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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5680417 No.5680417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are you here?

>> No.5680446

depressed, long-term unemployed, make my way by cooking for other people

>> No.5680451

I like talking about food and cooking, though I hate cooking and only eat things that are bad for me

>> No.5680453

i'm from the future. i came here to the present to tell OP he's a faggot.

>> No.5680464

because I don't feel like posting on my usual boards as they're either slow or none of the threads are really all that interesting and I didn't decide to go to /k/.

>> No.5680473

Just here hoping on an off chance that maybe PHS guy comes back.

>> No.5680493

So I can call myself a /co//ck/.
I'm not a weapon fanatic so I can't call myself a /co//c//k/.

>> No.5680519

fuck you faggot

>> No.5680523

Gordons scramble method works really well though.

>> No.5680552

i'm disabled and mostly shut-in so i like 4chan

i spent years researching food and learning how to cook so i like /ck/

sometimes there is good stuff on /ck/, just a lot of shit too

>> No.5680553

Disabled how?

Does it interfere with your ability to cook?

>> No.5680559

>not waiting for milkjarman

>> No.5680564
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Because I'm turning 20 in 2 days and I've seen 2 other people with birthdays just a few days before mine get a shitton of people wishing them happy birthday and I know for a fact that I won't get a single person noticing mine and so I thought about treating myself to a slice of pizza but there's no good pizza in LA so I'm on here to try and find a decent recipe but I hate cooking almost at much as I suck at it almost as much as I'm depressed.

>> No.5680575

just a bunch of different things, there's no short and easy answer for that

sometimes it does. i don't feel up to it or i'm not hungry often, but i don't like junk food. i try to find the quickest, cheapest, and healthiest way to make as much different food as i can with my limited budget which has actually made me a better cook in that regard, i think.

>> No.5680590

try this recipe: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/14645/prosciutto+rocket+tomato+pizza

happy birthday unhappy toad

>> No.5680593

You really are the kind mother of /ck/.

>> No.5680600

A white pizza with extra garlic and pieces of fried eggplant on top is the best pizza I've ever had

I just prebake a wet bread dough that has a couple tablespoons of olive oil for a few minutes, blend garlic with oil and spread that on instead of tomato sauce, top with mozzarella, ricotta, and eggplant

happy birthday

>> No.5680611

I was thinking about doing a thread about my Meat Cutter Apprenticeship I just started, something to take my mind off my soulcrushing depression. Now I don't really feel like it. Why are you here?

>> No.5680696

To laugh and pass time.

>> No.5680713
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answer him

>> No.5680732
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>> No.5680751
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To remind everybody that carbs are ok.

>> No.5680760


Shut the guck up

>> No.5680765

/tv refused our offer in favor of yours

>> No.5680767

Is the Gordon method actually good? I'm curious.

>> No.5680770

yes, you can get better results over a bain but if done properly his method is good.

>> No.5680795

because ck is what I read while taking a shit.

>> No.5681989

Pepins been doing it decades before him. Why does everyone attribute it to Gordon?

>> No.5681993

ck/ is one of the least shitty boards usually

>> No.5681996

Do you like runny scrambled eggs with the consistency of prison slop? Then yes.

>> No.5682005

>metal fork on teflon

>> No.5682013

One does not question The Pepin.

But yes, that video hurts me a little.

>> No.5682023

because there's only one "right way" to do scrambled eggs, right? It'd food, fix it how you like and shut the fuck up while eating it.

To answer OP, I come to /ck/ because people seem to think there's only one right way to cook many dishes... and that's fucking stupid. I'm here to help, but I'm not going to be pleasant about shit you should already know. What ever happened to Boss Nigg? Think that was his name... he knew his shit mostly.

>> No.5682038

Start high heat until your spatula leaves a trail, then reduce heat to low. Cook until it's the consistency you like.

>> No.5682063
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One of just a few boards on this website in which there are somewhat smart, good hearted people. I don't even know how to cook. I just like food and enjoy conversations I have on this part of 4chan. It's actually a good thing that this is one of the slowest boards.

>> No.5682064


and people were doing it decades before pepin you fat cunt

>> No.5682100
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>here we have Isaac holding a birthday e-card for you

it gets better, bro. trust me, i can empathize. hang in there!

>> No.5682103


>> No.5682111

Because this board isn't a fuck show like the others ones. Actual usable information here.

>> No.5682112
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my mouse hand is sprained, sorry for the shitty writing.

>> No.5682117 [DELETED] 

gosh darnit i forgot the y

muh bad...

>> No.5682121

Scouting for funny content. There's some good stuff here, like the guy who criticised his colleague's Irish stew, or the pistachio green text currently on the front page.

>> No.5682122

Because I really like food. I work in the fine food/high end business, I write about restaurants and chefs, then I come home and crack wise here.

And by crack wise I mean lament how horrible you all are.

>> No.5682124

gosh darnit i forgot the y

muh bad... i am not a patient man.

>comes cumsubi

4chan, pls.

>> No.5682129

/ck/ makes me laugh, while also sometimes being informative and introducing me to new things, and who doesn't like to cook?

>> No.5682166

>and who doesn't like to cook?

insecure hetero-men, butch lesbians and rich white folks.

>> No.5682306

>And by crack wise I mean lament how horrible you all are.


>> No.5682326

Please. You're probably some faggy dish washed.

>> No.5682330

>implying Pepin uses cheap-ass teflon pans

>> No.5682593
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I'm in LA, you wanna hang out for your Bday?

Just kidding fuck LA and fuck you loser.

>> No.5682636

butch lesbian here

we love to cook, it's why we're all fat. butch dykes tend to do pretty good grilling in particular.

>> No.5682655

oo my bad

>> No.5682659
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>> No.5682673

Cheap-ass or pricey, that coating doesn't do well with metal utensils. A cheap one will die in a few weeks, a good one I'd give a few months of constant poking, at most.

Kitchen tip: when buying non-stick pans, do not spend a lot. Consider them to have a life of no more than a year. Get used to the thought of chucking them and getting a new one. Also of note - some companies will recycle them for you (you're not going to make money on this, but they'll take their broke-ass pan back at least)... once that shit looks like it's about to flake, get it out of the cooking rotation. It's dead to you.

>> No.5682691

Haha, the hetero guys who will only grill... because that's the only "man cooking". Whatever, children. Some of them never grow up.

>> No.5682698

Normally, I come here to discuss within other threads and learn about cooking stuff and help, if possible.

>> No.5682708

ayyo lmao

could i be just an asshole and genuinely ask how to befriend a lesbian without thinking i'm like... trying to turn them straight or making it look like i have ulterior motives other than just a platonic relationshit?

>> No.5682722


can I add to this individual's question by asking how old you were when you had your first sexual experience with another girl and can you describe it in as much detail as possible?


>> No.5682746
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>> No.5684896

You sound exactly like someone I know.
He's really into health and nutrition and making all his own stuff, and is physically disabled. The stuff he cooks is really nice, though.

>> No.5684897

Really into cooking since forever.

Started obsessively browsing this board for teh food pr0nz when I was starving. It seemed somehow.. better then.

>> No.5684911

I've known 3 butch lesbians in my life- one's my boss i.e. a chef. One was my best friend in school who always was cooking interesting things for her girlfriend- really into meat cooking. (sounds stereotypical, I know). The other is entwined in an eternal weight loss battle- she loves finding recipes and trying to make them healthier... yet she also really loves baking cupcakes and cookies and donuts and has one of the worst cases of sweet-tooth I've ever seen.

>> No.5685024
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bored and enjoy talking/swapping lies and occasionally gleaning good advice and recipies. mostly not going to a graveside service at 1700igrowng up the guy was a bully and a drug dealer.it tells me somthing that he did not age wellhe is getin buried decently and aint so great my self but don't expect me to weep crocodile tears. a vicious mean hearted sob. glad he is gone sorry ck but true.you reap what you sow. think il have another beer.he is dead anyway don't want to deal with it right now.

>> No.5685926

what kind of stuff does he like to cook?

>> No.5687826
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i just meant gay girls who are trying so hard to be men so they avoid cooking because it's too "girly", nawmeen?

>> No.5687827

> >>5682166
CRG u so cray

>> No.5687834

>911 ▶

the jigs up, the illuminatti is in the thread

everyone. run.

>> No.5687851
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I enjoy cooking when I can.

because my GF is a chef with crappy hours and I like to learn, that way I can get ideas in the kitchen and surprise her with new dishes when she gets home late without having to ask her about work.

Also, I'm usually on /pol/ but switch over to /ck/ because the humour is good and the people are similair.

>> No.5687854

Because /ck/ is a pretty tame, diverse, and entertaining board that's also relevant to my interests with lots of different info posted regularly

>> No.5688159

This is how I see most of /ck/.

>> No.5688165

to gather information about spicing up ramen

>> No.5688208

I'm on 4chan because it's the last place I know of where you can really be anonymous which is nice. Also some of you guys are really, really funny sometimes.
/ck/ mostly for the things people share, the tips and the helpful informing videos. /ck/ taught me that if you invest properly in a knife and seasonings, it won't matter that you only buy meat/vegetables from wal-mart.

>> No.5688216

are you me?

>> No.5688221

traditionally cooking is a womans job in a relationship, and even though i'm male, i hope to be treated as a lady one day. it's important that i know how to feed my kids (one day) and hubby so they won't find /ck/ one day and go into one of those threads and complain about how 2nd daddy only fed them PB&J and shit.

>> No.5688282
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>log cabin republican

take your shitty politics back to nazi germany, gaggot

>> No.5688295

I'm here because I love my /ck/ bros

>> No.5688310

I'm not a republican though. I'm a registered libertarian.

>> No.5688319
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Cause an actual libertarian wouldn't register.
>pic related, actual libertarian

>> No.5688320


stop faggin on my queer, this is a heterosexual board.

>> No.5688322

But I want to vote, because I want to be on jury duty. It's my duty to the government and as a citizen.

>> No.5688355

because im a good but unimaginative cook. i come here for ideas

>> No.5688380

I don't know why but I lost it when i read "crack wise." I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day anon :^).

>> No.5688906

Because Im charming, im dashing, im rental car crashing, phony paper passing and nixed check cashing.

>> No.5688943
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happy birthday froggy. I'll even turn on my name in case you were a fan of the challenge threads. you'll make it anon, i've been in an out of depression for 27 years. hang tough nigger, there are lots of good days to come even if it sucks now.

I hope these semi-tits will make you feel better.

>> No.5689301

stuff like this

>> No.5689636

>get paid/fed/housed to cook for other people
nigga you ain't NEET stop pretending to be one

>> No.5689710

exactly the same

>> No.5689751

I like you, guy

>> No.5689989

Cuz I don't start work until late tomorrow and I don't feel like gaming. This is a generally chill board that is pretty in line with what I'm passionate about, I love to cook as a hobby and everyone I know loves my cooking, you guys give me awesome ideas and inspiration to try making foods from different cultures.
I used to frequent boards like /an/ regularly, I'm in school to be a vet tech and I love animals, but the amount of PETA tier circlejerking on that slow ass board drove me away.
I hate the troll threads and the fucking obvious shill threads here, but beyond that I can usually find some engaging and interesting conversations to get in on here, and I love that.

>> No.5691460

Kitchen tip: dont buy teflon.

>> No.5691509


>traditionally cooking is a womans job in a relationship


I've always been the cook in my relationships because girls my age (early 20's) don't know how to cook. I don't mean that as hyperbole, my current gf asked me how to boil water and i'm just standing there, a concept that seems so amazingly simple has her completely dumbfounded.

anyways, maybe i'm the odd-ball who loves to cook and be a straight guy, but i've cooked since I could reach the stove.

>> No.5691516

Because I saw a post on the front page mocking vegans and decided I could use a laugh

>> No.5691517

