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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.01 MB, 2842x1945, Not a Doctors healthy eating guide JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5691101 No.5691101[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to the HEALTHIEST poops EVER that will clog toilet before you even paper.

you might not agree with everything said, or do things the way that I do.
this is the way I do things. to each their own.

Joe Rogan mentions poop

I don't eat fish meat chicken milk animal products and I eat max fruits and vegetables all day+ drink alot water.no soda.
I get all protein from hemp beans quinoa, nuts seeds
I don't drink almond milk. I eat almonds + drink water

no eat processed foods, like bread.
I eat oats and whole grain wheat and other grains, cooked into porridge.

I buy all fruits veggies nuts seeds beans lentils grains bulk whenever I can find them at good price opportunistically, even better when find a great deal on organic version or "food" like babushka used to call it.

I chew all my food until totally obliterated in my mouth. no pieces of corn show up in toilet. better surface area = better absorption into body.

I chop up all stuff and prepare in pieces, put into bags and press the air out, then put into another bag and press the air out again then freeze it all.

you can wash bags out and reuse again if you want.

I buy chia+ flax seeds whole and put them in the coffee grinder at home, two teaspoons of each mixed into a big glass 50% prune juice 50% water. I drink this in the morning every other day. (1 day break in between)

I internet search: what food contains this vitamin, and do that for every vit and mineral until I have all accounted for.

every morning I do ten crunches. not alot but does alot for stomach.

when I need to poo I stand on toilet seat carefully, kneel down into squatting position hugging knees against stomach while leaning forward a little, using one arm to grab hold of wall or other useful object next to toilet.

careful to not push too hard and develop hemorrhoids, I use my stomach to push, not head or butt.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5691108

before you guys say this is a joke or try to troll me.

I just want you to know that I care. I want you to all learn something here. maybe you can teach someone else some day.

>> No.5691119


>I want you all to learn something here

wouldn't it be more effective if you didn't come off as a complete lunatic talking about poop and posting the most convoluted image we've ever seen?

>> No.5691259

just read it a little bit at a time.

>> No.5691262


i hope somebody loves you enough to make you take your meds.

>> No.5691283

/ck/ has the best crazy people
is that rambling guy still about

>> No.5691314

OP here. seen him all over the place, not just /ck/

I'm insulted.

>> No.5691319

i'm dave

>> No.5691328

I'm Not a doctor.

if everyone would just try to read the post and image one little piece of information, one hint at a time, it might make more sense to you all.

>> No.5691332

i'm not an apple pie but you can eat me you crazy fuck

>> No.5691348

This man literally has the diet and bowel movements of an infant that can't wipe its own ass. He's living like an old man in a nursing home, and he's somehow proud of that.

>> No.5691351

I would agree with a lot of what you said. A+, good sir.

>> No.5691373

fuck off op, you're the only one that can even read this thread

>> No.5691424
File: 105 KB, 622x737, OPisaretardedspider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously. that image looks like what happens to spiderwebs when they give the spiders drugs.

>> No.5691466
File: 7 KB, 247x204, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most vegans hide their crazy better than OP, but make no mistake, veganism is an illness.

>> No.5691486

Of course our new vegan mod will be along shortly to delete any posts that are not vegan friendly.

>> No.5691663

what the....

thanks anon, at least someone gets it. everyone else seems to be preoccupied with being needlessly angry or trolling...

thats not OP I'm OP.

I feel bad for the spiders. the LSD web really stands out.

its an illness to get all my nutrition from plant food? hey look anon, Peace okay, I don't mean anything bad. I Don't want to make you upset. I made the thread because I wanted to share my ideas, if it doesn't speak to you, no problem. to each their own.

maybe the mod isn't vegan but is simply cracking down on unnecessary bickering? did you know that there are trolls who pretend to be vegan and raid meat threads to cause trouble, and then they pretend to be meat eaters and raid vegans threads and cause trouble? maybe they are just cracking down on that sneaky bad business.

anyways, I'm glad you are here participating in the thread... but why are you here if you don't like me...? its like you came to be mean on purpose...

>> No.5691784

>but why are you here if you don't like me...?

Because i am sick of vegans always trying to proselytize on my /ck/.
Pls go and take your poop fetish with you.

>> No.5691793
File: 8 KB, 122x111, haldol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you forget to take your haldol today?

>> No.5691809
File: 48 KB, 637x886, 16746-jamie-lee-curtis-pose-pour-activia-637x0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about just eat activia instead?

>> No.5691867

in her old age she looks a lot like a relative of mine

a miserable old cunt relative

i'll never eat activia, aunt irene! never!

>> No.5691896

C-can I have your aunts number?

>> No.5693408
File: 296 KB, 1024x701, 1406493433728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism are for gay.

>> No.5693429

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.5695877

if you don't like it, why don't you just hide the thread? you take it so insanely personally. are you really that paranoid that you believe this is for you? I don't want you messing up my thread. if I could have hid the threads existence from you I would have.

>> No.5695880

b/c they come in every thread and shit it up

>> No.5695938

theoretically speaking, should people begin to alter the mods? would that be a good course of action?

every single thread its been like this.

>> No.5695941


>> No.5696187

what was the point of this post?
>"I don't agree with you or like you so I'll call you crazy"

>> No.5696342

so /ck/ what do you think? any serious posters here?

>> No.5696500

So if I don't eat meat I'll turn into a fuckin' wacko like OP?

Gonna have me some sausages for lunch.

>> No.5696514

We need to start banning these fucking wacko vegans. Enough is enough already.

>> No.5696581

what is your problem? if you don't like the thread don't come in here. I haven't done anything wrong, I reject your judgment.

>> No.5696693

Says the guy talking about his bowel movements openly.

>> No.5696711


Dude I have seen you post this thread or something like it 3+ times now. Stop it.

>> No.5696735

its very much related to the health of your intestines which is directly related to your diet.

I ALWAYS see anons on /ck/ talk about "ugh bro what foods make the best poops brooo"

yet instead of being like everyone else I actually talk about interesting healthy foods and recipes and combinations of them.

yet you don't complain when you see the same thread about wisdom teeth, college people needing cheap food recipes, someone buying huge amounts of X food "whut do make with dis?", and viral marketing? you should thank me for making such an informative thread and actually giving you all something good to talk about instead of whining about chipotle.

>> No.5696736

I think you were told to go fuck your mother.

>> No.5696757

i eat foods cointaining fiber. if i dont, i have a spoon of metamucil. ghost poops always. i can go to a chinese buffet and i'll still have perfect ghost poops.

it's not rocket science. have fiber, poop well

>> No.5696871


the only thing being discussed in here is how completely fucking mad that image is. it has nothing to do with the content, either; there may be something useful woven into that psychotic cat's cradle of information but the fact that you can't tell just how crazy you seem tells me just how crazy you really are.

i'm not aggrieved by you posting the image--i am genuinely concerned for your mental state.

>> No.5696906

I just rememind myself of politicians and no problem, the toilet get's filled up pretty fast

>> No.5696930

I don't use the metamucil I grind up chia seeds. to each their own.

just because you see a large image with lots of big scary words doesn't mean its crazy, you should read things slowly, one thing at a time. It might make more sense to you then, unless you're here to be stubborn and whine.

haha what?

>> No.5697041

Seek professional help before you end up shooting up a school you fucking nutjob

>> No.5697490

why would you go to a thread about beans and vegetables and healthy poops and say something so messed up?

>> No.5697611

>careful to not push too hard and develop hemorrhoids, I use my stomach to push, not head or butt.

If you have to push at all there's something wrong with your diet. You should just have to relax and the poop will come on it's own and not stain your ass.

Source: I have a PhD in poopology.

>> No.5697631

are you serious? if that was true then every time anyone relaxed they would ruin their pants.

when you go to the bathroom I'm sure its normal to make the appropriate physical motion when intending to "go" without overdoing it.

>> No.5697638

Of course I'm serious. And you shouldn't have shit waiting at the door so that any time you push (or relax) it comes out.

>> No.5697714

I'm not sure I properly understand, It sounded to me like you said you're not supposed to push, because relaxing is enough, but when I "go" I push gently, not like HRRRHGNGGHNGG or anything.

I eat lots of plants and fiber and healthy stuff that makes it an okay experience rather than painful.

>> No.5697821
File: 112 KB, 271x289, rogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao im the one that recommended the Rogan video

this is too fucking funny that you just paste this on /ck/ every so often

>> No.5697831


just checking the oil

>> No.5697905
File: 25 KB, 611x419, 213423434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya know I can't stop this feeling deep inside of me, because I see everyone eating unhealthy, decent good points are worth posting, if I think they will help someone somewhere. I can hold /ck/ in my thoughts so tight, I let them know everythings alright... and after thinking about it for a while I realized I'm hooked on a feeling, I'm high on believing that I can spread goood tiiiips.

maybe if everyone stops using fluoride and teflon and uses stainless steel, stops eating fast food and eat beans, maybe we can make a good change somehow.

I believe.

thanks for recommending the joe rogan video back then. he can be cool.

anyone got any tips to add to the image/post?

>> No.5697921

This thread a shit

>> No.5697942

when people ramble incoherently and jump from topic to topic with no discernible point i am disinclined to pay attention. i really hope somebody loves you enough to help you seek out a mental health professional.

>> No.5698040

The truly crazy cannot even imagine anything is wrong with them even when everyone is trying to let them know.

>> No.5698732

thanks for post, op. very useful info

>> No.5699171

You must be OP.

>> No.5699191

Y-you too

>> No.5700364

I don't get what your problem is, just read one tip at a time, one sentence at a time, just slowly go through it and you might find something interesting.

hey thanks anon, I really do appreciate that you appreciate this.
no that's not me.
reminds me of the gamestop copypasta from /v/

I think this is definitely a thread worth posting for /ck/ these things matter to some, not all. this thread is for those "some" that do care. bro fist.

>> No.5700442

You are in a thread where many are questioning your sanity.
Have you considered the idea that you might be nuts?

If you have to tell people to read sentence by sentence something is wrong with what you have created.

>> No.5700588

I know that those who are willing to try to try will be able to read it.

I don't really give major significance to anyone who is calling me crazy because they sound very angry and likely have their own problems if they feel the need to join a thread they don't even like and complain instead of ignoring it.

>> No.5700623

That is what a crazy person says when called crazy.
A sane person usually takes a good look at the situation and does some self questioning.

>> No.5700718

opinion noted and discarded. unlike you, I have a more realistic view of myself so I don't really doubt who I am.

>> No.5700730

Too much of that means crazy .
Especially when coupled with your posts which look a lot like the ramblings of someone who desperately needs meds.
If you have ever been prescribed medication for mental instability its very important that you continue to take it.
It will take months to get you back on track if you don't.

>> No.5700888

You know what, I guess I should know better, I must be crazy to think that I could post an image about eating beans and drinking green tea on /ck/ without having someone like you spend hours
desperately trying to convince me I need pills. maybe you took way too many?
>inb4 "I just got here"
>inb4 OP can't inb4

anyway, as I said the thread is here for those who will appreciate it.

>> No.5700944


i hope somebody at least looks in on you and checks if you're hurting yourself. it isn't shameful to seek help. you could be living a much better life.

>> No.5700951

OP, I like the cut of your jib, and I like what you have to say, but it may behoove you to work on your presentation skills. Make things slow and simple, draw people in, and unfold your knowledge in a baby step fashion.

Keep it up, bro, you'll get it eventually.

>> No.5700953

I would never hurt myself, nor would I ever injure someone else. where are you getting these ideas? please go speak to a psychologist, I fear you may be projecting your own mental instability.

>> No.5700965

I do agree me presentation is a bit "all at once" and I have nothing against self improvement. I'm just saying is that it isn't that hard to open up the image and just read one thing at a time. most of those things are individual tips. I know it looks a little bit overwhelming but it isn't if you go slow. the text I post along with it is the same thing. one sentence at a time from start to finish.

take breaks, drink some water. relax you know? no problem mon.

>> No.5700971

You are giving him the idea that his info was too complex. This is not the problem.
It was organized like the ramblings of a mental patient.
This is what has everyone's alarm bells going off.
This poor soul is impaired .

>> No.5700975

no, you demonstrate genuinely worrying behaviors. it would be unethical to attempt to diagnose a specific condition without having you in my practice in person--but you should very seriously consider seeing someone. it really isn't about judgment: it's about health.

good luck

>> No.5701039

I don't have any problems, but you sound crazy. good day to ya anyway.

>> No.5701077

Everyone has problems anon. Just part of being human.
No judgment from me( I am the top post you quoted).
I hope you have a great day and I know you are trying to edify your peers.

>> No.5701292

I think you're a really silly person for saying the things you said just because you don't agree with me or what I posted.

>> No.5701310

I shit before I hit the seat, I don't need tips.

>> No.5701318

this thread may not be for you then.

>> No.5701322

seeing how this is /poop/-general, is there any way not to get spicy burning shits after eating habanero peppers or will it go away when my body becomes more adjusted to them. I just started eating them

>> No.5701352

This is fucking schizo

>> No.5701370

OP, I for one think your chart is very cool. Not so much for the content (I don't care to be vegan) but more for the insight it gives to your thought process.

To many people, myself included, this chart seems very disorganized. But to yourself, it makes sense. You just think differently OP. It doesn't mean your crazy, you just organize yourself in a very bizarre way. Sporadic color coating, tips interspersed in random places, etc. it's fascinating. I would like to think in your shoes for a day

>> No.5701377

Plus he added all the tips for safe buying and shit.


>> No.5701403
File: 1.19 MB, 2852x1832, Basic Diet Advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The color coding comes from the original image that image is based on

>> No.5703049

the simple fact is you haven't found disagreement on the issues because you are the only person who can understand the private grammar you've created for yourself. please do see someone. there are free clinics. if you tell me what general area you live i will cobble together an appropriate list for you.