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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, Ballotine 8.8.2014 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5675024 No.5675024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here actually cook anymore? Haven't lurked in a while. Catalog is weak. Anyone got any inspiring OC that isn't fucking fast food? Let's see some real food porn...

>> No.5675032

i thoughty that was the most disgusting bred

>> No.5675033

>"Lets talk REAL COOKERY"
>OP is moldy bread

>> No.5675034

so posty something breddy gud

>> No.5675037


>> No.5675053

thats fucking disgustign

>> No.5675054

oh i already posted here

>> No.5675059
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, Ballotine 8.8.2014 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. come at me.

>> No.5675061

Gravy from the pan?
Looks great.

>> No.5675069

With stock from the de-fleshed carcass brah. Nice to see someone gets it. Like I said, real cookery. Have a good one.

>> No.5675079
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>> No.5675081

Did some fried trouts last Sunday that turned out really well... didn't take any pics, though.

>> No.5675083
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>> No.5675087 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 611x404, 1242903211259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah we get it. You're American, culture is lost on you. Got some Obongo chicken wings out back to satisfy yer hankerin's...

>> No.5675109
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, Ballotine 8.8.2014 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5675111

You won't get that much contact from "real" cooks here, and if you have even a fleck of condescension some of the plebs will insult you and your efforts.

>> No.5675123
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Yeah there's more than a fleck there I guess. Cheers mate. I just wanted to see some real food. I'll dump a few that shit on my efforts and be on my merry way...

>> No.5675128
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>> No.5675130
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>> No.5675135
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>> No.5675139
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>> No.5675140
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>> No.5675141
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Over & out /ck/. It's been something. And now I must spleep.

>> No.5675142


>> No.5675143

It's a whole chicken that's been deboned and rolled up. A Ballotine

>> No.5675148
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that is >>5675109 2hrs later

>> No.5675153
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Lightly, then ridiculously low temp confit, then trimmed...

>> No.5675164
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exploring the chinese kitchen atm. getting better/closer to the real taste. despite the chinese way of cooking not being very popular here imho I'm pretty proud of me.
heres what I started with half a year ago.

Anyway I will have some bakedbeans and tattie scones for dinner today :-)

>> No.5675183
File: 198 KB, 1350x1481, masterplan_112012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's where I am now.

(pics not from me. from a restaurant where I spied on the chefs harharh)

>>5675148 thats magnificently brilliant man! i came

>> No.5675209

I cook damn near everyday and even if I don't cook daily, I eat something I've cooked daily in the way of leftovers. And I do mean COOK not "cook." I don't typically buy pre-prepared meals. Some minorly processed foods like dry pasta and the like: sure. Meal kits and other ready meals? No.

>> No.5675215

>tfw can't afford nice ingredients so everything tastes bad
Meanwhile I keep watching these cooking contests where the participants are given the best possible ingredients. It makes me want to get in the kitchen to try something and then I remember I only have lettuce, tomatoes and some bread.

>> No.5675218

I'm sorry but you just can't call a stuffed fucking chicken a ballotine, there's specific requirements.

>> No.5675331
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Made this on Sunday

>> No.5675335
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Not bad for a first attempt I though

>> No.5675388

do tell please

>> No.5675392


>> No.5675400

A TrueConnoisseur™

>> No.5675463

how you made it

>> No.5675705

Here, OP, try this thread:

>> No.5675757

Well this will be a first for me and I'm a bit drunk so I'm not gonna americafy it for you.
>debone 2 whole chickens because my family are fat fucks
>mix together the filling from 8 Irish recipe sausages (or normal pork ones, can't remember) and 500g or blanched frozen spinach
>put mixture in the fridge to cool
>saute 1 diced onion until clear and add the meat from 8 more sausages, cook until done
>add 2 chopped celery stalks, 2 tbsp tomato puree, half a cup of Caliente Rojo and season
>simmer until wine has completely reduced
>put this in the fridge (in hind sight I probably did this part of the mixture first but I'm not retyping)
>once cooled combine the two mixtures and add 1/2 cup chopped parsley and 1 tbsp chopped dill
>stuff the two chickens with the mixture, fold over and truss
>place in a preheated oven at gas mark 6 for 20 minutes
>turn chickens upside down and add equal parts dry white wine and water so the breasts are submerged and bake for 45 minutes
>turn over and cook until crispy
>forgot to mention after I deboned the chickens I put a stock on for the gravy but I fucked that up anyway

>> No.5675799

I probably threw some garlic in after the onion was cooked too. That sounds like something I would do

>> No.5675863


Is that food porn or a food porn gang bang?

>> No.5675880

I'm making a garlic and olive oil pizza dough pizza right now.

Probably top it with ground beef, onions and marble cheese.

>> No.5675915

>tfw you just want to cook but are not hungry and IBS is flaring up anyway

>> No.5675932
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I've been cooking Chinese for a couple of years now at home, now starting to explore and enjoy Scandinavian cooking as well.

Other days I feel like some comfort food from my childhood. Pic related (fried catfish made in a wok)

>> No.5675979
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Most of what I cook is just snacks for myself. Like this, just a little thing I did because I was hungry.

Flour tortilla, some salami, smoked chicken, and shredded cheddar cheese. Cast iron skillet for a few minutes, flip, eat.

>> No.5675992
File: 2.15 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad's the real cook in my house tho (I just hit 18 last week). Here's some meat lasagne he made a few months back

>> No.5675996
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Or some of his chilli which I added some bacon, cheese, and fritos to.

>> No.5675999
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Noodle mess

>> No.5676005
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Bread pudding

>> No.5676037

thats not lasagna mate, thats an unholy wedding of cheese and lasagne noodles.

>> No.5676038

18 and your arteries are already gone. rip

>> No.5676043
File: 716 KB, 4288x2848, bread-pudding-30793079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your dad is not a cook. These are all abominations.

>Lasagne without red sauce or ricotta cheese
Nigga that's just shitty casserole
Look at how fucking fatty and disgusting that looks. And are those frito chips wtf nigger
>Noodle Mess
Seriously just no
>Bread Pudding

>> No.5676051

it's amazing how autists reveal themselves faster than fucking vegans do

>> No.5676054

It's amazing how you think that shit is food.

>> No.5676068


Dude, it's cool. You have a bad day or something?

>> No.5676076

*tips fedora*

not even him, but you're a colossal fagface

>> No.5676094

I don't understand why some of you people think cooking is some sort of special skill that needs to be learned and mastered.
Cooking is easy, meals come with recipes, step by step guides on what to do to make a meal, it couldn't be any more simple.

>> No.5676184

I know right
>pierce film lid several times
>microwave on full power for 6 minutes
>peel film lid and stir
>replace film lid and cook for a further 5 minutes
>allow to cool before eating
These autists and their bullshit fancy meals lol

>> No.5676187

hell yeah, dad's gonna drink all that bud heavy & beat his family

>> No.5676214

Y'all niggers need to learn what real food is.

>> No.5676288
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Nice one.


Relax buddy. But yeah pudding looks good.

>> No.5676322

all that plating for a scoop of fucking ice cream holy shit
i throw $30 steaks on a plate i got for a dollar from target with a scoop of mashed potatoes and this nigga looks like he spent the entire day plating his goddamn ice cream
this is surreal

>> No.5676328

most of what i cook is usually pretty rustic, or just steak. None of which really turn out that photogenic, and I'm cooking mostly for myself so I'm not going to bother wasting time plating it to look good. Also, it's a bitch to wash hands every step to take pics.

>> No.5676337

Some gr9 cake porn here
They seem to mainly focus on 1 type of cake per day. Looks like it was Charlotte cakes today.

>> No.5676364
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There is a hair in this bread pudding. yucky.

>> No.5676379


>> No.5676387


what do you mean nope? Clearly a hair.

>> No.5676394


>> No.5676404
File: 794 KB, 2780x3332, hair there 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look closer dumb shit.

>> No.5676421

As a 3rd party, it looks like a hair.

>> No.5676433

Hair expert here. That's a hair.

>> No.5676469
File: 76 KB, 598x504, 1385519316163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sorta the point. "Food porn" is the idea here. It doesn't have to be fine dining, it could be anything displaying enough technique or just-jump-off-the-screen flavour that it is a bit impressive. There are 99 threads about shit you throw together (or buy) when you're stoned. Feel free to join them.

>> No.5676807

today i made slow cooker pulled pork, then fried it under the broiler to render the fat, then added abondingas al chipotle and tinga de pollo seasoning.. put that in a burrito woth grilled peppers, grilled and raw onions, ortega sauce, taco bell sauce, salsa, sour cream, refried beans, and cheese
i needed some comfort food after blue crush went away again

>> No.5676816
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>> No.5676820
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>> No.5676823
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>> No.5676829
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im done now

>> No.5676834
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Not bad looking. Needs a little more stuffing next time i think.

>> No.5676849
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>your tortillas will never be this good

>> No.5676854
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Not using flavorice as flavored ice.

>> No.5676866

>blue flavor in lemonade

Excellent combo

>> No.5676874
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Real chefery up in dis.

>> No.5676883
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>> No.5676890
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Fresh made pasta

>> No.5676897

Blue is a flavour.

>> No.5676903
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Coconut, red thai curry

>> No.5676930

Looks like cut up cloth.

>> No.5676950
File: 871 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook ice cream.

>> No.5676957

It looks like that tartare had to shit and left a trail of poo while sliding to its place.

>> No.5676970
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It does look a bit like gingham cloth...

It made pretty good raviolis.

>> No.5676974

how much machine?

>> No.5676975
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The nice big striped ones came out better though.. I was playing around wirh a new ravioli mold my wife got me... The old technique of just laying them out and cutting squaares worked better... Or maybe i was using the mold wrong..

>> No.5676993
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I think it was like $80 with 2 freezer bowls. The savings are there if you like expensive gelatto custard style ice cream.

>> No.5677005

I remember using some $5000 Italian machine at college.
It rarely made anything as good looking as that, maybe it was their recipe.

>> No.5677019
File: 381 KB, 1403x1293, IMAG0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest part is making a custard, but with some practice its doable shitface drunk

>> No.5677025

Yeah, I remember it was a bit grainy, would straining it a couple of times fix that or?

>> No.5677035

Not ice cream dude... But... Protip:

A shot of high quality vodka, aded to the icecream, will make it stay soft in the freezer for a couple weeks. (High quality so you can't taste it)

A tsp of guar gum will also help it to stop from freezing up, and also help it from not crystalizing, or freezer burning.

I have tried both and prefer the vodka method, i ahve not tried both at the same time.

I know it sounds crazy, i discovered this by acident while trying to make orange chocolate gelato. I added mandarin orange vodka and discovored that the texture was improved and it didn't freeze up for several weeks. Happy accidnet.

>> No.5677067
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The recipe I have says to strain it with a fine mesh. Since I don't own a mesh strainer and am too cheap to buy one, i've never done it. I hurried the custard and got a grainy result one time. But basically if you're slow and temper the custard right, you shouldn't have any grainy texture.

My ice cream has never gotten past 1 week. While it can get too hard, you just have to let it sit for 5 mins. Most commercial ice creams have stabilizers in them to prevent melting when taken out for more than 5 mins.

The vodka lowers the freezing point by a lot even in small quantities. For beginners I wouldn't recommend it because it makes the churning part take too long and easier to fuck it up. Besides, if you're tasting real quality ice cream, do something simple and it'll still impress the people eating it.

Eggs, milk, cream, sugar, salt, vanilla. And a bowl of ice.

>> No.5677133

Why the fuck have we had a chicken galantine bollotine thread and no one has posted this awesome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAekQ5fzfGM

>> No.5677167

Whenever I've had a stressful day I just watch a bunch of pepin videos. puts me in such a happy place.

>> No.5677847
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Radish, cress, croutes, and liver parfait? Looks god-tier regardless. >>5676816 is obviously beautiful, but doesn't jiggle my jimmies like that other one.


This is all I was hoping for when I made this thread. Nice work /ck/

Purple is a fruit.