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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 595x335, recordcatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5674947 No.5674947 [Reply] [Original]

Objectively speaking. Seafood is the best food in the world.

>> No.5674953

I don't like seafood, crustacea, or any fish I have to structurally disassemble put in my mouth.

Come at me.

>> No.5674960

What ? You don't have to eat the shell. You can take it off before you cooking, and not every fish is bony.

>> No.5674973
File: 64 KB, 726x643, xfiles5-ga01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating the shell

does mommy still cut the crusts off your bread too?

>> No.5674977

Why? Do you like the "processed" prawns without shell?

>> No.5674991
File: 38 KB, 600x450, 5fa25d28[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest thing about seafood is that you can learn to fish and catch and eat something that is not readily available on any chain market in the country.

1. It's fresher than grocery store fish
2. It tastes better because its fresher and because wild fish are leaner in fat content
3. Often healthier as wild fish are much higher in Omega-3 acids as well as minerals based on the water content.

There's also the part where you get to say you eat exclusive meat that is as fresh as possible and tastes amazing compared to super market fish that is usually refrozen several times and often comes from farms.

Why haven't you learned to fish yet /ck/?

>> No.5674994
File: 82 KB, 700x564, big-crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy eating sea spiders that way if a spider kills me I will die knowing that I took as many of them down with me as I could.

>> No.5674995

>implying fishing is something you have to learn instead of just getting some equipment and tossing a line out

you're not special

also the reason I don't fish where I live now is that the waters aren't exactly clean. old chinese people and illegal immigrants from latin america do it but their bodies are full of fucked up poisons.

>> No.5675000
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git gud nigger

>> No.5675003

If I had a nickel for every weekend warrior who thought they could catch something by throwing a bobber rig out and letting it sit for hours at a time I would probably have a few tenners in my pocket, let me tell you.

Fishing is 90% being the right spot, 10% having the right gear. Being in the right spot is what takes knowledge and skill

>> No.5675008



this is only if you're interested. if you don't care, forget about it. peace.

>> No.5675017

that's some straight up fringe shit m8.

You know how I know that its fringe? Because diabetics aren't diabetics because they ate too much fish


>> No.5675043

op, you are obfuscating objective and subjectice

>> No.5675048


This is literally the wrong word.

>> No.5675090

I feel sorry for the thesaurus you raped

>> No.5675113


simplistic burger guy, is that you?

>> No.5675116


no, i won't go outside.

>> No.5675120


>> No.5675173

speak it nigga

i have a freezer full of a whole range of freshwater fish I've caught myself. I catch way more at one time that I can eat, so I put the rest in the freezer.

Salmon, trout, walleye, bluegill, yellow perch...mhmmmhmhmm

>> No.5675175

>all that freshwater fish

>> No.5675246



>> No.5675252

>10% having the right gear
>90% luck

>> No.5675256

>implying oceans aren't essentially the world's landfill

>> No.5675261

>implying inland lakes are cleaner than the ocean
>implying walleye is even seafood

>> No.5675282


dead oceans 2k14

>> No.5675292

where I live the lakes are clean because there is practically no human development

stay mad m8

>> No.5675300

I'm being dragged out to a sushi place for dinner tonight. Never been into japanese food but I know I like salmon, crab and scallops. What do to not embarass myself?

>> No.5675303

Order salmon, crab and scallop and maybe try something similar to see if you can find something else you'd also like?

>> No.5675306

Honestly, just go in with an open mind, and a willingness to try something new.

If it's a good sushi place, you'll be surprised as to what you can actually like.

Other than that, stick to salmon and crab, obviously.

>> No.5675312

Ask if they can cook the fish for you. Oh and ask for plastic gloves, eating with chopsticks is hard.

>> No.5675314

depends on the sushi place.

if it's all-you-can-eat or you see more than a few white staff, don't even worry about it.

if it's a proper sushi place then also don't worry about it. there are some basic table manners to follow but your friends should stop you when you're about to do something gauche.

>> No.5675378

>mfw shitty neighborhood sushi joints hire random Asians
>mfw morimoto has plenty of non asians

Your opinion is quaint

>> No.5675397

Just because the water is clear doesn't make it clean

Ever heard of a thing called rain?

>> No.5675402

Sure, if you like mercury.

>> No.5675458

>AMAZING FACT: Healthy things are unhealthy
Get your misinformation shaman shit out of here, cunt.

>> No.5675465

I bet you weight 7 tons

>> No.5677174
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I see you also are a fan of fish markets,

>> No.5677181

A my work we sell organic trout.
I'm like whatmuthafucka! how does a trout be organic?

>> No.5677186
File: 365 KB, 1200x1200, 1405311088909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not a faggot this time

definitely agree