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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5697094 No.5697094 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw germans have a kind of candy they literally call "nigger smooches"

>> No.5697116

it's called negro kisses

>> No.5697118

>mfw I'd rather be in a German scat film than be smooched by a nigger

>> No.5697137

In some parts of Belgium we call that candy
nigger tits

>> No.5697145
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>based belgium

>> No.5697325

There are also lots of people in Germany who call them negro heads, so it all evens out.

>> No.5697335

they are called moor heads, not negro heads

>> No.5697347

>was at pre-school
>we are mixing kool aid and something to make makeshift playdough
>i help the girl next to me
>she kissed me right after
>she was black
I'm tainted forever. I'm not pure.

>> No.5697351

african, moor, negro - its all black

>> No.5697353
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Negerinnetetten :^)

>> No.5697357

sorry. they're called moop heads

>> No.5697362
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They sell those in Finland too.
Even though they changed the name to "Kisses" instead of "Nigger kisses"
Something about racism or something

>> No.5697364


>> No.5697372

Well that is pretty subjective. But yeah, they are.

>> No.5697380

that's because it's obvious consensus

>> No.5697405
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I just googled "Поцелуй негра", and the result made me hungry.

Though it doesn't actually that racist in Russian, it's more like "Negro's kiss"

>> No.5697451
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racist food thread?

>> No.5697471
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Does it count?

>> No.5697545

excuse me?

>> No.5697651

Does somebody have the image of how to cook Faggots in Tit Sauce? I think it was a real recipe but it was just old so they didn't care about cursing back then.

>> No.5697694
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>> No.5699292

That's nothing. Sweden has a pastry called "Nigger balls".

>> No.5699310

Neger is not racist

>> No.5699344

How is that racist you retard?

>> No.5699365
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>mfw I first read reseal me as release me

>> No.5699375

I came to this thread to say the same.
Fellow Belgian reporting.

>> No.5699399


That's wrong though, they're choco kisses nowadays because everything else was too offensive for nowaday's political correctness

>> No.5699502
File: 588 KB, 1905x1806, Negerkuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German reporting in
It's called "Negerkuss" which means translated "Nigger kiss" NOT smooch. They are fucking delicious.

>> No.5699527


In Austria, we call them "Schwedenbomben", translated as "Swedish Bombs".

>> No.5699542
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>Have some nigger coffee

>> No.5699547
File: 33 KB, 278x350, Sarotti-Mohr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also an old german chocolate company who's mascot just happens to be a nigger called the "Sarotti Mohr"

>> No.5699618

when did Mr. Popo get in advertising

>> No.5699621

Wat iz a... Nigga.
O o dat word is bad very bad

>> No.5699631

Why don't you try typing like a person instead of a downs syndrome child?

>> No.5699643


Welcome newfriend, enjoy your stay :^)

>> No.5699648

I'm not watching your autistic le epic meme video. Go back to /b/

>> No.5699650

In America, Macadamia nuts were called "Nigger Toes" for the longest time.

>> No.5699653

>linked to the exact time
>takes 3 seconds
>doesn't know markorepairs

so how's your first week here?

>> No.5699733

>German reporting in
>which means translated "Nigger kiss"

actually it's "negro kiss", don*t you know your own language, fuckwit?

>> No.5699749
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There's this, I don't know where it's sold exactly. Found it in Colombia, but no idea where else they sell it

>> No.5699805

Neger means nigger you idot.
The word "negro" does not exist in german.

>> No.5699810

nigger is derogatory, negro is neutral
Is German neger derogatory?

>> No.5699817
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>> No.5699823

wrong, that's brazil nuts, you fucking retard

>> No.5700080


>> No.5700127
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>> No.5700138
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>> No.5700675

In France we call these (or whippets) Tête-de-nègre, which basically means "nigger head"

>> No.5700725
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, eti-negro-100-gr-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek was not enough.

>> No.5700736


>> No.5700876
File: 97 KB, 762x1410, Afri-ColaBottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have Africola.
Blacker than original coke.

>> No.5701079

In Switzerland as well. "Mohrenköpfe", don't know if they use that word in Germany or Austria though.

>> No.5701640

We used to. Then a few fuckwits thought it was offensive and the "official" politically correct term is "Schokoküsse".

>> No.5701784

On 7chan they call this site niggertits

>> No.5702631

Well them Negro balls here.
Yes that kind of ball.

>> No.5702647
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>this is banned in Finland
It wasn't official name but everyone called it nigger liquorice. We also have a candy bar called "Geisha" and it used to have a small geisha in the graphics but they removed it cause RACISM

>> No.5702650

That stuff is rocket fuel.

I always called the candy that OP is referring to 'Mohrenkopf' (Moor's head.) Probably a regional thing.

>> No.5702681
File: 152 KB, 600x450, Negenzoenen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called them negerzoenen here too, and then the main company that made them made up a stunt where they got some people to be offended and they changed their name in response to just zoenen, resulting in less sales.

One cheeky company packages them like this now, it means nine kisses.

>> No.5702682
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Mexican Pastry

>> No.5702685
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>> No.5703016

sorry but this is bullshit on several levels as >>5697335 and >>5697116 allready pointed out they were called "negerküsse" (negro kisses) or "mohrenkopf" (black mans head) depending on the region. in cologn "mohrenköpfe" were something entire different.

i say WERE called "negerküsse" or "mohrenköpfe" because in most cases they are now named more politically correctly for example "schaumküsse" which translates to "foamkisses".

sauce: i´m german

>> No.5703029

since it is used as the german equivalent to nigger it really is.
but you seem to be the type that thinks saying nigger a lot is fun and edgy so i leave you to that.

>> No.5703084

You're thinking of Brazil nuts

>> No.5703091
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>> No.5703098

yeah, why the fuck would you call macadamias that? Fucking tard

>> No.5703103
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>> No.5703113
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>> No.5703119
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>> No.5703122

They may be LABELED as "Schaumkuss" or "Schokokuss" but everyone, old people and little kids, still calls them "Mohrenkopf", at least they do where I live. (Offenbach am Main)

>> No.5703136
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>> No.5703153
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>> No.5703154

Same here, up north where I'm from around Hannover and down here where I live at the moment near Kassel.

>> No.5703170

Hey can you tell me more about this soda pls. it looks interesting

>> No.5703256


Assuming you're a Neger I'll leave you that,

>> No.5703361

I also call it Mohrenkopf? Süddeutschland?

It tastes more bitter than coca cola, but in a good way. It's mainly popular in hipster circles, but some normal people also like to drink it.
Before USA came to Germany it was the biggest brand of Cola, but well....
The shape of the glass is a trademark, small glass bottles also have this form.
That's all I know about it.

>> No.5703380


Southern Hesse, yeah.