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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5786817 No.5786817 [Reply] [Original]

How does dog taste

>> No.5786819

With its tongue, just like we do.

>> No.5786818

like friendship

>> No.5786822

Ate quite a few, they have no particular taste.
Their meat is very lean, the muscle fibers falls apart really easily after stewing. But individual muscle fibers are kind of tough.

It's like lean beef basically.

>> No.5786824



>> No.5786825

this. a cooked dog tastes like friendship for a day, or two if you reheat the leftovers.

a living dog is friendship for years and years.

why would you hurt your dog?

>> No.5786826

Similar to goat in taste and texture.

>> No.5786830

Reminds me of an old Bobby Weir joke.

>My dog has no nose.
>How does he smell?
>Blooming awful.

>> No.5787538
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You got me curious, I never had dog haven't had cat either and I'm not a moralfag so I don't really care what anyone thinks. Might be illegal in the states, probably is. I shall make a trip over seas one day and try it. Can someone suggest a country that cooks dog very well?

>> No.5787550

Check around would of /an/'s BAWWW treads.

>> No.5787583

This thread made me curious, does that make me a bad person?

>> No.5787586

>a bad person
Who gives a fuck, morals differ from person to person anyway nothing is written in stone. You want to eat fried dog legs? Go for it, just try not to get arrested.

>> No.5787598

Why do I get this feeling you are a teenager?

>> No.5787601

If you eat meat you're already a bad person

>> No.5787603

26 year old actually, I just stopped caring one day. Haven't had the desire to revert back since than.

>> No.5787615


If you're you, you're a faggot.

>> No.5787617

Sorry, the way you spoke made you sound a bit childish, as long as you morals don't go below 'you don't mess with me, I don't mess with you' then your cool.

>> No.5787620
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>> No.5787624

Dogs taste meat and kibble usually, but their owners sometime give them scraps from their table.

>> No.5787627

The moral basis of all things is the golden rule. Follow that and ye shall do good. I would not want doge to eat me

>> No.5787630

They can though if their hungry and your the only thing around.

>> No.5787641
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I hear it has a ruff texture

>> No.5787647

"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

That would work well in a perfect world but really your just going to be taking advantaged of considering you'd have a rough (ruff) time finding someone who would follow it too.

>> No.5787651
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>> No.5787652

You miss point of basic moral lesson. Doge is disappoint

>> No.5787753
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This begs the question do different dogs have different flavors? Like the Shiba Inus for example, what it tastes like.

>> No.5787759

My cousin ate dog in Fiji and she told me it wasn't very good, kind of chewy and not very flavourful. I imagine it would vary depending on where you eat it, though.

>> No.5787792
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pretty plain imo. You mostly taste the sauce or the brioche they try to pass as bread.

>> No.5787810

I mean, occasionally they do. I'm not a fedora tipper, but my morals are pretty fucking low, and I'm a hypocrite!

>> No.5787816

I'd like to know that myself. Since not all poultry is the same taste, I'd imagine canines would taste different among breeds and the like.

>fedora tipper
Those are white knights, coming along to help SJWs and the like.

>> No.5787842
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> be me
> be coyote hunter
> sell dat hide for years
> wtf lets stew some leg
> hours
> tuff grisley like mediocre jerky
> won't do that again
> racoon is better
Pic: they preferred dog over salmon

>> No.5787912

She is not very pretty but I would still hungrily tongue her butthole

>> No.5787960
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