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File: 71 KB, 600x428, Chicken Wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5750441 No.5750441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Spicy chicken wing thread? Spicy chicken wing thread.

What kind of hot sauces/powders does anon use on their wings? I've been using Trinidad Scorpion powder mixed into Wing Master Buffalo sauce recently.

>> No.5750513

>I've been using Trinidad Scorpion powder mixed into Wing Master Buffalo sauce recently

So you're basically just taking store-bought crap and making it even more inedible with the addition of an ingredient whose sole purpose is to make the food hotter?

>> No.5750524
File: 38 KB, 373x679, redhot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5750536

at least he isn't using shitriachi

>> No.5750546


>> No.5750585

The thing about ''wings'' is they just aren't a fancy food. You can make plenty of variations and try to upgrade them, but in the end 90% of people want a basic hot sauce like franks + butter. It's what makes them ''buffalo wings''. Now, if you just want to think of interesting ways to prepare a certain piece of chicken, you can get a little fancier, but realize that wings were considered a junk cut piece of meat for a reason, and don't tolerate very well complicated or subtle recipes. They work best as a means to ferry a tangy, fatty, slightly spicy sauce into your mouth.

>> No.5750598

I fucking love breaded wings. I go to a bar called Rickys once every 2 weeks to eat 15 breaded wings and a couple beers

>> No.5751337

I had 2 ghost pepper sauced wings yesterday and my butt-hole burns so bad...I shake like a im shitting razor blades on the toilet. What can i do to neutralize the anus burn? I drank milk and have some hemorrhoid med stuff.

>> No.5751369


Straight from the bottle? I go straight from the bottle.

>> No.5751390


I'm pretty sure my local bar just uses Frank's+butter+salt+pepper and maybe some garlic/onion powder.

So I'd say you're right. In a way, I think the wing places a lot of responsibility on the chef/cook to make it perfectly done.

>> No.5751422

>breaded wings

I could understand how they'd be good in theory, but seems like every place that serves breaded wings just uses super-gristly tiny wings.

>> No.5751702

Anyone remember McDonalds Mighty wings, with the enormous joint meat tumors?

>> No.5751704

nobody takin' mah mah chicken selects!

>> No.5752571

I read a recipe that said the wings were the best if you double fry them for dat skin crispiness

>> No.5752590
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That's for a lot of things. This process insures that the inside will be well cooked and the outside not burned. It will also result in much more crispy foods. Larger foods, such as egg rolls may actually be fried 3 times. Many restaurants par-cook the food well before serving time and refrigerate (or even freeze). Then they do the 2nd frying at serving time. This is how fast food restaurants generally do the french fries we all love.

>> No.5753260

The moar you know

>> No.5753289

Not everything you purchase in a store is bad you hipster

>> No.5753291

For my sauce, I use a mix of butter, virgin coconut oil, Louisiana hot sauce, Louisiana Gold (my favorite table hot sauce), Valentina (black label), hot Indian chile powder (IDK what sort of chiles it's made from, but it's hot), El Yucateco Habanero sauce, sriracha, garlic, black pepper, and crushed red chile flakes.

The reason I use so many, is because they all have a distinctive flavor, because they are made from different sorts of chiles and aged for different times, so it combines into a god tier wing sauce. It's a work in progress, so I still experiment by adding/subtracting different sauces and powders, but that's what I've been working with most recently. I also like sprinkling the finished, sauced wings with Ichimi Togarashi before serving, or jalapeno dust.

Also, I smoke my wings before cooking them, so they get added flavor from that. I bought some wood chips made from Tabasco barrels for smoking wings, which has been a huge success. But, if you want to add a bit of smoky flavor (without a smoker, anyway) you can use dried, reconstituted chipotle peppers, or chipotles in adobo.

>> No.5753296

could anyone post his favorite recipe? is it possible to make wings in the oven or do you need a fryer?

>I can give medical advice in return

>> No.5753305

It makes me sad when people actually believe that wings are inherently shitty and it's just a way to eat fatty sauce. Chicken wings used to be one of the most desired parts, back when people raised their own chickens and butchered them themselves, and took pride in how they cooked. You can still make god tier chicken wings, easily, if you try; and Franks and margarine may be the "original" sauce, but it's shit tier on it's own, there's much better wing sauce combinations.

>> No.5753312

Anything is possible. My dad does wings on the barbecue, they're really good.

>> No.5753315

Does your dad use separate wings (drums and flats) or does he do the whole wing? I like to bbq my hot wings, too, but I leave them as whole wings (except I cut the wing tips off, and save them for making stock with), because I find the whole wings to be better bbqed than separated. Just giving my opinion...

>> No.5753319

Separate, he usually just buys them like that because we have a tendency to cover them as described in the original post. I usually have wings with my uncle though and he uses an Actifry because we're lazy bastards.

>> No.5753325

>on the barbeque


>> No.5753361


I've had good and bad wings from the oven. I Think it's actually best to overcook them a little so that the skin really crisps thoroughly.

>> No.5753404

I like to smoke my wings. Apply a dry rub, run a skewer through them, smoke them, and apply BBQ sauce. The skewer is key. Otherwise, that bit of skin in the fold will come out soggy. Skewering them will ensure all of the skin comes out crispy.

>> No.5753409

brush yoghurt onto your bunghole

>> No.5753424

I have some west indian hot pepper sauce, what could i add to it to make a good wing sauce?

>> No.5753426

Should add the sauce is a little too thick to use by itself

>> No.5753429

Eh why are wings so disappointing /ck/? They never seem to satiate me and are pretty much just cheap chicken pieces.

>> No.5753687

>hurr I'm too fucking stupid to make wing sauce, I'll call this guy a hipster, that'll show him

It's fucking melted butter and hot sauce. I'm sure you enjoy the flavor of all the preservatives, though.

>> No.5753692

>Eh why are wings so disappointing /ck/? They never seem to satiate me and are pretty much just cheap chicken pieces

Your post pretty much answers itself. It is drunk-food. Garbage meat for late night munchies when you're too drunk to know better

>> No.5753703
File: 66 KB, 620x827, 9ef6eb73dd98823289a0d27731c1cd9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose but tacos do fill me up and also consist of drunk food/cheap meats.

I guess I just don't "understand" the appeal of wings.

>> No.5754936
File: 65 KB, 500x500, trinidad-moruga-scorpion-hot-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff right here mixed with Lousiana makes really spicy, flavorful wings. Do something like 1 base cup ketchup or tomato paste, 1/2 cup of Lousiana and 1/4 cup of this. The rest is up to you.

>> No.5754976

Idk mang, wings always satisfy me. Maybe it's just a quantity thing. When I eat wings, I tend to go hard. Fry up a whole 1.5 lb package and toss with a ton of sauce and eat it all. I ain't even fat.

Anyone else use a fry+bake method? I always had trouble getting the sauce to stick like I wanted, so I fry them up in near-smoking oil, sauce them, throw them in the toaster oven for a few minutes at 350 or so, and then sauce them again. Breddy good.

>> No.5756292

For real spicy make sure not to use any butter or oil. That just deadens the heat. Also make sure to use plenty of salt, this will agitate the tongue and pull the spice flavor right into your taste buds.

So a quick, easy recipe. Get a heavy bottomed dry pan and heat to medium high, throw in some dried Thai chili peppers and allow to brown/blacken. Tip them into a strong bowl and smash with the back of a spoon. Add garlic, fine ground white pepper, cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce, paprika and salt. Mix in straight Frank's Redhot and taste, add a little sugar for sweetness and adjust the spice to how you want it. The sauce should be thick, but not too paste-like.
Fry your wings, dip them in the hot sauce and the put them under the broiler on on the grill. When slightly blackened and the sauce is cooked in, take them off and re-dip. Serve them up.