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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5698503 No.5698503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>express self checkout
>old lady with 30 items that doesn't know how to use the touch screen

>> No.5698524
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>scan your one item
>please stand by, assistance is on the way

>> No.5698587

>Scan my one item
>"Unexpected item in bagging area"
>Assistance is on the way
>Have to wait while cashier overlord helps everyone else who has a retarded machine or is retarded themselves
>Don't even bother to complain because she hears the shit all day and hates these machines with every fiber of her being
>5 minutes later
>Thanks, you too

>> No.5698592
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>When an old person makes a wildly annoyed gesticulation when s/he is clearly the one at fault

>> No.5698597

You are a dumbass for using self-checkout in the first place. Is the store giving you a discount for cutting their labor costs? Why are you paying more for less service?

>> No.5698598

This doesn't happen. It only fucks up if you don't place your stuff on the scale, or put extra stuff or something. My girlfriend does this shit and it's annoying. She will put something down after scanning it and either push down while still holding it so the weight is wrong or place then pick up because she gets confused if she's supposed to do it yet.

>> No.5698601

>Cashier overlord
That title is fucking amazing and I wish they were actually called that now.

>> No.5698608

Ive had the displeasure of overseeing the self checkout. 90% of the job is wailing on the scale reset button because those machines are shit. Also shitlord parents letting their kids play and sit on the scale and then wondering why it wont let them proceed with their order.

>> No.5698610

holy SHIT you are dense. I hope you're trolling. people use self checkout because it's often faster

>> No.5698616

Yeah, sure it is, just like OP was quicker.
Fact is that self-checkout is slower, unable to deal with price mix-ups, and usually full of ignorant people trying to figure out how to do a minimum wage skill set; and failing hard.

>> No.5698619

I see this all the time and it confuses me. Does that old lady not even know she'd be saving herself some time if she let a cashier ring out her groceries? Getting into the shortest line does not in any way guarantee faster checkout. Yet retards still think they won if they got into the shortest line.

It does happen. All the time at my grocery store. Sometimes the machines just aren't any good. Or perhaps some asshole before you has damaged it in some way and it was never properly repaired.

>> No.5698620

I use it to steal, so it saves money that way

>> No.5698624

I've never had a problem with self checkouts.
It's a pretty simple process...
>Scan items
>Place items in bag
I've only had issues with produce and stuff where it doesn't have the barcode and you have to search for it.

>> No.5698628

Self checkout rarely has a line where I shop and it's all 20 items or less. I just use it because it's less human interaction that I have to deal with

>> No.5698631

That makes sense.
And so you are willing to pay more for less? The prices the stores charge include the labor for ringing the stuff up. And using a self-checkout lane is giving the store extra profits.
Nice to see that /ck/ support and defend our corporate multinational overlords.

>> No.5698639 [DELETED] 

Oooh, I am Assbuger, and hate dealing with people.
WTF?! Glad the new DSM got rid of that faggot "diagnoses" . Now we can just call the kettle black, fucktards with no social skills because they are retarded, or molested by their father figures.

If dealing with a cashier causes you such anxiety, then suicide is a viable option for you. Go ahead and do it, not because I believe that you will pollute the gene pool, as you are incapable of getting laid, but because I don't want my tax money supporting your fucktarded ass.

>> No.5698673

I bet you don't even pay taxes.

>> No.5698675

My mate used to work at one of these places as an assistant manager or something and he used to call his underlings "Till Jockeys" and "Till Monkeys."

I should probably clarify that a "till" is what we call a cash register in Britain.

>> No.5698682

To their faces or just talking to you? I would really hate being referred to as a till monkey by my boss.

>> No.5698686

Sorry man, didn't mean to offend you. didn't know someone who really has assbergers was browsing /ck/

>> No.5698689

sounds like a jerk

>> No.5698706

>Now we can just call the kettle black
What are you on about now you weirdo? You should stop ranting and foaming at the mouth while taking about social skills on the internet, you look like a spaz.

I also prefer to use the self-checkout sometimes because I like to listen to my tunes/podcasts while I'm out and about and dealing with a cashier means pausing that shit and taking out my headphones for the sake of politeness.

I also think it gives them a break from scanning and bagging shit which I don't mind doing. Sometimes I'll even use the self-service when I need something from behind the counter. I'll scan, bag and pay for the stuff I can do myself then bring the booze to the cashier and get my tobacco, electricity and whatever else.

Being forced to interact with strangers used to bother me but I learned not to take myself so seriously and now I can relax and smile and be friendly, and sometimes even enjoy it if it's a nice person at the checkout.

>> No.5698725

I doubt it was to their faces, although if it was I'm sure he'd call himself something equally demeaning first or refer to himself as the Till Monkey when he was on cashier detail.

But yeah, he was a prick. Apparently he got caught on CCTV stealing a couple of grand from the safe. He was fired but never prosecuted, maybe because he was good mates with the senior staff or because he's part of some masonic lodge, I dunno. Maybe he returned the money but I don't think so because (at least publicly) he denied all accusations, even when the CCTV evidence was brought up.

>> No.5698730

>city bans plastic bags
>Please place item in bagging area
>it's just an empty area
>have to put it in bagging area for weight sensor or some shit
>unnecessary stupid step

>> No.5698746


same here, and our piece of shit paper bags cost 25 fucking cents

>> No.5698749

Plastic bags cost a little over a dollar a piece in Norway. Quit yer bellyachin

>> No.5698804

they call it a till in the states too

>> No.5698823


the non-reusable ones? wow

also don't you guys make a lot more money as far as minimum wage? at least compared to the expensive states

>> No.5698852

Happens all the time

>> No.5698863

they do that because most grocery stores have automatic stocking systems that get fucked up if you scan multiple of the same item and not the different types, like if you scan orange soda twice instead of orange and rootbeer they will order too many orange sodas and not enough rootbeer

>> No.5698896

So how long until RFID is adopted and I can have all groceries accounted and paid for on a pre-designated credit card the moment I walk the fuck out?

>> No.5698897

I'd love that. All the staff would be focused solely on helping you find shit if you needed it and there'd be extra cheap budget stores with no staff at all.

>> No.5698909

>register your credit card with every place you shop
Because you wouldn't be able to use legal tender? Which is, you know, legal tender?

>> No.5698914

Maybe you could have a system where you load a dummy card with money inside the store to get around that.

>> No.5698915

>extra steps
>no way to go above your prepaid amount

>> No.5698917

What do you want, a big vacuum that sucks the money off of your person as you walk out the store?

>> No.5698922

With a trapdoor that opens beneath you if enough money isn't detected

>> No.5698925

How about a human being who knows his product and can assess what I'm purchasing and complete transactions using a variety of payment methods? A cash-guy. Cash-dude. Money-person. Cashy-jerk. Cash...ier?

>> No.5698928

that's stupid, humans are so primitive! i need TECHNOLOGY!

>> No.5698940

super kek

>> No.5698961

Yeah, you can reuse them but no one really does, they make decent small trash bags.

But yeah, they make a shit load more here for normal ass jobs but I'm not sure what wages actually are. I'm not from here just visiting fam, I live in the states.

>> No.5699175

Last time i used self service the damn thing sharted itself from all the loose change i put ito it.

>> No.5699183

what states are you talking about? it's referred to as a cash register or register in virtually every grocery store i've ever been to

>> No.5699326

Was in line yesterday buying two things. I went to the express check out. The nigger lady in front of me was on the phone talking, then when she got off she asked about some bagel coupons and made the cashier look through their little book so she could get a coupon for her. Meanwhile, the check out lane beside me that had a mom and her kids was already done and out.
So I just moved over to that one, was finished within a minute and was out. As I was driving out I saw the nigger leaving the store finally.

Point is, self checkouts are like niggers. You think they're supposed to be fast, but they don't work.

>> No.5699345

>Point is, self checkouts are like niggers. You think they're supposed to be fast, but they don't work.


>> No.5699350


>> No.5699378
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>not giving yourself a discount by scanning all produce as something cheap like onions
>the year 4028/2

>> No.5699392

A proper pic for this post

>> No.5699394


No, niggers would just straight up steal the shit. I pocket the difference to make up for saving them labor costs by scanning it myself.

>> No.5699397

>first time ever confronted with those machines
>slow day so I can take my time
>carefully read on-screen instructions because I want to do everything right
>about to start
>assistant comes, scans all my items for me, "How do you want to pay?", does everything for me
>tfw just wanted to do everything right so I wouldn't have to annoy assistant

>> No.5699400

asperger's was not removed. It was redefined as "autism spectrum disorder".

>> No.5699407

>implying you can scan as fast as an experienced union cashier

>> No.5699608
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>not just scanning all of your items as you put them in the cart and paying the machine in ten seconds.

It's like you don't want to be as efficient as possible.

>> No.5699667

My nigga. I'm literally saving hundreds a month because of self checkout

>> No.5699724
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j/k I don't give a shit. Usually. Sometimes if you're a dick, I'll remotely "correct" the produce for you.

>> No.5699788
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>Regular check out
>Old lady gets all groceries scanned through
>Oh I have to pay now!
5 minutes or searching in handbag for purse.
>I have these expired coop-ons I would like to use
Fuck you old lady

>Any woman ever
>Wong card
>Wrong PIN
>How much cash do I want to take out?
Goddamn why do I have to live on the same planet as you!

>Driving car
>Traffic lights red on a timer
>Waiting even though I can see there's no traffic

I hate having my time wasted.

>> No.5699790


wait... what?

>> No.5701081

Stop and Shop has a system where you scan each item and place it shopping bags while you walk through the aisles with a scanning device or your iOS/Android phone.

All you do in the checkout is scan the bar and pay. It takes about ten seconds if you're not retarded.

>> No.5701101

sounds very fraud-prone

>> No.5701121

>hate wasting time
Then why are you here?

>> No.5701818

>old lady on the bus
can't handle the new ticket scanners where the ticket slot is on the top instead of the front where an NFC chip scanner is
>keeps putting it in the wrong way
>holds up everybody
>complains about the machine, essentially fare evades
Fucking old people

>> No.5701878

When I buy at the wholesale club I line up all my items so the tags face up while waiting for the person in front of me then hit everything with the scan gun in 10 seconds flat. Checkout gun is GOAT

>> No.5701918

>waiting behind several old ladies and their million items
>finally get to the last old lady after decades
>she pulls out a check book
>"Who do I make the check out to?"
>Casher: [Name of store]
>"Can I get cash back? The banks are busy right now"
>Cashier: Yes up to [some amount]
>Writes check in the slowest crippled arthritis time possible
I had already passed away by that point.

>> No.5701930

If it makes you feel any better, this experience is just as terrible on the other side of the register. Some old people look at me like I'm the devil if I even mention debit cards which do the same fucking thing in far less time.

I don't know how it is that no one thinks to fill the check out before they get to the register. The only mystery involved here is the exact amount you're paying.

>> No.5701937


nowhere in my area does any grocery store have anything like that.

>> No.5701952

probably is that in the older days you could take your tme

>> No.5702164

Everybody's claiming they use the self checkout to steal shit, but last time I tried to ring cherries as grapes the guy walked over and started interrogating me.
>hey, do you need any help?
>no, I'm fine
>he starts looking through my bag and tells me I've made a mistake
>cancels the grapes and puts it in as cherries
>literally takes up about 5 minutes
Haven't gone back in almost a year.

>> No.5702187


>do it at Wal Mart instead of a higher-class store, they don't get paid enough to give a fuck
>try to do it when some shithead stoner or old person is assigned to the self-checkout machines, the former give no fucks and the latter can't into self-checkout
>be quick
>save produce for last and put your other bags in your cart/basket before you start scanning produce so you can hurry up and finish the transaction and GTFO before they have a chance to notice
>once you finish the transaction leave the store immediately, don't stop if they ask to look through your bags or your receipt, they are not police and cannot legally detain you especially when they don't have proof of you stealing, don't give them that proof by allowing them to look through your receipt and bags

>> No.5702192

people in the industry refer to them as tills. bn

most casuals don't know the word and just call it a cash register

>> No.5702197

just wait until they try to pay with a check

>> No.5702220


not a reply to you but to the picture you used

here's a brilliant idea.. when you are taking a shower, close the fucking bathroom door

>> No.5702223


you signup to a supermarket program online of which multiple stores are a part of, you enter in your credit/debit details, you can enter multiple incase the primary fails. they will then send you an rfid/nfc card. you go to any of the supermarkets that your account allows, pick up items all which have rfid/nfc labels. you walk out of the supermarket via a small corridoor / tunnel. then tunnel picks up your card and account details and tests the primary payment method to make sure funds are available, then it scans all of the products at the same time producing a total where if the funds are available it is deducted and you simply leave the store. if the funds are not available through primary it goes to secondary etc, if non work at the end of the corridoor / tunnel a red light flashes and you are ushered to a desk where you can pay by cash or work something else out. futureeee w9ooooow

>> No.5702241

sounds like nazi germany

>> No.5702247
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you are probably blissfully unaware of how much of your activity and physical movements are stored in various databases via cell phone networks, browser fingerprinting, beacons, credit card payments, etc.

NFC/RFID is kid stuff, it was scary in like 1999 but you should absolutely not care now. if you do care, unplug right now, throw your cell phone in a ditch, and move to a cabin to type out crazed manifestos on a wooden typewriter because you should be having a complete nervous breakdown

>> No.5703518

My experiences with self checkout have been bad.

At one place, the self-checkout scanned my item a second time as I put it in the bag since the scanner created an IR field that extended well beyond what was necessary. I only used it since no cashiers were open.

My local Super Stop and Shop only has these open in the morning. Even if it doesn't have errors the bags aren't right there. They are at the end of a smooth metal five foot slope that if you were to send them down they would crash at the end and become damaged if they don't spill on to the floor as well.

>> No.5703539

That is as stupid as when you go up to the cashier and they'll call your cart a carriage though everyone here calls them carts. I guess it makes them feel more important.

>> No.5703549

That wouldn't work at my walmart. Police are always nearby.

>> No.5703556

It is safer to use checks than debit and it is safer to not fill out a check until you are about to use it.

>> No.5703559

why do krogers put 85 year old employees in charge of the self checkout?

it takes them 20 minutes to get to the kiosk and another 20 to press on the screen

>> No.5703625

>2 express lanes open
>one cashier is a young qt mamacita 4 me, other is old bag
>qt has two people in line, both small baskets, old bag has one
>get in qt3.14's line, I can wait a minute
>front end manager runs over. "sir, we can help you over here" and directs me to the old bag line
>"OK". walk to the other line. by the time I'm there somebody had pulled in front of me with a full basket.
>front end manager: "SORRY", directs me back to the good line.
>somebody else had already gotten in line with a big basket
>directs me back to old bags line, wait forever and no qt

leave me the fuck alone, I can figure out what line I want to check out in.

>> No.5703649

That's when I play deaf but I look like a serial murderer so people leave me alone.

>> No.5703680

there are cops at wal mart, many of them have police stations in the front. awhile back when I was walking in there was a guy sprinting out with a big TV in a cart with some employees chasing him. I knocked the cart over and he stopped to pick it up and put it back in but I took the cart. the employees/managers couldn't physically detain him but the fuzz showed up soon and arrested him.

>> No.5703694

You do realize a check has your entire bank account number, bank routing number, bank name, your name and address, often times you phone number, and if you're really stupid, your driver's license number printed on there as well "to make it easier on the cashier" but ultimately letting any check thief have every piece of information they need to use your bank account which has less protections (report it in 48 hours or your fucked) than credit cards in disputes. If you want to call this better or worse, I don't care, but it's stupid. It's like dropping a piece of paper with all your passwords and logins into someone's lap if you're not careful.

>> No.5703740
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>one of those shitty soda dispenser with hundreds of choices
>go to coke products and select my flavor
>nothing happens
>press other flavors
>nothing happens
>try pressing longer, nothing
>try pressing harder, nothing
>try taping repeatedly, nothing
>line forming behind me
>lady behind me thinks i'm being indecisive "Just choose one"
>start to panic
>I just go with the already selected regular coke

>> No.5703808

What the fuck are you buying that costs so much? And how do you steal? Scan one item and throw in two into the bag?

>> No.5703853

>peel off labels before going into the scanner
>get free food

>> No.5703870

>2lbs of saffron
>it's bananas

This actually might be why supermarkets only put out saffron in those tiny containers holding one pinch at a time, and they don't put that many of them out at any one time.

>> No.5703871

Similar experience. This was actually by accident.
>Going through produce
>put two apples for weigh
>machines check them, don't even bother checking what it's charging and keep going
>all of a sudden cashier-lord shows up
>tells me my order is wrong
>reweighs the apples
>turns out they were underweighed for some reason
>gives me a deathstare
>she saved the store a whooping 60¢

Now imagine if I was actually trying to steal anything--she'd had the cops on me in an instant. I don't understand how people get away with that.

>> No.5703878

I still have never tried one of these out because the only ones around are at Burger King. And fuck Burger King. Their food is shit and they're the only restaurant that's ever given me food poisoning.

>> No.5704540

They've got them at Wendy's too. Wendy's is miles above BK shit.

>> No.5706641

>set coupons on register
>"I have some coupons to scan"
>"I'll get them when I'm done"(snotty voice)
>tells me my total, I have to remind her about the coupons

Just scan the coupons when I hand them to you, I know they will scan before the order is finished

>> No.5708674

I have heard that there are more checks on a check than a debit card, this is true. I know SOMETIMES at least I'll have to enter license details for a check and I've never done that with a credit card. Most of the time though I just need to look at an ID, same as a card, though I can't speak for the bank's end of things. However, that thing about not filling out checks until you use them is bull. I'm talking about writing most things in thirty seconds before you would hand it over anyway, not walking around with a book full of signed checks, not that signatures really matter for anything.

Most cards have zero fraud liability anyway, so it seems like a moot point to me. It's all old people fear mongering and places like Target being retarded.

>> No.5708709

>express waitrose in islington
>have a shitton of stuff, fuck self-scan
>retarded snaking queue dividers
>elderly black lady engaging in 0.005m/s trolley slalom
>offers to let me go ahead
>i graciously decline
>finally make it to the newspaper stand, within smelling distance of the attractive girl known only as 'cashier number 1 please'
>old lady lets go of her trolley on a diagonal which obstructs my egression from the queue
>slowly picks up and thumbs through a tabloid
>punctual-looking people start to line up behind me
>elderly lady mutters 'absolutely dis-goss-tin'
>oh no
>her neck creaking audibly, she turns to me like the first zombie in resident evil and asks my opinion on whatever was 'absolutely dis-goss-tin'
>'oh i haven't been following'
>she proceeds to synopsize the narrative of the recent murders of a couple of brit med students in malaysia
>i am making the entirety of an affluent urban suburb spend their work break listening to geriatric creole ohdearism instead of eating charcuterie in the sun
>finally she shuts up
>picks up another paper

>> No.5708767

The fraud liability is different for a debit and a credit card iirc.