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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 670x473, 670px-Become-a-Vegan-Step-3Bullet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5768202 No.5768202[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw girlfriend wants to become a vegan

How do i convince her not to? Should I even bother?

>> No.5768205

dump her

>> No.5768206

tell her to watch all the videos on nutritionfacts.org

>> No.5768207

Don't bother, you're not going to convince her otherwise and she'll just resent you.

>> No.5768211

Kill her and whatever inane hippie is feeding her pro-eating disorder propaganda.

>> No.5768218

Drop the bitch, find someone more suitable to your lifestyle.

>> No.5768219

Don't force your lifestyle on her. She wants to be a healthy and kind person, so let her do what she wants.

>> No.5768224

Tell her you'll never eat her out again

>> No.5768230

ayyy lmao

>> No.5768231

Once in a while just secretly fuse some sort of meat product into her diet.

I do this to my muslim friends, I've used so much bacon fat while cooking food for them. They also love it.

>> No.5768234



It's only more healthy than a diet containing vegetable products if they're going from eating garbage to eating a well-rounded vegan diet. As someone who grew up and lives in a hippy town I know no shortage of vegans and vegetarians who went from eating garbage containing meat to garbage not containing meat and are still fat as hell.

>> No.5768236

Push your eating disorder elsewhere, scum. Depriving your body of nutrients and attempting to force an omnivorous digestive tract to subsist on plants is not healthy, and there is nothing "kind" about the way produce is grown.

>> No.5768237

Man that's just being an asshole. What do you gain from being a deceptive prick?

>> No.5768250

sexual gratification

>> No.5768265


Get your arteries checked out, my friend. According to arguably the most experienced, respected cardiologist in the world, you are not an "omnivore" in a practical sense


If anything, forcing yourself to eat meat every day when you know full well it'll kill you in the long run would be an eating disorder

>> No.5768272

Can vegans still suck dick? Can they swallow semen?

>> No.5768277

Life kills you in the long run. Longevity and diet are not the end-all determination unless you take it to the extreme.

>> No.5768281


Only faux dicks made of textured vegetable protein, and only almond semen

>> No.5768283
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>omnivorous digestive tract

>> No.5768288
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>plants are bad for you

>> No.5768311

what do his friends lose from eating something tasty and perfectly safe?

>> No.5768313

>implying implications implicitly

>> No.5768318

You can deny science all you like, but human beings are omnivorous and function best eating as such.

The last page is a vegetarian resource, btw.

>> No.5768320


>Stop consuming any food

Wow dude that's not a healthy diet

>breathing is bad for you

ok kid.

ok kid.

>> No.5768323

i was making a far more pedantic argument than you are able to comprehend, anon

>> No.5768327

No, but depriving your body of vital nutrients based on misinformation and white liberal guilt certainly is. So is putting words in people's mouths when you have no counterargument. Damn, i guess a lack of proper nutrition causes worse cognitive damage than i thought. where are you located? If you allow me to help you before the damage gets too severe, we can have you back to normal. Please don't suffer with this debilitating eating disorder any more.

>> No.5768330

No, I was assuming that you wouldn't be pathetic enough to be a grammar nazi. Sorry for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.5768343


>depriving your body of vital nutrients

That's assuming getting heart disease is vital.

>> No.5768352

>eating meat = heart disease
Wow, malnutrition really does make people stupid.

>> No.5768360


Unfortunately, meat indeed contributes to heart disease. I could help you find recipes to swap meat out for some beans and whole grains if you're interested in improving your cardiovascular health, my friend.

>> No.5768362

That doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.5768364
File: 106 KB, 496x740, president of cardiology vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>found the carnist

>> No.5768368

your butthurt is palpable

>> No.5768370

doctors only take one nutrition class in college/med school

He is also only recommending it to people who are overweight not the general public who doesnt stuff their face with meat, refined carbs, and fats 24/7

>> No.5768374
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>world leaders in diet and health don't know anything about nutrition

Motherfucker, people like him CREATE nutrition science

>> No.5768384

sure thing bud

>> No.5768386

oh, like a psychologist!

>pseudoscience jackasses

>> No.5768390


>He is also only recommending it to people who are overweight not the general public who doesnt stuff their face with meat, refined carbs, and fats 24/7

Here's the largest healthcare organization in the United States, telling its associated physicians to endorse a vegan diet


>Physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to ALL their patients

>> No.5768407


No they don't, that guy is right they are only required to take 1 nutrition class. Doctors may be masters on many things, but they are only required to learn about nutrition on a very basic level. The people who "create" nutrition science are the research scientists who specialize in nutrition and metabolism.

>> No.5768408

I guess you didnt read that yourself

>> No.5768414

Shut the fuck up you vegan faggots, no one cares. You're worse than militant (insert religious groups). If given the choice, I would rather live to be 60 and eat meat than live to be 90 and eat only fucking vegetables. Stick a carrot up your gaping faggot asshole and die in your garden

>> No.5768415

Why do you insist on calling healthy omnivores that?

>> No.5768418


The problem here is that while the average doctor at your local clinic isn't necessarily an expert in nutrition, that doesn't apply at all to such experts as the president of the college of cardiology, who obviously understands the mechanisms behind diet and its effects on risk factors.

>> No.5768421

Right, because no one in a university has ever had an ulterior motive or an agenda to push.

>> No.5768429


>> No.5768430
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Hee hee hee, the rage tastes like STRAWBERRIES!


And now start the conspiracy theories.

>> No.5768432

>confirmed troll

>> No.5768436

>not understanding what your post implied
>threatening people on the internet because they don't attack veganism

>> No.5768454
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Convince her to become vegetarian instead.

>> No.5768457


oh wait...

>> No.5768480


and the vegan faggot posts again.

>hurr durr he who posts the most links wins!

fuck off now vegtard

>> No.5768489


yeah, those stupid vegan faggots and their stupid asshole overwhelming facts and support. bunch of god damn DOUCHEBAGS! I say we all bury our heads in sand until they go away!

>> No.5768506

The excess of beef meat, fats and carbohydrates is dangerous on many levels (cardiovascular, diabetes...). The fucking excess. Stop.
We are omnivores. We NEED meat. We cannot assimilate properly vegetables' proteins and the amount of them per 100g it's simply laughable.
Iron in vegetables simply passes our digestive tract as is and we shit it out.
Studies have confirmed that a strictly vegan diet is far more worse than a good, equilibrate omnivore diet.

>> No.5768511



its a recent study. fuck off now little vegan faggot troll.

>> No.5768514


I could cherry pick tons of articles that suggest things that contradict what he is suggesting

I could also cherry pick some that suggest the same thing

that's why nutritional science and standards change so often, you need decades of studies done in order to form a formal, definitive conclusion

>> No.5768516

>overwhelming facts and support
carefully cherry picked from biased sources.
it's like dealing with evangelical christians without the benefit of blaming their stupidity on their fixation with their imaginary friend.

Why are you so paranoid? i merely want to provide someone suffering from an eating disorder with the resources to overcome their disability. Why are you so hostile to people who are trying to help you?

>> No.5768517


I agree with you my friend, except I believe the things you say are untrue and you base them entirely on ignorance and your own personal feelings rather than actual science.

>> No.5768522

Nah, that's really more the mo of vegans like you.

>> No.5768523


the beliefs of almost everyone are based on their own personal feelings, which they then will try to validate after the fact

>> No.5768579


>cherry picked
>biased sources

It's not even me you're arguing with, it's the world's best doctors and scientists.

Presented above was William C. Roberts, who has been the chief editor of the American Journal of Cardiology for 30+ years, with over 1300 medical articles published, and is considered one of the absolute most authoritative people in the world when it comes to heart health, who explains that human beings are herbivores who have no business eating flesh. You have Kim A. Williams, president elect of the American College of Cardiology, who necessarily had to adopt a vegan diet because a diet of even "lean meat" just isn't good enough to cut your cardiac risk. You have Caldwell Esselstyn, former president of the Cleveland Clinic, which has been rated the world's #1 cardiac care hospital for the last 20 years, who considers animal foods practically toxic and has clinically halted and reversed heart disease in patients by putting them on a whole food plant-based diet.

In light of this, you can't consider yourself "the rational atheist" in this argument. You have your beliefs set in stone, you want to ignore all the reality that clearly goes against what you want to be true, and you want to be right even when you're not right. Should I call you Ray Comfort or do you prefer Ken Ham?

>> No.5768589

And there you go, cherry picking some more. And what of all of the experts the world over who are NOT vegan? Hmmm? Try harder vegangelical. I'm gonna call you Pat Robertson from now on.

>> No.5768591


Even if you want to ignore those guys at the very top (which in your position is a good idea), you're not going to find someone who can be called an expert who doesn't recommend lowering saturated fat and cholesterol intake and increasing the intake of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. The sooner you come to terms with this, the easier it'll be to switch to a healthy diet. Maybe your constipation will clear up along with your arteries.

>> No.5768604

And what is my position? You know absolutely nothing about me, and yet you assume the world. And suddenly, you go from advocating veganism to a healthy common-sense diet. You know what the funny thing is? As someone that grows his own produce, and on the rare occasion that he eats meat, kills it and processes it himself, I'd wager that not only am I healthier than you, my ecological footprint is smaller as well. Grasp at some more straws, please.

>> No.5768605

The easiest way to convince her is to let her do it.

You don't commit to veganism overnight. It takes a shitton of research and dedication to do it properly.

Many vegans fail at the early stages because it's a pain in the ass thing to do. The ones who can stick to it forever are the super-hippies who never had any hope of being saved.

>> No.5768606

Give me her contact info so she can enjoy my superior vegan cock :^)

>> No.5768607

>not having vaginas
Top kek m8, top kek. Also, please stop samefagging.

>> No.5768610


Your position is the typical baseless "my body NEEDS ice cream, the science I made up in my head says so" excuse to eat food that you know isn't good for you while trying to condemn people who cut out those unnecessary, harmful foods as if such foods are a physical requirement rather than an active detriment.

But anyway, this old cowboy has to hit the hay. Goodnight, my friend, and no hard feelings.

>> No.5768611

That was my first post in this thread, nerfherder.

>> No.5768616

>turns tail and runs when it is wrong
Never return and nothing will be lost.

>> No.5768618
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And there you go, grasping at more straws, and attempting to put words in my mouth. I'll take that as your concession. So there you go. You aren't healthier than me, you do more damage to the environment than I do, and yet somehow, like every other vegan, you exist in a cloud of your own smug moral superiority. Thanks for the entertainment, Pat, it's been a hoot.

>> No.5768622

>i'm in way over my head and am running out of logical fallacies, so now it's time to scamper off
FTFY bro.

>> No.5768637

meat is haram brothers

>> No.5768640

Why did all these vegan threads start getting so prominent? I'm an RD and I live in a hippy town and I have to listen to so much of this jargon as it is. I had a vegan client complaining about how they couldn't afford organic, non-gmo produce and asked what she should do. I very politely said something along the lines of "as far as we know currently, there is not necessarily any associated health risks with consuming gmo produce. Of course like anything there is the small likelyhood we'll find out something else after several decades, but there have been an extensive number of studies conducted bla bla bla I'm too tired to finish this you get the idea. It was very polite, I'm not a condescending cunt". She printed out a copy of the seralini "study" and brought it to me next week. I didn't want to debate, I was only trying to help open your options so that you had more money.

>> No.5768645


>putting the quotation marks after I summarize

ok so I'm tired, time to sleep

oh, and I mentioned as an option that she could purchase produce from local farmers who are quite inexpensive, although they use gmo crops. No go I guess.

>> No.5768649

avoid a defency and excess of the following and live your life like a rational human bean.

each one is essential and can't be replaced by the other. good day.

>> No.5768680
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This should be on the /fit/ board honestly. It's more a health issue instead of cooking.

But really, You shouldn't even bother unless she's at a high level of fitness.

>> No.5768699

let her be. she feels passionate about this.

But to be a sadsack realist, most converts go back to their meat eating ways in a few months. support her and let her have her compassionate diet.

>> No.5768700

ayy lmao

>> No.5768706
File: 24 KB, 615x410, france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


didn't read the thread, lol. But I can't imagine that would have actually been your face when your gf told you she wants to be vegan.
>her face when she told you

>> No.5768798

I'm a doctor, sunshine.

>> No.5768805

>not wanting your girlfriend to become a vegan
But OP, she'll taste better (if you catch my drift).

>> No.5768806
File: 10 KB, 300x200, 559312937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who or what are you quoting?

>> No.5768824


Phd's don't count, son.

>> No.5768837

>not being vegetarian
>not getting all dem nutrients through god tier cheese and dairy products + eggs
Living the high life

>> No.5768869

Wrong quote?

>> No.5769000

women + logic = fight + new beta boyfriend

>> No.5769007

What? No, don't bother, it'll make her body look awesome if she does it. Also don't encourage her or anything, especially if you haven't known her for very long.

>> No.5769009

drug her, tie her up, and start dumping loads of cum in every orifice. I don't have any advice about her becoming a vegan though.

>> No.5769044
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Dump her, don't go out with stupid people anon.

>> No.5769089

Actually my muslim friend says pork is fine as long as he doesnt know.

>> No.5769848

This is true. OP should encourage it.

>> No.5769868

>girlfriend wants to become a vegan

Be prepared to never have fun with food again.
Anytime you guys have to decide "what to do for dinner tonight" be prepared for a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.5769875

>found the *insert smug insult here*

You're the reason people find vegans to be smug assholes.

>> No.5769904
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>goes from "you can't eat PLANTS! you need MEAT!" to "w-well I rarely eat meat anyway, so..."

>> No.5769945

Punch her in the face

>> No.5769959

Is that Jeff Seid?

>> No.5769961

call it an eating disorder. yeah that will rustler her jimmies, then she won't do it.

>> No.5769963

sane person in a crazy thread

>> No.5769991
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>your in one

>> No.5770001

Are you kidding me? This is great as long as she understands not to pass the bullshit on to you.

>Take her out to eat.
>She eats a cheapo salad
>you get the fancy steak
>cheap date

If you live together it may be annoying since you'll have to cook separately or add meat to a portion of her dish

>> No.5770023


>> No.5770266

As long as she doesn't try to make you become vegan/change your eating habits don't worry about it. But if she starts throwing away your chicken and steaks dump her.

>> No.5770306


Fucking /ck/ has the worst memes.

>> No.5770311

Say this to your gf.

Listen little baby,

You're gonna get a lot of degrading and hurtful comments in this thread, but that ain't what I about.

Let me just say you are perfect the way you are you hear me sugar? PERFECT don't ever change, you deserve everything and anything you want.

stay safe for me baby girl

>mfw thinking about you hurting

>> No.5770330
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You sound like someone who hasn't had a girl in the last decade. Corny as hell.

>> No.5770337

Unless you don't mind eating vegetable based meals most of the time I wouldn't recommend being in a relationship with a vegan. It can be pretty fucking restrictive on one of the fun things couples do together, which is going out to eat.

My wife and I handle it like this: home is vegan, so we're eating vegan most of the time. We're both good cooks, so there's no suffering involved in doing so. Then when we go out all bets are off. This works great for us.

>> No.5770356

Feed her vegetables that are known to increase libido like asparagus and uhh maca root. There must be others.

>> No.5770430

But what if she WANTS to eat bread?

>> No.5770431

you literally have no clue how delicious vegan food can be.

>> No.5770453

Considering I've been cooking vegan food pretty much exclusively for the last two and a half years I think you are wrong.

Tonight's dinner:
- homemade bread
- homemade hummus (chickpeas peeled and all)
- homemade mutabal
- cumin carrots
- tomato-harissa relish
- olives, pickles and pickled turnips
- green salad in tahini-lemon dressing

Hard to beat that.

>> No.5770458

let her eat cake

>> No.5770504

wait, are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?

>> No.5770512

OP said girlfriend wants to be vegan not junkfood snackatarian.

>> No.5770648

You can't even tell anymore, can you? You've got such a black and white view of this issue that any nuance is lost on you. You are why people are annoyed by vegans. You are why I eat a plant based diet, but would NEVER call myself a vegan.

>> No.5770660

I have a feeling that you mopest children and wear 1980's stereotypical geek attire. You also don't own a tv and read romance novels as a hobby. How close am I?

>> No.5770672


>> No.5770677


You got all that from completely non-controversial health advice that just about any medical professional would agree with?

Based on my response, what do I look like and what do I read? An ancient Egyptian scribe with a cat fetish, fluent in Linear B? A professional truck racer from Germany? An obese woman? Please use your powerful insights on me, anon.

>> No.5771043

>- homemade hummus (chickpeas peeled and all)

>Peeling your chickpeas

>> No.5771110

>Peeling your chickpeas
Huge amount of effort, but makes the hummus super creamy. If you've ever had grainy hummus it's because they chickpeas were not peeled. I don't like it grainy.

>> No.5771126

grainy >> creamy

>> No.5771148

This is the only reasonable answer.

>> No.5771151

To each his own. I find on a mainly plant based diet you enjoy creaminess where you can find it, because you're not just reaching for butter, cheese or creme fraiche to get it. So when tahini or coconut milk get involved with your cooking you take what you're using them for that much more seriously.

FWIW, the mutabal turned out even better than the hummus, and there's enough left of each for breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.5771208

She'll give up after a couple months , don't worry.

>> No.5771223

This is probably true. Most vegetarians are chicks, but most vegans are dudes. I think it's a control thing. Chicks seem to have a hard time living with second rate baked goods, and very few vegan baked goods manage to be first rate.

>> No.5771230

why would she want to become a vegan?
also does it matter if she's a vegan? you don't have to be

>> No.5771242

>also does it matter if she's a vegan? you don't have to be
True, but the gigantic pain in the ass dance you have to do around going out and really any meal taken together becomes a thing. Not much of a thing if she's just a gf, but a real thing if you're thinking of taking the relationship more seriously.

>> No.5771260


Just looked at their broccoli video. Any idea if it's possible to add the mustard powder in WHILE cooking or right when it's done cooking but still in the pan, and the myrosinase will still be created?

>> No.5771263

Most restaurant have vegan items nowadays.

>> No.5771300

This is not true. A few places have vegetarian options, and sometimes they're vegan. I know this because I eat a mostly plant based diet. But if I didn't I sure as fuck would not want to date someone who did.

I remember before I went plant based dating a vegetarian, not even a vegan, and that was more trouble than the sex was worth (even though she was qt).

My point remains: if you have no problem with a mostly plant based diet you can date a vegan. Otherwise don't bother. Because food is a social thing, and someone who has a difficult to accommodate diet is just going to end up being anti-social in food situations.

>> No.5771307

what is your problem!?
>implies that plant based food can get boring, (which is a lie, unless you are uncreative and boring yourself)
>you literally have no clue how delicious vegan food can be.

>Considering I've been cooking vegan food pretty much exclusively for the last two and a half years I think you are wrong.

as if to say that
is wrong about saying that vegan food can be very delicious

and then goes on to post some really delicious sounding vegan meals, like what the what..?

is obviously and rightfully confused

>"can I be anymore sarcastic?":the post

can you explain anything?

>> No.5771308

Yeah "vegan option" at most places means an afterthought. And I live in an Alpha+ global city. Things would be worse in most places. Better in a few niche communities.

>> No.5771315

what kind of stupid backwards confusing insane assumptions are these? what kind of frustratingly moronic logic!?!

I think the whole point is to wait, then cook later. supposedly the myrosinase is destroyed by heat or something, so cooking it with the mustard powder may not allow the production of sulphoraphane. I'm not absolutely sure.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5771365

>what is your problem!?


I still think it's stupid for someone who isn't at least happy to eat mostly plant based meals to date someone who, for whatever reasons thinks they want to be vegan. It'd be as silly as a straight man who enjoys blowjobs dating a woman who thought they were disgusting - some fundamental common ground about what's pleasurable would be missing.

>> No.5771412
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why would she? you think all people have such little willpower like you?

theoretically speaking for example,
after reading your comment I feel as if you are probably on some kind of drugs, and I feel that you took so so very many drugs that I got high by reading your post.

>> No.5771422

>I feel that you took so so very many drugs that I got high by reading your post.
That's cute. Sad, but cute.

>> No.5771424 [DELETED] 
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you're insane, you know that right?

>> No.5771429

The only argument for vegan you need

You're going to die anyway.

>> No.5771442

what kind of stupid logic is this?


normally, people that eat unhealthy have alot of health problems and suffer healthwise throughout their life.

normally, people who eat healthier tend to have less health problems and suffer less in their life (in relation to health)

I would rather live my life healthy and comfortable than unhealthy and uncomfortable.

>> No.5771446

You go for it champ.

>> No.5771466

Are you the vegan superman who thought the old dude mostly vegan was a troll last week?

>> No.5771580

I tried going vegan once. I didn't get superpowers from it and it was hard as hell. Almond milk/ soy milk is expensive as hell.

>> No.5771591

>what kind of stupid backwards confusing insane assumptions are these? what kind of frustratingly moronic logic!?!
Strong independent gurl detected ;)

>> No.5771769

why did you try going vegan?

>> No.5771796

make her watch the videos of that 20 something vegan cunt that looks like she's over 40

or just dump the dumb cunt

>> No.5771801


Almond milk is basically the same price as dairy milk.

>> No.5771821


And also isn't a requirement of a vegan diet. I don't know why people think to be a vegan you have to eat specific "vegan foods," rather than just plants.

>> No.5771952

Just let her do whatever and after a couple weeks or so make some delicious smelling stuff that has milk, cheese, etc. Her stomach will start growling like a motherfucker and she'll want to eat some. Then a while later make something with just a little bit of meat in it or maybe some chicken broth. Keep tempting her and she'll probably give in before long.

>> No.5771965

do you see how fucked up this is?
OP don't be a manipulative shit and leave her to her own thing.

>> No.5771966

He isnt doing anything wrong. Its not like he is sneaking meat in her food. Just cooking himself some good meals.

>> No.5771973

with the intent to manipulate her and sabotage whatever it is shes trying to do with herself and her diet.
that would be messed up and petty.

>> No.5771974

boo hoo, its not like he should stop cooking nonvegan food around her. Its something that she is going to have to be around if she plans on living in the real world. If she doesn't have the self control to keep from eating meat products when she smells them then thats her problem.

>> No.5771976

I hate fads.

There isn't much of a difference between becoming a vegetarian on a whim as doing anything else on a whim.

There's a swimming pool -- I think I'll go swimming.

There's some vegetables -- I think I'll become a vegetarian.

See? Not much difference. It's nothing more than a whim.

>> No.5771982

you seem to have missed the point about intent.
i didn't say normal cooking for himself is bad, couples can live peacefully with different dietary needs.
> Keep tempting her and she'll probably give in before long.
this is bullshit behaviour.

>> No.5772144

>she will no longer costume your sea men
>relationship over
drop her off at your nearest local commune

>> No.5772148

gg phone

>> No.5772155

remind her what organic fertilizer is made from

>> No.5772170

>meat indeed contributes to heart disease
only if you also consider that water contributes to drowning

>> No.5772249

It will give her wrinkles

>> No.5772380

>you seem to have missed the point about intent.
Results matter far more than intent. It's about time we got over placing such value on intent - it's meaningless moralist bullshit.

Besides, tempting your gf is what you're supposed to do with her - seduction is part of the relationship. At a certain point it doesn't matter whether or not it's wine, chocolate, your dick or a cheesecake.

>couples can live peacefully with different dietary needs.
It's not needs; it's self-imposed dietary restrictions. And a couple is unlikely to do well with this unless both adopt it to some degree. If the guy is unwilling to adopt but he still likes the girl he's doing far better to undermine the restrictions in order to save the relationship than to respect her whim of the week.

>> No.5772409

Are you me anon?

>> No.5773651

Results are the product of intent; it is absolutely critical to context to focus on intent.
>whim of the week
>assuming that she has only a wisp of an idea of why she's making this lifestyle choice
>a relationship willing to be fouled with selfish sabotage is worth maintaining at all
So how long have you been single?

>> No.5773661

Her legs and armpits hair will become unshavable

>> No.5776146

kill her and eat her

>> No.5776168

My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years. He became vegan 3 years ago and hasnt eaten meat, honey, cheese, anything not vegan since. I on the other hand eat a ton of meat because its delicious. He is vegan for the animals, because he doesnt feel its right to eat them. We have never had a single fight over our eating choices, and ive even learned how to cook a ton of good vegan recipes. I think if someone is afraid to be with a vegan or veghead, remember that it doesnt mean changing your lifestyle.

>> No.5776198

I figure this would be a good place to ask rather than starting another thread.

I'll be going vegan after being just a vegetarian for a couple of years. The whole b12 and omega 3 thing has got me kind of worried though, as I currently eat a lot of fish.

I'm looking for a recommended supplement for b12. I'm thinking of ordering some "nutritional yeast flakes" to sprinkle on shit daily. Gonna get a big ass bag of chia seed too, But i've also heard that plant sources of omega 3 are terrible at converting themselves. any help you guys can give me?

>> No.5776206

Dump her.

>> No.5776207

sorry, meant to say i'm a "pescetarian"

>> No.5777218

I like methyl b12 from NOW Foods. It tastes like candy. Just take two a week, or daily if you want. You can't overdose. You can take it much less than that without risking neurological health, but it also plays a role in heart health. You can get algae oil capsules that will give you fishy burps. Algae is where fish get their omegas and fishiness. Also eat flax. Ground. Preferably ground by you. A tablespoon a day if you can.

>> No.5777580

is yeast vegan?

>> No.5777601

Yes. It must be multicellular for vegans to care.

>> No.5777636


Flax seed is really good for omega-3s and I consider it the most convenient since it's so easy to add to food. Chia seeds you add to liquid and drink, but flax you can grind up and add to oatmeal or in bread flour or mix it with balsamic vinegar to make a salad dressing. Buy it whole and grind it yourself when you're ready to use it; a spice grinder or coffee grinder works well for this

>But i've also heard that plant sources of omega 3 are terrible at converting themselves

In some situations, it is, but it wouldn't apply to you on a vegan diet. If you eat a lot of fish or animal-based omega-3, your body converts less ALA. With no dietary EPA or DHA though, your ability to convert it goes up dramatically


In this study, even though the vegan group had the lowest intake of total omega-3 (from eating grains and vegetables rather than more potent sources like flax, walnuts, chia, etc) and all of it was of course plant-based ALA, they had about the same blood levels as the other groups, and male vegans managed to have significantly more EPA and female vegans had significantly more DHA than even the fish eaters, without even specifically eating high omega-3 foods

Also, in addition to being the highest source of omega-3s in the world, it's also the highest source of lignans, which are a type of anti-inflammatory phytochemical that's been associated with decreased cancer risk.

>> No.5777722

For one, the Muslims get banished to hell for all eternity.
That's gotta be worth something, right?

>> No.5777729

Time to move on man.

>> No.5777733

>plants arent multicellular

>> No.5777899


no. almond milk is not sold in gallons for the same price as regular.

>> No.5777922

She probably wouldnt be able to resist meat. Everyone has the thought of becoming a vegan and not a lot actually becomes one.

>> No.5777932

If they are coerced or tricked into eating pork, they can still go to Paradise

>> No.5778171

And there you vegans go again, jumping to conclusions. The cut and thrust of that post is that relying entirely on plants for your nutritional needs is not healthy, you are an omnivore, period. I figured that I was dealing with an adult, buy I guess I gave you too much credit...In fact, i'm beginning to think that the shitposting vegan on here isn't a vegan so much as a troll attempting to make vegans look bad.

>> No.5778182

>almond milk/ soy milk is repulsive


>> No.5778204

actually, almond milk is delicious. Expensive, but delicious. That is an avowed carnivore saying that, btw.

>> No.5778227


no, you went from "you can't even absorb iron from plants" and "plants don't even have protein" to "I rarely eat meat" because you were desperate to make a point