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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5677743 No.5677743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked

>> No.5677744

>pumpkin pie
>Green tea
>ali baba
>slowly cooked ribs with rubbed in paprika an other spices

>> No.5677747

Does nationality mean where are you born, where have you lived most your life, or what country/heritage your parents grew up/born in?

I got different answers for all 3

>> No.5677752

>cannoli, tiramisu, ricotta cheesecake, chocolate chip and/or peanut butter cookies
>fermented juice, molasses + milk, malta
>i only get an order of french fries or onion rings from fast food places a few times per year so i don't have a favorite
>italian and indian
>eggplant parm, palak paneer, anything with chickpeas or cheese
>tried to make chinese style beef, left the beef strips with too much baking soda for too long. it was like strips of beef mush that only held together long enough until you chewed once then fell apart

>> No.5677754
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>Rice pudding
>Ginger ale
>Boost Juice
>Stuffed peppers
>Pizza without yeast in the dough, topped with sauce/veges/sausage and an egg. Never again

>> No.5677755

no-pulp orange juice

>> No.5677761

What country you legally reside in

>> No.5677762
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porto's cappucino mousse; pic related
diet coke (the aspartame has a real tight hold on me)
national chain? Carls/Hardees. "Big" chain? In n' Out. "Any fastfood with 2+ locations"? Yaki's Teriyaki Bowl
Curry with rice
I made a huge mutton stew once; I didn't brown the meat first and ended up wasting like 2 lbs of mutton (admittedly not a real expensive cut) and making a huge congealed unappetizing mess.

>> No.5677764

>A layer of chocolate-fudge cake with one layer of chocolate mousse and one layer of cappuccino mousse topped with meringue. Served in an individual cup.
oh fuck me that sounds good.

>> No.5677770

>bread pudding
>Reposado Margarita OTR
>Dr. Pepper
>love so many, can't pick a favorite
>Thanksgiving Dinner at my mom's
>gluten-free recipes in high-school culinary class. Shit was awful.

>> No.5677775
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>favorite Desert
black cherry frozen yogurt, with chocolate pieces

>favorite alcoholic beverage
Beer (Brother Thelonious Abbey Ale)

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
muddy water from pho

>favorite fastfood chain

>favorite cuisine
Chinese, sichuan style

>favorite meal

>worst thing you have ever cooked
tried to cook a steak with a butane torch

>> No.5677777

>>favorite Desert
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
used to be vodka
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>>favorite fastfood chain
in n out
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
tomato n cheese pizza with antipasto salad
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
fucked up rissotto

>> No.5677784

I don't have single favorites of things
lots of dishes can be incredible or terrible
Ever hear GG Allen cover Ode to Joy?
>fucked up beef barley stew when I was a kid. Congealed mass of acidic beef tinted starch with chunks of mushed carrot.

>> No.5677786

Yellowtail Nigira suishi
flour and water with a pinch of sugar when i was a little kid. thought i'd get biscuits, but i got rocks.

>> No.5677787


>> No.5677790

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
wheat beer
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
poronkäristys (sautéed reindeer in English, according to wikipedia)
>worst thing you have cooked
A tomato-based pasta sauce with burned onions/garlic and way too much salt and seasoning. I overcooked the pasta as well.

>> No.5677799

schaum torte (is just meringue with fruit and cream)
i dont really eat fast food, but probably the golden arches
no favorite meal
too many to list

>> No.5677804

hi finland

do you like lambics?

do you drink or make sima?

>> No.5677811

Hi yourself

Haven't tried any, I'm a poorfag student and alcohol is pretty expensive around here because of taxes so I mostly drink cheap stuff and maybe buy a few bottles of something better every now and then.

Sima is pretty great, it's mostly sold and drunk in spring around May Day (May 1st) here so I haven't had any for a while. I've never tried making it myself, but I did make a batch of apple wine with a friend which turned out pretty good. I might give it a try next year.

>> No.5677816


>favorite Desert
Cinnamon Rolls gooey as fuck

>favorite alcoholic beverage
Rum + Coke

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Root Beer

>favorite fastfood chain
Burger King

>favorite cuisine

>favorite meal
Pulled Pork

>worst thing you have ever cooked
Fucked up spaghetti

>> No.5677820

>favorite Desert
Gobi even though it's not really a desert.
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Mare's milk.
>favorite fastfood chain
Khaan Buuz.
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Horse and yoghurt dumplings.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
American food.

>> No.5677825

What if I illegally reside in a country?

>> No.5677834

favorite Desert
>blueberry pie(anything with blueberries)
favorite alcoholic beverage
favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>coffe or Elderflower cordial(fläderblomssaft)
favorite fastfood chain
>burger king if i had to eat fastfood
favorite cuisine
>swedish or french
favorite meal
>beef wellington
worst thing you have ever cooked
>mashed potatoes when i was 8, became crushed poatoes swimming in milk

>> No.5677840

>favorite Desert
Baking and pastry major: I cannot decide.
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Long Island iced tea
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Coffee, black
>favorite fastfood chain
Jack in the Box
>favorite cuisine
Tex Mex or Italian
>favorite meal
Sirloin (med rare) with grilled vegetables and rice pilaf (with sweet tea to drink)
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I burned the roux for some gumbo I made at home, but I didn't realize it until I tried to adjust seasoning an hour later.

>> No.5677845

>favorite Desert
Baked cheesecake or icecream
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Dont eat fast food chain food, maybe mcdonalds for nostalgias sake
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Some sort of fresh pasta and fresh seafood combo
>worst thing you have ever cooked
When I was 14 i tried to make a stirfry with mandarins, honey and diced lemongrass, i just made it up and failed miserably

>> No.5677848

Plain old vanilla ice cream
Chai Tea
In-N-Out/Five Guys
American "Chinese"
My first cake at the age of 7. Eggs, flour that wasn't anywhere near all-purpose, milk, sugar, peanut butter. Baked until rock hard and forced my mom to try some.

>> No.5677856

>favorite Desert
Crême brûlée
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
Tie between Japanese and French
>favorite meal
Poulet à la moutarde de meaux
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Brownies where I fucked up and doubled the amount of butter.

>> No.5677870

rhubarb tart
maccy ds i guess
trofie liguri
one time i tried to make steak according to heston blumenthal's 'in search of perfection', which involved putting it in the oven at 50C for 24 hours. it was in my friend's house and he picked up a realllly good bit of meat. we had to wedge the oven door open with a pencil and leave it overnight, and when we woke up and checked it the pencil had been removed and there was a post-it note scolding us for risking lead poisoning and explosions. the giant hunk of forerib had been at a uniform 65C for probably 6 hours. barely enough to even break down the connective tissue, but enough to dry the fuck out of it. perfectly, agonisingly wrong.

>> No.5677873

>favorite desert

>> No.5677891

>favorite Desert
any kind of sour fruit sorbets, especially passion frruit
>favorite alcoholic beverage
gin fizz
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
viennese water
>favorite fastfood chain
hate them all
>favorite cuisine
italian - japanese
>favorite meal
braised tomatos, pasta/risottto.sushi
>worst thing you have ever cooked
burnt black lentils soup.

>> No.5677900


didn['t see non-alcoholic beverage. fucking gazpacho from the carton

>> No.5677903

OP here. It's really what country you feel like you belong to the most. It can be a combination if you want

>> No.5677922

>lead poisoning
The fuck? Pencil leads haven´t been manifactured from actual metalic lead for a little over 200 years (When Koh I Noor started to produce pencils with clay and graphite leads en masse)
I suspect the person who wrote that note was a retard who doesn´ t understand how common household items are made.

>> No.5677975

>favorite Desert
Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and my grandma's homemade Cheesecake
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Vanilla Coke
>favorite fastfood chain
Hungry Jacks (Burger King for Non-Ozzys)
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Stir fried beef and rice. Not sure how I fucked it up

>> No.5677990

Your passport is your nationality. You can say "BUT I..."

>> No.5677992

>tfw I have three passports

>> No.5677993

>Flan, cheesecake, macarons
>Any kind of iced tea
>Chick fil a
>Asian or soul food
>Probably meatloaf. (Any kind of comfort food really)
>Egusi and pounded yam

>> No.5677994

>pecan pie
>beer (saison)
>I once burned some pop tarts

>> No.5678045

>>5677743 (OP)

>favorite Dessert
dulce de leche cheesecake
>favorite alcoholic beverage
wheat beer (Blanche de Namur)
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Sprite zero
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Baby BBQ ribs
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Fried polenta

>> No.5678070

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
don't do fastfood
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
chana masala, squash curry, basmati rice from the Punjabi cabbie stand on E1st St, NYC. ($3.50)
>worst thing you have ever cooked
my teenage attempts at stir fry were particularly pathetic, but I did learn from my mistakes

>> No.5678077

>>favorite Desert
Namib, it has lions and seal colonies
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
generally a beer drinker, IPA hipster
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
cranberry juice cut with sparkling water
>>favorite fastfood chain
Taco Cabana
>>favorite cuisine
Indian, all of them
>>favorite meal
Tari aloo, palak paneer and bhindi masala with naan
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried to make mushrooms in a red wine sauce ten years ago. Used to much wine, the sauce reduced to an entirely inedible mess with horribly overcooked mushrooms. Ended up just having another bottle of wine for dinner.

>> No.5678081

Why do you call dulce de leches a cheesecake?

>> No.5678082

>three passports

Interpol alerted, expect company soon :^)

>> No.5678084


>> No.5678087

>Apple Crumble with Ice Cream
>Whiskey and coke or Dark Ale
>Banana Milkshake
>Wawa (if that doesn't count - McDonalds)
>Chili Cobbler
>Prawns in Carbonara sauce with rice

>> No.5678088
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ITT: fucking idiots

>> No.5678133

>Key Lime Pie
>Sweet tea
>It's a tie between Wendy's and Chik Fil A
>It's a tie between Mexican and Japanese
>A giant platter of sushi
>Brown sugar macaroni soup

>> No.5678158


it was his little sister. the ignorance infuriated me as well.

>> No.5678162

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Steak frites
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I once microwaved a package of Nissan chow mein without pouring water on it. When I opened the microwave it released a plume of noxious brown vapor that filled my kitchen in seconds. The container was a black puddle and the noodles were actually on fire. When I came home from afternoon classes the smell was still there.

>> No.5678170

>Don't have one.
>Don't drink alcohol.
>Diet Pepsi.
>They are all shit.
>French, I suppose.
>Can't think of just one.

>> No.5678177

Dulce de leches is made with milk and cheesecake is made with cream cheese. Did you know that milk is not cheese?

>> No.5678186


...he's talking about making cheesecake with dulce de leche. what's your problem.

>> No.5678190

>Apple Pie
>Don't drink
>Orange Juice
>Roast chicken/potatoes/veg/yorkshire puddings
>Fried some plaice once and made an absolute balls of it

>> No.5678203

Sorry I missed worse thing because I can't do anything right.
>made a gazpacho with bad garlic and bad olive oil. Inedible. Binned it several times before figuring out what the problem ingredients were.

>> No.5678207

Not uncommon at all! My mother and father each have two. My mum and dad have one country in common and I have that one plus each of the other two. So do my brothers and sister.

>> No.5678243

>vanilla ice cream
>Carl's Junior
>French onion soup with a side of soda bread
>brownies where I messed up my fat ratio so it never really set

>> No.5678257

>nationality - American
>favorite Desert - Don't have a big sweet tooth so have to say cannoli since they aren't overly sweet
>favorite alcoholic beverage - A good sweet stout like oatmeal or cream stout. A number fit this category. Great Lake Edmund Fitzgerald and Darkhorse Cream Stout are both a few favorites.
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage - Tea or coffee
>favorite fastfood chain - Of the big ones, Wendy's. Of the smaller ones, Culver's (midwest US)
>favorite cuisine - Probably Italian
>favorite meal - Reuben :)
>worst thing you have ever cooked - Warmed up left over pizza in the microwave when I was a kid for way too long and the thing turned black and started smoking everywhere. It was hilarious but the entire house smelled all day. : \

>> No.5678260

>Barleywine or Manhattans
>North Italian
>Lamb Shank
>Vietnamese style scrambled eggs

>> No.5678293

>Rice cakes, anything that is sweet, especially strawberry shortcakes
>I don't drink alcohol.
>Coffee (Korean style, latté and frapuccino usually)
>Pancake House
>I have so much that I can't pick
>I was making yakisoba but the yakisoba sticked on the pan cause I was half-asleep at that time.

>> No.5678302

strawberry/raspberry cheesecake
good beer. currently on a sour phase
american bbq
pulled pork with coleslaw
made a crock pot pork shoulder with potatoes and veggies last week and added an enchilada sauce I got from sprouts. was really bad

>> No.5678317

>angry orchard
>east asian or italian
>Smoked eel sushi w/ eggdrop soup & green tea
>uhh, I tried making a miso soup once and put like 5x the dark miso paste I was supposed to use. Was awful..

>> No.5678333


>russian living in estonia
>milk chocolate with waffles with tea
>fruity beers
>earl grey tea
>local subway replica with more fresh food and better sauces
>medium-rare pepper beef steak with fusilli covered with creamy mustard sauce
>burned the shit out of a $10 piece of steak

>> No.5678338

>Korean melon, peaches & cottage cheese
>Black Russian
>I really want to try ghost pepper emu wings with goat milk.
>I haven't ruined anything in a while, but before cooking felt natural to me, I burned the caramelized onions that were supposed to go in a dish.

>> No.5678350 [DELETED] 
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>Haven't had enough to have a favorite (just like 4 different wines and beers.) I know im a pleb
>Sprecher root beer if I feel like I want my stomach ravaged by carbonation.
>Burger King
>A well-marinated thin ribeye medium well with blue cheese. Side of asparagus and a good italian bread with olive oil and parmesan for dipping. My dad always grilled something like this for my family when he could.
>Pizza that literally stuck to this wood plate that I was supposed to heat in the oven before hand but I was a dingus that day I guess so I didnt.

>> No.5678351
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>Blueberry & cheese danish
>vodka before I stopped drinking
>blueberry juice
>Jack In The Box
>sopa de fideo with lots of ground beef
>made some carp I caught but forgot to remove the dirt strip and tasted godawful

>> No.5678394

>Ghost pepper emu wings with goat milk
What in the shit

>> No.5678405

>banana puddin, the good homemade kind
>long island iced tea
>sweet tea
>hard to say. Either Chick Fil A or Arbys
>twice cooked pork belly with jalapenos
>I made chicken wings one day and tried to use the leftover flour/spices to made biscuits. This was a drunk idea, needless to say it was god aweful.

Also all these autists saying they dont have a favorite fast food...have you never had it? just pick one.

>> No.5678408

Oh my god that last thing

It could have caught fire and destroyed the microwave. A lot could have happened. What happened sounds pretty fuckin bad too hahahaha

>> No.5678433

>pomegranate seltzer water, tea, coffee
>Papaya King
>Korean food/Indian food
>Salmon and vegetables
>When I was a kid I experimented with putting Hershey's chocolate syrup in a PB sandwich. Disgusting.

>> No.5678437

Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Whiskey and coke
crystal light
pizza hut
fried chicken
century eggs with minced garlic

>> No.5678448
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>favorite Desert
sticky date pudding
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
pie face
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
chicken katsu
>worst thing you have ever cooked
undrained tofu curry, jesus christ it was horrible

>> No.5678451

>Also all these autists saying they dont have a favorite fast food...have you never had it?
There are people who find fast food disgusting, in spite of it being ubiquitous.

What bothers me more is everyone listing sweets when OP asked for deserts.

>> No.5678458


>favorite dessert
Pecan pie

>favorite alcoholic beverage
Peppermint Schnapps

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain

>favorite cuisine
Americanized Chinese

>favorite meal
Steak, crab legs, mushrooms, baked potatoes

>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried to bake brownies once. Didn't know that they continued baking after being taken out of the oven. Crunchy as fuck.

>> No.5678462

>creme brulee
>diet ginger beer
>pittsburgh dry aged porterhouse, roasted asparagus, twice baked potato w/ leyden
>for MLK i made a 10 lb cocoon of fried buffalo chicken nuggets, fried bbq chicken nuggets, tons of cheeses, cured meats, fried potatoes, then wrapped it all in puff pasty & baked the beast.

>> No.5678464

>Peppermint Schnapps
underage detected

>> No.5678465
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>Petit Gateau
>Any kind of smoothie, but preferably made with berry fruits
>Can't think of any in particular
>Caldo Verde
>Sweet red bean paste, it was a disaster

>> No.5678469


>favorite Desert
Dulce De Leche ice cream

>favorite alcoholic beverage
Double vodka + red bull or Rekordelig

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Vita soy, soy milk

>favorite fastfood chain
Yellow Cab pizzas

>favorite cuisine
Italian or Japanese

>favorite meal
Lamb stew with apricots and orange

>worst thing you have ever cooked
Stir fried vegetables, added too much oyster sauce and it was just inedible.

>> No.5678470
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Black Forest cake
>not alcohol
Cheerwine/Boylan's black cherry
>fast food
Zaxby's if it counts, Lee's if not
>favorite meal
Sauerbraten with spaetzle and steamed veggies
>worst thing cooked
Biggest fuck-up was the first sauerbraten I cooked myself; cooked it on the stovetop at too high a temp and it was dry as shit. Worst recipe I've made was some fried rice dish with bleu cheese and mustard sauce sardines.

>> No.5678472

Actually, I just turned 21 and am experimenting with all sorts of cheap liquor. I like Peppermint Schnapps because the flavor makes it easy to chug. I also like Fireball whisky for the same reason.

>> No.5678487

Oh shit, another Finn? I'm >>5678470. Didn't expect to see a kinsman here!

>> No.5678492

Cheese cake
>Non alcoholic
Orange juice
>fast food
>le implying meme arrows
Mexican or Spanish
>Favourite meal
Pabellón criollo
>Worst thing I've cooked
Some gnocchi that turned into mashed potatoes

>> No.5678506
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>don't drink

>> No.5678510

Protip: chuggability is not what one is looking for in liquor. Makes it too easy to misjudge your intake, and hurt yourself. Also, sweet drinks make for much worse hangovers, because you're giving your liver a one-two punch: it has to deal with both the alcohol and the fructose from the sugar.

>> No.5678521

Oh shit, I was already worried about my liver. Thanks anon. I'll stick with unchuggable cheap vodka.

>> No.5678530


>> No.5678542



>> No.5678560

>Banana foster
>Jameson Whisky, Straight up
>Raspberry Seltzer
>Braised short ribs over homemade egg noodles
>tofu stirfry :(

>> No.5678561
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The best cheap liquor I've found is Raynal brandy from France. It's actually something of a pleasure to drink, and costs just a little more than vodka. If you're going to be sipping liquor it's worth a few extra bucks to get something worth sipping. Pic related.

>> No.5678565

Thanks! I'll probably pick some up today.

>> No.5678567

> Canadian
> Lemon Meringue Pie
> Whiskey, Ice, Water to thin it out in a tall glass
> Water?
> Mary Browns (super greasy fried chicken chain from Newfoundland)
> North American style 'chinese' food
> A nice steak dinner
> A simple meat sauce that I actually burnt. It was pretty terrible. Such a waste,

>> No.5678571


>favorite Desert
Mostly along the lines of dark chocolate+coconut pie.

>favorite alcoholic beverage
Probably Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout.

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Club Soda.

>favorite fastfood chain

>favorite cuisine
Mexican and Italian.

>favorite meal
Tostadas (restaurant) or Pizza (self made).

>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried to do shish kabobs with zero experience with fire. Essentially resulted in dehydrated food on skewers. Ate every piece and it was bad, but I don't mind so much.

>> No.5678572

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Vanilla Coke
>favorite fastfood chain
Local shoarma joint
>favorite cuisine
Italian, probably
>favorite meal
Too hard to decide
>worst thing you have ever cooked
There's been many things that didn't work out as planned.

>> No.5678576

>favorite Desert
Don't know, i like a lot of shit
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Don't know, i like a lot of shit
>favorite fastfood chain
Pizza hut
>favorite cuisine
Don't know, i like a lot of shit
>favorite meal
Steak with potatoes.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Carbonara in which i accidently put a bunch of curry and way too much pepper in because i was drunk. I lost it when i had eaten half and found it two days later under my sofa.

>> No.5678584

>any really nice rye or bourbon cocktail
>Thai iced tea motherfucker
>Other than French, Russian and Moroccan
>Beef Stroganoff done correctly (no fucking egg noodles)
>This shrimp creole from a Nordstrom's cookbook. Nordstrom's Bistro is amazing but that cookbook is utter shite, never had such a flavorless meal come out of my kitchen

>> No.5678596

>Shirly Temple
>Taco Bell
>Med-rare steak, sautéed asparagus & yellow squash medley, puréed cauliflower with three cheese blend
>Can't recall

>> No.5678653

>Crème Brulée
>sushi/every soup ever/pizza?
>improvised oatmeal pancake

>> No.5678693

>favorite Desert
Home made vanilla ice cream
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Tawny Porto
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Tea (ginseng oolong and lychee black)
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Korean BBQ
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I boiled spinach once, I thought it was a good idea at the time.

>> No.5678704

>favorite Desert


>> No.5678715

Mojave is a shit desert and you know it

>> No.5678730

French Canadian
Not much into sweets but tiramisu
Dry white wine
Brightly coloured pop (grape, cream soda, jones, etc)
Mr Sub, mucho burrito
Nothing beats a roast turkey/chicken and mashed taters smothered in 3 litres of gravy.
Attempted to cook a caribou shoulder "low n slow". Me and my two friends passed out drunk with the oven on over night and well that thing was desiccated caribou jerky by the end of it.

>> No.5678733

Lambic might be more expensive than beer. The good lambic here is $6 for a 12 oz bottle but it's imported to USA from Belgium so that bumps up the price.

Do you put anything in it aside from lemon, sugar, water, and yeast? I started out making wines, but it's nice to have something like that to drink more often without the alcohol.

>> No.5678775
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>favorite Desert
Bread pudding, banana pudding, lemon bars
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Anything with rum, also port wine
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Sweet tea
>favorite fastfood chain
Probably Taco Bell or Schlotzsky's
>favorite cuisine
Hard to say, probably something Latin American, Indian, Korean, Thai, and Indonesian/Malaysian/Singaporean. I don't think I can really choose though
>favorite meal
Honestly, probably $1 beef tongue tacos from my local taco truck with an obscene amount of cilantro and a beer. My favorite breakfast is a plato de puta (fried eggs, plantains, and rice). Once again, hard to choose favorite meal, I just love food.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Cooked mint chocolate chip cookies using grapeseed oil and fresh mint because I was out of butter and basically everything else you're supposed to use. Suffice to say it turned out terribly.

>> No.5678785
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>favorite Desert
>Bread pudding, banana pudding, lemon bars

none of these things are deserts

>> No.5678786

Yeah, that's the traditional recipe. Usually people add a couple of raisins before bottling. That way you know it's done when the raisins start floating. You can add other things for flavor as well if you want, for example other fruit or ginger.

>> No.5678791

um how would you classify them then?

>> No.5678793

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
I don't really like alcohol but alcoholic ginger beer is nice.
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Black tea with milk
>favorite fastfood chain
I don't really like fast food either but if I had to pick KFC.
>favorite cuisine
Authentic Italian
>favorite meal
At the moment, beef and ale stew.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Started to make a chili con carne, without realising I was missing half the ingredients, it ended up being pretty much just beef and rice.

>> No.5678795
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they are desserts

>> No.5678798

>Namib, it has lions and seal colonies

Not choosing Namib for it's ground chameleons.

>> No.5678815
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Thank you very much for pointing that out.

>> No.5678829

>Pumpkin Pie
>Johnny Walker Red
>None really stand out to me.
>Japanese or French
>Ribeye steak with either potatoes or jasmine rice as a side. Any roasted veggies with.

>> No.5678855
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i was blind and now i see

>> No.5678910

>of german and irish decent, live in america
>probably creme brulee or tiramisu
>probably a gin and tonic or a vodka gimlet
>thai iced tea
>great khan's mongolian grill, in-n-out, or chipotle
>mexican or korean
>ceviche or bibimbap with the crispy rice at the bottom
>when I was around 6 I tried to make chocolate pudding for my mom early in the morning and I put flour and shit in it

>> No.5678914

>favorite Desert
homemade apple pie
>favorite alcoholic beverage
dont really drink but fosters radler isnt bad
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
fanta lemon
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
full roast chicken dinner
>worst thing you have ever cooked
ready made pancake mix because i was a poorfag for a while...still am but not bad

>> No.5678923

>full roast chicken dinner
aw yis I love me a whole roast chicken. I'm always amazed and disgusted that some people use these meat slabs to cut into slices instead of a proper whole chicken.

>> No.5678926

roast beef is good aswell...if its done right and not overcooked to oblivion

>> No.5678937

>marzipan-poppyseed-mousse with raspberry sauce
>hot chocolate
>Tim Horton's
>grilled duck breast glazed with melted quince jelly and thyme, served with hot orange and onion sauce
>some really shitty courgette sauce for pasta. I tried adding balsamic vinegar to it and it was absolutely disgusting

>> No.5678949

>Pecan pie
>wheat beer
>sun tea
>Either Italian or Mexican I cant decide
>Veal Carbonara
>I tried making haggis once. Never again.

>> No.5679007

>>favorite Desert
high quality cheese platter & a glass of good port
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Whisk(e)y, currently Aberlour 12 NCF
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Ginger Ale
>>favorite fastfood chain
KFC if I had to choose
>>favorite cuisine
middle eastern / american
>>favorite meal
Adana Kebab with rice & garlic yogurt sauce / hickory smoked ribs, cole slaw, grilled corn
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
I managed to burn rice. Twice in a row.

>> No.5679031

>>favorite Desert
Sorbet or gelato
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Sour ale
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Water or tea
>>favorite fastfood chain
Jack in the box (thier burgers suck, but their snacks are god tier)
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Mom's cooking
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
I tried cooking snake once...it least I cleared my bowels out

>> No.5679044

I was going to use honey to sweeten it, ginger would taste really good with that. Thanks

>> No.5679506

>kahlua+coffe+milk+chocolate sauce on ice
>sweet tea
>German rouladen with potato dumplings
>too many to count

>> No.5679524

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Dirty gin martini
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Taco Bell (don't eat much fast food)
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Thai iced coffee, curry, and rice
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Fondue with powdered sugar instead of flour

>> No.5679546

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
beer. scotch ale or red ales in general
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
Middle eastern
>favorite meal
right now, spinach salad
>worst thing you have ever cooked
a failed Tiramisu

>> No.5679567

>Peach cobbler the one time I get it a year for Thanksgiving
>don't drink
>Water/green tea
>I don't eat out
>Americanized Chinese and sometimes Tex-Mex
>Chili con carne
>We have a game around here (because rural and poor) called "Find whatever's left in the house and make a meal of it". I've made some shitty stews before and had to eat the leftovers for the next week

>tfw 15 lbs overweight.

>> No.5679580

>Creme Brulee
>Tequila straight or whiskey & ginger ale
>Mt Dew
>American (burgers lol)
>Hot dog w/ toasted bun & macaroni and cheese

>> No.5679592

The U S of fuckin' A, that's where
>favorite Desert
Pumpkin Pie like Ma used to make
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Tropicana OJ, straight from FL ya mothafuckaaas
>favorite fastfood chain
Fuck. That. Shit.
>favorite cuisine
'Merican. Greasy-ass, fatty shit
>favorite meal
Steak, eggs, hashbrowns, and a fuckin' beer. And bacon.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I once made a sugar cookie that looked like one dude raping another dude (no homo)

>> No.5679670

Southern American
>favorite Desert
I haven't been to many. The Sahara has the pyramids though so that's pretty cool.
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Wild Turkey
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Iced tea
>favorite fastfood chain
Dairy Queen
>favorite cuisine
Mexican or soul food
>favorite meal
Something from a small mexican store beside the laundromat that I cannot pronounce with tamales on the side.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I don't know. I've overcooked steak before, and that was bad.

>> No.5679706
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>favorite Desert
Banana pie (pic related)
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
lemonade and Horchata
>favorite fastfood chain
Gorditas Doña Tota
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Frijoles puercos with wheat tortillas
>worst thing you have ever cooked

>> No.5679735

>favorite Desert
Cheesecake or pecan pie or either of those with ice cream
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Scotch for whiskey and mead for regular drinks
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Cranberry juice
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
American BBQ or Asian(chinese, thai)
>favorite meal
Lobster or steak
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I can't remember specifics but I have on multiple occasions made really really shitty spaghetti when I was poor and had limited ingredients. I had no meat, and once of sauce so I added barbecue sauce and like canned carrots and peas. I still ate it but it was not enjoyable. It was better than going hungry.

>> No.5679759

You wouldn't happen to be from Michigan would you?

>> No.5679767

Well not all of us have Aspergers and we can use context clues to see that he means desserts.

>> No.5679776

A variant of Jagerbomb using absinthe
No real favorite. Tolerate most.
Rib-eye steak (medium rare), garlic mashed potatoes.
Pork curry.

>> No.5679779

>Well not all of us have Aspergers
Prove it

>> No.5679784

>sour one, can't remember the name
>black tea with vanilla
>Japanese or Italian
>chicken enchiladas, homemmade
>microwaveable instant curry & noodle kit, also made cupcakes that literally oozed butter after they were baked

>> No.5679793

OP made no indication that he did not want us to name our favorite arid region.

>> No.5679794

> Canadian
> Creme Brule
> Beer
> Coffee
> Fast food is gross, but sometimes I do A&W
> French
> Huevos Rancheros
> Tried to homebrew pumpkin ale with a rotting jack-o-latern

>> No.5680025

you should have gone to kindergarten and learned how to spell, that would have saved you some trouble

>> No.5680035

>Entremets Marron, Poires au Caramel
>Fresh Apple Cider
>Popeyes or Chick-Fil-A
>Magret de Canard a la Bordelais w/ Pomme de Terre Maxim, Bone Marrow, and Wild Mushrooms
>Tried to do a "Beef" Wellington once with strawberry icecream wrapped in chocolate ice cream for the "cooked" and "raw" parts coated in a sticky nut mixture then wrapped in a crepe and frozen. Even dipped in liquid nitrogen and thrown in a hot oven it turned to shit inside before the puff got done

>> No.5680048


>> No.5680059

>favorite Desert
Yellow cake with chocolate frosting (made from scratch)
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
One time when I first started cooking for myself I tried to make corned beef and cabbage, following some hoity-toity recipe from a slow cooker book. I didn't know wtf I was doing and wound up with a bunch of mostly raw, vinegary cabbage. The corned beef was good though.

>> No.5680083

>favorite Desert
>Yellow cake with chocolate frosting (made from scratch)

illiterate retard

>> No.5680087

>favorite Desert
>high quality cheese platter & a glass of good port

learn how to read

>> No.5680098

Oh, sorry, I guess I should have said Sahara, you pedantic piece of shit.

>> No.5680105

if the Sahara is your favorite desert, yes you should have answered Sahara

if you're an ignorant fucktard who doesn't know the difference between "desert" and "dessert" you are, unfortunately, the norm for /ck/ and your answer is acceptably stupid

>> No.5680130

You're not fooling me with your pathetic attempts to troll. Any person with half a brain would realize that OP obviously meant dessert because of the context of his post. Just go to bed and try again tomorrow.

>> No.5680136

who the fuck cuts peppers in half

>> No.5680140

A lot of people, and it makes me die a little inside every time I see them do it.

>> No.5680197

>Mexican native,
> Opera cake or just pasty cream by itself.
>Pulque, or octli.
>half Mexican coke, half unsweetened black iced tea
>sonics or chick fil a
>Revivalist traditional mexican.

>> No.5680224



canadian I guess

>favorite Desert


>favorite alcoholic beverage

don't really have one
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage

i dunno water or something

>favorite fastfood chain

jack in the box or harvey's

>favorite cuisine


>favorite meal

if i had to pick I'd say cottage pie, but I don't really have a favourite

>worst thing you have ever cooked

I attempted to make angel hair pasta with parsley and herbs and whatnot

it didn't go well

>> No.5680232
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>poire belle Hélène
>i don't drink alcohol
>green tea
>Patoumi salmon
>my first curry was awful

>> No.5680242

Honey cake and a glass of milk.
White wine? I don't know. Don't drink.
Ginger Ale.
Five Guys or something
I forgot what it's called but it's that rice and cheese and shrimp dish from Fridays on a skillet and it's poppin' grease and shit and it's super good.
Probably chocolate. It turned unedible.

>> No.5680255

>>favorite Desert
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Off-dry wines from the Loire valley
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Mountain water
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Roast chicken with vegetables and Poivrade sauce, preceded by a mixed greens salad with vinaigrette and blackcurrant sherbert for dessert.
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
When I was a kid I decided to try my hand at making soup and so some of pretty much everything into the kitchen went into a pot with a lot of water and then got boiled for a couple hours.

>> No.5680286

>i don't drink alcohol
*tips fedora*

>> No.5680293
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>> No.5680317

>>Tried to do a "Beef" Wellington once with strawberry icecream wrapped in chocolate ice cream for the "cooked" and "raw" parts coated in a sticky nut mixture then wrapped in a crepe and frozen. Even dipped in liquid nitrogen and thrown in a hot oven it turned to shit inside before the puff got done

nigga what?

>> No.5680323

New Zealand
>favorite Desert
Not really a big desert fan, choc ice cream I guess.
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Coffee, freeze dried.
>favorite fastfood chain
Burger Fuel.
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Mac and Cheese.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Had only rice and potatoes, made mashed potatoes with rice in it.

>> No.5680364

sesame balls (or the Utah salt flats)
seyval blanc
Orange Julius
dan dan mian
stew from cabinet scraps at 2 am

>> No.5680477

>>>5679007 (You)
>>favorite Desert
>>high quality cheese platter & a glass of good port
>learn how to read

Never had a cheese plate and port as desert? How sad.

>> No.5680492

Cheese course is traditionally served after the dessert

>> No.5680495

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Chipotle or Subway
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tomato and roast pepper soup, I over cooked the peppers and they made the rest of it tast awful and burnt

>> No.5680500

>Raspberry Pavlova
>Saag Paneer, Curried Lamb, Gobi, Rice
>Some lamb moussaka made when very drunk, made an error with the cinnamon and it tasted like hell's sweetshop

>> No.5680508

>favorite Desert
raspberry-pistachio tart
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Grand Marnier or Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat Ale
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
Cajun or Vietnamese
>favorite meal
Too hard.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I once made fit tuna patties like recipe in pick related. I was retarded and did Tbsp salt instead of tsp

>> No.5680549

>>favorite Desert
pancakes with apple jam
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
A good dark beer
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
aloe vera drink
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
Italian, I guess...
>>favorite meal
A nice stake with wine sauce and ash cooked potatoes with some rocket salad
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
fucked up a steak au poivre to impress a girl or a meat pie where the dough didn't cook.

>> No.5680576

>favorite Desert
Not really a dessert guy but if I had to choose one. It would be... Creme Brulee
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Iced tea with lemon no sugar
>favorite fastfood chain
Not a fast food guy but probably The Hat
>favorite cuisine
Cajun or German
>favorite meal
Sort of hard to do this one as a one size fits all. I mean I have a favorite sea food, meat ect.. So over all I guess Crawfish pie.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I totally wrecked a chicken the first time I tried to roast it. Burned the skin, I thought yeah I should sear it first. Then the inside was raw, the seasonings where everything I had in the pantry. So yeah that blasphemy I called chicken

>> No.5680577

>Bananas Foster
>Jarritos Guava (Fuck if I can actually find that shit.)
>In and Out, Steak'n'shake or Crown Burger (depending on where the hell I am)
>Baked Ziti
>Was making biscuits once, didn't have buttermilk on hand, thought "Hey, it's all about adding an acid to make these fuckers rise" tried to substitute lemon juice. Don't ever do that, those fucking things tasted like lemon-scented urinal cakes.

>> No.5680596

>>favorite Desert
Vanilla ice cream served over freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Beer, or Port
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Green Tea
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
Southern Comfort Food, an Japanese
>>favorite meal
Steak and potatoes
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
I tried making spent grain bread once, with spent grain from a batch of beer I had made, but apparently my extraction is more thorough than other home brewers, because the bread was just flat and terrible and tasteless.

>> No.5680606

I should clarify that. I could give a fuck less about the sushi. All the best sushi in my area is made by Koreans and Chinese anyway, so it's hardly even Japanese at that point. The things I like about jap food is their soups and noodles. They have fish stocks and pork stocks in ways that we in America just don't, and their noodle are best.

>> No.5680615

>Sour cherry juice
>Local pizza place
>Indian and/or Thai, depends
>Spicy coconut curry
>That one cake without baking soda

>> No.5680632

>favorite Desert
white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
dr pepper
>favorite fastfood chain
hungry jacks
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
hot wings
>worst thing you have ever cooked

>> No.5680664

>Cheese cake
>Asian, Japanese in particular
>Sweet & Sour Chicken
>A salsa

>> No.5680670

>Ice Cream
>Taco Bell
>Dim sum
>Ministone soup which was too salty

>> No.5680699

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
Italian, Chinese
>favorite meal
Peking duck
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Döner Kebab

>> No.5680705

>>Chocolate Mousse
>>Red Wine
>>Sauce Hollandaise with potatoes, spinach and Pan fried Chicken
>>Tried to "reduce" carbonara sauce in a pan. I was 12.

>> No.5680717



>favorite Desert


>favorite alcoholic beverage

Sangria or mulled wine, otherwise just a good red

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage

Water, it's what I drink almost exclusively. Though I guess a good mix of fresh squeezed fruit would be better if it was easily procurable (live in Sweden now)

>favorite fastfood chain

None, don't like any of them

>favorite cuisine

Probably Austria, love their desserts and schnitzel too much, though Italian, French, or Indian are the runner up

>favorite meal

A good schnitzel

>worst thing you have ever cooked

Forgot I had put the heat to max, left steak alone too long, it was like biting into a shoe

>> No.5680731

>Strawberry Creme Cake
>Apple Pie Moonshine
>Egg Nog
>Whole roast chicken with apple stuffing in it, in a pan with baby carrots and diced yellow potatoes with water + butter with herbs mixed into a bit of butter and stuffed under the skin
>some gluten-free frozen pizza that was the most disgusting thing i have ever tasted if that counts as cooking
>if it was made by me it would have to be my first attempt at chili without any assistance/recipe. Tasted like watery beans and beef and gave me the shits for 3-4 days afterwards.

>> No.5680737

>Carrot cake
>Lagavilin 16
>The pork belly and veg at my local.
>Overcooked turkey.

>> No.5680744 [DELETED] 


Strawberry's dipped in chocolate
Water infused with mint
I don't eat fastfood
Italian or Eastern European
A good chicken Parmesan or venison cooked medium rare with either ravioli or garlic mashed potatoes.
My first attempt at pizza when I was 12. I made the dough from flour and water, put canned tomato sauce on it, added some cheese and popped it in the oven. I threw it away after a couple bites.

>> No.5680746

>favorite Desert
Chocolate self saucing pudding & Custard
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Singapore Sling
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Guzman Y Gomez or KFC
>favorite cuisine
Italian or Indian
>favorite meal
Fuck don't put me on the spotlight like that I'd have to think about it for 15 minutes
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Apart from things I forgot where in the Oven, probably a 'steak' I tried to cook for the first time. It just wasn't cooking through properly even though I followed Jamie Ollivers recipe for perfect steak to the word. Ended up getting pissed off with it and put it in the oven so that It would cook through. Came out well done and tasteless, I couldn't even eat it.

Mum later told me it was Lamb, and that's why It wasn't cooking properly.

>> No.5680748


Strawberry's dipped in chocolate
Macallan 12
Water infused with mint
I don't eat fastfood
Italian or Eastern European
A good chicken Parmesan or venison cooked medium rare with either ravioli or garlic mashed potatoes.
My first attempt at pizza when I was 12. I made the dough from flour and water, put canned tomato sauce on it, added some cheese and popped it in the oven. I threw it away after a couple bites.

>> No.5680778

>favorite Desert
Cherry Cheesecake
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Apple Cyder
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Carl's Junior
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Tuna Melt, coleslaw, and potato wedges
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I used to make these pizzas for my dad: pepperoni with mexican cheese blend, Ragu, and pre-mixed, just-add-water dough.

>> No.5680804


>Liking taco bell

I'm sure this isn't the only euro that does in the thread, but I'm singling you out. Have you ever had authentic mexican, m8?

>> No.5680813


>favorite Desert
Pancakes with peanut butter and Velveta cheese

>favorite alcoholic beverage
American beer

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Coca Cola probably

>favorite fastfood chain
Like em all, but gotta give it to KFC

>favorite cuisine

>favorite meal
Corndogs with something sweet. Peanut butter filled corndogs are amazing

>worst thing you have ever cooked
Didn't cook it myself, but a friends friend who's Italian was over in the states and tried to serve me a pizza. It was barely half an inch thick, dry as hell, and had barely anything on it except for Italian white cheese which had no taste and a tonne of ketchup or tomato sauce, think it was the latter

>> No.5680818

>americocks in charge of spelling dessert

>> No.5680839

roasted artichoke, didn't know you're supposed to peel it

>> No.5680863

> I do not drink hand soap
> water
> I do not eat fast food
> Indian
> noodles with water
> everything I cook is good

>> No.5680869

Most English people haven't had taco bell, there's like three in the entire country.

>> No.5680884

>Ultimate Dark Chocolate Cake
>Raspberry Lemonade
>Deep dish pizza with anchovies, pesto, mushrooms, pepperoni, sausage
>Avocado Omelette with uncooked rice and fried guacamole and "caramel" on top.
I was very drunk for that last one.

>> No.5680907

>favorite Dessert
chocolate fondant
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Gin and wheat beer
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
I love fast food but chains not so much, if I had to choose I'd say Subway
>favorite cuisine
Thai, French
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
when I was younger I tried making a pot roast, I knew I had to simmer it for ages on a low temperature to get a tender piece of meat, but somehow I forgot to reduce the heat and so I boiled a large piece of meat for about 2 hours on very high
In the end I had a grey, dry stone which not even the dog wanted to eat

>> No.5680917

>Sam Adams
>San Pellegrino
>Don't have one, really
>Spaghetti alla putanesca
>Hake fillets which gave me food poisoning

>> No.5681184

>favorite Desert
Apple Crumble
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Smirnoff Ice Green Apple
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Arnold Palmer
>favorite fastfood chain
Steak N' Shake
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Wings and cheese fries from a local wing shop
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I made chicken and dumplings once and I didn't let the dumplings boil very long so they were really tough and the broth wasn't seasoned very well. I still ate it.

>> No.5682245

>sweet potato pie
>whiskey, ginger ale, lime juice, angostura bitters
>coconut seltzer
>crown fried chicken
>tie between middle eastern/mediterranean and indian/west indian
>can't choose a favorite meal
>the time i fucked up a batch of pickled daikon by using too much plum vinegar

>> No.5682398

>favorite Desert
Chocolate cake i guess
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Jack Daniels
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Taco Bell and local pizzarias
>favorite cuisine
Mexican, Italian, and American
>favorite meal
extra cheese pepperoni pizza with cheese stuffed crust
>worst thing you have ever cooked
pasta salad i guess. I suck at it.

>> No.5682524
File: 34 KB, 450x338, Balearic-Islands-Deep-fried-Sardines[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite Desert
Anything from 85C Bakery
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Green Apple Angry Orchard
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Root beer
>favorite fastfood chain
In n Out
>favorite cuisine
Southern (black/Paula Deen stuff)
>favorite meal
(pic related)
Not sure if the ones I am thinking of are sardines, but they have the eggs still inside them and are deep fried whole. With a side of rice...hnnggg
>worst thing you have ever cooked
When I was little, for whatever reason, I used to always fry lettuce in a bunch of oil and make a sandwich out of it with eggs and mayo.

>> No.5682544

u.s. of amerifat
a nice entremet or dense cheesecake, also like cream/pudding pies
g&t, double
>fast food
taco bell
>favorite cuisine
thai, indian, americanized chinese
panang curry
>worst thing
behfor I understood how potent fish sauce was I used like two tablespoons of it in a dressing and then tossed a salad in it. completely inedible

>> No.5682551

Nice get.

>> No.5682558

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Green tea
>favorite fastfood chain
KFC, because I'm secretly a nigger
>favorite cuisine
Italian or Mexican, I guess. I don't really give a shit where it comes from
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
beans with tomato sauce
I soaked them too long and they went bad, then I didn't even cooked them enough so they stayed hard, then I realise I don't have any tomato puree or tomatos so I put roommate's BBQ sauce on them instead
tasted horrible and got diarrhoea and nausea from it

>> No.5683527

>strawberry rhubarb pie
>berliner weisse
>water with lemon
>american barbecue
>cajun shrimp and grits
>stir fry with a ton of random shit i had in the fridge at the time

>> No.5683550


>Apple Pie, but specifically a supar sekrit family recipe pie
I dunno, Chiptole I guess
At the moment Mapo Tofu with a side of cucumber
>Some chocolate tart thing from gordon ramsey's website, the pastry came out like naan bread and the chocolate filling was fucking terrible

>> No.5683555

>>Tarte Tatin or poached pear
>>a good local beer
>>sparkling water
>>mcdonalds for the mcgriddle and mcdouble
>>Korean then french
>>20 course tasting
>>Oxtail Carbonade flamande that didnt reduce enough so it was like a shitty beef soup. I served it to people. The flavours were right but it was so embarrassing.

>> No.5683572
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>favorite Desert
ice cream cookie sandwich from tollhouse
>favorite alcoholic beverage
fruit wine some guy had in a milk jug once
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
dr pepper
>favorite fastfood chain
genos subs
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
rice and ketchup
>worst thing you have ever cooked
rice and chili

>> No.5683583

>>favorite Desert
queso fresco with fruit and honey
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Belgian style beers
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
mexican sodas
>>favorite fastfood chain
Potbelly sandwich shop
>>favorite cuisine
depends, in general i love south asian cuisines alot, but its summer so im all about mexican food right now
>>favorite meal
some kind of curry, eaten with hands
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
it was a blackberry/blueberry parfait desert, i added star anine for a kick and added too much, the taste was black liqorice fiesta and the colour ended up a dismal purple-gray....added crushed corn flakes for texture and it was a train wrek...i laughed so much eating it..went mad i think

>> No.5683615

i misread and wrote what the best meal ive had was. My favourite meal to cook is roast chicken w/ mirepoix, white wine and herbs.

>> No.5683618

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Chicken and dumplings without cooking the dumplings all the way through.

>> No.5683633
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>favorite Desert
Peanut Butter Silk Pie
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Royal Milk Tea
>favorite fastfood chain
Jack N' The Box or Wendy's
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Lamb Burgers, Mashed Potatoes
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried to make Dorayaki once, ended up fucking up the batter and making a sloppy, burnt, disgusting mess.

>> No.5683652
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>Apple Crumble
>Thanksgiving-type meals
>Baked a chocolate cake with a quarter cup of fucking baking powder into it.

>> No.5683659

J-Manga went out of business and now nobody has the rights to publish Kodoku no Gurume in English. Someone ought to get on that.

>> No.5683675

>favorite Desert
fresh fruit parfait
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Don't drink but for cooking Rum
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Pierogies and Sausage
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried to make croissants last month when it was 34ºC. All the butter melted and merged with the dough and I ended up with really hard biscuits stuffed with feta and spinach. Still tasted alright.

>> No.5683682

>>favorite Desert
Ice cream
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Rum - mojito
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Dr Pepper
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Too many to list but maybe roti with a curry dip
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
I once tried to make a curry with a stewing hen that was pretty much only good for stock

>> No.5683706

>"Girdle-buster." Crushed Pecan crust, layer of cream cheese+whipped cream, 2nd layer chocolate pudding, top layer whipped cream.
>Sour beers
>Sweet tea with lemon
>Korean or coastal Mexican
>Creole seafood boil
>Because I enjoy Korean food, I tried making homemade kimchi. Something fucked up and the taste was horrific.

>> No.5683762

>>favorite Desert
tie between key lime cupcakes and tres leches cake
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
don't drink
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>>favorite fastfood chain
taco bell or culvers
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
steak tacos with grilled onion on warm corn tortillas sweet jesus
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
a really sad attempt at chicken and dumplings. it was horrid. and spciy as fuck

>> No.5683777

American (Chinese)
>favorite Desert
Creme Brule
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Ginger Ale
>favorite fastfood chain
In n' Out
>favorite cuisine
Southern Cookin'
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
too many, mostly cuz I fucked up. Baking always seems to go wrong for me.

>> No.5683810

>>favorite Desert
Mango coconut mousse
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Ice tea
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Spicy fried chicken
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
Overcooked steak

>> No.5683840

>favorite Desert
Ice Cream
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Gin & Tonic
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Diet Coke
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Rice and chicken curry
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Shitty banana ice cream from that youtube video

>> No.5683844

>favorite Desert
Dough nuts
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Sparkling Water
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Bangers & Mash
>worst thing you have ever cooked
burned as fuck eggs with shell in them

>> No.5683849

Cherry pie
Vodka, straight
Sparkling pomegranate juice
I like pretty much everything equally
chicken paprikas
fruit + water + sugar = boiled dreams

>> No.5683853

>favorite Desert
Strawberry frosted donut
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
mango juice
>favorite fastfood chain
mcdonalds Philippines
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Rib steak, fried potatoes, green beans amandine, bearnaise
>worst thing you have ever cooked
saliva on a teflon pan

>> No.5683874

>favorite Desserts
Tiramisu, Cannoli, Cheesecake, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie
>favorite alcoholic beverages
Sweet Red Wine, Rum, Kahlua, Apple Cider
>favorite non-alcoholic beverages
Coffee, Tea
>favorite fastfood chain
Arby's (fries), BK (burgers)
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Pizza, especially white pizza with broccoli and extra garlic
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Some awful experiment with whatever ingredients I had handy and didn't want to go shopping for more

>> No.5683886
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chicken paprikas

ma nigga.

>> No.5683890

>favorite Desert
not a fan of desserts but a nice sorbet is good. mango/raspberry
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
water or energy drink
>favorite fastfood chain
not big on it but i love McDonalds cheeseburger
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
seafood pasta
>worst thing you have ever cooked
haddock in salty tomato sauce with potatoes

>> No.5683899
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>> No.5683932

>>favorite Desert
coconut yoghurt
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Wheat and Lager beer. Especially Schneider Weiße and Budweiser (the Czech one)
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Club Mate, homemade iced tea
>>favorite fastfood chain
Burger King. But it's still shit tier food
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Chili con Carne maybe.
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
Asian-style stir fry noodles. It was one of the first things I ever cooked. The box said you could just throw the noodles in the pan without precooking them, so I did, it didn't work out, and I kept adding more and more oil. Was a mess.

>> No.5683940

>calling capsicum peppers


>> No.5683948

>Lemon Bars & Gluten free cupcakes
>Crown (Whiskey)
>Coca Cola
>Inn N Out & Jack In The Box
>White rice with chicken teriyaki or spam
>Teriyaki wings from a recipe online that turned into a bubbling tar mess and I had to throw out that baking pan because shit got too real.

>> No.5683961


>favorite Desert
Apple Pie
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Depends on the meal, but I like Stout best on its own.
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Lemonade, though I rarely drink anything other than water and black coffee.
>favorite fastfood chain
In n' Out, but I haven't been to a fast food place in years so who knows
>favorite cuisine
Italian, tied with Indian. non-americanized Mexican is at a close second.
>favorite meal
Beef Stroganoff served on buttered, homemade wide egg noodles.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
A lasagna to which I accidentally added twice the amount of cheese filling that was needed, and the top burned because I forgot to set a timer

>> No.5684003

Wise words. I still make the mistake of drinking too much vodka and redbull. The hangover is much worse than just normal drinking. All that sugar and caffine just intensifies it so bad the next morning.

>> No.5684012

I am secretly jealous of people that dont drink and dont want to.
My life would be so much more productive and better off as a whole if I didnt love drinking so much.

>> No.5684024
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- us
- chocolate chip cookies
- cheap chardonnay
- water
- none - don't really ever go other than travel convenience
- is breakfast a cuisine?
- sauteed morel mushrooms with wine & garlic over whole grain toast
- cabbage kuchen with too much dough & not enough veggies

>> No.5684034

>Grape juice
>Miso chashu ramen w/ side of gyoza
>Canned spaghetti napoli

>> No.5684052

Creme Brulee
Kaluha and milk
Beef vindaloo and Malai kofta from my local
I tried making pancakes when I was about 7. I've cooked some weird shit since, but nothing compares to that horror.

>> No.5684331

>IDGAF, as long as there's plenty
>Freshly squeeezed grapefruit juice
>Max (Swedish burger chain)
>The field rations we got in the army

>> No.5684345

>Cola Light
>Hate fastfood
>Pici alla vongole
>Made a cake with olive oil because I couldnt find sunflower oil when I was eight

>> No.5684346

>Deserts are for fatties
>Víking Gylltur
>Left pork in the oven for like 1 hour too long, it was dry as a fucking desert

>> No.5684350

r u a grill?

>> No.5684351

>Apple juice
>Garlic rubbed chicken breast fried in olive oil with roasted asparagus and pearl onions, sweet potato casserole topped with candied pecans, and toasted onion rosemary bread
>French toast

>> No.5684355

>favorite Desert
Lime cheesecake
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Burger King
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Mustamakkara/blood sausage
>worst thing you have ever cooked
First time tried to make meatballs. Picked up random recipe from net. It included sour cream, iirc. Anyway they couldn't hold ball form in pan, decided if I could turn it into a sauce but it ended up tasting shit.

>> No.5684371
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>Canadian (Québécois)
>Crème brûlée
>Sparkling water (Eska or San Pellegrino)
>French or Asian
>Can't pick a single favourite
>Flavourless kind of stew made out of frozen veggies and ground beef.

>> No.5684387

Cheese Cake(Does Cake count?)
Green Tea
KFC but I didn't go there in years
German cuisine
Some undercooked Köttbullar

>> No.5684412

>Somersby Apple Cider
>French Vanilla Tea
>Japanese or Indian
>A failed attempt at Meatbread

>> No.5684438

Sticky toffee pudding
Either a strong imperial stout, or a good Rioja
Elderflower and lemonade
Maybe mcdonalds? I don't eat much fast food.
Pakistan style curry.
Favourite meal to cook is paella, favourite meal in a restaurant is lamb shank.
Worst thing i ever cooked was a recipe that used Christmas dinner leftovers to make a brussel sprout and orange pasta sauce. I should have trusted myself when i first looked at the recipe and thought "that sounds fucking disgusting".

>> No.5684464
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>favorite Desert
apple pie
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
ice tea
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
oh God hard... japanese
>favorite meal
tongue of beef in hot sauce
>worst thing you have ever cooked

>> No.5684467


>Red Wine : La Voulte Gasparets - Cuvée Romain Pauc 2006
>Burger'n co (Only 3 restaurants in France, but still)
>This, with some pasta : http://chefsimon.lemonde.fr/saint-jacques-sautees.html
>overcooked prime ribs, a total waste

>> No.5684473
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Dessert has two S's because you want seconds

>> No.5684474


>milkshakes or malts
>I don't drink
>cream soda
>slow cooked steak, based on a friend's husband's suggestion. A flavorless brick.

>> No.5684518

>favorite Desert
Cheese tray/cheese board?
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Red wine
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
Burger King
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Crawfish or tapas
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Every glutenfree bread ever...doesnt work

>> No.5684586

are you my gf?

>> No.5684625

>favorite Desert
coconut gelato/ any sorbet
>favorite alcoholic beverage
wine, but only at parties or something. Not really a drinker
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Blueberry tea/ smoothies
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
I love food from almost every country. I would love to travel just to try all kinds of cuisine.
>favorite meal
Salmon, rice, vegetables and maybe some soup
>worst thing you have ever cooked
My first attempts at making a pizza from scratch

>> No.5684655

>favorite Desert
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Don't drink
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Strawberry soda
>favorite fastfood chain
Five Guys
>favorite cuisine
Trinidadian, Jamaican
>favorite meal
Halal Street cart lamb gyro
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Made a white cake, didn't bake it well enough, edges were cooked, inside a creamy mess. Took me forever to perfect the meringue on top, pissed me off.

>> No.5684675

>Lemon meringue pie
>Peppermint tea
>Mission Burrito
>Pad Krapow (good for breakfast lunch and dinner)
>Spaghetti Carbonara. Pasta was overcooked and the egg ended up being scrambled in the sauce. Vowed never to make something past 11pm again, I just fuck it up.

>> No.5684702

Spiced Rum and Coke
Grapefruit Juice
Yeesh. I dunno. Raising Cane's. OR Samurai Sam's.
Prime Rib
I am not good at pan-frying. I have ruined many many many meals trying to get light fluffy breading.

>> No.5684712
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>>favorite Desert
Frozen chocolate dipped (real) bananas (or that german dried bananas/strawberries dipped in chocolate)
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
muh Yuengling
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Virgil's root beer (all of dem flavors)
>>favorite fastfood chain
Los Tapatios Burritos (very small chain and I visit once a year for that shit)
otherwise i go to shitpotle or some other mexican place
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
Fucking pic related
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
Sketti. It was my first time and all I used was uncooked tomato paste on the overcooked noodles. I figured the heat and excess water would help that paste taste less bitter.

>> No.5684714

Never thought I'd be in love with words on a screen. You are everything I want in a person.

>> No.5684719

>favorite Desert
gulab Jamun
>favorite alcoholic beverage
gin and tonic
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
fancy colas
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
new foodie bullshit
>favorite meal
my mum's lasagne :3
>worst thing you have ever cooked
anzac biscuits with like half a cup instead of half a teaspoon of baking soda in high school

>> No.5684740

For everyone pointing out that none of the sweets people are listing for 'desert' are actually deserts, I think that everyone assumed that OP was asking about 'dessert' because that would make sense. OP where are you?

>> No.5684742

Gotta try making that Garlic rubbed chicken breast. Sounds heavenly. Any advice on making it?

>> No.5684942

>blueberry ice-cream
>Captain Morgan
>Don't have one
>tried to make porcupine-balls and accidentally left the lid off the Dutch oven.

>> No.5685347

>Laphroaig Quarter Cask
>Taco Bell
>The tasting menu at Per Se. Eggplant parm for everyday eats
>I don't cook. The only edible products in my apartment are scotch, wine and Brita water

>> No.5685770

>Tried to do a "Beef" Wellington once with strawberry icecream wrapped in chocolate ice cream for the "cooked" and "raw" parts coated in a sticky nut mixture then wrapped in a crepe and frozen. Even dipped in liquid nitrogen and thrown in a hot oven it turned to shit inside before the puff got done

I dont even

>> No.5685785
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hong kong

creme brulee

don't have one

vanilla coke



belly pork stew

one time i put a stick of butter on a cold slice of pizza and et it like that

>> No.5687078

Tom Collins atm
Depends on my mood. Water is always my go-to, but I love stuff like Thai Iced Tea or other types of 'ethnic' drinks
Probably American or Tex Mex
Burgers (yeah I'm serious) and Sandwiches because of their variety
Fucked up some sushi once

>> No.5687097

>Wisconsin American
>gin & tonic
>fresh lemonade
>Italian and comfort food
>spinach pesto salami pizza
>spaghetti with no meat and macaroni noodles

>> No.5687273

>tiramisu or chocolate mousse
>geuze beer
>green ice tea
>only have been to mcdonalds, twice
>venison or halibut
>canned ravioli

>> No.5687282
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>one time i put a stick of butter on a cold slice of pizza and et it like that

You put an entire stick of butter onto a single piece of pizza and ate the whole thing?

>> No.5687412


it was disgusting

>> No.5687416

What actually possessed you to do that?

>> No.5687437

Cheesecake w/ fresh raspberries
Ginger ale + fruit juices (punch)
Baby back ribs
Discounting things were I fucked up the preparation, probably the worst thing that turned out CORRECT was Chili Poblano. Took like 6 hours to make from scratch and the peppers were so bitter they overpowered all the other flavours.

>> No.5687440

>Schneider and Sohn Aventinus Eisbock
>Lebanese spread, hummus, lamb kabobs, falafel, tabouli, bana ganoush, etc
>Made some beef stroganoff once but didn't have Worcestershire sauce or sour cream and it was terrible

>> No.5687451

>arabian desert
>old jamaica
>pizza hut
>tartare steak
>shrimps in blue cheese sauce with macaroni to a girl

>> No.5687453

>favourite dessert
>favourite alcoholic beverage
I don't drink, they all taste worse than non-alcoholic equivalents to me.
>favourite non-alcoholic beverage
Barr's Cream Soda.
>favourite fastfood chain
Pizza Hut.
>favourite cuisine
>favourite meal
A good cheesy pasta with some bacon, jalapenos and chili powder mixed through it and a layer of broken crisps over the top mixed in with the surface cheese. Very simple but my god does it taste good.
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Can't really think of anything notable.

>> No.5687465

>Creme Brulee
>Does Byron count? Probably not
>Generic 'curry' where I burnt most of the lentils.

>> No.5687469

>one time i tried to make steak according to heston blumenthal's 'in search of perfection', which involved putting it in the oven at 50C for 24 hours. it was in my friend's house and he picked up a realllly good bit of meat. we had to wedge the oven door open with a pencil and leave it overnight, and when we woke up and checked it the pencil had been removed and there was a post-it note scolding us for risking lead poisoning and explosions. the giant hunk of forerib had been at a uniform 65C for probably 6 hours. barely enough to even break down the connective tissue, but enough to dry the fuck out of it. perfectly, agonisingly wrong.
holy shit

>> No.5687768

english trifle
orange & banana juice (fresh)
chicken and egg salad
it was a gratin years ago. picture half cooked chunks of cauliflower in warm milk

>> No.5687798

>Spice cake
>White Russian
>Water/Root beer
>No favourites
>My homemade chicken and noodle soup
>balsamic pork in the crock pot (fucked up the proportions since I never measure ingredients, I always eyeball them)

>> No.5687833


>>favorite Desert
fudge pie

>>favorite alcoholic beverage

>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage

>>favorite fastfood chain
Rallys 2 for 1 menu

>>favorite cuisine

>>favorite meal

>>worst thing you have ever cooked

>> No.5688061

>favorite Desert
Waffles, formerly flapjacks
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Good port, red or white. Although as far as a single alcoholic brew, nothing beat the Cornish Cyder Farm's cider/whiskey reserve, that was like nectar
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
A good warm cuppa tea, milk and 2-3 sugars. Fite me irl, my bones are stronker than you "La de la bitter as wormwood" fucks
>favorite fastfood chain
J.D Weatherspoons I assume doesn't count, so I guess I'd have to stick with Subway, or maybe Pizza Express if that's acceptable
>favorite cuisine
Indian used to be, before I got colitis as my 19th birthday prezzie, so I guess I'd have to say chinese, or maybe even american if we're accounting for all the non-national stuff they use
>favorite meal
Now, Surf ' Turf with a good medium rare T-Bone, since I love my shellfish and I love my steak
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I cooked a fresh fruit salad as a child. You are reading that right, this isn't me misusing words, the salad got made and it got cooked before my mother could stop me. Apple wasn't too bad

>> No.5688077
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>> No.5688112


Everybody around here is Irish like normal
>favorite Desert
I don't like deserts, I have a hell of a time getting sand out of my shoes.
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
There's these Cookies n Cream milks I find at convenience stores. They're sinful
>favorite fastfood chain
Chick Fil A
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
Grilled chicken with a marsala sauce
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Tried making fried rice once. It was awful and mushy.

>> No.5688124

>chocolate parfait
>a cold pint
>burger king
>some chicken stew with waaay to much white wine

>> No.5688139

>favorite Desert
don't know, i don't usually eat deserts but lets say chocolade fondant
>favorite alcoholic beverage
beer or white wine
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
water or milk
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
so many to choose from, currently prolly greek
>favorite meal
either fish with morelsauce and asparagus or some sort of bird with a sweet sauce
>worst thing you have ever cooked
i made a sort of chili con carne when i was drunk and added tons of different shit.

>> No.5688169


>> No.5688284

>don't drink
>ice tea / shloer
>tried five guys in London once and it's god-tier, pity the fast food is shit in this country
>don't know

>> No.5688287

thanks for being specific there captain

>> No.5688325

>favorite Desert
Peach frozen yogurt with raspberries and sliced mango (had that shit yesterday, instantly declared it king.)
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Cheap beer (High-Life)
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Black Coffee
>favorite fastfood chain
Love dat chicken from Popeyes
>favorite cuisine
American Breakfast
>favorite meal
Steak and over easy eggs with enough yolk to coat the giant pile of hash browns on the plate
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I was loaded on high life and dumped all the charcoal ever in the grill and turned a beautiful steak into a hockey puck. So ashamed...

>> No.5688326

>Dinca `fala
>Meatliquor/Mission/Market). It's a London chain so I'm counting it. Like Five Guys but better
>Italian or Indian
>Lasagne probably..
>Pizza with way too much cheese (no really) when I was like 8

>> No.5688336


>favorite Desert
Creme brulee, I gorged myself on the stuff when on vacation in France

>favorite alcoholic beverage
No drinkerino.

>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Wintermelon tea, Sprecher root beer or bubble milk tea.

>favorite fastfood chain
BK or KFC i guess.

>favorite cuisine
Chinese or Japanese.

>favorite meal
When cooking for myself I like bacon wrapped baked salmon with roast babby taters and garlicky mushrooms because it's stupid easy and delicious.

>worst thing you have ever cooked
I slaved for hours to make a duck stock and caramelise a bunch of onions to make french onion duck soup and it tasted so disgusting I threw the whole thing away and went to bed hungry. I hate wasting food, but fuck that meal tasted like broken dreams and sadness.

>> No.5688338

5 guys is great for sucking in all the tourists in London. There are so many options (equalling or surpassing 5 guys) for burgers in the city though.

>> No.5688393

>favorite dessert
Panna cotta with aged balsamic vinegar
>favorite alcoholic beverage
Mike's Hard Lemonade
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Green Iced Tea
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
Stuck between Italian and Asian (like actual Asian, not some Americanized bullshit)
>favorite meal
Pasta primavera and fresh bread
>worst thing you have ever cooked
Sushi. I still do not know how to this day I fucked it up but it made me want to puke.

>> No.5688405

>favorite Desert
Paris Brest
>favorite alcoholic beverage
>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
>favorite fastfood chain
>favorite cuisine
>favorite meal
>worst thing you have ever cooked
I put a wrong kind of mushroom (looks very much like porcini, but is unbelievably bitter) in the mushroom soup, making completely inedible

>> No.5688409

>radler (kind of a fruity flavored beer)
>beans and sausage
>Tried to cook an american burger, almost set my kitchen on fire

>> No.5688417

>>favorite Desert
Rhubarb Cobbler
>>favorite alcoholic beverage
Gulden Draak
>>favorite non-alcoholic beverage
Coca Cola
>>favorite fastfood chain
>>favorite cuisine
>>favorite meal
My mothers meatloaf with home fries
>>worst thing you have ever cooked
Linguine with a mascarpone, garlic, and walnut sauce.... did not taste good at all.

>> No.5688436

>>Asian american
>>mint chocolate chip ice cream
>>whiskey and coke
>>Hawaiian punch
>>churchs chicken
>>ox tongue curry
>>thousand year old egg with garlic sauce

>> No.5688440

>asian american
unless you have a dual citizenship you are just American

>> No.5688467

I do. Now calm the fuck down.