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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5707425 No.5707425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ the appropriate place to discuss nutrition? Can a vegetarian diet maintain a physically active lifestyle? I'm considering giving it a go, but not as a permanent change.

As for physical activity it needs to sustain:
>Swim five times a week
>Run at least 18km every sunday
>An hour of 400m and 800m sprinting on wednesdays
>An hour of fencing (excluding packup and setup) on tuesdays/thursdays
>An hour/Two hours of intense PT on Wednesdays and Fridays

>> No.5707436

yes, it can be tedious though but there are plenty of vegetarian sources of protein

I wouldn't do it personally (I'm a dancer and weightlifter) but whatever floats your boat. It can definitely be done. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish if you don't plan on doing it permanently.

>> No.5707455

I went vegan, but I had to be really careful to maintain a nutritionally balanced diet so that I would get everything I needed. Want me to post the copypasta?

>> No.5707460

inb4 people get confused between vegan and vegetarian

vegetarian and active is trivial. if you can't do this you fail at life.

vegan is actually pretty fucking hard if not impossible. maybe with a team of dietitians and a private chef to obsess for you while you try to have a life.

>> No.5707471

Sure if it includes protein powder.

>> No.5707473


What sort of meals do vegetarians with an active lifestyle maintain?

>> No.5707476


I should add that I would prefer not to use protein powder

>> No.5707489


Even meat eaters use protein powder. Is this training program your full time job? Do you work or study? What exactly is the problem with protein powder?

>> No.5707495

vegan here, when you are not vegan it does seem "impossible" but once you start doing it everything changes and you wonder why other people don't do it.

I'm posting the copypasta.

(hold on)

>> No.5707499
File: 1.01 MB, 2842x1945, Not a Doctors healthy eating guide JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to the HEALTHIEST poops EVER that will clog toilet before you even paper.

you might not agree with everything said, or do things the way that I do.
this is the way I do things. to each their own.

Joe Rogan mentions poop

I don't eat fish meat chicken milk animal products and I eat max fruits and vegetables all day+ drink alot water.no soda.
I get all protein from hemp beans quinoa, nuts seeds
I don't drink almond milk. I eat almonds + drink water

no eat processed foods, like bread.
I eat oats and whole grain wheat and other grains, cooked into porridge.

I buy all fruits veggies nuts seeds beans lentils grains bulk whenever I can find them at good price opportunistically, even better when find a great deal on organic version or "food" like babushka used to call it.

I chew all my food until totally obliterated in my mouth. no pieces of corn show up in toilet. better surface area = better absorption into body.

I chop up all stuff and prepare in pieces, put into bags and press the air out, then put into another bag and press the air out again then freeze it all.

you can wash bags out and reuse again if you want.

I buy chia+ flax seeds whole and put them in the coffee grinder at home, two teaspoons of each mixed into a big glass 50% prune juice 50% water. I drink this in the morning every other day. (1 day break in between)

I internet search: what food contains this vitamin, and do that for every vit and mineral until I have all accounted for.

every morning I do ten crunches. not alot but does alot for stomach.

when I need to poo I stand on toilet seat carefully, kneel down into squatting position hugging knees against stomach while leaning forward a little, using one arm to grab hold of wall or other useful object next to toilet.

careful to not push too hard and develop hemorrhoids, I use my stomach to push, not head or butt.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5707505


just how active were you?

I lift weights 3x a week and run 3 miles a day on all the other days except Saturday. I don't consider veganism to be a viable option.

>> No.5707507

tips for understanding this, read ONE sentence at a time. each sentence is usually a singular individual tip, so go slow, and take breaks. some people tell me its too much and all over the place, I understand. just go slow and don't stress about it. peace.

>> No.5707513

>every morning I do ten crunches


ok, nevermind you answered that one for me

>> No.5707517

I just popped into the thread I'm not that other active person you were talking about.

to be honest, as long as I eat a whole bunch of beans and corn and peas, little olive oil on top and some watermelon, maybe some water, I have found that I can be as active as I want.

some days I do yoga + intense quick burst exercises at home, some days I go walking, some days I don't do anything at all.

>> No.5707518

no no that's just an example for really nooby beginners who are just starting, its something that is really easy and effortless but makes so much of a huge difference if you simply do at least that.

>> No.5707543


yeah I understand that you can sometimes break a sweat on a vegan diet and not die, but you have to understand I'm doing really strenuous exercises. squats, deadlifts, stuff like that. I'm doing this kind of stuff for 90-120 minutes. for abs I'm doing 50 decline crunches with a 35 pound plate, at the end of my workout.

if my exercise routine consisted of 10 situps a day I'd blow my brains out after about 2 weeks.

no thanks on the vegan diet.

>> No.5707551

I wont try to convince you but you have noooo idea how much protein you can get from nuts and seeds and beans and lentils.

if you think its for wimps, you know nothing.

I am not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5707558


actually I have a very good idea, I get a great deal of protein from legumes as I prefer to avoid meat as much as I can.

however, I still have to supplement (using vegetarian protein powders but yogurt as a mixing agent). and when I'm feeling like I'm not recovering fast enough to maintain my routine, a meat-filled day solves that problem really quickly.

I admire people who can do the vegan lifestyle as I know it's hard work and people should be more body conscious and also conscious of where their food comes from. however it's not for me. I'm not calling anyone a wimp. I have depression issues and it's busting my ass at the gym, or pills, and I'm not going on pills.

>> No.5707575
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>> No.5707581


examples would be things like eggs, beans, tofu, quinoa, nuts

for examples of meals, you could make a vegetarian chili (OMG BEANS BLASPHEMY), curry, vegetarian mapo tofu, lettuce wraps with tofu and mushrooms, miso soup with edamame, and so on.

I'm not a vegetarian but I am poor and I often have to play the "what do I make with the random shit I have in my fridge and drawers" game, so I cook plenty of vegetarian meals. And I'm the dancer/weightlifter (exercise around 20-25 hours a week) so they need to be high in protein.

for example this morning I roasted some sweet potatoes (I have a friend who grows them) and made it into a hash with some kale. Fried a couple of eggs and put those on top.

You can also just make baked tofu to have on hand, hell sometimes I fucking eat it alone. A brick of tofu is under a dollar at the korean market near my house so I eat a decent amount of it. I marinade it in soy sauce with a little rice vinegar and sesame oil, sometimes I'll sprinkle a little sugar on it or some minced garlic.

>> No.5707741

Hey, anon. I'm sorry. I understood wrong. to each their own. peace be with you.

>> No.5707751


hey look man, nothing to be sorry about. I like your posts and I wish you the best.

>> No.5707779

...yeah. Why wouldn't it?

>> No.5707787

sometimes I spend all day ruminating on a single line. It's like eating your food slowly. Chew for a whole day and let your body absorb the advice

>> No.5707798

>Can a vegetarian diet maintain a physically active lifestyle?
Yes, but only because milk and eggs are considered vegetarian

>> No.5707804
File: 11 KB, 392x243, 1397281691316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be vegetarian and worked out 5 days a week with dumbbells at home. Only time I made amazing gains were with protein powder and lots of eggs and nuts. Very hard to get protein sometimes.
my normal meals were
>breakfast - 3 eggs, 1 cup oatmeal (most of the time no flavor), fruit, cup of tea
>lunch - veggies, lentils/rice/bean, water
>dinner - eggs/tofu, mixed veggies, sometimes carb, tea
>snacks - NUTS, hummus, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, fruits, tea

if just bulkan eat a cup of peanut butter a day.

>> No.5707808

I weight lift on a vegan diet. There are plenty of vegan weight lifters.

I'm not trying to convince you to become a vegan, but just to point out that it is possible and I don't think that training would be profoundly easier with the addition of meat, especially due to the draw backs of eating meat like chronic inflammation.

>> No.5707810

>if you're bulking just shove random stuff down your throat

peanuts and peanut butter are great but you're even worse than those GOMAD people

>> No.5707816
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i was only joking friend

>> No.5707819

I actually do eat a cup of peanuts a day

>> No.5707825

;_; t-thanks bro... ain't a man tho... never liked those society classifications...

>> No.5707835

whoa. thats999999deep9999999me.

sometimes I say the same word over and over again until it doesn't make sense anymore. I tend to zone out into a daydream and hyper-over-analyze life and the details and come to interesting reality bending conclusions that are quickly swallowed up by my subconscious for safe keeping away from my waking awareness.

>> No.5707837


yeah but are you a hungry skeleton like durianrider?

>> No.5707880

Nope. Used to be, but I put on a lot of weight after I started lifting weights and eating more.

>> No.5708004


I wouldn't mind seeing pics, black out your face if you must. I'm very interested in seeing what sort of bulk you can achieve on a vegan diet.

Also, I'm sure you get asked this a lot, but why vegan instead of just vegetarian?

>> No.5708744

Shaolin monks do it

>> No.5708933

Look into this, my friend. It will also wash away all of your depression. I'm sure it'll get a lot of backlash, since most people here are plant based shills, but it will help you if you want to keep the protein:
