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File: 195 KB, 1065x1300, scotch-whisky-glass-perfect-ice-29384812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5735712 No.5735712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not all ice is created equal.
The ice you make at home or the commercial ice in Europe, is terrible.
American commercial ice is amazing . reverse osmosis filters and then the water is heated to boiling before its frozen.
This is why Americans love icy beverages but the English only put a few cubes. Loop
Also it hurts their teeth.

>> No.5735738

I import all my ice from Japan, freezers in the US just can't compete.

>> No.5735771

I doubt Japanese ice is any better than american.

>> No.5735782

This. If I eat out and they give me ice in my drink I just pour it out and ask for a new one without ice.

>> No.5735787

What do you mean you pour it out?

>> No.5735793

i make my ice from distilled water in soft silicone trays that make 2" cubes

>> No.5735805

Yes, this is true.

Our ice is best ice.

>> No.5735808
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Think again fatty. We don't need to do all that shit to ice in Europe because it's already pure. You have to filter your Detroit ice because tramps shit in the local water supply.

>> No.5735809

That is too large.
You need more surface area.
Are you at least putting it in the freezer boiling hot so mpemba effect?

>> No.5735812


I usually tell them that I don't want any ice.

I usually just get water with no ice.

There is a fast food hamburger joint down the street that has a combo deal on hamburgers -- hamburger, fries, and drink for about the same price as hamburger and fries. They give you the cup of ice for you to fill yourself. I always dump out all but a little ice before filling the cup.

>> No.5735817

You use r/o to remove minerals dillweed.

>> No.5735818

he stands up, shrieks, and pours the ice onto the ground a like a real fucking man.

wtf do you think he meant pleb?

>> No.5735822

on the contrary in my case: i want the surface area low to reduce the dilution over the course of a few drinks. if i'm making cocktails i do go for more and smaller pieces of ice.

yes i reboil the distilled just before i pour

>> No.5735825

But ice is wonderful?
Why dump it out?
The idea that it waters down your drink is a myth.

>> No.5735834

The dilution is exactly the same with large ice or small.
This can be proven mathematically.
Of course this is only the case if you are using enough ice to achieve maximum cooling.

>> No.5735841
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>The idea that it waters down your drink is a myth.

where does it disappear to?

>> No.5735854

if you meet the criteria for uniform cooling across the container then yes, of course. however the ability to simply drop a pair of massive cubes into any glass makes it convenient.

there is also the issue of first contact with a high delta fluid over a larger surface area causing increased initial dilution

i'm so sorry to everyone who is reading this thread

>> No.5735855

Sorry pedro. Is English not your first language?

>> No.5735858

If you leave it for that long it was going to get warm and shitty anyway.

>> No.5735868

What was wrong with my English?
One comma?
Is that what you are crying about?

>> No.5735885

What's "r/o"?. What is a dilweed?

>> No.5735888

reverse osmosis

dillweed. dickhead. dork.

>> No.5735912

After I replied I figured out it meant reverse osmosis. But dilweed? Are you 12? One thing I'll say about Americans is that they are genuinely the best at promoting anything. They really are the GOAT. They've convinced an entire country that their drink should be freezing cold with ice cubes so when you buy it you get hardly any liquid. Absolutely genius. - I'm not even being sarcastic. Americans ability to market things is its strongest asset

>> No.5735914

i always ask my drinks without ice in USA: the ice is terrible, smells like chlorine (like a swimmingpool) and that give a bad taste to the drinks...

>> No.5735919

few years ago i was in a mc D..
i guy came in, he buy a big Coke: 95% ice /5% coke...

>> No.5736012


>putting ice in scotch

Fucking retards.

>> No.5736153

Superior Japanese ice folded over 1000 times.

>> No.5736157
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>> No.5736180

We get free refills at most restaurants (minus alcoholic beverages) we can afford to waste cup space for a maximally cooled drink

Choke on our freedom, commonwealther

>> No.5736210


Maybe not in the Antarctic.

>> No.5736214


I was at one chain restaurant in Houston once where the waiter (new on the job, newly arrived from Canada) tried to charge me individually for every glass of ice tea.

I got tired of arguing and told him that if the manager agreed with him, then I would pay it. (Of course, I would never return again.) The manager quickly told him that refills on ice tea are free.

>> No.5736692

That is BS.
Have you ever even been to the US?

>> No.5736743
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So what is it anon?
Do we get gyped out of our fair share of soda because if all the ice?
Or are americans soda swilling swine because of the huge cups?

You don't get to have it both ways.

>> No.5736783

>watered down
Those are different things dude.

>> No.5736839

Is ice a food?

>> No.5736842

Both are equally unacceptable.
So the same outcome.
Both get poured down the drain

>> No.5736887

Have you been to every spot in the USA and actually bought beverage from every single location to confirm this never happens anywhere?
No, you haven't.

>> No.5736892


>> No.5736977

It doesn't start warming up until the ice is all gone. When the ice is half gone that's a significant amount of water still at 32 degrees.

>> No.5736984

I have noticed American commercial ice is great.

>> No.5736992

I love how he proved you wrong so you get all butthurt. How pathetic.

>> No.5737043

>ask for no ice
>enjoy a full vat of soda on the way back home
>still have soda left by the time I walk through my door
>still have soda left by the time I finish my meal
>still have soda left the next day for breakfast
anyone who doesn't ask for iceless drinks is seriously missing out
it already comes out cold
if you are taking that long with a drink then you shouldn't keep it in a cup
but something that you can keep in a cool place and open and re open

>> No.5737174

Jew detected

>> No.5737180

>Do we get gyped out of our fair share of soda because if all the ice?

Only if you're dumb enough to buy soda at restaurants that don't do free refills.

>> No.5737263
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>flat soda
>for breakfast

hows that food stamp card treating you?

>> No.5737301

alright, so which one of you has been watching that show Going Deep?

>> No.5737311

Soda is too sugary without ice, and it usually winds up giving me a headache.
Used to do this though

>> No.5737322

Fun Fact: Around 85% of municipalities in the US still do their water purifying by just dumping a shitton of chlorine into the city water tanks. So, basically, whenever you order a drink with ice, you're ingesting chlorine plus the metallic flavor that comes with it.

>> No.5737337

>it is impossible to dechlorinate water

was your fridge made after 1988

>> No.5737342
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>Americans ability to market things is its strongest asset
we have a great ally to help

>> No.5737375
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Master race reporting in.

>> No.5737393
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>too sugary without ice
mfw amerifats think that ice in a drink absorbs the sugar.

>> No.5737414

stick to microwaving water fatpleb

>> No.5737420


>buying memecubes

Only morons waste money on gimmicks

>> No.5737433

>buying fadblocks

>> No.5737437
File: 93 KB, 724x720, mRIRrls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying placeborocks

>> No.5737445

>drinking unfiltered tap

>> No.5737463

it doesn't absorb the sugar, but the melting ice waters down the drink thus making it taste less sweet.

u fucking retard

>> No.5737701
File: 2.05 MB, 1366x1025, Sacha-Baron-Cohen-borat-django-unchained-tarantino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have got to be one cheap jew to worry about ice displacing your precious soda pop.

>> No.5738316


And yes: i was in the usa for a few months (mostly Florida and California)

>> No.5738332

> implying all tap water isn't already filtered

>> No.5738341

seems bullshit

> Florida
Did you mean sulfur?
Florida has some the worst water I've had.
Doesn't taste like chlorine though. Shit is filled with hydrogen sulfide

>> No.5738344

No cold numbs your tastebuds and less taste comes through, its why icecream mix is disgustingly sweet, but icecream is tasty.

>> No.5738677

I love ice creamix

>> No.5738786

It like people in this thread don't believe in dilution.

>> No.5738799

Its just a theory .

>> No.5738913


>dilweed? are you 12?

for real bruh? what kind of dingus would even say something like that
you yurofags have no sense of humor.

>> No.5738921

more ice = less drink

>> No.5738931

>not putting ice in scotch
Get a load of this guy

>> No.5738934

hard ice or soft?

I prefer hard ice

>> No.5738936

Huh, I must be in one of those rare places in America where this isn't the case.

>> No.5739003

ss-soft ice?

por que ?

>> No.5739040


>> No.5739049

i hate buying/making ice cubes, do these work or is it just what people say it is?

>> No.5739078


i just hate it when restaurants don't keep their ice makers clean. i can always taste when that happens, makes me feel like sending the soda back...but nobody does that so i'm boned

>> No.5739086


they sufficiently cool a room temperature spirit, yes.

>> No.5739137

The best ice is produced from water taken out of the dehumidifier.

>> No.5739874

Not any real amount.
They suck and anyone who has them is a total douche.

>> No.5740699

>John Tomczyk is a professor of HVACR at Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Mich., and co-author of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Technology, seventh edition, published by Delmar Cengage Learning.


>> No.5740728

my ice only comes handmined by scandinavian orphans from one of the last glaciers in europe.

>tastes just like desalinated frozen tears

>> No.5740730

>Not any real amount.
point isn't to chill it like bourbon and coke so you can knock them back
point is to cool somewhat to dull the sharp bite, as you might do by adding water

>> No.5740733
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>the best ice


>> No.5740735

Isn't that a lot of stress for a non-commercial freezer?

>> No.5740847

Actors can cry on command. Let us assume anyone can learn that skill.

Does that mean I can collect the tears of orphans to make ice out of, without committing human rights violations?

Also would the ice taste as good if the tears were collected without committing human rights violations?

>> No.5740852

Have you considered buying a ice block and chipping it?

>> No.5740871
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>> No.5741029
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>> No.5741032

dont be mad, just accept it, then stop collaborate and listen ice is back with a brand new invention.

>> No.5741039
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This is gold in Ice man

>> No.5741983
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>> No.5742262

>be 13 years old
>be on holiday in majorca
>grandparents warn me and little bro to never ever drink the local tapwater
>we drink only cola and bottled water
>(and san miguel when we can sneak off to a bar for 10 minutes lol)
>chilling by the pool one day drinking cola
>some fellow holidaymaker has dropped his wallet in the swimming pool
>sounds like a job for me and my bro
>deep sea rescue mode activated
>retrieve wallet and it's contents
>wallet's owner buys us both a cola as reward
>drink the cola feeling like a champ
>what's this at the bottom of the glass?
>it's ice
>made with real majorcan tapwater
>laid up in bed for three days in agony with a stomach bug
Fucking sly Majorcans and their poisonous ice cubes nearly ruined my holiday.

>> No.5742311

Explain yourself

>> No.5742785
File: 451 KB, 500x250, 48dd2ec4-acf5-441b-93b0-063c9fbc8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you just said.

>> No.5742935
File: 35 KB, 674x609, so_crazy_it_just_might_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is...

We invent a container with a removable handle and rim?

We remove the handle and rim, put the container in the freezer, then, when it is the temperature of an ice cube, take it out, re-attach the (room temperature) handle and rim, and pour the drink.

The ice cold container keeps the drink cold (without dilution) while the handle and rim prevent any discomfort that might result from contact between the user's skin and an ice cold surface...


>> No.5743357
File: 22 KB, 600x380, lets kick some ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's pretty cool.

>> No.5743382

>tfw eating mexican ice with no ill affect

so yummy with aqua fresca!

>> No.5743385

(put the drink into a refrigerator)

>> No.5743436

> be in Holliday on majorca a few years ago
> drinks with ice all the time
> never be ill...

> vacation in USA
> invited to a grill-Party
> next morning all the guest from the party are sick due to food poisoning...
> fuck USA you ruin my vacation
so what?

>> No.5743445

bad meat there

>> No.5743456

An other one:

> be in vacation in egypt
> made a cruise on the Nil for a week
> Food was good , every evening an other style of
buffet .. never had problems
> last evening "Egyptian-style" buffet...
> during the night my stomach start to rebel.... I had diarrhea for a week... terrible...

>> No.5743876

i do this if someone puts milk in my coffee without asking me if i want any