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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5712451 No.5712451 [Reply] [Original]

I have Crohn's. I am currently having some sort of eating disorder and I am losing weight. Can anyone plan a simple diet that I can stay on 70kg? I'm on 67kg and 1.74cm now..

>> No.5712453

Why would you ask anyone but a doctor or a crohns disease forum about this?

>> No.5712454

They told me to talk with the Dietitian, I talked with her, and they told me to just eat my mother's food.
But I can't eat any of it. I still live with my parents and I barley eat what my mom makes and if I can't eat, she throws it away. Suddenly, I don't like my mom's dishes.

>> No.5712457

...how old are you?

>> No.5712460


>> No.5712462



>> No.5712463


>> No.5712464

Let's start with this: Why do you not eat your mothers food? Do you not like it? You talk as though you can't physically put it in your moth, chew and then swallow it.

>> No.5712469

The food itself is sometimes disgusting to me. For example, I ate now a sausage with some rice but it wasn't much. It just wasn't tasty and sometimes it gives me a throw-up reflex when I chew it.
My doctor said that all of that eating disorder could happen because of the meds im taking? one of them is flagyl

>> No.5712476

So if you're under 18, get the fuck out.

>> No.5712481

I have a good friend with crohn's disease and he has had a similar problem. Eating was tough for him sometimes because of intense nausea and vomiting. Anything he was able to keep down went right through him.

I think what you're gonna need to do is find simple palatable foods with a high caloric content that you can easily stomach. Try eating lots of chicken and beef, potatoes and rice and healthy fats like nuts, olive oil and avocados. Be careful of your fiber intake as that can fuck your colon up if your flare-up has not calmed down and allowed it to heal.

>> No.5712485

you have to figure out what food triggers you have

honestly since crohn's is a chronic and serious condition I would recommend an elimination diet if you can realistically do one, which I imagine you can't if you live with your parents

It's not unlike IBS in the sense that while there are many more common triggers, individuals can be triggered by many different things and it varies greatly from person to person

>> No.5712490

My diet is limited to chicken, beef, potatoes, rice and nuts?

>> No.5712512


No. I was merely making a few suggestions. If you're concerned about keeping weight on then you need to make sure you get your calories in while not aggravating your condition.

>> No.5712517

Yes, but how do I do that?

>> No.5712525

Try what >>5712485. Try eating different things that you can eat/drink that don't make you feel like shit. It might not be quick and easy at first but once you find the things that you can consume comfortably focus on eating those and avoiding triggers.

>> No.5712528

Only eat bland foods that won't aggravate you.
Doesn't mean tasteless or boring, just less exciting and varied.

>> No.5712531

Dietitians are fucking useless, I have found. I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, and was practically a skellington. I talked to this dietician (who was a fat bitch) who kept saying "Muh portion sizes." Was the most useless advice.

>> No.5713158

My cousin (22) has Crohns and was diagnosed when she was around 11. When she first started her steroids she could not eat and became very thin. She has since then gained her weight back but still can not eat raw veggies and more. I remember when she was young she would eat a lot of Hamburger Helper because it was tasty, mushy, and high in calories.
If your mum sees you not eating her food and being unhappy/hungry you should talk to her about things you feel inclined to eat. She cares for your wellbeing. All mothers turn into sad grief stricken bags of tears when their babies begin to lose weight and get sick.

>> No.5713178

you need to talk to another dietician

>> No.5713235

Ask your GP. Most hospitals have a trained dietitian.

>> No.5713322

unless you are muscular you can remain at a lower weight, you'll be healthier too.

>> No.5713328

Fish and oily soup stocks

>> No.5713707

If you think one of the meds you're on is making you nauseous, you can either ask your doc for a prescription for odansetron (really effective anti-nausea med), or ask to switch to something else.

>> No.5713937

I also have Crohn's but eat whatever the fuck I want, maybe man up a little?

>> No.5713944

Are you Tom thumb?

>> No.5715001
File: 15 KB, 300x309, DAMMIT+NEW+Pasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit fills me with rage

>> No.5715140

OP i have UC which is similar to crohns but no the same, belongs to the same band of diseases.

you will find that certain foods will make you worse so its all trial and error, from what i know of greasy foods are bad for your gut so try to avoid them and dont stop eating, i'm going through what you are going through at the moment but im getting better, i feel that the less i eat the less i shit so it makes sense not to eat.
Dont do this, instead try and eat small amounts often, find stuff that healthy and that you can snack on, im eating peanuts at the moment, just raw without any thing added.

dont let this get to you, i was diagnosed a year ago and im still getting used to it

theres a whole bunch of us on here so you have support if you need it