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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5693075 No.5693075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I need your help.
I have one opportunity to make a grill fall in love with me, and it will involve a meal and some other date related activity.
What I want are suggestions for a set of dishes that will make her fall in love with me.
Please, any help would be appreciated.

>> No.5693081

It would help to know what types of food she likes and what she dislikes.

>> No.5693082

Ply her with alkyhol and roofies, she'll love you long time

>> No.5693083

Why not make her a four or five course meal, starting with a nice shrimp cocktail, followed by a hot or cold soup, some sort of main course, and a dessert. Nothing better than a meal with multiple courses, especially when impressing someone.

>> No.5693088

How about this?
>Crab Bisque
>Prime Rib with Potatoes Au Gratin and Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce

And finish off with a nice
>Creme Brulee

>> No.5693089

Personality will make her fall in love, good food is just the backdrop.

Something lighter, you don't want her to get the itis on you.

I had a really simple breaded tenderloin recipe that I made once that's both foolproof and delicious. I'll try and find it for you.

>> No.5693091

She is into everything that tastes good and always willing to try new things
Thanks guys, I have a while before the dinner, like 2 weeks, and I will make these and figure out what would be best.
Keep them coming guys! Thanks!

>> No.5693098

Does she have a very favorite food that you know of that maybe you can add some flair to, like find another way to prepare her favorite thing to eat that she may not have tried.

>> No.5693101

You can always order something, pick it up, plate it and say you made it. She's a chick, she'll appreciate the effort and wont know the difference.

All's fair in love and war.

>> No.5693110

No, not that I know of.
I was maybe thinking that we could even make it together. Do you guys think that would be a good idea?

>> No.5693111

That's a horrible idea.

>> No.5693113

Here it is, OP


I think I made a few substitutions, mainly using panko mixed with seasonings instead of the seasoned Italian breadcrumbs for a crust I preferred, but it's a really great dish and cooks really well. If anything, I hope it serves as a good starting point for you.

Keep in mind what I said about using seasoned panko in place of the Italian, I can really attest to how great that came out.

>> No.5693114

That sounds like a better idea after you start dating her, but not to woo her, it might come off as "Will you come over and cook me dinner?"

>> No.5693115

>Do you guys think that would be a good idea?

Do that when you're more established and she's more comfortable around you.

>> No.5693118

uaaaa that's really good idea
be in the middle of cooking and ask her to do the final step, like chopping up some seasoning

>> No.5693119

Oh, what you could do is serve the appetizer, and entree at your place to eat together and but then take the dessert elsewhere, someplace romantic to eat together.

>> No.5693123

My god that looks delicious. Thank you anon
You think so? You don't think that it would be fun? Like you are creating something together and then sharing it.
Yeah I have this amazing cake place where I live, it's fairly far but it is totally worth it. Thanks for the great idea!

>> No.5693135

>My god that looks delicious. Thank you anon
Don't worry about it, hopefully it does you some good.

>You think so? You don't think that it would be fun? Like you are creating something together and then sharing it.

If you've been friends for a long time before this, or are already dating, sure, because you're comfortable enough around each other. Cooking food is a kind of intimate experience, and if you're just getting to know each other, it can backfire pretty badly. Like moving in for a kiss too soon, so to speak, but a lot less awkward.

Wait until like the 3rd date to do that.

>> No.5693137

We have been on at least 5 dates before, but for reasons I don't want to explain, this will be my last date with her.
So, like I said, I have to make her fall in love so she doesn't drop me. I need to do the best thing for my situation, if I fuck up we are done, and if I don't dazzle her we are done.

>> No.5693138

you can't "make" someone fall in love with you. if your food is delicious, you spent six hours preparing it, perfectly decorated house, etc. and you have the personality of a cheese grater then no one is going to fall in love with you. be yourself, unless you are a spergy judgmental asshole, in which case be respectful, interesting and fun.

as far as food, a good pasta carbonara is your best bet. serve with an interesting but not distracting salad and maybe some kind of tiramisu or cannoli for dessert.

>> No.5693139

I'm willing to do whatever I have to. I am dropping my vegetarianism just so that this last meal will be the best it possibly could be. I want this to work, but if it doesn't I at least want to make this a great last memory.

>> No.5693140

>reasons I don't want to explain

nigga is she playin u

>> No.5693143


so you're telling me you're sacrificing your personal morals for some bitch who is just using you?

>> No.5693145

Ouch, if she's that not-into you then I would avoid it too.

Like I said, you have to be really comfortable with the other person, which stands for her as well.

I think >>5693119
had the right idea here.

Make the appetizer and entree at home, and then take her out for dessert to round out the night. Don't get too hung up on the food, though. You want to focus more on her.

And one more thing, Anon. If she notices you dropped being a veggiefag for this meal and asks you about it, don't say "Oh, it's no big deal" or anything. Let her know you're trying your best to make your relationship work. I don't think she'd go on 6 dates with you if she didn't want to be with you at all.

>> No.5693167

>Let her know you're trying your best to make your relationship work.
Will do.
>I don't think she'd go on 6 dates with you if she didn't want to be with you at all.
This is what I am pretty much banking on
She isn't playing me. Basically she just doesn't want a relationship. And that means anything that reminds her of one, so I'm getting dumped before shit even got good.
Yes, I suppose I am. But she isn't just using me.

>> No.5693177

Just out of curiosity are you a vegetarian for health reason or animal rights reasons?

>> No.5693181

How long is it between dates and who set up the plan that this is the last date?

>> No.5693221

It has been about 2 months total for all the dates
She told me that she doesn't want a relationship, and that her feelings for me are gone now. I am calling bs on this, so I asked her if she would at least give me one last chance to see if she really has lost her feelings for me. I know it sounds desperate but this is her first relationship. She grew up in a very religious, sheltering family and that makes me think that she just is scared about what is happening.

>> No.5693228

>Very religious family

Ouch. Not to be a downer, but don't you think that might cause problems further down the road? Also if she's still really close to her family, they might have some great influence over her, and you would ultimately have to deal with them.

>> No.5693234

>I asked her if she would at least give me one last chance to see if she really has lost her feelings for me.
This is pathetic. Why waste your time with any girl who doesn't fuck you after the second or third date? Unless you're looking for a serious relationship, which this girl has from the start has said she doesn't want.

Your expectations and hers don't seem likely to match up. It would be wiser to turn your attention to a couple other girls you find attractive, and put your efforts into bedding them. Once you have something going on with a couple chicks your perspective improves, and you're less likely to make an ass of yourself over one who isn't particularly interested in you.

Also, it's summer, so a good seduction meal would be a pasta pomodoro with garlic and fresh basil, followed by a nice mixed salad in a (I hate to say it) balsamic vinaigrette. But don't waste it on this chick. Make it twice in a row for two different girls you have a shot with. Here's hoping you end up smelling like one of them shortly after.

>> No.5693252

>(I hate to say it) balsamic vinegar

What's wrong with that?

Also he hasn't mentioned what he wants other than for her to grow interest in him/her. I get the gist that he wants a relationship, and generally anyone who puts out (male or female) on the second or third date either isn't interested in anything long term or is inexperienced in dating. That is awfully quick.

>> No.5693259

A good risotto worked well with my ex.

>> No.5693268

>What's wrong with that?
Sweet shit is a fucking cop out.
>generally anyone who puts out (male or female) on the second or third date either isn't interested in anything long term
Agreed, but a male who isn't getting any isn't thinking clearly. A male who is getting laid while on the hunt for a relationship is more likely to make level-headed decisions instead of fixating on an impossibility. Too much deprivation leads to depravity. Regardless of your goal (a relationship, perhaps) it's a bad idea to let your meat loaf in the meantime.

>> No.5693275


Sorry to tell you but it's game over.

Shouldn't have asked for a final meal, too much pressure on both of you. I bet you she cancels/'reschedules'.
If not, you're gonna be so keyed up that you're gonna come off as desperate. You kinda already did that.

Throw in the towel and work on a couple more grills.

>> No.5693277

>Too much deprivation leads to depravity.

Say what? How exactly does that lead to depravity?

>> No.5693280

first, be rich
second, be handsome

>> No.5693282

>I have one opportunity to make a grill fall in love with me
>to make a grill fall in love with me
>a grill fall in love with me


>> No.5693285

Welcome to 4chan, now get out.

>> No.5693288

First time here?

>> No.5693290

I'm just amazed about how none of you cannot even fucking read a text correctly

>> No.5693296

Lurk moar you fucking newcunt.

>> No.5693297

lrn2lurkmoar faggot

>> No.5693313

A guy who is not desperate to get his dick wet acts like a normal human being. A desperate guy acts creepy, obsessive and downright disgusting. Trying to make a girl who isn't interested in you fall for you by wooing her is exactly the kind of creepy I'm talking about. It's fucking pathetic.

If OP were getting laid he wouldn't act like that. He'd chill out, keep dating and eventually find a girl who fits for a relationship, instead of fixating on a girl who isn't even interested in him out of desperation.

>> No.5693318

She is making plans and I will be very insistent. And if it doesn't happen then so be it.
I am rich, and I would rate myself a 7/10 so that probably puts me at 6/10
God dam your newfag is showing
I'm tired of getting laid! I don't want the pussy of hopeful gf, I just want her

>> No.5693321



>> No.5693324

This is /ck/ can we get back to dishes?
This isn't /r9k/ so I can't just blog about my feelings

>> No.5693327

How old abouts are you and her, just out of curiosity?

>> No.5693329

>I don't want the pussy of hopeful gf, I just want her
That is creepy as fuck. You are obsessed with this chick. Borderline stalker shit. You realize this level of obsession is unhealthy, right? Even if she were into you (which would make it a little less creepy), this kind of obsession would still fuck the relationship up in a short time. No girl wants to be fawned on like that - the flattering novelty turns to resentment in short order.

You'd be better off with a cartoon waifu if this is how you go about relationships with people.

>> No.5693352

Yes. An adult wanting an adult relationship is creepy.

>> No.5693355

wear cleats and make lobster

>> No.5693357
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>> No.5693360

inb4 the newfag pops in again to ask about the cleats.

>> No.5693369

Oh for God's sake, give the guy a break, he isn't stalking the woman, it is a date which they have both agreed upon.

I don't see anything creepy about it. And I hope everything works out for him.

>> No.5693371

Thank you. And if at the end of the date I will leave her alone and let her decide.

>> No.5693373

>An adult wanting an adult relationship is creepy.
An adult fixating on one person who has made it clear they aren't interested in a relationship is creepy. It's understandable if you're 14, but as an adult this is stalker shit.

The difference? An adult learns that a relationship is built between two people over time. It does not manifest itself from one person's tortured obsession through sheer force of will. That's angsty teen bullshit.

>> No.5693375

top ramen
because everything else is trying too hard

>> No.5693380

I don't know about anyone else here, but I get sick of threads straying way off topic to talk about and bash the new one, for fuck's sake let's get back on topic and not

>huur durr hurr you're new

followed by several comments stating essentially the same thing.

Get back on the topic that OP brought up.

>> No.5693385 [DELETED] 

Props to you dude, don't listen to some of these creeps, who more than likely couldn't get a date even if they tried. I hope it works out for you.

>> No.5693389

>I don't see anything creepy about it.
What's creepy is that she's said she's not into it, and he's still going ahead with it. Maybe instead of making her dinner he should just roll over on his back and piss himself like a submissive dog. It'd have the same result. She goes through the moderate discomfort of a pity date, and OP abandons his dignity in favor of trying to manifest a fantasy he's built around this poor girl.

>> No.5693396
File: 23 KB, 304x375, SexPanther-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly this guy needs to use SEX PANTHER!
60% of the time, it's works EVERY time!

>> No.5693404 [DELETED] 

I wonder what your motivation is, behind admonishing his character, and why you refer to this woman as a 'poor girl', when you only know cursory details about them both.

>> No.5693423

>I wonder what your motivation is
Hoping to point out that the kind of mentality many young romantic guys use to approach the girl who catches their fancy is not only self-defeating, but actually creepy. OP is displaying clear signs of this, and the sooner he gets over it the more likely he'll be to end up in the kind of relationship he seems to want. But it won't be with this girl, because he's already fucked it up by obsessing over her this way.
>why you refer to this woman as a 'poor girl'
Because when I just read excerpts of this thread to my wife her response was, "I can't imagine how awful it would be to sit through a meal some mooning guy I wasn't into made for me in hopes of changing my mind about him when I already told him it was over."

>> No.5693439

>Maybe instead of making her dinner he should just roll over on his back and piss himself like a submissive dog.

What exactly warrants this statement?

>> No.5693467

Did you read everything to your wife?

>> No.5693468

He's taking the pity date, and trying to turn it into a triumph. Never works outside romantic comedies. It's a fantasy trope. Pinning his hopes on it is tantamount to surrendering his dignity.

We all have to learn for ourselves, though. But as someone who has learned I feel compelled to point it out as clearly as possible, so when OP's Grand Dinner Plans fail to achieve the desired outcome he takes the lesson from it, and hopefully changes his ways. Because as gruff as I'm being here, I feel for the guy.

>> No.5693472

Some people can be sensible and mature like this anon.

And you other faggots need to get off your high horse just because you can't handle a real relationship. Or can't understand the thought that someone is worth chasing. So calm down and think about it, then when you graduate from middle school maybe you will understand

>> No.5693473

you will defenitely go for something spicy

>> No.5693474


It certainty hasn't sound like you feel for him. Indeed we all have to learn for ourselves when it comes to dating and relationships but you need not insult him and metaphorically rub salt in his wound...

>> No.5693482

>can't understand the thought that someone is worth chasing.
The chase is one of the most exciting parts of a relationship. But it only works when the person being chased is into it. Otherwise it's just sad for all involved, and any unfortunate spectators as well.

>> No.5693489

>you need not insult him and metaphorically rub salt in his wound...
He's clinging to a very wrongheaded mentality that will only fuck things up for him. It's not the kind of thing people let go of easily. I've seen guys fuck up their romantic lives all through their 20's by thinking this way.

If my commenst cause him to question it even a little I've done good here.

>> No.5693493
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At least get a hold of some valium so you can chill the fuck out beforehand.

>> No.5693536

Well that's your problem OP, vegitarians are unlovable annoying little fairies, she can tell you'd be lame in the sack too. It's already too late for this one, drop your hippy bullshit and start over with another girl.

Also she can tell you're a bitch nigga for dropping your beliefs to impress a girl, real men don't change that easily, real men also eat meat.

>> No.5693627

She is a virgin and she doesn't know that I'm dropping my diet
Can we please get back to dishes that will make someone fall in love

>> No.5693633
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steamed hams, natch

>> No.5693653


>dishes that will make someone fall in love

Please tell me this is just a really good troll thread.

>> No.5693668

You're beta as fuck, might as well offer to do her laundry and suck her dick. Seriously you need a better approach no girl is going to give you her virginity if you're a vegan who goes online to ask people how to cook up a love potion meal. Are you even listening to yourself? Sounds undesirable as fuck bro.

>> No.5693825

>Can we please get back to dishes that will make someone fall in love
No dishes will make someone fall in love. If you can get good bread and mussels you could try frying a leek in a little butter, pouring in half a bottle of white wine, then cooking mussels in that. Finish off with a little cream after the mussels are cooked, and serve in bowls with the liquid, bread and salad on the side. That's easy, and pretty classy.

But the whole "she's THE ONE" mindset makes sense if it's toward a girl you've been in a relationship with for a couple years, and are considering asking to marry you. It is completely ridiculous to think of a girl who told you she's uninterested in a relationship that way.

Your lack of emotional discipline stands a good chance of making a disaster of your life.

>> No.5693829

Just give me fucking dishes that taste good for a date then you whores
This is why I didn't want to go into detail

>> No.5693843

>give me fucking dishes that taste good for a date
I've given you two already in this fucking thread. You're beyond help, OP.

>> No.5693852

cockmeat sandwich, 60% of the time it works everytime

>> No.5693857

Grill her something good like a steak or a good burger, actually knowing how to grill though is something for a man to know so you may not be able to pull this off you vegan faggot. You will never gain her respect, much less her love, give up and become a homosexual.

>> No.5693865

Well thank you very much
Second favorite dish
I became a vegetarian to see if I could do it. I can. It's really easy, grilling is one of the things I was taught as a kid so it would be fun. Besides the fact I don't have a grill

>> No.5693866

not OP, but I'm kinda in the same position as him- two dates went really well, I've got a third coming up and I wanted to do a picnic date where I cook for her. Thoughts on korean fried chicken, spinach and goat cheese salad, watermelon, and an IPA? Trying to keep it simple

>> No.5693870
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cucumber poached in the tears of your inevitable rejection

you need to find a new whomsfu candidate like my captcha instructs.

>> No.5693884

No recommendations but make sure the picnic is either out in the woods where you are secluded or near one of your homes. Need to have a convenient place to make whoopie if it goes right. In the woods would be best because a lot of girls like that danger aspect trust me.

>> No.5693927


Your dates are going well and the grill is ostensibly into you. You are not in his shoes.

Menu looks solid. korean fried chicken is dope.

Last picnic i did indian influenced chicken tits, raita, some greens, and wrapped em up in naan. To drink, a big fuckin thing of gin gimlet i made up with some blood orange in it. Dessert was a really based chocolate cake from a local bakery.

>> No.5694101

>Personality will make her fall in love,

not really. fucking her real, real good will, though.

>> No.5694123

You don't "make" anyone fall in love with you, you get to know them and hope they do.
But since you're you, OP, I'd just hire a hooker.

>> No.5696655

I have an update for my blog.
She told me that I was pathetic for thinking about dropping my vegetarianism. And would never talk to me again. But she is just joking so can I get some vegetarian meals suggestions to supprise her with? Thanks in advance!

>> No.5696660

You're pushing your luck, little man

>> No.5696667

Actually I'm 6'2"

>> No.5696670

>She told me that I was pathetic
Not gonna find love there

>> No.5697058

You are pathetic for many different reasons, and no more suggestions because it is impossible to impress anyone with a vegetarian meal. If you didn't get in the panties by the 3rd or 4th date it isn't happening, she's just humoring you at this point because you're obviously so pathetic.

>> No.5697091

The other night I had a girl round for dinner, here's how you do it:
Steak, chips and salad
Erykah Badu live CD
Red wine
Dance a bit before/after dinner
Offer her a massage
Start with the neck/back, then move to legs, then up to the butt
Get her to massage you and press yourself up into her crotch while she's on top. This will make her wet.
Roll over and do the deed

Sorry I just read you wanted her to fall in love with you, not fuck you. Well maybe you can get both

>> No.5697121


you're a big guy