>No results found