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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5721831 No.5721831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Ten University of Houston nutrition students wanted to find out just how challenging it is, FOX's Chris Stipes reported.

They took the "food stamp challenge," led by Daphne Hernandez, health and human performance assistant professor.

They each got just $25 to buy a week's worth of groceries.

That's what the average participant gets under SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, about $1.50 per meal.

They wanted to see if they could still meet government recommended nutrition guidelines.

Even with help from a registered dietitian they could not.

Your move /ck/

>> No.5721838

>$25 to buy a week's worth of groceries.

Ramen all week and work at a fast food place for free food

>> No.5721842

this is where ethnic markets come in. You can get what you need in fresh produce for a week for about 25 dollars with a pound or two of meat.

>> No.5721843

>They wanted to see if they could still meet government recommended nutrition guidelines

You wont get that with ramen and fast food.

>> No.5721844

If they were buying jarred sauces and pointless things like in OP's pic, then I'm not surprised.

I reckon it's possible but extremely difficult, particularly for within just the one week. For example, bulk buying beans and rice wouldn't work for consumption in just thaat one week, you gotta consider how to portion it over the coming months.

Also, did these students use actual food stamps to get money off goods or did they just buy cheap without relying on the deals that supermarkets offer?

>> No.5721853

I GUARANTEE it's the registered dietician that fucked them up.
"Why don't I just got ramen?"
"not enough vitamins, you need kale 6 times a week for b12"

captcha: a picture of a washing machine

>> No.5721856

From the way it's worded, I'm going to say they DID NOT get grub stubs to use. This article is pointless.

>> No.5721858

ya you would have to do it over a 2 month period. Because sundries can last months and then your week to week cost goes down. Also it would help if they didn't always take them to Walmart to do shopping. I grew up as a poor kid and my mom sad that walmart was too fucking expensive.

>> No.5721862


The best trolls are the ones that are impossible to distinguish from actual retardation

Are you the same idiot arguing that the british fabricated the entire DNA sequence of melons and presented them to Japan some time in the mid 19th century?

>> No.5721877


>> No.5721884

Fuck these retards and their challenges the sooner this fad dies the better

>> No.5721887

Over the course of a single week, of course they're going to fail, but give them a month to bulk up on certain staples (brown rice, beans, lentils, etc) I would guess it wouldn't be the most exciting of meals, but still enough to provide you with the needed calories and nutrition.

>> No.5721888

It's not so much a challenge as just testing whether the food stamp standards are reasonable for, in this case, college students to be able to live off of.

>> No.5722107

I actually waste around that amount for my food.

>> No.5722114

Dumbasses don't know how to abuse the system. I was receiving $189 a month for 6 mos. which is plenty to purchase nutrition

>> No.5722122

its only abusing the system if you are able to work but never had/never will have a job where you pay taxes

>> No.5722129

The question is if these people bought the "regular price" stuff or the stuff that were actually on sale or on short date. That stuff saves you tons of money.

>> No.5722133

>trying to meet antiquated and/or arbitrary guidelines for people who work manual labour outdoors several hours a day

>> No.5722138

Bulk rice, bulk beans, pasta, CANNED tomato sauce or stewed tomatoes, 1 yellow onion, one of those cheap ~$3 bags of mixed salad greens, bottom shelf bread, and peanut butter.

If I had money left over and wanted to splurge I would consider a quart of milk and a cheap meat like a smoked turkey wing for the beans. I don't see that coming to much more than $25.

>> No.5722141

25 a week? That's hard to do nowadays. I was just having a little fit over this yesterday leaving the grocery store.
2 cucumbers for a dollar. Squash at 1.19 a pound. The organic stuff was waaaay more too.
You used to be able to have a week of food for 20 bucks, this wasn't that long ago. I remember shopping back in 2005. For one thing, meat was much cheaper.

I'd probably buy
>1 loaf of sliced bread
>bag of rice
>bag of beans
>peanut butter
>cheapest hot dogs they have
>canned marinara

You could probably get that here for around 25 bucks.

>> No.5722152

>For one thing, meat was much cheaper.

meat should be twice as expensive as it currently is, but the government is keeping it cheap via subsidies because people would flip out if they ever removed them and put prices back to their real level overnight

>> No.5722155

but 189 a month is more than 25 a week.

>> No.5722164

Going by europrice:
1kg of rice, 1.5 euro
1kg of pasta, 1 euro
1 gram of dried kidney beans, 4 euro
3 packs of chepest canned tomato, 1.5 euro
0.5 kg of Sauerkraut in jar, 3 euro
1kg of cheap sausage, 3 euro
Garlic and a couple of onions, 2 euro
1kg of cabbage, 1 euro
0.5 bell peppers, 1 euro
2 litres of milk, 2 euro
1 packet of butter, 2 euro
3 packs of bacon, 3 euro
total: 25 euro

Now I'm no dietian but this is close to what I usually buy (mind you I have one of those cheap supermarkets nearby. It will last atleast a week, if I buy in bulk I will get more food per euro.

>> No.5722175

But that's quite literally about how much I spend per week on food and I eat pretty damned healthily.
Did these people buy ready meals and nothing else?

My diet consists of a large portion of vegetable stuff, mostly greens, a medium portion of grains and a small portion of meat, dairy, tofu and/or eggs. Is that not healthful?

>> No.5722178

Maybe they should just let it happen.

>> No.5722189

I didn't go to Walmart as a kid cuz I never lived in an area with a Walmart until 15 years ago. I only started going there last year when I went with a friend who needed to buy pet supplies. I wandered about the store through the grocery section and marveled at how costly everything was in comparison to the places where I normally shop. Except for rice and bread flour. 20lb sack of decent quality rice for $8. 5lb sack of bread flour for $3.29. That's ridiculously cheap.
I don't know if the ready meals are cheaper at Walmart than elsewhere since I don't buy those much (though I love frozen pot pies) but the produce and meats were both higher in price than elsewhere AND of shittier quality.

>> No.5722192

Good, people need an incentive to work. Free food, free government housing, free public transportation, free phone. Why even get a job?

>> No.5722196

> Free food, free government housing, free public transportation, free phone.
Free Willy.

>> No.5722198

In my area, Walmart is cheaper than the grocery stores.

>> No.5722203


it would mean normal people wouldnt be able to afford meat every day which would probably be good

these subsides where introduced when politicians said things like "a chicken in every pot" and they acomplished this by screwing with the market rather than bringing actual economic growth

>> No.5722208

But I really like chicken and ground beef :(

>> No.5722216

So it'd just be like the good old days.

>> No.5722220

For produce or ready meals/meal kits?

Ginger at Wally world was $3.19/lb! It's 99¢ elsewhere! Onions are $2.49/3lb sack there. They're $1.29/2lb sack elsewhere. Yellow potatoes were $3.49/3lb sack. The same sack is $2.89 elsewhere. 80/20 beef $3.29/lb. $2.79 at the regular grocery store. And so on. I don't buy food there other than rice and bread flour.

Also cleaning supplies. The price of cleaning products, detergent and other stuff of that nature is really rather cheap there but the produce and meat is a bit costlier.

>> No.5722253
File: 192 KB, 635x400, samurai-sams-asain-grill-TeriyakiChickenDark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lived off rice bowls for a few years when I didn't have much money

>grilled chicken
>steamed veggies

I even got good chicken, and it still cost me less than $25 a week

pic semi-related

>> No.5722287

How do I cut my chicken so that it's nice and smooth like that? All I can manage is big chunks or torn up little pieces.

>> No.5722325


>> No.5722333

This just in- Government cheese is supposed to get you off your ass and to improve yourself

>> No.5722335



>> No.5722336

sharpen your knives and go with the muscle, not against it

>> No.5722338

Fresh vegetables are cheap as shit.

The most expensive things will be meats.

I regularly feed two people well for less than $80 a week. I just cook all of my own food, so it's cheap as hell.

>> No.5722341

Fresh vegetables in NZ are super expensive. Only cheap 'vegetable' is potato.

>> No.5722347

>I regularly feed two people well for less than $80 a week.
Where I live I can feed two for under $50/week, but we don't eat much meat or dairy. And the wine budget is another matter entirely.

>> No.5722351

Even onions and carrots?

>> No.5722356

Those are the most expensive.

>> No.5722366

Weird upside down countries man.

>> No.5722371


Look for things that are grown locally and not imported. That'll get you the best deals. Even better if you have a source that cuts out the middle man. I know that's not always viable (I'm not one of those Farm to Table faggots), but it's a resource you should make use of if you have it.

Living in an isolated country can be really shitty. Sorry about that, man.


It's very doable to live for under $50. I can do it, depending on what I'm cooking.

>> No.5722380

>live exclusively under food stamps
>when the program is called SUPPLEMENTAL

Nope, no problem with their methodology at all.

>> No.5722387

use a fucking knife you barbarian

>> No.5722403

25 euro is 33 dollars. So take away a quarter of that.

>> No.5722406

I do use a knife.

>> No.5722408

I also live in Scandinavia, which is usually considered to have a higher price of food than the US.

>> No.5722425

I can't believe the frugality I witness in your posts. Times really must be tough for you. I dread the days I have to worry about spending a few dollars extra on certain items.

>> No.5722442

US Citizen who frequently travels to Europe, you get nothing for your money compared to what you get in the US although the stores are not as bad as if you went to a restaurant. You would get significantly less food for 25 euros than you would for 25 dollars.

>> No.5722446

Don't even think about it like that, think about it like even more reason to never take a step in walmart.

>> No.5722448

Use a better knife.

>> No.5722472

Nah, I'm just tapping into my inner heeb to save a few shekels, is all. I'm actually quite comfortable; homeowner (no mortgage, paid in cash), damned cushy job, travel when schedule allows. That sorta thing. I'm just really, really cheap. I'm made fun of for it by friends and family, too.

"You have more than enough! Why don't you spend it?"
>Cuz not spending it is how I got more than enough!

I could teach Shlomo Rabbinowitzensteinenfarb a thing or two about saving and investing, I'm sure.

>> No.5722569

yuro here.
14 tins of beans = €4.50
2 slice pans of bread = €3
400g cheddar = €3.50
7kg potatoes = €4
3 kg carrots = €3
6l milk = €5
225g butter =€2

14kg potatoes = €8
7kg oats = €7
6l milk = €5

>> No.5722600

liberals, maybe you should just get a job and stop feeling entitled to free food?

>> No.5722604

But I'm autistic.

>> No.5722624

I'm not on foodstamps and I regularly spend less than $25 a week on food. Nutrition is pretty good too. Learn to grocery.

>> No.5722625


Maybe you should fuck off to your containment board.

>> No.5722690
File: 32 KB, 480x454, 1b0c1a96-f460-4679-8f18-5118b04c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop reminding me of the failure that is my life

>> No.5722699

If I was given $25 a week for food I would start murdering people. Really disgusting even hearing about how Americans treat each other.

>> No.5722709

>Supplimental Nutrition
>lol your challenge is to ONLY use this supplement

Jesus christ, if you have zero dollars to buy food, then you qualify for more than SNAP. SNAP is only for NEETs working part time who already have a food budget, but need to SUPPLIMENT it.

>> No.5722747

Or even street vendors for certain things (assuming big city)

Avocados here are 2 for $5 at the one grocery store I go to

The dude up the street sells them for $1 apiece, and sometimes 2 for $1

They have the same fuckin stickers on them as anything else about where they came from, and for something with an outer shell that you don't eat like an avocado I coudlnt care less

>> No.5722757

Have you considered just getting a job, hippie?

>> No.5722787

Newsflash: The highest recipients of foodstamps and federal government assistance is poor white families in rural conservative areas. Hence, red states take more than blue states. Have a nice day stormfag and back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.5722819

I can think of a frugal diet, but it's hard to think of one where you only have $25 to start with and never more than $25. The whole wheat flour I buy comes in a 25-pound bag and costs $28, the total price per loaf being around $1-$1.30 including the price of the yeast and salt and sugar (I use a fancy sugar too), and that offers 1200 calories, which is a bit over half of what most people need, for $7 to $9 a week. That leaves $16-$18 left. A bundle of kale where I live is 99 cents, so one bundle a day takes us to $9-$11 dollars left. The remaining could be spent on 3 pounds of beans or lentils ($6 at my store) and the rest can go to either bananas (if you want fruit) or sweet potato (more practical)

Boom, you got a pretty nutritious diet of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. But yeah, the problem is being unable to buy food in bulk at the start

>> No.5722829

>whites make up 54% of government assistance, even thought they make up 75% of the population
>"lololol poor white ppl, cry much? so much for white pride"
>blacks make up 12% of the population, but 45% of government assistance recipients. OVER HALF of black families are on government assistance, with many of them second or third generation recipients.
>"poor disenfranchised socioeconomic downtrodden People of Color, the racist system is stacked against you, tax me more, plz ;_;"

>> No.5722868

Wow, those two jars of pasta sauce would eat up a good amount of the budget. If they really can't just substitute sauce with butter, they could have gotten tomatoes and other shit and just made it themselves.

>> No.5722915

Yeah? How much does a jar of ready-sauce cost? I've never bought any.

>> No.5722923

These kids arnt even trying. I could eat fruits, vegitables and get all 2000 calories every day for 25$ a week... and they are in texas too. Texas cost of living is CHEAP compared to say east coast. So this begs the question...businesses, are you sure you want to hire a university grad? They are heavy on doctrine but light on common sense and every day life skills.

>> No.5722950

>college grads are mollycoddled twits
Not all of them. But yeah: most. You know what other group is full of mollycoddled twits? Everyone else. The difference between a mollycoddled college grad and a mollycoddled high school grad is that the mollycoddled college grad has provable knowledge (provable by way of provided a diploma). While the high school grad could be just as learned as the college grad, the college grad has a sheet of paper to prove it.

Do you really expect an employer to choose a high school grad with no proof of his worth over a college grad with it given that said employer knows that both of them are likely to be spoiled cunts?

>> No.5722959

Jesus christ don't turn this into a dick measuring about education level.

Anyhow studies prefer sensational results, and seeinh how this study wasn't even done by a proper research group (it only says some undergrads did it, does not seem to be an article about it), this shouldn't be on news to begin with. For all we know they could've based the price of all items on one of them more expensive supermarkets or ignored aspects such as buying in bulk or on sale products. The result isn't even worth discussing about since there's a fuckton of "How much your food cost a week" where cheap students show they're not paying more than on average 20 bucks a week. And even though some might lie about it to look cool in front of /ck/ I really doubt that is case since many of us are genuinely poor and would notice if we spent much more than that.

>> No.5722969

>studies prefer sensational results
... I can sorta agr
>undergrads cant do studies
Jesus Christ.

>> No.5722971

They can do studies but they'd atleast link to the study if it was done. The article in OP doesn't refer to anything.

>> No.5722993

Probably about tree fiddy for the name-brand shit.

Speaking of name-brand shit, why can't poorfags into generic brand shit? It's not a huge savings, but if you're really that broke, it adds up. I always buy generic and I'm not even that poor; just don't see the point of spending an extra 50c on something that's almost exactly the same.

>> No.5723004

I'll buy a generic if the quality meets or exceeds that of the name. For example, Aldi? Their chocolates are far superior to anything name brand in the US unless you're willing to pay about $5 per bar. Aldi's price? $1.99.

There are a few things I will never, ever compromise on brand, though. Ever. One of them is hot sauce. I've tried many, many brands, both name and generic, and none come remotely close to my favourite one.

Usually, however, I buy whole foods rather than prepackaged. Not to say that there's something wrong with prepackaged, since I fuckin' love me some Bugles and Marie Callenders (another two things I just will not compromise on) just that it's not a typical part of my shopping.

>> No.5723013

Again oriental markets can be a source of treasure. I've found rice, pasta and olives and whatnot with packages in foreign languages costing half of the domestic name brands but is atleast as good if not better than those. Also for some reason polish pickles are super cheap here, and they're really better than the ones you buy in regular supermarkets.

>> No.5723039

Most of my shopping is done at the various Asian grocers in my area (there are five big ones within a mile and a half of me and several smaller ones) because the produce is generally of higher quality and lower price than elsewhere.
Most of the prepackaged things I get there are various cooking sauces (fish, soy, oyster and mushroom sauces, for example), brined ginger, pickled chilies, frozen fish balls and the occasional noodle. Very seldom anything else.

>> No.5723049

Well yeah, by always buy generic I mean I always buy generic for staples and snack shit. I still buy plenty of specialty products, but fwiw my favorite hot sauce is Valentina and it's like 97c.

>> No.5723150

Someone post the infographic on how to get your daily nutrition for really cheap

I think its /fit/ related

>> No.5723151


If it's from /fit/, it's garbage

>> No.5723154

>They each got just $25 to buy a week's worth of groceries.
Fucking amateurs. $100/month is plenty to eat fucking luxuriously. I've gone a month on $30 more than a few times.

>> No.5723157

Buy giant sack of rice. Buy giant sack of beans. Toss in some cheap veggies, eggs, and any cheap meat you happen upon. Done!

>> No.5723165

>>college grads are mollycoddled twits
>Not all of them. But yeah: most. You know what other group is full of mollycoddled twits? Everyone else. The difference between a mollycoddled college grad and a mollycoddled high school grad is that the mollycoddled college grad has provable knowledge (provable by way of provided a diploma

A proper comparison would be a college grad vs someone with 4 years working experience.College degrees are expensive and entirely overrated.

>> No.5723188

See, I'll always choose the one with experience over the recent college grad. And, actually, that's exactly what I do. Well, so far, anyway. If a college grad seems to impress me somehow during the interview, I'm not going to hold the lack of experience against him/her. But that's yet to happen.

I was thinking more along the lines of two applicants who are both otherwise equally qualified.

>> No.5723191

Carrots are the cheapest vegetable here - but things like spinach, the cheapest leafy green, are $4.50 a pound. For stuff like brussel sprouts it's $8 a pound, fresh lettuce is $11 a pound and bell peppers are $3 each. In the summer time it's $4-5 a pound for peaches and plums.

>> No.5723199

With inflation on fuel and food prices, it is pretty hard to eat well while on a very tight budget, but it's not entirely impossible.

When I didn't have a car and job, I was able to live off of frozen veggies, bulk chicken, peanut butter, bread, rice, and eggs until I got my car and job (it really sucked having to haul groceries by bus, so trips had to be carefully calculated).

Things I learned from this experience was to only splurge on a few perishables, most especially milk, cheese, and yogurt (if you can tolerate dairy)

>avoid anything that's out on display and shop within the aisles for cheaper options

>veggies and fruit are better off bought in frozen or in a can

>learn to make your own stock, soups, and pastas

>canned tuna, eggs, and peanuts (if you're not allergic to any of the above) are your best friends for affordable sources of protein

>oatmeal lasts longer, are healthier, and will be cheaper than boxed cereals

>> No.5723205



Lots of cholesterol though

>> No.5723209

My bad - lettuce is now $16.50 a pound, they've gone up again in price since I brought them last.

>> No.5723225


the 70s called, they want their science back

dietary cholesterol has essentially no effect on serum cholesterol levels

>> No.5723228

Damn, your country sucks. Most vegetables here are like 50¢ to $2 per lb. Why so expensive there?

>> No.5723229

I have no idea, most of it is grown in NZ and isn't hard to grow at all.

>> No.5723237

>cheap meat you happen upon
oh god that reminds me of the brisket that got away...

I was spur of the moment at the supermarket like midnight, and their "corned brisket" packages are like 5.99/lb usually, they were kknocked down to 99 cents a lb because they were going to be thrown away the next day. But it was vacuum packed with the "corned" marinade... it would have been fine.

Brisket! for 99cents a lb! And i let it stay there... came back the next day when i regained my senses

>> No.5723250

Kiwiland is an agricultural paradise: grow your own and freeze it for the off seasons! I freeze store bought bell peppers when they're cheap (69¢-89¢/lb for green, 99¢-$1.29/lb for red or yellow) but were I some Jafa, you can bet your fuckhole I'd be growing my own instead.

>> No.5723266

You can't grow your own if you live in an studio apartment in the city, otherwise I would be.

>(69¢-89¢/lb for green, 99¢-$1.29/lb for red or yellow)

When are they ever this cheap? I go to fruit and vegetable stores too but the prices are either the same or higher than a supermaket.

Also kek, was just looking online and it's $45 for a kilogram of arugula here, this country is ridiculous.

>> No.5723363

To be clear, I'm not from NZ. The bell pepper prices I mentioned are not for NZ, sorry. I was saying that if I lived there, I'd grow my own.
And not all Jafas live in studios, do they? You literally live in a studio? So sad, man. Move to South Island, if you can. Christchurch is nice as well as much cheaper. You're not afraid of earthquakes, are ya?

>> No.5723379


That's what the egg industry says, but doctors still have cholesterol limits that drastically limit the amount of eggs you can eat because dietary cholesterol is unhealthy

>> No.5723415

>Newsflash: The highest recipients of foodstamps and federal government assistance is poor white families in rural conservative areas. Hence, red states take more than blue states. Have a nice day stormfag and back to /pol/ with you.
Reminder that those "red states" are the most diverse states in the country and thats why they have more food stamp recipients.

Nice try blaming white people though

>> No.5723419 [DELETED] 

illll gib u sum free willy bb doll

>> No.5723430

>replying with statistics using feelings

/storm/ pls go

>> No.5723446
File: 59 KB, 680x516, feel king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spend $25 each DAY on alcohol and tobacco
>this is why I'm broke

>> No.5723465

>The highest recipients of foodstamps are poor white families

Nice reading comprehension, Governor Palin.

>> No.5723495

>Are you the same idiot arguing that the british fabricated the entire DNA sequence of melons and presented them to Japan some time in the mid 19th century?


>> No.5723518

work for a living and you won't need to worry about how much tax payers are going to flip you for food

>> No.5723527


>> No.5723528

Man even if I was a millionaire I wouldnt want some hobos stealing pennies each day from my bank account. It needs to stop.

>> No.5723531

he is sleeping and I'm so pissed off anyways

>> No.5723543

He won the argument, get over it, lefty

>> No.5723574

Why are you pissed off? Did Trader Joe's run out of organic hot pockets? Or did you mean 'pissed' as in 'drunk?'

>> No.5723577
File: 41 KB, 600x336, Goodnight-my-babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell bird I say goodnight

>> No.5723593
File: 605 KB, 2048x1536, 1109010849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bro

lol I'm drinking and pissed off about some irc bullshit

I don't even think TJ makes some kind of hipster organic pocket either

>> No.5723607

Should the government be paying for all of your food? Suplimental something something.
Fucking statists

>> No.5723615
File: 28 KB, 320x240, mushroom snack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trader joes frozen bento

lord have mercy how have I not seen this. absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.5723622

what kind of booze do you drink? I can help you bro, I'm a hardcore alcoholic and I don't spend that much.

>> No.5723623

I just don't understand TJ

Not one bit

>> No.5723641

As a high school graduate, no college I win. I have 6 years experience, you however, have zero.

Nice sheet of paper, go clean the bathroom faggot.

>> No.5723660

I dont get where you are coming from, why would a high school graduate have more experience than a college grad?

not to mention most of the experience you could get without a college degree wouldn't put you in competition with college grads for jobs

>> No.5723665

I can probably live off of $25 a week. Not sure what gov't recommended nutrition guidelines are though.

How do you get food stamps? How poor do I have to be? Do I need to have kids?

I'm a poor college student. No help from parents. Fin aid pays for tuition and maybe a book. I don't make much at work. Maybe 12k a year.

>> No.5723671

Started working at 16 instead of getting ready for college. Full time at 18. You were studying, schooling, gaining Greece levels of debnt.

I was, however, getting experience in the working world. Who gets hired? Wet behind the ears college grad or someone with almost a decade of experience?

99/100 hiring managers are taking experience, not a sheet of paper covered in booze and old weed.

>> No.5723673

I got put on EBT for my job (was with Americorps) and we got about $200/month, which I'm told was standard for the state. That would be $50/week double what they were using. Also, why does the cart in that picture have canned sauce and canned bread rolls if they're on a budget?

>> No.5723675

The guy with the college degree almost always. Are you retarded?

You don't even need to have a college degree in the appropriate field, as long as its STEM or somewhat near, you're going to get hired over a high school grad who worked at mcdonald's instead of taking life seriously.

>> No.5723677

And before you go...High horse doctor, banker, lawyer, engineer, STEM degree let me tell you. It means dick to a hiring manager. You have experience, you get the job.

Experience> degree ask anyone who never hired you because you lack experience.

>> No.5723683

Confirmed for no experience having 17 year old. See how the working world treats ya boy.

>> No.5723686
File: 53 KB, 272x272, catkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever been?

i don't go there for ingredients for when I want to cook. i go for high tier snacks and frozen dinners for when my tired drunk ass doesn't want to cook something. almost anything you can buy premade will be better at Joe's and their prices are on point.

>> No.5723689

I'm a college student with a job. Because I'm not a fucking child who thinks a high school degree will get him anywhere in life.

Have fun in 5 years when you get the boot for a kid with a college degree who has never worked a job but knows the tech.

>> No.5723698

I'm fucking 30 and I turn you kids down for jobs daily.

Reason, lack of experience. Good luck paying off those loans boy.

>> No.5723701

Also, know nothing, look at the tech field jobs. Required 5+ years experience to get hired. Stupid kid.

>> No.5723716

Like I said, have fun in 5 years when you're on your ass because that wet behind the ears kid will be okay getting paid less than you and your boss can say he hired somebody cheaper than you and who has a college degree.

>what are internships
>what is a stem track at any decent college

>30 years old
>on 4chan
That's hilarious on its own

>> No.5723719

Like I said, have fun getting a job with no experience.

> 30 year old on 4chan

My god, people actually use the Internet after 22...who woulda thunk it?

>> No.5723720

I've been, that's why I don't get it

>> No.5723722

Internships aren't full paying jobs either kiddo. Anyone tell you that?

>> No.5723723

>i have a job
>a stem track at any decent college
It's almost like you can't read. Damn, I didn't know not going to college made you even stupider

>> No.5723726

Who said they were? It's to get experience, you mongoloid. The whole point of an intership is to get experience in your area.

>> No.5723731

> What are these gaps in employment anon?

> Getting a degree I see anon.

> Let me run a credit check on you anon.

> Sorry anon, we found a more qualified applicant.

Welcome to the next part of your life kid.

>> No.5723746

>not being able to have a full time job and going to college
Just because you're pathetic doesn't mean everybody else is.

>> No.5723747

And you do what for money?

>> No.5723757

>buying canned sauce
>buying fucking pillsbury dough
>buying tiny-ass bag of rice

No wonder these fuckers can't shop for shit, I'll throw down a basic list that I usually get.

1 whole chicken - $6
1 head of garlic - $0.33
1 red&green bell pepper - $0.66
2lbs of tomatoes - $2
2lb bag of baby carrots - $2
4lb of rice - $3
5lb bag of sugar - $1(they cost ~$2 but they last me at least 2 weeks)
1 box of 100 tea bags - $2
1 dozen eggs - $1.50
1 bag of mixed veggies - $1
1 bag of corn - $1

And the various herbs/spices I use for cooking shit. Thats pretty much my weekly meals(rice w/garlic chicken + sauteed veggies) when i'm going full poorfag-mode, which is usually the last week of the month.

>> No.5723766

> Not being able to comprehend employers value experience over degrees.

> All this but hurt from an IT faggot who will be living with family for the next 5-10 years.

> All the while, loan interest adds up.

> N...no anon I g..got an internship!!

You showed me. You sure showed me. Bravo Greece.

At least your parents believe in ya.

>> No.5723776


5 pounds of sugar only lasts you 2 weeks?

>> No.5723795

whats not to get? I don't get how you can't into trader joes unless you prepare every single thing you consume from scratch. I cook too but will buy various cheeses, spices, oils, breads, nuts, etc at joes as well as my snacks and frozen drunk food. the store is small so I can shop quick, the lines move quick and its packed to the brim with milfs.

please explain yourself.

>> No.5723799

With ~200 cups of tea(using each bag twice) per week? Yes.

>> No.5723807


Why are you drinking almost 30 cups of tea a day?

>> No.5723818

Jesus fat people are disgusting.

>> No.5723819
File: 39 KB, 534x401, dale concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at that volume cocaine might almost be an affordable alternative.....

>> No.5723825

because I drink nothing else and I like it and our tap water comes from a well so boiling&filtering is pretty much necessary for it to not taste like dirt or make me sick, and since it's being boiled, tea is cheap and easy.

>> No.5723836

>buying sugar
>putting sugar in your tea
>drinking that much tea
>not drinking unsweetened green tea

>> No.5723845

absolutely disgusting. you might as well be drinking a liter of mountain dew

>> No.5723850

>$2 box of tea + half of a $2 bag of sugar lasts a week
If you can score a weeks worth of coke for $3.50 let me know

It's roughly 4 2l soda bottles worth of sugar during a week, certainly not good and definitely not as bad as people normally have.

Unsweetened tea with out tap water would be awful. I can drink straight-tea if I use bottled water or the likes, but not with the shit we got coming from our well.

4l or so worth a week actually. Not bad at all considering it's pretty much my only source of sugar unlike most people.

>> No.5723857


>definitely not as bad as people normally have.

I would think 8 liters of soda-equivalent a week would be as bad or worse than the average person

>> No.5723861

>trying to see if they can live off foodtsamps
>buying expensive premade sauces in jars and what looks like an expensive sausage log and a tub of margarine

Somebody tlel these faggots thats not how you shop cheap. They must be "upper class" kids who have no clue how to save money.

>> No.5723868

>8 liters
Read again nutsack, it's ~4 liters worth for roughly 2.5lbs of sugar. This is going off how much sugar is in a 2l bottle of coca cola.

>> No.5723876

And there are some people that weigh 500 pounds. "It's not as bad as some people~" is not a fucking legitimate argument.

>> No.5723882

At one point on food stamps, my fiance and I were so desperate for meat that wasn't the shittiest quality chicken, we went outside our apartment and looked at some geese in a pond nearby, trying to figure out how to poach one without anyone noticing. I think we were planning on using a baseball bat and a hunting knife, but we couldn't figure out how to get the dead goose into the apartment without anyone seeing. We also considered scavenging roadkill. Thankfully we found a place 30 mi away that sells meat for 90's prices, so no illegal baseball batting of geese occurred, but not everyone on food stamps is going to have access to a wholesaler place like the one we found. We spend 150/month per person on food.

>> No.5723898

because people will make fun of you for being poor, being unable to afford luxury items, entertainment, pussy, etc.

>> No.5723910

underrated post, only person that actually knows what's up in this entire thread

>> No.5723921

>NEETs working part time
you're fucking retarded, lurk more before using acronyms that you don't know

>> No.5723931

It is when it's pretty much my ONLY source of sugar unlike MOST people(not some). I also don't skew what people are typing to try and make my point, so you can kindly fuck right off.

>> No.5723934

Don't think 4L of coke has 2.5lbs of sugar in it man.

>> No.5723939

suck dick in the McDs parking lot at night

>> No.5724025

>1 gram of dried kidney beans, 4 euro

>> No.5724033

To make matters worse, $25 is not even the maximum benefit. It is the average benefit, and people above the poverty line are included in that sample. (And it includes children, who eat less, and are part of families that can take advantage of returns to scale.)

>> No.5724047

>And it includes children, who eat less
Children eat a fuck load because they're growing. Teenagers especially. Did you not eat Two large pizzas or three family-size boxes of cereal in one sitting as a teenager? Much of what I remember from my teenage years is unending hunger, despite having plenty of food.

>> No.5724054

http://apps.state.or.us/fsestimate/ Use this to figure out how much money someone would be getting for food stamps. For my household: Based on your entries, you may qualify for Food Stamp Benefits up to $186.00.

This is for two people. The state gives a little more than that since cost of living is higher in my state, about $204/month. Yes, it is a supplemental program, as you can't really live long term on $100/month per person. We end up having to spend about 150 extra a month on top of the food stamp benefits to eat comfortably. I don't understand people in the thread who are like "YOU COULD EAT THE BARE MINIMUM BEANS AND RICE" because you will go insane doing that.

>> No.5724066

living off $25/wk is easy peasey but just starting off with $25 week to week would be difficult. you'd have to sacrifice flavor for sustinance

With a fully stocked spice rack, herb garden, and plants for greens and tomatoes, my groceries cost around $17/wk. taking the time to plan meals ahead and make things from scratch saves a lot more money too

>> No.5724074


>> No.5724083


>costs no money

>> No.5724084

Last I checked land costs money.

>> No.5724085

I had a balcony garden and the soil, pots, seeds, seed starter kits, fertilizer, gardening tools, etc all cost money.

>> No.5724087

since when does it take money to throw seeds in the dirt and watch them grow?

>> No.5724091


Do you think an herb garden requires several acres of land? If you have a home, you have a plot of land with which to grow herbes

>> No.5724096

Management sent me a letter saying they will have maintenance remove my plants off my balcony for me. Gardens are not allowed.

How far outside of reality do you live?

>If you have a home, you have a plot of land
Yeah apartments are not real.

>> No.5724098

>Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
TL;DR: it's supposed to help you buy better, more nutritious food, not all your food.

>> No.5724104

In reality, though, some people use it to buy almost all of their food, considering that money doesn't go very far these days. You have to keep in mind that the intentions of the program are different from the reality.

>> No.5724120
File: 33 KB, 607x400, food-stamps-receipt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what the majority of people on food stamps do, buy steak and lobster.

>> No.5724122

If by 'outside reality' you mean where people don't make excuses for being lazy fucks and eating shit, then pretty far

You don't -need- fertilizer, gardening tools, or starter kits. You don't even need pots, you can use old coffee cans, soda cans, etc. on a windowsill

Soil costs very little money and if you -think- you need fertilizer you can find bagged soil with fertilizer mixed right in

also you can buy herb plants and vegetable plants at stores like walmart with food stamps, you retarded SJW piece of shit

>> No.5724172

Aren't food stamps supposed to supplemental? It's not supposed to replace your whole food budget.

>> No.5724183

That is some ultra bullshit.

The primary necessity of a week's diet based on a 2500 Calorie diet amounts to 17500 Calories in one week taking for granted that all other major nutrient concerns are provided along with those 17500 Calories.

That necessitates a $25 budget must provide 700 Calories per dollar spent. Which is easy as hell to do.

>> No.5724229
File: 64 KB, 465x540, why so hurtmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you retarded SJW piece of shit

>> No.5724236

see >>5724054

My apartment manager would not have let me use what is essentially garbage to plant things in on my balcony, first off. Second off, I tried to do this shit without fertilizer or pesticide, to save money. Since I'm growing in pots, I ended up with severely stunted plants, and all of my vegetables (radishes, green beans, and peas) were eaten within a day by caterpillars. By the time I realized they were there I was left with bare stems. The only things left are my 6 inch tall parsley and basil plants, and my neighbor smokes minicigars constantly and the parsely and basil both taste like minicigars and are useless. I actually used my food stamp money to buy these things, hoping that it'd save me a little money. It ended up losing me about 20 dollars total, so a half week of food almost.

>> No.5724241

Oh wow. A US grocery store took subsidy money, just like 100% of other business. How horrible. I should feel insulted by business as usual, even though it's a fraction of the subsidies that farmers and banks receive.

>> No.5724330

This is where we remember that a Euro is worth a fair bit more than a USD

>> No.5724350


This is how I would do it. Rice is very open to veggies and meat.

Even to change it up, could easily make a veggie curry, or some fried rice.

>> No.5724383

I use my ebt to supplement my grocery bill rather than provide the whole thing

okay bye

>> No.5724419

enriched rice, 32oz bag $2.16 ea x2 $4.32
black beans, dried 16oz bag $1.95 ea x4 $7.80
onion, red 1lb $.78
tomato 1lb $1.26
jalapeno 1/4 lb $1.09
lime 1/2 lb $.44
lard 1 lb $3.47
leaving $5.11 for whatever cheap meat I can find and possibly some bread or milk or some such

Dunno for sure if that meets all the vitamin and mineral requirements, but I think it can with the fudge factor left over money. Even if not, trying to do it in a one week basis is stupid, as others have said. Much cheaper to do it over a month and more, with more fudge factor and coupons and whatever.

>> No.5724423

oops used a wrong price in my calc
leaves $5.86

>> No.5724436

It is very possible to live off food stamps

Source: I do

It's just the majority of people on food stamps are niggers that trade their food stamps for drugs or gold teeth

>> No.5724437

This. I can buy all the food stamp cards I want for .50 on the dollar.

>> No.5724439

Please post pics of your coffee can windowsill tomato and herb garden.

>> No.5724479

I feed 2 people every month on 180 dollars. Lots of soups and stews. Invest in 40 dollar lodge enameled dutch oven and enjoy.

>> No.5724484

Good luck finding a fast food place that gives it away.
We only get half off.

>> No.5724490

My fiance hates soups and stews, so this isn't really an option for me. I think in general, though, you should try to eat a variety of different meals with different preparations, even on food stamps, and limiting yourself to just soups and stews would probably be miserable after a few months. I'm sure it's good short term, though.

>> No.5724498

Is shoplifting an option?

>> No.5724505

food stamps shouldn't be a lifetime or even a year long thing
being poor does suck, had a food budget of $130/mo for 2 years
never used stamps
it sucked, but it wasn't a struggle after a month

>> No.5724517

>food stamps shouldn't be a lifetime or even a year long thing
hi i'm physically disabled
i also don't go out much because i'm afraid of people because someone tried to murder me
i don't really want to starve to death and could you stop pushing your opinions on other people like an asshole?

>> No.5724520

Yeah, they shouldn't, but my fiance is disabled and I am his full-time caretaker. A lot of people don't have many options, and I do work from home, it just doesn't pay all the bills.

Yeah, I hate how people act about this shit, they think people are just lazy or something if you're not as well off as them.

>> No.5724521
File: 71 KB, 397x500, 1345885142795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Is this word too long or something?

>> No.5724524

Should have seen that coming. I didn't mean it like that. It simply isn't a program designed for that sort of support.

>> No.5724530

>Yeah, I hate how people act about this shit, they think people are just lazy or something if you're not as well off as them.
It's because the disabled are hidden from public awareness unless they can be used as a convenient way to make functional white people look better or feel better about themselves.

>> No.5724536

A head of lettuce is 79-99 cents
thats about 1 pound maybe a little more

>> No.5724537

holy shit. I drink tea every day with sugar in it and I'm sure five pounds would last me at least two months.

>> No.5724545

You give the government too much credit in their foresight. The program as it is today is an evolution of an attempt to help out families hurt financially by WWII.

>> No.5724550

>the study has a false premises to begin with and that's only having SNAP despite three other programs existing and no doubt assistance at the state level

A guy in Indy did this. A black Muslim. He did so well he had money left over.

>> No.5724553

btw, I also have a brother who is disabled
I'm not completely unaware
there are many other more substantial programs which lend aid in other areas as well
Being poor sucks, but don't think that means you have the right to think everyone else who knows it's possible to live reasonably and tells you so is an ignorant asshole.

>> No.5724558

>I have a black friend.

>> No.5724562

fuck off
he's my brother who I helped physically for years and still help out financially now that I'm not poor

>> No.5724565

So he's not being helped out by the substantial programs you mentioned?

>> No.5724567


This is also where we remember that one USD has a lot more purchasing power than one EUR in their respective countries.

This stems from a lot of factors, one of which being a higher VAT rate levied on food in most EU states.

>> No.5724568

This attitude makes up the majority of the thread. People think that food stamps are used only for steak and lobster by black women with a million children who each have a different dad.

The only other programs we qualify for are not food related. We get 750 a month for disability. We get one free cell phone (early 2000's model), with 450 minutes a month. We get about $100 a year additional aid to pay for additional energy cost of using our air conditioner. My fiance has been on the waiting list for Section 8 since he was 15, last notice said there were still 1,100 people ahead of him in line. He's 25 now.

I earn about $100-200 a month working from home, and for every hundred I earn, I lose at least $20 in food stamps.

>> No.5724569

he is still
they were absolutely necessary for a while
now that I can help, along with other family helping, he does not use all of them

>> No.5724571

i am living reasonably because of food stamps

i buy dry beans, the cheapest produce i usually can, i make my own bread, i rarely ever buy anything that's premade to make it last longer
if i had $130 a month to spend on food for myself i wouldn't need food stamps, in fact that's more than what i spend for myself right now

>> No.5724575

Not everyone's got family to help them out, and those "substantial programs" you mentioned are never enough long-term. I don't think you get just how badly off some people can be. But whatever, you're a fucking champion.

>> No.5724581

>People think that food stamps are used only for steak and lobster by black women with a million children who each have a different dad.

except I never said anything that even remotely alludes to that
the only point I made before being accused of nonsense was that food stamps are not meant to support people long term. To elaborate, many would say not in totality for the short term.

>> No.5724584

good on you
I hope your situation gets better
this I realize
and I am sure there are many who have family that could help more than they do, but who don't
that is more frustrating to me than anything
and I never claimed to be a champion
I just try to do what I can
don't be a cunt

>> No.5724588

My point was this is the general idea that people have in their head. Don't be that guy who's like "NOT ALL MEN" or whatever. Yeah, you're cool. That's great. Most people aren't.

>> No.5724593


>Being poor
>Expect other people to conform to your significant other's picky eating

The straight truth is that everyone in this world has to contribute their weight or we die. If you want to eat good then contribute more to society.

>> No.5724601

Man go fuck yourself. Some people don't like soup. There are other cheap foods.

>> No.5724605

what do you mean "your move"? Governments are fucked, why would we defend them? Fat people disgust me, so do poor people, but neither so as much as politicians.

fuck you and fuck them

>> No.5724607

Literal soup Nazi.

>> No.5724612

>Yeah, I hate how people act about this shit, they think people are just lazy or something if you're not as well off as them.
yeah i really hate that, and if people didn't think that way maybe i wouldn't be in the situation i'm in now

good luck to you and your fiance

>> No.5724619


Realize that soups and stews are nothing more than starches and vegetables with a miniscule amount of meat with water. Eliminate the water and you've got yourself a rice or potato dish. Not everything is supposed to be garnished with high quality ingredients.

>> No.5724625

Yes, and I just make him meals like stir fry, which use all the ingredients you mentioned minus the water. This is my usual go-to meal, along with lo-mein.

>> No.5724783

And not just out of boredom, literally mentally insane from malnutrition.

>> No.5724794

But I did it for a few years.
It really did suck, and I'm not saying only rice and beans, other items were included of course, but rice and dry legumes were my staples. I don't think anyone who says "rice and beans" as a response to "I'm poor wat do" means only rice and beans. Most cultures have variants of the combination, and that is what people mean when they say rice and beans. Vague questions = vague answers.

>> No.5724807

We say beans but there's a fuckton you can do with it. Red beans and rice, rajma chawal, chickpea soup, mashed bean burger (this can also include any form of other vegetable), bean pancake, bean croquettes, bean and couscous salad. You know, whatever you can do with minced meat, you can do with beans as well. Not to mention minced pork on sale is realy cheap as well, there's nothing to say you can't use both.

People only say rice and beans because that's the basic formula to a cheap meal. There's alot of different ways to vary it.

I'm decently healthy and having living with beans and pasta/rice as a staple for a while. I don't find it neither boring either. And even then, the government isn't giving you money to entertain you.

>> No.5724809

>I don't think anyone who says "rice and beans" as a response to "I'm poor wat do" means only rice and beans.
They really do. Most of these people have only ever been broke, not poor. A nutritionally incomplete diet of rice and beans and barely anything else is fine for a short term rough patch. Long term you will wither away.

I thought I was doing a good job eating a variety of vegetables and as much varied meat as I could squeeze into my budget, with rice as my staple. Then last year my blood test results said I had a vitamin D deficiency in the "severe" range. I've been trying to eat more fish when I can afford it, and buying Vitamin D supplements in bulk.

>> No.5724813

When you put it that way, what staples are not cheap? By their very nature they are going to be the cheapest part of your diet because most of them are some form of mass-produced grain product.

Saying "beans and rice" when you mean "but also implying a variety of other ingredients" is unhelpful as fuck when people ask for help.

>> No.5724817

>When you put it that way, what staples are not cheap?
The point is to replace your meat part with bean parts. Of course it includes other stuff, or do you seriously expect people to write down a month worthy of meal plan to a stupid repeatedly asked question?

The beauty of beans and rice is that it can incorporate a wide range of vegetables and other ingredients on sale. A bean stew will work well with pretty much any vegetable, while the same cannot be said with for example a steak.

>> No.5724823

What vegetable doesn't go with steak?

>> No.5724824

well, you're responding to one of the people who typically responds to those vague thread subjects with "rice and beans"
if no further questions are asked, I don't elaborate
you can't teach someone to cook, let alone live, on 4chan, and if they can't be asked to put in any effort in their own thread, then there's nothing more than the vague answers to give
For example, if someone were to mention what you just did in one of those threads, I would say that, as for the fish, yeah, that's a go-to.
try to find whole fish and shell fish
freeze the trimmings, shells, and bones to make broth.
In staying with the rice and beans theme, you can cook the rice or beans in broth or make broth reductions or sauces. Reductions and strong accent sauces can be added to things like >>5724807 mentioned for some kick ass pan fried croquette dealies and patties and the like.
Milk, pork, eggs, mushrooms, and liver are also high in vit D.
In addition, for those who talk about boredom, people also tend to forget that rice can make for some good dessert puddings and can be used as filler in all sorts of things, like sausage, patties, soups, dumplings, and cakes.

>> No.5724827

Not that person but I've learnt that my 'from scratch' and other people's 'from scratch' are two very, very different things. Most other people I meat, their 'from scratch' is Sandra Lee to my Ina Garten.

>> No.5724830

>The point is to replace your meat part with bean parts.
You jest. There are plenty of cheap meats and cheap cuts of beef, with many manners of preparation, for those unwilling to immediately get rid of all meat from their diet. Not all meat is steak.

>> No.5724833

Fuck no! What kind of disgusting lardbeast are you?

>> No.5724835

I've been a healthy weight all my life. Must have been doing something right.

>> No.5724836

>There are plenty of cheap meats and cheap cuts of beef, with many manners of preparation, for those unwilling to immediately get rid of all meat from their diet.
This really depends on the region you're in. The cheapest stew beef I can get here is around 5 bucks a pound when cheap, 4 bucks if I'm lucky. Dry kidneybeans however costs about 1 dollar a pound and it swells up to like 3 pounds when have let soaked.

Not saying you shouldn't buy meat, only that you don't have to eat it every meal, or that much every meal.

>> No.5724837


Try looking for a food wholesaler open to the public like this one.

>> No.5724838

So what you're saying is people should just reduce their portions of meat. That would have made things a lot clearer if you said that from the start.

>> No.5724841

>intestinal worms means i'm doing something right

>> No.5724844

Thanks for the e-diagnosis, House.

>> No.5724847

Is that the place on Street Road nearish Knights? I didn't check the link but the place I'm thinking of right there is fucking ghastly. Super cheap, though... if you have a deep freezer.
But the beef... I bought a fillet from them (that's a tenderloin to you) and it was tough and awful. How the fuck do you have a tough fillet/tenderloin? What? I left Europe before the whole horsemeat in lasagne debacle, but I guarantee that store was trying to pass off donkey meat as beef. There was no way what I bought that day was beef.
And the store stinks.

>> No.5724851

So basically eat like my entire family has been eating our entire lives? We've got several centenarians still kicking in my family. It's probably because we eat meat but not a whole fucking lot of it.

>> No.5724856

Yes, this is that place.
Their beef is pretty tough, I only use it for stir fry or I slow cook it. The beef they get is from ex-dairy cows, as far as I can tell.The fish is great (if in tiny scraps), I get the salmon every time I go. Their salmon I've been eating raw for about a month with no issue. Their chicken smells pretty fucking disgusting (strong ammonia smell) raw but hasn't gotten me sick. Shit is discount for a reason, but I don't think any of it is health hazard. I go about once a month and keep it in the freezer in my refrigerator.

>> No.5724865

Well they started with a wrong assumption to begin with. Food stamps is supposed to be a supplement 8 all but extreme circumstances.

>> No.5724868

I did get five rock melons/cantaloupes for a buck and an enormous canister of oats. I forgot what it said on the box: industrial-sized? Commercial-sized? Something like that. Anyway, the canister was gihugic and was only $3.
I made various cantaloupe sorbets when I got those home, one plain, one flavoured with rose water, another with lemon and the last with a hint of... ambergris. Hehe, no one liked the last one but me.

I wouldn't buy the fish because I couldn't see the eyes.
Where in the area are you, Philabro?

>> No.5724872

I come from Central Jersey all the way to that place. It's a long ass drive but it saves me a lot of money. Judging by your post, you're not the demographic that would use this place.

>> No.5724878

a guy I went to culinary school with said a restaurant he worked at tried to pass off flank steak as fillet, and that, to his knowledge, no one called them on it as long as he worked there
I don't know how much truth there could be in it, as I find it hard to believe anyone could pass flank off as fillet, no matter the amount of jaccard or covering in sauce or anything like that, but I don't doubt there are places that fuck with things along those lines. Larger suppliers I would think would get caught more often and more swiftly, and I would think we would hear about it more, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen there, either. We also have some shitty sources for beef here in addition to wonderful beef sources, so low end beef can be pretty shitty. Not sure what your beef sources are like, but I have heard some countries really only sell what we would consider "select" as their low end, in that fashion.
look in the paragraph below the one about select grade in the address to see what I think you had the honor in sampling:

>> No.5724883

Having had beef from this store multiple times, yes, they likely sell standard grade beef. I don't mind because it's only about a dollar a pound, and for that price you can't really complain as long as it's not spoiled.

>> No.5724884

Perhaps not? I'm extremely frugal, as other posters in this thread have pointed out. I'm okay with sacrificing a little quality for huge savings but I won't buy total crap. I can't justify paying $5/lb for 9/10 when I can get 8,5/10 for half that, I mean. I won't usually go below 6/10, though.

Where in CNJ? I went to school near Lawrenceville.

>> No.5724886

Oh I agree. If I knew of a place like that where I lived on the cheap, I'd have been a regular patron.

>> No.5724892

No, I don't think you get it. This place is for poor people who cannot afford better. It's not just "discount", it's bottom barrel stuff. It's for immigrants and the working poor, not someone just trying to be "cheap". You're from Lawrenceville so you probably don't understand what I mean. I'm guessing you live in Center City now, by the way you were talking. I'm closer to Trenton.

If you do want real discount shit, try BB's Grocery Outlet. They have all the stuff from normal grocery stores, but for pennies on the dollar. I can fill my car with food, trunk and backseat, for under $100. It's well worth the drive. I think a place like this would be more your speed.

>> No.5724896

It is possible, the problem is that actually taking the time to cook nice food costs time and energy that working class people need to save for their shitty jobs. Instead they stuff themselves with junk that takes no effort on their part to prepare. It's a frightening cycle.

>> No.5724913

I'm not from Lawrenceville, just went to school near there.

>live in center city
Not quite, but close enough.

I'll take a look at BB's. I like shopping at Produce Junction because it's fucktardedly cheap but they carry nothing but what their name implies.

And for the record: I /am/ an immigrant! So that store should be right up my lane. But it's not. I don't mind the odour and I honestly didn't notice anything wrong with the chicken (40lbs of leg quarters for $20? YES PLEASE!). The beef fillet was tough. The oxtails were dry and horrid. I'm guessing your assumption that they're ex-dairy cows is likely correct.

I haven't been to this place in a long while, but there was a Mexican wholesaler/slaughterhouse just off Castor in north Philadelphia where I could get a whole suckling kid for under $100 (forgot how much it was, it's been that long, but I think it was $79, though they won't break it down further than quarters; an extra few dollars and they'll break it down completely). You can't get meat much fresher than from a slaughterhouse and I thankfully actually quite like kid.

>> No.5724928

I have a butcher shop nearby called House of Meat that sells sides of beef and whole goat, but I haven't been in there to check prices. Philly is too much of a pain to get in and out of in a car, so I likely won't be going there no matter how cheap the meat is. I lived in NE Philadelphia for a while though, and if you'd told me then I probably would have gotten excited over it and carried a whole dead goat home on the train in my arms.

>> No.5724942

They have a car park/parking lot!

>> No.5724952

Yes, but that would involve driving into Philadelphia. With my car. Like, literally inside the city. In a fucking car. Fuck that.

>> No.5724963

>Your move /ck/
I don't care because I'm not poor

>> No.5724971

Aw. You scurrrrrrd, huh? It's okay. I stopped going to that store because it's so out of the way. When I go shopping, I like to run multiple errands on the same trip, so I'll drop things off one place or go to the DMV and renew my license or go to a doctor's appointment or blah blah blah in addition to shopping for food. There's literally nothing else near there so I've not shopped there in years.

>> No.5724973

No, I'm not fucking scared. It's a miserable experience being stuck in Philly traffic.

>> No.5724976

>what staples are not cheap?
depends on how you define staple
dairy tends not to be cheap
a lot of fresh produce isn't cheap, though can be found cheap at times
I think most people who don't know how to live frugally have their staples screwed up. Look at your own and a lot of your friend's fridges and pantries. Count the number of condiments as opposed to real staples that they have. Chances are, it will be way out of whack.
Rice and beans (other legumes, too) are cheaper than many staples in general, last a long time, can be purchased in bulk, are filling, don't take a lot of skill to make edible, and are likely the best protein source for the money in most cases. And, as was said before, when most people ask for help in those kinds of threads, they don't make it easy to give any sort of real help. If they let it be known what they need help with, that's another deal altogether.

>> No.5724978

>supplemental nutrition ASSISTANCE program
seems to me that it's not meant to buy all your food to provide a completely healthy diet.

>Your move /ck/
i make about $10k/yr below the poverty line (just checked) and i don't even need food stamps you entitled faggots

>> No.5724980

Where in the hell are you going? I can remember exactly two times I've ever been in traffic in or around Philly. And I got my first place here 13 years ago!

>> No.5724981

I was under the impression that staples were things like rice, pasta, noodles, breads, and legumes. Cheap carbohydrates that make up the bulk of a meal, which anyone can eat. I would never consider dairy a staple since plenty of people don't and can't consume it.

>> No.5724984

The area leading into the city near the Ben Franklin bridge is always really bad, and in general it's just an unpleasant experience.

>> No.5725174

Must be nice living with your mom.

>> No.5725184

>paying for food at your work

I used to eat so much free bk when I was in highschool

>> No.5725228

This means you make a maximum of $1,670 a year. Do you even work?

>> No.5725247


People tries to put up a "healthy" meal for 25 and fails.

90% of what you listed in all your lists are carbs, little of anything else.

It is not healthy by healthy standards.

>> No.5725254

in order for that to be true corps are going to have to start paying more and people are going to have to stop making more children.

>> No.5725345

So £15?

Breakfast: muesli everyday (£0.98, 1,060 kcal)

Lunch: 1/4 loaf of home-made wholemeal bread (£0.23, 520 kcal)

Dinner: homemade wholemeal nettle pasta with garlic and tomato sauce (£0.48, 585 kcal)
Or perhaps rice (£0.03), beans (£0.12) and eggs (£0.08 each)

Then about £0.45 snacks
Banana - £0.12
Apple - £0.18
50g choc biscuits - £0.10

If that ain't healthy then I don't know what is.

>> No.5725353

2000% RDA of carbohydrate

>> No.5725366

It's about 330g of carbohydrates per day, which is 110% for the average male.

>> No.5725372


What's wrong with that? That's the main thing a human being eats

>> No.5725377


Low carb Carl's here to explain why we should be getting heart disease like him

>> No.5725436
File: 38 KB, 1024x490, Potato and lentil curry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, my ultimate poorfag feast of lentil and potato curry with rice and flatbread for £0.68 ($1.13). Sorry I don't have a pic.

>> No.5725437

Potatoes should be £0.07. Total is £0.55 ($0.91)

>> No.5725473


That's how those people do these types of stunts, it's a sleight of hand. It comes from the same minds that coin catchphrases like "social justice" that warps the actual issue. Are you for social INjustice? Nobody is, nobody would say they want injustice, but what social "justice" is or isn't needs to be examined to judge it, which is where the catchphrase comes into play to make that seem unnecessary. Of course we want justice in the world. They use metaphors and catchphrases to substitute in place for actual arguments, because it protects them from the burden of defending their weak ideas.

>> No.5725536

No, that's what modern human eats. Our body unfortunately has not evolved to accept that.

I'm doing physiological research as part of my M.D./PhD. program. Our current dogma is that high carb diet is detrimental to health.

I'm specialized in tissue regeneration and wound healing, specifically neural regeneration. Just our lab's data alone demonstrate a high fat and protein diet increase wound healing by 30% or more ( 70% fat, 30% protein) versus a diet that is mainly carbohydrates.

This is the reason why after a major operation, if you stay in the hospital dietitians that's making up your meal will reduce your carbohydrate intake, specifically starch and simple sugars.

Eating starch dense diet, digesting, and metabolizing it on a physiological level is equivalent to a sudden stress attack on the body.

Carbs are not bad, but do not make it your main source of diet or energy. If you want carbs, eat a fruit. The sugar in fruit and veggies are far more complex and less concentrated.

Anthropologically our body is adapted to a mainly fruit/veggie diet with supplements of fat and protein. (think proto humans munch on a fruit while sipping bone marrow of a mammoth).

>> No.5725548


Is any of this based on anything? You'd think if a high carb, low fat diet composed of whole plant foods was a bad thing, we wouldn't have so much data showing the opposite.

>> No.5725552

What data? where?

>> No.5725554


>humans evolve from frugivores
>develop amylase in saliva and gut specifically to digest starch
>human population explodes and spreads like wildfire the second humans start eating a cultivated starch diet
>healthiest populations of people eat high carb diets, fat eaters die of heart disease
>"don't eat that, paleo says it's bad"

>> No.5725556

It's based on about a few hundred mouse we've maimed, killed, and tissue sectioned. Also our collaborator's lab data.

I have never heard of "high carb diet is good for you" ANY WHERE.

>> No.5725559

I have no authority on other physiological aspects. But on wound regeneration along. I can fairly confidently say that data supports the fact the high carb diet is horrific for your body.

>> No.5725563

>have one enzyme go break down starch
>but has dozens to digest amino acid chains (aka protein) and fats.

>you w0t m8t?

I can do your logic too.

>> No.5725571
File: 118 KB, 662x812, OkinawanDiet1[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's the population of Okinawa, where more people live to be 100 than anywhere else in the world, where 85% of their calories come from carbohydrate in the form of sweet potatoes

And of course Dean Ornish's work reversing our country's top killer with a low fat, high carb, grain-and-bean based diet, which had also been used previously by Caldwell Esselstyn to get the same results, and hasn't been replicated with any higher fat diet


Meanwhile Atkins tried to get the same results with a high fat, low carb diet and ended up obese and dead from heart complications before any proof could be presented.

So what's the compelling evidence that makes you think the world should stop eating so much carbohydrate and eat more fat and protein instead?

>> No.5725572

we also share an enzyme with bacteria in sugar metabolism.

are we slimes too?

>> No.5725573


The ability to farm massively, create empires, and grow the populace have nothing to do with health.

>> No.5725574


What food doesn't have protein or fats?

>> No.5725575

I knew you would take that out.
Did they check their genome? did they account for other confounding factors?

nope nope nope nope nope nope

>> No.5725579


but Atkins died from slipping on an icy sidewalk, shillfag.

>> No.5725580

>Occitan/Provencal, southern Italians, Swiss Roumands, South Koreans and Japanese get the vast, vast, VAST majority of their calories from carbs
>longest lived, thinnest populations in the industrialised world

>> No.5725583

>an unhealthy, fat, sick population can farm and create empires
no i don't think that's how it works

>> No.5725584

>Eating starch dense diet, digesting, and metabolizing it on a physiological level is equivalent to a sudden stress attack on the body.
Eating a low carb diet forces the body into a state of ketosis, literally stimulating a process the body goes into when it's sick.

What do you think of The Starch Solution by John McDougall?

>> No.5725586
File: 68 KB, 700x900, atkinsmed4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Caused by a heart attack, which he had a history of

>> No.5725589

The shock of the fall caused not only a register on the richter scale but also a heart attack for poor Doc Atkins.

>> No.5725594
File: 101 KB, 735x1057, Papua New Guinea sweet potato diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the secret to health is a sweet potato based diet

>> No.5725597

>didn't even do a vaginal swab

>> No.5725599

All I can make out there is 'epidural hematoma' which is a fancy way of saying a really bad and bloody knock to the noggin.

>> No.5725606
File: 413 KB, 781x976, Important health people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The funny thing is Weston A. Price died of a heart attack too

>> No.5725607

his arteries were all clogged up too. Low carb a shit

>> No.5725608

neoglucogenesis can be done and is being done in any healthy liver.
It is only when that fails, either the body does not detect a increase in new glucose (aka diabetes) or your lack the metabolic gene to do neoglucogensis. Your situation becomes a problem.

Since you know ketosis, and probably learned about it in biochem, did you fall asleep in the neoglucogenesis chapter?

>> No.5725609


The acronyms in the comments section stand for Myocardial Infarction, Congestive Heart Failure, and Hypertension

>> No.5725611

Keep in mind the subjects are all hard physical laborers, farmers and other works.
They require immediate energy input and availability.

They are not sensile creatures like us living in the city and sit in a chair for a living.

>> No.5725613

>That's what the average participant gets under SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, about $1.50 per meal.
>Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

>> No.5725617


I'll ignore that you're making that up, I just want to know what exactly you're implying about immediate energy and sedentary living on a high carb diet

>> No.5725623

I agree with Keys but Esselstyn is nearly as batshit as Price and Atkins.
To say that including meat and dairy in the diet in /any/ amount is just as lazy as the other two quacks' positions.
How do I know? Birth weight. Vegan mothers give the lowest birth rates of all diet groups in the western world and current science shows that birth weight is very closely correlated with both lifespan and overall health later in life. While the vegan mothers themselves might live a longer life than their carnist counterparts, their children, however, will not. :-(
Eat meat. Eat dairy. Just don't do it at every meal and every opportunity. A little goes a long way.

>> No.5725636


It's alright if you disagree with Esselstyn, his results speaks for itself. His heart disease reversal diet necessarily excludes foods that cause heart disease because that's how you cure heart disease. If you don't currently have heart disease, he allows some leniency, but someone with three-vessel artery disease shouldn't be eating those foods "in moderation" any more than someone with lung cancer should be smoking in moderation. It has to be strict because that's the only thing that's been shown to work.

>> No.5725645


this is our lab group's website.

Ignore me all you want.
The facts are, low carb diet aids in wound regeneration and it's already widely implemented in all hospitals, especially for post op patients.

>> No.5725657

Also from your posts I take that you are not a scientist.
Showing your lab group's website means "go read all our publications", and publications as in published in peer reviewed scientific journals.

>> No.5725661

>Go to Asian market
>By organ meats (ex. Chicken hearts $1.30/lb), fresh vegetables (ex. Green peppers 54 cents for two), rice (ex. $11 for 10lbs brown bismati), lentils (something similar)
>Eat perfectly fine and probably have money left over

Your move.

>> No.5725663


That didn't answer my question, but cool website. I don't see anything about diet macros, but I was curious enough to google what you were saying and found the opposite of what you claimed.


>Surgically stressed rats had higher protein levels, better nitrogen balance, and improved wound healing when fed a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat

Of course, that's just rats, and that's only one dietary consequence. Unlike you, I wouldn't hang my hat on that study either way.

>> No.5725667


>The specific effects of omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids on wound healing, nutrition status, or immune function are controversial. Therefore, we investigated the effects of fatty acid supplementation on wound healing and nitrogen retention in a surgically stressed rat model. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (weighing 250 g) were placed into three isocaloric, isonitrogenous feeding groups (controls [standard Vivonex]; 30% safflower oil [omega 6]; or 30% fish oil [omega 3])

did you even read it?

>> No.5725670

Oh. I agree with that much.
Someone with cirrhosis of the liver shouldn't have even half a jigger, either. Same principle.

Still, my culture seldom eats meat in high amounts. Maybe at feasts once or twice a year will we indulge in meat, but our diet isn't meat heavy.

People who have little clue on what our diet actually is think we (southern Italians) eat a lot of meat in general and tonnes of cheeses but none of this is true. If we eat cheese at all, it's generally no more than 25g in a given day. If we eat meat or fish at all, it's generally no more than 100g in a given day. If we eat eggs, it's generally no more than 50g in a given day.
The majority of our diet is plant-based, mostly wheat, but also vegetables, pulses and fruits.
This is why people from my area of Italy outlive other Italians by fucking decades. If it wasn't for the rest of Italy bringing down our average with their meat-heavy diets, we'd be the longest lived people in Europe, only a little behind the Okinawans, I think.

>> No.5725675

The manipulated group is changing fat content
all rats are isocaloric

means they all fed the same amount of calories

but the ones that fed more fat is doing better.

Relate to my research, what if you take all carbs away?
And my research is 70% fat, 30% protein, and compare that to carb group. the 7/3 fat protein group is 30% better.

Please stop, you clearly have no scientific training whatsoever. You are not trained to read scientific papers.

>> No.5725681


And the low-fat, high carbohydrate control group had 3x better wound healing ability.

>> No.5725685


Can you post your study and then explain why a situation study on a non-human species is more compelling evidence than all observable human data in the world?

>> No.5725694


Food wasn't super cheap and plentiful for poor workers you sperg.

>> No.5725705


Taking results from this low of a sample group is pants on head tarded.

>> No.5725735


>> No.5725739


>> No.5725748

You need moderation pal.
I'm not advocating keto or paleo or any of that shit.

>> No.5727512

Disabled, faggot.
I have a bum knee, and fibromiyalgia.
I cant even stand for longer than 10 minutes without pain. when walking i need a cane, and i cant lift anything heavier than a milk jug.

how should i keep myself alive?

>> No.5727736

but the poor workers weren't fat and were getting exercise and you're an asshole so suck a cock