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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 500x500, ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5729290 No.5729290 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me the terrible creations you make and eat when you're alone and no one can judge you. They don't have to be good, they just have to be edible.

In good faith, I will share mine. Ranch Rice. Cook rice, dump in a bunch of ranch, add some cheese, eat and feel disgusting for days.

>> No.5729472
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I make Dr. Pepper bacon. It's basically bacon that I glaze in way too much Dr. Pepper to still be alive. If you need it, I'll provide the recipe.

>> No.5729474


>> No.5729476

IIRC ranch in rice is fairly common.
Sure. Is it good?

>> No.5729486
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You need to make a mixture. 1 part melted butter to 3 parts Dr. Pepper. Then let the bacon soak in this unholy concoction for 20 minutes. After that, you throw it in a pan and fry it. Once the bacon is just about to get crispy, add a little bit more Dr. Pepper into the pan, and it will add a nice caramelized glaze.

It's delicious, but you'll probably need to lay down after eating it.

>> No.5729491

Do you eat a whole pound in a single sitting?

>> No.5729495

That's ridiculous!

I only eat half a pound, I share it with my friend who has the same terrible taste in food as me.

>> No.5729500
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i microwave them tyson chicken nugget things and assemble them on some bread and then put sriracha all over them shits

i call it "shmoriental"

>> No.5729695

Kraft mac n cheese and then I add half a velveeta brick to it, melted down in cream cheese and butter (and a little milk).

>> No.5729719

Microwaved pizza rolls dipped in bbq sauce.

Probably common.

>> No.5729790


Funny I know for a fact all of my extra fat is from da pepper, I am addicted.

Damn that sweet sweet nectar.

>> No.5729805
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in a bowl, i mix drained ramen noodles, a 1/4 cup of yellow mustard, and one egg. then i microwave that mixture for a minute.

i love the shit out of it.

i once made a thread about this recipe, but everyone was a jerk and made fun of me.

>> No.5729811

You were made fun of because that sounds awful, but more power to you if you like it.

>> No.5729817

I used to put peanut butter on my pizza. My friend's dad thought we were getting high in his room because of it.

>> No.5729823

Not me but my girlfriend will take a tortilla, throw shredded colby jack on it, roll it and nuke it for 15 seconds. Usually when drunk.

It's ok but I prefer more than just cheese.

>> No.5729830

My friend does that sometimes, except he uses cheddar and throws it in for a minute

>> No.5729832
File: 368 KB, 900x674, a_bloo_bloo_bloo_by_ryclaude-d3ff9ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abloo bloo bloo ppl were being meen on me on the interwebz :(
fuck off back to plebbit pls
there must somewhere where they discuss nigger poorfag food

>> No.5729853

I do that alot actually. My child hood favorite would be Tortilla butter and honey.

>> No.5730182

I make a chip dip from sour cream and sriacha.
just mix enough sriacha in to turn it a salmon pink.

>> No.5730191

I get a bag of potato chips, ready salted variety. Smash the contents up roughly then pour into a bowl and smother with greek yoghurt. Eat it with a spoon and usually an ice cold can of diet coke.

>> No.5730234
File: 81 KB, 297x600, sandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a sandwich of reeses peanut butter cups miniatures and layes cheddar and sour cream ruffles.

one peanut butter cup between two chips. Note that these are miniatures as in the size between the normal cup and the one you get a bunch of in a pouch. Like the kind that people usually give out for halloween.

then I eat it

I made a helpful diagram for you if you don't understand.

>> No.5730245

>nonanimated gif
fuck you

>> No.5730247

I just ate 2 chicken patties wrapped in a tortilla shell with cheddar cheese, ranch, hot sauce, sour cream, and bbq sauce.

Is that weird enough?

>> No.5730274

Peanut butter and raspberry jam with cooked Italian sausage and blue cheese sandwich. Since I was out of bread, I sandwiched the 'mixture' between 2 dry ramen blocks and then top it off with some cheezwiz. I wasn't high or drunk, I just thought it was a good idea at the time, I mean... It tasted good.

>> No.5730337

Banana burrito.

>> No.5730362
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>> No.5730363

Sometimes I make "lazy cheesecake". I take an entire block of cream cheese, pour sugar on it and put berries on top.

Also, sometimes I eat a bowl of croutons with salad dressing. I should call it "anti-salad".

And if it counts, sometimes I consume entire bags of chips in one sitting.

>> No.5730365

I take cantaloupe and honeydew melon, cut it into cubes(well, more like 2x2x1 squares), thin slice celery and stir fry it with tons of black pepper and a pinch of salt.

>> No.5730372

I've done this

>> No.5730380
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>> No.5730383

You just made that up right? That's not real, you didn't really do that.

>> No.5730386

what did you expect it to do you

>> No.5730390


Of all the people in this thread, you're the one who has to be 400 pounds

>> No.5730396

Something, its a .gif, maybe smash down to for a sandwich?

>> No.5730401

Add some bacon make it Elvis burrito

almost there

>> No.5730404

Hard boiled egg sliced up, tomato slices, mayo white bread sandwich. If I say I smother it w salt and pepper it makes it normal I guess

>> No.5730428

I usually just toss down tortilla chips on a plate and put cheese on them and sometime jalepenos. Then I pop that shit in the microwave for instant nachos.

>> No.5730439

When I was in highschool I took a pocket pita, and filled it with kettle chips and put blue cheese dressing on it. I felt really gross afterwards. I had it again the next day.

>> No.5730502


That actually sounds pretty good. Almost a warm salad.

>> No.5730515

Ham, cheese and onion omlette, with sour cream and pineapple on top.

>> No.5730533
File: 49 KB, 474x404, 1408489935286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to throw everyone in this thread to the gas chambers.

>> No.5730586

Shit I do this but I add barbeque sauce instead

>> No.5730603

shredded cheese on bread in microwave or broiled in oven

grilled cheese with extra cheese fried on the sides

just eating a ton of fucking cheese in general or a ton of raisin bran crunch of fuck yes

>> No.5730704

i shove a few slices of bread with a cheese slice on it under the broiler.
If im feeling rich, i throw a few slices of bacon on there too.

>> No.5730714

Basically, eating anything at all to great excess, gorging myself until my stomach is firm and bulging, then vomiting it backup.
>bretty gross

>> No.5730717
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You silly fucking faggot you.

>> No.5730821

I don't even have a microwave

My drunk food is usually zucchini in a pan w/ tons of butter s+p and garlic....tonight i ate four corn cobs by myself.

I gotta say since my small kitchen power can't handle a microwave i've eaten tooons more veggies. Though i am guilty of buying a big jar of salsa con queso and a bag of santitos and killing it in a night..though that's about once a month

Captcha: and pleaveg

>> No.5730822

Tater tots smothered in shredded "truffle cheese" from trader joe's and beef braised in red wine. A moment on the lips, hours of getting lectured by my cardiologist.

>> No.5730845

That's just a sandwhich...

>> No.5730856

>2 hot dog weiners
>nuke em till sizzling in the microwave
>put them in a corn tortilla with butter, mayonnaise and salt
>drench that shit with sriracha or tapatio sauce
It's like none of these things were ever supposed to meet in a single dish.
Fun fact, I'm 24 and have high blood pressure.

>> No.5730859

I eat straight Flora Pro-active. Just take the tub of it, a spoon, and I can begin lurking 4chan.

>> No.5731127
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Alrighty then

This is a dish I have quite often when im very poor. I call those weeks bean weeks. this weeks are beans with whatever I can find.

this was kidney beans with drained bean cum, mi gorang noodle sachet on rice.

>> No.5731140



>> No.5731151
File: 65 KB, 500x370, no_evil_oil-tumblr_lk0yt5XOfL1qzeywho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add some "no evil oil" to that for the win.

>> No.5731386

Nothing too crazy.

Maybe I'll pour leftover piped cookie icing (the kind that looks like it's 90% food coloring) into bowl and mix in a bunch of rice krispies for impromptu rice crispy treats.

Or, you know, two slices of white bread with a layer of pancake syrup in between.

>> No.5731400

I use mashed potatoes as dip for corn chips.

I'm not really that ashamed of it, but so fucking good.

Especially if you melt cheese and mix that into the potatoes.

>> No.5731407

Any excuse I get to eat bleu cheese, and mighty globs of it.

Single chicken nugget? Dunk until fingers have cheese on them.

Baby carrots? Carrot is kill. Only cheese remains.

I even take a little sippy out of the bleu cheese jar, before going to town with my scooping devices.

>> No.5731409

Nope. Must be someone else with terrible tastes though.

>> No.5731411

>>i used to eat ramen with yellow mustard all the time anon. i called it prison slop. seriously enjoyed the hell outta it. havent eaten it since i was a kid but still would probably.

>> No.5731449
File: 9 KB, 316x208, 1408318368060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is terrible

>> No.5731466

Sort of related, when I was little I thought I invented casseroles. I was just putting a bunch of shit in a deep oven pan. (cream of mushroom, potatoes, onions, carrots, rice) basically any food that could be cooked. anyways I cut that shit up and put it inside and baked it. It came out okay and I thought I was pioneering cuisine. I explained it later to someone and they were like 'so.... you made a casserole?'

>> No.5731483
File: 5 KB, 312x162, pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put pork sausage, garlic, and ricotta cheese, and put it inside of a blender. I then take the tube pasta (Penne Rigate?) and fill it with the mixture, like stuff the inside. I then take prosciutto or bacon if I'm poor and wrap the individual pasta noodles. I put about 40-50 of these things on a cookie sheet and place in the oven I then grate Parmesan and mozzarella and mix it, and sprinkle over the top.

The whole ordeal is extremely time consuming, I don't know if anyone else has done this.

>> No.5731486

I add strawberry preserves to my cheeseburgers, along with the usual pickles, ketchup and mustard

>> No.5732098
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I guess it's not really unhealthy like most the stuff in this thread, but all my friends think it's disgusting.

I like to take a raw onion, cut in half, add salt/pepper/olive oil/oregano, and eat that shit.

>> No.5732116

good for your sinuses, good for your digestive system

i'd make a joke about the poor fucker who has to kiss you afterwards, but we're all lonely cunts here

>> No.5732133

I would eat that, but I am the person who eats the onion while chopping it up.

>> No.5732208

Used to do this
then i stopped being bulimic because its selfish and disgusting

>> No.5732222

>Little sippy
Why did i laugh so much

>> No.5732344

And they say sll fat people are lazy...

>> No.5734047

bumping this because I like to feel good about myself by realizing I don't eat what you fucks eat

>> No.5734222

Sometimes I will take two weetabix and use them as a bread substitute for either jam or nutella sandwiches

Unique texture but GOAT tear

>> No.5734276

I just had the same realization. Today was my first day on /ck/ and it's made me feel loads better about what I eat.

>> No.5734291

I like to mix the weetabix in with the blood, give it texture.

>> No.5734301



>> No.5734323


Quinoa/brown basmati/wild rice blend thing with a small piece of bouillon, olive oil, cumin, salt and oregano then butter, sour cream and cream cheese mixed in

Idk its like a savory thiakry, keeps me full

>> No.5734335
