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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 988 KB, 500x281, joe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5670375 No.5670375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing?
Just a few questions...

>How much do you drink a day?
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?

>> No.5670388

Eh, why not.

Four cups a day.
Yes. Headache if I go a day without.

Why do you care?

>> No.5670393
File: 17 KB, 180x302, nescafe espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 cup in the morning and occasionally a second in the afternoon
>not addicted
>pic related, I add a spoon of it to half a cup of water
>usually milk unless I buy it at a coffee shop
>half a spoon of sugar

>> No.5670402

Just one cup per day, no cream or sugar.

I've got one of those single-serve things that can be used for both coffee and loose leaf tea, where you pour boiled water, let it sit, and then it filters out into your cup. People who take their coffee really seriously will probably say that's a shitty way to make coffee, and they're probably right, but I'm not so picky.

I enjoy my single cup of coffee. For me it's not about the caffeine at all but more about the experience. It's a nice way to start my day and it makes me feel good and relaxed.

>> No.5670410

1-2 cups on my days off, about 4 if I have lectures.
Not really, sometimes go a few days without.
Drip, or bought.

Ugh, you can drink that? I can't stand that instant gravely stuff.

>> No.5670423

>how much coffee do you drink a day
too fucking much. usually about 5 or 6 cups of double strenth. think I'm currently borderline od'ing and can't wait for my tea to arrive so I can switch

>is it an addiction
physically probably. it's easier to be a slave to coffee than deal with the migraines that come from not drinking it

>method of brewing
keurig. before that was a pourover frenchpress

>black or cream
black no sugar with frosted cakes or ice cream
cream no sugar with unfrosted desserts

Yes, with cream and cocoa, and only when having a cigarette

>> No.5670426

Once in the morning, but not everyday, depends how I'm feeling. Occasionally it's nice in the evening after a good meal.

Nope. Well, strictly speaking caffeine isn't truly addictive, but unless you all wanna talk brain anatomy and DSM criteria, I won't go into it.

Aeropress 4 lyfe.

Black with no sugar most days.

>> No.5670430

>How much do you drink a day?
One to two cups per day. One when I'm at home since I brew strong coffee. Usually two when I'm at work since the cafe there brews weak ass shit.

>Is it an addiction?
No. I'm used to having a cup in the morning to help wake up, but I have no problems when I don't have one.

>method of brewing?
Aeropress at home, drip at work.

>black or cream?
Half & Half

Just a spoonful or so of raw (turbinado)sugar

>> No.5670438

> 1 cup in the morning is all, sometimes less, rarely more. I try not to increase my caffeine tolerance.
> No. In fact I take breaks occasionally just to make sure.
> dripdrop. I make my brother roast me fresh beans to grind quite often, too.
>half the time black, half the time with a little milk

>> No.5670443
File: 54 KB, 203x314, Nescafe_espresso_Feb12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why they put the wrong stuff in that container.

its actually a very fine powder (looks like light cocoa powder) and it tastes nothing like other instant coffees. it costs a bit more but it still lasts a while.

i highly recommend you try cause it tastes nothing like instant coffee. if you dont like espresso just use a full cup of water and it still tastes amazing.

>> No.5670450
File: 25 KB, 450x450, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cup every other day or so, used to be more (think a few a day) but mostly I drink tea now.

No. Used to be.

Pic related. I'm a huge pleb.
BUT when I do have real coffee (which is rare since the whole cutting down on caffeine thing) I usually drink it with a spoonful of sugar, no cream.

>> No.5670461

None on my days off but when I work its anywhere from 4-11 cups plus 1 carmel macciato from starbucks
I wouldnt say so I go days without it I only drink on busy days or when im tired
All drip
Black no sugar

>> No.5670477

OP here. Wow /ck/ quicker than anticipated. You guys make me feel bad about how much I drink...

I drink about 2 pots a day, which is around 15-20 cups.
I am heavily addicted, but at the same time I never notice any negative health effects from such heavy intake.
I use a regular Mr Coffee drip machine, and add a teaspoon of creamer and sugar to each cup.

>> No.5670478
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I've started drinking coffee again after going through a period where it made me sick to my stomach and sent me to bed with a migraine.

Just had a cup and holy shit I forgot just how much coffee produces such foul farts. My poor cat looks like he's going to die.

>> No.5670495

>How much do you drink a day?
Bout 1/2 a pot
>Is it an addiction?
Addiction implies withdrawal. I wouldn't know, because I never stopped once I started.
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
2% milk. Cream if I'm at a diner.
1 tsp per cup

>> No.5670535

>How much do you drink a day?
A 12 cup pot of coffee a day usually. Sometimes less, sometimes none.
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
I have a drip brewer and a french press. Depends on laziness
>black or cream?
Black, no sugar.

>> No.5670538

>Addiction implies withdrawal
The fuck it does.

>> No.5670552

>2-4 cups

>> No.5670555

how are you not peeing all day long? how can you get any work done while constantly guzzling coffee?

>> No.5670561
File: 15 KB, 300x357, df-bodum-travel-press_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a fairway opened near me and I bought a bodum travel press mug and 1/2 lb of coffee ground at the store.

I let the water heat up to just before boiling, poured it in a let it sit for 4 mins. Plunged it and drank with a touch of milk.

HOLY SHIT where has this been all of my life. Coming from folgers I am fucking blown away at how much better this tastes.

I am going to be using this thing every fucking morning.

Fuck me for ever doubting you /ck/

>> No.5670571

I do urinate quite frequently, which would be an issue, but I overcompensate by also drinking water. I don't really know how to answer that. I do get work done... I'm a writer, so drinking coffee is easy. I just always have a cup nearby. I sleep two times each 24 hour cycle; about 3 hours each.

>> No.5670585

>How much do you drink a day?
some in the morning and some at work, occasionally some in the evening.

>Is it an addiction?

>method of brewing?
I get an Americano, no water over ice at work though which is basically 8 shots over ice in a cup with a straw. French Press or cold brew when I make it at home

>black or cream? >Sweetening?
Black in the morning or during the day, cream and sugar in the evening

>> No.5670755

I love that stuff... (Im the same guy who posted this >>5670443 )... Dont let any pretentious coffee nigger call you a pleb just because you enjoy powder form.

>> No.5670803
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Math is hard

If I have a French Press, how many tablespoons of ground coffee per cups of water should I put in? Keep in mind I'm a pretentious faggot who takes it black.

>> No.5670811


18% by weight.

>> No.5670815
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>> No.5670818

bulletproof all the way

>> No.5670819

1gram per 16ml or 2 tablespoons per 6oz

>> No.5670832


Nah, man. Go buy a gram scale. They're ridiculously cheap, like $15-20 cheap.

>> No.5670846


Hit enter 'fore I could finish.

Anyway, you'll notice your brews get a lot more consistent and probably a lot better once you start weighing everything out. You can start to experiment and tailor things closer to your own preference once you have a good baseline and can find your way back to a standard brew. A scale is basically the best investment someone can make for their coffee. It pains me to see someone with a $200 burr grinder + $35 Hario filter holder + $80 gooseneck kettle who are still measuring their grinds with a spoon.

>> No.5670946
File: 32 KB, 480x320, 30487_RecipeImage_620x413_cold_brewed_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleb here, I want to try making a cold brew but all I have are coffee grounds. All the recipes I am reading say to use a coarse grind.

Should I start a cold brew tonight with that, or wait a day and buy some beans tomorrow? Will it taste bad?

>> No.5670953

why dont you do both and see which one you like best

>> No.5670957

This + Aeropressed
1 cup
I occasionally get headaches if I don't drink it
No sugar no milk.

>> No.5670958

Could do that I guess. But if someone was about to tell me that cold brews need fresh beans/ fine grinded beans won't work at all etc then I wouldn't bother.

>> No.5670968

it will work, different grinds produce different results, just like with hot coffee

here is a good guide http://barismo.com/pages/cold-brew-guide

>> No.5670969
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Coffee is great.

Coffee breath is not so great.

>> No.5670986

All I see in this thread is people who drink it black or people who add cream/milk + sugar

am I the only one who uses cream only? I don't like my coffee to be sweet so I never put sugar, but I usually add half-and-half because i like how it makes it richer and takes the edge off of any acidity/bitterness.

What's everyone's roast preference?
I usually go dark roast, and I hate light roasts, they taste metallic

>> No.5670989

thanks mate, I'll give this a shot

>> No.5670992

If you cold brew, do you also drink it cold?

>> No.5670993

I don't really like it sweet, but it has to have a little sugar. like half a teaspoon...

>What's everyone's roast preference?
Dark as fuck

>> No.5670995

my nigga

I don't like half and half, I just add the smallest bit of milk to take the bitterness away. But sugar ruins the whole flavor for me.

>> No.5670996

you can drink it cold or heat it up

>> No.5670997

That's the idea yes

Chilling hot brewed coffee doesn't taste very good

>> No.5670998

>How much do you drink a day?
1-2 cups
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
drip, french press when i have time
>black or cream?
black, usually out of convenience
not usually

>> No.5671005

How do you heat it?

>> No.5671025

Usually 3 or 4
Maybe. It's the first thing I reach for in the morning but I can go without.
Little bit of cream
Nah bro

>> No.5671026

in a pot on the stove or however you want really

>> No.5671029

Too little milk is the worst of both worlds, I can't understand people who do this

>> No.5671033

I can't understand people who have different tastes from my own as well

Why don't they just understand that I am right?

>> No.5671041

I only drink coffee during my college semester, when I have classes at like 8-9am.

Otherwise there's no need for it.

>> No.5671059

Thanks. I'll try it out.

>> No.5671068


You sound like a real barrel of fun. Let me guess, you hate green tea but you drink it every day anyway because you read it was good for you?

>> No.5671078

4 large cups (8 according to my machine)
No an addiction
Shitty drip system
Only the inherent sweetness of the bean

>> No.5671105

>Look into a lot of instant coffees since my coffee maker's tabs cost a fuckton
>Come across Douwe Egberts
>Grab one of the stronger roasts and try that at home
>Better than most fresh pressed coffees I've had

I was absolutely amazed.
>3-4 cups a day
>Whatever's available.
>Dash of milk
>1 sweetener

>> No.5671200

Don't drink it that regularly anymore.
Stopped when I realized my teeth were turning yellow after a month of daily drinking.

>> No.5671456

Varies. could be a pot, could be a cup or two.

Doubt it's an addiction. I sometimes goes days without any for no reason.

Drip. I have a press, perc, and electric perc that all get use here and there.

Black like 95% of the time.

Same as cream. Occasionally.

>> No.5671661

1-2 cups a day while im in school, none over the summer
regular ass drip machine

>> No.5671705
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1352174942375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i tried instant coffee today using room temperature water without ice or heating it up.

i threw up immediately trying to gulp it like a retard because i was in a hurry.

the good thing is i have a substitute for charcoal when i OD one day.

>> No.5671789

>1 cup In the morning, 2-3 if it's good
>More of a caffeine addiction, I prefer drinking a coke than coffee
>whatever I feel like.
>half a spoon of sugar

>> No.5671827
File: 20 KB, 250x333, 1406562373699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make me feel like a freak for the amount of joe I consume...

>> No.5671828


Fix yourself then

>> No.5671839


cream only masterrace here

>> No.5671848

>How much do you drink a day?
I only drink coffee maybe 2-3 times a week
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
I'd do either

>> No.5671861

Normally I have 2 cups of coffee a day, both of them in the morning before 10am.
Last weekend I didn't have any coffee at all, not for any reason I just didn't feel like one but on Monday I made a big strong cup and felt all jittery, felt a bit strange at work.
The next day was back to normal though, maybe the couple of days off dropped my tolerance a bit.

>> No.5672343

8 cups/64 oz
No, I can go without it and not get headaches or anything.
French press
Black if I make it
Cream or sugar if someone else makes it and it's not very good.

>> No.5672370
File: 63 KB, 327x400, delonghi_eam3400_coffee_machine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two cups.
I use pic related. I froth 2/3 of a cup of skim milk and leave it to the side in my pitcher. I then put a teaspoon of stevia and a pinch of salt in the bottom of an obscenely large cup. I set it to two standard shots.
I then immediately pour the milk on top. I then stir trying to incorporate the stevia and salt into the espresso without putting too much of the espresso through the milk. I then consume some of the froth and then mix the entire concoction together.

>> No.5672383

>how much
usually none, only when I'm tired and doing some work
>is it an addiction
definitely not
>method of brewing
instant coffee
>black or cream
white coffee

>> No.5672401
File: 103 KB, 800x800, Cappuccino-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one cappuccino in the morning at the local bar.

>> No.5672406

I love that shit any old how, and anytime. it's just a drug for me like any other, and I love most drugs. It's just that this one is easier to do at work.

My fav is a double shot flat white or long black from a good espresso machine. At home I grind and percolate a strong black coffee most mornings

>> No.5672465

>How much do you drink a day?
I start with 2 cups in the morning, sometimes 1-4 more later in the day, depending on how I feel.
>Is it an addiction?
Nah, I can go a day without if need be.
>method of brewing?
Pour over, fresh-ground before brewing
>black or cream?

>> No.5672516

>How much do you drink a day?
4-6 shots of espresso
>Is it an addiction?
I don't like a morning without it, but can do without
>method of brewing?
If I'm going out for it I choose a place with a good machine, well trained baristas and good coffee (Counter Culture or Intelligensia). At home I use a moka pot with Lavazza Crema e Gusto (a little harsh, but gets the job done).
>black or cream?
Black for real espresso, the moka gets some almond milk and a couple ice cubes

>> No.5672577

>drinking instant coffee

>> No.5673220

>3 cups (i have a 3 cup moka pot, i drink it in one go though)
>moka pot
>black of course
>lel no

>> No.5673231


>> No.5673252

top kek

>> No.5673255

Oh god, the only time I've had instant coffee was at a Ferd dealership.

I'm not too picky about coffee but that was awful

>> No.5673458

>implying anyone will care

>How much do you drink a day?
1-3 cups, depending on how much tea I drink that day
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
Moka pot when I have access to a stove, Aeropress otherwise
>black or cream?
Black if the coffee is good, cream if it's not so great
Just enough sugar to take the edge off

>> No.5673555

>it lasts a while
>powder form
See, if you can't taste the difference and don't care about tasting beans, that's why you're pleb
whole beans make a world of difference on their own, even if not great quality, and even if they use great quality beans for powders that will "last a while", that powder will go stale and lose a lot of the bean quality before you drink it.
If you're used to MREs, yeah, I'm sure it's wonderful stuff.

>> No.5673590

On workday I drink at least a pot
Gross old coffeemaker at work
No sweetening

>> No.5673598

I'm not those guys. I just got into buying whole beans, got some from this hippie organic joint. How important would you say freshness is? I have read that full flavor comes out a few days after roasting, and is mostly gone after a couple of weeks. This stuff was roasted 3 weeks ago- how much of a difference would fresh beans really make?

>> No.5673611
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>How much do you drink a day?
~2 cups
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
just a touch

>> No.5673615

just get a reusable vacpac or just seal it and put it in the freezer and just get a weeks worth out at a time

Though if you want really fresh look into TONX, they ship you fresh blends weeks, bi weekly or monthly in whatever quantity you want and you get to try different types and origins. probably the same or cheaper than that hippie joints stuff and definitely fresher

>> No.5673621

1-2 cups (and by that I mean large mugs)
It's certainly a habit, I usually have coffee every day, but I've gone weeks without with no ill effects
Splash of 2% milk
2 packets of Stevia or two teaspoons of honey

>> No.5673622

An article on their site was what I was just reading. Thanks mate.

>> No.5673629

1, sometimes 2 cups.
I have no energy and massive headaches if I don't have coffee every day, so yes.
1t heavy cream per 8oz
2t sugar

>> No.5673674
File: 398 KB, 824x1058, beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which coffee would you brew?

>> No.5673680


>> No.5673794

I'm not that into using creamer or half and half because I always add too much and wind up tasting it more than the coffee. Usually I'll just add one or two packs of stevia.

I got started with dark roast so I usually have that if I'm drinking a hot coffee. I bought a bag of light roast with vanilla flavor recently but it's almost like drinking water, I'm not sure if it's because I had to brew it in a keurig or what.

>> No.5673808


for what purpose

>> No.5673827

because that is what i think i would like

>> No.5673869

Depends on the beans
Usually I would prefer American for what I get, but it can be difficult to get hold of, even from some of the local roasters.

>> No.5674143

I'd drink like 2 cups a day, usually black unless I was at a coffee shop, then I'd get a latte or cappuccino. Caffeine made my anxiety a lot worse though so I quit drinking coffee unless I'm really exhausted or in a situation where it's necessary (like going to a coffee shop with people or perhaps someone I don't know well).

Switched to tea, and I'm a lot happier with it. Tea tastes much better, has more potent health-benefits, doesn't stain your teeth, leave you tired like 2 hours later, and you have plenty more options. I will say that if you're using teabags it can get expensive pretty quick if you're burning through a box of Irish Breakfast every week and a half, but it's worth it I think.

>> No.5674448

Wow. I thought I would be seeing more extreme levels of consumption. Me? I drink 10-12 cups/day (as defined by my old school West Bend percolator) all between 8am-1pm. I make a point not to consume caffeine in the afternoons/evenings. Method is to grind fresh beans daily and drink black. Addiction? No. I don't appear to have any withdrawals as long as I can get at least one cup in the morning.

>> No.5674451

>I don't appear to have any withdrawals as long as I can get at least one cup in the morning
>as long as I can get at least one cup in the morning
ok then

>> No.5674470
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>> No.5674473
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>2 jar of the coffemaker at day
>Pic semi related
>Milk, just a touch
>Sugar 1 spoon

>> No.5674474

What brand/type of coffee do you drink?

>> No.5674587


1-2 cups a day
Nope, I sometimes drink tea instead
Instant (sue me)
No sugar, I'm sweet enough

>> No.5674648

<1-10 cups, depends on the day a lot.
<No, not really. I can go days, weeks even without any coffee.
<French press currently since my bitch of an ex gf took my drip machine
<Black or with some milk. I have chipped tooth so if black, I'll have to add a bit of water to lower the temp
<Hell no, no sweetening. It's coffee, not soda or some shit.

>> No.5674653

>>How much do you drink a day?
Varies. Usually 2-4 servings. Sometimes none, and I stick to green tea.
>>Is it an addiction?
Coffee, specifically? No. Caffiene? Yes.
>>method of brewing?
Reusable K-cup, or 15-bar espresso machine.
>>black or cream?
Depends on what kind of drink I'm making.
Generally, no.

>> No.5674670

>like 3 cups a week maybe
>I severely hope not
>cold brew is the only way, or french press, but hot coffee isn't doing it for me lately
>not usually

>> No.5674673

>2-3 if i have time, otherwise i skip it if busy
>it can be but i keep it under control
>french press
>cream or flavored creamer
>if using straight cream, but i like creamer to kill two birds with one stone

>> No.5674681


>How much do you drink a day?
Usually just one in the morning, occasionally more if i'm offered a good one or go to a shop
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
Grind beans that are locally freshly roasted, put in Aeropress. Congratulate my self on my lovely smelling house and middle classness. Drink coffee.
>black or cream?
Black. I use good coffee
No. I use good coffee.

>> No.5674688

if you are used to pre-ground coffee having fresh ground beans isn't going to be earth-shatteringly different, it will still be cold brew coffee

>> No.5674710

most of the good aromatics you're going to get from fresh ground beans are going to be wasted on cold brewed and iced coffees. No point really.

>> No.5674738


Clean from heroin for day 6

About 7 cups a day of double strength.
No sugar
No milk
I am addicted as fuck but is highly preferable to opiates in my experience.

>> No.5674751

You mean milk is sweet enough

>> No.5674772
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is anyone else here hypersensitive to coffee? i start twitching after only 1 cup and whats more annoying is that i start to sweat a lot. will these effects disappear if i drink more coffee and my body gets used to it or what?

>> No.5674781

i would not recommend pushing your body that far if you become distressed after one cup. do you drink coffee every day?

>> No.5674785

>1 or 2 cups a day
>instant coffee granules
>no sweetening
Who can really be arsed to brew coffee?

>> No.5674793

no at the moment im not drinking coffee at all (havent drank in a week or so)

>> No.5674797

Start with half caff every day. your negative symptoms will subside. then you can switch to full caff, then you can start enjoying the full benefit of the bean.

>> No.5674943
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700 ml
don't think so
french press
pic related is what I usually drink

>> No.5674958

Daily reminder that coffee causes stunted growth and all coffee drinkers are manlets

>> No.5674970

Most people have stopped growing by the time they start drinking coffee.

Energy drinks, on the other hand... it will be interesting to see the average height of the next generation.

>> No.5674974

Instant coffee is instant coffee, its just flame grilled dirt to have in desperate times, but that "delicate crema" is fucking absurd.

>> No.5674975
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When I miss breakfast, with milk, no sugar.

Otherwise its black.

>> No.5674979

How do you deal with your salt levels then if you're constantly pissing and drinking water?

>> No.5674980

is that the plastic or glass one?

>> No.5674986
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee smells good and better than having a minty as fuck breath

>> No.5674997

6'1 here, been drinking coffee for the better part of my life.

>> No.5675004

When people say cream, do they mean actual cream. Or is it a term for milk?

I tried putting a spoon of cream in a cup of coffee once and i felt so gross.

>1-3 a day
>more of a passion
>espresso master-race
>milk, not cream

>> No.5675042

It's usually whole milk or half and half; that is, half milk half cream.

>> No.5675217


I was this way at first too. What changed it was getting smalls from a more "boutique" cafe near my house. The higher quality coffee gave me a smoother buzz.

>> No.5675224
File: 44 KB, 814x500, 1267569113531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pourover frenchpress

>> No.5675231

>2-4 cups
>Yes but that's not why I drink it

>> No.5675234
File: 281 KB, 451x352, 1285379982389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>How much do you drink a day?
3-5 ample cups
>>Is it an addiction?
I don't not drink it. Does that count?
>>method of brewing?
Drip or percolator, mostly pre-ground
>>black or cream?

Sometimes I put whipped cream and cinnamon on top.

>> No.5675237

>How much do you drink a day?
1 cup during summer, 3 if i could
>Is it an addiction?
not really but it feels nice to have a cup, feels less nice to not have one
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
never, gotta preserve that flavor

>> No.5675253

>How much do you drink a day?
One small, strong cup.

>Is it an addiction?
No. I used to drink upwards of eight cups of black tea a day; that was closer to an addiction.

>method of brewing?
French press.

>black or cream?


>> No.5675266


I roast my own when I have time. I buy from a local roaster when I dont feel like fucking with that shit.

At the moment, I've got a half pound of coffee I roasted myself

>>How much do you drink a day?

Usually two or three 16 ounce cups a day

>>Is it an addiction?

Not really. I just dont like drinking soda, and I have to be in the mood for tea to drink it

>>method of brewing?

Ceramic pourover from local coffee roaster

>>black or cream?



Generally none, unless I have a coffee with a citrusy acidic pop, then I'll use a bit of milk and sugar to soften the edge a bit; same goes for when I goof brewing and make it bitter

>> No.5675424

>highly preferable to opiates in my experience
>day 6

let me know how that goes for you

>> No.5675429

Tried cold brew for the first time yesterday --- damn it was good!

Kinda messy filtering it, I need to come up with a better method.

Got 64oz of concentrate steeping now.

>> No.5675895

I got a Keurig brewer, so I can't wait to get the lil thingy that lets you brew your own coffee instead of using their little pre-filled coffee packets. So quick question, in the book that comes with it it mentions making iced coffee a ton load of times, it says to fill the cup that the hot coffee is gonna go in with ice. How does that work? Wouldn't the coffee get super watery?

>> No.5675916

>>How much do you drink a day?
2-3 cups
>Is it an addiction?
Usually not. I try to do decaf for a week every couple of months to avoid that.
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
Milk, sometimes half and half

>> No.5675927

Whats the best coffee setup for a poorfag? I read that cafe bustelo is alright once

I'm thinking about getting a cheap drip machine

>> No.5675959

a small french press

>> No.5676023

Are you the guy who posted the thread about Folgers black silk? If not, I'll second the Cafe Bustelo for cheap coffee.
>>5675959 is right about the French press over a drip machine. I still think an Aeropress is better. Both will make a fine cup of coffee though.

>> No.5676042

When I add cream to my coffee I found you have to add miniscule amounts or yes it will taste bad. Something like a TSP per 12 oz or something. Sugar and stuff like vanilla, chocolate, or caramel also cover up the strong cream taste.

>> No.5676049

who the fuck cares.

stuff tastes great and convenient, just nuke a cup of water and drop some in.

low effort, low cost and, no additional equipment needed...

>> No.5676052


Nope that wasn't me but I thought about black silk too

So cafe bustelo + french press?

>> No.5676053

>How much do you drink a day?
One to two cups.

>Is it an addiction?
Nah I just need to survive work somehow.

>method of brewing?
No idea. Ask my boss.

>black or cream?
A bit of milk.

A bit of sugar.

Does somebody know that weird Orea coffe?
I tried that the other day and it was surprisingly good.

>> No.5676059

Oreo I meant.

>> No.5676087

So is no one else going to point out the word 'sweetinging'?

>> No.5676098

>people that drink a pot or more on the regular and claim they aren't addicted

I can't believe you can ingest that much caffeine without your body getting dependent on it.

>> No.5676575

cold brew is the shit, just started doing it about a month ago and haven't looked back.

you could consider one of these:



I haven't bought one yet but I'm planning on it since it looks a little cleaner.

>> No.5676667

>How much do you drink a day?
Between 2 and 4 pots depending on my shift
>Is it an addiction?
More of a motivation then an addiction
>method of brewing?
Stardard sears coffee maker
>black or cream?
Black in the morning, cream added as the day goes on
Sweetening? Sometimes. But thats usually on weekends when i make it at home

>> No.5676685

>One cup, maybe two occasionally
>possibly, one day is fine but after that I get headaches
>Keurig mostly, only on occasion bought
>black all the way

>> No.5676728

>1-2 cups
>Keurig machine with a steel cup to use my own fresh ground beans

>> No.5677948

That's the way to go for cheap, flavorful, strong coffee.

>> No.5678359
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Heavy gastroesophageal reflux disease and a healthy helicobacter pylori colony inside me plague my life.
The doctors literally told me that I am going to puke my insides if I keep eating chocolate, drinking coffee for breakfast and eating mediterranean salads daily.

Until a few months ago when I had to stop I used to take two-three cups a day, small servings, black, bitter.
Its not an addiction, really. Can you call it such if you can detox in a couple of days? Its the ritual that is addictive, not the substance.

>> No.5678366

>think I'm currently borderline od'ing

To OD on caffeine you have to consume waaaay too much.
As in, you will have a hard time not puking or pissing it away before you OD.
Unless you sniff pure caffeine powder you cant OD on it, the body wont allow it.

>> No.5678397

I drink a cup a day from a pod machine. Black, unsweetened and I can go without the coffee but am most assuredly addicted to caffeine, going through about 2-3l of diet coke a day

>> No.5678546

>How much do you drink a day?
About a litre.
>Is it an addiction?
Depends on your definition of it, but I do go without it some days without any noticeable side effects.
>method of brewing?
Drip mostly, unless I just want a small cup for which I use a French press
>black or cream?

>> No.5678574
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>How much do you drink a day?
Two medium cups on average.
>Is it an addiction?
I wouldn't say so. While it's true I'll get a mild 'craving' if I happen to skip it completely on some days, that's fairly innocuous.
>method of brewing?
Drip 99% of the time. Otherwise, a nice espresso.
>black or cream?
Black 99% of the time. A few days a year, I'll splurge and add one part cream.
Again, maybe something like Coffee Mate once a year, and I usually take one or two sips before it gets on my nerves. Can't stand sweetness in coffee.

>> No.5679211
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How healthy/unhealthy is coffee? Obviously anything in excess is bad. I had a terrible autoimmune pancreatic disease for a couple years where I stopped eating fried food, and pretty much anything, and picked up a coffee habit once I recovered. But I only drink one cup a day, two at most. I do use sweetener and cream though. Is this something that could lead to health problems down the road, or are two cups a day fine? Is straight up coffee (not frap shit) fattening?

>> No.5679380

Straight up black coffee with nothing in it is perfectly fine to put into your body. I'm hesitant to use the word healthy because I don't think it really helps your body in any way, but coffee has basically no nutrition value aside from the caffeine.

>> No.5679392

I only ever drink espresso before a workout. I find a whole cup of coffee generally tastes too weak.

>> No.5680518

Also coffee is great if you're looking to keep lean, it is to me at least.
I'll brew a can and just chill with that and have little to no desire to eat at all.

>> No.5680521

Cream and sugar get really tiring really fast for me.
Like, I'll try to add it sometimes and I can barely finish the whole cup.

>> No.5680588

6'2 here. Been drinking coffee since I was 14.

>> No.5680622

>one cup
>french press
>two cubes of brown sugar

>> No.5680623

You could've been 6'3

>> No.5680635

>How much do you drink a day?
I had one this morning with some hardtack, so 0-1
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
>black or cream?
1 teaspoon

>> No.5680639

Vienna as I was born there.

>> No.5680645

Dallmayr is good for a cheap coffee imo.

>> No.5681343
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>> No.5682941

Drink 1 cup most mornings.
Wouldn't consider it an addiction. I don't really need it, it just feels better. If I don't drink it the worst that will happen is I'll be grumpy.
I brew using aeropress and french press. I use a baratza virtuoso electric burr grinder and a hario skerton manual burr grinder. I use fresh beans and always grind them right before making the coffee. I use modest amounts of 10% half & half cream with my coffee. I don't use sugar or sweetening. I don't like acidic coffee so I will usually use 70C water with a short extraction time while compensating for flavour and strength with more grinds.

Beans I use:
Espresso Italiano

>> No.5683424

usually have one cup in the morning, sometimes 2
its usually some dunkin donuts coffee or iced coffee

>> No.5684354
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To settle an argument I've been having with my boss at the shitty cafe I work at, do flat whites and lattes have the exact same amount of foam, except in different cups?

I often see her shittily pouring lattes so they have only 3 millimeters of foam and then having her insist that that's fine.

>> No.5685401
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>>How much do you drink a day?
Minimum 6 cups
Max 8 cups

>>Is it an addiction?
In that it tastes better than any other drink? yes
In that I get bad headaches if I miss my morning coffee? Yes
Do I actually crave it? No.

>>method of brewing?
Grind 17g of beans
Inverted Areopress
80 degrees water
>>black or cream?
Milk but tried cream for the first time recently, pretty damn good.


>> No.5686028

How much water do you use?

>> No.5686220
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anyone tried this stuff? im thinking about grinding my own bean (previously only drank pic related) and this seemed like something i'd like without breaking the bank.


>> No.5686234
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So my whole foods often has hot from the roaster beans in these bulk bins

Should I not use it for a day for it to "degas"? Is it bad to freeze it before it degasses?

Hypothetically speaking would grinding it right after roasting and then brewing the next day be worse than grinding it 1 day later and brewing it the next day?

>> No.5686293

Flat whites have no foam. Why the fuck would you have different names for the same thing in a different cup?

>> No.5686306


Lattes are only supposed to have like 3mm of foam. If you want a lot of foam, you order a cappuccino, preferably dry.

>> No.5686311

Do not freeze coffee.
If you're going to grind ahead of time why are you wasting money on whole bean coffee? Grind it immediately before use.

>> No.5686316


the problem with ordering a cappuccino is that baristas are so sick of idiots complaining that it was "too bitter" that half the time they either argue with you and say you really want a latte, or they just make you a latte without even asking

it's why I just order espressos now. not worth the trouble.

>> No.5686327


because I spent years being an over-earnest sperg like you, and eventually I realized I don't actually care

also, whole bean isn't actually more expensive than ground coffee. using the grinder in the store is free. where did you get this idea that whole bean = charge more?

>> No.5686340


I've literally never had this problem.

>> No.5686632

freezing whole beans is fine as long as you take them out before use

>> No.5687054
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2 cups
80 degrees C (176F?) about 80mls stir then top up to about 100mls. basically the plunger at the half way point.
dispense into (pic)
pour 50ml into cup add 90C water to fill cup.

>> No.5687179

Collegefag here, stuck with a keurig for as longa as I'm there but I love me some good coffee. Are there are any good k-cups out there or are they all weak? Because the ones I've had so far have been ass.

>> No.5687251

I used to drink anywhere from 2 to 6 flat whites a day, double shot.

Then I read somewhere that too much acidity is bad for your stomach so I switched over to caffiene pills and now take 2 200mg a day which is about 4 cups worth.

Starbucks is shit btw.

>> No.5687452
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Actually latte's are meant to have 1cm of foam, and flat whites can have almost none/none at all.

>drinking 6 flat whites a day
>getting worried about acidity rather than that amount of milk

>> No.5687454


>> No.5687786
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One to two cups a day
I use pic related
A bit of milk

>> No.5687797

2 large mugs daily
if headaches count as withdrawal, yes
french press
depends on beans - small amount if any
see above statement

>> No.5687803


What about the other 50mls sitting in the aeropress?

>> No.5687804

2-4 cups a day
yes, I need a coffee to function in the morning
whole bean grind and drip brew
sometimes black, sometimes with a cream or 2
1 sugar usually, though black coffee is nice sometimes

>> No.5687807

What's the best way to prepare coffee if one does not have any equipment asides from a stove, a kettle and a sauce pan? I do have a seive of some sort but it's one that's usually used to sift flour.

>> No.5687811
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I'd say a hario v60.
Manual pour over is probably the cheapest way to get very good coffee.

>> No.5687813

>>How much do you drink a day?
1 mug (2oz)
>>Is it an addiction?
>>method of brewing?
Pre-ground espresso
>>black or cream?
Steamed milk
Caramel syrup and cocao powder

>> No.5687815

none of this is ideal, but:
get some cheese cloth or normal paper filters
crush beans in baggie with pot or get preground
tie up crushed beans in cheesecloth or place in filter inside funnel
steep cheese cloth 1-2 minutes in water that has been brought to a boil and rested for about a minute or slowly pour over coffee in filter, perhaps multiple times if grounds are course

>> No.5687818


You can make cowboy coffee if you have a new, unworn sock, or even if you just pour carefully. if you grind your beans on the coarsest setting at the grocery store, you might be able to strain it through your sieve.

>> No.5687822

forgot to say, if you get cheese cloth, use at least two layers, 3 or 4 would be best

>> No.5687849
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Also, if you really want a dedicated coffee maker for cheap, you can go pick up a phin filter from any asian grocer for about $2-$3. if you've ever had vietnamese coffee, you've had one of these.

You can also pick up a Melitta pour-over filter. No need to spend $20-30 on a weeb cone.

>> No.5688054

I know, I'm in between places at the moment and most of my kitchen gear is inside one of the many boxes I've stored away somewhere.

Was hoping that my equipment I have in my carry on bag would suffice without purchase of new equipment. Yes, I pack pots, pans and a hot plate with me in addition to clothes for fear of something like this would happen.

>> No.5689393
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>> No.5689954

You put it all in the measuring cup, then pour 50mls out into a cup.

The other 50ml is for your second cup/other person.

>> No.5690003

1-3 cups a week
French Press

>> No.5690005
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Eight cups a day average.
Yes. It's so horrible. I've considered giving out blowjobs to a guy twice a week just so he'd give me 40 bucks a week to buy coffee when I'm at work/running errands. I fucking hate running errands without a cup of caffeine.
Creme and sugar and flavoring.

I go on binges where I quit for a week or I switch to tea for a few, but eventually I'm back at drinking a pot every day. It's my heroin.

Pic related, how I feel on my cutting days.

>> No.5690006


I feel dat. I've wondered about making two cups with a single aeropress, but I've been too afraid.

>> No.5690026

At work some days I spend the entire day in a van delivering goods from shop to shop and even though I'm craving coffee and could easily pull into any cafe and get one I know I will be busting for a piss about 20 minutes after I drink it. Every time I drink coffee I spend the next half of the day pissing. Kind of inconvenient when you're in a rush trying to drive.

>> No.5690028

I've only had coffee once in several months, but during the school semester I have 3-4 cups per week.

I did get a $1.39 coffee from Kwik trip the other day because I finally got a goddamned job.

> the only way to drink Kwik trip is make it as god awful for you as possible
> 1/2 English toffee, 1/3 black house blend, caramel syrup, french vanilla half and half, and just because I could, I bought some werthers and tossed three of them in the bottom

It was amazing. During the school year I can't stand having shit like that more than 1-2 times a month so I usually just use a little bit of milk in black coffee and drink it while eating breakfast.

>> No.5690048
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Do it, more coffee = better life.

>> No.5690071

a-are you a g-girl?

>> No.5690077


hm. until you become dependent and need it just to keep yourself from falling asleep STANDING UP at work.

>> No.5690250
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Two to three cups on workdays, one cup before my Saturday bike rides

I've had other addictions in the past (cigarettes, alcohol) and this one is the only one I can't kick

French press usually a light roast

I put a small amount of butter in it instead of cream

Brown sugar preferably one teaspoon per cup

>> No.5690269

>Two large cups in the AM, one small espresso after work .
>Chemex at home, hipster shops when I'm out.

>> No.5690277

Caffeine is a stimulant, just like speed is a stimulant. Not to the same levels of course, I'm not comparing the two chemically or anything, just that caffeine is a chemical that will send messages to your body and organs to function more/faster. Hence the heart rate racing, hence the intestines pushing stool out faster, hence heating up and sweating more (just some common symptoms, you wont notice this happening if you have a small/normal amount that your body is preparede for)

>> No.5690315

I use a coffee press.

1-3 cups a day
200-600mg in caffeine pills

Nearly zero caffeine on weekends

>> No.5690316

>4 cups a day
>Yes addicted
>Delonghi machine
>No Sugar

>> No.5690585

You sound like a weakling, I suggest drinking more coffee.

>> No.5690596

>How much do you drink a day?
3-4 cups
>Is it an addiction?
>method of brewing?
French press, drip, moka pot
>black or cream?
1 teaspoon sugar