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5699873 No.5699873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any co/ck/s into barbecue?

>> No.5699875
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>calling grilling barbecue
>using charcoal

>> No.5699885
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>> No.5699886

I thought charcoal is supposed to be GOAT authentic grilling

>> No.5699892

>grilling barbecue calling
>charcoaling use

>> No.5699898

>been craving really good BBQ ribs all week
>BBQ plans for weekend cancelled
>see this picture
I envy you, man.

>> No.5699906

what wood do you smoke with?

>> No.5699909

They were good. 4+ hours in the offset smoker with soaked hickory chunks. Devoured by all who were present.

>> No.5699912

In this case charcoal and hickory chunks.

>> No.5699914

I just got a charcoal grill today, and I know next to nothing about cooking on it.

Anyone have general tips and tricks that they want to throw at me?

>> No.5699921

It's hands down my favorite thing to eat when done right. I know the things everyone knows about making it, but don't have much practical experience doing it.

There really isn't a great place to get bbq in my part of south west florida, so I have to put in the work if I want something other than chilis ribs. I got pulled pork at a gas station, literally a gas station, in Kentucky and it was better than anything I've had here in my 30 years in FL.

>> No.5699946

I'm relatively new to this barbecue stuff.
It's totally unheard of in the UK so I've had to use a lot of trail and error.
After a few years of mediocre results I installed a PID to my kettle BBQ to maintain the temperature to whatever I set it to. This has improved my barbecue immensely.
I think this is mostly because the thermometer I was using before reads 50F lower than the PID thermocouple so all my temps before were bollocks.

>> No.5699951

check out amazingribs.com

>> No.5700163

He's clearly got the thing set up for indirect heat so he's not grilling over direct heat. Look at the picture and comprehend it before making stupid remarks.

Also, charcoal is fine. Just don't use lighter fluid or gas.

>> No.5700166
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Not having your own grill council with weekly meatings

>> No.5700174
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>> No.5700176
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>> No.5700181
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>> No.5700184
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>> No.5700185
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>> No.5700191
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More after my Cs go game

>> No.5700192

mirin' setup

>> No.5700203

your beer choice makes me cry

>> No.5700226

Beer is gross anyways

>> No.5700245
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Rib guy here. Duck legs and loin bacon.

>> No.5700253
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>> No.5700255

I'm not 100% on this.

>> No.5700260

Bradley smoker. Electric heat for smoking wood pucks. A little different, but nice results.

>> No.5700264
File: 54 KB, 550x379, disappoint4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, why go to all that effort over your meat and then wash it down with such shitty adjunct beer?

makes so little sense that it sucks logic out of the universe.

>> No.5700279

it is when its coors light

>> No.5700280

Its a session beer.
Light, not strongly flavoured and low alcohol so you can drink a lot of it.

>> No.5700282

Queers light.

>> No.5700295

It's coors light. that's not a session beer, it's rice and corn water.

if you can't session with a 6%+ ale you shouldn't bother pretending to be a bbqer

>> No.5700308

Dude, if I drank 15+ 6% beers I'd black out too early in the day.

>> No.5700335
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It's a group decision unfortunately

>> No.5700336
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you're a milquetoast, grow some balls

>> No.5700338
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>> No.5700340
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>> No.5700346

lol wot?
I'm not gonna give into your peer pressure through the internet.

>> No.5700348
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>> No.5700351
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drink more heavily or I will scoff at you again

>> No.5700365

why do americans drink light beer so much, can't handle they're alcohol?

>> No.5700366

i see you cool whip

>> No.5700380

they're worried about calories while they eat 10 hamburgers

>> No.5700398

>Implying beer fits my macros

>> No.5700463


Southroners like bland beer with spicy food. New Englanders drink more full-bodied beer while they munch sea insects. And besides, craft beer is getting so big these days we'll all be drinking Fullsteam Basil and Old Chub before the decade is over.

>> No.5700477



lel can't even buy that swill in australia

>> No.5700486

its all we used to have until 20 or so years ago because prohibition ruined our beer progress. its cheaper than good beer and its what anyone aged 35+ grew up with, when you do something long enough you get set in your ways even if they suck.

also consider a lot of USA has a hotter climate than Europe and those ice cold lagers go down like water. I would like to see more craft brewers focus on quaffable session beers and lagers, a lot are finally catching on. I would also like craft brewers to start making quality malt liquors.

>> No.5700508

I've seen some decent session pale ales and lagers in the middle of the country. Brewers are realizing that they don't have to churn out barley wines all the time just to keep the fringe drinkers happy.

>> No.5700530

exactly. here in Houston our local brewers are realizing that we want something refreshing but also high quality to drink in the heat. Saint Arnold released an amazing Berliner-Weisse with a low alcohol content, its around 3.5% and its the best august outdoor heat drink I've ever had.

I think brewers went overboard with insane double IPA's and Imperial stouts because most people associated lagers and lighter beers with the pleb big name breweries. Craft brewers wanted to do something completely opposite so they went balls to the wall with wild shit and neglected the session lager and regular pale ale.

i'm seeing the trends turn though. sometimes you just wanna slam an ice cold sixer of pale ale or pilsner.

>> No.5700542


>> No.5700591

ribs are overrated. They're kind of like the lobster of grilling, where it's just a vehicle for the sauce, or in lobster's case, butter.

>> No.5700638

shut the fuck up

>> No.5700649

I genuinely hope your entire family dies in front of you and then you get enslaved in a rape dungeon.

>> No.5700811


Gas station BBQ is best BBQ. Mo' Betta.

>> No.5700817
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>> No.5700826



You know what to do, faggot.

>> No.5700835

>dese niggas don't know english

>> No.5700873

I thought that sounded a bit harsh, till I read the post you quoted and now I totally agree with you mang

>> No.5700883

the best BBQ sandwich I ever had was at a gas station in rural Texas. Slow beef, hot sauce and pickles on a roll.

>> No.5700976

I have a Kamado Joe and I made a Brisket for the first time EVER today. I didnt take any pictures, but I need to do some work on it. It was Done all the way through, no Pink at all, and the skin wasn't black and charred goodness all around.

Any tips from you guys?

>> No.5701044


your temp was probably too high. i think 225 is the general consensus

>> No.5701110


what is that tube touching the grill plates?

>> No.5701125

A dryer tube to vent smoke

>> No.5701175


How do you apply it to the grate, or does it just freely rest?

>> No.5701189


why is the dryer tube necessary

>> No.5701213

you stuff a tube with dryer sheets so your mom won't smell you smoking weed in the house

>> No.5701234


for any young anons who do this or will try it, it doesn't work at all. your house will smell like weed and febreeze, but mostly weed. don't smoke weed in the house until you own the house. you disrespectful ass you.

>> No.5701253


What's it like being such a faggot

>> No.5701450

this sucks. my cousin just opened up his own bbq place like 3 weeks back, and now he's in jail for a hit and run. fuck, those ribs were good though.

>> No.5701455

Its not necessary.
Its there to improve the air flow characteristics of the smoker.

Having the chimney vent opening at grill level draws the hot and smoke filled air across the food.
If the chimney vent opening was at the top of the smoker all the heat and smoke would rise to the top by-passing the meat.

>> No.5701457

No youre supposed to burn wood down to coals

>> No.5701458

Did he straight-up tell you he really wants to love you forever?

>> No.5701461

It actually does work really well though I use a SmokeBuddy now. I also own my own home

>> No.5701464

oh oh oh

>> No.5701504

i don't get it

>> No.5701513

Thats because you are a child

>> No.5701523

they are talking about the first music video that gave me an erection

>> No.5701526

are you a furfag?

>> No.5701530

not even slightly

>> No.5701534

I only ask b/c Paula Abdul is basically fucking a cat in that vid

>> No.5701535


nifty idea there, thanks

>> No.5701541

I honestly don't remember the video other than being confused that my dick got hard. Maybe I am a very repressed furfag.

>> No.5701542

>Saying this and not posting a link
Its almost like you're some kind of an asshole

>> No.5701544

>not having seen it or atleast knowing what it is.

>> No.5701583


>> No.5701586

what are you? 17?

>> No.5701588

I don't like you.

>> No.5701601

no one does

>> No.5701624

kill yourself

>> No.5701957


I had never seen the video before because I didn't have MTV as a kid.

>> No.5701992

Natural charcoal is wood burned down to coals

>> No.5702052
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what do you guys prefer to cook with?
Lumpwood or briquettes?

>> No.5702345

I always use lump.

>> No.5702350

This is incorrect. It is entirely acceptable to cook brisket at 325F.

What matters is getting the proper texture, the brisket should give like warm butter when probed. Cooking at 225F just takes longer, it imparts no advantage.

>> No.5702352
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>defending shitty corporate beer

>> No.5702357

if you use briquettes you probably drink coors light while cooking too

>> No.5702394

Me and my friends use lump sometimes. But that shit burns way hotter then briquettes. Takes the shit forever to get going in a coal starter too.

>> No.5702403
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Briquettes are so consistent you can set your watch by them.
But they produce huge amounts of ash which will choke out your fire so if you're doing a long smoke you will probably need to clean out the ash and reset the fire. They also use binders but I don't feel this imparts any bad flavours to the food.

Lumpwood is inconsistent in size, shape and burn rate, but it burns cleaner and produces less ash. Getting hold of good stuff is difficult, if its old or has been badly handled it can be all broken up into small bits and have lots of dust in the bag. Both of which are bad news when building a fire as it causes it to choke out.

I have used both with great results.
I tend to use briquettes because they are so consistent, but if I see good lumpwood I'll get it.

>> No.5703138

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for

>> No.5703190

check out BBQ Brethren

>> No.5703929

How much do those smokers usually go for?