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5708463 No.5708463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what the heck is healthy to drink besides water?

>> No.5708465


>> No.5708470


>> No.5708473

battery acid

>> No.5708474

caffeine, alcohol, and milk at the right dosage

>> No.5708475

tea and coffee are fine

honestly you can drink anything if you don't drink a ton of it, but yes water is the ideal way to consume liquid

if you're one of the people who struggles to get themselves to drink water you can always just add some flavor packets to it. Despite what the tinfoil hat brigade says aspartame isn't dangerous or "unhealthy" unless you have phenylketonuria.

>> No.5708483

> drinking anything besides water and alcohol socially

y tho

>> No.5708486

dud, don't you know water is filled with dihydrogen monoxide

that shit will kill you
>Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage.
>Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions.
>Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities.

we gotta get the government to stop putting DHMO into our water!

>> No.5708497
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>> No.5708512

vodka and cough syrup

>> No.5708524
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>> No.5708536

tea is supposed to be good i guess

>> No.5708589

>drinking alcohol socially and not just getting hammered into an inch of your life alone
>being this much of a pussy faggot

>> No.5708613

This guy understands nutrition like a fish understands swimming.

>> No.5708619

cranberry juice. i have it with most meals that wouldn't go well with milk but if it's too early for wine or beer, or if i just don't feel like having alcohol.

...or with tons of vodka

>> No.5708635

A little bit of tea from time to time.

Water with a bit of citrus juice.

A glass of alcohol (that doesn't contain soda or some shit) from time to time apparently.

>> No.5708737

I heard beet root juice is good

>> No.5708741


It's so hilarious, because dihydrogen monoxide is what water is!
Next, you should show OP the one where you remove your thumb or you steal his nose! Those are always killer.

>> No.5708753

alcohol really isn't healthy. red wine is somewhat because it contains quercetin, but so does a whole host of vegetables and fruits

>> No.5708754

>cranberry juice

Can give you kidney stones. Happened twice to a friend of mine, cause cranberry juice was his shit.

>> No.5708757

>Can give you kidney stones

>> No.5708762

>correlation implies causation
>happened twice to a friend of mine

Maybe if he drank it as a chaser for super concentrated mineral water.

>> No.5709206

you are the biggest faggot i've seen in hours

>> No.5709222


not that guy, but DHMO jokes got old around the 1990s usenet era

you probably found out about it from a macro image posted on facebook and think it's ever so witty and fresh

>> No.5709231

I am recently starting to buy soybean milk since it is cheaper than whole milk and lasts longer. I love soybean milk. Is it unhealthy in some way though? This is unsweetened soybean milk though sometimes I add a pinch of sweetener.

>> No.5709258

Enjoy your titties

>> No.5709293

What if she's actually a girl? Then soy milk will increase breast size?

>> No.5709542


Dat Tooth Decay
It's like 30% sugar

>> No.5709570


>> No.5709576

He said cranberry juice, not cranberry juice cocktail.

>> No.5709591


>> No.5709593
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> Government putting things in his water
> Not having a well tile drawing water from spring
> Pleb status confirmed.

>> No.5709599

>cranberry juice
It's bullshit for hippies

>> No.5709602


Drink in moderation and the healthy list grows up

>> No.5709604

I saw what my dad went through passing kidney stones 7 years ago. >95% of what I drink now is water, at least 3L per day

>> No.5709611
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ah the stop liking what I don't argument.

You've clearly got too much DHMO in your system. It's reacting with your faggotry and is making the little bitch inside you coming out, spewing sand from your crusty vagina.

>> No.5709612

cranberry juice is a fuckton of sugar and generally overprocessed

>> No.5709613

It can't be any worse than animal milk.
If you go to an Asian grocer you can get soy milk which is basically just ultra-silken tofu, and I prefer that over the big-brand soy milk a hundred times over.

>> No.5709618


>> No.5709621

Man didn't you know the Indians cursed your well because the white man took their land. That water from your spring is nothing but poisonous DHMO.

>> No.5709637


>> No.5709643

I bet you think you're really intelligeny