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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 1024x768, An_image_of_a_toast_sandwich,_shot_from_the_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5676136 No.5676136 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5676152
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I'd keep quiet if I was you. No one who is mentally sane in England eats toast sandwiches. I bet most of you americucks have used this tho

>> No.5676153
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>The toast sandwich was named by the scientists of the Royal Society of Chemistry "Britain's cheapest lunchtime meal"
haha holy shit

>> No.5676157

I like to make reverse toast sandwiches.
I put a slice of fresh untoasted bread between two slices of toast.

>> No.5676165

You fucking monster.

>> No.5676167
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>> No.5676177

Ha ha."land of the free"

>> No.5676179
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This is american-british fusion cuisine.

>> No.5676207

>those paint bottles full of mayonnaise
>American style mustard
Britain is disgusting

>> No.5676211

>american-style mustard



>> No.5676223

I also find it disgusting that there is bottles of American mustard. There is no such thing as American mustard

>> No.5676230

I would have guessed they would call yellow mustard american but that stuff looks more like dijon or maybe deli style

>> No.5676232

I think you can be arrested for that

>> No.5676248

Is there anything that America won't bastardise?

>> No.5676255

>There is no such thing as American mustard
Aside from American mustard?

>> No.5676260

Wtf is classed as American mustard?

>> No.5676308

>adding turmeric to mustard it has been bastardized
Just avoid the shitty brands of ball park style(American) mustard. Stuff is fine anon.

>> No.5676320

>British flag
>chef's larder
>implying it's American

>> No.5676345
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>Wtf is classed as American mustard?

Bland and sweet hotdog mustard served in cheap plastic tubes is considered American style mustard.

The hot mustard served in glass jars is considered British.

Unlike British people Americans cannot handle hot food which is weird because all Americans seem to think they eat hot food and that British food is bland.

One Amerifriend gave me something he called 'hot sauce' which he warned me to be careful with because British people aren't used to 'really hot food', it tasted like slightly spicy ketchup.

A few weeks later we went for a curry in Manchester. He was literally crying over his food because it was to hot for him, it was embarrassing to watch.

>> No.5677467

The sort I make has no sugar in it. Not sweet at all. To be honest I have never really had a sweet ball park style mustard. Of course I don't eat it all that often and when I do I make it my self.

Try a stout or porter mustard sometime. You wont regret it. Unless of course you don't like beer. Then you would likely hate it.

Also as for hot sauce, that depends on where he is from.

>> No.5677535

>my friends represents all Americans
Do British people really do this?

>> No.5677552

>curry is British
I love how brainwashed the Pakis have you people. Next you'll say kebab is a traditional British food.

Yorkshire pudding, fish and chips, peas and a roast are British food and bland as fuck.

>> No.5677573

Cheese Wiz is good, though...


lmao bonghurt

>> No.5677623
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You fucking disgusting American-cucks. No wonder you are the most ridiculed country in the world. Cheese out of a can just shows how bad cheese is in your country. American "mozzarella". American "cheddar". Kek

>> No.5677627

Ishmael please

India was part of the Empire so curry became part of our cuisine. Its not hard to understand

>> No.5678375
File: 635 KB, 1280x1920, 1401908320898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about toast in bread
>ends with Mustard and /int/ banter

>> No.5678377

You're an idiot

>> No.5678395

>Bland and sweet hotdog mustard

Find me an example of this and post a picture. French's is neither sweet nor bland.

>> No.5678399

>mfw bongs think the US only has one type of mustard

>> No.5678417

I think you mean "Roasty Toasty Threebread Butty."

Then rename the image Britbongs.jpg

>> No.5678422

That's not how it works, faggot.

Or is Phillipine food American now? Puerto Rican? Grenadan?

>> No.5679152

Were any of those countries ever classed as the us? India used to be a part of the uk

>> No.5679162

you mean parts of the world the US decided to fuck up?

>> No.5679163

Puerto Rico is a US territory. Read a fucking book.

>> No.5679164

>Go to yard
>Dig hole
>Pull worms from ground
>Wash and boil on stove
>Put between 2 slices of shit bread
>Worm Sandwich
>Cheaper than toast sandwich

>> No.5679172

And India used to be part of Britain. That's why curry is British

>> No.5679176

Why are you asking me to read a book you fucking retard?

>> No.5679177

If Indians are British and Indians don't have toilets, does that mean that the British also don't have toilets?

>> No.5679182

You've just proved my point that you are a retard. Well done

>> No.5679183

Please answer the question.

>> No.5679196

Curry is from Scotland, or London. It is not Indian.

>> No.5679212

Ill answer any question worthy of my time

>> No.5679216

It's worth your time.

>> No.5679219


>> No.5679223


>> No.5679227


>> No.5679241

Curry as we know it in the West was 'invented' in either a restaurant in Glasgow, or in London. It is not Indian, at all.

>> No.5679250

What do you mean curry as you know it? Pretty sure most of the spices came from India and the surrounding areas. You know there's more than one version of curry, right?

>> No.5679255

Are you implying that Indian people haven't been eating curries for 100's of years? If so you are a retard

>> No.5679260

He's getting confused with tikka masala the retard

>> No.5679279

>What do you mean curry as you know it?

The brown unknown sauce with bits of meat in it.

Not as we know it, no. The word means basically nothing in different parts of the region, one Indian lady I talked to explained she used to buy something pronounced roughly the same, but that it was a vegetable/leaf medley. The word has no place in their culinary tradition at all.

>> No.5679291

Nope. What we would call curry is nothing like an early western curry in any case. The closest they came was spiced stews, or spices meat dishes.

That weird gloop with bits of meat in it is about as about as exotic as a pair of slippers and a pipe.

>> No.5680550

>Cheez Whiz
>an appalling expression of the disregard for the importance of quality in foodstuffs among ordinary Americans

>toast sandwich
>Literally the stupidest goddamned thing on the planet, indicative of the total abasement of British culture; what sort of culture that takes itself seriously produces something such as a "toast sandwich"?

Sure, Cheez Whiz is bad, but assuming that it's about as respected in American culture as the toast sandwich is in Britbongistan, which is truly worse?

>> No.5680568

Yeah, i can second this.
I was talking with a Sikh chef a few years ago and he said that curry was just a mix of veggies and some spices, used like a chutney.

>> No.5680574

No one here in the states respects cheez whiz, I will assume no one respects or even eats a toast sandwich in bongstania.

>> No.5680604


Compared to English or Dijon mustard it is both.

>> No.5680650

What? Curry is just a derivation of a Tamil word that Brits and other Westerners use as a way to classify a range of dishes which have no real defining trait other than maybe having solid components in some sauce.

>> No.5680654

>its different therefore inferior
Small minded people.

>> No.5680671

tikka masala m9. invented in england.

>> No.5680673

>Pretty sure most of the spices came from India and the surrounding areas
cumin, coriander, chilli powder etc etc. they're used in way too many cuisines to be claimed as indian m9

>> No.5680678

name one single food that america has actually invented

>> No.5680681

America invented God. God created everything. Therefore, America created all food.

>> No.5680682

An american invention is chili?

>> No.5680686

south american

>> No.5680692

Texas chili is not from Texas?

>> No.5680697


Hamburgers, that shit they ate in Hamburg doesn't compare and was more akin to a roast beef sammich.

>> No.5680701


chili is not from texas, no

>> No.5680703

I was sure that American Mexican food was relatively modern.

>> No.5680708

Do Americlaps actually think anyone in Britain eats toast sandwiches? IIRC it was invented during a thought experiment by academics

>> No.5680724
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it's from a 150 year old Mrs. Beaton cookbook, actually.

the Royal Society of Chemistry made a bunch and gave them out to make fun of the recession because they're cheeky cunts

>> No.5680791
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>> No.5680812


Alright tubs, you go back to your condiment soaked "burger".

>> No.5680830

What they should do is make a british rail toast sandwich, with the toast folded in half and placed on the diagonal so it looks like there's two pieces of toast.

>> No.5680877

Can I get my toast sandwich made with toasted bread?

>> No.5680898

>therefore inferior
Do Americans have the greatest persecution complex?

Pointing out how something you use is bland and sweet doesn't result communist invasion of america to destroy your freedumbs.

Grow the fuck up, for once in your life.

>> No.5682525
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I ended up making this toast sandwich for myself.

I was a bit generous on the seasoning, but i'm glad i was. I didn't want it to be too bland.

>> No.5682532
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>> No.5682653


ingredients: Cultured Milk, Salt, Enzymes, Annatto (color).


pick two

>> No.5682985
File: 64 KB, 430x537, 1379032191913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made myself a toast sandwich,and honestly it's pretty good. I might make another one later.

>> No.5684638

Quick question then, which part do you butter?

Do you butter both sides of the toast? Do you butter the bread? Or do you go full American and butter both the toast and the bread?

>> No.5684649
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>sunday roast
>bland as fuck

lol m8 stop muh sides cant handle it

>> No.5684650

doesn't sound american to me

>> No.5684653

Depends on how poor you are/how much butter you're own.

Real primitive wealth measurements, add as much as you can afford. It's where the bulk of the nutrition is coming from.

>> No.5684657


stop samefagging like people actually eat these things

>> No.5684667
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>> No.5684691

You live on an island smaller than California, you got kicked across the ocean and then pulled out of the fire in world wars one and two, and Americans have the greatest persecution complex? How's that empire btw?

>> No.5684744


>history in a single 4chan post


>> No.5684779

>jump into a war when it's pretty much won
>heuehuhe we won the war for you guys you should be thankful

>> No.5684802


>pulled out of the fire in world wars one and two

Because America is such an expert at winning wars historically speaking

>> No.5684809

how was it?

>> No.5684825

If there's one thing about the British, it's that they're all in bread.

>> No.5684832
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>> No.5684835

And we still do it better than you. Sucks, I'm sure

>> No.5684843
File: 177 KB, 320x276, 1377894942386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Name the last war America won

Even England could defend the Falklands

>> No.5684849

After killing, what, 600 Argentines? Bravo

>> No.5684859

war on christmas

>> No.5684866


> says west
> means east

haha faggot

>> No.5685195

I ate a toast sandwich once, to see what it was like.

I would probably try cheez wiz too.

>> No.5685253

It pretty good, considering it only took a few minutes to prepare.

It's nothing to write home about, but if I was a poor college student with a loaf of bread and some salt and pepper, i cant argue with the simplicity.

>> No.5685591


>> No.5685599

hmm tastes like poverty

>> No.5685609

You realize the irony of this?

>> No.5685623

toast sandwich topped with cheeze whiz nigga. its like a grilled cheese sandwich for shitposters

>> No.5685702
File: 112 KB, 261x283, Untitled (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw another thread gets baited into a amerilard vs britbong dick waving contest

>> No.5685762
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my work has such fucking good jambalaya and i get to take whatever is leftover when we close and I have like 7 fucking plates of delicious jambalaya rotting in my fridge while my health slowly declines as I gradually succumb to jambalaya poisoning

>> No.5686477

THE WORLD is part of America's empire.
Checkmate Britbong

>> No.5686542

Boudin, Crawfish Etouffe, Oysters Rockefeller, Shrimp Creole, Jambalaya, Crawfish Pie, Filet Gumbo, Red Beans and Rice, Muffulettas, and Poor Boys

>> No.5686702

The word curry as a catchall is a British invention the dishes themselves are very much Indian. It's very limitted in its scope, basically just a few North Indian and hydrabadi dishes but they are Indian.

Indian food has 100s of dishes with a gravy base. They all have their own names. One of the ingredients some of these share is kadhi or curry leaves.

Westernised Indian dishes are watered down in taste and limited in scope but are very much Indian.

>> No.5687178 [DELETED] 

Primitive degenerate American. That is all your are you English bastard.

>> No.5687181

Oh no, his tiny mind is showing again.

>> No.5687183

>this guy right here
>yeah this anon I quoted
>he r dumb

>> No.5687186

Look how angry the primitive degenerate American is.
Point and laugh at him

>> No.5687840

Also waffle cones at one of the world's fairs, and things like funnel cakes and corn dogs (ai assume, at least).