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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5712818 No.5712818 [Reply] [Original]

"what do you mean it's done, anon? you have to thoroughly cook it, it's still raw"

so how good are/were your parents in the kitchen? including the ability to provide well a balanced diet for a child

>> No.5712826

Some poor cow gave its life for some asshole to do that.
>shoe leather steak
>not even once

>> No.5712831

Mmm. That and a bottle of ketchup, and you've got yourself one tasty dinner!

>> No.5712834

My mom gets a 9.5/10 for serving well-balanced meals for my brother and I. Then again she's a dietician so she should.

She gets about a 5/10 for making stuff taste good though. If we had steak, it would be lean cuts and be disgustingly well-done. She would grill chicken breasts with no seasoning at all and serve it like a dish. She said if it needed salt or pepper we could do that when she served it. That's how she fucking likes her food.

Mostly the only things she made that tasted good were desserts.

I love you mom, but you don't know how to make good tasting food.

>> No.5712864


Meat, veggies and starch offered every dinner, breakfast was my choice because my parents didn't cook breakfast except weekends occasionally-it was pretty normal on Sunday.

Lunch was bought school lunches- I got to choose, I could have packed much more healthy lunches if wanted too.

Provisions for extremely healthy meals were there when it was my choice, and were provided when they prepared the meals.

>> No.5712866

tbh my dad was always great, mom got great too

>> No.5712889

My mom was awesome.

The only cooking my dad does is on the grill. But if the steak has even a little pink in it, he'll say it isn't done. I have to cook my own if I don't want it completely dry.

>> No.5712918

Get out now.

>> No.5712928

Very southern cooking. Lots of butter, bacon, starches and boiling until everything turned grayish.

My parents were super paranoid about food poisoning so all my meats were cooked until dry.

Luckily I've coaxed them out of it with balanced meals, not boiling everything in bacon fat and teaching them about proper meat temperatures.

>> No.5713184

When I started to post on /fit/ and actually look into macros and shit I was genuinely shocked (I guess I still am) that some "recommended" 300 grams of carbs. I lived my entire childhood life "low-carb" because my parents would serve me lots of whole meats and very few carbs. If there were carbs it was in the morning in the make of homeade pancakes or waffles or a sandwich made for lunch or a pasta or rice dish for dinner, but never all three.

My parents are both fantastic cooks and make everything from scratch. My mother is alos an avid baker and bakes pan de mie, brioche, baguettes, pitas and flat bread on a semi-regular basis. As a child I had chicken almost every night as a child, made in the oven or grilled with variable sides usually including tomato, radishes, carrots and broccoli. Sometimes we'd have spaghetti with homeade meat sauce, or pork or fried fish or steak. I got a ton of protein as a kid. My parents are pretty bomb.

>> No.5713214

My dad was a professional chef and my mom managed a high end resort. I was exposed to really good food from an early age. Unfortunately they didn't make us try things and me and my siblings remained picky little shits until we grew up.

Neither of them was very good at providing a balanced diet, flavor was the main concern. When I started to get fat in middle school and I requested healthier foods they said I should just go exercise.

>> No.5713221

If you didn't cook it over a grill it would have been fine.

>> No.5713224

My step-dad was a chef.
mid-rare steaks all day, nigga.

>> No.5713260

Mom was a good cook, learned early from old southern women so it was basic sticktoyourribs classics..

Dad on the other hand taught himself bachelor cooking so everything is extremely overseasoned with muh Cajun and muh spicy.. he also cant do anything by direction and thinks he has to add a twist to everything. Also likes to make "stews" which literally consists of him raiding the pantry and throwing everything together in a slop that doesn't make sense.

My main gripe is that my parents don't understand cookware.. They literally use industrial boning/meat butchery knives to do EVERYTHING (they got a box from a butcher friend). I go to chop an onion and am given a half inch scalpel to do it with.

luckily, I learned from mom

>> No.5713282

>My dad was a professional chef and my mom managed a high end resort
I read this as "my mom was a high end escort."

>> No.5713285

My mom's a generally shitty mom and can't cook for shit. It's my dad's fault, really. He's a picky little bitch and doesn't eat veggies so none of us did. Eventually all dinner was was meat and pasta; if we had spaghetti it was just a big plate of it. They also thought it was fine for me to just eat multiple packs of ramen each day until dinner and let me drink nothing but soda. NOTHING BUT SODA. Naturally I was a fat little shit that would go weeks without pooping.

>> No.5713289

Terrible my dad never learned to cook and my mother should be locked away for child abuse.
I am fat because of the terrible cooking and eating habits of my mom, like really fat.

However since moving out on my own and wanted to eat good foods after getting a GF. I now eat better and the weight is coming off. Feels good anons feels really good.

>> No.5713326

My mom is a pretty good cook, but my dad doesn't cook at all. So I grew up eating balanced, home-cooked meals, but after my parents got divorced dad cooked mostly pasta and frozen meatballs/sausage, and my mom cooked less and started buying us shit like hot pockets and Doritos to snack on. But after my bro and I started getting fat she stepped up her game and switched back to healthier meals. I lost probably 25 lbs in high school just from eating oatmeal for breakfast and turkey sandwiches for lunch nearly every day.

Overall I'd say I'm a better cook than either of my parents now, but I definitely have my mom to thank for giving me a foundation in the basics of cooking.

On a slightly unrelated note, both grandmothers were fucking awesome cooks, but one's dead and the other is too old to bother anymore ;_;

>> No.5713358

>having to eat shitty food everyday because someone in the family is a picky faggot

this is why i hated eating dinner at home, my mom always made really disgusting stuff to appease my siblings who refused to eat vegetables that werent smothered in some over-rich sauce or cheese or something.
I fucking loved and still do love salmon, but the only way she'd make it is totally covered in this honey garlic sauce because my brother whined about not liking the taste of anything good

>> No.5713383

I'm >>5713326. One thing I am extremely thankful for is that my parents never tolerated picky eating. Even from the time I was 3 or 4 they would make a plate for me, and if I complained about the main course it was "well, we're not making anything else, so either eat that or don't eat." If I picked around my vegetables and only ate the meat and starch, they wouldn't let me take a second helping unless I finished my vegetables. Because of this I am the exact opposite of a picky eater, and even loved broccoli by the time I was 4.

Now my dad raises my half-sister with a completely laizzes faire attitude towards what she eats, and she's extremely overweight as a result, and won't eat any vegetables. One time for Sunday dinner we made spaghetti and meatballs, and she would only eat plain pasta with butter, because my mom made the mistake of telling her that the meatballs and sauce contained garlic and onions. It's very sad to watch an unhealthy, picky eater develop before your very eyes.

>> No.5713397

very unhealthy diet growing up because parents were very busy with work and I was a picky eater

9/10 on actual cooking though, well balanced and taste good. Knew how to cook all sorts of shit

>> No.5713409

I don't even understand how one could dislike broccoli, I've seen it so many times as a gag in cartoons with kids. I liked it from day one and it's not even "bearable", is bretty fukken tasty.

I think my pickyness went in reverse. I used to eat chicken cartilages as a kid. They make me gag by now.

>> No.5713416

Mom is 8/10
Grandma is 7/10
Great-grandma was 100/10

>> No.5713436

Mom used to make balanced food but I hate her limited recipes, she wouldn't cook anything new it was an interminable cicle of meat love meatballs and flavorless boiled fish

>> No.5713460

Same with my grandpa. He only drinks Sam's Cola from Walmart and all he eats on pizza is cheese. My aunt learned from him, she's now 21 and somehow only weighs like 100 pounds. I'm a pretty picky eater as well, but I'm getting better. I only like meat and cheese on burgers, and even thought my family is 100% Sicilian, the only pasta sauce I like is that industrial-produced, overly-thick pasta sauce that has no chunks in it, just tomatoes and sugar. Ma is 10/10 cook. Maternal Grandmother 10/10. Paternal grandparents 3/10, only good thing about their cooking is macaroni and cheese, chicken parm, and desserts. Dad gets a 0/10. Step-dad gets a 10/10.

>> No.5713463

>falling for bait
>being a white knight for the boards honor

>> No.5713474


Boil it to mush, drain it, slap it on a plate where it goes cold fast. And don't use fresh broccoli.

>> No.5713484

Parents are split up. So I remember as a kid, food with both families was very different.
Mother's side-Pasta, pizza, lots of spices, great recipes, rare steak, great chicken, tacos, etc. What would be considered to be normal food. But my mother's side is working-class, while my father's is middle-class. So, growing up I thought having multiple things at dinner was fancy and for Thanksgiving.
Dad's family-Very meat and potatoes. Usually tough, un-seasoned, dried out meat off my grandpa's grill, mashed or baked potatoes, corn, etc. I thought it was really fuckin weird. And as a kid, when I'd go to my mother's it'd be like 'Hey ma what are we having for dinner?' and the answer would be like 'Tacos' or 'Ziti' or 'Chicken *insert weird-ass word here*' and that was it. One dish, maybe some corn. Because we were poor. And then the next day 'Hey dad, what are we having for dinner?' 'Pork chops, mashed potatoes, asparagus.' and y'know...that's not exactly what a kid would consider 'good' food. So one day I just raged at him. 'Why can't we ever eat anything normal?! Tacos, chicken, why is it always a big thing? It's not Thanksgiving!' Now that I live on my own I make the stuff my mother's side always had, but with mashed potatoes and green beans and stuff, that stuck with me.

>> No.5713494
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My mom is great with baking and okay with cooking. She does overcook some things, like eggs, but otherwise it's balanced. Two things she doesn't tolerate are people not cleaning the meat and making soup on Sundays.

I've rarely saw my dad cook other than octopus, dumplings, fried bake and pic related.

>> No.5713501

>Two things she doesn't tolerate are people not cleaning the meat and making soup on Sundays.


>> No.5713511

My mom only made a few dishes while we were growing up. There was always stuff to make salads and I used to eat a lot of albacore tuna.

Overall, she's not adventurous and thinks that a sauce made from scratch makes me an excellent cook.

Variety - 2/10. Taste 8/10. Gumbo 10/10

>> No.5713522

>tfw mcdonlands e'ry day.

>> No.5713527

My parents are Caribbean and its a cultural thing. So I guess they grew up accustomed to using lime/vinegar and salt to marinate or scrub the meat before seasoning. Apparently it gets rids of the rid of the 'raw' smell/taste even after cooking it thoroughly.

>> No.5713532

B-but you still love your dad right?

>> No.5713555

my mom cooked french and we were poor
nutrition was so-so, I grew up pretty fat but also extraordinarily healthy and gifted, and large. I've never broken a bone, despite doing stupid shit, was in honors and ap classes through my entire life, and my max squat was 800lbs

taste was probably around 8/10. nothing she cooked was bad tasting, but could have been better. she mostly fed us vegetables and vege protein. meat was usually chicken and sometimes lamb

i had my first steak at 20

>> No.5713559

What is that? looks tasty!

My mom cooked every night or had our house-sitter make some healthy lean meat, carbohydrate and lots of veggies. Of course being a kid I always spoiled my appetite with cheerios and peanut butter toast. Bonus as she always packed me a healthy sandwhich lunch through highschool.

My Dad would make bachelor food, tuna casserole, grill steak/chicken/fish and make some amazing pancakes/waffles on weekend mornings.

Though it wasn't extremely healthy and I wish she would have made more things from scratch.

I'm going to be an excellent cook for my family, and make my kids lunch everyday. Can't wait!

>> No.5713561

800 lbs? Lol that would put you up in the record range for raw lifting

>> No.5713563

tbh she probably was
several women i know have whored themselves out. but it was spur of the moment richfag saying "i'll give you 1k to sleep with me tonight"

working at a resort means she probably got many offers of that nature

>> No.5713569

really? i only did it a couple times because it fucking hurt, just one of those gym hijinks kids get up to

though i makes sense. in the army i was pretty good at humvee races

>> No.5713570

9/10, too much pasta and not enough potatoes

>> No.5713578

yes nigger

>> No.5713585

Dad is a professionally trained chef so
bretty fuckin gud in the kitchen I suppose

>> No.5713590

The same few dishes over and over again. Mom can't eat chicken or beef, and can sometimes tolerate fish, so we ate a lot of ground turkey. Browned and put into spaghetti sauce, in meatloaf, in gravy, etc. Occasionally she'd bake chicken, but she never used a thermometer, so she cooked it until it was "firm", dried out. Same with pork chops. Pork tenderloin was usually pretty good. We'd get a lot of potatoes, and veggies were usually carrots, green beans, or corn.

Dad also only had a few meals that he cooked, usually grilled items.

I learned to cook from my grandmother, and her backing was phenomenal. The only problem is that I can never quite get some things to come out as good as she did them, like hermit cookies. She never measured, she just used a bit of this, a pour of that, a pinch of that, and a knots of this, and it always came out the same.

Mom - 7/10

Dad - 7/10

Gram - Orgasm/10

>> No.5713595

>Mom can't eat chicken or beef

>> No.5713598

My mother is pretty good at cooking, learned a lot from her. She's experimenting a little too much and doesn't care properly for pan or knives though, which can be pretty annoying when you cook with her.
My father doesn't know much about cooking, but the (very) few things he knows how to cook, how cooks very well.

>> No.5713599


I know its weird. Its some kind of psychological block, the taste makes her stomach turn. Shit, she can't even been around a grill if burgers are being grilled.

>> No.5713606

My mother had three recipes.
Spaghetti - which was more like soup, you had to eat it from a bowl.
Tacos - assembled whole and then deep fried. Probably her best dish.
Lemon Pepper Chicken - Cooked until it was as dry as leather.

I didn't see my first slice of wheat bread until I was 18...

>> No.5713658

Dad cooked mostly when my parents were together mainly meats (steaks and burgers) made some good American Chop Suey.

Mother made chicken and pasta mainly. A better baker.

Grandpa best cook.
He makes Esceroll soup. Apricot Chicken. HOMEMADE PIZZA AND PASTA

>tfw I was told to try new things everyday

>> No.5713667

My parents were pretty bad. These days their diet consists mostly of boxed wine, tortilla chips, pickles and ice cream. I never see them eat full meals unless we're at a restaurant.

Growing up, mom's idea of breakfast was a sandwich of bacon on buttered bread (not toast). Dinner, when she chose to make it, was noodles mixed into a can of soup.

Any meat that anyone ate always had to be well-done i.e. charcoal to protect us from bacteria.

All milk was nonfat, "it's healthier".

All butter was imitation butter spread, "it's healthier".

She always found an excuse to go to a restaurant on holidays and birthdays. When my sister and I decided to cook a Thanksgiving dinner, she declared that she "could have done it if she wanted to".

>> No.5713702

How is it bait, he was just joking. Not every satirical comment is bate, sometimes it's just a funny thing. Calm down

>> No.5713728

>I didn't see my first slice of wheat bread until I was 18...
holy shit man, where do you live?

>> No.5713732

My parents are obese, and think they don't eat poorly. My mom has never made a thing from scratch in her life. She buys all her sauces and seasonings pre packaged. Doesn't know how to season anything. Buys low fat versions of everything even though I've shown her that many low fat ranch dressings have more calories overall than regular ranch. My gf and I were at my parent's house once and I were talking about making pancakes, and asked my mom why she didn't have flour or baking powder, and she responded that she had pancake mix already from the store. Boggles the mind

>> No.5713735
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Granny was a great cook I don't remember anything that wasn't at least good. My mom made a shit ton of casserole dishes when I was real young which I remember being slightly nasty.

>> No.5713738

Pretty good food, bad portion sizes.

Neither of my parents are amazing cooks, but they consistently produce edible results.

We are all fat.

>> No.5713838

mom's cooking was always varied, but not a lot of spices. mainly thyme/marjoram/garlic if anything, made for bland food.

grandma's cooking, on the other hand

>> No.5713915

My mom, dad and stepdad could all cook quite well. We'd eat tasty, balanced meals pretty much every day and on special occasions have some really nice dishes.

When I moved out and started cooking for myself I started asking advice and sharing what I'd learned with them and everyone was receptive rather than set in their ways.

The only complaint I'd have is that nobody in my family, myself included, can barbecue for shit.

>> No.5713922
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My parents "cooking" was the main reason I forced myself to learn the basics in my youth. I am a pretty mediocre cook because of it now thank god.

My dad can only make top ramen (which he would drain like pasta and mix with the packet and butter. Hated top ramen a long time because I thought it was how it was prepared), grilled cheese, and steak. He would only buy the lower quality steaks and half were freezer-burnt since he bought everything bulk, but when rarely given good ingredients he could make a good steak and some potato salad. That was literally it though. He also worked like 80 hour weeks so it was rare for him to cook anyways.

Mom pretty much did everything 2 steps wrong thus the ending dish turned out horrible. Always tried to double the recipe, without the understanding how that worked. Most things were overcooked, watery, or super dry. She took everyone to flavortown in a unique way, by everyone being so hungry after that disgusting meal they would hop in the car and drive to a mcdonalds or something.

When parents got divorced, mom had to work full hours again and just didn't even bother cooking. Which at first was awesome, but I was getting fast food for literally every single meal of the day so I gained literally 150 pounds living with my mother over my middle school years. At which point, I learned to cook for myself and lost quite a bit of weight. Still chubby, but I can convince girls to have sex with me now so alls good.

>> No.5713927


>> No.5714067

They're both good at the balanced diet stuff.

Dad is good at cooking, though he did little enough of it as I was growing up.

Mum is bad at cooking, and is only getting worse as she gets older.

Every time I go home and mum cooks something she serves it an apologises before we start eating. She has some aversion to tasting things as she goes and has never, not even once in my life, managed to boil vegies properly. She also doesn't season anything and seems to have little or no concept of flavours and what does/doesn't work together.

>> No.5714089

Love the Maillard reaction on the right

>> No.5714206

what a fucking sperg

>> No.5714284

Mom has always been a fairly good cook, but she's definitely gotten better as she's gotten older. Now a lot of her cooking is GOAT. I think the only thing she couldn't do well was make a steak or burger patty. My dad always made up for that though.

My father almost never did- mostly because my mom never didn't until it was bbq season. But when he did he could make damn near anything perfectly, a little bit on the spicy side which sucked when I was a kid, but nowadays I fucking love it.
Both of them taught me to be experimental in my cooking, so I go pretty out of my way to find exotic ingredients and recipes to incorporate into my cooking, which kind of teaches them, so I like to think I've been helping my mom a lot in terms of flavor profiles.

>> No.5714285


What about the soup on sundays?

>> No.5714291

I am now going to the kitchen to hug my steaming basket..

>> No.5714302

Don't have a mom, but my dad's cooking abilities extend to hamburger helper and hot dogs. That said, he can at least properly appreciate different flavors and stayed out of the way when I cooked.
Only bad thing was that he put sriracha on fucking EVERYTHING.

>> No.5714310

My mom couldn't cook but my dad was a professional chef. The food was great. He was also good at gardening and used a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables from his garden. I really loved his tomato sauce. He grew the tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil. Since he was Greek, he cooked a lot of Greek and other Mediterranean foods.

>> No.5714355

>I don't even understand how one could dislike broccoli, I've seen it so many times as a gag in cartoons with kids. I liked it from day one and it's not even "bearable", is bretty fukken tasty.
I feel like the reason I "disliked" it is because of the very fact that it's a gag in cartoons. The first time I actually tried broccoli I liked it too.

>> No.5714363

My mum made me school lunches right up till I left school.

>Not having homemade salad wraps


>> No.5714367

Our tongues are more sensitive to bitter tastes when we're young so I can understand why kids don't like veggies much.

That being said I loved broccoli as a kid.

>> No.5714382

As messed up as this will sound, I think it's important to make your kids eat vegetables when they're too young to realize that they don't have to do what you say. I have a step-sister who grew up refusing her vegetables, and her parents allowed it. Now she's 9 years old and I feel like there's no hope in hell that she'll grow to like veggies. She won't even eat my roasted potatoes for fuck's sake.

>> No.5714398

Mom is a pretty good cook but bought a lot of pre-packaged meals when I was in high school. She put her own twists on these meals though with spices and some leftovers from other meals and they were always good. She also bought fast food alot because I had baseball games that ended at 11pm and the drive home was 30min to an hour. Never was fat ot heavy beacuse I'm a lurp (6'1 165).

Dad only made food on the grill. We always complained that it was rock hard but muh well done. Sometimes he made med-rare abd it was good but then he complained.

Mom- 7.5/10

Dad- 2/10

Moms Macaroni Salad- 10/10

>> No.5714404


call them french fry chunks

>> No.5714414

I agree with you completely.
I didn't eat much vegetables as a kid but I forced it upon myself once I turned 19.

Took about a month to get an acquired taste for it but now I have no problem eating just about any kind of vegetable.

I have a friend from high who pretty much lives off pizza and only gets his nutrition from mufti-vitamins, he stays skinny because of his genes but going out to eat with him is like eating with a child.

>> No.5714428

>I have a friend from high who pretty much lives off pizza and only gets his nutrition from mufti-vitamins, he stays skinny because of his genes but going out to eat with him is like eating with a child.
I knew someone in college who was the same way, and my friends and I kept giving him shit for it. One day he cracked and choked down a salad, and after a few months the dude ate more salad than I did in a given week. When people (especially kids) are used to processed food that's literally engineered to make you want more of that same food, learning to like vegetables is a high learning curve, but I guess people like this are proof that it's possible.

>> No.5714767
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My little brother was gluten-intolerant when growing up, and gluten is in practically everything that isnt meat or veg, so we could never get fast food or premade shit from the supermarket, and for it my mum (step mum, but she may as well be my real mum) is a fantastic cook, like 11/10, so much diversity, never had the same thing in 2 weeks for dinner, plus always had ham and salad sandwiches for lunch at school. She can bake (had to make gluten free bread) so making bread for her was a simple day chore, never really bought store made bread, she would just make it of an afternoon after work (she is a full time RN managing Post Op in hospital) She taught me that lazy cooking is making a roast, which still amazes me to this day. Dad cant do shit in a kitchen, but give the man a BBQ or a grill, and it is his domain, Never seen him burn a steak, fuck up sausages or screw up anything on a BBQ. My real Mother tho, she was one of those "Must have vegetarian at least 3 times a week" type of person, now dont get me wrong she could cook and bake (lemon meringue pie!) but her ability to make food actually taste good is like a 3/10. Mum made all of us start to cook once a week when we hit 14, she would be there to help and supervise, make sure we wouldnt fuck shit up (which we did, but that was the point, so she would be able to show us how to fix it up) and dad took on the roll of teaching the boys (6 kids incl. me, 2 girls 4 boys) the BBQ, always whispering things like "this is the mans part of cooking" and "dont trust women with open fire" hahaha, always jokingly. So between my step-mum and dad i feel i have learnt from masters. 25 now and i cook for my Gf, who in a way is teaching me even more, because the woman HATES sauce, dont even question it, i have been for years and i still dont know why. So im learning to expand on simple dishes that she prefers, while adding evolution, exposing her to a more diverse meal variety and keeping me sane.

>> No.5714777

>orange jelly shots

>> No.5714783

I'm allergic to oranges, but holy fuck that's a great idea.

>> No.5714800

They are delish too! and freaking simple to make. like 10min worth of effort.

But not only does she not like sauce, she won't eat stews (cause it contains sauce) Gravy, she wont have meat and cheese together, she won't have soups, she hates red vegetables, the list goes on. It leaves us with a pretty healthy diet tho, just not very diverse.. yet..

>> No.5714843
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My mother cooked certain dishes really well. She could cook most vegetables, but overcooked meat. She made some of the best soups and stews ever, and always made homemade barbecue sauce. She was good at hors d'oeuvres for gatherings, making stuff like mini muffalatas, reuben dip, cheeseballs, etc.

I miss her food, even the overdone pork chops. They still had good flavor.

I'm glad I still have her recipes written on little cards, it's comforting to see her handwriting and make something like I'd have if she were still here for me to visit.

>> No.5714849

How was the baklava?

>> No.5715203

No, after my father passed away the majority of the meals I ate were fast food/take out. Once in a while my mom would attempt to bake something and 9/10 it'd be burning or i'd have to watch over it. Even now she still doesn't cook very often, and when she does it's often extremely simple things with seasoning that stops with salt and pepper.

>> No.5715222

My mom grew up on a farm, ofcorse she knew how to fucking cook, Its kinda weird East coast sort of cooking but its good.

Yeah she uses the slow cooker now and then but damned if you dont get some meat to fall off the bone and be oh so damn tender, not to mention how much that thing saves her ass after some extra jobs she pulls on the side and is too damn tired to pull off normal cooking.

All and all shes a breddy good 6/10, 8/10 if its something polish or irish stuff, thats her bread and butter.

>> No.5715238

>some $60 worth of prime rib turned into shoe leather
>"Mom, when did you put this in?"
>"I dunno.."
>I prod her and finally get her to admit she put it in around noon
>it's been in the oven for SIX FUCKING HOURS
>she's fallen asleep 2-3 times since she put it in the oven
>does not know how to set the kitchen timer despite me showing her 3-4 times
you push "TIMER," then you push the UP ARROW, then you push START
You used to be a great cook, Mom. What the fuck happened? Oh, you became a fat, lazy alcoholic, that's what happened.

>> No.5715363
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>> No.5715398

My dad is a good cook, but he worked all day so if he cooked dinner it was mostly boxed stuff. On Christmas, thanksgiving, etc. He would actually sit down and maje a really good meal from scratch.

My mom was a really good cook and she taught me all i know about cooking. She cooked dinner most nights and 80% of the time they were good homemade meals.

It's a damn shame I never got the recipe for the bastardized cassolette (?) She made.

>> No.5715423

My mom only buys the least marbled steaks because they're the best since you want more meat than fat.

She also states that letting steaks rest is a myth and it doesn't matter.

>> No.5715490

My family take turns, each person does a weeks menu. everything cooked fresh we do a weeks worth because it gives us a chance to head to the local market and get what we need.

>> No.5715511
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>won't eat stews (cause it contains sauce) Gravy, she wont have meat and cheese together, she won't have soups, she hates red vegetables, the list goes on.

>> No.5715532

my dad usually rotates between steak or chicken tikka pie, asparagus, mashed potato, peas and gravy.
Spaghetti Bologna/ Curry and Rice etc.
(although he cannot cook rice to save his life)
He'll fry up some steak or burgers if we're feeling lazy.
(And sometimes those old el paso stuff, like the fajitas and enchiladas and tacos and stuff)

>> No.5715566

This was so good to read, every parent should be like this.

>> No.5715568

>not only does she not like sauce, she won't eat stews (cause it contains sauce) Gravy, she wont have meat and cheese together, she won't have soups, she hates red vegetables, the list goes on.
>the list goes on.

>> No.5715613

You just might be autistic

>> No.5715724


>> No.5715733

I'd have to go in the negatives.
My mother is throw-salsa-into-boiling-water-with-pasta tier, my father can fry burgers.
Balanced meals? I came out of hs malnourished, in the fucking first world.

>> No.5715799

mum: 8/10 for nutrition, 7/10 making shit taste good

Dad: fuck knows/10 nutrition, 4/10 making things taste good

The man fried frozen fucking peas.

>> No.5715864
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They are good ay cooking
>mfw they cooked meat in medium rare using a coal grill and not shitty propane
>then taught me how to cook curry
>and how to make a Baked Alaska
Feels good

>> No.5716818

>potatoes: no salt
>porkchop: no salt
>vegies: no salt
but I don't use salt anon it's bad for your health
also, fixed meals for every day of the week

>> No.5716847

parents always cooked great. Got lots of compliments from friends.

Always home made, fresh. Always took an hour or so to make dinner.. like every other day. Always liked to cook new batch instead of make too much and eat old food for 4 days.

Mmmmm.... crepes...

>> No.5717394

My mom was a pretty decent cook, but I haven't grown to appreciate it until later years. A lot of what she cooks lacked a lot of real kick or flavor because my dad is a picky eater so I grew up picky as well. My dad was very good at grilling however, and I learned how to grill from him, and a lot of how to cook from my mom, and from teaching myself and trying out new things. As far as nutrition, the meals both of my parents made were always well balanced.

My grandmother was a fantastic cook as well, but I was too young/picky to really appreciate and learn from her before she died. It's a shame she was 100% French and cooked many very traditional French dishes.

Overall I'd say I'm better at cooking than my mom, but I think my dad has me beat at grilling on some level.

>> No.5717639


Both my parents are actually really good cooks.

Growing up my mom would make all the nightly dinners, and my dad would do the sunday 2pm dinner or whatever you wanna call it.

Both of them are half Polish half Russian but make bomb ass Italian cuisine for whatever reason

Dad does a killer stuffed shells, all types of roasts/Thanksgiving style type meals too. He also makes the best fluffy pancakes and handles a sat or sun morning breakfast most weeks.

Mom can pretty much cook anything and is a pretty adept baker for desserts as well.

Frankly I took it all for granted growing up, always wanting some pleb shit like Mickey Ds or askign "is it kraft?" when my mom would make her homemade baked mac and cheese

>> No.5717703

0/10. My meals as a child were largely provided by McDonald's or Wendy's. Any meal that my mother cooked was dry, and flavorless, since my father detests flavor. Any food that he cooked (typically grilled over charcoal) was burnt beyond recognition, similar to the image in the OP. The meals were lopsided, leaving out either vegetables, meat, or starch.

Today, I cook 99% of the time, (I am married) and my wife and I love to cook together.

>> No.5717813

Thanks :)

>> No.5718143

I was asked to cook a turkey for thanksgiving for the past few years and since it was juicy and I was waiting for everyone to get here they put it in a 500degree oven for 4 Fucking hours because there was still juice in it, they can stick to their dry ass shit from now on I'll eat at waffle house

>> No.5718154

I spend 12 hours working out a brine for the size of bird, but they see juicy as uncooked

>> No.5718163

I hate rednecks

>> No.5718184

Strong 7, Mom can really make something great when she wants to, but until my brother and I were around 12 she would usually just get take out or fast food for meals. She still eats out more than cooks, but she cooks more frequently. I wish we were equipped to fry chicken, that's her favorite food and dinner most nights. Would save a ton of money making it at home.

>> No.5718190

My mom makes amazing Italian food, and can make tons of other European and American dishes.
She has taken a preference to Asian food recently, and still cannot cook white rice. All of her attempts at cooking Asian food just taste very white.

>> No.5718197

My mum wasn't a healthy or a good cook, but she tried and she made dinner for us every night, so it's not like I resent her for it or anything. She made a couple good dishes, but she used those really often, to the point of boredom. By the time both my sister and I had jobs, she let us cook what we'd like for dinner and made herself and dad what they wanted for dinner. It was a pretty sweet set up, and mum was fine with it.

>> No.5718222

Mom: Best lasagna I have ever had. Occasionally experiments with recipes she read or watched to VERY mixed results.
Dad: Country boy at heart, decent at hearty soups, stews, etc. Always overcooks beef and pork, though.

>> No.5718258

They both take any sign of not liking food they had prepared as a massive personal insult, and never make anything good. I spent much of my childhood trying to convince them my appetite was non-existent and I was genuinely full after choking down a few bites of dinner. They also basically pushed me aside and finished anything I started making for myself, "correcting" anything I had been doing differently. It showed they cared, but it was the worst feeling in the world sitting there, in genuine pain from hunger, watching them turn the delicious meal I had been making into barely edible slop and knowing I'd be going back to my room hungry. I was underweight all the time, ate huge amounts of food whenever it was made by someone else, vomited at dinner on more than one occasion, and it still hasn't occurred to them that their cooking is anything less than world class.

>> No.5718323

My mom is the epitome of bland. She starts gasping for breath with just a pinch of pepper. It's really annoying to listen to, makes for bland food too.

She was always fine nutrition wise though. Never made meals, just made every dish
>starch (rice/potato)
Rotated the choices. One night was spaghetti night.

>> No.5718330

You couldn't have talked to them about it?

>> No.5718399

Nope. I tried, but they were pretty much instantly enraged if they started to suspect I was suggesting they change anything about their cooking. They used the cheapest possible version of everything despite earning well over the median income, and if I said I preferred a more expensive brand, they'd just tell me I was wrong about my own preferences and scream at me for suggesting they spend more money. If I told them I'd like to try even a slight variation of a recipe they used, they'd reply that I didn't know shit and scream about how I'm a stupid kid trying to correct my elders. If I asked for meat to be cooked less than well done, or for raw vegetables instead of vegetables boiled just shy of falling apart, it was "you don't know how to cook anything anyway so shut up and eat". If I tried to show them I knew how to cook, they'd stop me and kick me out of the kitchen if I kept trying to do anything for myself. If I asked them to let me finish the food I was already making, they'd scream at me for being ungrateful for their help and throw it all out. My brothers and I still haven't found a way to communicate that their cooking wasn't great without setting off a temper tantrum, and the oldest of us is pushing 30.

>> No.5718489

Huh. Were they otherwise okay parents, or did this behaviour spread across all parts of their parenting?

>> No.5718594

It's kind of a tossup to me. My brothers and I have all the traits of being raised well, which is invaluable. We also have extremely distant relationships with our parents. None of us even talk to them unless they contact us first, which they rarely do. I don't know if I've ever had a meaningful conversation with them. That probably sounds sad to people who are close to their parents, but I don't have a reference, so I'm just glad they rarely hit me then and don't ask much of my time now.

>> No.5718766

Pretty great. Dad couldn't even manage pasta, but Mom was constantly delivering a balanced, tasty diet involving things like steak and salmon and locally grownfl fruits and vegetables.

>> No.5719108

I know some of those feels, Some people are awful at taking constructive criticism

>> No.5719117

>Meat, veggies and starch offered every dinner
>startch every dinner

I'm sorry anon, but your parents did not provide you a healthy meal.

>> No.5719152

both Mom and Dad were mediocre at best.
Dad didnt even know how to activate almonds and mom always forgot to restock on emu meatballs.

>> No.5719162


not great cooks but rich/cultured so we ate in good restaurants

>> No.5719186

That feel when my dad is Gordon Ramsay.

I'm so used to good tasting healthy food that anything else makes me physically sick.
Count yourself lucky that you learned mediocrity before luxury. :(

>> No.5719216

My mom was a decent cook, but grandma was the real master (thank Jesus for southern grandmas). On the other hand, I think I've cooked for my family more times in 5 years than my dad did my entire life. I should probably thank him though, since he was a typical bad chef, overdone steaks and everything.

>> No.5719227

mom is an alright cook, but she is better at baking then making an actual meal

dad is pretty good, especially on the weekends when he has time to make shit from scratch. sometimes he has parties where he invites all his friends and cooks up a storm of really good food. last weekend when i picked too many blueberries to possibly eat all by myself, i came home to find that he used a bunch of them to bake a blueberry pie. didn't turn out perfect, but it was the thought that counts. i love my dad <3

>> No.5719237
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0/10 my mother would burn shit and openly admit she was deliberately doing so. i once cooked pulled chicken for her and she complained it was "too chicken-y"
>mfw my mother literally complained chicken tasted like chicken

>> No.5719256

Maybe she had a bad experience with it as a kid? My Grandma can't eat chicken because when she was a young girl her Grandma used to make her and her siblings boiled chicken weekly.

>> No.5719269

your grandma is a drama whore

>> No.5719274

My mom mainly cooks spaghetti sauce, and we lived near a pizza joint owned by my cousin so you can imagine what two meals i had a lot

>> No.5719519

meh, pretty repetitive and often bland
and not enough fat

>> No.5719566

My mom is fantastic at Puerto Rican food, that's what I grew up on. No French technique, but she worked with my grandma in Puerto Rico who ran a hugely successful food truck/trailer. Shit was cash.

My dad is British and when I moved in with him at the age of 13 he knew nothing about cooking so I ate lots of spaghetti with ragu and beefaroni. All processed stuff. Eventually he got pretty darn good at homemade concoctions and when I went into cooking professionally he got really good by having me show him whatever i had just learned. Now he is a very solid home cook.

>> No.5719801

Shit I can't even remember when I last had a meaningful conversation with anyone.

>> No.5721534
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P-p-please, t-take it up, the steaks d-done, take up the steak, please...