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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5782055 No.5782055 [Reply] [Original]

>microwaving your food changes the molecular structure and makes it unhealthy

What are some other stupid fucking food myths you've heard your friends say /ck/?

>> No.5782059

>microwaving your food doesn't change the molecular structure and makes it unhealthy

>> No.5782064

>I'm gluten free
>no it's isn't just a fad diet

>> No.5782072

Are you gonna tell me next that pan frying your broccoli in olive oil is a healthier option?

>> No.5782083


Not that guy, but it could be healthier depending on your nutritional needs. Maybe you need more calories or the fats that are in olive oil.

>> No.5782086
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Not a friend, but on the joe rogan podcast he said that people who aren't gluten free just don't realize that they feel shitty because their used to it.

>> No.5782087

>milk makes yer bones strong
>i don't need to get sun, i'll just drink milk

>> No.5782091

Some people actually have a gluten intolerance, or worse Celiac.

>> No.5782097

like 0.1 percent of the population

>> No.5782098

>Some people actually have a gluten intolerance
>some people
I agree

>> No.5782111

Joe rogan is an assclown.
That retarded conspiracy shit ruins his whole show.

>> No.5782154

>five second rule

>> No.5782165
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don't fall for it. microwaves turn your food into tasteless rubber trash, no point in using them, no skilled chef full of pride would ever accept standards below the quality of a stove and oven to cook and even consider reheating things properly.

>> No.5782168

that conspiracy stuff he does pisses off sheep like you because reality hurts too much. at least others like me learn to say "yea it sucks, and I KNOW it sucks" and joe rogan says some cool things about that, so don't even try to sound cool by dissing him.

sad how people never take into account vitamin D or magnesium, boron, etc. etc. and they never seem to talk to a nutritionist and their doctor either.

>> No.5782170

Supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Don't swim after eating or you'll get a muscle cramp and drown.

Not a terribly stupid one, but: nectarines are a cross between a peach and a plum. (It's just a peach with a mutation that makes the fruit fuzzless).

>> No.5782175
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>You're supposed to cook pork chops well done, or else you'll get sick!

>> No.5782197

so what your saying is
>eating a part of an animal that lives in holocaust horror movie level conditions without cooking it completely wont give people horrific bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections?

I don't think I would consider eating it even if it was cooked all the way. don't be retarded. cook your food well.

>> No.5782210

Taenia solis

>> No.5782221

I like plumtarines.

>> No.5782231


Not OP, but he mentioned that it makes food UNHEALTHY. It doesn't. It heats the water in the food, that's literally all it does. Don't believe me? Microwave a cracker for 3 mins.

I'll wait.
Can you hold it right away? Of course you can. Now fuck off.

>> No.5782253
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>Can you hold it right away?

but anon, i don't have hands

>> No.5782261
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fug :DDD

>> No.5782286

If I'm not supposed to reheat my food in the microwave, then where do I reheat it? Should I spend the half hour or so reheating in the oven? I would rather not dirty another pan pan-frying if I'm just trying to have a quick leftover lunch.

Plz halp

>> No.5782294


Just use a microwave. It doesn't make it taste like it did the day before, but nutritionally it's a sound practice.

>> No.5782307

Thank you, Anonymoose god. I was worried for a brief second that I have death cancer disease because I reheat my leftovers in a microwave.

>> No.5782314

all this pro-microwave propaganda.

its a shit method to cook or reheat food, people who use the microwave are lazy and can't handle using the stove or oven for a minute longer for vastly better tasting food.

>> No.5782330

inb4 some parrot calls a microwave a 'unitasker'

>> No.5782342

My oven is located four floors above where my residence is. It takes approximately fifteen minutes to preheat said oven, if someone is not using it already. After preheating, it takes an additional ten minutes give or take to reheat any leftovers, which also dirties a dish that would have otherwise remained clean.

Before I moved to this place and had an oven readily on hand I would reheat things within reason with it, especially if I had time to dick around. If I only have a half hour to spend on eating, which is often the case, I'd rather spend the time eating and enjoying food rather than cooking it.

The same thing goes for pan frying to a lesser extent. I cannot leave dishes in the sink and I do not want to spend time cleaning more than just a plate and eating utensil.

Please understand that the microwave is very often a more convenient way to reheat leftover foods. I personally don't regularly cook with a microwave, but if I'm trying to eat something quickly in the middle of the day without a lot of time to spend, it is ideal.

>> No.5782380

>*sobbing* my house is a architectural engineers nightmare and my oven is up four flights of stairs! it takes a mind bending 15 minutes to warm it up and I don't know if someone else will wait their turn!

>Please understand that the microwave is very often a more convenient way to reheat leftover foods.

I understand that you need to move out of peewees playhouse and stop being so lazy and realize other people have an oven right in their kitchen that doesn't cost them an insane amount of effort to reheat food in a way that wont turn it into rubber.

>> No.5782400

But it'll turn it all crunchy. Maybe I don't want crunchy. If I have a day-old brioche roll, I'll wrap it in wet kitchen paper and shove it in the nuker for a couple dozen seconds and it comes out hot, soft and just as ummynummy as the day it came out of the oven.
If I put that same brioche roll into the oven, however, I just wind up with a crouton.
No: ovens are not better than microwaves. No: microwaves are not better than ovens.
Both are useful for doing different jobs. Just as you wouldn't chop meat with a chainsaw, you wouldn't wouldn't reheat things in the oven that you don't want to turn out crunchy.
Just as you wouldn't cut down a tree with a breadknife, you wouldn't make croutons in an oven.
Each is suited to different things. Stop. Being. A faggot.

>> No.5782411

>you wouldn't make croutons in an oven
... of the microwave variety. Fix'd.

>> No.5782448

>But it'll turn it all crunchy. Maybe I don't want crunchy. If I have a day-old brioche roll, I'll wrap it in wet kitchen paper and shove it in the nuker for a couple dozen seconds and it comes out hot, soft and just as ummynummy as the day it came out of the oven.

the problem with the microwave is that it makes dough soft and gummy and rubbery for the first few moments that its lava hot and then it cools down and turns into a brick.

I usually reheat things like that in the oven with an oven safe container of water next to it so that it oven steams it.

just because you don't know how to use an oven properly and skilfully in a way that gives you the results that you want doesn't mean that a microwave is on the same level an a skilled chef using an oven or a stove. a chef can do anything better with a stove or oven than a chef could do with a microwave.

I am Not a professional chef. Ask your professional chef before doing anything.

>> No.5782476


Wasn't me.

I don't live in Pee Wee's Playhouse, I live in an apartment building with weird fire codes that designates two ovens for fifteen floors of residents. Heating leftover veggies and rice, my usual meal, doesn't make it gummy, especially if you do the ol' hole in the middle trick.

Please don't assume that I'm some fat lazy ass, I consider myself lazy but not unreasonably so. If I did live in Pee Wee's Playhouse (which would be a little scary) and I had to walk up foor flights of stairs in my own house that'd be a different story. But the time factor is still in existence, 1:30 is much less time to devote to heating up day old food than 15-30 minutes, which gives me all the more time to eat.

>> No.5782478

**four. Whoopsie.

>> No.5782485
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you sound like a humble guy. definitely someone that has admitted they were wrong before

>> No.5782490

you're arguing with a complete jackass. it's pretty pointless

>> No.5782515
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An anon can try, right?

Don't give up hope. Maybe one day everyone will listen to reason and be respectful. One day...

>> No.5782626

gotta stop the microwavists from spreading their evil food denutritionalization propaganda

>> No.5782645

> hungry
> wants to eat mac and cheese portioned in ramekins
>/ck/ wants me to use the oven
> not hungry anymore
There's also the issue with electricity consumption. Can't get a rotisserie oven due to counter space either.
I would use the oven if it makes sense, but heating up small portions of sides in a full sized oven just doesn't make sense.

Of course I would never in my life microwave anything for guests except chocolate or milk. Won't use it as a cooking method either, just leftovers

> tfw landlord buys a nice piece of salmon and asks me if I wanted it, proceeding to microwave it to oblivion

>> No.5782657

>it makes it gummy
>it gets hard again
Neither of these have ever, ever happened to me. Maybe your microwave contradicts the laws of physics and stale/hard bread has nothing to do with its moisture/water content or something but where I live, in the real world, wrapping stale brioche in wet kitchen paper and nuking it a short while works a peach to breath life back into it. Om nom nom nom.

>> No.5782671

I always get my pork cooked thoroughly, but the other anon is right. trichinosis has been pretty much eliminated in the US.

>> No.5782681

American detected. Nothing you have to say about nutrition or, indeed, even food is at all valid, sorry. We can now disregard anything you have to say on either subject. Go enjoy a Quesarito™ or Croissanwich™ with your Mountain Dew™ Baja Blast™ while crying in your crumpled wolf shirt about how carbs make you fat and the Burger Taco King Bell owes you something extra for getting your mobility scooter scuffed in its entryway.

>> No.5782699

Microwaved fish is actually really nice.

>> No.5782764


Nice try.

>> No.5782782

I am american yet I do not like any of those things, so don't judge me judgy wudgy

>> No.5782789
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possible shillminators

what the shills want people to eat

just seriously, why.

this is a bait thread, don't use microwaves, no matter what they say.

>> No.5782795

Okay. I love you, Ameribro. You've got a pretty mouth.

>> No.5782797

The trick of something wet or a bowl of water is the same for both conventional and microwave owens.
If you reheat something without any source of moist, food becomes respectively crunchy and gummy-and-lava-hot/brick (first seconds/first minute till the end of time).

>> No.5782804



>> No.5782811

That movie was good, I liked her converse sneakers.

>> No.5782844

microwaves cause these frozen rubber lava issues, while ovens do things way better, yes they both make food very hot, but microwaves are really stupid. and ovens and stoves are used by skilled professionals that know what they are doing to achieve high quality results in their food that microwaves simply do not show for.

>> No.5782864

Oh. Okay.

>> No.5784794

Just use the hob, m8. Takes less than five minutes.

>> No.5784883

"lobsters scream in pain when boiled"

"baking soda cures cancer"

"mussels that don't open are should be thrown away"

"you shouldn't eat vegetables that are not in season"

"microwaves = radioactivity"

"sealing the meat keeps the juices in"

"it has chemicals in it"

"red meat stays in your colon for weeks/years"

"carrots are good for your eyesight"

"....cleanses your body of toxins"

"blood is blue inside your body"

>> No.5784917

>stupid fucking food myths you've heard your friends say /ck/?
That not eating steak bloody bloody "ruins" it.

>> No.5785018

>Lard is bad for you

>> No.5785027

>"microwaves = radioactivity"
Well, this is true... All electronic devices are radioactive.

>> No.5785044

It is a well established fact that cooks use only 10% of their brains because humans use only 10% of their brains!

>> No.5785052

All electronic devices produce emf. Not sure they all produce emr.

>> No.5785111

Yeah but only in the same way bananas and kittens are radioactive.

>> No.5785120

>"baking soda cures cancer"
>"carrots are good for your eyesight"
I was searching for ways to pickle carrots on google and found a bunch of results about them curing cancer. Apparently it's a popular myth

>> No.5785782

I've heard it's not really mest suited for 'rare'

>> No.5785793


>2 ovens in 15 floors

What? Are you a student or some shit? Where do you live? Chances are that's some bullshit thought up by the landlord to cheapen their insurance and get around having to provide proper cooking facilities.

>> No.5785801

Most days I'm calorie deficient. I'd rather get my fill from a more nutrient dense source, but of the available fats, olive oil is purty gud.

>> No.5785803


What was the movie

>> No.5785815

>>"sealing the meat keeps the juices in"

i thought it was searing?

ive been doing it wrong all this time? it doesnt work? ok going to foil then

>> No.5785821

searing meat doesn't do anything other than making it tasty.

>> No.5785822

EM radiation != radioactivity.

>> No.5785825

Actually! Holy shit!

>> No.5785844


I had to reply just to call you a dumb 12 year old.

>> No.5785858

>searing meat
producing acrylamides?

i cant win for losing here lol. fuck it ill die of some cancer anyway.

>> No.5785859


Seraing the meat adds delicious flavours thanks to the maillard reaction (essentially that browning tastes nice). Most things will benefit from it anyway. The best way of keeping something moist depends a lot on what it is. For larger cuts cooking it long and low can be the best approach. For anything smaller sous vide is probably the best for retaining moisture, but confit or poaching can also keep things very moist. Foil, like you say, or steaming, can stop moisture loss as well. There's no simple answer, but someone out there is bound to have figured out the best way to cook something, so Google is your friend.

>> No.5785861


The worst thing you can do to your steak or cut of juicy red meat or pork is cut into it too early.

The resting period thing has scientific support.

>> No.5786174

You should still do it, for flavor reasons.

>> No.5786230

some of these, depending on how much of a dumbass your aren't can be somewhat true.

for example beta carotene in carrots can contribute to healthy bodily function, and as a result keep your body in good condition and as a result keep your eyes healthier.

>"....cleanses your body of toxins"
a high fiber diet can be like a metaphorical toothbrush for your asshole.

if you eat a nutritionally balanced vegan diet, really full of fruits and vegetables, nuts seeds, grains, beans etc. then you are doing your body a huge favor.

as for the baking soda thing, some people believe that. some of them live and some don't, so we don't know anything for sure.

microwaving your food is obsolete and not worth the convenience compared to eating well made food or skillfully reheated food in the oven or stove.

>> No.5786236

no problem, you haven't changed my mind.

>> No.5786584
