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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5782827 No.5782827 [Reply] [Original]

sometimes, when no one's around, I'll just eat sugar with a spoon.

do you guys have ghetto eating habits?

>> No.5782837

My sister used to eat butter by the stick and consume pig ears (the kind you buy for dogs).

>> No.5782848

I don't even like milk, but I'll open it up when my roommate gets a jug and drink the first bit straight out of it.
Sometimes lunch is a jar of green olives or a jar of pickles. I sip the juice the rest of the day.

Is that ghetto?

>> No.5782851

Me and my weeb friend tried eating a whole lemon, peel and all. I hated it, but he actually liked it. Said he's eat it when he wanted something more sour than a pickle.

>> No.5782852

I eat sugar with a spoon on a regular basis. When I order a coffee, I don't sugar it because I don't like sugared coffee but I save the sugar cube to eat it later.
I'm lucky I can't gain weigh because I would become a landwhale pretty quickly.

>> No.5782855

When I make cookies or other things that require blending sugar with butter, I fucking love the taste of that butter-sugar mixture so much. It's not like I eat it often, but when I'm baking something like that I can't resist having a spoonful or two.

>> No.5782859

>tfw I was surprised that lemons can be peeled and separated into wedges even though it's obvious

my classmate used to eat lemons as a snack, said he could feel his teeth degrading

>> No.5782863

Cake mixture, sugar and nutella with a spoon.
I was once in a hurry to make breakfast and couldn't wait for toast, so I put nutella on bread and microwaved it.

>> No.5782866

>nutella on bread and microwaved it.
oh I'm kekking

>> No.5782920

It was delicious. In fact, while I was travelling in Italy I bought a pack of 10 brioche and a 400g jar of nutella, took all my clothes off and ate one with the other in my hostel room. I did this on three occasions.

>> No.5782932

There's something fun about eating naked in a hotel. It's like, if I get messy, I can just have all the hot water showers I want. If the bedding gets messy, some non-english speaker will get it for me while I'm out.

>> No.5782940

>Microwave eggs sometimes
>Just run the hot water for a bit and use that to cook ramen noodles
>Cheese on plain tortilla chips, microwave until melted
>Garlic spice, cheese, white bread, microwaved until melted

I only do these when in a hurry or tired though

>> No.5782945

My friends fat sister would eat raw bacon straight out of the package.

>> No.5782947

I used to microwave mozarella onto tomato and put it on toast that had salami on top of it while toasting.

honestly it was pretty good and I might eat that tonight

>> No.5782952

When I was a kid I would eat straight butter. I would also eat spanish olives by the jar.

>> No.5782955

>have inept person i am dating
>we're both 16
>she has to take care of her literal retarded brother
>she's vegetarian
>has never cooked bacon
>he wants fucking bacon
>she puts the whole thing of it in the microwave, plastic packaging and all
>it catches fire

>> No.5782965

>Dating girl
>She seems normal enough
>Watch her eat a kiwi with the skin on like an apple
>She ate tomatoes like apples too.
Truly horrifying.

>> No.5782967

probly not ghetto but w/e

i like to take swigs of worcestershire sauce.

i like to eat sliced turkey lunchmeat plain.


love pickle juice. once i finish a jar of pickles, i strain the juice thruogh a coffee filter and drink it.

>> No.5782984
File: 41 KB, 1000x326, prophet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Watch her eat a kiwi with the skin on like an apple

there is nothing wrong with this

>> No.5783013
File: 178 KB, 625x352, liver-pate-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to get a packet of pate and just eat it all up with a spoon.
And mayonaise on everything, chips, rice, pasta, potatoes

>> No.5783026
File: 4 KB, 126x121, tom hanks staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And mayonaise on everything, chips, rice, pasta, potatoes

>> No.5783029

Instead of baking the cake/cupcakes I just eat the powder (box shit) with a spoon instead.

>> No.5783036

I actually laughed at that comic.

>be me
>be with ex
>go out to Korean smoothie place
>they make smoothies with frozen fruit, water and sugar syrup; that's it
>ex orders kiwi smoothie
>i forgot what i ordered
>ex says 'you know Anon, i love kiwi except for that itchy feeling you get in your throat and that numbness on your lips and gums when you eat them'
>'wat? itchy? numbness? i think you're allergic.'
>'no! that's silly.'
>continues drinking kiwi smoothie
>stops because it got 'too uncomfortable'
>'seriously, you're allergic.'
>tfw bitch had a mild allergy to kiwi but didn't admit it
>until cumdumpster tried a papaya smoothie from the same place and winds up in the ER with severe allergy
>turns out papaya and kiwi have the same compound to which ex was allergic but in different concentrations

>> No.5783047

I eat ur mums ghetto pussy.

>> No.5783052

Peanut Butter. I don't really buy it because it's too tempting to eat from the jar with a spoon.

>> No.5783067

I do that with jello mix and greek yogurt

One of my co-workers bough a gigantic container of peanut butter and it sits in the backroom, the thing is probably bigger than my head. I always get tempted to grab a spoon and eat a scoop but it feels like it'd be a waste of a plastic spoon and I don't want anyone walking in on me eating spoonfuls of peanut butter

>> No.5783164

I add orange/lemon squash to my tea when theres no milk available
>actually very nice

when I have no meat or cheese or whatever, I will often squirt some bbq or sweet chili sauce onto a flour wrap and just eat that
>can never have just one though

>> No.5783177

I don't see a problem with either of those things

>> No.5783203
File: 104 KB, 800x493, 800px-2006-sardines-can-open-top_mil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat plain sardines straight out of their cans.

I have made tacos filled only with canned tuna, mayonnaise, cheddar, and salsa.

>> No.5783230

>plain sardines straight out of the can
fuck yeah
i do this when i'm running late, drop a tin of season sardines and a fork in my pocket and eat them once i've gotten to work and have a couple of minutes of downtime

and when nobody else is around

>> No.5783322

Idk if this is weird but every morning/night before I brush my teeth for the day/night I eat a few scoops of peanut butter

just is a nice snack and lotsa protein I guess. shits good

>> No.5783338

I very often eat uncooked ravioli the kind you get from trader joes in the semi-cold open refrigerator thing

>> No.5783368

I use a spoon to drink diet cranberry juice.

>> No.5783392

I like to eat tubs of chocolate frosting with a spoon.

>> No.5783666

I'm mexican and I love pig ears, I wouldn't share with doge

>> No.5783687

I eat chicken neck and wings with the bone i like the crunchy feel and taste

>> No.5783827

Kek. Somebody post the spicy banana picture

>> No.5783875

I'd used to walk to the supermarket, buy a pack of deli meat and eat it like a bag of chips on my lunch break at high school

>> No.5783910


I did that too, but with dill pickles

>> No.5783923

Raw chocolate milk powder has no right to be as tasty as it is.

>> No.5783941

I have to eat an apple like a tard (or cut it up) because my front teeth are all weird.
I think I might need to buy a knife.

>> No.5783944

I once ate a cold can of Spam with dill pickle juice mixed in. It was awful and I hated it, but I ate the whole damn thing because it was all I had.