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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 511x540, harmful_less_harmful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5744811 No.5744811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post less harmful alternatives to common foods

You are free to post your response as an image or as text

>> No.5744906

Harmful: youtube
Less harmful: dailymotion

>> No.5744913


>> No.5744924

Harmful: quinoa
Less harmful: amaranth

>> No.5744966

good lord this is some next level hipster shit

>> No.5744996

actually, heirlooms are far more likely to be harmful. These things are very obscure and have almost never been scientifically studied, meanwhile GMOs are ubiquitous and we have spent a fuck ton of money studying them verifying that they are safe

>> No.5745002
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where have I heard that argument before...

>> No.5745011

>alternative to tilapia
>buying anything from Palestine
>buying halal or kosher
Most of these aren't even fucking prevalent enough to need alternatives.

>> No.5745028

Vegans pls go. You are ruining this board with your shitty threads.

>> No.5745033


Isn't that just multiple monoulture?

>> No.5745038


>> No.5745044
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No, I wouldn't have heard it there as I only visited that board briefly several years ago.

>> No.5745055


>> No.5745069


Since when was yogurt, fish, poultry, and milk "vegan"?

>> No.5745085

I take issue with your list, OP. Why the fuck is based Alton on the 'harmful things' side? Why is Maple Hill yoghurt a better alternative than say, Stonyfield Farms? Also, why is Goose Island bad? Seriously wanna know cuz I've been drinking a case or two a month

>> No.5745109


Alton patronizes and oversimplifies to the point of being wrong. He has cultivated an army of poorly informed but highly enthusiastic followers. He is sort of like Mark Rippetoe but for food

Stonyfield Farms is better than some alternatives but it doesn't taste good and it has Groupe Danone as a majority shareholder. See the Cornucopia Institute ratings for further detail

Goose Island is owned by the Great Satan and thus all of their products are Considered Harmful

>> No.5745135

> Alton patronizes and oversimplifies to the point of being wrong. He has cultivated an army of poorly informed but highly enthusiastic followers.
specific examples.

>> No.5745144


Shitting on rice cookers, which millions of Asians use 365 days a year, and endorsing pizza cutters, which are completely useless because no one makes pizza at home every day.

>> No.5745171

Instead of "harmful things" it should say: "hipster bullshit"

Instead of "less harmful alternatives" it should say: "eye-crossingly painfully retarded hipster bullshit"


I hate this thread OP and I hate you.
You're not even a faggot OP
A gay pride parade would stop everything, in the middle of the street, with dildos hanging off their heads and wearing assless chaps, just to ask you if you're ok and if you need someone to call for help or something

>> No.5745188

Agree to disagree about Alton Brown. I think most people regard his show as an entertaining culinary springboard.

What do you mean by 'less harmful'? Like, from a nutritional pov? I make flour from rice, beans, and oats to use instead of bleached AP flour.

Lastly, I understand why Italian olive oil is on the harmful side but why Palestinian olive oil over California or Australian?

>> No.5745190


What went wrong with your life to make you such a hateful person? And what's with that metaphor about gay people and reaching out for help? Are you struggling with your sexuality?

>> No.5745193

In "Flat is Beautiful"? Give exact time in episode.
Just skimmed it, he says nothing about the pizza cutter he uses.
Most American homes have one and pizza is one of the most (if not the most) popular meals in the US.

>> No.5745199

Why is masa harmful? Isn't that just nixtamalized corn flour?

>> No.5745221
File: 93 KB, 219x201, oh_brezy_bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are gmo vegetables harmful again ?
like, they don't genetically modify them to be addictive or give you breasts, right ?

>> No.5745223


Each one of my alternatives is just an alternative. Certainly not the only possible alternative. California and Australia both make good olive oil.


It has been years since I watched the show, I am going from memory. The point he was trying to make is you shouldn't buy stuff you won't use. But he felt his audience wasn't smart enough so instead he gave a ridiculous story about "unitaskers" and then proceeded to not follow his own advice.


Masa is a Japanese restaurant. Yasuda is at a similar level but has taken an admirable position on waitstaff compensation. You may wish to look further into this.

Please note that I do not endorse the serving of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, which both of them are guilty of. This is the equivalent of black rhino horn at an expensive pharmacy.

>> No.5745234

There's no evidence that they are. People just hear the term and freak out because they're ignorant.

>> No.5745250

even modern GMO techniques aren't sophisticated enough to allow for a lot of genetic diversity, which can be problematic for a variety of reasons, though less so for the eater.

GMOs also present a huge threat to wild species. Wild corn/maize varieties are dying out due to both invasive GMO corn, as well as the low price of american corn thanks to outdated subsidies that benefit corporations but not consumers. It is estimated that if the planned (and iirc FDA approved) GMO salmon with human growth hormone are produced that wild salmon will go extinct in just a few decades.

The biggest beef I personally have with GMOs though is that most of them are genetically modified not for ease of growth or nutrition but for profits and greed, so farmers have to pay fees and buy new seed each year. GMO could be a great thing, but that isn't how we are using it.

>> No.5745269

>lemon bars
>rice crispy treats
>fresh pasta
all things I make 3-10x a year and was glad to have a pizza cutter for

>> No.5745283
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>most of them are genetically modified not for ease of growth or nutrition but for profits and greed.
so, just bigger and resistant to the elements?
but how do they lose their nutritional value ?

>GMO could be a great thing, but that isn't how
we are using it.
>GMO techniques aren't sophisticated enough to allow for a lot of genetic diversity
I could see that being an issue

but people gotta eat.
I could see a lot of people trying to grow a majority of their veggies to get some verity into their diet and even help diversify the plant genome, but what about the folks that don't have that kinda access?

how would we make GMOs work for the people and the ecology rather than business interests ?

>> No.5745287

Again, this is not about a specific tool but about how a man presents an argument meant to be educational. I find dumbed down messages to be harmful when they misrepresent the intent of the message.

I personally have no use for a pizza cutter. I never make rice crispy bars and my home pizza can't hold a candle to the pizza makers in my area. Another person may have no use for a rice cooker. Everyone has different needs, this shouldn't be a hard point to incorporate into advice about tools. And yet...

>> No.5745294

They aren't harmful to eat, they're just disruptive to the natural ecosystem because it eliminates biodiversity in favor of giant swaths of land made of a single crop.

>> No.5745327

it isn't that they are less nutritious, but rather that the GMO products add no value to the end consumer. GMO corn doesn't taste better and isn't better for you. You could argue that it is cheaper, but since you can't buy non-gmo corn any more (in most regions of the US anyway) it is a difficult to prove either way.

GMOs have very frequently been used to wring money out of farmers. That much is well documented.

Seeing as they don't benefit consumers, they hurt farmers, have problems with genetic diversity, and present a major threat to wild varieties, that seems pretty harmful to me. I'm sure Monsanto execs would disagree.

>how would we make GMOs work for the people and the ecology rather than business interests?
I really don't know but I am certain there is a way. I really don't believe GMOs are innately harmful, even if our current GMOs are.

>> No.5745343

>Alton Brown

gr8 b8, m8

>> No.5745451

what's wrong with stainless steel?

>halal olive oil
is that a thing?

>Harmful: youtube
>Less harmful: liveleak


>> No.5745456


no, he's just being /pol/

>> No.5745464

So do natural bananas but you aren't bitching about them.

>> No.5745479

Harmful: Being alive consuming natural resources.

Less harmful: Killing yourself and becoming compost.

>> No.5745491

'considered harmful' considered harmful

>> No.5745525

how the hell is talapia bad for you? it contains almost no fat or mercury.

>> No.5745566

because it's a vegan-fag thread

>> No.5745575

Oh wow, an elitist east coast vegan telling me not to trust jews and to drink shitty wine from NY as opposed to west coast wines? Please, tell me more about paying more for shittier food to assuage my white guilt. Oh, and the palestinians deserve everything that happens to them, btw.

>> No.5745577

Harmful: owning a computer
Less harmful: not owning a computer


>> No.5745583

>importing olive oil
>especially from a terrorist state
>not harmful
No thanks, I'll stick to the Napa Valley oil.

>> No.5745609

Pretty sure it has something to do with them being farm raised or wild caught. Farm raised fish supposedly has higher levels of PCB's. Don't know the specifics but they're pollutants from pesticides, waste, and runoff that find their way into farmed fish. Fish -being fatty- store these toxins which are ingested when eated.

Or it has to do with the wildcaught fish population being steadily over-harvested. The methods of doing so are further polluting our oceans and endangering other forms of marine life.

Vegans can't eat sardines either, numbnuts

>> No.5745616

derp. I meant 'eaten'. ffs..

>> No.5745619

JIDF pls

>> No.5745621

ISIS pls

>> No.5745666 [DELETED] 

>sardines are vegan

This is what carnists ACTUALLY believe

>> No.5745681


>> No.5746306

I'd like GMO to give me breasts. I'd fondle them all day long.

>> No.5746341

nice thread OP
both are great, whats your issue?
how so?
>its not what I like, so it must be hipster! everyoneIdisageewithtippingfedora.png
10/10 made me laugh
>eating meat or fish at all
>buying something just because its halal or kosher and not because primarily bio or organic
you really don't know how to read. whats your problem with vegans again?
alton brown on good eats was awesome, but everywhere else they turn him into a supervillan.
>Alton patronizes and oversimplifies to the point of being wrong. He has cultivated an army of poorly informed but highly enthusiastic followers.
nope, alton was great until good eats went away. we also never heard about unwrapped ever again and that host. that was cool too.
anon what in the world is your issue? why are you so blinded by hate that everything you disagree with is hipster? you need to get your brain checked. seek help.
why is italian olive oil bad and why is palestinian olive oil good?

>> No.5746356

it is better for a few reasons. if the conditions are clean and safe from dangerous things, Any plant or animal grown in a more natural manner will be healthier. Eating said plants and animals will be healthier for you. The main problem stems from the type of "organic". Because certified organic is a rather ambiguous term. It merely means no in-organic chemicals were used. That's all well and good, but there's a heap of things you can do to change the way the food is being farmed to make it better. All those things happen to be organic, but do not simply replace non-organic chemicals. They change the way you farm. One example is going from big fields of spread out plants to smaller scale square foot gardening. Or from monocrop farming to multicrop famring and companion planting. Both things help reduce the need for any organic chemicals or non-organic chemicals to be used, that includes less water needed.

The largest problem is that your question is rather subjective and relative. What is, "better," and what is, "healthier," even?

The only reason food is grown with industrialized farming is because of government subsidies and capitalism. Why have a workforce of 50 people on your large farm when you can have 2 people and a couple tractors do the work of 50 and get paid for the corn you grow even though no one wants it? Because the government pays you extra for it and the seed companies reap the benefits. In the USA, farmers sell their corn at a loss which is made up by the government.

The more you can grow means the more you get back so why grow organic at all when all you need is poundage on the scales?

I personally think more people need to garden locally and eat, sell, trade what they grow. Decentralized foods sources like that improve the economy, the environment, and stability of communities. And, it can be done organically to the fullest.

>> No.5746358

that is a deeply stupid assumption.

>> No.5746366

>but people gotta eat.

alot of people say that "we can't feed everyone!" there are too many people etc. but they don't really understand how much room we actually have. there are farming techniques that keep the soil healthy meanwhile another operation could be just for creating compost and adding to the already healthy and well maintained soil we already have.

the truth is that if every single farm used good practices and switched completely over to bio or organic, we could feed everyone organic food at the same price or less.

>> No.5746368

I don't understand any words in that image other than "harmful things" and the other column of "less harmful alternatives"

do those columns contain actual information?

>> No.5746369

>They aren't harmful to eat

they have more pesticide than organic, and are grown in conditions that are lesser quality than compared to organic food. alot of people don't trust eating pesticide.

>inb4 "but its only a little! its okay!!"

a very important example is when you go to the doctor and the doctor gives you a little pill and says "here take this once a day" and that small pill has so many different effects on your body that it can help you fight a certain illness or even give you very harmful side effects.

when you eat genetically modified vegetables that have alot of pesticides, (but it follows regulations! its only a little!) you are taking in a very small amount of pesticides every single day. just like the tiny pill that a doctor may give a patient, that small amount of medicine/poison that you take into your body every single day can and does effect you in some way weather anyone would like to admit it or not.

>> No.5747018
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x1067, olive-products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is italian olive oil bad and why is palestinian olive oil good?

This is similar to the GMO situation. Italian olive oil isn't bad in principle but in practice. And for most people (or at least most outside of italy), practice is what matters. The good stuff is obscenely expensive, and the majority of it is rancid or adulterated or otherwise bad quality. Palestinian oil does not have this problem, but as I said earlier in this thread, the "alternatives" are merely options. Other good choices exist as well (California, Australia, Mexico, etc)

>> No.5747055

>palestinian oil
disgusting as fuck
>California, Australia, Mexico
God you suck so much

All of these are worse than good Italian oil.
The only good olive oil is from Kalamata or Crete. Maybe buy Puget if you want French oil.

>> No.5747070
File: 89 KB, 450x678, cobram-manzanillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kalamata is fine, but I am certain you have never tried anything from any of the places I mentioned.

There is no problem with good italian oil. The problem is that most of what is called "italian olive oil" is not good at all.

>> No.5747079


I'm pretty sure eating carbon steel is just as harmful as stainless steel.

>> No.5747142

>italian olive oil
The thing of it is, Italian olive oil imports were likely made in spain, repackagged as italian. Italy has also had problems with exporting counterfeit olive oil, oil that's been diluted with cotton oil and chlorophyl

>> No.5747165

>argument gets rocked
>"Again, this is not about a specific tool..."

>> No.5747167

Your list is shit and your defense of your list is shit. You should feel ashamed of the time you have wasted.

>> No.5747171

>missing the point by a half light year
>argument gets rocked


>> No.5747175

harmful: 4chan
Less harmful alternative: reddit, tumblr

>> No.5747180

>denial: not just a river in Egypt

>> No.5747184

>>5747180 (You)
>>5745269 (You)

Alton Brown pls go. And take your horrid rice krispy treats with you

>> No.5747197

>being this big of a failure
Sure, blame all your life's problems on Alton Brown. It won't fix anything.

>> No.5747205


Why are AB fanbois so emotionally attached to him?

Were you raised by a television?

>> No.5747211

>gives a non-criticism of a person based upon their own faults
>someone points it out

>> No.5747234

So /ck/ is the tumblrista/SJW containment board now eh?
That sucks. I LIKED /ck/

>> No.5747247


Op here. Regular since '06. You?

>> No.5747281


>> No.5747308


You're the new one, not me. I suggest you lurk for at least a month before posting again.

>> No.5747318


that's worse, that means you're theoretically posting shit this stupid and you're not even young

>> No.5747333


You can't seem to agree whether I'm stupid, pretentious, a vegan, or a hipster.

Are you the same guy complaining about avocados in the other thread?

>> No.5747336

> believing there's only two people in this thread
delusional too

>> No.5747342
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>> No.5747359

>crying samefag because it's literally impossible that two people can have an opinion different from your own
i make rice crispies with organic puffed brown rice, coconut flakes, almond slivers, dried cranberries, and homemade marshmallows then drizzle with dark chocolate. They are the exact opposite of horrid. And I haven't posted again since OP clarified his point in >>5745287 until now

>> No.5747360


no I haven't posted on this forum since yesterday aside from late last night to give someone cooking advice on something that I can't recall

>> No.5747567

anon you are crackin me up

>> No.5747650
File: 34 KB, 600x460, cancer%20council%20logo2%20med[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an incredibly obnoxious way to to present personal taste and opinion.

>> No.5747691


>baww someone made cooking accessible and fun... m-muh secret club

>> No.5747786

I can't find porn as easily on youtube. It's harmful to my boner.