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5764930 No.5764930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

new al/ck/oholism thread. Share your stories; support, encouragement, ableism.

All are welcome; no judgement given.

I'll start:
>8 years drunken asshole
>750ml rum, whiskey, or 24 pack of beer per day
>5-6 days a week
>alternate between corner store, liquor store and supermarket everyday so they don't know my secret.
>gf constantly finds me passed out on the living room floor for the past 7 years
>why hasn't she dumped me yet?
>starting to feel dull pain in liver
>recently got into big fight about drinking
>so ashamed about my addiction that I turned it the fight against her
>tfw I love her and I need to change or else I'll die alone
>tfw I told myself I'd quit yesterday (for the hundredth time) but I still drank today...

I need to stop this... I'm going to lose her, and once I lose her, it's all over guys. I'll legitimately kill myself.... Give me some strength...

>> No.5764957

Hey dipshit, why don't you post in one that already exists? Stop clogging the board with this shit. One thread is enough.

>> No.5764959

Sorry, thought the other one was nearing the thread limit... Didn't mean to offend. bro....

>> No.5764960


you didn't offend, he's just shitposting. the only one shitting up the board is him.

>> No.5765047

I feel you OP, I had my last drink last Friday. This is the first week I have been sober for more than 2 days in the last 6 years.

It's a step at least, in the right direction. I had to go through 4 alcohol withdrawals from binges over the last 6 months before I realized enough was enough. When I had a seizure, that was the final straw for me. Go to your doctor and get on some benzos. Take therapy instead of the worthless godfearing AA meetings, and don't take the advice of possibly taking up another addiction to get yourself off the drink, (ie; "hey bro, just smoke weed instead).

Never quit cold turkey, and start getting honest with yourself. Monitor your tapering if you choose to go the non perscription/medicinal/benzo route.
(No hard liquors, only beers)

Right now I'm dealing with the insomnia, which you will have for sometime as well should you decide to quit.

Good luck anon

>> No.5765048

I'm so drunk!!

>> No.5765079

When alcohol starts ruining relationships that's when it's time to get help. When she leaves you will become more depressed and use that as an excuse to drink more anon

>> No.5765157

First off, you've got someone who, for whatever reason, has dealt with your shit for a long time, so you've got that going for you.

That being said, the only cure to not drinking, is force of will. It's incredibly difficult. I was a heavy drinker (handle of vodka a day) for almost 8 years. I stopped when I got tired of throwing up all the time. You've got a better reason to stop buddy, you have someone who seems to love you despite how fucked up you are.

Tapper down, over the course of a month or so. Start working out, go easy at first, start eating better and start feeling better.

Hope you make it bro and realize that you've got someone who has stuck it out with you for a long time and she's obviously a keeper; that's much more than a lot of people have going for them.

>> No.5765177

im a month and one week into quitting after drinking close to a litre of hard liquor a day for 2 years, and really glad i did quit. the first few weeks really sucked tho and i felt really depressed, but eventually started treadmilling daily for an hour. i still don't have as much fun or really enjoy myself like i did when i was drinking, but overall know it's healthier and the right thing to do after being fucked up daily for so long

>> No.5765893

Reposted from the old thread

Technically not an alcy (only 19, not really had time to develop a dependence even if I were to go down that route), but I feel like I'm on a slippery slope. I don't drink that often - it depends on the situation: I'll have a week bender every few months and a night out maybe a couple nights a week when I'm at uni, then nothing for a month. I'll have a fifth of whiskey or vodka plus beers typically, and if I pace it right then I won't black out. I've only been drinking for 2 years but it's just accelerated because of the drinking culture in the UK and my competitive nature. I've started drinking straight spirits (if I mix then it's about half and half) which is worrying me a bit - I can't tell if I do it to try and impress people or because I like it.
My mother was an alcy (it killed her at 45, she was having about 4L a week at the end), and my dad says she drank while she was pregnant, so I'm more at risk of alcoholism. Plus I have a pretty addictive personality normally, which hasn't extended itself to alcohol yet thankfully. I essentially use it as a medication for social awkwardness, which I see some other people in this thread do too. As it stands I see myself as towing a very fine line, but i feel very in control of it as it stands.

>> No.5766001

Have you tried watching cartoons?
With your loved ones. Feel good cartoons man.
It's a good distraction from it, Have you tried using that money and try out making foods for you're girlfriend and yourself?

Some tasty new dishes you can share. and you might learn a new skill or two.

maybe read up on philosophers. a different perspective can help see things in a different light.

There's alot of distractions in the world that can help. Good luck man.

>> No.5766057
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>tfw got drunk again for the first time in a couple months last night
>apparently I somehow left some poop on the bathroom floor, fuck if I know how
>this is my life

>> No.5766117

OP start meditating right off the bat. just sit there alone without distraction and focus on why you want to quit. personally i did it for others too even though they say you should do it for you. think about how sad it will make your loved ones to see you hobbled up in a bed in a hospital waiting to leave. ok now think about how youl fix it. meditation helps to find ways to defeat what bugs you. you drink out of boredom,depression,both?
if its boredom, find a new hobby or old one that you like and start doing it. personally i lift for that dopamine and sense of building my outside. if youre depressed depression helps you find what it is exactly. if its a past event youl realize you can leave it in the past. if its a current situation like a shitty job or bad "friends" then youl realize that other jobs can be found and "friends" can be dropped off/ignored. meditation also helps you to be a minimalist if youre ok with that. it helps you realize that simple shit like a good meal or song or a scene in nature or throwing a ball for your pet is bretty fun.

tldr: meditate. fill your mind with good things that it can focus on. also go to a aa meeting and see if you like it.
>theres always weed too for some relaxation

>> No.5766143

Maybe you should learn some grammar you fucking faggot.

>> No.5767958

My man, drink up and be merry

>> No.5767970

I can go quite a long time without drinking. I mean, I'll want a drink. Like I'll find myself craving a beer or a mixer or something and that'll be my focus all through the day, but I can fight that off.

But when I start drinking, unless there's social pressure around (a smart dinner, or a social event), then that's it. I'm gone for as long as I can stay awake and have access to booze.

>> No.5767974

>Used to watch a lot of sci-fi/anime and such.
>Started drinking while watching it.
>Get completely blitzed then every other night.

I'm not even sure if I like it anymore without the alcohol...

>> No.5767990

>and then you forget the last three episodes' plot at the end of the night


>> No.5767991

weed does not aid in relaxation...

>> No.5768000

also what makes you think that depression is the result of something that happened, or a current situation? do you know what depression is?because of this stupid curse i cannot maintain any hobbies or interests. i get tired of things very very quickly. nothing is able to interest me for more than a trial run. and yes half the reason i drink is due to a heavy inner boredom that just won't lift. no matter what i pursue or take interest in and start i'm always bored in no time.

>> No.5768007

What a fag

>> No.5768030

Maybe not for you pussy

>> No.5768051

I used to smoke weed about 5 years ago and it does relax you, I used to love relaxing with some weed watching Simpsons reruns.

>> No.5768060

This is about booze ya fuckin hippie

>> No.5768067
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Two threads up so I'm posting in both

>drunk alone last night and passed out
>woke up at 4 am and started dringing again
>passed out again at 3 pm
>woke up at 6 pm, went out and ate dinner
>got back at 8 pm and started drinking again

Richfaggots have problems too. The funny part is I've been drinking Skol the whole time

>> No.5768068
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check em

ya lousy drunks, get a REAL hobby

>> No.5768075

Yea your government is trying to murder you by making you kill yourself by denying you access to healthier alternatives. You could get fucked up without destroying your body.

It's a fucking shame so many people have been tricked into thinking they are doing the right thing.

Oh well. At least those deluded minds can sleep well thinking they have protected us from the marijuanas.

OP I come from a line of proud and distinguished alcoholics. My dad and his dad died from their drinking. My grandfather was fine though, I don't think he drank that much but I didn't know him very well.

I've gotten so low I've drank mouthwash.

I don't know how to help you dude. Wish I could.

>> No.5768078

I've been sitting in the same chair all weekend drinking beer, whiskey and red wine watching discovery channel and browsing /ck/ if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.5768083

>Yea your government is trying to murder you by making you kill yourself by denying you access to healthier alternatives
fucking this. every time i get smashed something like this always runs through my mind

>> No.5768084


Your false dichotomy is bullshit, coming from a polydrug user.

>> No.5768103
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This made me laugh pretty hard

>> No.5768109

You won't kill yourself. You would have done it by now.

You'll stop drinking when you're ready. That time isn't now.

>> No.5768113

>money is coming in this coming Wednesday
>am excited but know I'll go back to drinking relentlessly
>gf and family are already sick of my shit with drinking

I'd kill myself if I wasn't a coward

>> No.5768437


for me it enhances my senses but causes me physical and mental anxiety with ruminating thoughts. it puts me on edge but does allow me to think more creatively and experience music, food, etc. on a different level. but one thing it does not do is relax me. i smoked for about 4 years before quitting because being high brought with it a feeling of vulnerability in a dangerous world, and i would freak out on people because i suddenly stopped trusting them. i would think about what i need to fix in my life, and that would scare me, because all of my addictions and dysfunctions would be staring me in the face... numbing out isn't an option when all of your senses are enhanced and your body is on the cusp of fight/flight mode.

it has been about a year and a half and i've just started smoking again, and i find that i have more control of my anxiety. we'll see how it goes, but for now i'm getting tipsy before getting high. hopefully i can slowly phase out the alcohol and start just getting high. too bad booze makes me super functional at work and weed turns me into a jumpy idiot on the job.

>> No.5768467

Are you me? Weed always made me paranoid as hell and if I smoke alone, I end up feeling like shit about myself. If I want it to be enjoyable, I have to drink first.

>> No.5768490

You should start a new addiction to get off your old addiction OP. Try painkillers or prescription meds.

>> No.5768613


>You'll stop drinking when you're ready.

no, you will NEVER be ready. that's the part that makes you stronger--you fight with the hope for a better life and a desire for self destruction.

>> No.5768626

>ITT: a bunch of beckbeards pretending to have a romanticized, "manly" affliction to excuse being shut ins.

You faggots aren't fooling anyone and your cries for help aren't eventually going to be met by somebody else who is going to save you. Losers.

>> No.5768628


those are worse to get off than alcohol, although I imagine that was supposed to be the joke

>> No.5768647

I haven't had anything hard for over a week now, with only a couple of beers a day. It feels worse, I'm so tempted to go pick up that bottle.

>> No.5768648

I mean, I'm gonna burn all your Minor Threat records.

>> No.5768659

I'm the guy you're replying to. The reason I quit about 5 years ago is because of exactly what you said.
I was getting paranoid as fuck and even started hearing voices. At the same time my work was becoming more involving so I quit weed.

>> No.5768778

This sounds like my ideal weekend

>> No.5768789


>> No.5768937
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I like Zankyou no Terror I just can't remember any of it

>> No.5768946

I'm such a dumb ducking peice of shit :( I can't say anything that's on my mind because there's so much. I want to die, I hate this, I have scars on their already and I wish I wasn't such a masos a fahgot and could do it properly :( I can't even kill myself :(

>> No.5768993

>was going to get beer this morning
>got a call from aunt
>she'll be over in an hour
>we're going to make lunch for me and my grandparents
>can't have beer in the house or i'll drink it while auntie is here and i want her to like me because she's very attractive always had a crush on her
Should be here in 20. She even bought all the groceries we're going to need. It's going to be a meatloaf and a baked potato casserole. Ever since she found out I like to cook she buys a bunch of food, finds recipes and then we go to her house, cook here or go to my grandparents and cook for them.

I just wanted to drink today and be a piece of shit and watch Sopranos ;_;

>> No.5769004


don't worry if you burn all your bridges and never return phone calls or texts, eventually that's all you'll ever do :D

>> No.5769043

Alcoholic for as long as I can remember, am 44 now

Regularly drink a bottle of wine and a 700ml bottle of vodka

Run my own business, never get any pains or shit, don't suffer hangovers and regularly take 2/3 days off a week.

Nothing bad to say, its all good

>> No.5769105

shoulda threw back a few beer before she gets to your place

>> No.5769140

Usually when alcoholics decide to stop drinking, it's already too late. Their liver is done, their friends and family are gone and all hope for happiness is gone.

>> No.5769149

As opposed to what? working a shit job that you hate, living with a woman who, when you have sex, you have to imagine is somebody else to cum. The rest of the time she makes your life a fucking chore.

Look, life is fucking shit, you have to make the best of it, and if that means changing your reality via alcohol, then go for it

>> No.5769151
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>don't take the advice of possibly taking up another addiction to get yourself off the drink, (ie; "hey bro, just smoke weed instead).
>Go to your doctor and get on some benzos.

You are incredibly misinformed.


Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome—often abbreviated to benzo withdrawal—is the cluster of symptoms that emerge when a person who has taken benzodiazepines and has developed a physical dependence undergoes dosage reduction or discontinuation. It is characterized by often severe sleep disturbance, irritability, increased tension and anxiety, panic attacks, hand tremor, sweating, difficulty with concentration, confusion and cognitive difficulty, memory problems, dry retching and nausea, weight loss, palpitations, headache, muscular pain and stiffness, a host of perceptual changes, hallucinations, seizures, psychosis,[1] and suicide[2] (see "Signs and Symptoms" section below for full list). Further, these symptoms are notable for the manner in which they wax and wane and vary in severity from day to day or week by week instead of steadily decreasing in a straightforward monotonic manner.[3]

It is a potentially serious condition, and is complex and often protracted in time course.[4][5] Long-term use, defined as daily use for at least three months,[6] is not desirable because of the associated increased risk of dependence,[7] dose escalation, loss of efficacy, increased risk of accidents and falls, particularly for the elderly,[8] as well as cognitive,[9] neurological, and intellectual impairments.[10] Use of short-acting hypnotics, while being effective at initiating sleep, worsen the second half of sleep due to withdrawal effects.[11] Nevertheless, long-term users of benzodiazepines should not be forced to withdraw against their will.[4]

>> No.5769157

I used to work at a local mental health center, we worked with AA and did a lot of court appointed rehab stuff. Few things I learned in my two years there.
AA's success rate is around 50%
Addicts tend to trade one addiction for another
Typically the only time people end up quitting addiction is when its change or die.

it left me pretty jaded, I wish you luck if you intend to beat addiction, especially if you do it on your own. it isn't fucking easy.

>> No.5769158
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Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be severe and can provoke life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures,[12] particularly with abrupt or over-rapid dosage reduction from high doses or long time users.[4] A severe withdrawal response can nevertheless occur despite gradual dose reduction, or from relatively low doses in short time users,[13] even after a single large dose in animal models.[14][15] A minority of individuals will experience a protracted withdrawal syndrome whose symptoms may persist at a sub-acute level for months, or years after cessation of benzodiazepines. The likelihood of developing a protracted withdrawal syndrome can be minimized by a slow, gradual reduction in dosage.[16]

Chronic exposure to benzodiazepines causes neural adaptations that counteract the drug's effects, leading to tolerance and dependence.[17] Despite taking a constant therapeutic dose, long-term use of benzodiazepines may lead to the emergence of withdrawal-like symptoms, particularly between doses.[18] When the drug is discontinued or the dosage reduced, withdrawal symptoms may appear and remain until the body reverses the physiological adaptations.[19] These rebound symptoms may be identical to the symptoms for which the drug was initially taken, or may be part of discontinuation symptoms.[20] In severe cases, the withdrawal reaction may exacerbate or resemble serious psychiatric and medical conditions, such as mania, schizophrenia, and, especially at high doses, seizure disorders.[21] Failure to recognize discontinuation symptoms can lead to false evidence for the need to take benzodiazepines, which in turn leads to withdrawal failure and reinstatement of benzodiazepines, often to higher doses.[21]

>implying weed is worse than benzos

What withdrawal symptoms does marijuana have?

>> No.5769263

Well at least you got some enjoyment from my misery.

>> No.5769285


>What withdrawal symptoms does marijuana have?

Boredom, insomnia, lack of hunger and the gnawing emptiness inside you comes back stronger than ever

>> No.5769292
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Stop with these alkie threads on /ck/.
Go to a fucking AA meeting instead of filling what is usually a fun board with your "disease."

Better yet, kill yourself (or go post on /pol/)
You're family won't miss your drunken antics and life will be better for all.

>> No.5769338

Food's done. Turned out great in my opinion, wish her recipes didn't have ingredients like "Lipton Brand™ Onion® Mushroom®™ Soup Mix"
I split it all in half and sent half with her to take to my family and I kept the other half plus 2 pounds of ground hamburger, a bunch of green onion and a pack of shredded sharp cheddar. She's so good to me and I can admit that since I've had a few.

>> No.5769391

>having this much angst and agg
Sounds like you need a drink, son.

>> No.5769399

Beer tasting evening tonight, fuck the fact it´s sunday!

>> No.5769480


uh why are you with a woman you don't even like?

>> No.5769514

>implying that's not completely normal
>implying all these vows of eternal love aren't just a convenient white lie because monogamy is more conducive to the survival of the species

Face it: you're lying to youreslf. She's lying to you. She fakes her orgasms. You fake your love. You fake the voice inside your head telling you you love her. Your life is a lie. These are the facts, m8

>> No.5769516

>not a disease
>withdrawals can literally kill y-
>you're family
oh i see, nice troll breh

>> No.5769537


what the fuck are you on about?

first of all, you can be wit a woman you're attracted to without even thinking about marrying (i'm assuming that's what you mean by "eternal love" or whatever bullshit disney spoonfed you that you're still not over)

fact, i'm a girl with a boyfriend. fact, i don't fake my orgasms. fact, you're projecting, so stop thinking the whole fucking world has YOUR problems and patronizing them for your own BS.

>> No.5769542

>thinks everything is related to disney princess syndrome

I'm the one projecting. Right.