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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 500x333, vegan-foods-spots-dallas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5694496 No.5694496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a vegan thread going?

>> No.5694502
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>> No.5694506
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>a hamburger with random vegetables substituted for meat

This picture is what's wrong with vegan cooking

>a retarded shitpost

This picture is what's wrong with /ck/

THIS picture is what vegan cooking should look like.

>> No.5694507

I tried a vegan diet for a little while, just to see what it's like and it just wasn't for me.

Props to those that follow it, though, not eating meat made my teeth itchy.

>> No.5694513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5694521

Huh that actually looks pretty good. Whats that thing on the bottom though? Roti?

>> No.5694523
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>> No.5694524


>> No.5694530

Oh ok thanks.

>> No.5694535
File: 26 KB, 444x444, 1237528299396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please redpill me on vegans and honey.

Yes its a byproduct of an animal, but its the byproduct of pollination, several vegetables/fruits rely on bee pollination.

yes I know bees are trucked to farms, but the ones that live are just being bees.

honestly unless you grow your own or buy from small local sources that don't use machinery - your killing animals, many small creatures die while harvesting.

>> No.5694541

mental illness or diet?

a long time ago you would die if you tried to live by this "alternative lifestyle"

>> No.5694568

Mental illness. Most certainly.

>> No.5694572

a long time ago people would've killed you for having a computer. actually, some people might still kill you and consider you a witch or something.

better get rid of it!

>> No.5694581



>> No.5694583

There's a huge difference between fear of new technology and adopting a first-world-problem set of eating guidelines just because you can. They are not even remotely related. If you can't tell the difference between those, then it's no wonder you're living such an idiotic lifestyle.

>> No.5694587

Ted Kaczynski was a genius

You, not so much

>> No.5694590
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>> No.5694595

>has to resort to base insults

Nice argument, dumbass. I'll take that as a win.

>> No.5694598

Isn't a vegan diet only viable because we're able to produce B12 from bacteria? Isn't that a new form of technology?

Is it really that wrong to not want to have to kill animals to stay alive? I know vegans can be misguided at times, but to say they're all crazy just makes you an idiot.

I'm not even a vegan. When people use stupid arguments, it just bugs me.

>> No.5694624

It seem like you don't even understand the post. So, you know, try some reading comprehension.

>> No.5694628

I am convinced that humans can sustain a healthy diet without consuming animal derived products.

However, I'm not convinced that we can completely eliminate using animals, so might as well enoy their meat. How many non-edible subtances are made from animals?

>> No.5694629

But they are remotely related. Just because you're an American living in a modern society doesn't mean you can't be ignorant and fearful of new things.

You piece of shit.

>> No.5694644

>I am convinced that humans can sustain a healthy diet without consuming animal derived products.

Without animal derived proteins our brains would turn to mush.

>> No.5694647

Here we go again! I'll make popcorn, ladled with precious, fatty, rich butter

A long time ago electricity didn't exist, a long time ago cars didn't exist. Difference is, vegans could have existed and then they would have been killed

>> No.5694653

>people who have survived years of veganism with good health

>> No.5694668

So basically, before modernization a vegan diet was next to impossible.

So much for a more natural and healthier diet.

>> No.5694671

Hey troll, fuck you. Seriously, I want to know why so many people post troll shit on /ck/.

>> No.5694693

natural != inherently good

>> No.5694694


Enjoy your heavy metal poisoning.

>> No.5694707
File: 71 KB, 719x461, cavemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5694712

Well we can also consider that they did not have medicine.

>> No.5694716

Or soap and showers.

>> No.5694723

Many lived past thirty. The average life span was middle aged mostly due to high infant mortality.

>> No.5694823

>wut are Jains
>wut Hinduism
>wut countless other societies that had primarily plant based diets

Just shut your mouth

Not vegan? Don't post.

>> No.5694865

Hindus can eat meat, just not beef. Turns out that the Jains were also eating significant amounts of meat in the form of the insects stuck in their vegetables.

Not that it's impossible to have a healthy and balanced vegan diet, it's just very hard to get certain nutrients purely from food (without supplements) and it would have been impossible before large amounts of varied food originating from around the entire world was available cheaply and easily at your local grocer.

>> No.5694883

Why exactly do you wish to exclude meat and other animal products?
I am actually curious. It does not make sense to me, especially since humans evolved through omnivorous diets. I'm not against vegans, just curious.

>> No.5694886


A lot don't

>insects on vegetables

Wrong again.

They got b12 from dirt on vegetables, as it is only produced by bacteria that live in the grounds.

>> No.5694897
File: 1.84 MB, 300x191, .comeATmebrah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can this even be confirmed?
also you and i are here so they made it.
also there are billions of omnivores and they live well past thirty


>> No.5694902


What's wrong about insects in vegetables?

You aren't going to make me dig up the FDA approved guidelines for insect content in prepared foods, are you?

>> No.5694909

My uni prof had surprising amounts of trouble finding spirulina supps that were pure, some were tainted with toxic microbes.

>> No.5695130


>Isn't a vegan diet only viable because we're able to produce B12 from bacteria?

Well technically, all B12 is produced by bacteria. That's where it comes from. Bacteria feed on cobalt in the soil and produce vitamin B12. The concept of B12 deficiency itself is a modern invention, brought about by going from a natural environment to a very clean, sterile environment and farming methods that deplete the soil of cobalt. It seems ridiculous when people use B12 to say that veganism is unnatural, as if anything in their 1st world city life is the least bit "natural." It's natural to live in dirty conditions, eating dirty B12 contaminated food and drinking from B12 contaminated streams that haven't been chlorinated and heat treated. Hell, a rabbit eats its own shit to get B12. Herbivores in nature don't get B12 by magic, they get it from being in nature and living a natural dirty life. Look at the ingredients on the back of most pet food labels; they supplement with B12 and vitamin D because those are the vitamins you lack when you live in a house, away from dirt and sunlight.

TL,DR: B12 supplementation is no more unnatural than living in a house that has electricity running through it

>> No.5695134


Gladiators and ninjas were also historically vegan

>> No.5695153


>> No.5695155

it cant really be confirmed aside from the massive lack of ancient human skeletons that lived past 30

>> No.5695178

If you really want to know there's a whole thread on veggieboards about honey.

I didn't eat honey for a long time but eventually realized that I really didn't give a shit. I kill insects all the time (intentionally or unintentionally) and have never considered them as being on the same level as mammals or aves. For what it's worth I've been buying some local stuff. Last one I got says it's raw and organic and "Harvested with Extreme Care."

>> No.5695183

>putting butter on your popcorn

>> No.5695188

you know that average life span was that low almost entirely to childhood/infant mortality right? if you reached your twenties, you were as likely to live to see 60-70 as you are today

>> No.5695199

what's a toxic microbe?

>> No.5695213



Gladiators ate a diet of barley, beans, and vegetables. They were known as hordearii or "barley men."


Aside from small amounts of quail eggs that they ate infrequently , ninjas were wholly plant-eaters. They believed that meat made the blood impure and would cause their body odor to be more noticeable, which is bad for stealth

>> No.5695235
File: 455 KB, 680x900, chickpeatofu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, vegan bros. Anyone ever try chickpea tofu?
Made some today and it kind of fell apart. I'm wondering if I just used to much liquid.

>> No.5695320

a theory is all the soy the monks ate over generations made their penis small, now they consume tiger blood/meat to make it larger.

>> No.5695343

They didn't enjoy the taste of delicious meat though.

>> No.5695350

And then you die from explosive diarrhea.

>> No.5695632

Gladiators didn't all eat the same thing.

Do you really think they care if the criminals/slaves had a B12 deficiency? They were probably going to die soon anyway, long before any deficiencies appeared from their diet.

And some gladiators were paid to... gladiate? They ate whatever they wanted/could afford.

>> No.5695634


Didn't need your excuses, just saying they historically ate a plant-based diet.

>> No.5695643

Didn't everyone historically eat a plant-based diet? Only because meat wasn't plentiful enough...

>> No.5695644

>i dont care about logical reasons why someone did something just that it help my argument even though it isnt exactly valid

>> No.5695645

Also I'm not even that poster, don't be so egotistical

>> No.5695646

Animal domestication is a hallmark of civilization.

>> No.5695648


Most people ate a majority plant diet (grain-based) with meat when they could get it, but gladiators specifically ate no meat.


It doesn't matter why you think they did or didn't do something, the fact is they did it. Change your pampers, bro.

>> No.5695651

But they didnt do it for health

>> No.5695655


And yet they were known for being healthy and strong.

>> No.5695659

They most certainly were not

>> No.5695661

Some probably were... because the weaker ones died quickly.

>> No.5695685

hey co/ck/suckers. i knew this thread would be full of shitposting.
i've been working in a vegan charity-run kitchen (you pay for your meal via donation, the logic being that along with our donated supplies, the donations cover costs and provide meals for those who can't afford to eat for whatever reason - originally it was made for the homeless but we get mostly students, punks, alcoholics and normies who want an 'experience')
i've been cooking fruit syrups to use in desserts (i'm still yet to figure out what i want to do. at first i was going to serve mocktails, then i was going to cook some coconut tofu cubes and have a dollop of syrup on each cube so that you can enjoy ~6-8 flavours per serving. but both seem fiddly and impractical (we have about 200 covers a day, not too many)
anyway, vegan food is nice, making it is simple and you don't have to worry about cross contamination or how the oil and fat from the meat will fuck with your meal. it's also cheap as long as you avoid the top-shelf '110% organic harvested with my bare hands it's so natural it hurts' products that cost an arm and a leg.

>> No.5695698

B12 stores in the body last months (4-6+). The average lifespan of a gladiator would probably never see those stores depleted and the successful ones most likely got meat in their meals.

>> No.5695724


I don't think anyone 2000+ years ago worried about B12. It's a non-issue under their living conditions.

>> No.5695756

Probably because they didn't give a shit about random fad diets and ate meat maybe once a month, more if not poor. Getting past infancy and childhood, people had pretty respectable lifespans, in terms of disease.

>> No.5695778

Fuck you vegan scum. Stop trying to make shit taste like meat. You know you like meat, you piece of shit. You're like lesbians who own a bunch of dildos. They try to deny they're obsession with cock like you deny your love of meat.
Stupid nigger

>> No.5695811
File: 89 KB, 600x450, 1404896227273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5695818


What about that looks like an attempt at being meat? Being between two pieces of bread? Maybe if you ate like that, the fatty streaks in your arteries would go away.

>> No.5695839

Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like? Fatty streaks? In my arteries? I eat a fuckton of meat and have the body of a fucking Greek God. I'd rather not walk around in skinny jeans, eating a carrot, giggling at the guys who are fucking the girls you wish you were. What a smelly pussy you have there.... it's pathetic. Nobody likes you

>> No.5695842

woahhhhh this guy is SO mad that some people don't eat animals or animal products. lmao.

>> No.5695844
File: 16 KB, 538x511, 23198918231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this a new meme or something?

>> No.5695847

>implying niggers have the will power/mental capacity to practice veganism.

>> No.5695853
File: 82 KB, 400x341, tumblr_inline_mgdssgKY7Q1qjh6az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat a fuckton of meat

>> No.5695856

My step-brother is a vegan and I want to kill him. I hate the shit-stain on this planet that is vegan. You, Ms. Thang, are full of shit if you honestly do not enjoy eating a beef hamburger. Stop lying to yourself in your failed attempts at being accepted by some outcast group of losers that 98 percent of the population can't fucking stand being around. Its not cool or hip or trendy. Its just annoying. Grow up and eat like you were meant to

>> No.5695861

>automatically associating meat with male genitalia
seems its you who is gay

>> No.5695865

>post picture of nigger
>this will get the laughs
>look what I did Mommy

>> No.5695868

>dat filename
what did you expect from a tumblr fag

>> No.5695873

>hurrdurr what is google images?

>> No.5695874


>projecting your family issues onto other people

>> No.5695882

jesus man what did a vegan do to you? did a vegan fuck your girlfriend? did a vegan not get diabetes like you? did a vegan actually have something that they believe in?

>> No.5695886

you didnt pull that reaction image off google images. lets be real

>> No.5695898

i did.

>> No.5695901

sure you did

>> No.5695902
File: 642 KB, 1249x671, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 3.00.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair i guess it is from a tumblr.

>> No.5695906

i think this means you have to get of the internet now. sorry.

>> No.5695910

>vegan having intercourse with a woman
>diabetes from meat
>vegan having a soul or beliefs
Good one

>> No.5695918
File: 120 KB, 474x528, 1405040306065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure showed me with.

>> No.5695926

To be fair, the filename has tumblr in it. God damn you kids are so fullof shit. How many times muSt you try justifying yourselves for the sake of arguing? This pathetic generation of manlets is full of denial. This is why we hate vegans

>> No.5695931

>implying I'm vegan
lol you do realize it takes two to argue you pathetic vegan manlet

>> No.5695934

You sure one-upped me with the most overly posted reaction image on 4chan. You're only proving I'm right. Why are you such a tool? I bet you have like seven cats who are malnurished because you deprive them of their beloved meat. Just kill yourself already. The suspense is giving me a headache

>> No.5695935
File: 183 KB, 612x612, 43254342534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 vegan haters come to the vegan thread on purpose to troll

too late

>> No.5695939

that headache is signs of a stroke you fat fuck.

>> No.5695942

>lol I'll just copy what he said and show him I'm not a babby.
>lol two plus two equals argue
>snickering and snorting intensifies
It's sad watching you fail at everything

>> No.5695944

I already told you I'm /fit you illerate fuckup. Why can't you accept defeat?

>> No.5695945

are you looking in a mirror. you haven't been able to make an actual point. think before you type dumbass.

>> No.5695946

I go vegan periodically to challenge myself.

>> No.5695947

oh you're /fit/ just like how you're not a virgin. kek

>> No.5695948

That image perfectly encapsulates the entirety of vegandom with it's hysterical, over-simplifying, over-dramatic bullshit. This is why we hate you. It's like dealing with scientologists or the westboro baptist people.

>> No.5695951


/jimmy rustle

>> No.5695953

Ok ok you win. I' a fat virgin with diabetes and meat is bad.

>> No.5695954

hide the threads, and don't come in here. you are making yourself more annoyed by participating in our thread that we never wanted you to come into.

>> No.5695958

same reasons vegans always come in and ruin every nonvegan or meat thread posted

>> No.5695960

I think that was the OP
Just a wild guess

>> No.5695962

We dont want you in the meat, egg and dairy threads but you still come in and shitpost

>> No.5695965

this happens every time the word 'vegan' is mentioned on /ck/. i've tried to get discussions going recently to share recipes and stuff but it inevitably ends in shitposting.

this doesn't happen.

>> No.5695968

ITS NOT US! the same exact trolls messing with us are also pretending to be vegan and trolling in your threads!

how can you have no life that not only do you spend all your time on 4chan but you spend all your time on 4chan on /ck/ waiting for some person to bring up salad so you can troll them to death?

get out of our thread!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5695972


>> No.5695974

This is 4chan baby, you don't get to choose who posts in your thread. Go back to reddit, or your facebook groups, if you only want to hear echos of your own opinions. We chaos here. Deal with it, vegan faggot.

>> No.5695975

>this doesnt happen
it happens everyday

>> No.5695976

maybe its shills from evil corporations trying to prevent the transfer of good vegan recipes?

>> No.5695978

>It is not us
See boys, this is why we can't trust the vegans, they all know each other and are in cahoots with one another. They're working together alright. Working together to bring us superior omnivores down.

>> No.5695981

>get out of our thread
its not your thread and its unrealistic to think you can keep people out on an anonymous board. Thats like trying to keep spiderman out of trap threads

>> No.5695982

nah, because i don't frequent any of those sites. i'm not here to listen to echoes. just like cooking with meat, cooking with vegetables is also interesting to talk about (flavour profiles, textures etc). you're not causing chaos, you edgelord, you're just proving that there are still manchildren out there that hate vegetables and people willing to live a lifestyle different from their own.

>> No.5695987

We are all omnivores friend they've just deluded themselves into thinking they arent.

>> No.5695992

hating vegans =/= hating vegetables

everyone else eats both

>> No.5695993

>implying omnivores hate vegetables
>implying you're not a hysterical vegan
>implying you're not the picture of mental illness
>implying you don't want to listen to echos of your own beliefs

Just stop, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.5695995

why bother vegans? why attack our threads just because we don't like your meat?
everything you say is pointless. why do you go into a thread that wasn't meant for you, a thread you DON'T enjoy, INTENTIONALLY?

its like going to a restaurant you don't like, ordering food you don't want, and suing the manager for abuse.

you deserve all the aggravation you claim to receive. every last bit.

>> No.5695997


>> No.5695998

are you the same guy that was originally so anally anguished earlier in the thread? the "stop pretending you don't enjoy a burger" guy?
do you understand that ethics can apply to food and the various industries related to consuming said food? it's okay if you don't want to think about how sustainable your meat/produce consumption is. i don't care what your opinions are unless we enter a dialogue.
however, there are people around who are interested in talking about and acting on those ideas. you're like the guy in playstation threads who comes in talking about how xbox is the better console. it's the standard 4chan don't like what i don't like syndrome. /ck/ is usually one of the friendlier boards, which leads me to believe you are either visiting from /b/, or are just an angry sperglord irl lmao

>> No.5695999

why bother omnivores? why attack our threads just because we don't subscribe to your ideals?
everything you say is pointless. why do you go into a thread that wasn't meant for you, a thread you DON'T enjoy, INTENTIONALLY?

its like going to a restaurant you don't like, ordering food you don't want, and suing the manager for abuse.

you deserve all the aggravation you claim to receive. every last bit.

>> No.5696000

no vegans on /ck/ go into meat threads.

we are all being trolled.

we can't "bring you down" or convince you to eat vegetables if you don't enter our threads in the first place. see how that works?

you came in here on purpose to go EWWWW NOO MOMMY I DONT WANT VEGETABLES

nobody forced you to go into this thread and read someones recipe for salad.

>> No.5696001

No only been ITT for about 5 min

>> No.5696002

you never contribute to vegan threads, they always start off as "hey wanna talk about vegetables" and then some troll comes in and derails it completely.

you contribute to the thread or get out.

>> No.5696003

yo, other reasonable guy in the thread, where are you from?

>> No.5696008

you are here, in this thread. what are you doing in this thread?

>> No.5696010

If you can't take the heat, get out of the /ck/itchen.
We post in any thread that catches our attention, for whatever reason, as we like. This in particular, because as I was scrolling past (I'd ignored it for ages already) I had to read one too many idiotic, fucktard vegan posts and it irritated me. So here I am, fucking deal with it. I've had enough of your tomfoolery.

>> No.5696012

>no vegans on /ck/ go into meat threads.
you cant possibly know that

everyone eats vegetables

same thing happens in meat dairy and egg threads

oh and again you cant choose who posts in what thread

>> No.5696013

the amount of keyboard warrior in this post is just... are you twelve?

>> No.5696014

so this is you right?:
>on /ck/
>see thread
>meat thread
>meat thread
>meat thread
>guis I flushed my fridge down the toilet
>guis what eat wisdom teeth taken out
>meat thread
>"hey wanna talk about vegan recipes?"

>> No.5696018

can we come to an agreement? should we possibly begin to call the mods (in either thread) when someone starts to troll everyone?

>> No.5696020

Yes, sure, I'm the twelve year old, not the vegans crying because non vegans are posting in their thread. Wipe the sand out of your vagina.

>> No.5696023

so this is you right?:
>on /ck/
>see thread
>meat thread
>meat is murder
>meat thread
>meat will kill you
>meat thread
>ruining the planet
>guis I flushed my fridge down the toilet
>guis what eat wisdom teeth taken out
>egg or dairy thread
>shitpost some more
>"hey wanna talk about vegan recipes?"
>stop trolling us guise, gah

>> No.5696024

there's no point. as if the mods are going to give a fuck about semi-related posts. guess we'll just keep creating vegan threads and hopefully generate discussion on cooking without animal products. WOAH

>> No.5696025


>> No.5696027

why come into a thread you have no interest in to start a 500 post feces thunderstorm and troll everyone to prevent people from discussing the topic of the thread?

everyone, we need to start ignoring these people, completely pretending they don't exist and even maybe report in the future.

>vegan thread
>contributing post
>hey this is cool
>good post
>friendly post
>yea that sounds good I love vegetables

>> No.5696028

Why does that sound so fucking ridiculous?
>let's see....
>without animal products

>> No.5696030


>> No.5696031


>> No.5696033

like thatll every happen

>> No.5696034

You want to know what did it? HMMM? THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE. >>5695935
I don't really give a shit what you eat. You could actually eat shit for all I care. But this crap, like that image, will always piss me off. Because it's fucking RIDICULOUS. It's juvenile, hysterical, over-dramatic, over-generalized, tweenage-girl-type SLOP. And anyone who posts it or passes it around should feel completely ashamed of themselves.

>> No.5696038

one person said it wasnt any of the tons of anonymous vegans so of course it couldnt be

>> No.5696040

it can happen any thread. we can work together to have peaceful threads and be happy.

>> No.5696041

Are you fucking new here? That happens in 80% of the threads. What makes your thread so special that it deserves preferential treatment? OH WAIT, you think that about everything in your life, don't you? You're one of those....

>> No.5696043

>this mspaint generated picture of bingo made me mad enough to shitpost
welp, looks like you've got more problems than us vegetable eaters, buddy.

>> No.5696047


>> No.5696048

the image was made because its an exact representation and account of all the things really stupid trolls say to vegans.

the image was made for people like you, and the fact that it makes you so mad proves that its very accurate.

you essentially MADE us make that and post it.

>> No.5696050

I seriously doubt that.

>> No.5696051

> us vegetable eaters
we all eat vegetables you fucking retard

>> No.5696053

i bet you do

>> No.5696054

look at the pattern, don't be a fool.

the trolls are playing both sides.

wait... that was damage control wasn't it?

>> No.5696056

>vegetable eaters
>meat eaters only eat meat
What are you? Stupid er somethin?

>> No.5696057

The only thing that is an exact representation of is how mentally ill vegans are. Seek help.

>> No.5696059

>it cant be the vegans it just cant. Vegans would never shitpost or troll they are immune!!!!!!

>> No.5696060

All you need is to add some insects and you're good.

>> No.5696063

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5696064

if it happened that often then 4chan would have fallen apart by now. people actually make threads because they enjoy the discussion related to the topic of the thread, if that wasn't true, threads would just be nameless boxes of people talking about random things. here in the real world, we are better at that then you are.

>> No.5696067

Newfag pls

>> No.5696070

Vaccinations. We no longer remember how many diseases people get without them.

>> No.5696071

>implying we havent been eating meat for 1000s of years

you know there are two main components to hunter gatherers right? and they arent hunting insects. After that came farming and animal domestication.

>> No.5696072

>someone eats meat and vegetables
>someone eats a nutritionally balanced diet of just plants

are you really this illogical?

>> No.5696073

>Confirmed for newfag

Also, learn to capitalize your sentences.

>> No.5696074

>this person isn't mad at me because i choose to eat sustainable foods, avoiding things which have been genetically modified or factory farmed, but because he is mentally ill, ignorant, american, or a blend of those three.
okay, that sounds fine.

>> No.5696075 [DELETED] 


>> No.5696077

when do you ever see vegans mess with meat threads? just look at this thread, its full of trolls bothering us for liking plants.

the fact that you are here preventing us from posting vegan recipes proves you are also one of them.

>> No.5696078

Stupid vegans don't realize that bugs piss and shit on veggies.
We meat eaters don't give a fuck because bugs are just an added bonus to lettuce and other shit.
We like the fact that sometimes bugs get packaged with the veggies on accident and those dumb fucks eat it.
>bugs are tasty

>> No.5696079

>so many vegans on here
>all eating "nutritionally balanced meals"
>not a single one of them can post a single balanced meal for the BIN/ck/O board

>> No.5696080

Moving the goalposts, I see. Stop showing off your stupidity. The topic is the moronic ms paint pic. Which is a clear representation of foaming-mouth vegan hysterics. It clearly points to mental illness. As does your post.

>> No.5696081

>what newfags say to people who know more than they do

>> No.5696082

>not washing your vegetables
pleb as fuck

>> No.5696083

Our closest ape ancestors don't eat meat, though. Are we really that different? What we've been eating historically doesn't necessarily pinpoint what we must eat at a minimum.

>> No.5696085

Wow, it's not often you get to see real, true, reflective behavior like that. I should be taking notes. Please, do go on.

>> No.5696086

>when do you ever see vegans mess with meat threads
all the fucking time

>> No.5696089


They also apparently can't produce any recipes for their own thread, either. :D

>> No.5696090

nice content in that post, m8, don't feel 2bad :^)

>> No.5696091

Nice try.

>> No.5696092

>hey anons I wanted to show you my nutritionally balanced vegan meal i-


>but I have the image for the bin/ck/o-


that's your fault not ours.

>> No.5696093

>eat at a minimum.
why would you eat only what you can. Sure in the winter a deet CAN eat meat to survive but its not good for them to only eat it.

>Our closest ape ancestors don't eat meat, though
But we arent them we are something different

>Are we really that different
We share a very large portion of out DNA with plants. Are we really that different?

>> No.5696094
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1397495046095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know more than they do
Nigger, are you serious? You are one of the biggest pieces of cocky, newfag shitters I've seen in a long time, you are deluded beyond help, especially if you think 4Chan of all hellholes is a good place for discussion

>> No.5696095

good thing you made this thread and promptly no vegan used it compared to shoehorning their lifestyle into every other thread.

>> No.5696096

> Are we really that different?

>> No.5696098

Wash my dick, weak ass bitch nigger. Meat gives muscles and makes dicks bigger and harder for vegans to enjoy the sucking. Enjoy the meaty dicks, vegans. We do this in honor of you. Go on, have another

>> No.5696099

Nope the rules clearly state to be accepted ALL it has to do it meet the daily recommended values

>> No.5696100

you are the only hysterical foaming mouth fanatic troll here. how do I know this?

>you hate vegans
>you intentionally went into a vegan thread to cause trouble
>you have not left the vegan thread for over an hour
>you have not let the vegans talk in peace about their food
>you try to demonize and insult us for liking what you do not like.

>> No.5696101

And then?

>> No.5696103

the difference between you and me is that when I try, I succeed.

>> No.5696106


>> No.5696107

evading what exactly

>> No.5696108

Bitch, I haven't even been here for an hour.
>>you try to demonize and insult us for liking what you do not like.
What the fuck are you talking about, you crazy bitch?

>> No.5696110

It seems I was right. newfag has gone meltdown.

>> No.5696111

Not so much, but it's nice you have some self confidence.

>> No.5696112

much like vegans do to omnivores on this board constantly?

>> No.5696113

thanks for ruining this vegan thread, Now I am forced to talk about vegan things elsewhere. like other threads. sorry...

>> No.5696115

nigger I just got here. and you faggots have been doing that for months.

>> No.5696116

boo hoo vegans constantly shitpost in other threads. You get what you deserve

>> No.5696118
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You can't even come up with your own insult? That's a new low, just keep repeating me, I'm sure you'll fit in :^)

>> No.5696120

>/of all comebacks
>"weelllll your not that kewll but your meh.. I lose.."

get out of the vegan thread if you don't want to talk about vegetables please.

>> No.5696121

you think vegans have original thoughts? come on man, we both know better

>> No.5696122

>Can we get a vegan thread going?
>190 posts and 15 image replies omitted
I haven't been on /ck/ for 2 weeks because of travel and look what I missed... absolutely nothing.

>> No.5696126

>much like vegans do to omnivores on this board constantly?
Do you actually think you are arguing with vegans in these threads? lol my naive friend.

>> No.5696129

>it cant be the vegans it just cant be they only post in good wholesome vegan threads

>> No.5696130

instead of being able to be in our comfy safe containment thread and discuss vegan food, maybe we have to talk in other threads? I don't know? you tell me?

should you get out of our thread and stop causing trouble and trolling around, or should we spread over the entirety of /ck/ and talk there?

easy mode:
>hide a single thread and stop whining
>be annoyed so much in every single thread by some innocent anon bringing up a slice of lettuce

>> No.5696132
File: 66 KB, 534x400, lhangarsteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you suck on my big ten inch strip steak?

>> No.5696134

Tumblr is here in full force

>> No.5696135

>can't handle defeat

>obvious samehueing

listen anon, I'm sorry that your embarrassed but you shouldn't have started an argument that you couldn't end.

>> No.5696138

The very same thing could be said to vegans

>> No.5696139

>we have to talk in other threads
Why the meat thread, you intentionally went there, faggot

>> No.5696140

Omnivores talk about vegetables ALL THE FUCKING TIME in threads every single day. See, this is why everyone hates you, you talk nonsense. You just want to keep your special snowflake badge intact.

>> No.5696141

>Arguing with people in the thread instead of posting recipes
I ain't even a vegan, I just came here looking for nice recipes to try
This shit looks tasty

>> No.5696142

not enough time to be samefagging

> I'm sorry that your embarrassed but you shouldn't have started an argument that you couldn't end.

arguing with a vegan is like arguing with a woman you will never win arguing with logic b/c they are so illogical

>> No.5696143

nigger if this thread was untouched and unharmed you faggots would still try and shoehorn and preach in any other thread. guess what? vegans fuck with a ton of discussion on this board. of course we'll do the same to you.

>> No.5696145

this is why I do it

>> No.5696147

you're the one in the vegan thread arguing.

>> No.5696148
File: 68 KB, 564x468, 1396992056302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit am I being graced by the almighty Jesus, has he returned to the land once more? Oh wait, he was a fisherman, you're a newfag, and by replying you're only shitting up your thread more, you make me chuckle

>> No.5696150

sure everyone talks about vegetables but if one person brings up a post without mentioning meat or "so sorry so sorry not vegan but like potato" then everyone attacks them.

>> No.5696152

I can't believe people actually think they are arguing with vegans simply because they claim to be vegan online and are argumentative.

I make vegan threads all the time, mostly to contain the retards begging for the same old flamethread. It always works.

>> No.5696153

>get beaten in a game of logic
>accuse winners of being illogical and cheating

remember, you came to the vegan thread to troll vegans.

this is a lie.


>> No.5696154

Jesus was a false prophet
But still, vegans are shit

>> No.5696155

just like if someone post a meat thread or a egg thread or a dairy thread someone comes in with

meat is murder
do you know what they do to those chickens
that milk isnt for you
etc etc etc

>> No.5696157

>Tumblr is here in full force
I've been on 4chan for 7 years and never been on Tumblr, Reddit, or any other social media websites. I'm sorry that I don't regularly adopt new internet slang and drop the out-of-date slang. I guess I'm just not that internet hip.

>> No.5696159

see illogical

>> No.5696161
File: 49 KB, 540x707, 1395955380042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been here 7 years
>thinks lol is acceptable and fits in
Newfag, please stop, it hurts

>> No.5696165

>pretending its funny in an obvious attempt to distract from the fact that you got embarrassed in front of the entire 4chan

>> No.5696169

just because someone does that in your threads doesn't mean that all vegans are bad and that you should troll all of their threads.


>> No.5696173
File: 11 KB, 256x255, 1388688369901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire 4chan
Keep going, please, this is comical, closer to the bump limit and makes the thread harder to recover

>> No.5696177

when the thread is over and someone wants to talk about vegetables I'm sure someone will make a new thread. please don't trolls us next time.

>> No.5696181

>fry onions
>add passata or some other kind of tomato liquid
>add some peanut butter
>put some spices in it, maybe cumin
>add cooked chick peas
>cook a little
>serve with rice
>put cashews on top

Absolutely delicious

>> No.5696183

Good luck with that, but, I'll stay out of it, I think a thread for a thread is enough vengeance for me

>> No.5696185

but its not us. if you keep running around getting revenge the cycle just continues. vegans and omnimeats are getting trolls by trolls who pretend to be vegans and omnimeats in the opposite threads to troll both sides and cause a hate war.

>> No.5696186

that sounds incredibly unique and interesting.

>> No.5696192

I just saw one in the bread advice thread, shitting it up, and with some of the vegan posters, it looks all too similar

>> No.5696215

It's very tasty.
I'm not even vegetarian but i do this every once in a while.
Also it's pretty cheap.

>> No.5696324

>byproduct of pollination, several vegetables/fruits rely on bee pollination.
That's a good point. Vegans should not eat peppers, almonds, squash, or a lot of other foods if they don't want to participate in the enslavement and torture of bees.