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5705439 No.5705439 [Reply] [Original]

Found this on /b/ a while back in a life hacks thread. Afraid to try. Might create mustard gas.

But seriously, will this work? Or are there other ingredients I might need?

>> No.5705455

some activated almonds would add a satisfying and healthy crunch

>> No.5705466


>3-Ingredient Banana Pancakes Glueten-Free, Flourless, Low-Calorie

>1 1/2 large bananas, ripe to overripe (200g) *
>2 eggs
>1/8 teaspoon baking powder (aluminum-free)
> Maple syrup, butter, blueberries, to serve (optional)
>* Don’t add too much banana. The pancake will not hold. There should be enough egg to hold mashed banana together.

>You can skip baking powder, but then it will feel like banana omelets rather than pancakes.

>> No.5705473
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i couldn't read past this

>> No.5705475

>banana omelets
fuck yeah!

bananas are fucking amazing man, you can make ice cream, pancakes and omelets with them

>> No.5705476

Fuck, this house has no baking powder.

>> No.5705477

it works but they will taste exactly like banana mixed with egg. So if you want them to taste like actual pancakes, you will be out of luck.

>> No.5705481

>baking powder (aluminum-free)

>> No.5705503

Oooo.... Then, fuck that, maybe.

>> No.5705504


>> No.5705506


Some baking powders have aluminum in them. It really doesn't matter, because aluminum is extremely non-toxic. Some say you can taste them metallic flavor in it, some say the ones with aluminum work better. Take your pick.

Health reasons are supersticious. Aluminum has an enormous LD50-value and it takes about 500 grams for an average 80 kg person.

>> No.5705514


It is not certain that aluminum causes alzhaimer's. Only thing that is know is that people with alhzaimers sometimes have higher amount of aluminum in their brains. Cause and effect is still unknown.

>> No.5705517

this lifehack is epic

>> No.5705529

So it's legitimately just an egg dish but with bananas mixed in. Not that I'm really complaining, doesn't sound TOO bad

>> No.5705530

I think I might as well try it out, though, right? No harm. Shit, today is my first day drinking straight black coffee so....

>> No.5705531

yea it works, cook them on low as fuck heat

I usually add splenda and some ground oats and various other shit when I make them, but they are actually fine on their own if you just purely looking for low calorie things


it sounded pretty fucking gross to me, they're actually decent though but you have to cook them slow and I really recommend adding a tiny pinch of salt and the sweetener of your choice

>> No.5705533

To be good the bananas would need to be brown but then I doubt it would hold together well. Besides it could use some nutmeg and cinnamon.

>> No.5705535

For what purpose would you want to omit the flour?

>> No.5705537

Wheat allergy

>> No.5705539

wheevil apocalypse

>> No.5705540

OP here, honestly, I have a TON of flour. I just have no fucking baking powder... This is also my first time on /ck/

>> No.5705543

Bicarbonate soda

>> No.5705547

I've never used baking powder for pancakes

>> No.5705548

Baking powder is only necessary if you want your pancakes to rise a bit more

>> No.5705561


Baking powder is always optional and it is used to change the texture.

Baking powder activates when heated and starts to produce gas. If it is a batter, those gas bubbles stay iside to cause lighter, fluffier pancake.

>> No.5705563

I love you.

>> No.5705622

But at the same, consider French toast with orange zest added into the mix. It's delicious, though one could describe it as orange flavoured eggs. Worth a shot once I reckon.

>> No.5705624

>Afraid to try
How underage and retarded do you ha..
Of course

>> No.5705627

could mix in some preoteins too

>> No.5705708

I would think it would be too dense due to the banana without some sort of leavening agent.

>> No.5705900

I do this with sweet potatoes instead of banana. Bake some sweet potatoes until they're tender enough to mash easily with a fork, let cool, mix in some eggs, cook 'em up. Cinnamon is a great addition.

>> No.5705923


On top of that, there's not nearly enough neutrons. Add 1/3 of a cup of them.

>> No.5705975

I do this every time bananas go too ripe to be passable in my eyes. Though I omit the baking powder and add cinnamon and sometimes vanilla extract.
Make the pancakes small and cook on mid-low heat to prevent them falling apart when flipping.

>> No.5705982

I do this without baking powder or anything. The only thing I add is oats, a shit ton of them, so that the mix holds better and has moar calories. But yes it works amazing and means you don't have to pay for flour.

>> No.5705999
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>don't have to pay for flour
flour is basically free
bananas are not

>> No.5706004

Bananas don't contain gluten. Also flour is basically pointless, why would I pay for something that is pointless

>> No.5706024

It's been so long since I've read preoteens ha.

As long as you have 3 preotens then the pancake will be delish.

>> No.5706138

>nobody knows what activated almonds are but makes fun of them

I soak my almonds in warm water overnight and they get soft, I strain the water out and eat them.

its just soft almonds.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5706145

some baking soda/baking powder have added aluminum for no reason at all. they just go "eh we're dumbasses lets put this in so people eat aluminum"

its retarded so I always buy the one with no aluminum.

marketer shill pls go away

>> No.5706162

There is no aluminum in any baking soda, and there never has been. Some brands put "no aluminum" on their packaging in order to separate morons who stopped buying baking soda because they thought it had aluminum in it from their money

>> No.5706193

That was downgraded from safe, btw

>> No.5706196

I don't think much gluten will form in pancake batter.

>> No.5706223

disinfo alert.

if you read all the ingredient labels on every baking soda, and baking powder you see, you will notice that some brands actually do contain aluminum.

you need to read the ingredient labels.

>> No.5706236

not pancakes

stop calling things what they aren't.

it's fried bananas

>> No.5706324
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Got curious, made that. Ate most already, photo of two last attached.


Tasty. Tastes like banana-flavored pancakes. No clashing egg-banana mix or the likes.
Batter trivial to make, cheap simple ingredients.
Very fast to fry.


A total bitch to fry.
First, you need quite a bit of oil. If you use spray oil or just coat the pan, you'll end up with raw isles between burnt bridges.
Next, if you just fry in open pan, the batter grows just enough to isolate the raw batter on the upper surface from heat, and when you try to flip, it will all pour off, and the bottom side won't hold, breaking into mess. To counter that, add a little (less than thimble) of water to the oil and immediately cover the pan for a minute or so, till steam solidifies the surface (and most water is evaporated so you don't have an oil fountain). Even then they are damn fragile and easy to mess up.
And only the first side comes out neatly (the pancake on top). The bottom side comes out like that pancake below.

Possibly will try again occasionally, the taste is worth the effort. But I have no clue how to make them as neat as in OP's pic.

>> No.5706365
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Looks similar to the /fit/cake recipe I make for me and my gf most mornings

That recipe is:
>1/2 cup oats
>4 eggs
>1 cup cottage cheese

Might be worthwhile to try adding in some cottage cheese and a little vanilla. That's a lot of sloppy moisture, so try some baking powder as well.

>> No.5706383
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>> No.5706411
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I just made these for lunch; I don't have a phone, so I couldn't take a photo.

My recipe:
>Chop one banana into large chunks and place it into a regular bowl
>Crack two eggs into the bowl
>Mash with a potato masher until the chunks are at least very small, but, I doubt you could ever get rid of them without a blender
>Add one pinch of cinnamon and two pinches of brown sugar, whisk it in with a fork
>Set the stove to 3/medium low
>LIGHTLY butter the frying pan
>Pour in enough batter to make a 4.5" pancake
>Flip once
>Made four pancakes, applied one tablespoon of warmed maple syrup

It was delicious, it surprised me because my batter looked almost exactly like scrambled eggs and I thought for sure that my exclusion of the baking powder meant they were just going to be "banana eggs". They were very sweet, next time I'll use half as much sugar. The pancakes were extremely difficult to flip, because they broke up very easily. My first pancake was completely destroyed in the flipping process, because it was too large. If you don't add the baking powder, they'll be flat like crepes and have the same crepe texture. These would be delicious with peanut butter, so next time I might try to roll them with PB in the middle.

>> No.5706436

I think using a blender and adding baking powder would add quite a bit more strength -- you just need to get some bubbles and a starch matrix in there and it'll be a million times easier to flip

>> No.5706440

This is probably true, but if you have no blender or baking powder you can still make them and have them turn out fine if you cook them on a low heat and take your time. I always wreck the first pancake/waffle/crepe anyways so technically my record with these ones isn't any worse than normal.

>> No.5706456

I started with their recipe as a baseline and modified it over time to make the texture better. It isn't as good for you if you are afraid of carbs, but non /fit/fags enjoy it. I've made it like 100+ times.

12 oz cottage cheese
12 oz eggs
3 cups oats
1/2 cup milk, more if it's too thick
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla

This just barely all fits into my normal size blender. I non stick electric griddle them up. It's breakfast for 3 days for me. They are actually great as leftovers because the texture firms up.

>> No.5706469

you're damn right about leftovers, but I personally like leaving the batter instead of leaving them cooked -- the batter thickens a lot and they're way easier to flip. I don't think it'd keep for three days though.

from a /fit/ perspective there's nothing particularly bad about that recipe, just waay more oats. fine if you're bulkan.

>> No.5706676

what, why?

>> No.5706759

Do you actually have a negative reaction to gluten or are you one of the millions of faggots who avoid it because it's trendy?

>> No.5706946

/fit/ pls go

>> No.5708174

more about this

>> No.5708448

If you live in Night Vale.

>> No.5708467

fuck off

>> No.5708502

what the fuck nugget is an activated almond

>> No.5708640

I don't think they're allowed to put it in baking soda, baking soda is a specific chemical. Baking powder is baking soda plus other random crap, so it wouldn't surprise me if there's some aluminum compound in baking powder.

>> No.5708649

I made bisquick waffle mix and added mashed banana, almond, and cinnamon . It tasted like a banana bread waffle but the batter was very viscous. Very good with my eggs and steak

>> No.5708739

wrong, it's 500 grams to kill the median person. i'd rather know the LD1-value because i'm not taking a 50/50 gamble with my life

>> No.5708748

wow...... this dude doesn't know bout activated almonds. da fuck you doing on a professional cooking forum then?

>> No.5708764

>professional cooking forum

>> No.5708776


>baking powder = starch matrix


>> No.5709072
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It will work. As a matter of fact, some types of Banana are frequently used like Potatoes in some cultures.

>> No.5709151

Tried this once, did not work.

>> No.5709176

>horchata with eggs and cottage cheese, fried

fucking hell why

just why

also enjoy your heart disease at 50

i assume he means once they're cooked which, yeah, they probably should last that long

still going to be fried mexidrink though

>> No.5709529

anyone tried the following?

flour + bananas + some sort of milk substitute

nice & vegan pancakes.

>> No.5709778

How the flying fuck do you fail at banana pancakes?
Sure, they're hard to flip but there is 2 ingredients and 2 parts in the cooking.

Eggs + banans.
Mix & fry.

>> No.5709847

Thanks, Anon. I'll try some later.

>> No.5709895

It's the equivalent of eating 2 eggs, 1/2 cup cottage cheese (fat free) and 1 cup oats for breakfast, but it tastes better, and you don't even need oil to cook them on a non stick skillet

You can (I have) use egg beaters too, if you are that scared of yolks. How is that even remotely a recipe for heart disease?

>> No.5710607

Tried it today.
It had the consistensy of an omelette.

So.. I don't know.

>> No.5710617

I was out of eggs this morning and I needed half of one; so I put in a half-egg sized bit of mashed banana and a little more milk.

the banana was actually noticeable and I didnt like it

>> No.5710702

I put brown sugar on top while they cook, shit's pretty fuckin' good.

>> No.5711659
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I followed your recipe, except I didn't have any butter, here's the result.
It's just as just said, they were pretty delicious. Also made 4, so I just ate 2 and left the other 2 for breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.5711717

Idk. The texture didn't convince me.

>> No.5712141
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I'm guessing having a blender is the key to the oats coming out smooth enough to resemble a pancake and not a lumpy omelette?

>> No.5712158

>not understanding that metals are store in your blood stream

>> No.5712165

DIff anon. It doesn't look good but it's damn delicious and you don't even taste the egg. It's basically fried banana.

>> No.5713852

Maybe I should put more banana then.