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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 592x780, cut milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5751362 No.5751362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you all cut your milk bag?

>just the tip, very fine stream
>large, milk tsunami

A master race here...

>> No.5751374

Fortunately, I don't live in a third world country.

>> No.5751378

>milk in a bag

Damn candians

>> No.5751380

>milk bag

And all these years I thought it was just a joke.

>> No.5751391

fucking hell! I was arguing about this with my roommate last week.

>replace bag and cut it like A
>next day roommate cuts it like C
>milk tsunami, when done pouring milk dribbles into pitcher, smells like shit a week later.

>> No.5751392

The real joke is that this fool drinks cow's milk.

>> No.5751395

how do you reseal the fucker?

>> No.5751397

you cut it and pour it into a pitcher

not even a canadapoor and I know this

>> No.5751415

Do Canadians really do this?
How do you re seal it?
Wouldn't it take forever to fill a glass with a tiny A cut?
Seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.5751428
File: 897 KB, 1600x1200, pouring milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr i smarte murrican i know avarything because usa nuumbar wan!!!

>> No.5751431

It is cheaper to produce/recycle. Also, it ships and stores better
Define forever. It takes <10 seconds to fill a glass

I prefer B, btw

>> No.5751435

d. I don't live in canada, so I don't have to do this

enjoy your aids

>> No.5751438

you dont reseal it

A cut is the best for tea and coffee. takes like 20 seconds to fill a cup with a cut but i like it because it keeps things neat and tidy and you dont have to worry about dribble as much.

>> No.5751448

pathetic, enjoy your 50%+ retail LCBO

>> No.5751471
File: 492 KB, 250x193, milk fail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montreal faggot!

>easier to pour from
>milk stays fresh since you get 3 bags and only open them as needed
>no gay deposit
>doesnt take up lots room in garbage
>easier to store unopened bags in fridge
>using a pitcher
>having to wash and dry pitcher after use

>> No.5751488

lol no

Anyway, I had a room mate that used a steak knife to saw at it. There would always be a weird double or other kind of wonky stream.

>> No.5751491

>easier to pour from
How? Are you too weak to lift a carton or jug? Is your motor control that shit?

>milk stays fresh since you get 3 bags and only open them as needed
Try refrigerating your fucking milk. It lasts up to two weeks, and if you don't use it by then get a smaller amount.

>no gay deposit
Only in third world countries.

>doesnt take up lots room in garbage
Recycle you fucking nigger. Or just crush the damn jug or carton.

>easier to store unopened bags in fridge
How? With a carton or jug it just sits there already using the minimal amount of space it needs. With bags you have to lie them down in certain places to maximize room.

>using a pitcher
>having to wash and dry pitcher after use
With a carton or jug, this does not happen.

>> No.5751497

>putting a closed bag of liquid in a fridge is more difficult than storing an upright carton


Does your American programming make you suck the teat of the corporate dairy conglomerate?

>> No.5751499

You use the pitcher to hold the bag you double faggot

>> No.5751508

What the fuck kind of fridge do you have that it is harder to put a carton of milk in than a fucking bag?

>> No.5751512

Explain how a bag is difficult to store.

>> No.5751525

are you retarded?

I was going to give you actual reasons, but 3/4 the way through my first sentence taking your post seriously I realized it was like typing material for a kindergartener.

>> No.5751534
File: 131 KB, 1200x1600, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we see the milk bag. It takes up a flying fuck ton of room and looks awkward (even without that clunky dispenser)

In pic related, we see a nice jug of milk in the fridge taking up minimal space by sitting vertically rather than horizontally.

>> No.5751542

>muh nationalism
You guys will get pissy about anything lol

>> No.5751552

>implying that had anything whatsoever to do with any form of nationalism
It was about a bag vs. a carton/jug.

You people use "muh nationalism" as an argument for anything.

>> No.5751558

>It was about a bag vs. a carton/jug.
It never was about that. Read OP's post again.

>> No.5751564

What you responded to was.

>> No.5751568

May I restate: Are you retarded?

>> No.5751572

>capitalize the word following a colon

>> No.5751577

Maximum damage control.

>> No.5751585

>AP: Lowercase the first word unless it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.

>> No.5751631

I want to visit Candya

>> No.5751652

I thought this was so fucking stupid, until I read your reasoning, and now I want to give it a test run for a month or two to see if I like it. Also, I already know I would cut it at line A and then squeeze the bag on accident like a man child and have the milk explode out of the corner like a busted dam.

>> No.5751659

You're going to have to wash the pitcher anyway, whats the point of keeping the bag

>> No.5751664

Thats a holder for like four milk bags. Meanwhile if you store two or three jugs of milk in the fridge some asshole is going to open all of them.

>> No.5751670


>> No.5751673

Option A. It's impossible to slowly increase the discharge.

>> No.5751676

>having to wash _and dry_ pitcher
The milk's not going to taste different from having 5ml of water added.

>> No.5751680

I don't know where the fuck the Canadian rumor started but I've lived here all of my life and been to 9 of the provinces and not ONCE have I seen milk in a bag.

>> No.5751711

not the guy you're responding to, but that's not a sentence, it's a clause

>> No.5751713

Are you retarded?

>> No.5751735
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>> No.5751737
File: 595 KB, 646x1658, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am american and i recognize the inherent superiority of bagged milk

what's YOUR problem?

>> No.5751742

>How? Are you too weak to lift a carton or jug? Is your motor control that shit?
the spout on those jugs is not situated near an edge so you have this large cap between the spout and your cereal which ends in shit splashing all over the place

>Try refrigerating your fucking milk. It lasts up to two weeks, and if you don't use it by then get a smaller amount.
when you open a gallon of milk you expose the whole thing to air which makes it get funky faster

>Recycle you fucking nigger. Or just crush the damn jug or carton.
fuck that shit, thats just more time, space and effort to dispose of one thing

>How? With a carton or jug it just sits there already using the minimal amount of space it needs. With bags you have to lie them down in certain places to maximize room.
you can keep them in an unused vegetable drawer, or in a narrow shelf or even in the door shelves. cartons are expensive and jugged milk is hard to store without a huge gap between shelves

nobody uses those bag dispensers and the jug in your pic is dinky, lets see what a gallon looks like in that fridge.

you put the bag in the holder and then cut the corner so you never apply any pressure to the bag

still have to waste time washing it out unless you eventually want food poisoning

>> No.5751743

D) I Have A Milk jug. Jug is life, jug is love, jug is freedom.

>> No.5751748

which part did you not understand

>> No.5751750

Watch this Americans


>> No.5751761

Nobody opens 4 separate gallons if milk here. Just like nobody opens 4 gallons o' milk bags in canadia.

Easier to store bottles than bags too. You have water in bags? Soda? Coffee? Just milk? Ok says it all.

>> No.5751763

Well clearly you don't live with assholes. Normally if one keeps multiple bottles of milk in the fridge, someone will inevitably open each of them with the excuse that they don't know how old the others are, or want it to taste extra fresh, or were too lazy to check.

>> No.5751767

"Big quantities" "gallon" fucking get dairy cows canada.

A gallon is NORMAL quantity in the US of A.

>> No.5751771

Stop living with nuggets asshat. Normal people just use the open one.

>> No.5751778

>being this much of a nitpick

>> No.5751780

> your video explaining bags o' milk

> I'm nitpicking

> implying

Autism is strong here

>> No.5751783

Would lose carbonation.

You don't buy it premade.

Comes from the sink.

Bad arguments.

>> No.5751789


> No carbonation

> Starbucks

> Sold in stores, in what container? A bag?

Dumbass detected.

>> No.5751793

>being an autistic faggot and missing the point entirely

Not him, but some people's well water isn't great for drinking, and things like juice and 2 liter bottles of soda are regularly bought and stored in the fridge.

>> No.5751794

>milk in bags
For what purpose? How do you store it afterwards?

>> No.5751819

>video demonstrates bags superiority
>hurrr hurrr but in america derp de doo

>> No.5751822

they put it in a pitcher

>> No.5751831 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 300x400, bannister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you cunts are doing it wrong
this is easily biodegradable plastic

>> No.5751874

ausfag detected

>> No.5751892 [DELETED] 

yeah what?

>> No.5752004
File: 70 KB, 325x400, 29892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also actual 3rd world coming in

>> No.5752020

Then why not just buy a carton?

>> No.5752023

What do almond and soy milks come in in Canada?

>> No.5752046

cartons cost more

>> No.5752051

Only eastern Canada has milk in bags. Western Canada has their shit together and have jugs and cartons.

>> No.5752055
File: 191 KB, 1600x1600, almondmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cartons like everywhere else.

>> No.5752122

Canadian here.
I now realize I didn't know what anything was outside of milkbags until about high school.
Now I can't think as to why others haven't taken to our brilliance yet.
Less waste, same milk.

>> No.5752255
File: 52 KB, 600x604, 1397095484493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With a carton or jug, this does not happen.
it doesn't happen with bags either

>> No.5752406

I press until it pops open.

>> No.5752568
File: 110 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20140902_151050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats actually pretty cool

and our milk is in high tech tetrapacks, where the bottlecap alone must cost as much as the bag to produce

>> No.5752599

What does it do different from a regular twist cap?

>> No.5752605


Nothing that the consumer would be aware of.
It's complex because of how the tetrapack is assembled in the factory. the cap is designed to cut its own hole in the package, then leave behind the "cutting edge" when you unscrew it. Look closely at one the next time you get food in a tetrapack. It's hard to describe but very clear once you get a good look at it.

>> No.5753356

canadafag here, i dont know where you see this but i havent seen bagged milk in over 25 years
its just not a good thing to store it in.
many times one bag has a little hole or is sealed badly and milk leaked everywhere.
i was so glad they stopped doing this

>> No.5755263

Milk crust builds up under cap, smells like garbage. I prefer the bag.

>> No.5755268


Happening in the UK too

>> No.5755348

Fuck tetrapacks. They don't reseal properly.

>> No.5755366
File: 647 KB, 591x780, Masterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real master race reporting in.

>> No.5755380

Milk in bags is just better

It's cheaper and less obtrusive packaging so you can get more milk for the same price as a jug or carton

It's easier to merchandise and rotate large quantities of milk because of the system they use (rollers)

Comes with three small bags so you don't have to open the whole thing and leave it out in the fridge

>> No.5755572

What? Mine reseal are really fucking tight. You're doing something wrong.
Also a bad resealing tetrapack is still more resealing than a cut open bag of milk

>> No.5755580

That wouldn't work. You'd get milk everywhere

>> No.5756830

>corporate dairy conglomerate
I live in Vermont. I get my milk directly from someone I know in a nice jug.

Does your shitty third-world programming make you believe everything in America is run by corporations?

>> No.5756995

I don't buy milk in bags.
Reason: I live alone, I hardly ever use whole package of milk at once. My choice is buy smaller box (more expensive), buy in bag and pour into some container (will spoil faster) or buy bottle or box with twist cap, and use it as needed.

>> No.5757002

This seems so inconvenient...

>> No.5757290

you what


>> No.5757311

i feel so bad for you anon.
Also you have the fashion sense of a middle aged japanese woman.

>> No.5757339

You are less than a tenth of a percent of a percent of people in the us that get their milk this way.

I am probably part of the 10% that at least buys organic.

But i have no delusions that even that isn't precisely part of the corporate dairy conglomerate.

Got milk?

>> No.5757378


You have my sympathies.

>> No.5758787

I moved to Canada from the US a few years ago. I understand the milk in a bag concept, as it is not as wasteful, but my household always buys the cartons anyways.

However, I'd rather have to buy all of my milk in bags than go back to the hell-hole that is known as the USA.

Isn't it funny, that the US and Canada are so close, yet the complete opposite of each other in terms of attitude? The USA claims superiority, yet Canada is seen as a superior country by the rest of the world in everything except military power, which no one gives a fuck about anymore seeing as all they use it for is pew-pewing turban heads.

>> No.5758804

Maine here. I also buy my milk directly from a farmer. And although are major brand recently got bought it hasn't effected the quality yet.

>> No.5759047

>How do you cut your milk bag, eh?

>> No.5759055

I live in a shitty third world country, and even our milk ain't in plastic bags.

At first I thought OP meant powdered milk.

>> No.5759063

Fucking morons keeping bread in the fridge, dries it out so much faster.

>> No.5760923

but shwartz's