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File: 29 KB, 636x358, Red Bean KitKat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5744757 No.5744757 [Reply] [Original]

So my boyfriend is a weeaboo faggot, but I love him anyway, which is why I've decided to surprise him with some Japanese Kit Kats.

We both enjoy trying weird or "gross" foods, so I decided to start with the red bean sandwich Kit Kat, purported to be the flavor American palates are least accustomed to. We enjoy red bean paste, but I suspect these will be somewhat different. We will see.

Anyway, I'd like to surprise him with a different flavor every now and then, so I'm turning to my fellow food fanatics for opinions on which flavors are the best, the worst, and the weirdest.

I'd also appreciate pointers on other Japanese candy or treats that would be appreciated by a fan of the culture.

>> No.5744812

Buy him the green wasabi ones.

>> No.5744824


The wasabi ones look really good. Have you tried them?

>> No.5744826

Get him the green tea flavor.

>> No.5744827

Unfortunately no, but wasabi is good on anything.

>> No.5744839

>my boyfriend is a weeaboo faggot

We all know what that makes you.

Also, wasabi is the answer, but only if it is real wasabi and not that knock off shit.

>> No.5744889


The fat bitch who blows the weeaboo faggot?
You got me, man.

I've been meaning to get some legit wasabi rather than the green horseradish junk. I've never actually had it, but I like spicy stuff, so worth a shot.

>> No.5744912
File: 254 KB, 1600x1207, KitKat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no weeb and I hate anime and shit but I enjoy Japanese food. I ordered some green tea kit kats on Amazon and aside from the fact they were melted and deformed they tasted fucking good. I dipped that shit into some peanut butter and gawtdauym holy fuck it was amazing.

>> No.5744923


I admit I use the term "weeaboo" in reference to him mostly just to get the point across that he has an interest in the culture, and especially in the food. He's really not that bad and isn't obsessed. It pisses him off when I call him a weeb though, so it will continue until one of us destroys the other.

Do the green tea ones have a white chocolate base or is it something else entirely? Most of the reviews I read have good things to say about the flavor, but like you said, this flavor always seems to show up melted and shit. Small price, I suppose.

>> No.5744993

Weebs are cancer and I rarely eat japanese but like i said i enjoy it.

anyway yes it is white chocolate, and it was melted cause of the heat. Go to an asian grocery store and see if you can buy it there, if not amazon then, i doubt he'll care much if it melted. i just popped mine into the freezer since i like my chocolate frozen anyway (tastes way better)

>> No.5745004
File: 16 KB, 300x300, JAT102_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are bitter, but amazing.

>> No.5745007

A lb of varied japanese candies and snacks for 25$/month.


If this is going to be a reoccuring thing, might as well get a subscription. free worldwide shipping. cancel anytime.

>> No.5745047

I wish they had this for German/European chocolates and candies.

>> No.5745091

I've never had weeb candy is this the go to place to buy it?

>> No.5745102

Amazon fucker

>> No.5745112

Check out J-list.com, got tonnes of japanese snacks and sweets.

>> No.5745152

subscribe to skoshbox

>> No.5745430

Which one? http://www.jlist.com/product/SNACKSUB1

>> No.5745514

They don't ship chocolate in the summer IIRC because of the mentioned issues with shit melting, but since summer's almost over it'll be a good time to check it out.

>> No.5745532


I just went and checked out J-list, thinking I could get this 15 bar variety pack of Kit Kats someone mentioned they sold. Went to the Kit Kat and chocolate page and here were no goddamn Kit Kats.
I had given up on them until I saw your comment. Thank you. Now I know to check back with them in a couple months.

>> No.5745549

Amazon is where I got mine. A little pricy if you don't find shipping deals, but not terrible considering the stuff is being brought in from Japan.

>> No.5745578
File: 168 KB, 530x500, 5253288_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian here. Meiji chocolates are a must try especially Choco Baby. They sell them in little sample boxes.

>> No.5745598
File: 404 KB, 444x800, 57864535435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get him some Tirol chocolates, they're cute and not that expensive

>> No.5745617

Man, why is Japanese candy so damn adorable? Would you believe this is a product of the same nation that raped China?

>> No.5745641

Apart from the different flavoured kitkats, you can just go to your local Asian supermarket and get him shit from there. They have a huge selection of candies and snack food.

Asians are the superior candy/snack food creator race.

>> No.5745653

its targeted to kids. So bright colors and cute shapes are the name of the games. there is also this sub genre of shitty penny candy in japan.

>> No.5745662

there weak in many areas when it comes to snack foods. The japs can't get cheese flavor correct, anything that claims to be chesse flavored is either mild, or sweet as fuck. Also their spicy flavor is fucking off. The kit-kats are also over rated.

>> No.5745789

The Kit Kats are more for novelty than anything else. They're cute and interesting. Even in Japan I'm pretty sure their popularity is mostly about the name rather than the flavor.

I live in a city with loads of Asian and international markets, so I was considering this. I love those places and I've never really looked into their candy section.

>> No.5746313

Seems too good to be true.

>> No.5746740

green tea kitkat....

>> No.5746755

underrated post.

>> No.5746803

I was passing through Jasper, BC a few weeks back, and there was a shop selling imported candy, and I ended up buying a bag of Japanese french toast (at least, that's what I think it was, going by the picture) flavored kitkats.

They were better than sex, holy shit.

>> No.5746804

>matcha kit-kat
>dipped into peanut butter
That's... really gross, man.

>> No.5746832

its not a sweet, but i recommend pocari sweat, its like a citrus flavor very strange Japanese take on Gatorade.

pocky and that korean knockoff lotte are good sweets too.

and like this guy>>5746803 said, the french toast kitkats are the hot sex of sweets.

>> No.5746838
File: 98 KB, 1092x2188, 1377749130467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5746854

stay there please

>> No.5746911


>>my boyfriend is a weeaboo faggot

would imply OP is a faggot that fucks weeaboos

>> No.5746955

I was just answering his question.