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File: 209 KB, 500x500, brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5745979 No.5745979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was hoping we could have a cheese general thread here. I figured it would be sustainable since a lot of people love cheese and there are so much more to try out there beyond the standard sandwich cheeses (cheddar, jack, american, etc.)

Just picked up some brie today. This stuff is amazing, I am not sure how to describe it. It's soft and creamy yet has a hint of sharpness to it? Either way, I really like this cheese. I wish I could try more cheeses, but honestly I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm also hesitant to try new cheeses on my own purchase because cheese can get expensive.

>> No.5746004

>Just picked up some brie today. This stuff is amazing,

oh americans

>> No.5746018

How about don't buy a whole wheel of cheese at a time, faggot.
If you can't afford a few dollars a week to try a food you supposedly enjoy, you're beyond our help.

>> No.5746021


>assuming other people around the world buy their food in gigantic wheels

oh americans

>> No.5746029

>It's soft and creamy yet has a hint of sharpness to it?

Is that a question? If so, please leave.
Do you really need reassurance that your fucking taste buds work? Don't answer that.

>> No.5746035
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>> No.5746037


Hmmm, I should had guessed the people who would go into a cheese thread would be food snob types. I'm just new to these kinds of cheeses, guys. I was hoping we could talk about our favorite cheeses and what we liked to eat them with.

>> No.5746055


Go to a good restaurant with a nice cheese board.

>> No.5746062

They just Europeans. They are naturally pretentious and full of themselves. Don't take it personally.

>> No.5746063

Or just find a fancy market or deli that specializes in this sort of thing.

>> No.5746068


>> No.5746071

brie is camembert for kids

>> No.5746072

I just picked up a wedge of brie at the supermarket last night. Bought it because it was incredibly soft and runny and oozing out against the plastic wrap. Brie is best served VERY runny. The flavor is so much richer. Most places cut into it way too early.

>> No.5746081


Yeah, but restaurants will serve you 5 or 6 cheeses for the price of one quality cheese from the grocer. If you find a cheese you don't like, you're only out 1/5th of the cost of a cheese plate, rather than an entire quarter-pound (120g? fucking yuros) wedge. It's a really quick way to learn about the different types of cheeses, what you like and dislike, etc.

>> No.5746088


>pretending to be a cheese snob
>buys brie

>> No.5746089

Cheesemongers love giving out free samples; your argument is invalid.

>> No.5746094


Cheesemongers are sort of a rarity in the United States, unless you live in a major metropolis. It's a shame, really.

>> No.5746095

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.5746097

Haters gonna hate.

I do baked Brie's with carmelized onions and cranberries around the holidays with some toasted french bread and the family loves it.

>> No.5746101

I had some artisan mozzarella the other day and it was really good. It had a little extra saltiness that made it good and complex as a standalone.
I like all kinds of cheese, and I honestly can't say that I prefer any cheese to the other, though I love Brie (haven't tried anything beyond supermarket-labeled "Brie", need to get on that). OP, the likely reason that you like Brie is the fact that it naturally has about as much milkfat as cheese can. I like the stuff Cypress Grove makes. I once had an entire package of their lavender chevre with carrot sticks; it was pretty great. I like cheddar, though I've gotten to the point where I can't enjoy anything that's under 9 months.
And semi-off-topic: cottage cheese is fantastic with almond butter.

>> No.5746102


What would you rather I say? Connoisseur? Afficionado? Devotee?

The fact that you would recommend Brie, the most pleb of all "fancy" cheeses over the superior Camembert, or especially the purest manna from heaven D'Affinois, assures me that you are none of the above.

>> No.5746103

they are in any midsize city

>> No.5746108

Anybody try goat cheese before? I heard it taste a little sweet.

>> No.5746112

depends, there are many many kids of goats milk cheeses

>> No.5746115

>The fact that you would recommend Brie, the most pleb of all "fancy" cheeses over the superior Camembert
lol explain these significant differences between Camembert and Brie, I'm very curious.

>> No.5746116


>> No.5746117


My norwegian grandmother always has this brown goat cheese whenever we come over. It does have a nice sweetness to it. Its quite nice.

>> No.5746119


>> No.5746124

I hate being a snob, and I love Cheddar and the bleus, but here in the States cheese platters are often
>2 Cheddars
>something else, often Manchego, that makes the plate certifiably exotic
Same with charcuterie. If 3/4ths of the meat can be ordered on a sandwich at Potbelly, I don't care if it's artisan or not, you're doing the customer a disservice.

>> No.5746128

Brown cheese? It was hard enough getting me to eat brown eggs. you know which route they all took through the animal, right?

It was the butthole.

>> No.5746129

All depends on what sort of goat cheese we're talking about.

For the most part they all have very strong flavors though.

>> No.5746130

Goat Cheese and that is different.
That's a carmelized goat whey cheese, compared to the white goat cheese.
Still great though, but really different tasting.

>> No.5746135

>tfw you will never get decent headcheese in your city

>> No.5746140


Camembert has a stronger, more assertive flavor. Being smaller, it also ripens faster, a quality you claim to prize in Brie.

>> No.5746148

Yep, if you don't live in a major metropolitan area this is what your cheese prospects are like in murica.

Your choices are usually between cheddar and jack, I was surprised to see that the cheese platters at Costco also offered havarti and gouda.

>> No.5746162

This is absolute horse shit. Even places like Kroger and Publix have a fairly large cheese selection and are in almost every city nation wide.

>> No.5746170

Don't mind him, he's just being a cheese hipster.
>Brie? Pfft. Probably haven't even heard of my favorite cheese, Pule which 1kg is made from milking over 100 donkeys in fucking serbia

Meanwhile in non-hipster land we enjoy Brie.

>> No.5746172

Europoors gonna europoor. We just have to deal with it until moot finally bans European ip addresses.

>> No.5746179


Restaurant-suggestion fag here. I begrudgingly have to agree with you. Your post also serves as a good illustration of my point of finding a good restaurant with a "nice" cheese board.

A nice cheese board:

>has a large selection of cheeses from a variety of countries, mostly european, but also some artisanal wisconsin and californian cheeses
>has a large selection of cheeses made from all three common milks (cow, goat and sheep)
>has a at least three bleu's from which to choose, none of them called "bleu"
>has no feta or "sliced" cheese
>has nothing you would see on a pizza
>has a variety of cheeses featuring multiple textures
>asks you to order your cheese board a half hour in advance so that the kitchen can allow the cheeses to come to serving temperature, unless they have a full cheese cart that they wheel to your table

>> No.5746181

>The fact that you would recommend Brie
Where did I recommend brie? Do you not know how to read?

If you want to talk about people pretending to be cheese snobs, it's this asshole I'm responding to right now.

I love this stuff. I got made fun of in school whenever my Norwegian friend invited me over for "gay toast," but they don't know the glorious sweetness of this whey cheese. It's like cheesy fudge.

You're definitely missing something. Way to fuck up at being a "snob," dumbass.

True enough. But any decent-sized city should have at least one cheese shop. It's worth a special trip if you can get to one. It's one of the things I really hate about supermarkets. Yes, they're really convenient, but thanks to them a lot of us are missing out on the experience of visiting a good cheesemonger, butcher, etc.

If you live in Amish country, your choices are almost as limited, but at least the cheese is much, much tastier. Gotta love the Amish.

This is why I love living in a city full of German and Central European immigrants. It's easy to get good head. Cheese. Head cheese.

>> No.5746194


What am I missing? The fact that Brie and Camembert are from different parts of the country?

>> No.5746204

Fat content. It's typically higher in Brie, which is why people seek it out. It's why they advertise "extra cream," "triple-cream," "oh god this cheese will bukkake you with cream if you buy it."

Also many stores offer "mini bries" and the like, so that pretty much tosses out the notion that Camembert necessarily ripens faster than Brie.

>> No.5746207

when americans talk about cheese it's like virgins talk about sex

>> No.5746211

i'm an american and can get plenty of real cheese and i know how to make my own cheese

when foreigners act jelly on the internet it makes me happy because i know they're feeling left out of the glorious red white and blue spotlight being carried by an eagle


>> No.5746213

>it's like virgins talk about sex
Which is something you're an expert in.

>> No.5746222


Triple-cream "brie" is no longer Brie, by definition. It becomes other, better cheeses like D'Affinois and Gratte-Paille.

I mean, technically, I guess you're just referring to Brie in the generic sense of soft cheeses with a mold rind, and not an A.O.C. cheese like Brie de Melun.

>> No.5746225


It's pretty tricky to get unpasteurized cheese out here, buddy. All of the European transplants I've talked to lament this fact deeply.

>> No.5746227

Holy shit, what tipped you off?

>> No.5746228

I can't hear you over the sound of my 1000 types of French cheese.
Enjoy your brie.

>> No.5746231
File: 24 KB, 640x509, sottocenere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your general pleb attitude, and thhe fact that you said "brie", which has been my gripe the entire time. If you're going to play Frasier, at least get your shit straight.

Anyway, here's some cheese. Sottocenere al tartufo. Ash rind, semi-soft made with raw cow's milk, mild flavor, studded with motherfucking black truffles. It's hard to track down, but well worth the money and time.

>> No.5746234

At least it'll provide you some consolation when no one will even throw your fat ass a pity fuck.

>> No.5746236

>there are so much more to try out there beyond the standard
Oh you Americans live in such a bubble.

Just pick up any one of the random ones you find in the cheese isle of a supermarket and taste it. Don't let extreme smells or mould put you off, just pick any at random and see what you like.

>> No.5746240

How were they in any way snobby about food? They were acting like cunts, but attacking your post, not the food.

>> No.5746241

Bake it. Not too much, just so it gets hot and runny, then use it as a dip for breads and vegetables.

>> No.5746244
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Rygeost. Danish, Fresh cow's milk cheese, liberally seasoned with whole caraway and hay-smoked for 60 seconds (which is all that you would want to smoke it anyway).

This one is actually easy as fuck to make on your own. I might post a recipe one day if I make some at home.

>> No.5746249

What type? Feta is a goat cheese for example.

>> No.5746257

So your supermarkets don't even have various domestic and European cheeses? Jesus.

>> No.5746260
File: 2.82 MB, 2848x2136, Casu_Marzu_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would any of you guys eat maggot cheese AKA casu marzu?

I'd eat it, but I heard there was a health concern about it so I'm a little hesitant now.

>> No.5746261

that shit is like fudge cheese. forget the name but they have it at wegmans sometimes in the states. really good on shitty pre sliced bread, toasted or not. too fucking rich in flavor for me sometimes, but i still love it

>> No.5746262
File: 31 KB, 579x327, Taleggio_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They do. He just probably forgot to look past the deli. I was like, 18 when I first discovered the fancy cheese case at my grocery store, and I had been going there for my entire life.

Anyway, Taleggio. It's kind of like Brie's funky Italian cousin. This stuff ripens quickly, and becomes a gooey mess when you cut it. The rind is SMELLY, but the cheese itself is fairly mild.

>> No.5746264

You Americans really need to work on that chip on your shoulder.

>> No.5746265
File: 87 KB, 276x261, blue-stilton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, lots of posts in this thread that aren't about cheese.

I had Stilton for the first time last week, absolutely amazing. I've been putting it on and in everything. Haven't tried the White variety yet.

>> No.5746266

>allow the cheeses to come to serving temperature
This is a pretty important one for any cheese novices.

>> No.5746267

I can't speak for the rest of the country, but around here the average grocery store sells cheddar, jack, mozzarella, and "American cheese product".

>> No.5746269

every kroger/publix/ etc has one, you just looking in the wrong place i'd say, or trolling. I live in the rural south and we have cheese counters

>> No.5746270

I find it kind of cute.

>> No.5746272

blue Stilton is god-tier cheese. I randomly got a block of Roquefort without doing research and quickly realized it's mainly for salads which I never eat. not sure how to use it now. maybe as a filling for chicken cordon bleu.

>> No.5746273

Who the fuck is playing Frasier here, other than you?

Holy shit, you should have known I wasn't "pretending to be a snob" from my first post wherein I mentioned I was buying my cheese at a supermarket.

You are a complete feeb.

>> No.5746274

Make sure you try it with caramelised onions next time. It's heavenly.

>> No.5746275

And that's good for you, but not everywhere in the country has stores that offer a wide selection of cheeses.

If I wanted to try any of the exotic things posted in this thread it'd require a 2 hour car trip.

>> No.5746278
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>around here the average grocery store sells cheddar, jack, mozzarella, and "American cheese product".
Fuck. We have an entire aisle, a deli section and a specialist yuro import section all with a large collection of every sort of domestic and European cheeses one could want, and this is just a supermarket.

>> No.5746279

it's sheep cheese you dumm

>> No.5746280

that shit smell like moldy sweaty socks. i couldn't get past the smell. it kinda shocks me that it is not as tangy and ammonia-y as less stinky bleu cheeses and cheese with moldy streaks in general.

>> No.5746281
File: 3.01 MB, 3432x2284, humboldtfog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Humboldt fog is an ABSURDLY good cheese from California. Mold-ripened Goat milk, with an ash line running down the center. The outside is runny, but the inside is fresh and crumbly like a typical chevre.

Just look at this fucker. Look at it.

>> No.5746283


Calm down, friend. :)

>> No.5746284

>i don't know how to read
>fuck fuck fuck, he knows, DAMAGE CONTROL

>> No.5746286

no love for aged gouda?

>> No.5746288

I don't think one can even get American cheese outside of America.

With the reputation America has for cheese, and the extreme abundance of the best cheeses around easily obtainable, there just doesn't seem to be a market for it.

I did once buy a block of Canadian cheddar that was nice, although it was more of a novelty than anything else.

>> No.5746290

you def can. I know they have it in Aus and NZ for sure. They call it "plastic cheese" b/c it comes individually wrapped in plastic.

>> No.5746291
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>> No.5746294

Oh, I know that one can buy the renowned American yellow rubber slices, but this is a thread about actual cheese.

Even though they have a shit reputation, they are supposed to be able to make a few acceptable cheeses in Wisconsin, yet it owuld be impossible to try some without going there due to the awful American cheese market not being profitable enough for export.

>> No.5746304

When you said American cheese I assumed you meant what is widely called american cheese slices.

>a few acceptable cheeses
American has a lot of great cheese and several outstanding creameries and has won many international cheese competitions

>> No.5746310

My favorite kind of cheese is Dante cheese. It's got an unusually hard and crumbly texture to it, but it dissolves into a real sharp and meaty flavor. What are your guyses favorite kinds of cheese?

I also like to eat my cheese on a very thin baguette slice, toasted until crispy, with salt, pepper, and butter, and a glass of very cold water

>> No.5746373
File: 22 KB, 500x437, 34999619zFy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an aasshole. someone starts a legitimate thread, asks a question and is immediately shot down.II like american 2%also parm, swiss and cottage, stilton, vermont sharp,gouda or munster If I am invited to a party with kraft cubes on tooth picks and pigs in a blanket would be nice. If I went to a place that had celery and marie's blue cheese an open bar with bud hurricaicain or gin I thought id died and gone to heaven. not everyone can afford 14/lb chesse. my ffavorite? large curd cottke with scallions or chives thanks ck. you must rememer if bring ie< 250 a week trying to pay rent food car, I am honestly amazed they make it

>> No.5746406

>II like american
Then you are instantly wrong. That's like saying you like American HFCS in your food too, it is objectively bad.

>> No.5746496

The guy you're responding to is way cooler than you'll ever be.

>> No.5746519

Yeah, but those award-winning cheeses aren't really widely available.

I will say though, a well-made colby or American-style Swiss will still be very mild compared to other cheeses, but the quality shows. I don't eat it often, but I love a good Colby. Even American process cheese isn't all that bad when made by the right people. Kraft is awful, but Amish-made American cheese can be pretty nice. The great thing about cheese is its variety. I love a good Gorgonzola or Pont-l'Évêque, but I won't deny Monterey Jack its day in the sun.

>> No.5747935

Daily reminder that all brie is flavorless moldy garbage

>> No.5748263
File: 176 KB, 1600x684, Cabot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete cheese pleb here.
This is probably the best tasting cheese I've had.

How does it stack up compared to the rest?

>> No.5748266

Have you tried Hunter's Sharp?

>> No.5748279

Yeah, that might be the actual cheese I was going for originally but this was the only good picture I could find.

>> No.5748317

4 Fat Fowl
Humbolt Fog
Port Reyes

people need to unfuck themselves and eat some real cheese once in a while

>> No.5748320

>not widely available

Amazon that shit right into your mouth hole

>> No.5748334

My girlfriend and I drop a bit more than £15 a week on cheese, I reckon. Gives me some satisfaction that we're recognised regulars at our local cheesemongers. There's a few cheeses in our fridge at the moment: a pretty generic Stilton, some Brie de Meaux, a bit of Cardo, which is a meltingly ripe rind-washed goat's milk cheese, some Stinking Bishop (another rind-washed cheese), another ripe goat cheese of some sort, and a bit of parmaggiano. I love me a few quality cheeses, it must be said.

>> No.5748601

try pickling it in oil.

>> No.5748612

Fat content, size, ripening time, bacteria cultures, temperatures.

Brie and Camembert are in the same cheese family. There's a bunch of others like Hermelin or Carre de l'est

>> No.5748625

>Humbolt Fog
This is probably the best cheese I have ever eaten in my life. My boss brought a half wheel of it to a party and it was amazing.

>> No.5748631

>hurrrrrr certain cheeses are objectively superior

Taste is the most subjective thing there is you nigger, there's literally nothing that makes one cheese objectively better over the other

>> No.5748634

you're goddamn right it's the best cheese. ;-)

Standing behind a couple who were buying a half wheel a couple of weeks ago, so I asked for a sample. The monger said that it was perfectly ripe that day, so I got $20 worth.

It was gone the next day. I didn't even share with my wife, so I had to go back and get some more.

>> No.5748635

Post pictures you morons

>> No.5748645

>mfw I ain't paying shit for cheese because I steal it

>> No.5748646
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forgot face

>> No.5748683

Where can I get this outside california?

>> No.5748760

eating cheese with a partner after splitting a bottle is the best feel

>> No.5748769

Amazon, local cheese monger.

go for the monger, amazon is absurdly expensive

>> No.5748802
File: 137 KB, 1600x1066, Halloumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless we're now in /d/, milk doesn't come out of the butthole.

Has anyone else here tried Halloumi? Not that easy to get in the states unless you live near a Mediterranean grocery store (although I've never asked for it at a cheesemonger before; I strongly doubt the one I went to had it), it's a combination goat, sheep, and sometimes cow milk. Extremely salty, semi-hard, delicious when grilled. Look at those marks! Pour some olive oil on that, or a nice light vinaigrette, you're in heaven.

Also great in sandwiches and salads.

Hey, can anyone recommend a good cheese to accompany some steamed vegetables? I'm thinking of making my Brussels sprouts and broccoli a little more calorie-dense. Thanks!

>> No.5748826

Bulgarian feta master race

>> No.5748850

A thick slice of Limburger and a thick slice of raw onion, layered between two slices of dark rye bread served with an icy cold bock beer.

>my neighborhood tavern (Wisconsin)

>> No.5748851


i worked for 2 years at my city's premier, gourmet cheese retailer and wholesaler ( we sold to restaurants only)

i had free samples of cheese that ran anywhere from $20-60 a pound. and our cheesemongers were fantastic, i wish i knew as much about cheese as they do.

>tfw cheese fondue in the morning

>> No.5748887

> live in Wisconsin
> want to try fancy cheeses

Like 3oz Jarlsberg for $9 cmon that's not even really fancy shit. Worst is food in my town is also more expensive than nearby towns because of a mixture of truck routes and exploiting college kids.

>> No.5748893

I was always told by my french foreign exchange student friend that camembert is the pussy ass bitch version of brie and that it's basically babby's first soft cheese. Yes or no?

>> No.5748901

nice one in Madison, Connecticut called Foxglove and Madison Cheese. Not a gargantuan selection, but I think they have a fair variety.

Owner knows her cheese, and loves to give samples.

>> No.5748917
File: 172 KB, 750x500, fatfowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Fat Fowl St. Stephan triple cream.

You can easily substitute it for butter, and it can stand toe to toe with any French triple cream you'd eat in France.

>> No.5749087

I've never liked brie and people I tell that to don't understand why. Whatever. Brie has nothing on a good sharp cheddar or smoked gouda.

>> No.5749162
File: 25 KB, 224x240, durhrurhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brie has nothing on sharp cheddar

>> No.5749231

yea, probably stealing dick cheese you cocksucking faggot

>> No.5749250


halloumi has been my go to lately

grilled and pan fried, shits amazing

>> No.5749342

Fucking love stinking bishop

>> No.5749364

Swiss and Mozzarella are GOAT

>> No.5749413

i thought they were cow's milk

>> No.5749421


>> No.5749582

>15£ per week
Watch your body fat. Cheese is not meant to be like a hole dish.

Also, to my grandmother it's considered rude to take more than three bits on the cheese plate.

>> No.5749742

It's the other way round

>> No.5749813

Cheese plebian here, have neither monetary nor physical access to fancy cheese, but I try and get one I've never tried from the cheese section at my grocers when I'm there. Living in Wisconsin helps.

Of course I'm sure none of what we make in WI would satisfy you lot that think a cheese should only be allowed to be called a certain name if it's made in a certain cave owned by a certain company.

>> No.5749816

That looks really good, I think it would be good on some crusty bread or saltines.

>> No.5749820


>implying dietary fat = body fat

Seriously though, I buy moderate amounts of high-quality cheese. Some of those ones I listed rock in at more than £50 a kilo.

Even more seriously though, dietary cholesterol is not strongly correlated with blood cholesterol, and saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart disease. The consumption of large quantities of dairy products in fact lowers your chances of developing diabetes or suffering a stroke. Advice warning people away from fatty foods is the biggest nutritional blunder of all time, and is likely one of the leading causes of the current obesity problem. Empty carbs are what you really ought to be watching out for.

>> No.5749927

that's way too many fucking choices u dolt

>> No.5749946
File: 149 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_3253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some baked feta to have with dinner tonight, anyone else love this shit?