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5691963 No.5691963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please let me know the brand of favorite sake.

>> No.5691982

Japanese people drink Shochu, not sake
If you want to be a weaboo, you've got to do it right

>> No.5692046
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Shochu is mostly just a gay subcultural thing, it's not really all that popular among mainstream japanese drinkers.

>> No.5692118

I am a Japanese. You are right. Japanese people seldom drink a sake

>> No.5692124

>Shochu is mostly just a gay subcultural thing


>> No.5692178

This is me.Is sake common in the country there?The brand often drunk?

>> No.5692192

The most popular drinks in Japan for men
1. Beer
2. Whiskey based drink
3. Shochu based drink

for women its pretty much a tie between beer and shochu. If they are with men they will usually drink beer, but if they have a choice they almost always go for something sweet with a shochu base.

>> No.5692236
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>>5692192 It supplements.

Shochu based drink

>> No.5692921
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>> No.5692945

>Fell in love with 12 year old Yamazaki.
>Can't buy it anywhere in Canada.
>$50 for a taster of Nikka.

Fuck this country.

>> No.5692964


At least you can buy cuban rum without a couple of thousand butthurt ex factory owner's grandchildren throwing a temper tantrum from their mansions in Miami.

>> No.5692966

I prefer the
"Super Kawaii" Samurai Sempai's Shippuden Sudoku-Style Wasabi Flavored Sake anon.

Or "SKSSSSSWFS" for short.

>> No.5692968


That wasn't as funny as you thought it was going to be. Luckily it's not too late to delete it.

>> No.5692971

Is onichan not pleased with my postu?
I must preform ritual seppuku to honor my bushido code and bring redemption to my family.

>> No.5692974

Niggasaki and Heroshimu on yo ass you filthy weeb

>> No.5692975

I thought it was pretty funny. Your post makes you look like a dick though, you might want to delete it.

>> No.5692976


>> No.5692977


I cringed

>> No.5692982

My sides.

>> No.5692987

It was actually pretty funny, but you must be some hard core weeb if you cant't take the joke

>> No.5693001

Its comedy gold.
Plz anhero immediately.

>> No.5693002


Keep digging.

>> No.5693008

>drinking something that tastes and smells like rancid ball sweat
you fucking weebs need to collectively kill yourselves

>> No.5693015

1990+14= ????

Anon i-

>> No.5693020

>tfw I am white and can drink my booze without flushing and sweating like azn people do.

>> No.5693023
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>britney spears will never be hot again

>> No.5693024

Is jap whiskey any good?

>> No.5693033


If you like islay, probably not.

If you like speyside, you'll probably like it.

Unfortunately the good japanese whiskies are somewhat expensive (>$100) and the affordable ones are overpriced for what they are.

>> No.5693045

Hakkaisan... love that shit

>> No.5693055

>Not brewing your own spirits
Enjoy your shit filled with chems you buy in shops anons.

>> No.5693134

the cheapest one that has the characters 純米 on it somewhere

>> No.5693136

Thank you. It is the sake for Americans.I would like to taste once.(・∀・)
Would you show me a label?

It is one of the brands famous for Japan.Although there is much Japanese who does not know the thing
Is sake often drunk?

>> No.5693162

It is the same also in Japan.The more ignorant person is deceived by the word "純米."
The 純米 of a recommendation is 虎千代.

>> No.5693728
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>> No.5693733


>> No.5693984
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Wow, this thread a shit.

I'm no weeb, but I like to have hot sake and a cold beer when I'm eating sushi. I usually order Gekkeikan Black & Gold.

>> No.5693988

koreans do it better with soju

>> No.5693999
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If I'm on a date at a sushi place, I'll order this Black Dragon sake. It's one of the few premium sakes that's really good hot; I don't like cold sake.

Product info:

>> No.5694030

that's some tasty sake when hot.

>> No.5694035
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Korea, stop stealing things from Japan.

>> No.5694041

no implications here, soju has a higher ABV, and since most people drink to get drunk you're argument is kinda invalid, anon-kun

>> No.5694050

Japan stole everything from China so who cares.

>> No.5694072
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Including themselves actually, but don't tell them that.

Pick related, it's native Japanese people.

>> No.5694102
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Hard Gay isn't gay

>> No.5694105

I have a tolerably decent junmaichu in my kitchen (type, not brand: for those interested, it means "actually made of rice, not industrial alcohol byproduct"). But by and large, I have to agree that shochu is the superior product, try mugi iichiko.

>> No.5694116

It feels like betrayal

>> No.5694176

My first and only experience with sake was terrible. This chick I was talking to at a bar one time decided to buy us shots of something, and I didn't hear what it was; assumed vodka because it was just clear. But it tasted like complete shit, and I literally spit it out. This coming from someone who can sip on bottom-shelf Wal Mart vodka without making a face (not that I enjoy said vodka).

How do I sake, /ck/?

>> No.5694221

Think of it like wine.

If the menu says "sake" it's going to be garbage.

If it is divided up into sections with different styles then at least you know the place caters to sake drinkers.

That's really all you need to know for now. You can always ask for pairing advice if you're really concerned. To a novice palate the only really critical category you'll need no help discerning is nigori. It's cloudy and sweet and very unlike the rest.

If you buy sake in a store make sure it's less than a year old and look for words like junmai, ginjo, and daiginjo. If the store has less than 3 types don't buy there. If the store doesn't keep a few bottles in the fridge next to the bubbly, that's something to be concerned about.

>> No.5694241

Is there one particular "standard" style that stands as a go-to? The "lager" of sake, so to speak? Otherwise or if not, what's a good style to start with?

>> No.5694423


The short answer is "no"

The long answer is here


I would try at least one GOOD non-nigori and one good nigori before you decide whether you hate sake. I'm one of those people who thinks no one really dislikes wine, sake, beer, or whatever, they just haven't had a good exposure to it.

Remember that while you don't have to spend big bucks, it's unreasonable to expect super cheap bottom shelf stuff to be good. If you live in the US, $25-35 is the sweet spot for good stuff (retail - at a restaurant obviously expect about 2.5x markup give or take a little).

>> No.5694444

I got $12 bottle sake once. I should have known it would taste like fermented syrup.

>> No.5694451

you arent an alcoholic then. i am and my face swells and glows red with the sip of any alcohol. it sucks, im like a fucked up potato

>> No.5694682
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Thank you. If a 月桂冠 is a Japanese, it is known wholly.However, evaluation is not high though regrettable.
Is other sake drunk?

黒龍 is known! I was a little surprised.
I also drink it occasionally.I cool and drink.

In the case of a translation tool, explanation is difficult.Those whom Japanese understands need to teach instead.

Is this sake known? It is very delicious if it warms.

>> No.5694708

thank you for not sucking dick

>> No.5694769

Although it is bad, it is goods of inferior quality.It is too cheap.

>> No.5694792

Although it is bad, it is goods of inferior quality.It is too cheap.

>> No.5695120
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So, warming sake improves the aroma and the taste becomes more... mild(まろやか)?
I've tried warming up sake and I thought it made it taste pretty harsh, though. I prefer to put it in the fridge.

月桂冠 is the most common sake in the US. I think it's made in California. If a store sells sake, there's pretty much a 100% chance they sell gekkeikan, and there may or may not be other brands. The regular 'gekkeikan' is garbage.

Meanwhile, I prefer this classy paper carton sake.

>> No.5696124
File: 97 KB, 480x640, sugoimo4kml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying your Japanese fire water in anything less than 4l containers

Step up, /ck/