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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5677162 No.5677162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are carbs as bad as everyone is making them these days, or is it just a fad?

>> No.5677165


They're fine.

>> No.5677203

carbs from fruit n veg arent carbs in my book. carbs from bread n shit like that are

>> No.5677211

thats an interesting book you got there.

>> No.5677218

I don't understand what people mean when they talk about not eating carbs.
Almost everything (with any kind of sugars) has carbohydrates, and I don't think people are living off meat and eggs.

Does it just mean 'carb-heavy' or what

>> No.5677225

Theres a /fit/ board I think you should visit.

For some reason people take the cut-carb advice all retarded like. it means dont put fucking syrups in your coffee and eat bagels all day, not avoid potatoes and fruit.

>> No.5677227

Yes, but that's only because we over eat them.

>> No.5677243
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"Carbs" can mean a lot of things. Good sources of carbohydrate like beans and whole grains, fruits, sweet potatoes, etc should be the majority of your diet. Candy and soda are bad

>> No.5677253

or shitpost?

>> No.5677323
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what are carcomymrates?

>> No.5677328

carbs make you fat.

>> No.5677333

Lack of portion control makes you fat.

>> No.5677336

If carbs made you fat Asians would be the most obese race on the planet due to rice.

>> No.5677337

Your body needs carbs, if you want to loose weight then start counting calories. There are some good phone apps around for rough guessing your you calorie intake. Burnt calories >calories consumed you loose weight, it's fucking magic huh...

>> No.5677356

>Majority of your diet.
Whoa there, bud, not even close. If you're going for all-around nutrition it's 60% carbs to 40% protein on workout days, 35-40% carbs on your days off. Everything else is a few servings of fruit and tons of veggies. If you're constantly running marathons I could see it being the majority of your diet.

>> No.5677445
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Based on what? Practically every human civilization in history has eaten carbohydrate as the majority of the diet, and every health organization in the world recommends it to be the main macronutrient in everyone's diet, with the World Health Organization suggesting up to 80% carbohydrate. It offers the best health, keeping cholesterol low, blood sugar stable, mind and body energized, etc, and since carbohydrate typically means plant foods, you get the best nutrition.

>> No.5677457
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>60% carbs to 40% protein on workout days

So 0% fat?

>> No.5677458
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My body runs on carbs. Carbs every meal infact.

>> No.5677462

That would be why veggies were shown as the majority and a couple servings of fruits. Both contain carbs, but veggies don't have enough to ruin a diet compared to too much potato or bread. If you do pasta/rice/bread up to 60% on a workout day your veggie and fruit intake are going to make up the rest. And this is based on the fact that we're talking to people that sit on the computer all day, so 35-40% (not counting fruits and veggies) is pretty fucking generous for off-days.

You're going to get fat from animal protein and nuts, or avocado and olive. Is this bait?

>> No.5677475


>Both contain carbs, but veggies don't have enough to ruin a diet compared to too much potato or bread. If you do pasta/rice/bread up to 60% on a workout day your veggie and fruit intake are going to make up the rest

Why do you think carbohydrate would ruin a diet, and more important, why do you think of pasta, white rice, and white bread when you think of carbohydrate? Oats, corn, sweet potatoes, barley, black beans, lentils, chickpeas, oranges, bananas, etc.

Why do you think people should not eat obviously healthy whole food sources of carbohydrate, the likes of which every health authority on the planet recommends people eat for every meal? Regardless of fitness level, what you're saying just doesn't make sense.

>You're going to get fat from animal protein and nuts, or avocado and olive. Is this bait?

He's saying you suggested 60% out of 100% of your caloric intake be carbs on workout days and 40% out of 100% be from protein, which leaves 0% from fat, the other macronutrient.

>> No.5677489

>why do you think of pasta, white rice, and white bread when you think of carbohydrate?
Where in any of my posts say "white?" You're arguing with yourself now.

>Which leaves out fat.
You're going to get enough fat from the sources I gave, which will be in anyone's diet if they're trying to get the most nutrition they can from their diet. So once again, there's just adding other things nobody was talking about, which is a stupid person's way to argue; throwing other words out instead of staying on subject is how stupid people argue.

So instead of going off-topic on other food sources, why not instead tell me why you would recommend someone have up to 80% of their diet consist of carbs when they're going to be sitting at their computer all day? I know this might be too hard for you, but your teachers believed in you, so I'll give you that benefit of the doubt as well.

>> No.5677512


>Where in any of my posts say "white?"

I assumed you meant refined food that bodybuilders and athletes are known to eat, since if you meant whole grain foods you wouldn't be able to argue about limiting them and them "ruining the diet" the way you are.

>ou're going to get enough fat from the sources I gave, which will be in anyone's diet if they're trying to get the most nutrition they can from their diet.

You misunderstand again. If there are three macronutrients, and 60% of your calories come from one, 40% of your calories come from another, then there is 0% left to come from the third.

>So instead of going off-topic on other food sources, why not instead tell me why you would recommend someone have up to 80% of their diet consist of carbs when they're going to be sitting at their computer all day?

Because carbohydrate is the default macronutrient for the human species to eat, and the foods associated with carbohydrate are the most beneficial to human health (whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables). Help me understand why you think someone who's sitting at their computer all day should be eating a bunch of fat and protein instead of carbohydrate. Why would their activity level matter in this context?

>> No.5677520

Activity level is the entire basis of caloric intake and macro count, that's why it matters. No two people are ingesting the exact same amount of calories and macros a day if one's working from sunrise to sunset and the other's posting on 4chan from 5PM to 9AM. Or you can take a health class and just go learn for yourself. It shouldn't be a struggle to pick up a book and read.

>> No.5677530


Every macronutrient provides calories. We aren't talking about amount of calories, we're talking about the percentage of daily calories coming from those macronutrients. I don't know what you're having trouble with

>> No.5677543

I'm having trouble with you telling someone to stick 80% sugar in their body, whether or not it comes from plants or whole grains. 80% carbs is seriously way too fucking high. Nobody's doing that if their activity levels are low to non-existent. This is why you need school, or /fit/, even they know this and they're legally retarded.

>> No.5677554

Saying carbs are bad is like saying fruit is bad because some fruit juice ends up in sugar water juice cocktails

or vegetables are bad because vegetable oils are used in junk food

Carbs from beans, fruits, vegetables, good quality bread, etc. is fine.

I think people started believing carbs are bad because cheap, shitty white bread is mostly sugar and air. A lot of sugar is used to get lighter bread. That's why really shitty bread is like cotton candy.

And then people started assuming carbs everywhere are unhealthy because they're retarded.

Good quality bread is a lot more filling with little to no sugar.

>> No.5677558
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>I'm having trouble with you telling someone to stick 80% sugar in their body

Now you're creating a strawman argument.

>80% carbs is seriously way too fucking high. Nobody's doing that if their activity levels are low to non-existent.

I still need you to explain why the percentage of carbohydrate in the diet, independent of caloric intake, should be kept low in sedentary people.

Pic related, the longest living people on the planet, 85% carbohydrate diet.

>> No.5677574

Okinawans literally work from the time they can stand to the day of their death. Once again, activity levels are playing the entire role of their longstanding age range. People aren't allowed to be sedentary there. Now show me a place where the majority of people are sedentary, eat mostly carbs, and have an average age range above seventy. You can use Google if you want, won't help.

>> No.5677585
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The most exercise a typical Okinawan gets is tending to a small home garden or having a walk.

>Now show me a place where the majority of people are sedentary, eat mostly carbs, and have an average age range above seventy

Well, here's a wikipedia article about something called "staple foods"


I don't know how you don't already know this, but the entire world runs on carbohydrates. Again, I need an explanation for why you believe a mainly carbohydrate based diet is only acceptable for olympic marathon runners.

>> No.5677593

You only require following the basic instructions.

>80% or more of carbs.
>Mostly sedentary (even walking and gardening burns far more calories than sitting in place).
>Life expectancy above 70.

>> No.5677603


That's being overly specific, since the places eating less carbohydrate are typically more wealthy places, which have more completely sedentary people, more obesity, and more animal foods in the diet. You're misunderstanding what we're discussing again though:

>even walking and gardening burns far more calories than sitting in place

Again, we're not talking about amount of calories. The Okinawans got about 1800 calories, for example. What does it matter if most of those calories from carbohydrate compared to fat or protein? Or if they walked off a mighty 100 of those calories in a day? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just asking what your basic reasoning is to focus on percentage of carbs and equating it with the amount of total calories?

>> No.5677606

>Okinawans literally work from the time they can stand to the day of their death

d'you think Okinawa is a third world shithole or something?

americans work way way more than typical Okinawans

>> No.5677613

Mostly just lazy fucks trying to delude themselves into thinking they can eat like shit and still live to be 100. very obnoxious, usually into gluten-free and other such rubbish from scam blog sites like Mercola and Mark's Daily Apple

>> No.5677626

Because carbs directly convert into sugar, which converts into energy. This energy is burned when doing various activities and kept from turning straight into nothing but fat fuel. Now you can eat straight veggie and a bit of fruit carbs as your primary value, but most carb foods lack in fat and protein. Those that do have protein have very little compared to animal foods, which also provide the other needed vitamins and minerals plants typically miss out on (like B12, and fish's excellent amount of DHA). The carb foods, due to lacking in fat, are likely to keep you less full, which is obviously a gateway to overeating.

Now take a nutritionist's actual recommendation of 40-60% based on activity and you're going to be able to keep your muscles in check, your appetite in check, your sugars in check, and your caloric intake in check. Do you know how much spinach and broccoli your ass would have to eat to get 60-80g of protein? Hell, even 11g of protein? When nutritionists recommend the average plate be half veggies and maybe some fruit (with other things like rice/bread) and the rest high in protein, you seriously don't have the option of being a walking carb stick unless you're living in Okinawa.

Americans mostly eat junk carbs with labels that say "Fat Free!" and too much meat. The average American's amount of "work" also consists of being at a fryer, counter, or desk. None of those two things touch the typical Okinawan's lifestyle.

>> No.5677629

the point is that okinawans don't 'literally work from the time they can stand to the day of their death' like you claimed moron

glad to see you already retreated from that statement though

>> No.5677630

So you're both uncultured and unintelligent enough to believe that Okinawans aren't always doing something and that your instant use of the word "moron" doesn't make you look like you're just an uneducated child grasping at straws? Because it does.

>> No.5677645


>Because carbs directly convert into sugar, which converts into energy. This energy is burned when doing various activities and kept from turning straight into nothing but fat fuel.

Okay, carbohydrate provides energy. Protein and fat provide energy. We don't have any new information here.

>The carb foods, due to lacking in fat, are likely to keep you less full, which is obviously a gateway to overeating.

Although fiber is a carbohydrate, and fiber keeps you full. I challenge you to eat 600 calories worth of barley in one meal. Around the world, we see the skinniest people are the ones eating the most carbohydrate. Asians, Indians, Africans, etc.

>Do you know how much spinach and broccoli your ass would have to eat to get 60-80g of protein? Hell, even 11g of protein?

I'm sure a lot, but realistically you would be getting your protein where you get your calories, which on a high carb diet would be starch sources like whole grains and legumes. A cup of dry beans can have your whole day's protein needs within 600-700 calories. A high carbohydrate, whole food diet also has the benefit of preventing heart disease, the United State's number 1 killer.

>> No.5677662

>A cup of dry beans can have your whole day's protein needs within 600-700 calories.
>227g of beans.
>Bean serving size = 184g, 53 calories, 1g fat, 8g carb, 8g protein.
Doing a bit of math from serving size: 227g a cup, 65.38 calories, we're not going to even get 2g of fat from this, about 9.86g carbs, same protein as carbs.
>Protein should be 60-80g for the average adult.

397 calories for the minimum amount of recommended protein, which is 7.5 cups (1702.5g) of beans.

>Eat 600 cal of barley.
Who the fuck would do that and why?

>Still advocating mostly carbs.
Avoiding filling the other 40-60% depending on activity being filled with animal protein and fat still follows skimping out on sufficient zinc, iron, and B-12. So way to go, you've given inaccurate information and still haven't proven anything.

>> No.5677665

>A lot of sugar is used to get lighter bread. That's why really shitty bread is like cotton candy.

you're making this shit up as you go along.

you judge carbs by how easily they spike your insulin. easy spikage = bad.

sugarless white bread has a higher glycemic index than pure sugar.

>> No.5677670
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I don't know how you messed your data up so badly, but I'll help you out


And you're still not giving an adequate explanation for why you're so opposed to carbohydrate making up the majority of a person's caloric intake, which it already does for almost everyone in the world. I'm guessing you understand why what you said was incorrect, but you're looking for another way to keep your argument going because you don't want to just tell me "you're right, my bad." Like I said before, I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just the things you're saying aren't rational and I thought you'd be able to understand it eventually if I kept asking you to explain how you came to your conclusion. Looking at how far you've twisted your original concern to what you're currently saying, I believe you have understood but don't want to admit it for whatever reason. Have a good night

>> No.5677672

>Black beans.
Fucking gross, but acceptable. Mostly carbs still has everything to do with activity. You haven't shown anything to disprove this.

>> No.5677689


>> No.5677731
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It's a fad thanks to shit like Atkins. They're supposed to be around 65% of your diet, which is why diets like Atkins appear to work for weight loss at first, because they're limiting a vital nutrient. Just make sure you don't eat a lot of foods with lots of sugar and go for foods with more complex carbohydrates, like fruits and grains. In addition to having complex carbohydrates, they'll also have more vitamins and minerals than sugary foods, especially enriched or whole grain foods in comparison to plain white breads and such.

>> No.5677783

No you retard, a lot of sugar helps set up a stronger structure in bread along with the gluten.

And you're right. I'll never get by without measuring my insulin. You fucknut. If I eat a couple slices of (usually) homemade bread, there's nothing wrong with that. I eat multiple servings of fruit and vegetables every day along with it.

And I'm not eating a bunch of white bread by itself so fuck your glycemic index.

>> No.5677885

Carbs aren't bad but somewhere along the line a side of fries became a 500+kcal behemoth and the size of a sugary soda went from 10 oz or less to 20 or more. People freak out about carbs mostly because they were eaten to excess by many in the first place, not because they are bad. We have been eating bread and beans and stuff for thousands of years but only in the last 100 years due to low production cost and long shelf life have carbs been so widely made and consumed.

>> No.5677892

>all the thinnest, longest lived countries in the developed world have the carb-heaviest diets
No. Carbs aren't bad for you.
>hurr durr diabetes

>> No.5677945

Look up the movie Fat Head and learn all about carbs.

>> No.5677955

... from people that have no actual knowledge on basic physics nor diet.

>> No.5677957

eggs have carbs in the form of sugars though

>> No.5677959


We're talking aboutFat Head not Super Size me.

>> No.5677965

>i ate high fat food with few carbs
>but limited my caloric intake
>see, i lost weight!!
>carbs are the devil