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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5719639 No.5719639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It is a goddamned crime that broccoli is the go-to "disgusting" vegetable when this vile weed exists. I heard celery is a good food when trying to lose weight because it's high in fiber and low in calories, but nobody warned me that it smells like cat piss and tastes the way I'd imagine the taste of cat piss. And no, putting peanut butter on it didn't help; the overpowering and craptacular taste of the celery managed to overpower the taste of the peanut butter, a feat I previously believed to be impossible.

Celery hate thread.

>> No.5719648

Make ants on a log.

>> No.5719652


that's because you forgot the raisins you fucking infant.

>> No.5719656

I'unno, man. If I slather it in cream cheese, the calorie angle is lost. At that point I might as well eat two TBS of peanut butter by itself and eat a bowl of oatmeal instead.

Not a bad idea anyway. Fucking love oatmeal. It may be bland and taste like absolutely nothing, but at least it's not bad. Like, you know, celery.

>> No.5719657

Broccoli is delicious, celery is fucking disgusting no matter how it's prepared.

>> No.5719659

I agree with you OP. Celery and Brussels sprouts are the only vegetable I simply cannot stand.

I can't believe celery is part of a "trinity" in some places

>> No.5719660

I eat about 2-3 stalks a day at work. I fucking cant stand it, but I force myself every. fucking. day!

Only time I like to eat it, is in soups or stirfrys when you don't taste it at all!

>> No.5719663

I use it for soups, stews, stocks, and some types of cooking...but I don't like it raw.

>> No.5719664


> Fucking love oatmeal. It may be bland and taste like absolutely nothing

What the hell kind of oatmeal are you eating?

>> No.5719666

mexico here, celery is not that bad come on

now, brussels are fucking hitler reincarnated

>> No.5719681

Two packs of Quaker instant oatmeal. The real deal would probably taste better, but I value the speed and quick access over the taste.

>> No.5719685

how fat are you. you sound fat through the internet

>> No.5719686

>666 confirms lying for satan

brussel sprouts are good

>> No.5719712

Celery is a produce you want to buy organic. That shit soaks up so many pesticides. I can taste the difference.

>> No.5719715

the go to "disgusting" vegetable for people in my experience is brussel sprouts

dunno why, I think they're really good

>> No.5719722

Does the fact no one has argued that celery doesn't taste like cat piss mean that most people recognise it does? Because I don't get this association at all.

>> No.5719733

Raw celery and carrots are shit tier.

>> No.5719739
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>not liking celery
>not liking peanutbutter and celery
>being this much baby in 2014

People like you need to crawl up your mother's uterus and ferment for a few more years

>> No.5719749

You shouldn't eat peanut butter if you're so fat

>> No.5719750

Ain't nothin wrong with carrots bub

>> No.5719755


More celery for me then

>> No.5719761

Celery is pretty much a key ingredient in a lot of my cooking. Along with carrots and onions to create a nice mirepoix. I use it in pretty much every stew and soup I make. I also cook Thanksgiving turkey on a bed of mirepoix. Shit is so cash.

>> No.5719763

i'm not a pest. How can a pesticide hurt me?

>> No.5719766

Is this like genetic taste and scent aversion to cilantro and asparagus? Celery, especially garden fresh celery, tastes refreshing and delicious to me.

>> No.5719775
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>hating brussels sprouts
Fuck your shit
They're like tiny delicious little cabbages

>> No.5719997

This. After buying some organic celery at the farmers market, I have been forever changed as a person. It was actually sweet and amazing. The guy I bought it from said they used nothing at all on their produce, not even organic pesticides. It changed my life. Anyway, now I always buy organic celery, no matter where I'm shopping. It makes a huge difference with that particular vegetable. I go through 2-3 heads of celery a week.

>> No.5720007

I love broccoli.

Celery is weird cooked but it's a nice substitute to carby chips for hummus and bean spreads

>> No.5720045


Enjoy your food poisoning.

>> No.5720050

Yeah no

>> No.5720069

Nigga, please. No one's getting any food poisoning around here. But nice mythology.

>> No.5720074

Celery boosts testosterone, so its no wonder why you faggots don't like it. Also eating a head of celery a week will SERIOUSLY up your semen output, for fun try eating more than 1 head a week, and bring a beach towel the next time you virgin fags jack off.

>> No.5720120

Adding celery seeds to cole slaw makes it quite tasty.

>> No.5720129

Can you please leave this board and fuck off back to /b/?

>> No.5720164

Ugh, I hate celery. It has this zesty flavor similar to onions which I also dislike. I can only eat it if the flavor is drowned in soup, I can still taste it in a stir fry.

>> No.5720166

Try putting some honey in the curve and then eat it

>> No.5720168

My last name is Celeri. Seriously.

>> No.5720205

If it wasn't for the fact that it was named after a vegetable that would be a really cool last name.

>> No.5720206
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My stepmother would make me eat oatmeal with mustard and celery. Can't stand all three of those things now.

>> No.5720220

i once stayed in this hotel that had a diy salad buffet
i'd always be putting this strange looking and strange tasting cucumber in my salad, but whatever tasted alright
eventually i found out that it was in fact chopped celery
still can't stand it

>> No.5720231
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I can't even imagine how someone thought that would be a good idea.

>> No.5720264

There is literally nothing wrong with celery.

>> No.5720280
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It was a punishment since I didn't want to eat her other soul food. Like deep fried chicken feet or pig feet.

>> No.5720319

Did your father invent quinky sauce by any chance?

>> No.5720323

Pig feet is great, though I've only had it cooked one way. I can easily see it being cooked horribly.

>> No.5720381

Here comes the assholes with the "OMG ORGANIC" bullshit to fuck up a perfectly good hate thread.

>> No.5720382
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>> No.5720388

She would deep fry them for 30 minutes for "extra crunchy flavor" then proceeded to smother the feet in a mixture of maple syrup, ketchup and a shit ton of salt. It was apparently her famous BBQ recipe everyone loved except my white ass.

>> No.5720409


This is actually very true. I generally eat organic fruits/vegetables and they taste way better than the conventional ones.


It's not bullshit, it's actually pretty true.

>> No.5720410
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...Yeah that sounds like a horrible attempt at cooking, soul food or not.

I've always had them stewed with tripe, root vegetables, other starches and garbanzo beans. Thick and kinda messy but it's a fairly neutral flavor assuming you like pork. Almost like it got crossed with chicken somehow. Only issue with it is the texture, which is fairly squishy.

>> No.5720426
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Believe me, it was horrifying. I am not a huge fan of pork to begin with, and tend to avoid ant organ meat. Which my stepmother just loved to eat 24\7. Fried liver, fried tongue, fried everything.

>> No.5721011

nah, we all just recognize OP is a trolling retard faggot. celery is pretty entry level compared to broccoli

>> No.5721021

>hating something i hate is ok but hating something i like means you're from /b/
Yeah no

>> No.5721060

My mom does it differently, where you boil it for a long time in a soy sauce mixture. Comes out very chewy, but tasty to me. Pig ears are good too this way.

>> No.5721068

Celery is the shittiest vegetable I have ever tasted.
I fucking hate green beans but at least those have a flavour. Something I can point at and say "This is why I can't stomach that". Celery just feels like crunchy shitty water.

>> No.5721128

OP is a faggot, but he is also Mein Neger <3

>> No.5721245

That's a cool, incorrect opinion.

>> No.5721261

>Not Brussel Sprouts
OP I cannot judge as I have not eaten celery before
But you're so fucking wrong if you think celery is worse than sprouts

>> No.5721266

What it lacks in flavor it more than makes up for in its potential as a fashion accessory

>> No.5721273
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Are you for real

>> No.5721693
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you just fucked up.
Brussels sprouts are amazing, they're like onions. You need to cook them right.
They go great chopped up in a spicy ramen.
Didn't hurt that they were the cheapest vegetable pound by pound at my market.
I could almost taste the savings, and they were delicious.

>> No.5722174

It's OK cubed and mixed with sour cream.

>> No.5722193

Cauliflower that shit is the nastiest of the nasty.

>> No.5722222

Celery is nice, brocoli too.

You obviously never tasted some fenouil/fennel.
Pure fucking ass, just writing about it makes me want to throw up.

>> No.5722225
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My quints confirm.
Forgot the pic though.

>> No.5722289

if I take any veggie and layer than with salt and shitty noodles it will taste good.
and if you're so fucking hungry you even think ramen is good then I'm pretty sure you'd eat a salted shoe.

Sprouts are fucking awful.

>> No.5722320
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>> No.5722372
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>> No.5723241

This isn't celery, this isn't celery at all!

>> No.5723252
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>> No.5723629
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Celery is fantastic, I feel sorry for you. It has a crisp, mildly bitter bite that nothing can match. I add diced celery to anything I can. If I don't have celery, for whatever reason, I'll panic and use my secret stash of celery seeds to make up in flavor.

Do you hate the taste or texture more? Also I can't really see the cat pee angle. Lilies smell more like cat pee than celery does.

>> No.5723637

>not dipping it in cheez whiz

this was your mistake

>> No.5723687

>using cheese whiz

>> No.5723784

put it in a ceasar

>> No.5723798

What kind of retarded manchild thinks broccoli is "disgusting?"

>> No.5723801

The same kind of retarded manchild that thinks celery reeks of cat piss.

>> No.5723814

Celery and broccoli are both absolutely delicious, probably both my favorite vegetables. I can get where you're coming from as far as it having a kind of weird taste but the aftertaste is refreshing as heck and I adore the zing and texture. Different strokes, eh?

>> No.5723820

Celery can be a little overpowering in chunks, but it makes a phenomenal seasoning in small doses. Try adding celery flakes to any savory recipe and notice the difference

>> No.5723831

>eating celery without cheez whiz

>> No.5723871

Facts you don't like are still facts, anon.

>> No.5723962

The seeds are such a different beast from the stalks. I like celery stalks, but they're nowhere near as tasty as the seeds.

>> No.5724031

I was expecting to end with someone flushing it down the toilet or otherwise doing something horrible to it.

...I am, in a way, disappointed.

>> No.5724036

I don't understand how people can hate any vegetable. If you can't handle it in one form, put it in another. Celery is indeed a bit odd tasting raw (i would not eat more than a few bites before quitting), though in other forms it is probably my favourite thing in the world. Cook it into a stew or fry it up. It unlocks some flavours you will not get otherwise.

>> No.5724053
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Celery sucks, tru dat OP