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5781819 No.5781819 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand the appeal of alcohol.

I'm 22, and like most Americans I've been exposed to alcohol since like age 16.

But I've never enjoyed it. I don't find being drunk fun, even around friends, but at least I can understand why other people do.

The thing that baffles me is casual drinking. Having a beer during a sports game, or a margarita at a Mexican restaurant, or sipping Whiskey at home. I just don't get it one bit.

Every form of alcohol I've ever tried has tasted terrible. I've had liqueurs, every type of beer under the sun, mixed drinks, etc, and the best I can say is that some of them were okay. Most of them were awful. And it can't be an acquired taste, because when I was in college I was drinking heavily basically every single day.

Is there like an alcohol gene that maybe I didn't get? Humanity's been drinking for longer than recorded history, and I feel left out.

>> No.5781824

At 22, you're still a child.
Having said that, be glad you don't like it. I could probably buy a pretty nice house on all the money I've pissed away on booze.

>> No.5781940

Either you have s shit palette or you haven't actually had good liqueur and every beer under the sun. Possibly both.

Also, some people are just picky or for whatever can't enjoy or like certain things no matter what.

>> No.5781965

Be grateful. It's a huge waste of money and heavy drinkers ALWAYS end up overweight by their mid twenties.

>> No.5782190

For me it started out as a social crutch and then I became physically dependent on it. And somewhere along the way I learned to actually appreciate the taste.

>> No.5782215

I fucking hate alcohol. It tastes disgusting and it's bad for you. Only underclass plebeians drink it.

>> No.5782291

What I don't understand is reactions like this.

"If you don't like [thing] you either have shit taste or haven't tried it", as if [thing] is objectively good and there is no possibility of disliking it.

>> No.5782303

Do you drink coffee or tea? Did you always used to drink it plain? Or did you used to add milk and sugar?

It's an acquired taste just like that. Beer is not meant to be sweet like soda, it's bitter like coffee or tea.

Start with macrobrews like Miller or Budweiser, once you can start to understand what beer tastes like, try other, less watery beers.

Liquor might be easier. Try mixed drinks like gin and tonics, manhattans, old fashioneds. Try to avoid the ones that are just sugar bombs (soda, juices and liqueurs).

>> No.5782304

I remember beer not tasting great/refreshing when I was 16, it just tasted bitter.

I'm turning 23 in november and now beer is delicious to me, a cool glass is as refreshing as water and I am not lying when I state that it tastes good.

I used to drink cider a lot when I was 16 too (hard cider for you clapburgers) but now it tastes far too sweet for me and I don't really enjoy it, so things definitely change as you grow older, and clearly it is different for everyone.

Whiskey/vodka are a different matter, I don't understand how anyone can drink that and enjoy it, it makes my throat burn.

>> No.5782312

Keep in mind that alcohol is such a broad and varied selection of drinks that saying you don't like all alcohol is a hard notion to believe.

As far as casual drinking goes, many people enjoy a nice soft buzz in addition to the taste. Sure binge drinking has its time and place, but a lot of (non college-aged) people can't afford the repercussions associated with getting smashed.

>> No.5782315


Gin and Tonic is a sugar bomb.

>> No.5782318

>makes my throat burn

Most whiskey, apart from scotch single malts and good rye whiskey, has been altered over the years to basically have no burn to it. That burn also helps keep the finish lingering.

There's a saying something along the lines of a good whiskey will have a burn to it and it will politely tell you that you've had enough when you can no longer feel the burn.

>> No.5782323


Well I wish I enjoyed the burn, and part of me wishes that it will come in time just like beer has, but It still tastes as bad as it did the first time I tried whiskey.

>> No.5782326

Well yeah, but the quinine balances out the sweetness.

>> No.5782331

That feels backwards to me. Good whisky might have a tingle, but it won't "burn" and it isn't hard to drink. Shitty shit is what burns.

Anyway, I don't like any drinks where the alcohol is very prominent. Red wine, dark beer, and smokey whisky are what I like, because they taste good in of themselves and the alcohol doesn't stand out unpleasantly.

>> No.5782332

What kind of whiskey did you try?

My suggestion would be to work on Canadian whisky first, as it's one of the more gentler whiskys. Then maybe try some Speyside scotch whisky (The Glenlivet 12 is a good option). Try some bourbon after that.

Oh, I guess Irish whiskey is actually the gentlest. As a long time scotch and rye drinker, it tastes more like water than light beer does.

>> No.5782337


Used to drink it occasionally, but then I tried getting really drunk on it, had a blackout, vomited and the whole thing. Nowadays I can barely stand the smell of hard liquor.

>> No.5782347

Obviously not a burn on the level of straight Everclear. And of course it's different for certain kinds of whiskeys.

But for example, drinking a good 100 proof rye whiskey neat at room temperature should provide _quite_ the tingling sensation, especially with the finish. On the other hand, a decent Canadian whisky will likely produce hardly more than a tingle.

>> No.5782353


Just shitty ones like Bells and jack daniels, and captain morgan rum, so pleb stuff really.

I don't drink that much because I tend to repeatedly buy more beer so I never run out and its better to just not start, I drink to sate the anxiety within me, hurr.

>> No.5782360

Some like it, some don't. I see zero problem with this. Especially if you have a strong sense of taste/can't tolerate bitter foods.

>> No.5782363

I don't like beer either, but I love an occasional scotch. Partly it's aquired taste, partly it's just that taste varies from person to person. Some people will tell you that hummer is the best thing on earth while others will despise it. It's no different with alcoholic drinks.

But no matter what you like, the important thing is that you stand by your tastes. Don't be condesending about and keep drinking what you like, and others will respect you for it (they might not act like they do, but just ask them when they are completely drunk ;)

>> No.5782368

I know a lot of people who say Jack Daniels is great, but to me it just tastes like water. Is that just my taste?

>> No.5782382

Jack Daniels is shit, it's not even bourbon. People largely continue to drink Jack so they can be seen drinking it or say that they drink it. It's an image thing. There are cheaper bourbons that are better.

I've been noticing the same thing with Crown Royal. In my book, Canadian Club is a better whisky. But Crown has the image.

>> No.5782393

Beer, wine (minus fruit) and spirits make me gag, but the very first coffee I had and continued to drink after my first was just good quality plain black coffee. I like dark chocolate and bitter tastes, but alcohol just has a disgusting aftertaste, even in alcopops which are made to hide the taste.

>> No.5782399


It just gave me the burning throat and a nasty taste in my mouth, I wouldn't be able to tell a real difference between two whiskeys accurately because the burning raw alcohol taste is too overpowering, compared to a beer where there are tastes that i can identify and compare accurately

>> No.5782416

I partially agree, OP. I've spent too many nights passed out next to the toilet to enjoy actually being drunk anymore. But drinking a few screwdrivers when I first wake up and going to the pool with my girl? There's no better feeling in the world. Except nearly every other drug. But booze is legal.

I should note, however, that I'm native American and half of my family is dead from alcoholism.

>> No.5782424

My alcoholism therapist tells me that we acquire a taste for alcohol because of the conditioning that comes with being drunk. It always tastes horrible, but eventually you learn to like the taste.

>> No.5782467
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That's complete and utter bullshit. There's no doubt a positive reinforcement of being drunk, and likewise if you get overly intoxicated and physically ill on one type of liquor you may not be able to get past the memory of the smell and correlating it with puking.

However it's like saying:

>no one actually likes the taste of coffee or tea, their brain just likes the caffeine
>no one actually likes the taste of spicy food, just the cardiovascular effects of capsicum
>no one actually likes anything ever because it boils down to how a certain thing affects production of certain chemicals in the brain.

>> No.5782475


>it boils down to how a certain thing affects production of certain chemicals in the brain

well... yeah.

>> No.5782516

Apparently I prefer tacos to Chinese food because of my body's need for certain Mexican chemicals.
There's a point where that theory begins to sound silly you know?

>> No.5782570


yeah when you make it sound silly.

>Mexican chemicals

yeah. no.

we're talking about alcohol anyway, and acquired taste by association with a pleasurable non-taste sensation IS an actual thing.

>> No.5782633

Tastes like shit to me. I just drink large gulps straight from the glass to get over it, barely any taste straight to the buzz

>> No.5782713

The worst kind of person right here.

>> No.5782715


yeah ok what even is genocide right?

>> No.5782720
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>> No.5782741


but then you would be in your house, sober and bored to the core of your soul. houses ain't shit.

>> No.5782781

Not just houses, but cars.I could've had about 2 paid off BMWs by now if i didn't spend on booze over the past 10 years or so. If i could go back in time to change things..I'd still spend it on alcohol.

>> No.5782788

I've always hated coffee. I drink green tea on occasion, but hate black. I can't stand it without sugar.

As I said, I've tried many different varieties of beer, those included, I drank on daily basis during college (entirely the big brands like Budweiser). Since then I've also tried many different varieties to see if any come to taste.

Actually I would believe that. I've never enjoyed being drunk, so maybe I never had that peer pressure to conform to.

>> No.5782801

The you must seek out and find those peers to pressure you.

>> No.5782803

Do you happen to like fast food, frozen food, or microwaveable food? Normal big name sodas? Stuff like that?

>> No.5782808

Yeah, sure. Just had chipotle and a huge coke.

>> No.5782813


no point in houses or cars when you can't even be happy. booze works a little better than nice things to mask the depression.

>> No.5782822

Well I don't mean to be pretentious or seem like a dick, but you just have a shitty palate/taste in food and drink. It is not necessarily a bad thing, most people do.

>> No.5782825

Yet most people drink. So I question the assessment.

>> No.5782868

I've tasted wine sice I was 8 and began to drink on a regular basis when I was 17.
I can assure you lots of alcohols taste great.
Wine is an obvious example but beer is good too (not sure how it is in america though). Beer's just on the bitter side It worked for me since I already enjoyed tonic.

You will note that most strong alcohols are not very intresting. Vodka don't taste anything, whyskey taste like puke. I like rhum however.

Now on the social side of alcohol, yes it stinks. I tend to become quite happy when I've drink a little but most of my friends will just become depressed after two glasses.

>> No.5782896

Does feeling happier when you drink make you more or less depressed as a person than the people that actually get depressed and sad when they drink?

>> No.5782908

Ultimately it makes me a little angry, not depressed.
It's cool though they can take one glass and I'll take two or three. More than that is not worth it unles it's god tier wine or something similar.

>> No.5782916

Say you finished up your booze and you're drunk, then you eat the meal you made beforehand so you don't drunk burn your house down.
Would that food going into you sober you up faster?

Also should you eat before you drink?

I'm just wondering how alcohol is affected by food inside you.

>> No.5782924

I didn't mean it as a personal question , just in general. Because I'm a happy camper once I start catching a buzz.

>> No.5782926

If you know you're going to drink you should eat before or while drinking.
Drinking strong alcohols with an empty stomach will make your head spin quickly.
Also drink (not alcoholic stuff) a lot. It prevents the deshydratation effect from the hangover (not the headache though).

>> No.5782931

Protein slows the absorption of alcohol.

>> No.5782934

Well what you become while you drink is always personal.

>> No.5782968

Turing consumption into an art deserving of appreciation and discussion is purely a bourgeoisie phenomenon for gentlemen of leisure, less refined and moneyed peasants such as myself thus see alcohol as flights of fancy from our unpleasant lives rather than egotistical bouts, but rest assured I have found a slight respite today from putting down your blatant classlessness and inferiority

You'll never be an aristocrat, you'll never read all those books like you planned too. Your discussions will be poor ones about "craftsmen" beers you shelled out too much money on too appear fancy, because you have much more money than taste

Eat shit

>> No.5782971

i drink cheap canadian whiskey every day ($6.99 for a fifth). It tastes better the more you drink it. Soon you will start to crave it and that light burn will make you feel good inside

>tfw winter is coming soon
>tfw my winter jacket has a perfect pocket to fit my flask
>tfw taking a sip of whiskey in below-freezing temperatues

>> No.5782974
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B...but if I eat food first the whiskey gets absorbed slower.

Plus it's always better to drink a couple glasses of whiskey then prepare a meal while tipsy (of course having the third glass while cooking).

But yes, drink plenty of water and you will feel fine more or less the next day.

>> No.5782994

i didn't care for beer until my mid 20s. i realized how much there was out there, all the work that went into it, all the different types.. that was fascinating to me, so i started trying a bunch of shit. that got me used to the taste.

now, i do a lot of physical work outside, and shit isn't always great.. so getting off work and having a couple of really cold beers with friends and co-workers is a fine way to unwind.

i still don't really like the taste of most mixed drinks and liquors, but i volunteered to do jell-o shots for a party and it sort of became my thing, so most non-beer alcohol that i consume is in the form of pudding or gelatin.

i do genuinely love a good margarita, though. there's a place here that does fresh squeezed lime juice, lots of salt.. it's so tart and delicious and just great with tex-mex or tacos.

>> No.5782997

I don't understand the appeal of pickles.

I'm 30, and like most Americans I've been exposed to pickles since like age 2.

>other people like things that I don't
>and it fucks with my autism

>> No.5783001
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>> No.5783002

>posting about how he doesnt like alchohol on al/ck/

Are you trying to rub it in? you aren't missing out you faggot. There are a large amount of us who would love to hate alcohol

>> No.5783010
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Fucking hell. This is true.

>18 years old, at the peak of fitness, could not possibly be anymore ripped to shreds. Strong as an ox and was in such good shape I even turned myself on looking in the mirror.

>Almost 25 now, all that muscle is dropping fat, 250 pounds, beer gut that stretches as far out as my toes, 15 situps makes me sweat profusely and I ache for days after.

>tfw used to do 100 situps a day ;_;

>> No.5783025

>he thinks alcohol is about the drink itself

>>>/sociology 101/

>> No.5783037

Nigga, I know some guys who will become suicidal level of depressive after two glasses but will still trink with if I bring a god tier wine.

>> No.5783057


For me it is, I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or a pint of beer during the summer in a beer garden.

I'm 22 now and I used to get absolutely wankered every weekend without fail from the age of 18 like all britbongs, but I made it my new year resolution to stop drinking a lot as I started to feel like an old man with no energy or life in me when sober.

Best decision I ever made, I steel get a massive hankering for a beer all the time but I know I'm saving a fuck ton of money and when I don't have a pint I can enjoy top quality stuff rather than necking down Stella.

>> No.5783074

Yes, how dare I enjoy nice things. Really, nobody should enjoy anything ever. We should all just eat and drink only to sustain ourselves and nothing else. Even a little bit of excess is bad .Shame on me for liking delicious things.

>> No.5783080
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>Not drinking M/D 2020
Plebs these days.

>> No.5783089

>I don't understand the appeal of alcohol.

It dulls the pain of knowing you've failed at life.

>> No.5783105
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>states his favourite alcohol is the best one
>it's artificially flavoured wine
>not glorious pic related
pig disgusting

>> No.5783113

>not drinking 2005 or 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape

>not drinking 2007 Chianti Classico

>not drinking 2000 sauternes straight out of the bottle

>> No.5783118
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#1 drunk out there, tastes like rubbing alcohol though

>> No.5783119

You attacked me - pointlessly - for having a different view. Your the ass hole that shits on people for no reason, I don't care if you fuck dogs

>> No.5783120

You can name any whine in the world for me chateau grillet is the best I ever drank.
I'll agree I'm pretty fond of sauternes.

I like theses liqouory wines too much damnit

>> No.5783136

No, it's alright, I understand. I remember back in High Schoo, drinking coors light, bacardi, and svedka illegally at campfires. Who cares if it taste good, I just want to get drunk!

Good times Though not really.

>> No.5783138

Ever try Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill? Really good stuff.

>> No.5783140

Nope, can I find that in france?

>> No.5783149

Maybe online somewhere. it runs about $300 a bottle though.

>> No.5783150

fuck off faggot, I put my fist through your face just for being annoying on the internet. Shove your shitty jokes up your ass

>> No.5783152
