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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.05 MB, 4000x2666, Bullshitcado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5746623 No.5746623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most pretentious fruit in your opinion?

I don't even care about anything else, but I'll tell you what. It's the Avocado. Look at this pretentious piece of shit and try to remember how much of a douchebag all the idiots who you met who were eating this were.

There's literally nothing good about this. If the fruit world had an excrement, it would be the Avocado. Not even sugar, eggs, honey, nothing can save the taste and pretentiousness of this. There's not even sugarcoating how much of a hipster-tier fruit this spawn-of-Satan's-toilet this is. Why are people eating this? For the same reason people smoke, because they're pretentious.

>Look at me, look at how cool I look eating a dog turd that fell from a tree. Evidently, I'm a deep, mature veteran of the world when I pick up some of the worst tasting foods in the world and shove it in my mouth so you can see my level of commitment to my own pretentious persona.

Man, fuck Avocados.

>> No.5746628
File: 5 KB, 182x143, Expensive shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, though.

>> No.5746631

i kinda like the taste...

>> No.5746634


>> No.5746640

my sides

>> No.5746649

I have never seen anyone put so much illogical hatred into a fruit.

OP wouldn't it just be easier to just say "hey I don't like avocado" who cares?

I personally love it, but it has to be a good one.

>> No.5746657

avocado is just a meme fruit, calm down bro
sounds pretty logically directed hatred to me

>> No.5746658

don't be afraid to like avocados just because OP tells you their opinion.

>> No.5746662

>avocados, when done right can be really tasty but currently used as /ck/'s scapegoat just because they don't like how other people like them.

>> No.5746664

Fuck avocados. Fuck berries in general.

>> No.5746668

calm down, you whimpy faggot
>oh no, someone dislikes my pretentious fruit
are you one of those people OP mentioned??

>> No.5746670

>"calm down, you whimpy faggot oh no, someone dislikes my pretentious fruit are you one of those people OP mentioned?"

>Oh no someone actually likes avocado!

>> No.5746672

Not sure if copypasta...

I've been eating avocado since I was in elementary school and my parents are fucking plebs, it's not that pretentious unless you live in a place where people eat nothing but fast food burgers or something...

>> No.5746673

keep crying bitch nigga
make sure to listen to Miles Davis while you do

>> No.5746687

>"I just can't stop projecting that I'm crying because someone else in the world likes avocado! I just can not handle it!"

its like watching the fact of me liking a fruit makes someones universe shatter or something, what in the world!?

>> No.5746689

God damn foreigners and their exotic fruit. Go back to fucking guatemala with your guacamole. Stores should sell more red-blooded American fruits like bananas, oranges, apples, and peaches.

>> No.5746691

keep those tears coming because op insulted your shit taste

>> No.5746697
File: 6 KB, 225x224, hicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people eating this? For the same reason people smoke, because they're pretentious.

as a smoker I can confirm the most pretentious people do not smoke cigarettes. they'll stink up the room all day burning the 420 herbal jew and drinking Diet Smegma but if you step outside for a cigarette you are labelled as Satan.

Avocados are pretty good too.

>> No.5746699

Avocados are like a meme-fruit. Taste like shit, look like shit, God forbid you forget about them and then they smell like shit. But they're far from being the most pretentious fruit.

>> No.5746701

I'm not offended that OP doesn't like avocados, just find it strange how much someone can go as far as to hate something.

its just a fruit, why do you care so much? you think you are going to convince me to stop eating avocado! let me laugh really loud!

>> No.5746704

avocado: really alright, I like doesn't effect me if other people do or do not eat it.

smoking: get away from me, effects me when people smoke near me.

>> No.5746706
File: 42 KB, 350x279, peoples eyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red-blooded American fruit

>> No.5746707


>as a smoker I can confirm the most pretentious people do not smoke cigarettes.

And then you post a picture of the most pretentious "comedian" of all time, smoking a cigarette

>> No.5746708

keep crying, nigga

>> No.5746710

>fruit grows on tree
>can do different things with it
>I love oranges!

>fruit grows on tree
>can do different things with it
>I love apples!

>fruit grows on tree
>can do different things with it
>I love apricots!

>fruit grows on tree
>can do different things with it
>I love potatoes!

>fruit grows on tree
>can do different things with it
>AVOCADOS!?!?!?! so pretentious ugh ugh pish posh so unrefined hipster meme fedora pedentic semantic rage projection!

you are all insane.

>> No.5746714

there's this butthurt anon ITT samefagging because people dislike his pretentious fruit
oh i am laffin

>> No.5746732


not him but I will flip your fedora upside down and fill it with piss you doublenigger. avocados are legit. do you yankee faggots even into guacamole?

>> No.5746733

have you ever dipped chips in guacamole??

>> No.5746737

>implying I'm a yankee faggot
fuck off

>> No.5746772

What are you, some kind of retard?
Everyone eats avocado. At least, everyone where I grew up (and no, it wasn't in Mexico) and where I live now. I only knew one person who wouldn't eat avocado, and it was this old guy who was a neighbor of my parents. He also wouldn't eat Chinese food because he thought it was made from dogs and cats. Are you that stupid, too? Jesus...idiots like you really fucking rustle my bustle. Go fuck yourself for being this much of a moron. Fuck, do you fucking live under a rock?

>> No.5746774

I'm crying tears of joy as I eat what makes you mad.

>> No.5746782

clearly they don't know how good it is. they fear what they do not understand. they hate what they fear. they fear the avocado in the darkness. it bellows "eat me"

I mean I can't imagine what some people are going through in their mind? "I don't like something but instead of just not eating it, I decide to go after it and follow it around and go I HATE THIS!!!"

really people? really?

my nugga, we will eat the chips and guacamole.

>> No.5746794

my mistake. I'll fill your boots to the brim with piss, cowboy.

>> No.5746843

keep telling yourself that, shit eater
god damn you mad as fuck

>> No.5746846


>> No.5746879

you are so upset that I enjoy avocado that you take the lords name in vain? you really do have issues. if you don't like avocado, you don't have to eat it, but you certainly will not stop me from enjoying it. I have never seen anyone get this mad that I like a fruit that they don't like.

>> No.5746906

Avocado is barely a fruit, it's a vegetable in the culinary sense.

Now, most pretentious fruit - that'd be the dragon fruit or the kiwano.

>> No.5746909

>potato grows on tree

Where can I find these potato trees anon?

>> No.5746915

>still mad as fuck

>> No.5746948

>mfw OP probably just got dumped by his avocado gf
It's ok mate. We've all been there. Don't let it cloud your judgement because of a single slut. #notallavocados

>> No.5746997

>dragon fruit
A hundred times this.

>> No.5747004
File: 11 KB, 818x297, 65166156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew they were anything special or new but apparently avocados have become much more popular.

>> No.5747016

Are there seriously Avacodrones defending this fruit? Ugh, come on /ck/ I thought you were better than that.

>> No.5747051


>> No.5747127

Avocadrones sounds much better. Get your hate terms right if you want them to pick up

>> No.5747145
File: 21 KB, 590x441, bailey-jay-6904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that like a portmanteau of "avocado" and "ladrones", implying cultural/gastronomic appropriation on the part of gringos?

Accent on second to the last syllable, as in Spanish, right?

Pretty girl unrelated.

>> No.5747147
File: 73 KB, 800x457, Kiwano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fruit a shit. It's like eating a sloppy, watered-down cucumber with sharp seeds.

>> No.5747149

>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who didn't grow up with avocados grown locally
>avocados are a trend to some regions
>people who dont know and understand the beauty that is avocado

>> No.5747151


>> No.5747158


>> No.5747178

Is your anus really that sore? Are you rump ravaged? Fanny flustered perhaps?

>> No.5747181


>> No.5747182

Compared to a lot of transwomen/shemales/sissies/crossdressers/people with mental illness, bailey jay is pretty attractive

>> No.5747186


>doesn't like a fruit
>has tried adding sugar and honey but it didn't make it better

haha, fucking sugar addicted americans.

Also, how the fuck do you not like guacamole?

>> No.5747188

Welp. Avocado is pretty much a meme food. I see it all over the internet now and restaurants are making sandwiches out of it hoping to capitalize on its momentum. I do like guacamole on my Mexican food, but that's about as far as it goes for me.

>> No.5747190

your memes end here

>> No.5747192

>sugar addicted
Thanks for the laugh bro

>> No.5747198

Ey they're pretty good with sushi

>> No.5747274

>Meme fruits

>> No.5747288

Is avocado the shit taste in guacamole?

>> No.5747291

No one is American here. Americans enjoy avocados. They are after all pretentious as fuck.
>all these avocado drones ITT

>> No.5747293

>broasting troll bread
You people are idiots. This is some of the most transparent bait I've ever seen, but 10/10 for having nobody call you out on it.

>> No.5747296

said the troll

>> No.5747324

>to remember how much of a douchebag all the idiots who you met who were eating this were.
I have no idea where you live, but I've never experienced this. Around here if you want to play spot the douchebag you just wander into the trendier neighborhoods, and see who is lining up for brunch. Alternately you could go by any place that serves "elevated" New American versions of comfort or fast food, like fancy sliders or truffle mac & cheese. You'll find douchebags there.

But Latino food is so well established here that no one raises an eyebrow over avocados. If I were trying to equate a fruit to pretentiousness I'd have to go with dried cranberries, because they always show up in dishes that aren't that good, but are trying to be fancy.

>> No.5747330

>If I sit here inhaling your second-hand smoke for the next few years I might have an increased risk of cancer!

>> No.5747341

Implying most Bananas amercians eat are even grown in the US. Either troll, or underage b&.

>> No.5747346

Of course it's a fucking troll. Anyone who isn't retarded can see that from the very first post.

>> No.5747362


>> No.5747367

Kill yourself. Although it may be true it is being hocked like CRAZY, i assure you, put this on salad, or eat a GOOD guacamole and you won't hold onto that opinion.

>> No.5747373

True, avocado is a fruit but culinarily treated as a vegetable(I've successfully used them in lime and coconut custard pies though). Only if you're using them as a fruit, thereby expecting a different experience, would I understand your frustrations toward them

>> No.5747391

It was so transparent that nobody deemed it useful to call OP out.

>> No.5747448

If that were the case, then this thread wouldn't have 70 replies.

>> No.5747449
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, hothead patrol (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OP practicing some angry comic rant or is he that much of a hothead?

>> No.5747457

Can't we just have fun humoring OP?

>> No.5747461

I like avocados. They're tasty and healthy albeit a bit boring. I might even try that avocado and brisling toast that was on Good Eats at some point.

>> No.5747481

i replied to OP and a few obvious trolls. shit thread has my sides lifted to the stratosphere.

>> No.5747486

>implying this is bait
ya'll niggas mad 'cause people shit on your mexicunt "food"

>> No.5747608

said the troll

>> No.5747643

>avocado pretentious

You realize people are laughing AT you, not with you, right? Stop showing off your mental deficiencies, short bus.

>> No.5747665

I like your combination of fucking and rustle my bustle. That'll make them clutch their fucking pearls.

>> No.5747787


>> No.5747789

>I'm pissed because someone dislikes my pretentious food
Dude, stop and think for a minute: you're literally raging at someone who dislikes avocado. This is "stop disliking what I like" 101.

>> No.5747862

Love avocado on my toasted turkey sandwiches

>> No.5748058

There's a difference between disliking something and calling it pretentious. I hate avocado but I don't think it's pretentious.

>> No.5748139

Fuck off, Daniel

>> No.5748453

Avocado ain't pretentious, Gaucamole is