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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 410x539, 6a00e554f1ae9388330120a6964020970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5767188 No.5767188 [Reply] [Original]

5/2 diet anon here again.
I want to make some snacks for Monday so I don't have to think about food.
I am only allowed 500 calories.
What should I make ?
Also anyone else on this diet that has input please please chime in.
I feel like I am alone on this diet.

One good thing is my appetite is way down on my normal days so this is working.

>> No.5767196

how much is 500 calroies of vodka?

>> No.5767202

Like 5 shots

You shouldn't mix heavy drinking and not eating, you risk ketoacidosis.

>> No.5767210

For 500 calories, eat a lot of vegetables and like a cup of beans

>> No.5767223

Beans are starch and add up to 500 calories perdy quick.

>> No.5767232


Starch is good and you can eat 2 cups of cooked black beans without hitting 500 calories, and that's good nutrition

>> No.5767240

Is that what all the kids are going on about these days? So if I become a 100% alcohol, I can just say I'm on the new keto diet?

>> No.5767277

ketoacidosis is an extreme form of ketosis, like, 20 times the amount of ketones you'd be producing on the keto diet.

your body can't make ketones when you're drinking so it ramps up the ketone production after it's processed the alcohol and that can be risky

>> No.5767286


6/10. Would bang, obviously, but she's got no ass, no tits. I'm not saying 'curvy' (as in fat), but at least a bit more weight on her

>> No.5767648
File: 43 KB, 638x420, twiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry she's filled out since then

>> No.5768127

fuck off please

>> No.5768906
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>> No.5768912

What days do yo do your 2 on?

>> No.5768921

Monday and Thursday :(
That's what most people do I think.

>> No.5768948
File: 16 KB, 306x350, twiggy's hair style 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like looking at a Ferrari and complaining there is no trunk or legroom in the back!.
Girls like this are built for wild awesome secks not having and feeding babies .
That is what your station wagon wife is for.

>> No.5768961

>wild awesome sex
>with a stick
hint: you're doing it wrong
the girls who are best equipped to nurture/birth children are better lays
if you have two girls that just lie there, just completely dull in bed, but one has an insanely curvy body with amazing breasts and a nice fat ass but with a tiny waist
obviously the bustier one is going to feel better
unless you like the feel of someone else's ribcage/pelvic bones

>> No.5768971

>the girls who are best equipped to nurture/birth children are better lays

I had sex with a chunky girl once. Never doing that again.

You sound fat.

>> No.5768975

>the girls who are best equipped to nurture/birth children are better lays

Lel no mister chubby chaser. If you were able to attract a thin woman you would not have this ridiculous fetish.

I love how guys that have never been with a thin woman think they are going to get poked!
And boobs feel like a bag of sand amirite?

>> No.5768982

1, it won't feel better if you're disgusted by cows. I'm not a bestiality type of guy
2, no.
3, wider girl means wider vagina

>> No.5769012

Just saying, there's a point where thin is too thin. 500 calorie diet is okay, but first consider how tall you are and how much you already weigh. Can we get that information?

>> No.5769017
File: 63 KB, 320x240, 4306040450_865c7e2938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your argument would carry more weight if "too thin" was actually a widespread issue, bertha.

This is the equivalent of people who say "rich people have ennui and stuff, we shouldn't be trying to solve poverty"

No, fuck you for even saying that.

>> No.5769031

What do you do if you have a dinner date, just switch fast days?

>> No.5769033

I'm concerned for safety. Overweight and underweight are both dangerous. Any medical professional will tell you that. If she is already below one line, I recommend getting back to normal weight first. Studies have also shown men reporting more attraction to females in a normal weight range as opposed to over or underweight. This is explained by stating that men are mo re often subconsciously attracted to women more close to "ideal child-rearing dimensions"

>> No.5769035

I don't know that's never happened ;_;

>> No.5769041

>Studies have also shown men reporting more attraction to females in a normal weight range

Citation needed.
Also normal weight range is defined very differently in Europe compared to america.

>> No.5769077

Very true, but I would hardly consider 80 lbs acceptable for anyone in the 5' range.

>> No.5769084

Also, this is 4chan. Fuck citations.

>> No.5769091


>> No.5769093

This idiot thinks that more fat = better for giving birth.
Obesity and being overweight, as well as being under a certain fat percentage increase the risk of problems during pregnancy(which, without medical help make actually giving birth a real challenge, as well as being able to carry a child to full-term.)

>> No.5769096

No one is saying 80/pounds anon.
But if a girl is only 5 feet tall then 100 is fat.

>> No.5769108

I want to start the 5/2 diet. are the 2 fast days meant to be together or can they be a few days apart?

>> No.5769115

With all disrespect, about 2 weeks after your "diet" is over you'll be roughly back to your starting weight. I just don't understand why girls have to jump on a fad diet instead of a slow sustainable change in eating.

>> No.5769118

They must not be together.
Most people do Monday Thursday

>> No.5769122

but these have cool names

>> No.5769129

Is 5/2 the new intermittent fasting?

>> No.5769136

pretty much yeah

>> No.5769143

At least intermittent fasting kind of makes sense because you're still hitting all your calories and macros.
Looking into 5/2 I see it calls itself "The Fast Diet" so that's pretty self-explanatory of why people are on it.

>> No.5769169

I want to try it because I watched that horizon documentary. Not really interested in weightloss, I've heard it's healthy, guess we'll see how healthy I feel in a few weeks/months.

>> No.5769175

but this is a type of intermittent fasting, is it not?

>> No.5769215
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I wanted to point out that having a skeletal frame with wider hips has nothing to to do with being fat or skinny. A woman within her correct weight range and body fat percentage for her height can have wider "child bearing" hips and an hourglass shape with large breasts and small waist. You don't have to be fat to have curves. You just have to have the genetic disposition for a frame that allows for those proportions and in some cases enjoy getting sweaty moving around and lifting heavy things if your genes are not so kind.
Also, a "fat ass" is not the same as having a shapely butt. If you are diligent with physical activity and/or genetically predisposed to it, a tight rear can be rounded and shapely without being spongey.

Furthermore, body type and size has no bearing on performance in the sack.

>> No.5769243

I did the 5/2 diet about a year and half ago. I found just bulk cooking and portioning out worked best for me.

My go to easy meal was 100g cooked chicken breast (seasoned how you like), 100g frozen mixed veg and 200g cooked brown rice (using a stock cube cut the boredom from the rice). Put that into a small microwave safe container and freeze for when you need it.

Slam it in the microwave and by the time the veg is cooked the rice and chicken will have re-heated thoroughly. Works out at roughly 400-450 kcal

That and lentils, batch cooked and froze portions of lentils to bulk out a meal or to use for binding in veggie burgers etc

>> No.5769257

So you were eating just once on fast days?

Also what is kcal?
Is that British?
I have only seen cal.

>> No.5769260

kilocalories are what most people mean when they refer to calories

>> No.5769275

Kcal is just calories.

If I was to eat on fast days then yeah it'd only be once. Most of the time I just didn't bother. I would eat at say 5pm the day before with an early dinner then not eat until 5pm the following day. 24hrs of not eating and it was surprisingly easy to do.

I also liked having meals that are around the 500 calorie mark as it made dividing my days allotted calories easier in nice 500 cal blocks

>> No.5769310

So you were dieting on the non fast days?
Doesn't that defeat the idea of the 5/2?

>> No.5769340

Not really. I wasn't dieting hard just maintaining the right level as I was really overeating before.

As I said the block meals made keeping an eye on my calories easy and with them readily available meals always around, it stopped me binging on crap or ordering food.

I think the fast days were supplementary to my diet rather than being the focus. I mean fasting for two days isn't going to do squat if your hammering back large pizzas and coke on the non-fast days

>> No.5769388

The only reason I would starve 2 days a week is to hammer back large pizzas in normal days.

>> No.5769405

Is 500 calories enough to keep you from getting hypoglycemic?

>> No.5769436
File: 498 KB, 490x582, 1409900779213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to try it because I watched that horizon documentary.
Watching it now.
No way that guy is 101.
I am calling bollocks.
I thought horizon was a more rigorous news source.

>> No.5769494

you mean this dude?

>> No.5769594

Yup. Looks like guiness book of records does not buy it either. No birth certificate.
Plus he is part of PETA.
Lots of red flags.

>> No.5769668

maybe birth certs weren't as easy to get 100+ years ago? either way, he looks pretty damn old to be running a marathon.

>> No.5769735
File: 30 KB, 250x250, aubrey.de.grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks about 80 to me.
I bet he was really old looking at 60 and just started telling people he was 80.

>> No.5769744

india didn't keep birth certificates 100 years ago

>> No.5769758

That does not mean the guy is telling the truth.

>> No.5769887
File: 519 KB, 1000x506, michael_mosley_tv_radio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought horizon was a more rigorous news source.

You cannot trust the Muslim run babby sea.

>> No.5769896

Is that a mega buster prototype? Is he megaman?

>> No.5770135


>> No.5770914

OP here again.
Going to cook steel cuts oats for morning.
That will leave me with 200cal for a bedtime snack :(

>> No.5771286

500 calories a day? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5771320


I'm also on 5/2 OP

The idea on fast days is to keep your blood sugar low, so limit carbs, the 500-600 calories you eat should be mostly protein and vegetables. Steel cut oats are not great for fast days.

>> No.5771326


Also, don't snack throughout the day, you have to actually fast, aim for at least 12 hours of no food.

Do a breakfast, and 12 hours later a supper.

>> No.5771376
File: 7 KB, 240x210, 3ges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/2 is fucking retarded, its like one step below the retardedness of fucking ramadam not eating in the day.

either eat smart and be fit or fuck off in the woods survivormode for 2 weeks.

>> No.5771387


if it works for someone why would you begrudge them for it?

in addition to weight loss, controlled fasting has a number of health benefits, reducing the risk of several cancers and multiple other diseases later in life

>> No.5771434

cracking fat is pretty stressful which is what happens when you fast

>> No.5771443


>cracking fat

I see nothing about this on the first 2 pages of google, source?

>> No.5771464

>cracking fat


>> No.5772433

Oh god my fat is cracking right now!

>> No.5772486

Ok, will save oats for tomorrow .
I last ate at six last night so about 14 hrs ago. Not really hungry so I think I will skip breakfast.

Going to hard boil a half dozen eggs in case of emergency/snack.

>> No.5772794

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5772806
File: 34 KB, 949x390, deal_image_2257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5772849


What's beneficial about having hypoglecemia?

>> No.5772880

This diet actually cures hypoglycemia

>> No.5772892


By keeping your blood sugar dangerously low?

>> No.5772941

Your blood sugar should not be dependent on you eating constantly.
If it is , things are not functioning properly.

>> No.5772944


It is when you're only allowed 500 calories for an entire day. The guy I was responding to even said "the idea on fast days is to keep your blood sugar low"

>> No.5772953

Low is a relative term anon.
You know its very bad to have high blood sugar right ?

>> No.5773003


We call this fallacy "the false dilemma." Your choice isn't between just low or high blood sugar. The guy I responded to said specifically to avoid complex carbohydrate like steel cut oats and instead to keep your blood sugar low throughout the day.

I would argue that a 5/2 style diet is unnecessary to begin with, but if you're going to try to survive on 500 calories a day, you're going to need some whole grains or beans.

>> No.5773033

Do you know what the 5/2 part stands for?

>> No.5773038


5 days of eating like a pig, 2 days of starving yourself

>> No.5773053

Yes and those days are non consecutive.
If you can't go 24 hrs without food something is wrong with you.

>> No.5773058


I'm not on this diet since I'm already lean and healthy by eating like a normal person and getting moderate exercise, but if you think it's logical, nutritionally sound advice to tell someone to not eat for 2 days of the week, there's something wrong with you

>> No.5773078

Science says otherwise .
Did you even watch the horizon episode?

>> No.5773095


According to a googled summary of it, it sounds like they mainly talk about IGF-1. You can lower your IGF-1 levels just by reducing your intake of animal protein, like by eating a vegan diet.

>> No.5773109
File: 309 KB, 500x500, ese-huevo-quiere-sal-portada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP back again.
Just are the best tasting hard boiled egg of my life!

Did all the ck tricks:
Week old eggs.
Poked a hole in the bottoms.
Put eggs in with luke warm water and brought to a boil the removed from heat to set for ten min.
Ice bath.
Peeled easily!

Did all this earlier. Ate with salt ,pepper and olive oil.

First food in almost 20 hrs!

>> No.5773120

Who the fuck wants to do that?
That is a very unnatural way of attaining that goal.

>> No.5773129


>Who the fuck wants to do that?

And this is why you're fat in the first place

>> No.5773183
File: 325 KB, 700x2800, 1410032226800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you vegan shill.
I am willing to not eat for two days while you whine about it.
You are the weakling here.

>> No.5775360


>> No.5775792

Well I got through another one.
Funny thing is I am not even hungry now.
I am going to see how far into my day I can get then I am going to destroy a huge plate of pasta.!

This is like bonus time now. My body is burning pure fat since no calories remain in my liver.

>> No.5775889
File: 41 KB, 494x735, kes-neelix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all of yesterday all I ate was three boiled eggs!

I think Thursday I will go for an all out fast.
I will stop eating at 5/Wednesday and not eat again till Friday morning.
About 38 hours.
Guys this feels amazing. I feel like I could conquer the planet!

>> No.5775938

doesn't this slow your metabolism in the long run? like that's why 5 small meals are better than 3 large ones?

>> No.5775943


>like that's why 5 small meals are better than 3 large ones

that's not true though, this has been known for a long time

>> No.5775964

athletes eat 5+ times a day because
1. they work out like 5+ times a day
2. it only makes sense to space out protein intake instead of in one or two meals

>> No.5775967

It's in real age.

>> No.5776182

A: The idea that you should eat little and often to speed up your metabolism or prevent your blood sugar levels falling is largely a myth. There have been quite a few studies that have shown no difference in metabolic rate between those eating their daily calories split into three meals a day or six. Your body is extremely good at maintaining your blood glucose levels and there should be no problem, unless you are a diabetic. You would need to fast for over 60 hours to have a serious impact on blood sugar levels.

>> No.5776453

OP again.
Skipped breakfast, skipped lunch.
Did get lightheaded a few min ago and had to eat an orange.

>> No.5776480

Really don't have the time for reading this entire thread right now, but I did something similar a couple years ago.
Did a 4/3 for about 11-12 months. Only 500 cals Mon, Wed, Fri. After the first couple weeks, I was never hungry on MWF and probably went <150 cals most days.

Lost a lot of weight, and felt great. Then about 6 or so months after I stopped, some relationship and other stupid shit problems led me back to drinking every day. Consequently, also eating a lot more and exercising none.

So now I'm a fat ass again. I don't drink every day anymore, but I've yet to muster up the willpower to eat better and exercise yet. Depression is a bastard.

>> No.5776493

How much did you lose?
Did it all come back?

>> No.5776677

Well I finally had a burger and a glucerna shake.
I must say I am feeling pretty sleepy.
Thought the food woukd perk me up.
I hope I am making a good decision with this diet.

>> No.5776739


I'm not on 5:2 but I typically eat between 400-800 cals/day

Best plan is a piece of fruit or plain oatmeal for breakfast

Salad for lunch

Vegetable soup for dinner.

Examples of my lower cal days:

B: Banana
L: Borsh'
D: Salad with yves veggie burger, tsp oil + balsamic vinegar for dressing
S: Turnip (raw slices)
Total: 485 cals


B: Banana
L: Macintosh apple
D: Sauerkraut, 1 ear corn, raw vegan fudge

Total:477 cals

>> No.5776749

Damn , how long have you been doing that?
Every day?

>> No.5776762

you retards are going to gain all your weight back eventually

(Bodyweight in lbs * 15) - 500 = how many cals you should eat, readjust every 5 lbs lost

eat healthy foods (use good judgement)
exersize modestly, and no 5 hours of cardio is not healthy

why is it that people always take nutrition and dieting to the extremes

>> No.5776961

I do it on and off. This time I'm at 8 days of eating this way. It gets hard to count calories when I'm reaaaally busy but I try.

>> No.5777000

>lower calories 2 days of the week

>> No.5777026


How much do you weight?

>> No.5777034

120 lbs

>> No.5777054

She's doing it for only 2 days faggot.

>> No.5777057

Not if she eats at a maintenance for her new weight. Why would she over eat?

>> No.5777112

He is Sikh. A Sikh got stabbed for 9/11 because you Americans are this stupid.

>> No.5777125

2 eggs poached over some rice and a side of cottage cheese. should be 500 cal or less and decently filling as well, with plenty of protein

>> No.5777131


They look the same to me, liberal bleeding heart. Maybe you should move to Iraq and see if they will accept you for hating America.

>> No.5777154

Fortunately, I'm not American. I live in a country where you won't get stabbed for having a beard.

>> No.5777156
File: 8 KB, 219x175, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole fucking thread does not belong on 4chan, get the fuck out of here and take this blog shit to reddit. you stupid bitches

>> No.5777166

For once I agree with a muh sekrit club faggot.

>> No.5777190

Can you stupid fucking anorexic bitches take your anti-food encouragement to /r9k/? No one wants to hear you brag about how you only ate 150 cal worth of grapes yesterday. This is a board for people who enjoy food, and can do so without becoming neurotic and obsessive.

>US size 2
>32 DD
>yfw guys go crazy for me but only stare at you because they think your bony-ass-body is a freakshow

>> No.5777201

>woman on 4chan
>fit woman on 4chan
>implying I eat like these fags on this diet
>implying I'm not just giving advice on healthy foods to eat if youre going to eat like this

>> No.5777268
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>woman on 4chan

>> No.5777309

that's the point

>> No.5777330

This diet is bullshit man what are you doing

Seriously this shit is so fucking simple and you faggots will eat up bullshit like this for no reason

>> No.5777375

It's not like someone can grow a pair of tits by eating a burger.

>> No.5777391

le epik fat acceptance
+1 upboat

>> No.5777395


>> No.5777615

Double d boobies means fat.

>> No.5778550

All double d either get fat or the blfun bags deflate.

>> No.5778554


>32 band size

you're new at this aren't you

>> No.5778557

>I have no idea what 32'' torso looks like

>> No.5778848

Op back again.
The one bad side effect seems to be insomnia the after I start eating again.
Not cool.

>> No.5778850

Idk, mine is? It's a bit better now but both me & my mom are very sensitive to how much carbs we eat (Not enough = nausea, weakness, face/arms/legs falling asleep and even fainting) but neither of our doctors ever considered it a problem.

>> No.5778855


Today's food (not healthy but I'm having a `cheat day`)

B: Protein Bar - 160
L: Pumpkin Spice Latte - 160
D: Instant grits -100

Total: 420 calories

>> No.5778856
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L: Pumpkin Spice Latte - 160

Why do people on these crash diets have such shit taste in everything?

>> No.5778859

Probably should of replaced that with a pumpkin spice condom, right?

>> No.5778860

You could be pretty diabetic

>> No.5778861


I love pumpkin pie but I can't eat wheat so I was curious about the new Mcdonald's latte. Might make some "crustless" pie one the pumkins hit the groceries though.

Also, not a crash diet. I plan on staying at 500-1000 even when I reach my goal weight. I might increase to 700-1200 but I'll have to see what my maintenance weight will be.

>> No.5778862

I don't know, I had to get blood tests including fasting glucose to go on Accutane and they all come back fine.

Wouldn't diabetes have other symptoms though? I'm thirsty a lot but that's about it.

>> No.5778863
File: 61 KB, 498x360, 1406496717161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I can't eat wheat

Dr. Mercola told you you have a gluten allergy?

>> No.5778866

Are you a beautiful skellington?

>> No.5778868

I have IBS so I can't eat fructans. I can't digest the carbs in wheat basically. Kinda like lactose intolerance.

>> No.5778871

Being really thirsty is a warning sign. Also having to urinate constantly.

>> No.5778874

Dammed autocorrect. That was supposed to say pre diabetic .

Getting hypoglycemic from skipping a meal or getting thirst after eating are two major red flags.

>> No.5778878

Well, even if I was I wouldn't know how to fix it?

>> No.5778891

You should see your doctor and explain to him what's going in.

>> No.5778897

I think he would diagnose me with hypochondria before anything else lol. (I have too many other health problems that developed late)

Not to mention I've gotten shitloads of blood tests and they've all come up fine.

>> No.5778903

Google "hypoglycemia without diabetes "
One way or another its a serious problem.
You should be able to go 60 hrs without food before you get hypoglycemic.

>> No.5778920

Idk where you read 60 hours no food but:

"You may have briefly felt the effects of low blood sugar when you've gotten really hungry or exercised hard without eating enough. This happens to nearly everyone from time to time. It's easy to correct and usually nothing to worry about."


"You can treat a sudden episode of low blood sugar by eating or drinking something with sugar in it. Some examples of "quick-sugar foods" are fruit juice, soda, milk, raisins, and hard candy. You may also take glucose tablets. This is usually all that's needed to get your blood sugar level back up in the short term."

(from emedicine)

Doesn't seem too serious to mee.

>> No.5778924

The mayo clinic said otherwise.

>> No.5778932

They're talking about severe hypoglycemia. My friend is actually hypoglycemic and even she is under no other treatment than "eat more often"

>> No.5778992

There is no mild hypoglycemia.
Blood sugar under 70 that you can feel is dangerous and has long term health implications.

>> No.5779042

unreated: I just moved to the south and i'm really confused about this boiled peanut thing, can you shed any light? they have them in gas stations.

>> No.5779058

Boiled peanut?
Must be a funny name for something else.

>> No.5779145 [DELETED] 

CELEB NUDES pics videos get them before it get removed : http://imgur.com/WzqgHVt

>> No.5780003

What is there to be confused about? They're peanuts....that have been boiled.

They're soft and take on the flavor of whatever liquid they were boiled in.

BTW, doesn't is bother you guys that you're not actively trying to develop a healthy relationship with food? I bet you're all constantly stressed out about any social event where you need to eat in front of others. Ya'll probably can't even enjoy a nice dinner with friends or family.

I wonder if you'll still think you're pretty when your hair starts falling out. Oh any when your hair falls out due to malnutrition, once you start eating again like a normal person, it continues to fall out in clumps for another 6 months.

Clumps of hair falling out is so sexy guys, amiright?

>> No.5780015
File: 101 KB, 726x1024, 6a00e554f1ae9388330120a6419393970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my diet make you so angry?

>> No.5780028

>diet is 5 days of normal eating with 2 days of lower calories
>but your food relationships!
>youll be so malnourished your hair will fall out!

This guy is american for sure

>> No.5780065

Maybe you haven't been reading the thread, but most of the dumb bitches in here are eating less than 500 a day period, not just on the two days of the week the diet dictates.

Your diet doesn't make me mad, but this circlejerk of a thread on one of my favorite boards needs to go back to the proana LiveJournal it crawled out of.

>> No.5780249

>most of the dumb bitches in here are eating less than 500 a day peri

Your reading comprehension sucks anon.

>> No.5780335
File: 159 KB, 500x506, 1390366632392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOUR reading comprehension sucks

OP says fast days are monday and thursday...
Monday evening and OP has only eaten some hard boiled eggs. First first in 20 hours...then what was OP eating on Saturday? That's not a fasting day...

Tuesday, OP skips breakfast and lunch. Again...Tuesday is not a fast day. So much for 'eating maintenance calories' on the non-fast day.

4-800 cals a day. Yep, eating disorder

>> No.5780530

Eating disorders have nothing to do with the amount you eat. They have to do with a skewed image of self, an obsession with weight loss, anxiety towards food and, in the case of anorexia, a refusal to gain weight when low weight is serious and has adverse effects on the body.

Yes, I eat 400-800 cals per day at the moment, but I haven't had any adverse health reactions, I'm able to function and exercise and I eat more if I feel like I need the extra fuel.
I'm on medication that happens to block the appetite, so I'm also mindful of that and had supper today even though I wasn't hungry, since I rather eat more today than feel sick later.

Weight loss is all about understanding your own body. Personally, eating 1200+ calories doesn't allow me to lose weight, especially if I end up eating more than I planned for a meal I'm not cooking (free lunch, restaurant meal, etc.)

>> No.5780563

It's too late you've already been diagnosed by our on site experts

>> No.5780599

Even a 5' woman who weighs 105 lbs needs to eat 1,050 caloriesn to maintain while not exercising at all.

I've had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing a lot of you come and go. You're good at justifying your eating habits. But let me tell you, you'll end up either:

1) Sickly, obsessive, and ugly for years to come, or
2) Grossly obese

With accompanying severe depression in either case. Keep it up for months, years, 3 or 4 decades, idgaf. You'll be at 1 or 2 eventually.

>> No.5780709

Then maybe I'm counting wrong, cause eating more def. doesn't allow me to lose or even maintain.

>> No.5781198

I'm willing to bet that your definition of healthy progress is skewed. Losing 1-2 lbs a week when you're not obese is safe, healthy, and sustainable.

>> No.5781376

your weight is not an accurate measure of the fat on your body. you're probably regaining the muscle mass you lost from when you first started your calorie restriction.

unless you have an accurate way to measure muscle and bone mass in addition to body fat, and are spreadsheeting that shit every day, you're in no position to determine that you "understand" your body.

you have confirmation bias and your memories can be modified or replaced by that bias. you are human.

gain an appreciable amount of muscle mass and these calorie peculiarities will go away.

>> No.5781509
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Ugh, Thursday sort of crept up on me.
No boiled eggs prepared :(
This is gonna be a tough one.

>> No.5781797

I was losing 5lbs/month when I was chubby, but now I'm losing 3lbs/month at most.

Why does this matter if I have no health problems? (Apart from asthma which almost went away after I lost the initial weight, and has also improved now that I've increased the amount I work out)

>> No.5781805

>I was losing 5lbs/month when I was chubby, but now I'm losing 3lbs/month at most.

which fits perfectly with what he said

if you aren't fat then healthy weigh loss is 1-2lbs per week

>> No.5781807

Oh sorry, I thought he said losing weight that fast was unsafe! Re-read and now I feel dumb.

>> No.5782124
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Damn this is as hard as day one.
Not mentally prepared like I usually am.
And it turns out I have only lost 4 pounds so far.
I think I am going to eat a whole jar of pickles :(

>> No.5782236

Ten fruit split ice lollies.

If you're gonna starve, do it in style

>> No.5782379

Y-you mean cold on the cob?

>> No.5782465

Wow do Brits really call them ice lollies?
That is so gay. No way I could eat a popcicle in england.

>> No.5782871

Things I've noticed that all people with eating disorders eat:

>celery and mustard
>Blow pops
>frozen grapes
>tall skinny lattes with nonfat milk
>senna tea
>hard boiled eggs

>> No.5783066

Are you sure that's not just people on a diet?
And who doesn't like hard boiled eggs?

>> No.5783125


Currently in treatment for an eating disorder and I can confirm this 100%

Holy fuck the girls and women here put mustard on god damn everything.
Popsicles and frozen grapes, also jello, all day every day
Hardboiled eggs every fucking morning

>> No.5783133

personally I like to pop my grapes in the freezer for a few minutes after washing them so the skins are nice and crisp

>> No.5783144

OP when you gonna address me calling you out on your bullshit >>5780335

>> No.5783172
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Anon I like to eat diner on 5pm the day before my fasting day. I have eaten a full days food, just a somewhat early diner.
Then on fasting day I try eat as little as possible and as late as possible.
Then the day after the fast I like to stretch it just a bit so I skip breakfast and sometimes lunch so more fat burning time can elapse.

There is nothing unhealthy going on here but I appreciate your concern.

>> No.5783188


>Frozen grapes & Eggs are delicious.
>Tall skinny lattes are a staple for every college girl
>Dijon mustard is amazing
> Why would someone with an ED consume blow pops & popsicles??? So many empty calories o.o

>> No.5783207

I'm 5'3" and weigh 95 lbs and I eat less than 1,050 calories. I haven't lost any more weight at all no matter how much I try.

>> No.5783220

Have your tried the 5/2 ?

>> No.5783264

Because you're too fucking thin. Your body isn't meant to lose more weight.

Oh ya? What'd you eat on Wednesday and today?

>> No.5783483
File: 4 KB, 251x201, download (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday I had bacon eggs and toast for breakfast, Wendy's burger for lunch then angel hair pasta with bacon vegetables blue cheese and heavy cream sauce for dinner.
Had dinner late because I had a busy day.
Today not bloody much :(
Eggs for dinner soon.

Oh and I had an egg salad sandwich yesterday as well.

>> No.5783488

>Wednesday I had bacon eggs and toast for breakfast, Wendy's burger for lunch then angel hair pasta with bacon vegetables blue cheese and heavy cream sauce for dinner.
>processed meat, fast food, more processed meat

>> No.5783517

if pic related then ur a QT

>> No.5783562

I am not ever going to be a vegan if that's what you are implying .
I would rather die fat.

>> No.5783575

rose is 2qt and I would do anything for him.

You eat too many eggs. Enjoy colon cancer.

>> No.5783584
File: 69 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not really a boy. She was just teasing because someone tried to say she was a trap.
She does like the ambiguity at this point though.

>> No.5783596

Would living off the land really fuck you into shape?

I am a really overweight guy at 280 (or more, idk) pounds at 5'7 (inb4 manlet) and I was considering living like that for the rest of my life because of how peaceful it could potentially be.

>> No.5783601

Just to clarify, I was planning on living off the land because of the peace. Not living like a sphere of fat my whole life.

>> No.5783622
File: 30 KB, 213x312, Richard_Proenneke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2 years you would be proenneke mode

Alone in the Wilderness: http://youtu.be/iYJKd0rkKss

>> No.5783629

That would be amazing. I am going to make this my life's goal.

>> No.5783649

>someone on /ck/ calling another persons diet unhealthy

>> No.5783659

I guarantee if you make losing weight contingent on abandoning society it will never happen... which is maybe why you are cultivating that fantasy.

>> No.5783692

It isn't really. My auxiliary and more realistic plan is to go the way of my state and become a farmer or something. That way I can grow my own shit and be more dependent on myself, and I can give to my community if I can (though maybe just to my neighbors). In addition, farmers tend to be fit as fuck.

>> No.5784601

make this, very tasty and has a small amount of calories

>> No.5784614

This threads been on the front page of /ck/ for like a month.... OP STOP BUMPING IT!

>> No.5784623
File: 2.84 MB, 525x295, 1407376230450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5784629


it was made on the 6th but yeah, I really wish this guy would just get banned and they'd make some sort of "neurotic eating/eating disorders" board for them to circlejerk in

>> No.5784633

it's called /ck/

>> No.5784635


not really until a few months ago, prior to that it was just /cgl/ and /fa/

>> No.5784640

I was talking about my eating problems on 4chan since /food/. (I got help years ago though)

>> No.5784646

That gif goes so well with the song I'm listening to

>> No.5785258

>You eat too many eggs. Enjoy colon cancer.

Eggs are perfectly safe to eat now days.
You can eat a dozen a week if you like.

>> No.5785513

>grossly obese


>> No.5786087

Is there any other way to be obese?

>> No.5786639

>not /r9k/
>not /adv/
>not /fa/
>not /cgl/
>not /livejournal/

>I really wish this guy would just get banned and they'd make some sort of "neurotic eating/eating disorders" board for them to circlejerk in

pls. I've been saging for days on end.

>> No.5787401

Well I had a pretty rough night guys.
Someone who had not seen me in over a year was visibly shocked by how much weight I had gained ;_;

It hurt so bad but I will use this for the nest time I am having trouble on fast days.
I will beat this fat thing and be sexy again.
I've lost over a pound a week and will be dateable by spring.

>> No.5787408
File: 42 KB, 381x555, TWIGGY-REX-65_2139929a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and just wanted to thank everyone for all the support!

>> No.5788220
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