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5679058 No.5679058 [Reply] [Original]

Peanut butter thread.
How do you like yours? Crunchy? Smooth?

I like mine semi-smooth, with 99% peanuts and 1% salt.

>> No.5679081

Store bought. "All natural." Smooth.
Any type with peanuts, oil for roasting/processing, salt, sugar and nothing else. Skippy/Jif All Natural are both good but I buy Aldi cuz it's cheaper and just as good.

>> No.5679083
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It's healthy and tastes similar.

>> No.5679097


My store doesn't carry that stuff but what I do is buy natural peanut butter and then pour off most of the oil

>> No.5679098

They'd likely be great on popcorn.

>> No.5679117
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Smooth and melty.

Oh, I'm sorry anon... Did I make you cum?

>> No.5679123

oil isn't unhealthy, it is calorific
being so densely calorific, it is easy to over eat
but if you got significant proportion of your daily caloric req. from PB, it'd actually very healthy

>> No.5679124

sort of. My peanut butters aren't very liquidy due to no added fat and high peanut count, but i like to roast the bread beforehand so it melts.

healthy or healthier?

>> No.5679206
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pants... ruined..

>> No.5679215

extra-extra-extra-crunchy almond butter

peanut butter = pleb butter
almond butter = alpha butter

>> No.5679228

I made a nut butter with mixed nuts.

>> No.5679310

i had white almond butter once, it wasn't that great imo

>> No.5679359

is there a brand that makes the crunchy one only around 1/4 peanut chunks and not so fucking thick it hardly spreads?

>> No.5679375

In my country, there isnt any peanut butter at all, but allways wanted to eat some, any way to make it myself?

>> No.5679376

I'm going to try this

they remove most of the oil so there is hardly any fat content

I bought a jar from target but haven't opened it yet

>> No.5679386

I think you just blend up some peanuts, oil, salt

I've heard before that people from some countries consider peanuts to be animal food, is this true of your country?

>> No.5679398

Nah, I´m just from fucking Argentina and in here peanut butter isnt something common at all. I think we replace p.b with dulce de leche

>> No.5679406
File: 154 KB, 637x1000, fb487811-0c6e-4902-a291-6180516c977b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master race right here

>> No.5679496

if you have a good blender, just put in peanuts
if you don't have a good blender, soak the peanuts and blend it after they're softer (without the water ofc)
if that doesn't work add some flavourless oil (like rapeseed or sunflower)
add salt to taste

>> No.5679500

looks cool, love sunflower seeds.
might try it if i see it around.

>> No.5679509

I've heard that it tastes horrid. I imagine that's true because many local grocers carried it for a hot minute then the all got price slashed. Even at the price cut, they stayed on the shelf a while then suddenly disappeared, never to be heard from again.
It wasn't that mark, though. I don't recall which.

>> No.5679586

they probably went rancid because someone mistreated them all. I have eaten sunflower butter and its delicious.

>> No.5679682

All of the ones at several of the stores in my area from unrelated chains? Really?

>> No.5679701

they all come from the same place don't they? something bad must have happened to them during packaging before they all shipped out.

I know for a fact that sunflower butter is like licking a spoon of love. I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.5679827

dude, whether a food product is good or not is way at the bottom of the list of factors determining its success. source: im a grocery schmuck.

I've recommended this stuff to dozens of people and they all loved it. at my store it's $5 a jar, if you're interested buy one... if not dont I don't give a fuck

>> No.5680006

1% is a fuckton of salt

>> No.5680808

>dude, whether a food product is good or not is way at the bottom of the list of factors determining its success


>> No.5680810

99 parts peanut and one part salt.... I don't know... doesn't seem like alot. you might be right. I don't know for sure. might do an experiment some day.

>> No.5680847

From different marks/brands, too?

>> No.5680938

I thought you meant all that same exact brand pic related?

I doubt that every single one across several brands all tasted bad. again, I have made my own at home and it is on the level of "kiss the chefs butt/10"

>> No.5680989

why not peanut oil?

>> No.5681003

Nope. I even said in >>5679509 that they weren't the same marks as the one pictured in >>5679406. There were at least two different ones that I remember clearly. One had vertical stripes of orangey-salmon and white with the product name set in a field of baby blue and the other was very drab-looking, like a Victorian spinster. I remember them because I thought that the drab one wouldn't stand a chance next to the eye-catching label of its neighbour product.

Again, never tried the stuff, but considering that it was in my area only briefly sometime last year and I've never seen it again since, I couldn't imagine it was well-received. Maybe people didn't buy it cuz they didn't know what it was. Maybe people bought it and it was awful then never bought it again. Not a clue. It doesn't sound good to me, though, and I love honey-roasted sunflower kernels. I make a Honey-Bunches-of-Oats-like breakfast cereal with honey-roasted sunflower kernels (mostly cuz they're the cheapest sweetened seed/nut by the pound in my area at $1.19/lb from the bulk bin at this Ukrainian place).

Is it sweet-tasting? The sunflower butter, I mean.

>> No.5681122

>Nope. I even said in >>5679509 that they weren't the same marks as the one pictured in >>5679406.

What...? lets go over that because this doesn't seem consistent and you have effectively confused me.

>"master race right here"

>"I've heard that it tastes horrid. I imagine that's true because many local grocers carried it for a hot minute then the all got price slashed. Even at the price cut, they stayed on the shelf a while then suddenly disappeared, never to be heard from again.
It wasn't that mark, though. I don't recall which."
>I don't recall which

okay. I see it now. but doesn't that not remove the possibility that even though you don't recall which brand it was, that it could have still all come from one brand?

>>5679586 (me)
>"they probably went rancid because someone mistreated them all. I have eaten sunflower butter and its delicious."

what I'm saying is that they were probably all bad because they may have had something wrong in common especially if they came from the same place with the problem.

>"All of the ones at several of the stores in my area from unrelated chains? Really?"

same brand different stores but (what?) brand? right?
>"they all come from the same place don't they? something bad must have happened to them during packaging before they all shipped out.I know for a fact that sunflower butter is like licking a spoon of love. I don't care what anyone says."


>> No.5681127

>"Again, never tried the stuff, but considering that it was in my area only briefly sometime last year and I've never seen it again since, I couldn't imagine it was well-received. Maybe people didn't buy it cuz they didn't know what it was."
>"people didn't buy it cuz they didn't know what it was."
that is probably a big point. these different style nut butters are often disturbingly overpriced anyway.
>"Maybe people bought it and it was awful then never bought it again. Not a clue."
there had to be something wrong or those people had horrible taste or something. again, made my own and I loved it.
>"I love honey-roasted sunflower kernels. I make a Honey-Bunches-of-Oats-like breakfast cereal with honey-roasted sunflower kernels (mostly cuz they're the cheapest sweetened seed/nut by the pound in my area at $1.19/lb from the bulk bin at this Ukrainian place)."

that sounds great, I have done similar as well but just raw.

>"Is it sweet-tasting? The sunflower butter, I mean."

okay, this is gonna sound hue, but its very simple. I take sunflower seeds and chew them in my mouth until they are cream. that is what it tastes like, except I use the food processor.

>> No.5681171

There were at least two different marks, the striped one and the drab one and neither was >>5679406. But hey, if you like it, keep at it. Even at the price cut, they were still costly, though. That's likely a big reason why no one bought'em.

>> No.5681227

I like to alternate between smooth and crunchy for each jar I buy.

Because after a whole jar of smooth is used up, nothing is more satisfying than some crunchy. And vice versa.

>> No.5681260

Crunchy looks like its got baby teeth in it.

>> No.5681262

>any store
>nut butter that isn't peanut, even peanut sometimes
>criminally overpriced just because they want to rip off the customer

thats about accurate.

making my own however is cheaper and easier and comes out better. there is no reason to buy it in stores at all ever, when I can do better at home.

>> No.5681364
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Crunchy for sandwiches, smooth for anything else.
Pic related is the only brand I can stand - 100% peanut. Anything else is too salty or sweet.