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File: 9 KB, 296x163, larceny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5664559 No.5664559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Having some of pic related right now, really good at it's price point. Also working on a bottle of Craigellachie 16yr.

What are you:

>> No.5664562

Nothing anymore.

I work for a living.

>> No.5664575

I think you're looking for the alcoholics thread

>> No.5664594

link me pls

>> No.5664608

I'm drinking the Glenlivet 12 at the moment.
It's alright, I might buy it again as an anytime whiskey or maybe the fifteen. Also dewars white label, mainly for cooking.
I'm wanting some Ardbeg, but who doesn't want/have some Ardbeg.

>> No.5664647

>Wild Turkey Rye 101
>Nothing right now
>dunno why, but baby Sazerac

>> No.5664668

A rye man, mah nigga.
Get your hands on some whistlepig, you wont be disappointed

>> No.5665158


Have never had Craigellachie, not available where I live. I honestly find Ardbeg to be less interesting than most Islay malts, I'd rather go for Caol Ila or Laphroaig.

>> No.5665243

SO what am I supposed to look for in a whiskey? I drink it with coke and mineral water and lime but I get the feeling that's wrong.

I drank some Red Label and it tasted like fire.

>> No.5666283

If you drink it like that, whatever is cheapest. Your own palate will dictate what you want, you just need to become familiar with some styles.

>> No.5666329

Just ran out of my jack daniels. Got some E&J brandy leftover.
I'm just like >>5665243, only just past 21 years old. I don't really care much for beers/ale so I buy stuff like whiskey, vodka, and brandy. Don't know what to get next

>> No.5666332
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Changed from whiskey to rum, just bought a sample size of pic related. I never into rum before so not sure what to expect.

>> No.5666335

Red Label sucks pretty hard. Cheap ass regular Canadian Club works great as a non offensive whiskey in a mixer.

I used to drink whiskey cokes, but I realized the sweetness doesn't actually help it go down easier. Tonic water because it's slightly bitter is my favorite if I'm going to mix almost anything. Like if you've ever tried gin an tonics they are popular cause they go down like water.

>> No.5666336

The mods deleted the last one for some damn reason so there isn't one.

>> No.5666341

haig&haig dimple

a couple summers ago I had some of my grandfather's 1950's dimple that he's been stashing forever. so tawny, i could taste it for days. never forget.

>> No.5666351

it was actually "pinch" not sure about how those differ

>> No.5667323

laphroaig quarter cask

wanting george t stagg

>> No.5667379

I'm a liquorstore fag, and we sell an asston of that shit. Not to bad, and decent price. Would recomend.

>> No.5667453

damn, i'd but that just for the bottle

>> No.5667467

I didnt drink it in the end. A lot of their products get really good reviews though so im expecting a lot. Apparently their Absinthe is good stuff, but damn expensive

>> No.5667480

where did you find it?

>> No.5667491

I've kind of been hesitant to jump into Islay malts with Laphroaig, it seems very hyped up.

>> No.5667495


If youre in UK then that site is really good. If youre in US or else where, i imagine the postage would be crazy

>> No.5667506

>Islay malts

Almost all whiskey drinkers seem to love Islay, and i just dont get it. I havent tried many to be fair, but I find the smoke and peat far too overwhelming. Current bottle is Speyside and I find it much more enjoyable

>> No.5667518

that's why I say jumping in, I've only really started enjoying my whisky recently, and I've been drinking Speyside.

>> No.5667527

All scotch is hyped up. Convincing people that it was superior to Irish whiskey was the work of the english as an attempt to eradicate the Irish. No, I don't care about "dat peatiness". Tasting like smoldering dirt is not a good thing.

>> No.5667533

i get 1L of larceny for 23.99

love it

>> No.5667535
File: 139 KB, 882x1000, Nov12-Glendronach15-Revival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current bottle. Really good, and not too expensive at £40/$65

>> No.5667575

>drinking a sample of glenmorangie 10
>wanting balcones brimstone
>stashing black maple hill '13

>> No.5667604

Fucking Australia.

>> No.5667674


This man has good taste. I've got the remainder of my 18 year glendronach allardice. In my top scotches I've had.

>> No.5667729

If anyone is near a Sam's club I suggest you go check out the American Whiskey promo they have in stores atm, it's sponsored by the travel channel I think and the prices are good as hell. I picked up a bottle of Larceny like in OP for $16.99 and some Woodford Reserve for $23.99. There were atleast 30 different brands, bourbon and rye included. This is in socal btw.

>> No.5667739

sam's club prices vary greatly by region. thanks for the heads up tho.

>> No.5667772
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Seems like everyone that has mentioned this so far has liked it. bretty good

>> No.5667830
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>tfw I'll be 30 by the time my barrel of makers is ready.

>> No.5667834

onyx white whiskey

I have their last bottle of apple shine sitting here but not drinking it yet

>> No.5667947

what a surprise, that's the only shit you drink.

>> No.5668023

I used to drink a bunch of stuff for years at a time

first was jim beam then, kettle one then, jager, absinthe then, bacardi razz

now I drink a couple types of shine and don't see an end

>> No.5668304
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What is the worst feeling in the world and why is it being out of whiskey?

>> No.5668522

>Trader Joe's Blended Scotch Whisky
It works for now.

>Laphroaig 18 yr.
Had it at a whisky tasting event last year. Can't seem to find it when I have the money.

I'm saving it for when I have company over, you know, people I actually like.

>> No.5668717

Jameson, nothing special

Highland Park 12yrs

Auchentoshan Springwood

>> No.5668764
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Hakushuu 12, because it's the first Jap whisky to suit my palate.

Hakushuu 18, because it's apparently a little smokier.


>> No.5668801

pour every bottle into a glass, you will get a weird sip.

>> No.5668813
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>Drinking: Red Stag

I just can't seem to bring myself to buy any of the $60+ bottles and always revert back to just picking up 2-3 bottles of the same old

I feel like I would really like the laphroaig varieties and such but my innate sense of cheapness is too strong

>> No.5668817

How much does the Quarter Cask go for in your neck of the woods?
It's one of the cheaper options round my way, and I've fallen heavily for it.

>> No.5668824


Selection is limited here. We only got the 10, 18, 25 yrs bottles and cheapest is $65. Then again I live in NY,

>> No.5668828

how can you even buy evan williams?

>> No.5668853

Glenlivet 18 years, its my first and only whiskey at the moment
a cheaper, less fancy whiskey that i can enjoy at any time

>> No.5668860

>tfw red stag black cherry in dr. pepper
Not anything worth drinking to excess, but a glass or two is delicious

>> No.5668880


Are you saying you can't find quarter cask in NY? You must mean upstate and not the city, because QC is easy to find here

>> No.5668882
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You do realize you're part of the problem you have a shitty selection, right?
Why would your bottle-o bother to stock something out of the ordinary when he's got a guaranteed income for regular stuff from cheapskates like you?
Do your palate a favour and pick up something different next time, anon.

>> No.5668894

yo, you can order liquor online.

hope this helps!

>> No.5669016
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>> No.5669080

I live upstate and finding Quarter Cask is a piece of piss.

>> No.5669104

I swap between Lagavulin 16 when i'm loaded, and Laphroaig Quarter Cask when i'm not. I would like to experiment more, but the good shit is just too expensive to mess around with.

Or If i'm just getting wasted i'll get a bottle of Famous Grouse or Captain Morgan and some coke.

>> No.5669106

>Japanese Whisky
Fucking weaboo hipsters.

>> No.5669110

Glenlivet 12 is the most cheap entry level generic Scotch that's socially acceptable to drink. Just get that.

>> No.5669130
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Bought these two for stashing.

I've stopped buying until my stash is thinned out.

>> No.5669202

It tastes fucking amazing. Really high quality most of it.

I got a bottle of Yamazaki 18 myself, and it's better than Highland Park 18 by a long shot.

>> No.5669206

>Youll never have a collection like Ralfy


>> No.5669211

I got around 40 bottles of single malt and I thought it was getting to be too much....

Ralfy has fucking storage sheds filled with bottles. It's insane.

>> No.5669305
File: 30 KB, 225x540, rittenhouse100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just got a bottle of Rittenhouse 100 Rye, first rye I tried. It's really good stuff, I get a lot of caramel / brown sugar and spicy wood. Very tasty.
Alternatively Aberlour 12 NCF, my favorite Scotch right now.


Redbreast 21, but that one's too expensive right now. Redbreast 12 Cask Strength or Yellow Spot are a bit more realistic.


Nothing, I buy to drink.

>> No.5669339

>Lagavuling 16yo
>Sullivan's Cove

>> No.5669341

How's the quarter cask?
I've only had the 10yo

>> No.5669351

Shit nigga, I can't drink Jap whisky. I've tried to at tastings, but there's something about those flavours.

>> No.5669378

It's much better than the 10yo

>> No.5669391

Well there goes my next paycheck

>> No.5669405

I think it's better but not in a gigantic way. Not worth the price difference from the 10 to me.

A place near me now has Lagavulin for about $60 which is the cheapest I've seen yet, but still, fuck.

>> No.5669409
File: 637 KB, 742x833, OlPulteney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about malt whiskys. I've had plenty of bourbons and ryes, but never really got into Scotch because I bought a bottle of Cutty Sark, and it was literally the worst thing I've ever tried.

I bought a bottle of pic related last week as my first single malt. I really enjoyed it the first day I had it, and drank about 2/3rds of it neat. The next day I went to kill it but it really lost a lot of the malty flavour, and was very reminiscent of Cutty.

Is this normal for a whisky to taste so different after just a day open? I tried to add some water, since that's apparently what some people do, but all it did was give me more shitty whisky to drink.

>> No.5669416

I got a bottle of glenlivet 12 yr old and gonna have some later.....do you suggest straight, on ice what?

>> No.5669421

i think you chose the wrong image

hope this helps!

>> No.5669422

However you want, assuming you aren't dumping soda in it.

Though I personally found glenlivet 12 kinda gross.

>> No.5669423

Depends on the whisky. In general, it will go 'stale' with prolonged contact to open air. Keep the bottle corked, if you're gonna leave the bottle with a significant amount of air in it for a while, pour it into a smaller vessel.

I haven't had the same issue you have, but I have left a bottle open for a few days and rendered it undrinkable (i.e. bring to houseparty and give it to hipster faggots who'll desperately try to 'critique' it)

>> No.5669430

For the first time, try it neat, at room temperature. Add a teaspoon or two of water and leave it to open up if necessary.

>> No.5669434

Lagavulin 16 used to be the best Scotch in the world and well worth the price, not had it for a while but there have been suggestions recent bottlings aren't quite as good.

>> No.5669436

Thanks for the advice

>> No.5669438

It may be due to the fact that youre putting back a bottle of scotch every two days and thats affecting your palate, rather than the quality of the scotch. Just a thought

>> No.5669440

Glenlivet is the lowest level of single malt that you can drink straight and enjoy. It's completely unremarkable in every way, but it is not unpleasant.

>> No.5669447

That's what I've heard. I know it's good, I've had it, but I'm not so sure it's worth it right now.

I can get a Laphroaig 10 for about half the price of Lagavulin 16, and while it isn't as good, it's good/cheap enough that I tend not to regret buying it.

>> No.5669463

That's what I figured. Maybe I just didn't cork it well in my stupor.

Also, as an entry level Scotch boy, is there any other good very malty whiskys anyone can recommend? I got a bottle of Stranahan's Colorado whisky a while back which was fantastically malty and I'd be interested in anything similar (assuming anyone here has ever even tried it).

>> No.5669470

I started off with Speyside, Highland and Irish whiskeys. Haven't been into it that long. Its better to buy one nice bottle and savour it than 3 shitty ones.

>Highland Park
>Bushmills 16yo
>Auchentoshen Triple Wood
were the buys I remember

>> No.5669476

How are you drinking so much at once anyway? Are you an alcohol? A tasty whisky can go down fast but that much at once seems like a waste.

>> No.5669517

That is not how you drink single malt.

>> No.5669640

>george t stagg

>> No.5669658

I guess I should clarify that I drank that over the course of an afternoon/evening, probably about 5 or 6 hours. I hadn't bought a bottle of liquor in about 6 months, so I figured I could treat myself to something a little higher quality.

Sorry I didn't hoard it for 2 years like you proper Scotch gentlemen.

>> No.5669662

Nobody should drink that much in a day or two.

You might be an alcoholic. I am being completely sincere with that statement.

>> No.5669668
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>> No.5669669

its looking pretty good but i found a bottle of Glenfiddich rich oak 14 years, its almost half the price for the same amount.
im unemployed so i dont know if i should invest in taste

>> No.5669678

Either you completely lack self control, or you are an alcoholic or both.

Also, if drinking a 46% alcohol whisky neat, your taste-buds will be numbed after a glass or two. Everything after that will be wasted on you.

Don't drink that much. It's just wrong in every way.

>> No.5669684


Bulleit is fucking crap.

>> No.5669692

The bourbon isn't anything special. The rye is good.

>> No.5670018

Good tastes, friend.

>> No.5670122
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Drinking Watkins Select
Wanting Chivas 18
Stashing Chivas 25

>> No.5670175

Bird dog peach is pretty amazing and usually 15-20

Don't get the other favors, peach knocks it outta tha park

>> No.5670253

>Sorry I didn't hoard it for 2 years like you proper Scotch gentlemen

Don't be a faggot, faggot.

>> No.5670339

Woodford reserve
Redbreast 12
23 yo bowmore murray mcdavid chateau latour finish

>> No.5670352

Glenlivet 18 yo is actually a very good whisky and kind of affordable, too.

>> No.5670367

i have a bottle of eagle rare 10 yo open for over a year now and i think it got even better. but some are undrinkable after like 6 months

>> No.5670378

>Redbreast 12

Definitely worth the money! Although I really want to try the Cask Strength.

>> No.5670657
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one of those days m8

>> No.5670974

shit nigga thats a lot of fingers

>> No.5670981


That looks like an average night in a business hotel for me

I make it a point to pick up a bottle on my first night, it's a lot cheaper than going to bars since I'm not allowed to expense that

>> No.5671043

Wild Turkey 101

I've had this fifth for what seems like years... Only drank a little just now because I saw this thread.

>> No.5671074

wild turkey 101 is some good shit, shame on you.

>> No.5671077

I don't drink that much at all. It is good, but I don't want to be drunk.

>> No.5671294
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>but I don't want to be drunk.

>> No.5671687

God fucking damnit /ck/ I've been clean from whisky for 3 months now and I see this thread in the catalogue.

Here's a life lesson- don't get into the habit of drinking half a bottle of single malt a night. It is probably more expensive than heroin

>> No.5671709

right now drinking Jim Beam honey whiskey mixed with sweetened iced tea

It's a step up from the store brand stuff that labels itself "premium" and has names like "Heritage" and "Prestige" but not much of one

it sucks being a poor alcoholic

>> No.5671744

>poor alcoholic
>jim beam honey
>mixed with sweet ice tea


until you are drinking exclusively box wine and the foulest bottom shelf vodka you can barely stomach, you're not poor, and you're probably not an alcoholic.

>> No.5671772


I've learned that lesson as well. I had to switch to Vodka, but it got to the point where I was drinking half a gallon of the stuff a day and I was in a constant alcoholic stupor. I guzzle Vodka down like an idiot, but Whiskey I can enjoy at a relaxed pace since I actually enjoy the aroma and flavor; I still drink a ton of it, but nowhere near half a gallon. I find that drinking a 750ml bottle in two sessions is right where I feel comfortable.

>> No.5671813

>jim beam honey
>SWEETENED iced tea

how does it feel having a babby palate, also trying to be cool acting like an alocoholic

>> No.5671817

Sazerac 18, pretty glorious.

>> No.5671821
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forgot pic

>> No.5671945

Need to get some booze in at the weekend. I was thinking of giving Laphroaig a rest and trying something else. Was thinking either Ardbeg 10 or giving one of the lesser known softer Islays ago Bunnahabhain 12 perhaps, tried Bowmore.

>> No.5671952

I've never tried the bowmore, how is it?

Right now, when ever I wanna give shit a rest, I try out some of the local whiskies. Its actually pretty good these days.

>> No.5671953

There's a reason the big 3 are the most famous. There's nothing wrong with the rest of them, they're just a bit boring at their younger expressions.

>> No.5671957

Doesn't really compare, but it's still a solid whisky and cheap too.

>> No.5672059
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What are your locals, and what are your impressions, anon?

>> No.5672101
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>tfw Scottish but don't drink
>tfw everyone else you know is borderline alcoholic

>> No.5672132


The only bowmore with merit is the 15 and even it's not good to drink neat. It's all sherry cask and smoke, big on texture, but no substance to back it up.

It's awesome for cocktails though because these characteristics stand up great even when chilled and diluted. If I was drinking massive quantities of liquor like I used to, I'd makes sure to always have a bottle around for this, but I had to cut back and I don't keep much liquor anymore.

The other bowmores are completely worthless.

>> No.5672138

>tfw im stashing a 23 yo bowmore with red wine finish from murray mcdavid

>> No.5672253

Good choice in bottled water.

Damn those Englishmen! Spread the word, brother. I <3 you.

I myself will take the hit and drink that swill for everyone else's sake.

>> No.5672257

I liked the basic Bowmore.

Bunhabbain tastes like vomit to me, seriously. Comes on with a strong horrible medicinal taste, then VOMIT, then a sweet aftertaste. I've seen other people post the same here on /ck/.

>> No.5672261

But some people say similar things about Laphroaig. Those people are objectively wrong and should be shot.

>> No.5672266
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There aren't enough fedoras in the world for me to tip in your general direction, good sir. Truly these people were all born in the right decade. They don't make 'em like they used to.

>> No.5672332

Why do you consider Glenlivet bottled water?

>> No.5672355

rebel yell lol
The tim smith moonshine. I work in a bigger liquor store and we sampled some. He's doing a signing at work today and I'm getting a bottle. Really good stuff actually.
Pappy 20

>> No.5672358

Because it is?

Not even that guy

>> No.5672376

I-It tastes like whisky to me ;_;

>> No.5672380

Just Aussie whiskys. Worth a try, there's some ok stuff, and its a bit different. Your wallet will curl up and die though.

>> No.5672381

There's a whisky and a water

The water is marketed to scotch neckbeards

>> No.5672397

Do you mean that it has no flavour?

>> No.5672418

It tastes like mineral water. Not distilled

Just Google Glenlivet water, some liquor stores carry it

>> No.5672445

>people say similar things about Laphroaig
Do you mean "tastes like vomit"? Because I'm not just saying that, I mean that Bunhabbain literally has three separate bursts of flavor when I take a sip, and that the middle flavor is literally the flavor of a mouthful of stomach acid. Not "gee that tastes like crap" or "totally barfalicious, man", but medicinal-vomit-sweet.

I've heard Laphroaig described as peaty, or smoky, or awful, but I have never heard anyone say it tasted like they had just thrown up.

BTW, by "medicinal", I mean like Talisker, or like a mouthful of Listerine. Alcohol burn overwhelming all other flavors.

>> No.5672447

It was a joke someone posted here a while ago.

That said, I find Glenlivet to be pretty bland.

>> No.5672448

>Aussie whiskys
Australians make their own whisky? Out of what, eucalyptus leaves??

>> No.5672489

Been drinking some Ardbeg and some Laphroaig PX which is pretty nice too

>> No.5672524

Not having any whiskey. Though I wouldn't mind a bottle of decent stuff.

Got honey wine/mead in crappy bottles, including plastic ones - looks poor and suspicious as fuck but is actually quality shit as it's not bought nor faked with sugar and bad quality diluted honey but made by family who are beekeepers using their own good stuff.

Also, got some multifruit simple wine from them and ancient, small flash of Czech palenka.

>> No.5672527

>not having whisky
GTFO, what are you even doing he-
>got decent mead
Alright, you may stay. You're excused this time. Just don't derail.

>> No.5672532

It was eight dollars off. Three bucks more than the store shit. I usually go for bottom shelf store whiskey anyway.

Feels drunk man. That shit tastes nasty. Slightly syrupy with a strong burn that makes me want to vomit. I was drinking it to get inebriated, not because it's a refined drink.

>> No.5672625

The industry's actually going through a mini boom, courtesy of all the hipsters and good reviews

>> No.5672679


In my area the hipster crowd has latched on to the craft beer scene. When I started drinking it I was surrounded by friendly, middle-aged alcoholics who were very welcoming and just great to be around. Now it has turned into a cesspool of obnoxious urbanite shit heads who want to let the world know how much better their taste in beer is. Any time I try to talk to one of these idiots they either ask what the rarest beer I've ever had it so they can tell me they've had one even more rare or they don't stop badmouthing cheaper beers.

I'm kind of wondering what is going to happen to these breweries that are spending millions and millions of dollars on expansions. Sure their beer is becoming more and more popular, but I think once the trendiness of it wears off how many people will stop drinking it because they have to latch onto the next hottest trend?

>> No.5672696


I used to think that people on 4chan who were in to craft beer didnt exist irl. But recently my dad has become GM of a craft beer pub. Its a pretty cool place, has 24 beers/ales on draft as well as a shop attached with 400+ varieties.

What ruins the place is the staff. These hipsters who refuse to just enjoy a beer. Every time they sip their beer, they have to do a full inspection of the colour, the smell, the way it looks and then talk about 'muh hops' and 'dat IPA'. As if its changed from when you took a sip 30 seconds ago. Its impossible to just sit and have a drink and a conversation with these guys. Craft ale snobs are far worse than wine or whiskey snobs

>> No.5672791

Does anyone have good suggestions for simple whisky or bourbon cocktails to make at home? I usually drink neat, but sometimes I just want to sip on something a bit neater, and I don't exactly have all of the ingredients or tools to make myself proper cocktails.

>> No.5672813

Sip on something a bit weaker, I mean.

>> No.5672855

Grab you some makers and ale8one(if you're a kyfag). Any other ginger ale will work. You could go for a mint julep too. They're nice and not too overly convoluted.


I know. It's a good intro bourbon, though.

>> No.5672918

again, i dont understand why anyone who can have booze delivered to their doorstep would ever fucking complain about a limited selection

>> No.5673006

"It's bad because I say so" nah smoldering campfire and band aids with salt is exactly what I like in a scotch. Laphroig is like water to me now.

>> No.5673019

Top tier cocktails for bourbon are Manhattan and Old Fashioned. Stick to the classics

>> No.5673030

I like Islay because it doesn't really taste like anything else. Of course unique does not necessarily imply good, but you know what I mean. The smoke-imbued peaty spice is both unique and tasty, to me. I've always liked "bold" flavors and smokey things in general, so I'm quite happy with it, but I completely understand why someone might not want to drink something that tastes like smoked plant water.

>> No.5673048

Nothing, I'm out of town for a month on work and I forgot to bring a bottle...
Talisker 10, Auchentoshan Valinch, Glenfarclas 105, Nikka from the Barrel, Black Bottle, Islay Mist, Black Grouse, Drambuie, Black Velvet Toasted Caramel, bit of Teacher's Highland Cream left as well.

>> No.5673053

buy Black Bottle if you can get it, pretty cheap and tastes decent.

>> No.5673096

What are people's thoughts on Black Label? Other people I've talked to really seem to like it but it always just seemed way too smokey for me more than anything else. It felt like drinking a cigar.

>> No.5673120

In my area it has basically replaced macros. I'm not even sure I can remember anyone in the grocery checkout with a macro, not for many years. It's not at all a hipster thing, more like the change from iceberg lettuce to "anything but iceberg" in restaurant salads over the past 25 years.

The change I see next is Americans getting reacquainted with wine. It's being driven by urbanites and the internet, but I travel a lot for work and in the last five years even culturally deprived areas are getting better wine lists in the restaurants.

>> No.5673154

Never actually gotten it because a single malt isn't much more expensive.

I do like smoke though, so maybe I should.

>> No.5673241

its decent stuff. very drinkable and uncomplicated. light to medium peated.

>> No.5674526

Stockpile 16 year old Nàdurra, it's cask strength at over 52% so you get quite a bit more alcohol per bottle than the standard bottlings, if you're up to cutting your drams with bottled water or the like. The oil in it that isn't filtered out is also quite tasty and flavorful. I can't believe they'd filter it out just because it fogs up the whisky.

>> No.5674540

>drinking some Maker's Mark that my friend left here
>wanting nothing. I'm fine with Maker's Mark
>stashing a bottle of Blue Label from my birthday

>> No.5674614

The Kilchoman Machir Bay is one of the finest Islays I've ever drunk

>> No.5674650
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J&B and ginger ale tonight because reasons

>> No.5674677

> 'muh hops' and 'dat IPA'

Fucking this.
I was ecstatic when my small local bottle-o finally got itself a craft section, but 95% of the stock is IPAs with increasingly ridiculous claims about their ferocious hoppiness.
I won't lie that some of them haven't been good, but it's so fucking gimmicky that, like >>5672679 , I wonder how quickly the bullshit fad will die out.

>Just Aussie whiskys. Worth a try, there's some ok stuff, and its a bit different. Your wallet will curl up and die though.

Sullivan's Cove got my interest, but I don't know if I want to go to the trouble of importing it.
Have you given that a shot?

>> No.5675380

>using bourbon in a manhattan

>> No.5675403

Why not?

>> No.5675425

Rye is the original in a manhattan. It is also far superior in a manhattan than a bourbon. But I would say a 100 proof or more bourbon is acceptable.

>> No.5675464

Mackmyra Bruks right now, it's okay for a chepie
Dad's going to Thailand this fall, I asked him to bring me home some nice local one, what am I to expect?

>> No.5675504


Is your dad a jerk? Just hope he doesn't get something from a seedy street vendor with a dick or a fetus floating in it.

>> No.5675552

Take this into consideration:
The key to a Manhattan is the 2 drops of bitters at the end. Bourbon is made from corn, which is sweet. So the sweetness of the corn should balance well with the bitters no? Rye is a bit dryer. So you could theorize that depending on how sweet your vermouth is, is what type of whiskey you use.

>> No.5675588

Of course, a manhattan is nothing without bitters. You need a lot of bitter dashes to balance out the sweetness of bourbon, but you can't really "remove" the sweetness from bourbon. I'd rather highlight the aromas and notes in the spirit in another cocktail. Bourbon is good in a lot of cocktails, but it makes a weak manhattan - all my opinion of course. I generally just prefer rye, rye is perfect in cocktails because it isn't as sweet as bourbon.

>> No.5675603

fair enough.

>> No.5675608
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It's like suckling the devils sweet spicy nips

>> No.5675641

I've already got one of that sort from my grandfather, it's rice-based and with a full snake tucked in it.

>> No.5675660

anyone here who tried the jim beam rye? I heard it was a good rye despite the low price

>> No.5675663

I think it's pretty meh. I've heard that Old Overholt and JB rye is basically the same.

>> No.5675768

Same, I heard when they bought Old Overholt they ditched the old mash and use Beam's recipe for both brands.

>> No.5675817

not whisky, but Bombay Sapphire East. That black pepper.
A good rye whiskey
Laphroaig Cask Strength.

>> No.5675875

Wish I could find some OGD 114

>> No.5676113

goddamn im thirsty

>> No.5676181

i always leave myself about 3 shots in the bottle before the end of the night for the next day. it will tide you over till you can get back from the liquor store.

>> No.5676221
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TGIF, anon

>> No.5676231

and it's gone. to the liquor store. do you chat with your daily alcohol dealer? or do you just go through the motions?

>> No.5676240

>liquorstorefag again
If you are gonna chat with the dude jocking the register have something interesting.
If your really enthusiastic about what you drink he'll be glad to help. If you talk about the weather I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.5676257

imma save this tip in the farthest corner of my brain and every time I buy booze I am going to think about this. Thanks anon. Cheers :)

>> No.5676264

That's me in a few years but with a laptop on my lap browsing /ck/

>> No.5676309

oh i wasnt asking for tips. i worked at the most profilic liquor store in an SEC college town many moons ago.

>> No.5676313

and of course i meant prolific but the booze

>> No.5676335

20 is definitely the worst age to be in the US. So close yet so far to 21. I just want to be able to drink good alcohol and not rely on my friends who are 6 months older than me but have no taste in alcohol.\

That being said, I am excited to get into whiskey, but I also want to get into wine and then work my way into fortified wines and Brandy. If I developed my palette through Wine, would it help me when it comes to Whiskey later on, or vice versa?

>> No.5676347

slow down. you've got the cart in front of the horse.
let your pallate guide you. fuck what anyone says.

>> No.5676365

I probably sounded more serious than I meant to be, I am not really looking for some sort of a guide and I am not about to follow some sort of routine where I only drink one thing, and I am not in a rush, I was just wondering, in general, if, like I said, if having a palette previously developed for x alcohol would have any effect on y alcohol. Part of me imagines that there wouldn't be much of an effect, not sure though.

Being 20 is a bit annoying, though.

>> No.5676377

none whatsoever. your tastes will guide you.

>> No.5676383

and my reply was to your "would developed x taste have any affect on future y taste"

it's nonsense. you're thinking too much.

>> No.5676400

Wasn't really stressing out about it, it was just a spur of the moment inquiry, thank you for the answers, though.

>> No.5676424

sorry. multivariables like x & y are stressors for me

>> No.5676569

i think that's everyone here at some point

here's another positive benefit from leaving a little booze for the next day: you dont get those panics associated with being out of booze. if i drink everything, i'm stumbling to the bar down the street and getting rowdy, which is fucking fun but very, very bad.

>> No.5676580

>you dont get those panics associated with being out of booze

not everyone is an alcoholic

>> No.5676594

guess those ESL classes aren't paying off. lemme help! i never said anything about alcoholics. good luck learning english!!

>> No.5676621

haha, obviously we're alcoholics you nitwit

>> No.5677137

old fashioned with woodford reserve

>> No.5677150

You're literally an idiot, and also probably an alcoholic.

>> No.5677373

Where you stashing the pappy? In your anus? Because that is where you should put it.

>> No.5677395

What rye do you use? Keep in mind that most available ryes are just over the bare minimum rye mash required.
Your rambling sounds a little misguided man, honsestly, not stirring.
A high rye bourbon with some age on it to bring out the spicier woody notes works just as well as a rye, if not better.
And its all out the door if you use a very sweet vermouth or too much.
Cocktails are all about balance, making blanket statement like 'i only use rye in my manhattans' makes you sound either closeminded or very noobish and trying to appear well versed in cocktails.
Either way you are actually wrong. It is not a matter of oppinion, you are just speaking shit.

>> No.5677412


Just bought a bottle of WhistlePig the other day after a recommendation from someone else here. I poured myself a glass and am enjoying it right now. I quite like it, but I don't know if I'd buy it again at the price. Maybe it's because I'm not used to straight rye Whiskeys.

>> No.5677438

>Currently drinking
A 40oz. Mickey's
to try more Islay's after falling in love with Ardbeg
muh ardbeg

>> No.5677624

How about some pointers on Aussie whisky, then? What's special about it, what brands are good, and so on?

>> No.5677648

>Whats special about it?

Its fucking whisky, thats what is special about it.
Doesnt matter if it scotish, australian, japanese, indian, taiwanese, german, new zealandian or fucking whateverian, its fucking awesome because its the mircacle of alcohol and a the product of a time honoured craft.

>> No.5677663


>> No.5677669

Heading into the “The Whisky Shop” to pick up a bottle later today. It's overpriced, but they really know what they're talking about, have a decent selection and the guy there always gives me a free sample of something really good because he knows I buy.
Don't know what i'm going to go for yet. Willing to spend a bit of money, but Lagavulin 16, my usual upper purchase isn't any good this bottling.

>> No.5677697
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Have - as pictured among many more..

Want - Lagavulin 12 year old Cask Strength

>> No.5677828

Why even whisky thread if you dont whisky

>> No.5677829

Rye is also made with corn

>> No.5677830

>tfw i'm already 30

>> No.5677857
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>> No.5677882

do you even rye?

>> No.5677939

>muh peatbomb

>> No.5678012

Dude, try google, maybe, just maybe, and if you are smart enough to use it, wou might learn something

>> No.5678020

drinking aberlour 12
wanting (should have bought) aberlour 15
stashing Evan Williams SB 1999

>> No.5678026

Just picked up a bottle of Laphroaig Quarter Cask and finally got a proper glencairn glass.

Came in a set with Jim Murrays whisky bible which will be helpful in buying the next and a Bowmore 12 miniature which is nothing special but drinkable stuff.

>> No.5678031

I've heard bad things about the PX cask. How is it? Not generally a fan of sherry stuff.

>> No.5678042

>Muh Islays
You cunts are so predictable. No one thinks you're cool. I don't know why you try so hard. Islays are so last week.

>> No.5678054

Dude, google says rye whisky must contain at least 51% rye and doesnt say shit about corn. maybe even you might learn something

>> No.5678826


Yeah man, love them peated, even peated speyside like Ardmore too!


Its lovely man - in my opinion. The 10 year old becomes quarter cask then the quarter cask becomes one of 3 special editions..

PX - pedro ximenez sherry casks which sweeten the peatyness of the quarter cask and give it an almost seaweedy taste - its beautiful!

Triple wood - olorosso sherry casks which isnt as sweet which still leaves in some of the peaty fire

An caun mor - oak casks which leaves in all the warmth and character but removes the fire - truly the best whisky ive ever tasted but only available in travel retail.. If you get the chance to try it DO NOT pass it up, you may never get the chance again!

>> No.5678966

who's about to have their 1st of the day?

>> No.5679015

I took a dump this morning. I can only squeeze it out between 7:30 and 9, or between 2:45 and 4. It's weird.

>> No.5679248

Fuck you are a complete spastic, not even worth trying to educate a clod like you

>> No.5679264


>> No.5679274

same here but i was talking about 1st drink of the day, sorry.

pouring #2

>> No.5679281
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Does anyone into rum? Im just trying pic related and must say its amazing. Ive only tried rum 3 or 4 times before, but this is next level. Its spicy, rich, sweet and sticky. Filling me with all types of pleasures.

>> No.5679290
File: 77 KB, 500x667, smithcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good rum is fucking god-tier.

>> No.5679297

For a 43% drink, it has no burn, just a warming sensation, and just slides down. Im pissed that I only bought a single measure taster because im going to need a bottle i think

>> No.5679303


fell in love with real rum drinks on my visit to the Bahamas.. however, I find makes for a sugary drunk and leaves a bad hangover since most rum is cheap and low quality

>> No.5679334


I just bought a bottle of WhistlePig the other day. I drank the entire bottle in a single session last night an I quite enjoyed it. I don't know if I will buy it again at that price, though.

>> No.5679347

An entire bottle? I think you might be an alcohol.

>> No.5679355

>implying good hangovers exist

just hydrate yourself, goddamn.
drink some water with your booze.

>> No.5679423


I know I'm an alcoholic and I don't care; I'm actually proud of it. Drinking a 750 of Whiskey is actually a step up from drinking half a gallon of Vodka a day of Vodka like I used to anyway. You should check out one of the alcoholic threads that show up on this board. /ck/ is full of alcoholics.

>> No.5679431


I must still be drunk. I can't even write a fucking sentence.

>> No.5679452

Why are you proud of it?

>> No.5679468


Because I hate myself and just about everything else in the world, but I have good taste in liquor. At least that's what I tell myself.

>> No.5679607

What would you recommend as an into Islay that I can get in Australia?
I'm not afraid of flavour, I'm just not sure I should drop 70 ausbux on Laphroaig as babby's first Islay when I've heard so much about it being a crazy smoke peat salt brine whisky

>> No.5679612

You could try Bowmore it's pretty tasty and is only about $50 - $60 a bottle.

>> No.5679674

Atleast you're still classy enough to use a glass, even if it's one big enough to fit half the bottle.

>> No.5679866

Talisker is pretty close to an islay and much better value in Oz than Laph

>> No.5679892


>not too expensive

Holy fuck. I just get a $20-$30 bottle of rye whiskey and mix with water.

I like knob creek or old overholt

>> No.5680347

I agree with this. Talisker gets overlooked but it's good stuff and very good value.

Anyone tried the Laphroaig 18? Thinking of picking up a bottle for Christmas. Need something a bit more special than QC.

>> No.5680511

i don't think i'm even allowed to order liquor to my state.

>> No.5680536

As a scot I find your comment grossly offensive.

>> No.5680582

>Rye needs to be, as noted, 51% rye. The remaining 49% includes other grains. Usually, those grains include corn, wheat, malted rye, and malted barley, in any combination.

learn fucking reading comprehension you moron. "usually" doesnt mean it has to be. bulleit rye for example is rye which doesnt have any corn.

>> No.5680602
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>No, I don't care about "dat peatiness"

peatbomb whiskies like lafroog are from islay, they are not representative of scotch in its entirety.

my favourites are the lowland whiskies, they're more like brandy than smouldering dirt.

>> No.5680636

>arguing about taste
just leave him be with his ignorance. his soul cant be saved.

>> No.5680843

With that attitude, you may as well just drink vodka slash.

>> No.5680925

surprisingly not hungover!

>> No.5681802

and now i've been drunk since 1pm

>> No.5681848

I kind of meant quality-price ratio, its good value. But also I dont drink very much scotch, so I guess its not that expensive considering how long it take me to drink

>> No.5681912

>Laphroaig seems very hyped up
It's very nice, but not for beginners to whisky. It's got a really complicated flavor that repays drinking slowly, without anything else and with concentration on just that. It's a afficionado's drink, and so commands a high price.

Most people (90%?) prefer something sweeter and less intense, especially when starting their whisky-drinking habit. Don't feel bad about that. Better to have something that you like than struggling to try to like something that someone else informs you is the "finest".

>> No.5682135

how is this? is it good? hows it taste?

>> No.5682141

It was cheap until le classy fedora internet team hyped it to hell a few years ago.

In the late 2000s it was $35 in my area, now it's like $50

Fuck you neckbeards

>> No.5682195


The same thing happened with beer in my area. I can't even get many of the beers I want any more because the stores in the areas filled with anti-scene shit-headed urbanites are paying off the distributors and marking up the prices on the bottles because those idiots will pay for it because they want to brag how much better their taste in beer is. So I can't get something I genuinely enjoy because I don't want to drive an hour to get it and pay mark-up for it at a store that is illegally paying a company for just to make profit and to reel in customers.

>> No.5682204
File: 13 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTcyMDgyMDYzMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzA5NTc0MDE@._V1_SY317_CR14,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MD 20/20, Green Flavor. Had 3, on my fourth bottle right now.

>> No.5682215

so, If anyone that knows beers is around, Apparently I hate low fermentation lagers, because that's all they drink around here, and they all taste like water for me. What kind of beer should I drink, considering I like all kinds of wine, rum, whisky and don't like vodka that much?

>> No.5682222

good, get the single barrel at 60% abv it's even better.

>> No.5682230

who is that handsome young man?

>> No.5682241

in the clutches of addiction huh?

>> No.5682251


Where do you live? I can probably recommend something from a local brewery.

>> No.5682261

Addiction is something tryhards make themselves become to feel special once they go to AA Meetings and circlejerk with other former "addicts" in their friendship clubs while some organization reminds them that rehab is the only way to absolve yourself, lest people forget that they don't have to be weak willed pansies and suddenly rehab centers are put out of a job.

>> No.5682271

well I don't think you would know any breweries around Minas Gerais, Huehuehuenistan or would you?

>> No.5682279

Right, because alcohol withdrawal totally can't kill you

>> No.5682354


I would recommend trying out some Barleywines for their sweet, rich flavors, higher alcohol content and strong bodies (Sierra Nevada Bigfoot, Great Divide Old Ruffian), next, I would say check out some Imperial Stouts for their flavors of roasted malts and hints of chocolate (Founders Imperial Stout, North Coast Old Rasputin, Hoppin' Frog BORIS the Crusher), you may also like American Wild Ales, these are tart and fruity with and in high demand right now (Russian River Supplication, Consecration, Beatification).

>> No.5682372
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, highland-park-12-yo-single-island-malt-scotch-whisky-70cl-40-abv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stocked up on my spirits stash in anticipation for my bands tour. Picked up a few bottles of Highland Park 12yo. It's quite fucking fantastic for it's price I must say. Got some nice vodkas and rums also but this is a whisky thread.

>> No.5682374

Alcohol withdrawal is a retarded concept. Withdrawing from alcohol at all is the stupidest thing a man can do. Alcohol is an elixir that should be taken into battle. It is an ally and I'll be damned if I ever have a mind to think anything else.

>> No.5682395

Is your band stopping by the midwest? Can we hang out? :D

>> No.5682412

Unfortunately we're not in America!

>> No.5682547

use google mate

>> No.5682569

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read on /ck/

>> No.5682608
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>270 replies
>no four roses single barrel

>> No.5682646

Yamazaki 12 vs Hibiki 12, because that's what my liquor store's got? I'm leaning towards the Yamazaki at the moment.

>> No.5682656

Beautifully stated.

>> No.5682657

I cannot attest to the other one, but the Yamazaki is delightful.

>> No.5682667


I find the yamazaki 12 a little boring, it's my least favorite japanese whisky.

However it's everywhere so you probably ought to try it at some point. The hibiki is less common, better, and almost certainly more expensive.

>> No.5682676

They're both the same price at my store, $65/5th.

>> No.5682677


Ridiculous. In that case get the hibiki for sure.

>> No.5682718

I found the Yamazaki quite plain and unremarkable personally. Would rather spend the same amount on a good scotch rather than any Jap stuff

>> No.5682731


You should t... nevermind you're right, it all tastes like Yamazaki. Stupid weebs.

>> No.5682752

Although I just checked the conversion rate for $/£ and Yamazaki price converts to $88 for me. Maybe for $65 its a little more reasonable, but I guess the inflated price from importing here, compared to scotch which doesnt travel so far so is much cheaper makes it seem poor quality for the price

>> No.5682765

Holy shit... last time I got Yamazaki it was $35 for a fifth. Seemed reasonable at that price - not amazing, certainly not shitty.

>> No.5682774

Well, I always recommend people try something to make up their own minds. Everyone's palate is different. And if you're not spending a shitload on a bottle, why not give something new a go? It's going to be hit and miss, obviously.

>> No.5682791


Yeah I just looked and it's gone up to $67 in my area, what the fuck. Maybe they figured they weren't getting any respect at the old price.

Then again lafroog prices have also gone crazy, that used to be one of the cheaper ones.

>> No.5682801
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I agree.

Thankfully the site I buy from offers tasters. Its normally about the same price as you would pay in a bar for a single measure. Means you can try plenty before you commit to spending for a full bottle.

>> No.5682866
File: 6 KB, 97x200, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga. Four roses single barrel is one of my standard pours along with knob creek single barrel, I actually have a bottle of the 2013 limited release I'm going to crack into soon. I'm a huge fan of four roses in general.

>> No.5682892
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Are you going to be happy when four roses single barrel is $60 a bottle instead of $35 now?

See also


>> No.5682903

Any gin recommendations for under $20? Needless to say, I'm not expecting miracles, but I just moved and money is tight. I won't be able to buy any of my usuals until next month.

Bonus points for something other than Gordon's. By no means a bad gin, just not to my taste.

>> No.5682918

Where do you buy from?

>> No.5682928

was aimed at >>5682903

>> No.5682930

Natural selection mang.

>> No.5682931

I love beefeater. doesn't break the bank.

>> No.5682934


Big Red, mostly. They're essentially a local monopoly on liquor stores, and between that and being in a college town, their prices are about 20% more than one would normally expect.

Beefeater is a damn good gin, and I forgot it was that cheap. I'll probably go with that as a fallback

>> No.5683101
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>Yamazaki 12
Not terrible, but not remarkable, either.

>Hibiki 12
As above, just noticeably sweeter.

>> No.5683113

Idk man, in the last year around where I live good bourbon has actually decreased. Knob creek single barrel used to be around $44, now I can get it for $35 although there probably isn't a great market for quality bourbon in ghetto socal.

>> No.5683351


I like it quite a bit. It has a little charred flavor to it, so it's not as sweet as some bourbons. It has a more complex flavor, in my opinion. Definitely worth a taste if you're a bourbon fan.

>> No.5683684
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Nice. I don't splurge for myself often, but I got some Balvenie single barrel 15 year tonight, along with some nice wine and beer. Local store that had a decent selection is closing and 25% off all booze. I got there 2 days after the sale began, so selection wasn't as good anymore, but made me happy.
pic: some of the haul

>> No.5683927
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I hate to ask this here, but there's no alcoholism thread and mods apparently don't allow them anymore, but I'm a little desperate right now.

After weeks (years, but not this bad) of drinking every single night, I just up and quit cold turkey tonight and I'm having a rough time fighting off these panic attacks that just come out of fucking no where and it's driving me insane.

Do any of you know how to calm this shit down?

>> No.5683941

that could be withdrawal nigga, find a doctor.

>> No.5683943

I know it's withdrawal, I've gone through this exact thing before and I just rode it out. It's not as bad as I make it sound, my head's just a little all over the place right now. I just want to know if there's any way to calm myself the fuck down.

>> No.5683946

find a doctor or ride it out and enjoy your brain damage.

>> No.5683947

I'm not able to see a doctor right now. I'm back living with my parents for the time being and they'd just shrug this off and tell me to suck it up. I'm broke as fuck and no way to get anywhere, especially since it's 5 a.m.

>> No.5683958

yeah make the poor guy panic even more why don't you

>> No.5683990


Maybe Xanax? But maybe since you were and alcoholic you have an addictive personality and that may not be such a good idea. I've even found that it's just easier to go back to being an alcoholic than to become dependent on anti-depressants because I know what effect alcohol has and I have good taste in Whiskey, so I can actually drink it in a certain kind of moderation, that is, not to the point of blacking out, and that's good enough for me. I've been on well over 30 psych medicines over the past few years and none of them have done anything significant for me, but alcohol has always been there for me; I know it's always there like a good friend. Sure, if I abuse it too much it will kick my ass, but if you treat him right and pay the right price, he's the best friend you'll ever have.

I know the last time I had a panic attack I was with friends, eight hours away from home, and I felt absolutely miserable. On top of that my one friend gave me the sage advice "get over it." Luckily a woman I had know for only a few hours was there and helped me calm down. My friends treat my like your parents about my mental condition, referring to my mental breakdown and current state of severe depression as when I "broke my brain;" and show me little to no respect on top of that. My parents don't listen to my much about my problems now either, so I relate to you there as well.

Maybe what you need is the support of someone else. Is there a health center in your area? Maybe some place you could set up an appointment with a counselor who talks to trouble youths? I'm sure they would be glad to talk to you. You could even try the church. There are plenty of out-reaching people there. Even AA, you don't have to do the 12 steps, but maybe talking to a group of others will relax your mind and show you that your problems aren't so bad, and your mind can relax a little. There is a lot of help out there. You just need to be a little patient.

>> No.5683999

Yeah, I don't think trying to get aid from another drug would be beneficial to me honestly. I have an insanely addictive personality.

That's horrible dude. I'm having enough of a rough time alone here, I can't imagine what it was like being around faggots who don't give a flying fuck or can't empathize one bit.

There's honestly nothing around here, I live in the middle of no where in a small town. Pretty much a big factor to why I became an alcoholic in the first places years ago, it's fucking boring and awful here. Honestly I think I wore myself out from all the pacing and sweating and shit. I'm just sitting here now feeling like a zombie, but I'll take that over how I was feeling for hours before this.

Thanks for the response, it honestly helped to read someone understands this stupid shit. I appreciate people like you.

>> No.5684216

Trips confirm you can do it anon

>> No.5684456

Are there any websites like mastersofmalt that do samples, but aren't based in the UK, but possibly the US, so I don't have to pay a minimum of 30 dollars for shipping?

>> No.5684829

dalmore 15

>> No.5685042

just poured my first of the day, had some peanut butter for breakfast

>> No.5685213

mmmm yeah I've been wanting to try this one for a while now. currently trying larceny

>> No.5685894

glenlivet, I know pleb.