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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5676506 No.5676506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/.

I drink protein shakes after my workout and I take some morning shakes too. I usually mix it with milk but it's an awful lot of milk for a day, and I've been told not to drink more than a glass.

Do you guys know any recipes for protein bars? I'm thinking about honey and nuts, maybe raisins and some protein powder. I'm pretty clueless regarding cooking.

Thank you in advance.

>> No.5676532

>protein bars

Why, are you going on a hiking trip or something?

In daily life, protein should always be stacked on top of a complete set of meals comprised of whole foods. Nothing wrong with a protein shake but that should be like 1/3 of your daily protein at most. You should be getting the rest from beans, meat, yogurt, and stuff like that.

>> No.5676548

Protein bars instead of shakes. I'd rather eat a bar than drink a shake. Also, sometimes I go out for semi long periods of time and I'd like to have some ready if necessary.

>> No.5676552


a protein shake isn't going to be 1/3 of your daily protein need unless you use a bunch of servings, for an active person anyway.

But yeah that said I don't drink protein shakes unless I'm too depressed to make food and I don't want to lose my gains.

>> No.5676562

I don't do the grocery shopping at my house, I'm still a parasite to my parents. There's plenty of good shit and bad shit around this house and I cook my own meals because when they cook, it's usually bad.

I also prefer the concept of protein bars to protein shakes for some reason.

I just drank a shake instead of making actual food for my dinner just now.

>> No.5676582
File: 130 KB, 935x898, PIo8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for an active person

For an "active person" the typical /fit/fag recommendations are completely ridiculous.

Even 1.0 g per kg bodyweight, which is considered low by /fit/ standards, is more than adequate even for your average person who lifts weights a couple of times a week and runs every day. Most people who just walk a lot or ride a bike around town instead of a car would be fine with 0.8 or so. If you're on steroids, maybe the /fit/ suggestion of 2.5 grams per kilogram would be appropriate just to be on the safe side.

A single protein shake is going to be 30-45 grams depending on whether it's mixed with dairy or water. For most active people that's going to be close to 1/3 the daily protein unless you got trolled by the "6000 calories a day is good" starting strength crowd.

>> No.5676673

1 gram per LB is the standard. not kg
.8 is more reasonable like you said though

>> No.5676686

>1 gram per LB

Only in /fit/ bizarro land. Everywhere else it's 1 gram per kg.

>> No.5676714
File: 204 KB, 600x400, toledo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this
>>5673664 for a protein bar recipe

Also, how are these called?

>> No.5676715


>> No.5676720

Lol @ falling for the supplement industries bullshit.

I eat .5/.6g per LB and STILL gain mass. but muh proteins!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5676722



>> No.5676723

We call them "orejitas" in third world land.

>> No.5676724


1.2 to 1.7 per kg for athletes is standard