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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 640x360, ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5684622 No.5684622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she retarded, like does she have an actual mental problem? I didn't really notice in the first few episodes but the way she talks makes me think she might be.

>> No.5684652

She's faking it

>> No.5684676

She's not retarded. Plus no retard could get that far on masterchef. I thought so at first, but the stuff she says is totally fine and normal. Its the way she says it. Severe speech impediment maybe? Stroke? I don't care, I find it endearing. I think she's cute as fuck.

>> No.5684682

She has a visible tattoo on her damn neck. Of course she's mental.

>> No.5684687

Pretty sure it's an act. I've met a lot of girls who think acting "quirky" means acting like a high-functioning autistic and they talk just like her.

>> No.5684769


>> No.5685171
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 1381836728874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been seeing alot of posts about this ugly cunt lately

so shes on US masterchef

is there a video so i can see for myself and judge her level of autism

>> No.5685212


she actually does seem like a high functioning autistic, i don't know why you think it's an act.

>> No.5685249


She is clearly fucking retarded or at the least operating with diminished higher functioning skills. Don't you recall when she was talking about getting bullied in her childhood and they fucked her up so bad that she's never been right since. I'm guessing water boarding maybe just prolonged sensory derivation in a trashcan or locker...whatever it was she totally damaged goods,

>> No.5685256


>> No.5685277


>> No.5685283


how can a human being be "damaged goods"?

>> No.5685292


when they throw you in the janitors locker and give you the good old broom stick to the bum and you come out talking like this bitch for the rest of your life.

>> No.5685299


no, still not getting what you're saying. humans aren't "goods"

>> No.5685306


>> No.5685313


Dude, it's like when Andy gets cornered by the sisters in Shawshank and even though he puts up a good fight they have their way with his mangina anyway,.

>> No.5685314

It's an expression. Like "shit for brains." Or "not the sharpest tool in the shed." You aren't actually a tool in a shed, nor is your head filled with feces.

>> No.5685317

Thanks for the spoilers I was gonna watch this tonight.

>> No.5685318


It's a figure of speech bro. It's saying that the person has one or more defects that makes them undesirable. You wouldn't go buy a new TV with a scratch on the screen, right? That's a damaged good. Likewise you wouldn't want to date a person with some serious baggage. See the metaphor?

>> No.5685326
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>I'm guessing water boarding

>> No.5685327


So.. a human being's worth lies in whether or not someone else deems them dateable? That doesn't make sense, either.

>> No.5685341
File: 5 KB, 200x150, raichu_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes just really autistic. I think she is cute in a dorky nerd way. Yall niggas rude as hell

>> No.5685342


Not that other fggt, but this has nothing to do with self worth or date-ability, I'm just saying her clock is coo-coo. Other than that, I would totally bang the shit out of her in like a hate rape kind of way just to hear her unacknowledged cries if pain and crackling screams for mercy.

>> No.5685351

>So.. a human being's worth lies in whether or not someone else deems them dateable?

I never said it did. I was explaining the phrase to you since you didn't seem to understand it.

"Damaged goods" = person has a problem. simple as that. I didn't say it was justified or that it made sense.

>> No.5685364

I understand that it's a stupid phrase that seems to only be used towards women, hatefully so, but as long as you're not justifying it and acknowledge that using it kinda makes you a prickhole then i'm done here.

>> No.5685369

wood berry

>> No.5685370

>Damaged goods detected

>> No.5685372

>to only be used towards women,

Where'd you get that idea? most of the people I hear using the phrase ARE women.

>> No.5685382

We seem to have two WILDLY different experiences then. I've never heard a woman use it. Not once.

>> No.5685383


get a load of this bitches damaged goods

>> No.5685386


Clearly, that because whores and your whore friends don't have any standards so why would it even matter.

>> No.5685387

So you have heard it and were just pretending to not understand it?

>> No.5685391

I wanted to understand the mentality behind someone who uses it, but obviously arguing off the bat wouldn't have helped me there.

>> No.5685396


le tumblr face

>> No.5685397

>he thinks i base my conclusions exclusively off my group of friends

>> No.5685406


>she thinks whoring is a respectable career choice.

>> No.5685410

Or maybe high functioning autists think they're being quirky. Maybe not everyone is out to get you

>> No.5685415

>he is grasping at straws and making random assumptions based on nothing in a desperate attempt to insult me for whatever reason

>> No.5685420


>classic whore deflection and defensive behavior

>> No.5685426

>he just keeps going

I have about five more minutes of idle time anon, i appreciate the amusement. What will you say next?

>> No.5685432


next client on his way?

>> No.5685437

But i'm not gay, anon.

>> No.5685444

Don't listen to him. Most of us here on /ck/ are really nice :3 Don't know what happened to make this jerk so irritable O_o

Don't scare her off you fucking sperg she's probably a better cook than you are

>> No.5685448


keep telling yourself that rentboy.

>> No.5685455

I'm a dude kek

I really need to be more productive than this, though. Internet bickering is tantalizing, but brain damaging.

>> No.5685471

Never watched the show but I just watched the youtube video of her, she does seem like her brain may be a bit fucked but she's cute as hell either way.
I would totally date her

>> No.5685488


Yes! what a bitchboi! How dare anon insult others by saying there "used goods" I bet he's a neckbeard to boot! =/

Anyways... I got more important matters to attend to so don't even think about replying to me you angry autists! ;)

>> No.5685519

>Not rooting for based Leslie

>> No.5685521

she seems to either be high fucking autismo or really anxious, even though they're like completely fucking opposites they can present similarly if you don't know someone well.

>> No.5685533


> high fucking

thanks brain. functioning.

>> No.5685536

Bust people with asperger's almost all deal with anxiety issues

>> No.5685540

It's a reality TV show, nothing there is real about it and that includes the personalities of the contestants. Half of those people are probably plants to make it more entertaining. The other half are hamming it up for the camera or are under the direction of the producers. If they don't want too then the producers just edit the footage and dub over lines to make that person look like the character they want them to be.

>> No.5685544
File: 52 KB, 634x469, article-2366376-1AD8AD54000005DC-941_634x469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5685547


Nerdy and anxious. Why you niggers so mean?

>> No.5685564


weird, I've known a lot of high functioning autistics and they were the exact opposite

one of my friends' brothers is included in this, and he started randomly talking to some hot girl he'd never met before about wow in the lobby of our gym

I'm surprised she was so polite and just tolerated it

>> No.5685565

Geez, a shy, socially awkward, bullied person having trouble speaking in front of a bunch of people and cameras for a national TV show? Clearly she's retarded!

What a bunch of fucking assholes in this thread, every one of whom would piss their pants if any girl were to walk up to them and say hi.

>> No.5685571

I wouldn't care about talking to hot women. I'm gay, you heteronormative jerk. Take your anti-bullying finger and point to yourself, fuckface.

>> No.5685572

I don't know why people are so bad at recognizing anxiety

I guess because there are so many teenagers here but I thought /ck/ had more oldfags

>> No.5685577

I mean the really unself aware ones will just talk about things only they care about to complete strangers but they still can deal with anxiety issues. There are extroverted people with aspergers, but the majority are introverted and fear public interactions

>> No.5685594


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.5685630

Not everyone on here is an /r9k/ faggot that is afraid of girls like you. Plenty of people on this site overall have girlfriends.

>> No.5685659

Ahran is just immature. She is not actually retarded and will grow up normal if she loses MC. She won't be some undateable autistic weirdo

>> No.5685671

>Asian girl is a cunt
>Also, weather at 11

>> No.5685690


This bitch's act is totally transparent. I can't even believe that you fggts didn't even notice how this crafty little cunt setup Tyler in so5e6 by switching out one of her clearly interior, unset Pavlovas with his just to save her fake retarded ass from getting the ax.

>> No.5685694
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>> No.5685714
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>> No.5685719

As someone who watches the show every week, and someone who knows a lot of autistic people, I can safely say she's autistic.
High functioning autistic, but autistic nonetheless.
Also, there might be something else too, but I'm not sure what.

>> No.5685723


what would you say the correlation between watching the show on a weekly basis and knowing a lot of autistic people, would be?

>> No.5685946

>all these feels


>> No.5685950

Ahran was a legitimately good cook. She even won a couple of challenges! I am sad to see her go.

>> No.5685958

Fuck you faggot

>> No.5685966

she was a terrible cooks. Also thanks for the spoiler asshole

>> No.5686003

I'm glad we have your expert opinion on the matter Anon. Looks like the need for clinical psychologists is wholly exaggerated given the number of people who watch tv and know people who behave like the people they see on tv.

>> No.5686013

I don't think she just has assburgers or autism or whatever.

Look at her hands during interviews and the way she holds her neck/spine. I think she genuinely has a mental disability, nothing detrimental but maybe some sort of brain damage since birth?

>> No.5686018


autism is a mental disability...

>> No.5686033


she was nuts but a good cook


I know lots of autismos, I literally work with them. She's not necessarily autistic, could just be weird or anxious person.

>> No.5686047

Does she have a really bad overbite?

>> No.5686057

Oh guys, she has a neurological disorder


>> No.5686098
File: 134 KB, 620x620, jaime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is cute in a dorky nerd way
This nigga gets it.

>> No.5686105

Where exactly is his accent from? I want to say New Jersey.

>> No.5686115

I meant one that has physical side-effects.

I guess >>5686057 clears it up anyways. She would tense/twitch her hands sometimes and during cooking you could see her having issues with things.

>> No.5686121


>> No.5686143

A Californian accent sounds like that?

>> No.5686148

I think its just a nondescript rich white guy accent but yeah he is from cali

>> No.5686187

Ahran's fine ass was the only reason I watched the show, sigh...

>> No.5686189

She looked like she got hit in the face by a car.

>> No.5686254


>> No.5686259

when she spoke she reminded me of this one woman I was helping at work, she was so pretty..and I think she had cerebral palsy because she was all floppy, her eyes kept moving around, she walked like an off balance drunk person, and yet I found her charming and got the strangest boner of my life

I just imagined how she flops around in bed

>> No.5686345


no, that's not a californian accent

I've lived in california my whole life and I also thought his accent had a little new jersey or brooklyn to it

>> No.5686474

>Wanting to date a retarded weirdo

Please get some pussy soon

>> No.5686610

Weekly reminder Christian will win.

>> No.5686619
File: 146 KB, 370x370, Raiden[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Implying Raiden won't win

>> No.5686625

fuck off

>> No.5686648
File: 35 KB, 374x452, ahran_bio-bio-374x452[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously though, entire blue team should have been the top 5. can't believe it. poor leslie

>> No.5686649

i keked

>> No.5686653
File: 21 KB, 550x382, this-is-a-tasty-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Perfect service while the red team got far behind. The fuck? Christian getting saved was bullshit, his turkey burger mix was way too soggy, and although it was seasoned right he got lucky.

>> No.5686655

boomer is a cook?

>> No.5686710


Buenas noches en tot ziens

>> No.5686816

No, that's Athena.

>> No.5686853

When they were doing introductions for the show, she said she had a nervous disposition and hopes to win Master Chef to regain her confidence and self-esteem.

She just stutters hard when stressed out, I guess. I get tongue-tied every now and then when I'm nervous.

>> No.5686866


"Damaged goods". She was raped.

You guys are retarded.

>> No.5686890
File: 88 KB, 951x267, 78e0c6cbe3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your solution.

>> No.5686935

Think Leslie slipped Ahran the D?

>> No.5686942

No. The Silver Fox doesn't touch the asian persuasion.

>> No.5686963


Raiden fucks whoever he wants. He fucked graham too.

RIP Cutter next week, too.

>> No.5686974
File: 69 KB, 300x300, MC5_-_Kick_Out_the_Jams[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i just realized mc5 stands for "master chef 5"
I thought she was just an MC5 fan. A little disappointed because thinking that made me lover even more.

>> No.5687211

>I think she's cute as fuck.
ugly white faggot detected

>> No.5687219

wife material

>> No.5687470

ugly white virgin faggot detected you mean.

>> No.5687480

Who is that?

>> No.5687488
File: 39 KB, 393x376, 1338772999984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flops around in bed
Thanks for the laugh anon. Got any stories about her?

>> No.5687497

So who does everyone think will be top 3? And who are your personal top three (so not necessarily best chefs but you like their personalities)

Top 3 imo;
I can see Christian or Courtney slipping up and a wildcard going through, but I believe Elizabeth is the strongest and most consistent in the competition.

Personal favourite 3;
>Francis L
I used to like Jaimee but she's been pissing me off. I want her to be more assertive. Daniel's got dat heart, Victoria seemed like a true bro and Francis was fun to watch.

>> No.5687612

Top 3;

Personal 3;

>> No.5687613

she is cute you faggot

>> No.5687614

White people have terrible vision

>> No.5687616
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1384235903176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 3
And you just fucking watch m8, I don't know how but he'll fucking do it the fucker

>> No.5687636

She's pretty cute but needs a better haircut.

>> No.5687638

Shes overly skinny, talks like a retard, is covered in tats, and here face is unattractive. Get some glasses

>> No.5687648

If you are male and talking about or watching this drivel then seek help.

>> No.5687677

Cutter is entertaining as fuck, he keeps pulling shit out of his ass and I love it.

>> No.5687688

>Shes overly skinny

>talks like a retard
Her medical condition affects her muscles and guess what the vocal cords are connected to?

>is covered in tats

>and here face is unattractive
Your grammar is unattractive!

>Get some glasses

>> No.5687720

retarded people have medical conditions, tats are ugly, a-cups are boring as hell, and you can't have sex with grammar.

>> No.5687949

she's a scrawny vegan-looking autistic degenerate with an ugly face

you don't really think she's attractive you just believe she's reachable from your low rung on the ladder

>> No.5687958

I don't even think she's all that skinny. Is she only considered skinny to fatass blacks?

>> No.5688374

I bet she's into anal. A significant proportion of the vegan ladies I've hooked up with are into anal.

>> No.5688522

But their farts are so stinky, I feel like getting anywhere near the asshole is hazardous to your health

>> No.5688526

Leslie or Courtney for the win.

>> No.5688529
File: 2.38 MB, 256x197, 1402707658708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Three:

Personal Favourites:
>Cutter "Truffles" Brewer

>tfw Cutter somehow managed to make good Truffles.

>> No.5688540

factually incorrect, meat eaters have worse gas.
vegan butt holes are sparkly clean

>> No.5688550

Dat disinfo

>> No.5688574 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 940x690, ThinkAgainNigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd be interested in her if she was a pure virgin, but the fact that she has tattoos and is a women makes me believe she is not pure but in fact used goods.

>> No.5688579

fiber works wonders, bro

>> No.5688580

Having scene the video, I was expecting full on down syndrome. So her voice cracks. Whoop-de-doo!

>> No.5688583

>hurr omnivores dont eat fiberz

>> No.5688593

that's sad, they should.

>> No.5688631

Why the hell would you think that she was full on downy? It says right there he didn't notice at first but the more he heard her talk the more retarded she sounds and her just by looking at her face you can tell she doesn't have a serious case of down syndrome

>> No.5688835

so what kind of girl do you want to date anon, someone completely devoid of personality? someone boring and brainless, without a passion? because sex dolls are easily acquired.

>> No.5688959

nah man, she was just beautiful though. beautiful and floppy

>> No.5689187
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>> No.5689228

>you don't really think she's attractive you just believe she's reachable from your low rung on the ladder

Why are those things mutually exclusive? And what's wrong with having realistic expectations? Is this /r9k/ where people only want very attractive girls despite being ugly losers?

>> No.5689246

Honestly only sleeping with people you are attracted to is pretty shallow.

>> No.5689255

Oh god I bet it'll be just like last season and Cutter will pull some bullshit redemption thing and win the whole thing.

>> No.5689258

factually vegetarians fart and shit 2-4x more than meat eaters because of the volume of food they need to consume

>> No.5689615

There are 3 billion women on the planet. There is no ideal mate. With those odds theres no reason to date an ugly girl, I can find a girl I'm actually attracted to with a personality thats fits mine. Its only shallow if you're dating her only because of her looks. Its perfectly fine to fuck a girl just because shes attractive though

>> No.5690157

I've heard people talking like this before, mainly people who have had strokes, but she could also be partially deaf which could effect her voice.

>> No.5690167
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she dresses like someone's fucking aunt from the 60s. good lord

>> No.5690232

sjw pls

>> No.5690246


oh, it's you again.

no, sleeping with people you aren't attracted to is a waste of an experience. or you're literally a whore, i don't know.

we've been over this. physical attraction is the mental and bodily draw, the sexual pull and tension you have toward the other person. you mistake attraction to mean looks, when in fact is has more to do with communication.

>> No.5690432
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>> No.5690849

>ugly white faggot detected

>> No.5690914

Tumblr please leave