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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 201 KB, 500x484, dash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5707891 No.5707891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on /ck/ follow the dash diet? Recipe recommendations? Tips?

>> No.5707916

looks stupid

>> No.5707961

It's proven to lower blood pressure significantly without the need for medication (I saw someone who went from 150 to 120 systolic in just 4 months following the dash with no added exercise) and is full of protein, calcium, potassium, etc etc awesome shit for your heart.

>> No.5707965

I don't know of any DASH specific recipes. You can basically take regular recipes and alter them to be more DASH friendly.

Like for spaghetti: use whole grain noodles, lowfat cheese, make your own pasta sauce instead of using premade (because of the sodium) and add in vegetable servings... preferably vegetables high in potassium and calcium.

>> No.5707967

Yeah, you know what else would do that? A vegan diet. Or any other mostly plant based diet. Get this dash shit out of my face

>> No.5707991

You sound pretty angry over a healthy diet that can improve people's lives. What's up?

>> No.5708032

Because it's not
>doesn't specify whole grains
>only 4-5 servings of fruits AND vegetables COMBINED, most recommendations are now 9 servings
>low fat milk contains retinol, which is associated with bone fractures
>chicken triples the risk of developing lymphoma even in very small quantities
>nuts and legumes should be consumed more than 3-4 times a week

The only thing this is better than is a completely shit diet. It's a half measure for lazy people who want to feel better about themselves before regressing back into an even shittier diet.

>> No.5708045

>only 4-5 servings of fruits AND vegetables COMBINED, most recommendations are now 9 servings
I think you'd better read it again, you inflammatory jackass.

>> No.5708065

>chicken triples the risk of developing lymphoma even in very small quantities

>> No.5708074

I'm not the one getting inflamed, cockscuker. I eat anti inflammatories all fucking day.

>> No.5708082

>being this mad
The high blood pressure from stress will probably kill you before my balanced, omnivorous diet will kill me.

>> No.5708111

I think you need to learn how to read. And do minimal research on a diet aside from 'well I read one chart that someone posted' before spouting that it's shit.

The official website and the government recommendation guidelines for the diet to specify eating whole grains in favor of regular grains. It's 4-5 servings EACH of fruits and vegetables, which the chart plainly says.

Retinol is not inherently bad for you. It's when you consume excess Vitamin A that it may pose a risk, but you would need to consume about 600% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A every day for the study you're vaguely referring to to apply. Meaning you'd need to drink 60 cups of non-fortified lowfat 1% milk to get a potentially harmful amount of retinol from it.

>chicken triples the risk of developing lymphoma even in very small quantities

lol no.

>nuts and legumes should be consumed more than 3-4 times a week

"Should" is your opinion. The reason that people on the DASH diet are recommended to eaet 3-4 portions of nuts/seeds/legumes is to supplement their magnesium, potassium and fiber intake. Could you eat more? Sure, but the diet was developed with a certain balance of potassium, calcium, fiber, carbohydrates, etc, to lower blood pressure in mind.

>> No.5708113


>> No.5708224

>angry vegan confirmed

>> No.5708276

>lol no
>denying empirical data
>supporting this bullshit diet in the first place
yeah, fuck off

>> No.5708293

/ck/ truly is blessed with the craziest people on 4chan

it's the only place where people really believe the insane shit they say

>> No.5708304
File: 10 KB, 273x234, fyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're so ahead of your time people think you're crazy

>> No.5708309


>> No.5708345

I don't follow any sort of formal diet but if you add an extra daily serving to the meat and veg and take those points out of the grain or dairy section then that's how I eat

that's a really well rounded diet, you shouldn't have any problem finding recipes

>> No.5708691

>b-but my studies!!

Multiple studies confirm the benefits of the dash diet.

Cry more, angry vegan.

>> No.5708735

Yeah, for the reason I already pointed out. Stop calling it the dash diet you fucking shill. It's fucking nothing. I could pull these recommendations out of my ass. It's the most boiler plate shit I've ever seen.

>> No.5708743

>stop calling something by its name!

Are you getting enough protein, honey? Your cognitive functioname seem impaired.

>> No.5708755

Not enough fat. At least throw in a tbsp of olive oil.

Bucket of batshit Mr. >>5708032 is right on nuts, seeds, beans needing to be more prevalent in the diet. They are awesome at what they do (fiber, fats, and minerals/nutrients/whatever, protein). And the grains shouldn't be vague. WHOLE grains.

Expand the recommended ways to cook meat, jfc boring and pointless. You can cook meat in a pan without frying it.

>> No.5708768
File: 28 KB, 265x265, 1396928733432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't troll for shit. Get a new job.

>> No.5708770
File: 13 KB, 581x327, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP image isn't the literal DASH diet, it's a chart of recommendations based on the DASH guidelines.


>> No.5708772

Why are you crying about 'denying empirical data' when you ignored the fact that you were throwing a shitfit about retinol even though you'd have to drink 60 cups of lowfat milk every day in order for it to have the effect you're so hysterical about?

>> No.5708790

Because that's fucking bullshit and you know it. In studies that controlled for other factors, older women who drank the most low fat milk had the highest hip fracture rates. Their was a study on teen men which had the same results. Milk isn't great for bones one way or another, but retinol fucks with bone metabolism.

>> No.5708809

the reason that nuts/seeds serving size isn't daily is because the amount you need to fit the protein/magnesium/fiber requirements is higher in calories compared to getting the bulk of the protein/etc from grains, lean meats, dairy, vegetables and fruits.

I'm not sure why legumes is included in the charts I've seen, including the .gov charts, since the study I read included them under vegetables. They're good for this food plan because most of them are super rich in magnesium and protein which are great for lowering blood pressure--lentils have almost 9 grams of protein in a 1/2 cup serving!

The .gov guidelines for DASH do recommend increasing legumes serving to daily if you aren't eating enough lean meat/etc to meet the protein guidelines, at least.

>> No.5708856

The study with older women concluded that consuming very high levels of Vitamin A was related to a higher risk of hip fracture in a group of older women. Toxic levels which measure out to be about 6x the daily recommended amount on a daily basis... which again measures out to be 60 cups of lowfat milk daily.

The study you're talking about re: 'teen men' is pretty flawed, actually.

The study asked adult men and adult women to "recall their milk drinking habits" from when they were teenagers, so the data they were using was based on memory recall from decades prior which, quite frankly, is not a strong basis for a scientific study. Memory recall from a year prior would be shaky enough, but decades? Yikes.

The study also used the same age ranges for men and women, even though women's bodies develop differently than men's bodies, which is a pretty significant variable to ignore. They also interviewed more than double the amount of women than men, another off variable.

490 of the 35,000 men in the study who reported higher whole milk consumption as teens (again, assuming they were even somewhat accurate with their memory recall) had hip fractures. Could it be related? Sure. But the study, which again was based on some pretty shitty data gathering and had a lot of variables, did not take any steps to actually prove that it's a cause and effect issue. It's extremely flawed and that you're acting like it's the Gospel Truth is very strange.

Oh: and the men in the study? Reported mostly drinking whole milk, not the lowfat milk you're currently railing against.

>> No.5708859

It's pretty simple. You eat healthy food in moderate amounts you fat fuck.

>> No.5708867

Your diet is what you eat every day, you dumb fuck.