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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5753536 No.5753536 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/

How do I stop my steak from feeling kind of tough when done on the bbq?

I marinade them, make sure they're room temperature before cooking, do em til they're rare-medium rare, and even then I still sometimes find them tough or dry tasting.

What am I doing wrong?

Any tips are greatly appreciated.

>> No.5753539 [DELETED] 


Higher heat/Shorter cooking time

>> No.5753543

Really? I usually cook for no more than 4-5 minutes per side

>> No.5753548
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>> No.5753549 [DELETED] 




Well, then... I don't know kid.

>> No.5753552

What kind of steak/cut?

>> No.5753563

4-5 minute a side? Nigga I do it 1 minute a side and not a minute more!

>> No.5753590

let them sit for 10 minutes before cutting into them

also try a dry rub instead, marinades can toughen them.

>> No.5753596

Buy better steak.

>> No.5753682

depends on the steak

don't marinate them

>> No.5753730

Rest the meat for a bit before eating it

>> No.5754117
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BINGO+COOK THE DAMM THING THATS .the fat tells quality of steak.Snow white fat is best greyish fat it lived on grass or was dried up milk cow they slaughterd

>> No.5754154

Beat the shit out of it with a mallet to tenderize.

Add a diced or chopped onion to the marinade to break down the fibers.

>> No.5754158

Chew against the grain.

>> No.5754178
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>make sure they're room temperature before cooking

>there are people that still buy this shit

>> No.5755226

God damn it op what is the cackadoodie cut you are cooking?
Every cut needs different treatment.

>> No.5755238

well the most important question is what cut are you buying?

>> No.5755260 [DELETED] 

explain in detail how it cooks faster and more evenly when cold

>> No.5755273

That guy is an idiot. Ignore him.

>> No.5755278


he didn't say that

he just said that bringing the steak to room temp isn't necessary

which it isn't

>> No.5755279


and not just what cut, what QUALITY.

>> No.5755287

Quality does not change to cooking techniques.
You would not cook a cheap rib eye different to an expensive one.

>> No.5755336

Grain fed > grass fed. Or rather, grain vs grass feed makes no fucking difference with regards to flavor or texture, but grain feeds produce fatter cows that are more likely to have better marbling.

Feeds that impact the smell and taste of the beef have to be more radical, like onions. Meat from such animals also tends to get sold straight to high end restaurants.

>> No.5755341


I disagree. If I had a cheap ribeye I might cut out some of gristle before I cooked it. And when I do cook it, I'll shoot for more on the "medium" scale.

If I have a really good ribeye there won't be any appreciable gristle and the fat will be uniformly marbled throughout the meat. It needs no prep and can go straight on the grill or pan. It will also be delicious and tender when cooked rare.

Likewise it makes sense to pay attention to the bone. If it's bone-in then I'll use the grill or broiler. If it's boneless then the pan is an attractive choice too. (You don't want to cook a bone-in steak on the pan since the bone will prevent the meat from making full contact with the pan, making it cook unevenly and interfering with a good sear)

>> No.5755342


quality and cut of meat if youre doing everything else right

>> No.5755343

Well, I'd sooner slice up a ribeye with poor marbling for jerky, stir-fry or whatever than eat it as a steak.

>> No.5755346


nigga quality makes a massive difference in tenderness and flavour which is what the OP is fucking asking about