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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 524x600, fried-cochroach-524x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5716273 No.5716273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Truth is truth. We may not like it, but that doesn’t impact on facts of the matter. And one truth that can be derived out of a discussion about the consumption of insects, is that they provide a very good source of protein. And apparently, we need protein. But that’s not all. Of the various species of bugs that are eaten (well over 1,400 that are common), they all commonly provide a low fat, low cholesterol, and high calcium and iron affair. Yes, they can be a bit slimy (and crunchy), but they are good for you. While insects are not uncommon fodder in Asia, Africa and South America; the rest of the world has not really followed suit. This probably has a lot to do with culture, perception and need.

Nevertheless, insects provide very little space to breed and generally inexpensive to do so as well. Add this to the fact that they can provide a nutritional meal, and we have all the makings of a new food group. Indeed, crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers and June beetles are just a few of the favored multi-legged delicacies available. In fact, there are a number of advocacy groups that are promoting the use of insects as a dietary staple. They have a legitimate point, especially when one considers the shortage of food in many parts of the world. Insects can provide an affordable source of the vital nutrients that humans need to survive. Granted, images of fried grasshopper may not be dancing in your head right now, but very soon you may have a craving for chocolate-covered ants. Just wait.

Is this truly the food of the future? discuss

>> No.5716277

>While insects are not uncommon fodder in Asia, Africa and South America; the rest of the world has not really followed suit. This probably has a lot to do with culture, perception and need.
And not being subhuman savages
Otherwise, tl;dr

>> No.5716278

If they can make me forget that I'm eating a bug. Sure. I'd eat it. Not necessarily forget, but as long as it doesn't look like a bug. It would be nice if we could just catch every bug and eat them but that would be very inefficient. Bug farms will probably be the norm.

>> No.5716279

No it's the food of prehistory.

>> No.5716285

I'll eat lobster, shrimp, crawfish, etc.
Ants don't sound too bad if raised in sanitary conditions.
But most insects are small and don't have a lot of meat, a tarantula or something sure. I would never eat a roach though, even ones raised in sanitary conditions I would have to be dying from hunger to even consider.

>> No.5716304


if they start growing them for food and take away the association of filth and disease from them then yes.

>> No.5716325

Arthropods that live underwater are expensive, sought-after delicacies. And the only other difference between those and surface bugs is their respective habitat.

>> No.5716329

Whatever lets you sleep at night, 3rd worlder

>> No.5716331

This, I have a friend who calls lobster and crab "sea bugs."

>> No.5716338

Are you so insecure that you have to pretend like you're better than people on the internet?

>> No.5716342


>> No.5716346

As interesting as this proposal is, the bottom line is Western countries will never accept bugs as cuisine unless something catastrophic happens and all of our McDonald's and supermarkets disappear overnight.

>> No.5716348

Can't we just mix them into other shit?

>> No.5716350

You pay out your ass to eat bugs and then pretend that you don't.

You're not superior to anyone.

>> No.5716868


But tarantulas eat roaches.

>> No.5716877

Go ahead and eat a filthy fucking cow or pig

But keep your hands off my pure and cute insects.

>> No.5716885

Bugs taste okay but
>the fucking legs getting stuck in your teeth

>> No.5716899

This, as logical as eating bugs may be, there's an ancient association between them and garbage and filth that isn't going to just disappear unless people are literally starving.

>> No.5716904



i mean i'll eat ants, bees, scorpions, seahorses, crickets; sea insects are fine too. i don't like slimy tiny shits like snails or slugs though.

>> No.5716907

> go from corn and GMO fed cattle to

> corn and GMO fed insects

Please tell me you realize that if they farmed insects in huge amounts for consumption if it actually became popular here, that they could get away with feeding insects even shittier food and keep them in vastly worse conditions than people keep most animals in today because insects are far, far less cute or anthropomorphized than a cow or pig or even a chicken.

The problem is not where we get our protein, okay? Because even if we switched to insects people would still be trying to get the biggest amount of profit for the least amount of pocket cost. You understand this?

What has to change are our methods of feeding and keeping whatever living thing we eat as protein because the problem is us. Humans. Why are we so apathetic? Why do people have to keep animals in bad conditions with bad food to try to turn a profit? Why do we let large companies get away with their practices?

People think that if we just had less cows on land and grew more crops everything would eventually become awesome, but we will still be having all the same problems.

>> No.5716915

>fried cochroach
That's not a cockroach, it's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_water_bug

>> No.5716919

I once got a chance to try dried curry crickets and dried chili meal worms. The cricket was annoying but daaaaaaamn those dried worms. If you get your head round the thought of them being worms they taste and feel like some ordinary chili snacks. Cruchy and tasty.

>> No.5716921

Hell, I could dig it.

>> No.5716922
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>pure and cute insects


>> No.5716929

Conditions and welfare aren't the problem dipshit, it is environmental impact and sating hunger we are talking about.

Go back to your organic free range vegan threads.

>> No.5716934

>companies start farming insects/bugs for food
>feed them GMO and other hormonal shit
>start having cockroaches, grasshoppers, and spiders the size of small dogs or cats
>as expected, they don't sell well
>companies go bankrupt and have no where to house these giant insects and bugs anymore
>release them into the wild
>they start breeding with normal insects and bugs somehow(100 small ants cumming inside one giant female ant+
>medium sized babies are produced

Post your face when you're going to the bathroom and you look in the mirror after washing your hands then seeing a chihuahua sized cockroach hanging out on the wall behind you in the reflection.

>> No.5716939

I've been seeing this type of thing a lot lately and it kind of irritates me. If you want people to eat insects make an insect farm and start selling them as food.

These types of posts reek of communist, "the government needs to force people to produce, sell and eat insects" ideals.

>> No.5716942

I am a happy meat eater.

Are you telling me that if insects became a food staple that you wouldn't give a shit what they were fed or what conditions they lived in? I'm not even talking about mammals man... like you go to a farm and its this shitty dusty thing with bins and bins of egg cartons with food scrap refuse thrown on top and left to rot in there and like every three weeks they just shake the cartons or whatnot and let bugs fall out into a big bin where they spray them with hot water and other shit to sanatize them but you know those motherfuckers aren't sanitized on the outside and their insides are filled with moldy food and the corpses of their bretherin plus bits of cardboard

You want to eat that? Because that's the way the majority of insects would be sent out as food to markets and fast food restaurants because people will always want to make as much money as possible no matter how.

>> No.5716960
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That's why we deep fry 'em.

>> No.5716966

If it is edible, nutritious and sustainable, I'd eat it.

Sounds like you belong in /x/ actually, for their anti government and anti gmo nonsense.

>> No.5716970

Do you really believe that hygiene management doesn't exist? Really?

>> No.5716979

I'd never put a whole insect in my mouth, but grinding them into an unrecognizable protein chunk could be bretty gud.

>> No.5716986

Insects naturally live in pretty awful conditions. You do realize this, right?

>> No.5716995

Could be the perfect ingredient for nutraloaf. Cheap and nutritious, with bonus points added for prisoners knowing what it is.

>> No.5717088

its easier to grow beans and lentils and all kinds of other plants. you just want to be edgy.

>> No.5717094

I call em water cockroaches

>> No.5717099


Dude if you support making them eat the loaf you are already making them suffer enough.

>> No.5717179

Or you could just eat beans instead

>> No.5717216

>tfw when I gorge myself on lobsters already

I wish I could easily get some bugs to eat. I want some more cheap protein that aren't beans

>> No.5717217


I had some mealworms someone brought to our food culture class that, eyes closed, would have been indistinguishable from fragments of barbecue potato chips. I'm not exaggerating either.

If it doesn't taste gross and it doesn't run the risk of getting me sick I don't care what the fuck I'm eating. Bring on the bugs. I'm not going to eat something that tastes like shit but I'm not weirded out about eating bugs.

>> No.5717220
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fuck bugs, I don't even eat lobsters, shrimp, and crabs. too buggy. I think most people would rather eat beans. I don't care if they make Boca Burger tier bug hamburger patties I'm not having any.

>> No.5717229
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>he doesn't like escargot

>> No.5717241

>Is this truly the food of the future?
no, i'm waiting for cows that produce milk constantly without being pregnant

let's go gmo

>> No.5717246

I'd go swimming in the ocean
I wouldn't walk barefoot in a garbage dump
I'd probably eat bugs if I knew they were clean and disease free
and tasted good
which is number 1

>> No.5717255

>implying the ocean is much cleaner

you can't smell water anon, you'd drown. ocean is filthy and crustaceans are bottom dwelling oversized roaches in a scentless garbage dump.

>> No.5717269

I think this is the problem a lot of people have with bugs, they look like bugs, they're never prepared in away they doesn't look like the whole deal. With other forms of meat it's usally just a cut of something that barely resembles what it once was or in the case of whole chicken looks so alien from the living thing.

>> No.5717277

Fuck off with your jewish NWO bullsit
there is absolutely no reason for me to eat bugs

>> No.5717286

I have eaten bugs. Everytime I vomited. Those legs. Those fucking sharp legs I cannot handle.

>> No.5717288

I never said the ocean was cleaner
I said that I would eat things directly from the ocean
after cooking them of course

>> No.5717292

>you can't smell water
you can idiot
don't put your nose in the water

>> No.5717294

Yes, and we don't eat them. Farm raised insects for maps consumption should not live in the same kind of environment. We have the capability to raise them in much cleaner environments which would then make them more appealing to consumers.

Of course hygiene maintenance is a thing. Hundreds if not thousands of people across the united stares have that job. That doesn't mean a place is going to be up to standard 100% of the time. Just like current hygiene standards, its not generally ideal and could be done a lot better if not for apathy and money reasons. That kind of stuff works like many large businesses.... you do minimum because its too much for the bosses to care about to monitor shit too closely and the only time everyone collectively gives a shit is when the Big Boss or inspector is scheduled to go by and the workers spend the week before cleaning the shit out of everything and getting yelled at for every little thing because the local boss is afraid of not passing the check.

Even better, the inspector and big boss also generally don't give a shit about general operations because it would make more work for them.... they just want to see things going smoothly for the few hours they are there and then they fuck off until the next inspection.

This is how big businesses work. Sometimes you get someone who actually cares but eventually the whole process wears down on them too.

Instead of just basically posting that I am wrong, can you explain why I am wrong so I can take that information and consider it and, you know, learn from it?

>> No.5717296

Give me one good reason why I, personally, as a white man living in America should consider eating a bug.

>> No.5717301

so how re they different than roaches, other than the fact that you can't smell the toxic filthy they live in, can't smell the dead meat they consume, and they aren't crawling up your dresser at 3 in the morning?

they are fucking gross. drop a dead pig tied to a cinder block in the shallows, I bet crustaceans would swarm to it like flies on shit. or like roaches and flies to a corpse.

>> No.5717326

Their flesh is succulent and tender. it's not a bag of goo. It also is cleaner than terrestrial bugs and easier to clean

>> No.5717352

Surface bugs live in environments far more diverse than the garbage dump, even disregarding their natural habitats. Would you not walk barefoot in your own fucking house?

>> No.5717362

Because soon you won't have a choice.

>> No.5717368

fuck off kike

>> No.5717370

>Their flesh is succulent and tender. it's not a bag of goo.
Cooking surface bugs the same way you cook water bugs would do the same thing to them. They'd have the same texture.

> It also is cleaner than terrestrial bugs and easier to clean
This is just willful ignorance. You're purposely ignoring the filth that water bugs live in and eat because you don't want to think about it.

>> No.5717378

live in filth =! eat filth

water bugs (and clams, scallops, fish etcetc) are really easy to clean.

show me a shelled and delicious looking platter of cockroaches

>> No.5717383

*we eat filth

bugs are like pigs, they turn filth and garbage into flesh

>> No.5717448

feels like it has a lot in common with pigs and other animals that are naturally foragers: you don't want to eat them unless they've been eating the right stuff

>> No.5717469

I dont mind eating bugs but they dont taste good. the taste ranges from bad to acceptable but never good.

you eat bugs when you are eating to survive. I dont now and never will have to eat for survival. every meal I have is because I want to have it, not because I need to have it.

>> No.5717481
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>implying the ocean is much cleaner

But it is...

>> No.5717537

I don't like eating guts of other animals/insects. I have friends that eat everything inside a crayfish while I can only bring myself to eat the tail with the poop tube removed.

However, in a survival situation, I could care less since it is edible. It just isn't palatable for me. Hell, even in a survival situation I'd have more vegetation I know how to eat and wouldn't need insects most likely.

>> No.5717543

>go to Mcdonald's
>get a basket of GMO fed cockroaches slathered in HFCS-based sauces

Oh boy.

To answer your questions a bit,


That's where it starts.

>> No.5717552
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I think they mean giant water bug.

Here's a giant water bug. I wonder what it'd taste like.

>> No.5717558

They're virtually tasteless on their own though.
I've eaten crickets before. At least they're crunchy.

>> No.5717559
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>> No.5717918

I don't see why you'd jump straight to "let's all eat bugs" unless we were in a starvation situation and that was all the food available

>they all commonly provide a low fat, low cholesterol, and high calcium and iron affair.

Okay, you start eating cockroaches and earthworms, I'll just have some oatmeal

>> No.5717944

I, for one, welcome bug flour.

Mitigates pretty much all factors.

>> No.5717954

I would much rather switch to something like sardines.

I could eat some pickled herring on a bagel every day and not give a fuck.

>> No.5717963


I just don't see the point of it. If you're looking for something "high in protein, low in fat, low in cholesterol" and all that, we already have that. We can eat beans and grains like most of the world already does, and by doing that we also get extra nutrients in the form of phytochemicals.

>> No.5717970

I could get down with something fortified with bugs or something. I've eaten scorpion, and it wasn't bad. Crunchy. It's just very far away from anything I've been brought up eating, and those mental barriers are tough.

>> No.5719056

I'm afraid I'll hate the texture and consistency. I already dread most fast food/junk food because if you accidently happen to chew that stuff it's really vile, especially the meat.

Chewing a McDonald's cheeseburger is actually what cured me of going there.

Also, bugs look scary as fuck. I literally am afraid of hurting myself in some way by eating them and their hardy chitinous exoskeleton, pokey stingers, etc. Not to mention the weird chemicals they carry around to protect themselves.

Having said that, grind them up and offer to me as powder, or as a homogenous mass and I'll eat them.

>> No.5719059

I think this comes with the prediction that around year 2045 or so, we will have entirely ruined the sea with our fishing, and there's no more stopping, or something along these lines. Since fish farms won't really be able to cover our demand in fish, we'll have to look for other stuff.

If this is true, I'm actually a bit excited because it's going to happen well within my lifetime that we screwed up something this big for good.

>> No.5719100

Is that a fucking bug about to devour a baby turtle?

>> No.5719109

Japanese TV show 2014-08-19

>> No.5719503

remove the legs then?

>> No.5719635
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>> No.5719644


Again though, why are bugs the immediate fallback option? If any change is needed, it'd make sense for people to adopt a more vegetarian/vegan diet

>> No.5719690

I have the same stance on this as I do on Soylent Green; if you process the hell out of it to the point at which I cannot determine the constituent ingredients and it tastes good, I'd give it a shot.

>> No.5719721

Could be (Just my opinion) because promoting a total vegetarian/vegan option is trying to accelerate evolution past its normal pace.

You'll hear a lot of the meat eating anti-vegans proclaiming we have canines for tearing of meat. That's true, can't deny that. we DID evolve a need for meat protein to survive in our earlier days. While we may not have to subside on so much meat anymore thanks to global farming and shipping, we are still in an evolutionary stage that has equipment designed for meat, and ignoring that is tantamount to playing God. Telling people to not eat any meat, and just eat soy, and drink almond milk, is basically saying that what natural adaptive process got us to this point should be acknowledged and praised, and then conveniently forgotten because meat can be icky and too damaging to the environment to raise/slaughter. Bugs don't solve the icky, but they do solve the second, all without ignoring a few million years of evolutionary advance.

>> No.5719823
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>100 small ants cumming inside one giant female ant

>> No.5721321

And then we eat the tarantulas, circle of life.

>> No.5721345


>You'll hear a lot of the meat eating anti-vegans proclaiming we have canines for tearing of meat. That's true, can't deny that.

The problem is canine teeth don't mean meat eaters. We did not evolve a need for animal protein. Your account of history and human evolution is inaccurate.

>Telling people to not eat any meat, and just eat soy, and drink almond milk

You have a fundemental misunderstanding of what a vegetarian/vegan diet is. Soy and almond milk is your view of a pop cultural vegan diet, not a necessity of a diet that doesn't involve meat. I don't really know what to tell you aside from that you ought to do research on things before making emotion-based arguments about them.

>> No.5721389
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Snowpiercer protein blocks anyone?

I almost never get a response from vegans but I'll try anyway.
What is hard to understand about the fact that people like the taste of meat?

>> No.5721398


Nobody's arguing what you like to eat, I'm just saying that your version of history is just what you believe history should be based on what you feel human history should be. It isn't a proper way to argue against a plant-based diet

>> No.5721408

Well I'm not the guy you're discussing this shit with but I would agree with you that our diet has and should be plant based. Not exclusively green leaves but about 90% plant matter.
That doesn't exclude the occasional hunt/chunk of meat though.
All the great apes love some meat every now and then. It's good.

>> No.5721409
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>I like meat
>after I fry it, boil it, grill it, burn it, salt it and cover it with sugar.

>> No.5721418


Sure, if you like meat, eat it. It should be clarified that it isn't necessary though, and it may offer more benefit to eat even less of it or elminate it altogether. The only diet so far shown to consistently cure and prevent our leading cause of death, for example, has been a meatless diet made up of whole plant foods. The guy can eat beetles and termites if he wants, but people could be just as well off if not moreso if they just ate some more plants instead.

>> No.5721421

>look at my new gadget! It is worse than what you're using at the moment, but in the future everyone will HAVE to use it because I say so, so if you get it now then you get to act smug and feel ahead of the curve compared to all the other plebs who aren't as up to date as you!

No. See also - soylent.

>> No.5721462

Locusts are the only kosher insect right?

Also, why not look towards more fish farming? The main problem would probably be water treatment, which is a huge pain in the ass. I would imagine fish take less space and money to raise than cattle.

>> No.5721465

Cure? Do I really need to explain why that is a dumb statement? I will if I have to.

>> No.5721468

I like blue rare steak. Get at me.

>> No.5721474


Go ahead and explain. Our number 1 killer is heart disease, said diet has been shown to arrest and reverse the plaque build-up in the arteries, effectively curing patients of their illness. In what way is curing heart disease not curing heart disease?

>> No.5721486

Because it has more to do with sitting on your fat ass all day than what you eat.

You want to cure heart disease? Get people to exercise and have a well balanced diet with non cow servings.

You can get heart disese by eating vegetables just as easily as eating meat, if not more so. Ever hear of them French fried pertaters? Fry them in vegetable oil for even more lolsy irony.

>> No.5721489


>Because it has more to do with sitting on your fat ass all day than what you eat.

If that were true, we'd have more diets curing heart disease, but we don't. People who are physically active wouldn't get heart disease, but they do.

>You can get heart disese by eating vegetables just as easily as eating meat, if not more so

Definitely not moreso, but sure, you can get heart disease from fatty, junky, non-meat diets. Nobody's advocating french fries potato chips though, the suggest foods were beans and whole grains, both of which are regularly shown to reduce heart disease risk.

>> No.5721501

Wow so much fucking ignorance in this post it's overwhelming.

Are you really trying to say being sedentary does not increase your risk?

Nobody is advocating bacon deep fried in bacon fat either. Fucking bugs.

God you are dumb/ignorant/trolling.

>> No.5721504


>Are you really trying to say being sedentary does not increase your risk?

I'm saying it's not the root cause, or primary cause, of heart disease, nor a cure in and of itself.

>Nobody is advocating bacon deep fried in bacon fat either. Fucking bugs.

The point wasn't against bugs, who knows what effect a bug-based diet has on health. The point was saying we have to eat bugs because we can't eat a scientifically proven diet of healthy whole plant foods is unjustified. Instead of being mad, just say "oh, you're right, sorry"

>> No.5721511

It is half of the cause, if not 2/3rds. This is proven by the fact that heart disease is only the leading killer in the sedentary, lazy, sit down all day at the office developed world.

People have been eating bugs just as long as they have been eating plants without a problem. Who the fuck is talking about basing their entire diet.on bugs anyways?

Part of the OP's point is that bugs are cheaper, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly than raising meat. And guess what? That goes for literally every crop grown on an industrial scale.

As I said, retard or troll.

>> No.5721516


The problem is you're making things up that you feel are correct but aren't proven by any science. Here's the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology to explain what causes heart disease


Cholesterol is the only factor that by itself can cause heart disease, and you don't get under 150mg/dl or under 70mg/dl of LDL by exercising, you get it from what you eat. As the man points out, if people would become vegetarian fruit eaters, we wouldn't need to prescribe statin drugs to people. It doesn't matter if you sit on your ass all day, if your diet is clean, you cannot physiologically develop atherosclerotic plaques.

Goodnight, friend

>> No.5721526



Sweet dreams, dumbass.

>> No.5721527

otay let me put it this way I ate bugs/insects in usaf survival school (also snake and armadillo (possum on the half shell you were taught to survive.about itat one point we were allowed worms off some corn, but not corn if you like it, have at it. just not much up for that.To be honest, I dislike dates, because they remind me of cockroaches

>> No.5721529

The basis for our disgust of things associated with rot and decay like flies and maggots is genetic, and I would hypothesize that our disgust towards insects is, to a great degree, derived from this innate revulsion. The more similar stuff looks to flies and maggots, the less people will be willing to eat it.

>> No.5721533

Unless they live in not-Europe-or-North-America-stan


>> No.5721586

and then the roaches and tarantulas eat us
the ciiiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiife

>> No.5721632
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>my person of familial relation
Although I prefer GM with the lower vertebrates at the most, like fish. Our mammal kin should hold a place of their own above our science and not be subjugated for our benefit. But hot damn, do I love me some some bacon and beef jerky.

>> No.5721633

I will NEVER willingly ingest an insect of any kind.

My protein comes from mammals thank you very much, and that will never change.

I'd sooner eat long pork

>> No.5721643
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>> No.5721647
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>> No.5721648

>I like vegetables
>After I fry them, boil them, grill them, burn them, steam them, salt them, and cover them with soy based sauces

Works both ways faggot

>> No.5721649

>I wonder what it'd taste like.
That's the taste of nope.

>> No.5721661

That'd be impossible unless our atmosphere's oxygen levels change dramatically.

>> No.5722211


First link is basically the diet equivalent of a young-earth creationist website

Second link cites lack of exercise as a cause but not the root cause. As the editor of the American Journal of Cardiology said in the previous article

>>Of the various atherosclerotic risk factors, which one is an absolute prerequisite for development of atherosclerosis?
>The answer is hypercholesterolemia. if the serum total cholesterol is 90 to 140 mg/dL, there is no evidence that cigarette smoking, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, inactivity, or obesity produces atherosclerotic plaques. Hypercholesterolemia is the only direct atherosclerotic risk factor; the others are indirect.

>> No.5723017

Not defending vegans but you can eat most vegetables raw

>> No.5723277
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>mfw I would go to town on that thing