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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5721947 No.5721947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Jesus Christ

>> No.5721953

Every time

>> No.5721999
File: 116 KB, 915x528, Floki41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet if I were to punch that woman in the face, it would be ME that would go to jail.

>> No.5722005

Mentally unbalanced people like to make it easy for people to identify them with their body 'art'.

>> No.5722017

Holy shit, I think I used to live with that.... thing

>> No.5722033

You won't see any vegans stick up for her either.
Those cowards have such sneaky tactics.
As soon as they start losing an argument they evaporate and go to another thread.

>> No.5722064

I don't see carnists standing up for EMT

Checkmate atheists

>> No.5722097

Those guys are just trying to be funny.
This girl is dead cereal.
Not the same.
Checkmate hipsters.

>> No.5722102

Don't worry the vegan mod will be along soon to delete this thread.

>> No.5722109
File: 5 KB, 300x168, kevinspaceytheman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's normal to eat the peel in Asian cultures"

True, but you're going to look like fucking nutter in your culture

>pic related

>> No.5722113

fucking brit

>> No.5722127

This is fucking disgusting

I bet she shits solid logs of cellulose

>> No.5722128

Thank god I dont know this person. I cringe pretty hard around "vegans" in real life when they go on and on about how "awesome!" it is being a vegan, their diet, how many other vegans they know, why eating meat is so cruel, and of course the stupid fucking tattoo that they usually have.
Nothing is inherently wrong with tattoos, but it's always a stupid fucking one, sleeves, tribal shit, neck, "please don't hire me" shit to go along with their gauged ears and purple/pink hair dye.

>> No.5722134

Thoty thot afaik tbh

>> No.5722153

>caring about societal mores like what parts of a fruit to eat

Jesus christ I bet you pick out an outfit just to grab some groceries

>> No.5722156

Thanks OP! I just subscribed to her, she's awesome. Just look at dat nice micro profile at the end, hell yeah.

>> No.5722157

I'm not vegan, but you guys are too mad. She's honestly not that annoying, and she brings up very good points surrounding her nutrition.

But holy shit that's a lot of lettuce.

>> No.5722158

>getting upset because someone, somewhere eats a lot of lettuce
Well, if that's your biggest problem in life.

>> No.5722160

She looks like a smoker.

>> No.5722161

It is, but I gotta give it up to her, she was able to get more than enough vitamins and minerals and even protein for a day. Then again, the only thing unhealthy about this is that our bodies aren't meant to eat 10kg of lettuce. That really wrecks internal GI tract. Other than that, I'd say she eats healthier than most people.

>> No.5722162

I watched the video expecting a ton of cringe, but there's nothing really wrong with her, besides my personal distaste for tattoos

Seems like a lot of you just get really caught up in bashing people who fall outside the norm. She's got a pretty solid diet, although not one I'd ever go on, and even her personality wasn't cringy.

2/10 nothing to get worked up about sperglords

>> No.5722167

Special snowflake idf, pls go

>> No.5722170

post your cronometer for your day

let's see who's got a better diet

do you dare, big boii?

>> No.5722177

>believing in 'healthy/unhealthy' diets
gb2 your /fit/ broscience, brah

>> No.5722181

>She's got a pretty solid diet
top lel, m8.

>> No.5722186

uhm, yeah? what the fuck are you on about? if your macros are full fat and your micros are hardly met, how the fuck do you think you're living healthy? Why do you think you got those pimples anon? That bad gas? The coughs and body odor?

It's all cause you eat a shitty diet. Nevermind, I'm off getting 10 vegan grills blowing my bong.

>> No.5722191

Well what's wrong with it? Besides the amount of lettuce being rough on the GI tract, I don't see anything wrong with her diet

>> No.5722195

>getting mad that people aren't all judgemental fucks

Highschool is over for most of us, shit lords, normal people don't get worked up over stuff like this

>> No.5722201

>Highschool is over for most of us, shit lords, normal people don't get worked up over stuff like this
dat projection

>> No.5722210


>shit lords

Its like you're not even bothering to hide your tumblr. Go back where you're welcome.

>> No.5722218

this. but
1. that protein isnt as accesible as meat/dairy protein
2. i like meat

so nah

>> No.5722221

not upset but not everyone wants to dedicate 3-4 hours a day eating

>> No.5722227


>sugar and carbs
>sugar and carbs
>carbs and water
>pure sugar


>> No.5722233

God damnit anyone who thinks that this diet is okay is a fucking tool. First of all she looks like shit. Her tattoos cover most of her pale ashy skin. My dick is bigger around than her neck. That much sugar. What the fuck? A bowl of oranges?

>> No.5722234

Question: why do some of you think that being vegan is mentally ill?

>> No.5722236

Pale skin has nothing to do with not eating animal products.

>> No.5722239

So don't, dangus. She just posted her diet that works for her, not the definitive diet that everyone needs to go on.

>what is autism

>> No.5722241


>this is my special diet and not meant for anyone
>uses her special diet to make an argument that vegans do get enough protein and vitamins

Intellectual dishonesty or mental retardation? You decide.

Can't have it both ways faggots.

>> No.5722242

Also, have you noticed her hair? That is usually the case with vegans, their hair can't sustain itself. Hair thrives on protein and fat, that's literally what it is. High carbs will make you lose your hair, bros.

Don't buy into this vegan shilling.

>> No.5722245

Her protein levels are plenty high, and if she added a bit of oil into her diet, even as a shot or whatever, she'd be fine. Sugar levels are still high, but she'd be otherwise fine

>> No.5722247

What about the vegans with no hair issues? I've been vegan almost a year and not much has changed for me except my depression has completely subsided. I thoroughly research and ensure I get adequate levels of everything, though.

>> No.5722251

fiber makes your shit smooth, not hard, unless you are doing it hella wrong.

>> No.5722255

>90% of vegans are shambling skeletons/look like they are dying of aids
>b-b-b-but what about this one, singular example of a vegan body builder???? Or this vegan model? Us vegans are so beautiful! y-you meatfags jelly? oh god i'm so hungry...

>> No.5722257

gr8 1

>> No.5722261

She is lacking b-vitamins creatin and certain amino acids(can be overcome by combining foods correctly). s

>> No.5722262

How old is she? She looks like shes in her mid 40s.

>> No.5722267

You'd literally be a study of one. Just please take a look around and point me to a single vegan without fuzzy, brittle hair or no hair. You can't, not even Ornish, McDougall or Esselstyn have good hair. Did you know they cover it up using transplants? There's some crazy pictures out there from Ornish that someone took before he had his hair transplant.

I'm really sorry, but if you research this as you say you do, you'll notice you need more fat than what these gurus tell you. Going 5-10% fat will literally wreck your body and deprive several systems of their fuel and energy as well as energy storages.

>> No.5722280

I still haven't seen any good point against sardines/salmon in a plant based diet. If you have salmon once or twice a week and some sardines in your salads every other day, I really don't understand how that'd affect you in the wrong way. Fish as I understand does not contain all the cancer causing shit that beef/pork/chicken does. Instead, it gives you a lot of good stuff that plants just can't give you, Creatine among them.

>> No.5722283

she's probably like 20 or something, just dying of fagatosis aka veganism

>> No.5722286


>my anecdotes are worth more than your anecdotes!

Not even vegan, but come on. If you ignore all the vegans that don't prove your point, and ignore all the people who eat meat who look unhealthy, then what kind of conclusion are you trying to reach?

>> No.5722288
File: 178 KB, 844x800, 1394470779836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born June 6th 1990

She's fucking 24 years old. What the fuck.

>> No.5722293

>she's 24

hahahahaha look upon your grave veganfags, and weep

she is the future you chose.

>> No.5722299



>> No.5722302

>If you ignore all the vegans that don't prove your point
there are like one or two on planet earth

>and ignore all the people who eat meat who look unhealthy
eating meat is normal, it is the baseline, the "control variable". Veganism is the abnormal variable, where you simply compare them to similar people who eat normally. No one is saying eating meat makes you a greek god, but goddamn the woman in that picture is TWENTY FOUR YEARS OF AGE.

>then what kind of conclusion are you trying to reach?
It's quite obvious. Becoming vegan literally turns you into a giant vagina.

>> No.5722303

holy shit

>> No.5722304

I hope this man dies soon. He's more annoying than shoenice.

>> No.5722305

>>5722162 here, I TAKE IT ALL BACK

I checked more of her videos, bitch doesn't know shit about nutrition, I was expecting her to supplement her diet with vitamins but nope.

If that girl is 24 and looks like that, I think it's pretty clear how bad of a diet this really is. Jesus fucking christ that's brutal, she looks middle aged

>> No.5722313

The obesogen (chemicals that signal cells to turn into fat cells) organotin has been found in large amounts in fish.

High levels of PCB (industrial toxin) in fish oil, fish, and eggs (94% of eggs tested).

Even when meat consumption is reduced to only fish and eggs, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) remained relatively the same.
Notes: IGF-1 has been shown to promote cancer growth.

Fire retardant chemicals (PBDE) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) found heavily in meats.
Notes: For PBDEs, fish was the worst offender.

Perfluorochemicals (linked to thyroid disease) exposure comes from meat, fish, and eggs.

Xenoestrogens (human made chemicals with estrogenic effects) have been found the most in fish.

Methionine (an amino acid) is required for many cancers and tumors to stay alive and grow. Methionine is found virtually only in animal products (with eggs, fish, and chicken being the worst).

Mercury in fish shown to outweigh benefits of omega-3s when it comes to brain development (specifically IQ).

Some chemicals (dioxins, PCB, and DDE) found in fish have half lives as high as 10 years.

>> No.5722318

Hey don't be mean to the shoenice.
I am a bug fan of his and your hurting my feelings;_;

>> No.5722323

Shoenice needs to die. How he is still living should be a modern health mystery.

>> No.5722331


>there are like one or two on planet earth

Look around a little. Even just looking at Hollywood, there's Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Harrelson (who's even a raw vegan like the lady in the OP and has been for decades), Jared Leto, Kristen Bell, Samuel L. Jackson, Peter Dinklage, Bill Clinton, Steve-O, Brad Pitt, Russel Brand, even Mike Tyson now. The guys you see on your college campus don't really represent everyone in the world, and chances are if they ate meat they wouldn't be any healthier. The only thing that would change is you would go from "vegans are unhealthy" to "guys who wear red hats" are unhealthy or whatever grouping it would take to separate them from you and make implications about them.

>eating meat is normal, it is the baseline, the "control variable".

Alright, and we have 1/3 of the population obese, 1 out of 2 men will develop heart disease in their lifetime, diabetes is an epidemic, people generally look like shit, etc. But most people eat meat, so is it because of meat, and we should say all meat eaters are fat, diabetic rednecks and anyone who doesn't fit that stereotype doesn't count?

>> No.5722337

>Mike Tyson
Jesus that explains a lot.
That guy looks like he has the cancer lately.

>> No.5722340


He was obese on a diet that included meat, now he's lost weight on a meatless diet. Which one are you going to criticize?

>> No.5722342

Doing God's work, son.

>> No.5722353

He was a fit meat eater most of his life.
Maybe he was fat for a short time.
Now he looks horrible.

I am not really talking about the skinny part. I think skinny is the way to be. I would never allow visible fat to exist on my body.

>> No.5722357

How do explain her looks and >>5722288?

>> No.5722363

Her diet is clearly terrible.

Eat a shitty omni diet and the same will happen.

>> No.5722364



>> No.5722365


>he was obese on a diet that included meat

He was also the world champion in boxing at the age of eighteen on a diet that had meat. Also jacked as fuck. But mostly world champ.

>> No.5722370

Also, genetics.

>> No.5722374


>He was a fit meat eater most of his life.

When he was 20 years old and had a career as a professional boxer. When he stopped boxing, he put on a lot of weight, changed his diet, and dropped the weight. Of course he doesn't look like he did 30 years ago, is that what you would expect?

>> No.5722383
File: 59 KB, 531x471, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: 90% of you are retarded

Vegans can have a healthy diet, but it takes a shit ton of homework and preparation, and the standards for a good vegan diet are not met by a majority who preach the lifestyle.

Omni diets are the easiest and simplest ways for a complete diet, but if you're a moral eater than you might have beef with the meat industry

The girl from OP's post does not have a healthy diet, it's far too high in sugar, low in certain essential amino acids, and the insane amount of lettuce is really rough on the digestive system. There's a reason she looks like she's in her late 40's.

Anyone who disagrees with this is a faggot who's too dogmatic to actually look at facts and just flings shit to support their biases

>> No.5722384

He was fit long after he stopped boxing anon.

>> No.5722389

85 % carb diet is in no way healthy.

>> No.5722394


Knowing nothing about this person, the first thing I'd think is she has a shitty diet, which says nothing about a vegan diet in general any more than this guy's >>5722299 diet and actions represents everyone who eats meat

What I'd like to know is her diet and health history, because that could be a lot more important in finding out why she looks sick/old. Many people switch to a vegetarian/vegan diet BECAUSE they're unhealthy to begin with and they're trying to reverse the damage they caused on their original diet or lifestyle.

Also, I'd take a look at her mom too, 'cause genetics.

>> No.5722395

>my pseudoscience trumps your pseudoscience

>> No.5722399
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the longest-living people in the world eat an 85% carb diet

>> No.5722400
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>> No.5722404

Nowhere in his post does he claim to have scientific evidence of anything. Fuck off.

>> No.5722410

>what is basic understanding of nutrition
>what are macronutrients
>what are results

Is there a specific point you'd like to actually argue? Vegans can be healthy, there are clearly healthy vegans. Most vegans are unhealthy, this is pretty blatantly obvious to anyone who knows vegans. Omni diets work, that's been established for centuries, and the OP girl is clearly not healthy, you can see it in her complexion, hair, and by having a basic understanding of the human body

get fucked scrub, it's all true

>> No.5722412

>Alright, and we have 1/3 of the population obese, 1 out of 2 men will develop heart disease in their lifetime, diabetes is an epidemic, people generally look like shit, etc.
How many people were vegan in the 1920s? Where obesity was sideshow-freak levels of rare?

>> No.5722415

How the fuck is she only 24? She looks 45

>> No.5722416
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1404144734154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have a counterpoint so I'll just greentext

>> No.5722417

Go to /fit/ if you want to argue this bullshit. People here don't care.

>> No.5722420

I'll say it again, I have not seen a study showing the huge disadvantages of salmon and sardines.

The studies you linked me take "fish" in a general consensus, whereby I would totally agree it'll turn out to be bad. But salmon specifically is one of the most nutritious foods next to sweet potatoes with very low amounts of toxins (just do a detox shake once a week and you won't even have to worry about the low mercury). Again, I don't doubt that shark meat is horrible for you, but I highly doubt and I have yet to see a study focusing on salmon/sardines.

protip: even Okinawans and Sicilians/Sardinians eat fish once in a while. Why? Because it tastes good and it gives you a lot of good micros with minimal negative payoff.

>> No.5722422

This whole thread is about nutrition, fucko

>> No.5722423

I am going to wait around for a good answer to this shit.

Veganism is really only about ten years old in any meaningful percentage of the population.

>> No.5722427
File: 106 KB, 496x740, president of cardiology vegan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Most vegans are unhealthy, this is pretty blatantly obvious to anyone who knows vegans.

So why does that not reflect in epidemiological studies? Why is that diet recommended to people to help with various health problems? Kaiser Permanente is the largest healthcare organization in the US, and they promote a vegan diet


But it should be stressed again, WHY do you ignore the hordes of unhealthy meat eaters?

>> No.5722428

and 99% of it is bullshit opinion.
just like /fit/
see where this road leads, faglord?

>> No.5722429

the best part is what tattoo ink is made from. Most of it isn't vegan and manufacturers aren't required to disclose the ingredients.

>> No.5722432
File: 12 KB, 293x302, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woody Harrelson vegan





>> No.5722441

>why ignore the hordes of healthy meat eaters

I'm not, what I'm saying is that it takes less effort to be a healthy omnivore than it does to be a healthy vegan. Both are attainable, but the vegan route takes a lot more homework and consideration. Consequently, it's easier to slip up and miss out on an important nutrient with a vegan diet than an omni one, which is why you tend to see a lot of sickly looking vegans. As long as people do their homework and are smart about it, there's nothing wrong with veganism

>> No.5722443

If srs, explain why it's such a big deal to you.

>> No.5722444

Hey guise, didja know that 100% of people who eat meat will die at some point in their lives?

>> No.5722449

Implying doctors know shit, lel. This article you posted isnt even that bad and Amerifats killing themselves on bacon and cheeseburgers coated in lard obviously need to stop and one way of doing so is by eliminating all meats. Ever heard of moderation?

>> No.5722451

If you advocate for plant based/vegan can you please tell us how you'd change what she eats then? Because it looks like she's doing everything she's supposed to? Vegan foods, tracks her macro/micro and achieves all of it.

I don't get it?

>> No.5722454

If snake oil doesn't do anything, why do people sell it.
Why does the spokesperson for the national snake oil organization endorse it as a cure for what ails you?

>> No.5722460

Like everyone else?

Nice trips btw.

>> No.5722466


> what I'm saying is that it takes less effort to be a healthy omnivore than it does to be a healthy vegan.

Okay, but what do you base that on? Most people who don't pay attention to their diet are unhealthy in some way or deficient in some nutrients. Eating some amount of meat isn't a life preserver that saves you from nutrient deficiencies. Hell, 98% of Americans don't meet the minimum requirement for potassium, 97% barely meet half the minimum for dietary fiber. Eat whole grains, legumes, with some fruit and veg, and you're good to go. A healthy meat-inclusive diet is virtually the same diet, plus some meat (preferably very little meat), which isn't going to be the factor that transforms a diet from shitty to great.

In other words, everyone needs to make some effort to have a healthy diet, atleast as far as to take the time to understand what foods constitute a healthy diet. In practice, just eating food from that point, isn't much different between a meat and non-meat diet.

>> No.5722498

>what do you base that on
Just the fact that the vital nutrient levels are much easier to meet with the inclusion of animal products.

I mean, I'm a poorfag right now getting my doctorate, and I've been getting about 90% of my nutrients from plant-based foods, but I have trouble hitting all my essential amino acids and a few vitamins without the inclusion of meat or supplements.

I get that you think I'm saying that an omni diet is superior, but I'm just saying that it's simpler since you can get those amino acid bombs like fish. Otherwise, you have to eat a fairly high volume of plant matter or supplement with pills if you want to reach 100% for everything.

Most people in general have shit diets, yes, but you're just being obtuse if you don't think that considerations have to be made to make up for eliminating animal products, and that those considerations take more effort and understanding of dietary needs compared to a standard omni diet.

Anecdotal evidence supports this, most of the vegans/vegetarians I know changed their diets in an effort to be nourished more healthfully and completely, yet even amongst the most diet-conscious there are some pretty decent gaps in their nutrition, which could be filled with a combination of plant-based protein-dense foods, or from a smaller selection of animal-based protein. Again, both work, one takes more homework.

>> No.5722525

There are worse vegans out there.

>> No.5722528

I wonder if Pythagoras knew the cancer he was releasing on the world - or if he still would, knowing he'd spawn people like this.

>> No.5722529


> but I have trouble hitting all my essential amino acids and a few vitamins without the inclusion of meat or supplements.

Specifically what? B12 I can agree with, but I don't buy the protein thing for a second, and honestly just mentioning it makes me doubt your sincerity.

>you're just being obtuse if you don't think that considerations have to be made to make up for eliminating animal products

What I'm trying to say is that whether you eat meat or not, you need to take the time to learn what foods are good for you. It's not so much learning what foods you need to replace the nutrients from meat, as it is just plain learning what foods are healthy. The guy who eats fish or chicken still needs to learn about whole grains and legumes, fruits, veg, etc, as those are what makes or breaks a diet. That's where most, if not all, of your nutrition should come from. The guy who abstains from meat just eats more of those foods in place of the meat. It's hardly an effort

>> No.5722536

Gonna need source on that. According to her linkedIn she went to college and studied >woman's studies between 2004 and 2007. So unless she started college at 14 that's not plausible. With that said, she's probably still around 30 or something, which is frightening.

>> No.5722539

Kaiser also pays for chiropractic and acupuncture.

That is no litmus.

>> No.5722542

How does a person even have time to eat all that fruit and lettuce?

And does she ever stop farting? With that amount of raw greens I feel like you'd need to install a second asshole

>> No.5722547

>not everyone wants to dedicate 3-4 hours a day eating
not agreeing with vegans but
why are you on a cooking board?
3-4 hours in a day spent cooking and eating seems normal.

>> No.5722548
File: 28 KB, 225x240, 16b331ed52c764e399ba218f24a773db.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op thou shalt not ...jesus... that is one to steer clear off.faith hope and love, the greatest is love food is very important. matters not if straight or gay or trans(i really don't understand but ok..be weyy wey careful, we hunting wabbits now

>> No.5722553


Yes, but this isn't spent constantly eating and chewing food, as per the video.

>> No.5722571
File: 12 KB, 128x128, 1328536831507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5722574

>Pale, saggy looking skin
>Brittle looking hair which seems to be receding
>Yellowed teeth
>Lack of energy
>Disgusting, bloated stomach

Yup, raw veganism sure is healthy!

>> No.5722575

Too much time on her hands.

>> No.5722576

Her mouth serves as an extra asshole because shit comes out.

>> No.5722589


As unhealthy as she looks, she doesn't seem like a douche, even if she's still an annoying hipster.

>> No.5722593

>Doctor of Chiropractic, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Now wonder chiropractors don't get respect.

>> No.5722599

Source m8

>> No.5722608
File: 62 KB, 941x401, confess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiropracty is charlatanism.
Those fuckers need to be put in ovens.

>> No.5722618

You can't be vegan without being douchey. Can't be done.
Its literally part of the definition of vegan.

>> No.5722662


I know, but she actually seems pretty nice. I don't know. It must be a convincing video personality.

>> No.5722672


I know a group more douchey than vegans though: defensive meat-eaters who have a chip on their shoulder about veganism.

>> No.5722681
File: 376 KB, 600x600, 85e5c91ef074f08ce7ebc9985ce02646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep crying.

>> No.5722705
File: 530 KB, 467x497, 1383969260384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using an ad blocker

>> No.5722712

Found the vegan.

>> No.5722714

So normal people?

>> No.5722796
File: 8 KB, 199x254, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps i should clarify (likebutter this is ck) a few tats is ok. nothing wrong shit (except for mom, dad, semper fi, its ok shit occurs. retired (not retardedand not that old. helped with hiring.show up wuth a few ik. shoy up "sleaved" and still working on it with umpteen, baqck of the house it literally screams Look at me. problem child I dont need not racost or eletitst, hetero or homo but i see a giant tat , face, tears or gang bang... 99 problems and you will not be the next. file 13. but muh civil rights... walk on down the road the circus might be hiring, (I would never harm any one but walk in my office with skin head/ arrayn race/ swastika/gamg banger tats or ginormous piercings, you are doomed. nothing wrong with pierced ears. or deaf. if gauged ears, sorry not taking applications just now I might be ugly but I aint stupid pic related hi i wanna be your sales rep fuck off

>> No.5722800

Are you... on meth?

>> No.5722804

No, it's just drunk rambling guy....

>> No.5722808


>nutella challenge
>implying it's a challenge to eat nutella

Nigger needs a stair challenge.

>> No.5722814

>3-4 hours in a day spent cooking and eating seems normal.
cooking AND eating. spending the whole 3-4 hours on solely eating is the madness that is being tackled

>> No.5722909

>our bodies aren't meant to eat 10kg of lettuce. That really wrecks internal GI tract.

Really? Tell me what our hunter gatherer ancestors were "meant to eat". The truth is, our body is a fucking powerhouse, the greatest machine ever to have existed. You think the ancients had a grocery store where they could pick and choose what they ate? Wrong. They ate whatever was in season, which means eating a lot of the same thing day after day. Something like hardly anything besides acorns for a fucking week. The only reason they didn't get malnourished was because they would supplement their diet with meat, which contains all the nutrients your body truly needs. Please quit it with your uneducated myth bullshit.

>> No.5723582

give us details

>> No.5723625

She seems kinda cool, at least she isn't bashing meat eaters.

>> No.5723638


I'll pretend this isn't bait and I'll answer you: because your body needs meat to function properly, your body cannot produce cholesterol you need by itself and the only way to get cholesterol is by eating meat. That and only animal products provide a complete protein, you can "create" a complete protein by mixing a cereal and legume together (think rice and beans) but is not the same.

Vegans telling themselves that their bodies don't need animal products is like saying the day is slightly warn when your house is on fire

>> No.5723645

Too much of one thing is dangerous.

>> No.5723650


The cholesterol you eat is excreted in your waste.
The cholesterol in your bloodstream is made by your liver.

Now then it IS true that vitamin B12 is not found in any plant product, so a Vegan would need to take supplements.

>> No.5723652


Question: Why do you answer questions that you have no education on or have done no research for?

>> No.5723658
File: 190 KB, 300x411, 75f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the cronometer counter goes RED, it doesnt mean its good for your kidneys etc

>> No.5723667

You think THAT'S bad, OP? Check out what a typical meat eater is like


>> No.5723694

Being hairless is a notion of the future - we're not backwards evolving full-body-hair apes now are we?

>> No.5723703

This triggers me..

...to laugh explosively every time someone posts this, stop posting this

>> No.5723712

You know i seriously wonder what would happen if everybody in the US went vegan

>> No.5723717


>> No.5723778

wtf are you illiterate?

>> No.5723824
File: 228 KB, 1224x1709, 1408322362944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know the complete protein combination thing was a myth disproven a few decades ago? You don't need to carefully combine foods at every meal, your body absorbs it all over a 24 hour period and unless you're eating nothing but fruit like the idiot in the OP you'll get everything.

Also, there are non-meat sources of 'complete' protein, such as quinoa.

>> No.5723830


The second you read "the body cannot produce cholesterol" you should have known he was just trolling

>> No.5724240

be meat eater:
>tired all the time
>look like shit
>never exercise
>average weight
>take 45+ minutes to take a shit

go vegan:
>tired all the time
>look like shit
>never exercise
>average weight
>shits completed in 20~ minutes

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.5724250
File: 962 KB, 300x168, eyyyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating the peel
>in public

>> No.5724289


"I feel like you'd need to install a second asshole"

Holy shit man I fucking lost it.

>> No.5724295


Do what you want but personally I don't have time to eat 20 pounds of plants a day.

>> No.5724311

>Be omnivore on a clean bulk
>Mental clarity at the greatest it's ever been
>Look like Adonis
>Exercise 3 days a week
>Overweight by bmi even though I'm 16% body fat
>1-3 minutes to shit

>> No.5724312


haha holy shit i was thinking 40+, vegan: not even once

>> No.5724314

Gut flora

>> No.5724315


>look like adonis
>16% body fat

Fatty has delusions of grandeur

>> No.5724338

All hate aside, I kind of want to try that rolling-a-date-into-a-bundle-of-lettuce thing, that looks pretty good.

I also don't think eating that high volume of food is bad, but she sat down and ate 10 pounds of lettuce in what looked like a short amount of time. Pretty much every animal in nature eats a bunch throughout the day, but I don't think it's good to force all that through your system so quickly. A gorilla might eat 40 pounds of leaves, but it nibbles them casually, it doesn't sit down and stuff bundles of leaves in its mouth for a straight hour

>> No.5724339

you probably just started ss and dont know shit, faggot.

>> No.5724342

Way to make eating the most mind-numbing chore possible.

>> No.5724345


>20-45 minutes to shit

Nigger I think you've got literal ass problems that probably extend beyond your diet, unless you eat cement and aren't telling us.

>> No.5724346

Some people are just unattractive. Her diet has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5724371
File: 1.10 MB, 960x540, Chinese man visits V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video starts with "You do not have to eat the way I eat to be vegan. There are as many ways to eat vegan as there are to eat non-vegan"


>this video goes completely neglected despite making "every meat eater in the world" look a million times worse than the OP chick

>> No.5724382


I was gonna say this. Mainly burned animals bones last time I've heard for black ink.

>> No.5724414

She's going to die from chronic Hypervitaminosis A. Just let her.

>> No.5724415


You don't get hypervitaminosis A from the plant-form, beta-carotene. It only happens with retinol, the animal form of vitamin A.

>> No.5724427
File: 65 KB, 500x492, tumblr_n88vjwyrdL1s5r7rko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no.I know dumber than dogsshit age /= wisdomedo the best you can. that's alot.provoke not thy children to wrath

>> No.5724434
File: 1.90 MB, 325x169, t8SYt6t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, Thank you so much Anon.
I laughed so hard I cried.

>> No.5724587



>> No.5724729


>> No.5724744

How does she eat that much?.... How could ANYBODY eat that much?

One, maybe two bananas and I'm full, oranges maybe 3 tops in one sitting, lettuce? 10 fucking lbs? No. Just, no.

Is she forcing herself to eat that much so she can get the protein needed to say "SEE I GET PROTEIN, VEGAN4LYFE"?

>> No.5724776
File: 246 KB, 500x375, 1393571391108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's also an atheist

>> No.5724803

So what exactly is everyone's problem here?

> her choice for her own body
> not pushing anything on anyone at all
> acknowledges the diet seems extreme to many
> its what she wants to do and she's careful to get all her nutrition
> again this is her own life, her own choices, and she is in no way pushing anything on anyone

So why are people posting things like 'I'd punch her in the face' etc? More meat for the rest of us I'd say. As much as I love meat I could see myself eating that every day. Once you eat minimal overly sugary/fatty/salty food everything fresh tastes better. I bet her plain lettuce tasting experience is quite interesting and she can experience a lot of subtle sweet flavours and other flavours the average person cannot.

>> No.5725146


>> No.5725302

People actually getting mad at her are just sperglords, but her diet is objectively shit and is killing her slowly.

She's critically low in certain essential amino acids, the sheer fibre content of all that lettuce is extremely hard on the GI tract, her sodium levels are way too low, her sugar intake is insanely, diabetes-inducingly high, and her fat intake is way too low. If she's not supplementing, she's going to be incredibly low on calcium and several other vitamins as well. It's a terribly incomplete meal plan

You can see it in her skin and hair that this diet is not healthy

>> No.5725339


Are you really qualified to say any of that though? 10 pounds of romaine lettuce is around 48 grams of protein, which she compliments with fruits. No idea about the fiber content. Sodium levels I can't comment. Diabetes does not happen from "eating sugar," much less eating fruit and in a diet with hundreds of grams of fiber, and I don't believe "low fat intake" is a real problem, though the lettuce alone gives about 12 grams out of 680 calories

>> No.5725350

So they're hipsters

>> No.5725376


she got a fucking branding...

>> No.5725386

>Diabetes does not happen from "eating sugar,"

Wrongo friendo.

>> No.5725387

>her diet is objectively shit and is killing her slowly.

That definitely keeps me from getting mad.

>> No.5725405


It's easy to think that in America, but diabetes comes from insulin resistance, and what causes insulin resistance is the inability to push glucose into the muscle cells and out of the blood. The reason for this is intramyocellular lipids, or fat in the muscle cells. This fat gets here from the fat you eat or from your body fat spilling out into your blood. On such a low fat diet, diabetes is just not likely to happen even from eating refined sugar, but fruit is even more anti-diabetes because it comes packed with fiber to slow the absorption of sugar, the sugar in the fruit contains fructose which doesn't require insulin to be metabolised, and the phytochemicals in the fruit actively help you regulate your blood sugar levels.

So you can have a chinese worker eat nothing but white rice and vegetables all day and he won't get diabetes. An American will eat pork fried rice with a side of pasta swimming in butter, or drink a soda next to a giant greasy burger, and develop diabetes. Even people who eat nothing but meat and no carbohydrate whatsoever have developed diabetes.

>> No.5725430

You have been fed ornishganda.

>> No.5725442



>> No.5725472
File: 8 KB, 158x173, 1351876316917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My all time favorite >vegans video.

>> No.5726222

29 or 30 now, see http://www.dailyiowan.com/2013/01/25/Opinions/31453.html

But still a showcase of veganism doing what veganism does to ones body.

>> No.5726255

wtf did I just watch anon?

>> No.5726274

Why does he hold the spoon so high up?
How can these people be so amazingly annoying ?

>> No.5726277

Scientific evidence that a vegan diet is not good for you.


>Our results revealed that a vegetarian diet is related to a lower BMI and less frequent alcohol consumption. Moreover, our results showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life. Therefore, public health programs are needed in order to reduce the health risk due to nutritional factors.

>> No.5726378
File: 94 KB, 859x464, white woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cultural appropriation

>> No.5726381

I don't see a problem with this girl and her video

Clinton isn't %100 vegan

>> No.5726491

>eating the peel in Asia


Don't Asians peel fucking everything? Even grapes?

>> No.5726514

Asia is large. The grapes thing you are thinking japanese.

>> No.5726927
File: 106 KB, 807x1076, old-101306484873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to work in an old folks home. Can't wait 'til all those tattoos sag & the old ladies have to iron their skin so you can see what the tats were originally.

>> No.5727044

Am I the only one around here that takes like 2-3 minutes to take a shit?

>> No.5727078


Really? That is what makes it good? Its like I'm watching a porn video, he keeps moaning while screaming the word VEGETABLES. This dude is delusional.

>> No.5727089

>has orgasm from soup

ya dont say

>> No.5727094


No, it has always been a mystery to me why people have reading material in their bathrooms. Do they read while waiting for the turd to appear? Do they linger on the shitter afterwards because reading with your butthole gaping open over running water provides more pleasure?

>> No.5727108


she's confusing cavendish with plantains isn't she? The only peoples I know that eat banana skins are tropical people where bananas are a staple starch.

>> No.5727157


No m8, I get the feeling I need to go and I can literally shit in under 10 seconds.

In and out in under 4 minutes.

My roommate in college though would bring an actual fucking book with him and he'd take an hour long shit every morning and every night.

2 fucking hours a day shitting, what the hell.

>> No.5727186

>there are as many ways to be vegan as there are to be non-vegan

except for everything with a meat-containing ingredient or a meat byproduct?

>> No.5727192

I can shit like that too most of the time. I end up reading anyways because ts a good reason to read and it's peaceful. I end up sitting on toilet for an hour after I shat because reading.

>> No.5727215


That study gets posted a lot by people who don't bother to actually read and understand it. It's a cross-sectional study, meaning it's based on a single survey from one point in time rather than following people over a period of time and measuring their health along the way. The authors of the study suggested that their findings were more likely due to people who were already sick adopting a vegetarian diet as an attempt to improve their health. The way the study's set up, a meat-eater with cancer and a history of smoking could have became a vegetarian the previous day and he would be part of the vegetarian data set.

>> No.5727274

Chinese and Koreans peel most fruits (apples, peaches, pears, kiwi, and definitely bananas).

>> No.5727588

so what? people are different. everyone is different. does it really bother you that much that this person eats 10 pounds of lettuce?

>> No.5727593

one of the only real people here, everyone else is here to just hate on the girl just because they don't like how she's vegan.

>> No.5727599

why do you care? its like you want to go to someone else's house and make them eat things they don't like. what kind of a jerk are you?

>> No.5727601

you shills are just making anything up now

>> No.5727604

>this whole thread

HATERS GONNA HATE she looks fine and eats in a way that she likes, bunch of shills in this thread insulting her just because she eats vegetables because they want veganism to be seen as unpopular so that people go back to eating meat and get sick more often and feed big pharma money

They never wanted you to be this healthy.

>> No.5727613
File: 75 KB, 590x364, vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds cuter than she appears and she's hiding her yellowing/greening skin with those tattoos.

>> No.5727623
File: 526 KB, 800x4158, 34534253425234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good example of a shill post.

she looks like a normal person who just happens to eat only plants and she has some tattoos. you are trying to trick people into having bad ideas about her and going about with this whole mass mob sense defamation of character when in fact you are probably the same idiots posting over and over again every few minutes to give the illusion that there is something to agree with everyone about.

seriously, if you are a real person and not a shill just watch the video. there is nothing wrong with her. they want to trick you all into thinking its "uncool" to be vegan when its just simply a different way of doing things. they don't want you to even consider this in the smallest sense because they want you to eat a strict diet of just heavily processed animal product based foods. a diet full of this and low amounts of plant foods is a recipe for disaster and more money in big pharma's already heavy pockets. every time you get a heart problem or something they make huge amounts of money.

>> No.5727645

i only posted once here >>5727613

>> No.5727692

weather this is the truth or not, there are some seriously stupid people posting here, or its all shills. It's some girl that eats alot of lettuce and has some tattoos and all these people jump up read to insult and pass the hatred on out of nowhere, yet we see some cool actual real normal people making posts like this.


evil shill defense force

white knight shows up yet instantly attacked by more shills to discredit them

>> No.5727741
File: 535 KB, 3000x2400, non-vegetarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5727748
File: 35 KB, 812x305, biggest fairy tale ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A phrase never before uttered.

>> No.5727791

>she looks like a normal person
She looks like she's 40 when she's only 24.

>> No.5727801

"Hi, do you have any dietary preferences?"
>Uh.. no

>> No.5727807

>she's 24
is this true?

>> No.5727822

It isn't unique to him, people in /pol/ believe that just finishing up the 10th grade makes them experts in History, Anthropology, Human Relations, Genetics, and Economics

>> No.5727826

jesus fuck she looks like she's 70. probably a meth head.

>> No.5727830

I can understand vegan, but why the fuck raw?

>> No.5727836

>but why the fuck raw?
it's an unrecognized hatred for humans and anything that humans do that is different from other animals

other animals don't cook, and humans are bad, so cooking must be bad

>> No.5727838

>her linkedin
Are you blind?

>> No.5727840

No, she replied to a comment on the video and she said she's 30.

>> No.5727842

>Chiropracty is charlatanism.

>> No.5728702

You should probably watch this.
Penn & Teller Bullshit! Season 1, Episode 2 :Alte…: http://youtu.be/9qkXR9mflOo

>> No.5728743

Do you mean to actually have the shit leave you're body?

For me it's more of actually cleaning my butthole

>> No.5728792


>taking anything on Penn & Teller's show seriously

According to them, obesity is healthy and people just need more fat acceptance

>> No.5728813


>> No.5728821

She is fine. In her own video she explains the concept of taking your time to ensure that your tattoos are vegan. It's not that hard if you care.

NOT TO MENTION that not everyone is vegan their whole lives. Many people switch later in life.

>> No.5728869

Riiiight. Charlatanism. Ok then. You're an idiot.

>> No.5728873

Those guys have mostly been right about things.
Much higher percentage than any other shoe in years .

>> No.5728886


They're right about obvious things like creationism and talking to the dead, but plenty of their other episodes are stupid as hell. "Second hand smoke isn't bad for you," "Exercise doesn't make you fit, it's just genetics," "Global Warming is a myth," "Recycling is dumb," and like I mentioned already, the Obesity episode was one of their worst. The show is almost like a parody of what stupid people believe, meant to trick stupid people into outing themselves by agreeing with the show

>> No.5728899

>"Exercise doesn't make you fit, it's just genetics,"
They never said that.
>"Global Warming is a myth,"
They have taken that and second hand smoke back.

Recycling is still dumb. That idea has been spreading like wildfire since that show.

>> No.5728932

mate, no hunter-gatherer ate 10lbs of lettuce in a single sitting thats just retarded 20.000 years or or today

and i can tell youre retarded because you said hunter-gatherer
just as the name suggests, hunter-gatherer, they both hunted and gathered fruits/vegetables

agriculture came after

>> No.5729524

Why is that shit in eggs? What do they feed the chicken?

>> No.5729580

Holy fucking shit

>> No.5729585


>> No.5729635

I was thinking the same thing

fucking our bodies developed to eat both meat and plants. If we ate 10 pounds of lettuce frequently, might as well have the bone structure of a great ape.

>> No.5729681


LOL OMG this makes me laugh so hard, she is fucking up what should be her hottest years by being a bandwagon cunt.

>> No.5729740

this guy looks like he has AIDS

>> No.5729758
File: 76 KB, 917x492, Screen-Shot-2014-08-19-at-12.26.33-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no fucking way this is legit.

>> No.5729761


It is like a 5 minute procedure tops.

Vegan faggots just make up conditions that being a faggot heals.

>> No.5729763

Another classic vegan
This video should be shown in schools for people considering veganism.

>> No.5729765

100% vomit achieved as well

>> No.5729773

Next time in my evolution lecture if my student ask me why did we evolve to eat meat.

I'd show them this video... 10 pounds of lettuce jebus chlist.

>> No.5729778

>people aren't allow to tell people other things!

>> No.5729782

how so?
>I don't like what other people like so I will be immature and make throw up jokes.

>> No.5729786
File: 26 KB, 496x500, 1406926639549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is joking.

>> No.5729788

She'll get diabetes in a few years. Half of those calories are basically sugar. You shouldn't even be eating fruit everyday. Vegetables, yes, fruit, no.

>> No.5729793

white knights gonna light up the darkness

shills gonna defame discredit overreact and insult

>> No.5729794

That's no overreaction though. She's 1 year younger than me and she looks older than my mother. Your body says more about your lifestyle than her oversimplified nutritional calculations.

>> No.5729799

I may be a fat neckbeard from the late 80s', but even I look younger than her.

Must be all the preservatives in my mcnuggies.

>> No.5729800

Based on wikipedia (which is where she's getting this nutritional data from) as the numbers she's using is literally what google spouts up when you google "____ nutrition", this is the breakdown I'm getting. Keep in mind this is:
a. Based on average minimal guides
b. Based on per 100g and them multiplied by what she's consuming. As 100g is a small amount it's possible that the original percentage was round down. So when there's a 0 it might be something like 0.1g or something inconsequential. But when she's eating like four kilos of lettuce it would probably not be zero. Probably like 2% at most.

70% - Bananas
48% - Oranges
44.2% - Lettuce
25% - Dates
~187.2% daily intake

20% - Bananas
1% - Oranges
88.4% - Lettuce
3% - Dates
~108.4% Daily intake

0% - Bananas
0% - Oranges
0% - Lettuce
0% - Dates
0% dat intake.

I googled the calories and they're more or less accurate. Where the actual fuck is she getting lipids from in the breakdown? How is she meeting 96%? At first I thought maybe she was like taking fat supplements or some shit, but if she is then she's not adding the calories for that but is adding the fat content. It makes zero sense that you can be consuming 185 and 174 percent of your daily allowance for carbs and protein and 96 percent of fat yet only be over your calories by 96%. None of those foods have substantial fat content. She's completely full of shit and her numbers regarding fats are completely fake. As are her carbs and protein too. Lying fucking slut.

>> No.5729802
File: 7 KB, 201x199, trollsover9000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread

>> No.5729803

>only be over your calories by 96%
I meant 14%.

>> No.5729813

I'm not going to comment on the nutritional contents cause I'm not a biochem drop out dietitian.

But just regarding to lipids. Our body can synthesis all the fat we need as long as we have the micronutrients such as phosphorus and coenzymes that involved in the process.

Plants, though low in concentration, do have all of that. So you don't necessarily have to eat actual fat to get lipids.

>> No.5729818

Bear in mind that NONE of those proteins are complete either. She doesn't know anything about nutrition whatsoever.

>> No.5729834

people look different than each other, you can't expect everyone to look the same.

she looks totally normal to me, and if you don't think people are overreacting you haven't even bothered to look at their comments. its some sick disgusting blown out of proportion and absolutely uncalled for insults to this girl who eats alot of lettuce.

>> No.5729837

Nutritionist still recommend we get 30% of our calories from lipids.
Actually, the problem with my breakdown was partially my fault. I seriously underestimated the absurd quantities of her foods and didn't consider just how heavily it would stack.
Updated accurate fat intakes:
100g of dates - 0.4g of fat
4421g of lettuce - 13.26g of fat (LOL)
1200g of oranges - 1.2g of fat
1000g of bananas - 3g of fat
That's 17.86g of fat, or about 158 calories.
Now considering she's consuming 2483 calories...
Like, I'm not a mathematician, but 158 is a little less than a third of 2483.

>> No.5729839

>eats some rice and beans with the salad


>> No.5729841

I don't believe that calories are real.

>> No.5729868

>Implying that the diets of war torn countries are accurate for the decades leading up to the war, or the decades following rebuilding.

>> No.5729879

The real okinawan diet involves frying all the vegetables in lard, and eating fried pork fat, and eating lots of fish.

Yes the eat a lot of purple potato, but americans eat a lot of french fries too.

>> No.5729891

First of all, people do look different, yet vegans more often than not look sick. They are pale, look aged and have extremely low energy. I have never seen a vibrant and high energy vegan in my life. Secondly, she's not 'just a girl who eats alot of lettuce'. She obviously suffers from some kind of psychological issue or eating disorder. This is not normal behaviour. Not even for vegans. Eating 10 lbs of lettuce is such abnormal behaviour that she's probably suffering from something in some way. Just imagine it. Y would get physically sick if you tried to eat even a third of that amount.
She's not eating rice and beans though. She is eating citrus fruits, bananas and lettuce. I commented HER eating habits. Not veganism in general.

>> No.5729893

The final episode that was never made was called "the bullshit of bullshit" They were going to go back and revisit everything they got wrong.

>> No.5729898

>physically sick

Nah brah, you should try it. after 2-3 days you can eat 10lbs of lettuce, no problem. Your body is so starved for caloric intake, and the lettuce digests so quickly.

>> No.5729945

>Your body is so starved for caloric intake
What does this even mean? English isn't my first language but I don't know what this is supposed to mean. I eat a lot of vegetables but just like you can't eat 10 lbs chicken you can't eat 10 lbs broccoli or 10 lbs of anything. Your body will 'disagree' with you since it's fucking retarded to eat such a quantity of a particular food. Your body knows when you get enough of a particular set of vitamins and minerals. That's why you can crave certain foods and also get sick of certain foods.

>> No.5729955

Nah brah, chicken is too dense. not enough water. Your body will take days digesting 10lbs

10lbs of lettuce is like a gallon of water and 2lbs of brocolli.

You can eat 2lbs of broccoli in a day right?

>> No.5729965

You write like a fucking spastic.
And no. I can't eat 2 lbs of broccoli in one day. That's a ridiculous amount.

>> No.5730001

2lbs is very little food. Are you the anorexic?

>> No.5730025
File: 50 KB, 604x451, veganfags vs carnifags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5730034
File: 262 KB, 581x376, 1402099739282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very little food, but it's very much of a certain food. Are you retarded or something? You doesn't seem to grasp what we're talking about.

>> No.5730052

But 2lbs of broccoli is only 4 servings. You can eat one serving at breakfast, one at lunch, and two at dinner.

>> No.5730078

assumptions and made up stereotypes out the ass. shills are mad today.

>> No.5730079

One dietary serving of broccoli is 0.079 lbs. That means 2 lbs of broccoli is about 25 servings.

>> No.5730085

It's called personal experiences and I'm not mad at all. I'm calm as a fucking cabbin.

>> No.5730105

serving size is 1 cup, or about 170 grams, or about .4lbs So eat 2 servings at lunch

>> No.5730119

One serving is actually 1/2 cup, which is about 36 grams or about 0.079 lbs. So 25 servings.

>> No.5730138
File: 117 KB, 771x900, duuuude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, just get a room you two.

>> No.5730145

Are you one of those retards?

>> No.5730190


You seriously think fruits and vegetables have absolutely no fat at all? Every plant food in the world is a combination of carb/protein/fat. Most fruits have fat as 5-10% of its calories.

>> No.5730202



>>5725405 you don't get diabetes from fruit

Why is it that when you mention any kind of meat-less diet, everybody suddenly thinks they're a registered dietitian? All the threads about potato chips and BBQ'd bacon get a "good job, you're a real American hero" and then a thread about eating fruits and vegetables makes everyone with no nutrition education think they're able to "debunk" the diet of some lady on youtube using nothing but their own baseless feelings about what constitutes proper nutrition

>> No.5730211


Not that guy, but in my personal experience, the vast majority of people who eat meat are in pretty horrible shape as well. Fat, rude, obnoxious, lazy, dumb, etc. Not saying all people who eat meat are these things, but I think we can agree there's a damned lot of them.

>> No.5730666 [DELETED] 

I thonk that this gril is alright. dancing to her own beat.

>> No.5730695

Why don't you ever answer me? Where are you from, rambling guy? How old are you?
Also, what the fuck

>> No.5730713

they are on a journey.

>> No.5731057


>> No.5731079

Friend of mine has been vegetarian for 6 months now and I only found out yesterday.

>> No.5731086

Went to the grocery store yesterday. Saw a woman shopping for foods and talking about being a vegan.

She had a sleeve tattoo, and suddenly I thought of this post

>> No.5731124

She isn't a real vegan unless she had full sleeves on both arms

>> No.5731128
File: 184 KB, 667x565, 1408992107865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5731135

Not everyone that has a tattoo is a nut job but I've never meet a maladjusted person who didn't have a tattoo.

>> No.5731167

>dates wrapped in lettuce

Regardless of the nutritional content, this is the most depressing thing I have ever seen.

>> No.5731180

why lettuce?

>> No.5731207

Pretty sure diabetes causes an increase in Intramyocellular lipids, not the other way around.

Also the chinese have the highest combined levels of diabetes and prediabetes. about 2/3rds of them.

>> No.5731276

>why do they lettuce keep making these threads?

I don't know, anon. I don't know

>> No.5731539


Diabetes has only been a recent problem in China, and it's not because they found a way to eat even more white rice. Meat and cooking oils became more available and widespread.

>> No.5731559
File: 709 KB, 1192x540, esselstyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nutritionist still recommend we get 30% of our calories from lipids.

Not as a necessity though, but more like an upper limit. We know diets with calories even less than 10% fat are preferred.

>> No.5731566

No you dolt it was the increase in refined sugars.

>> No.5731570

I'm pretty sure 30% is a random ballpark figure with no basis in science.

I'd recommend for most grown males a minimum of 100g of fat per day.

>> No.5731580


Why would you recommend that much fat? That's 900 calories worth, or 45%, even worse than 30%

>> No.5731583
File: 120 KB, 650x490, PorkUSChina[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5731588


Forgot this


>> No.5731597

Post hoc ergo propter hoc you assclown.
Now show the sugar increase.

>> No.5731616
File: 14 KB, 357x304, sugar_cunsumption_per_capita_graph[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not seeing any significant sugar intakes from the Chinese, but I'm also not here to defend refined sugar. It definitely contributes to diabetes, but like I said, it isn't the sole cause, especially when we're talking about fruit which actually lowers your risk of diabetes


>> No.5731618

>The average Chinese still eats half as much meat as his American counterpart

>> No.5731627


Which still means a lot of meat

>> No.5731630

>only because they can't afford it
also we aren't eating tigers and shark fins by the ton

>> No.5731633

But if more meat causes diabeties, then the chinese diabetes/prediabetes rate would be lower than the american diabetes/prediabetes rate.

Instead it is higher.

>> No.5731666


Nobody said more meat was the sole cause of diabetes either, but you add two building blocks together and you get a disease. China did not have a diabetes epidemic when they ate a low-fat diet of rice and vegetables. Now that their diet is shifting to a fattier diet, their diabetes rates increase. It's likely that if they also cut out the white rice and any other refined carbohydrate foods during this time their diabetes rates would have blunted dramatically, but the fact is still there that they didn't have the problem with white rice alone. Such is the nature of diabetes and human metabolism. A girl like the lady in OP's video who eats hundreds of grams of fiber a day and all of her sugar comes from whole fruits (she even eats banana peels) will not plausibly develop diabetes

>> No.5731681


Percent calories as sugar
China: 7.1%
US: 24.3%

Percent calories as animal protein
China: 2.8%
US: 10.2%

Percent calories as starch
China: 54.3%
US: 22.5%

>> No.5731687


Got any more recent data? That's from 24 years ago

>> No.5731717

There is no such thing as recent epidemiological data.

15-17 years isn't bad.

>> No.5731735


In this context when we're trying to look at the recent diabetes epidemic, it's not that useful

>> No.5731749

But the diabetic data is also from a range of time starting a decade ago. Nothing is current

>> No.5731759


The diabetes data is as recent as 2013. The article about China's meat consumption quadrupling is from 2012. Throughout this time, the American diet has evolved as well. The trend in America is mostly about a rise in sugar and refined grain consumption, while in China it's about an increase in animal foods and oils

>> No.5731785

First off, the meat consumption is based upon shipping totals. We do not know how much more meat the chinese are actually eating in 2012. Increased purchases also means increased waste. An increase in wealth also increases the likelihood of pets, which will also eat primarily meat.

Secondly, diabetic data is not as recent as 2013. The best study I am aware of was published in 2012, and used data from 1980-2003. Chinese specific ones generally are using a data range that ends in 2004. The earliest studies from 2008 were using 4 year old data, and that was the end of the range not the beginning.

Plenty of studies will use data over a decade old. This is the nature of the beast, and why epidemiological studies can only make observe, they can never test hypothesis.

>> No.5731793



Diabetes data, 2013

>> No.5731831


Actually, going by that, on the "comparative prevelance of diabetes" list, it looks like the United States still has proportionately more diabetes (slightly) than China and India even though China and India technically have more diabetics due to having more people in general

>> No.5731935

>sources diabetic atlas 6th edition
>uses data not from 2013

Which is why my statement included prediabetics. Which effect many more people

>> No.5732055

Vegans are fucking stupid.

>> No.5733619

you guys really don't get it do you? I could have never pictured myself eating like that so long ago but now that I'm vegan I can see why she finds that delicious. I changed the way I ate and my tastebuds changed, what I crave changed, everything about me is different.

>> No.5733627

>"people are different than me so they must be stupid!"

take your backwards way of thinking, and shove it right up into your trashcan..