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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5734795 No.5734795 [Reply] [Original]

What type of healthy meals do you guys eat for breakfast? I'm stumped on what to eat early in the morning.

>> No.5734812

Yoghurt with granola and blueberries, or leftovers from the night before

>> No.5734831
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Slices of bread with butter, jam or cheese, with coffee. Krisproll-like bread because I'm poor but I love baguette (french bread).

>> No.5734836

How healthy is maizena?

>> No.5734839
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>> No.5734847

Plain muesli with water. Anything else and you're a childish babby with a shit palate.

>> No.5734849

Vanilla-flavoured yoghurt with homemade müsli (I cut almonds and dried apricots in little pieces, add raisin and rolled oats and drizzle some honey over it).

>> No.5734859

a small steak with eggs. tea or coffee. milk and potatoes if not cutting.

>> No.5734868


You're childish for judging peoples tastes

>> No.5734875

Farina, oatmeal, or maizena. Put some fruit or apple sauce for sweetening.

I never heard of muesli until a month ago. I wanna try it.

>> No.5734882

black coffee brewed in a machine that hasn't been cleaned in over a decade and a cigarette

>> No.5735644

Steel cut oats with dried fruit, milk, and a bit of cinnamon.

>> No.5735670

I made granola today. Lots of sugar, so not really healthy, but it could be if you just don't add much sweetener.

>> No.5735713

Oatmeal with milk

>> No.5735740

Oatmeal or barleymeal.

>> No.5735748

A frittata. Cut up green beans asparagus onions peppers and bind it all with eggs. Or eggs with salsa on top. I don't start the morning off with a ton of carbs. Dont need em.

>> No.5735750
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My grandma taught me about crema de maizena when I was 17. Her mom used to make it to her... I love it

>> No.5735802

what is that? corn starch soup?

>> No.5735810


>> No.5735828


Corn starch custard

>> No.5735842

damn u dont need carbs u r 1 hard mother fucker omg

>> No.5736117

porridge made with water with either fruit in, or just a sprinkle of brown sugar and cinnamon and a splash of milk.

dirty eggs, eggs with chopped veg and seasoned with cajun spice mix, i cook this in the non stick pan so i only have to use a little oil. very hearty and unlike other big breakfasts, doesn't make me feel ill.

muesli with plain greek yoghurt and fruit

>> No.5737712

Sardines and egg on toast. Add spinach and cheese for bonus points

>> No.5737869

So many carbs itt.

>> No.5738349


Because it's a thread about healthy breakfast. What do you think the answer would be?

>> No.5738365

5 handfuls of fruit

>> No.5739372

My almost-every-single-day breakfast:

- half a cup of rolled oats cooked in almond/coconut milk (fewer calories than 2% milk, and tasty) with some cinnamon and diced/grated ginger, plus some sliced peach added after cooking (or whatever fruit I have available)
- somewhere around half a cup of fat free plain Greek yogurt, with a handful of lightly baked pumpkin seeds mixed in
- 6 to 8 ounces of coffee, black or with a tiny bit of milk (I cannot bring myself to use half and half anymore)

Incredibly filling/sustaining, tons of protein, and fairly healthy, as far as I can tell. And delicious, obviously. Lately, I've also started stirring one or two tablespoons of chia seeds into either the oatmeal or the yogurt. Just thought I'd try it for shits and giggles, and because MUH OMEGA-3S. I don't even taste them because they're too small to actually chew, but they seem to modestly increase my regularity and ease of poopin'.

>> No.5739399

I alternate between oatmeal with blueberries and a 2 egg omelet with onions, peppers, and mushrooms. With that I have greek yogurt and, just recently, half a white peach.

I love white peaches

>> No.5739459
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>> No.5739478

I never eat in the morning.

Problem solved.

>> No.5740558

bircher museli. soak rolled oat in half juice half water overnight with frozen berries. I do it in the same bowl overnight. super easy. add greek yoghurt and you're done.

same ingredients plus milk and banana for a smoothie.

Porridge - oats milk and water with cinnamon, banana and honey.

All use pretty much the same ingredients and are simple to make. gives variety and simple when shopping, cheap too.

>> No.5740566

>healthy meals
>carbs carbs carbs and carbs

>> No.5740570

2 fried eggs and almond milk. If I'm in a hurry I skip both and I have a protein bar while at college. The protein bar is 25g of carbs though but it keeps me pretty full.

Not good for you, you need to eat in the morning to get your metabolism.

>> No.5740571

metabolism going*

>> No.5740619


>> No.5740935


Oatmeal is not healthy. You will eat a bowl of shitty carbs and be hungry again in two hours.

Stick to basic filling protein and fat. Bacon/sausage and eggs.

>> No.5740948

just some bread with marmalade, sometimes some fruit joghurt

>> No.5740949

oatmeal is better than most breakfast carbs. Especially when made with cream.

>> No.5740955

Oats aren't like all carb sources. Their wallpaper paste-like consistency slows its digestion down, meaning they can provide sugars for much longer than wheat.

>> No.5740960
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Your body doesn't need any of that dogshit.

There is a reason why all these retarded women eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast trying to be healthy and lose weight and it doesn't work. You will be hungry again in no time.

Just because some faggot on TV said it was a good breakfast food doesn't mean you should listen to Monsanto and General Mills.

>> No.5740965

Well they use that instant oats with low fiber, and use water, which is low fat. and add sugar which is high carb.

real oats, with cream, is much better for you.

Also breakfast is supposed to come after you've been working for several hours. people need to stop eating it as soon as they wake up.

>> No.5740979

I done even have a TV. I learn from facts: http://pathways4health.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Chart3.jpg

>> No.5740982

here's the one for wheat:

>> No.5740987
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>> No.5740990

top kek, dont forget to energize your crystals

>> No.5741051


There's nothing wrong with carbs just like there's nothing wrong with fat. You have to get your calories from somewhere unless you're one of those retards who eats 300g of protein a day.

>> No.5741053

All Bran because it keeps my colon rolling, and I have irritable bowel syndrome. Sometimes a banana instead because it's a cold food in Chinese medicine and I eat a lot of hot foods

>> No.5741056


You just reminded me, oatmeal cooked with water but then with some coconut milk stirred in is good.

>> No.5741409

>carbs are bad

>> No.5742821


Oatmeal reduces your risk of heart disease; bacon and eggs increase your risk.

>> No.5743378

>all this broscience ITT

holy fuck guys, research a bit before pls.
there's nothing wrong with carbs and oatmeal.

there's also nothing wrong with eggs, it's been debunked.

>> No.5743381

>bacon and eggs increase your risk
Fats are now good in moderation

>> No.5743387

fats have always been good, they are necessary. it depens on what kind of fat though.

>> No.5743871

2 poached eggs over a piece of rye toast topped with a little hot sauce with a small side of cottage cheese.

>> No.5745615

Hard boiled eggs if I've made them beforehand and I'm in a hurry. I just love them and they seem to help wake me up.

>> No.5745669


>there's also nothing wrong with eggs, it's been debunked.

That's wishful thinking. Eggs are not considered a healthy food.

>> No.5745833

that is wrong, eggs are exceptionally healthy.

>> No.5745838

A banana and a kiwi fruit (skin on), usually,

>> No.5745848


Except they aren't. They're marketed like hell, but they are not healthy. Even the USDA admits this.


>> No.5745891
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fight me, faggot

>> No.5745900

Yoghurt and Granola

>> No.5745912


how do i know that this entire video wasn't fabricated by nutritionfacts.org? where the fuck are this fool's sources?

>> No.5745919

Go fuck your boston cream mass. fag!

>> No.5746033

I let chia seeds sit in milk with vanilla and honey and let them soak over night, then pour it over yogurt and eat it with a papaya licuado.
Sometimes it makes me cum.

>> No.5746040

I don't eat breakfast. Takes too long in the morning, I'd rather just get going.

>> No.5746155

Wheat toast with peanut butter and a granola bar

>> No.5746193

3 egg omelet with 3 oz of ham and 1.5 oz of cheese, cooked in 1 tsp of butter. 1 tsp doesn't sound like enough, but in my experience it limits browning so that you can take your time without overcooking the eggs
choline, whatever the fuck that does
phosphorous and calcium
salty and chemistry class ingredients list most of the time but hey, protein
empty calories, but so is bread and jam and juice and i need it to cook anyways
None of those things are outstandingly healthy.

>> No.5746202


>None of those things are outstandingly healthy.

neither is anything you listed

>> No.5746212

I suppose not, honestly, except for the eggs.
I should commit to having a salad at every meal. I've been good about reaching macro goals that I have, but pursuing them has made me forget the importance of vegetables.

>> No.5746214


>Hey asshole, your breakfast isn't healthy! GET out of here! Fucking dick! Jesus Christ!
>Anyway, I had cheesy pork eggs fried in butter

>> No.5746217


> except for the eggs.

Not even the eggs

>> No.5746223

>pork eggs

Oh if only those were a real thing.

>> No.5746224

I'm not gonna say that oats aren't healthy because of my personal preference for low-carb perspectives, but granola is loaded with sugar and I don't know why people think it's healthy, especially considering that straight oatmeal, nuts, and fruit (i.e. the things in granola that aren't sugar) are all perfectly acceptable

>> No.5748513

bahn mi is a great breakfast sandwich

>> No.5748811


this is exactly what i have for breakfast minus some of the trimmings (pumpkin seeds, ginger, chia seeds, etc.)

Filling and delicious as fuck

>> No.5748819

>trying to live longer in this shithole of a life
I eat two eggs (scrambled or just cooked), two pieces of toast, a cup of potatoes, and two glasses of milk.

>> No.5749154


>> No.5749265


I always thought granola was just the American word for muesli. Turns out granola is the sugar drenched cereal Americans eat instead of muesli.

Don't know why I was surprised?

>> No.5749323

What a fantastic source anon, super informative.

>> No.5749339

I bulk grill chicken thigh fillets with lemon, pepper, thyme and garlic. Slap on it on some toast in the morning with veg and I'm good.

Fried eggs with toast and tobacco if I haven't prepped anything

>> No.5749359


>> No.5749384

Raisin bran with cut up bananas in it, with fat free milk. And a cup of coffee.

>> No.5749429


Also check out three world leaders in stroke and atherosclerosis research speaking out against "the sustained propaganda campaign of the Egg Producers Lobby"


>> No.5749461

1 slice Wheat bread w/margarine or jam
Granola and milk
Glass of OJ

Simple, tasty, healthy.
>inb4 fat people say the sugars in juice isn't good

>> No.5749466


It's more the lack of fiber in juice. Why not eat an orange?

>> No.5749471

Ease of swallowing.
You can take a bite of bread and then take a swig of OJ then swallow both to make it go down easy.

Otherwise bread gets stuck in your throat.

>> No.5749472

there's fiber in granola and wheat bread

why do you need fiber in everything? is fiber going to be the next protein?

maybe i want juice because i'm thirsty, and my body needs more than pure water. i'll eat an orange when i'm hungry.

>> No.5749497


>Condemns fat people
>Needs juice to swallow a fucking sandwich

>> No.5750058

Oatmeal with a little brown sugar, milled flax seed, and once it's cooked I mix in a handful of dark chocolate chips so I find little pockets of chocolate as I eat it.
I also have a cup of green tea with breakfast. I drink about 8 cups of green tea a day, someone stop me please.

>> No.5750105

>this + 2 good quality eggs

>> No.5750141

Green smoothie

~ 10 pieces store-brand frozen mango
~ 10 pieces store-brand frozen whatever (pineapple, strawberry, mixed berries...)
4-12 leaves of Lacinato kale (sub a similar amount of spinach or other kale), ribs removed
~10 oz green tea
~5 oz orange juice
~ scoop with a large spoon but one like you could still use to eat cereal greek full fat yogurt
dash salt
splash peanut oil (or whatever, for fats)

Blend like hell.

Add two servings protein powder (4 scoops EAS Lean 15)

Blend til incorporated (~20 sec?) so it doesn't get super frothy.

All your veggie whatevs, all your fats, all your proteins, all your tea whatchamacallits, some caffeine, some oj vitamins all in one go. Plus it looks cool. Or gross. Either way.

This serves either one or two at about 26 oz finished size, up to you and your caloric needs.

>> No.5751136

Add avocado and get rid of the toast and you've got yourself a perfect meal

>> No.5751229

When I'm at home I usually make some rice porridge and pair it with pickled veggies, roasted peanuts, and some canned fish. A lot more filling plus sweet western breakfasts hurt my stomach.

>> No.5751240


>> No.5751255

1/4 cup steel cut oats
2 tbsp cheddar cheese
2 tbsp salsa
2 strips bacon

Under 500 calories and will keep you full all day